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The cardiovascular and sympathetic effects of TRH in discrete cardiovascular-related brain nuclei were studied. Microinjections of TRH were made into the nucleus preopticus medialis (POM) of conscious rats and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of pentobarbitone-anesthetized, artificially respired rats. POM injections (1 μl, 0.8–80 nM) elicited dose dependent pressor and tachycardic responses which were accompanied by increased levels of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) in the plasma. These pressor/tachycardic effects of TRH were also elicited in adrenal demedullated (ADM-x) rats, but completely abolished in ADM-x rats pretreated with bretylium (30 mg/kg, IA). NTS injections (0.1 μl, 30 and 150 nM) had a short depressor effect on blood pressure (BP) and a delayed increase in heart rate (HR). From these findings we suggest that the POM, a central nucleus in the AV3V region, may be an important forebrain site for autonomic regulation by TRH, mediated through the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

Membrane potential and tension were recorded simultaneously from the smooth muscle of the rat tail artery. A single stimulus to the perivascular nerves caused a tension transient. The tension transient had two components, one due to a muscle action potential and one due to alpha-adrenoceptor activation. During trains of stimuli most of the tension was due to alpha-receptor activation, even when every stimulus caused a smooth muscle action potential.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials were recorded in the system of raphe nuclei in experiments on unanesthetized, immobilized cats. Somatic stimulation proved to be the most effective of the different stimulations used (light flash, sound click, electrical stimulation of the skin of the limbs). Sound and light stimulation did not evoke pronounced responses, or the latter (to sound) were of a very low amplitude and irregular. In the second series of experiments on cats narcotized with nembutal (30–35 mg/kg) the spontaneous activity and activity evoked by somatic stimulation of single neurons of the caudal part of the raphe nuclei were studied. The overwhelming majority of neurons were characterized by spontaneous activity which changed (inhibited or facilitated) under the effects of somatic (especially repeated) stimulation; most of them reacted to stimulation of the skin of any limb. In the case of paired stimulation of the skin of limbs on different sides at large intervals (40–60 msec), inhibition of the test discharge occurred, whereas at small intervals summation (simple addition) of the impulses occurred. In their general characteristics the neurons of the raphe nuclei apparently differ little from the neurons of the reticular formation of the brain stem.Institute of Electrophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 32–42, January–February, 1971.  相似文献   

We describe the partial purification and characterization of two different types of homologous DNA pairing activity from rat testis nuclear extracts. The activities are separated from each other by single-stranded DNA-cellulose affinity chromatography. One activity requires single-stranded DNA ends and promotes the homologous pairing of single-stranded DNA fragments with double-stranded circular DNA and has an apparent molecular mass of 100 kDa as determined by gel filtration chromatography. This pairing activity does not require the addition of exogenous ATP and is strongly Mg2+-dependent. The second pairing activity promotes strand-transfer between single-stranded circular DNA and homologous double-stranded DNA fragments and has an apparent molecular mass of 30 kDa as determined by gel filtration chromatography. This pairing activity also does not require ATP but, in contrast to the former, is Mg2+-independent.  相似文献   

Sympathetic vasoconstriction is susceptible to diabetes, but contributions made by purinergic neurotransmission in this state have not been investigated. We aimed to evaluate sympathetic vasoconstriction contributions by ATP and norepinephrine in the tail artery from streptozotocin-diabetic rats by using isometric vascular rings. Tail arteries were isolated from rats made diabetic 3 mo earlier with streptozotocin (diabetic group), age-matched nondiabetic rats (nondiabetic injected), age-matched untreated animals (noninjected normal), and age-matched untreated animals in high glucose control Krebs solution (high glucose control). Responses to KCl (60 mM) or nerve stimulus trains of 1-100 impulses were identical in all groups. Electrical stimulation produced progressively greater contractions with increasing impulse numbers. These were partially reduced by suramin (100 microM, P2 antagonist), NF-279 (1 microM, P2X blocker), and phentolamine (2 microM, alpha-blocker). For purinergic antagonists, blockade was greater in diabetic vessels compared with that in others. No differential effect could be detected for phentolamine between groups. Bath-applied ATP (1 nM-1 mM) and norepinephrine (0.1 nM-100 microM) showed increased potency with diabetic group vessels. Desipramine (1 microM, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) potentiated neurally evoked responses in all groups equally and increased sensitivity to exogenous norepinephrine in a similar fashion. Histochemical labeling of sympathetic nerves with neuronal marker protein PGP-9.5 and a sympathetic nerve-specific antibody for tyrosine hydroxylase showed no reduction in diabetic innervation density. We demonstrate, for the first time, changes in contributions of ATP and norepinephrine in sympathetic responses of rat tail artery in diabetes, which cannot be accounted for by axonal degeneration or by changes in norepinephrine reuptake.  相似文献   

Nuclei were isolated from homogenates of rat superior cervical ganglion by a conventional differential centrifugation technique with approximately 60% recovery. Ribonuclease activity at pH 7.1 (neutral ribonuclease) was associated with the nuclei fraction and represented 19% of the overall activity in normal ganglia. Ribonuclease in the nuclei fraction was stimulated variably by the sulfhydryl blocker N-ethylmaleimide indicating that a proportion was bound to the endogenous ribonuclease inhibitor present in these ganglia. The total activity of nuclear ribonuclease was increased 2–6 days after postaganglionic nerve injury, such that the inhibitor-bound form of the enzyme increased maximally by 600% at day 4. The percentage of the total ganglionic activity in the nuclei fraction decreased in injured ganglia as a result of a rise in the activity of non-nuclear components. The changes in nuclear ribonuclease activity were distinct from those in the 850g supernatant indicating that specific nuclear enzymes are being affected during regeneration.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. O. H. Lowry.  相似文献   

Cells of Ustilago maydis containing double-stranded RNA viruses secrete a virus-encoded toxin to which other cells of the same species and related species are sensitive. Mutants affected in the expression of the KP6 toxin were characterized, and all were viral mutants. A temperature-sensitive nonkiller mutant indicated that the toxin consists of two polypeptides, 12.5K and 10K, that are essential for the toxic activity. The temperature-sensitive nonkiller mutant was affected in the expression of the 10K polypeptide, and its toxic activity was restored by the addition of the 10K polypeptide to its secreted inactive toxin. These results led to the reexamination of other mutants that were known to complement in vitro. Each was found to secrete one of the two polypeptides. Here we show for the first time that P6 toxin consists of two polypeptides that do not interact in solution, but both are essential for the toxic effect. Studies on the interaction between the two polypeptides indicated that there are no covalent or hydrogen bonds between the polypeptides. Toxin activity is not affected by the presence of 0.3 M NaCl in the toxin preparations and in the medium, suggesting that no electrostatic forces are involved in this interaction. Also, the two polypeptides do not share common antigenic determinants. The activity of the two polypeptides appears to be dependent on a sequential interaction with the target cell, and it is the 10K polypeptide that initiates the toxic effect. The similarity of the U. maydis virus-encoded toxin to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the contributions of the cotransmitters norepinephrine (NE), ATP, and neuropeptide Y (NPY) to sympathetically evoked vasoconstriction in the rat tail artery in isolated vascular rings by using 1-100 stimulation impulses at 20 Hz. Phentolamine (2 microM), the alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist, markedly reduced responses to all stimuli, although responses to lower impulse numbers were reduced less than responses to longer trains. The purinergic receptor antagonist suramin (100 microM) reduced all responses, but to a much greater extent with few impulse trains. Responses were further reduced or abolished by addition of the second antagonist. Any remaining responses were abolished by the NPY-Y(1) receptor antagonist BIBP-3226 (75 nM). NPY had a direct agonist action and potentiated sympathetically mediated responses. NPY (75 nM) potentiated responses and BIBP-3226 decreased responses to 2- and 20-impulse trains. Both affected responses from 2 impulses to >20 impulses, but there was no preferential effect on purinergic contributions to responses because neurally released NPY potentiated both "pure" NE and ATP responses equally. We conclude that all three cotransmitters contribute significantly to vascular responses and their contribution varies markedly with impulse numbers. There is considerable synergy between cotransmitters, especially with lower impulse numbers where NPY contributions are greater than expected.  相似文献   

The release of functional messenger RNA from isolated brain nuclei is dependent on energy (ATP) and cytosol factors. The ATP-dependence is not modified by pre-treatment of the donor rats with the neurocarcinogen ethyl-nitrosourea, nor by neoplastic transformation (e.g. gliomas). Thus the loss of ATP-dependence of RNA release observed earlier in several non-neural cell-types after exposure to carcinogens, or after neoplastic transformation, is not an essential attribute of the carcinogenic process.  相似文献   

We utilized cytochrome oxidase (CO) as a marker of neuronal functional activity to examine metabolic changes in brain stem respiratory nuclei of rats from newborn to 21 day of age. The pre-B?tzinger complex (PBC), upper airway motoneurons of nucleus ambiguus (NA(UAM)), ventrolateral nucleus of solitary tract (NTS(VL)), and medial and lateral parabrachial nuclei (PB(M) and PB(L), respectively) were examined at postnatal days (P) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, and 21. CO histochemistry was performed, and the intensity of CO reaction product was quantitatively analyzed by optical densitometry. In addition, CO histochemistry was combined with neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) immunogold-silver staining to doubly label neurons of PBC in P14 animals. The results showed that levels of CO activity generally increased with age in all of the nuclei examined. However, a significant decrease was found in NA(UAM) at P3 (P < 0.01), and a distinct plateau of CO activity was noted at P3 in PBC and at P3 and P4 in NTS(VL), PB(M), and PB(L). Of the neurons examined in PBC, 83% were doubly labeled with CO and NK1R. Of these, CO activity was high in 33.9%, moderate in 27.3%, and light in 38.8% of neurons, suggesting different energy demands in these metabolic groups that may be related to their physiological or synaptic properties. The transient decrease or plateau in CO activity at P3 and P4 implies a period of synaptic adjustment or reorganization during development, when there may be decreased excitatory synaptic drive or increased inhibitory synaptic drive, or both, in these brain stem respiratory nuclei. The adjustment, in turn, may render the system less responsive to respiratory insults. This may bear some relevance to our understanding of pathological events during postnatal development, such as occurs in sudden infant death syndrome.  相似文献   

Abstract— Godwin & Sneddon (1975) reported the binding of 5-hydroxy-[3H]tryptamine (5-HT) on a Sephadex LH-20 column to‘proteolipid material’extracted with n-butanol from rat brain stem. An examination of this‘proteolipid material’with TLC showed the main constituents to be cerebroside sulfate (CS), monophosphoinositide (PI), and diphosphoinositide. The elution profiles of [3H]5-HT incubated with purified CS or with a mixture of CS and PI were similar to that of the brain extract on the same column. Because the elution profile of the mixture of CS and PI was more similar to that of the brain extract, it was concluded that what was suggested to be a possible proteolipid‘5-HT receptor’was mainly two acidic lipids. The elution profile of [3H]5-HT incubated with purified PI, however, was similar to [3H]5-HT eluted alone. This suggested that either PI did not bind to 5-HT or that the PI-5-HT complex possesses different Chromatographie behavior than PI. To test this latter possibility, [14C]5-HT and [3H]PI were incubated then eluted on a Sephadex LH-20 column with a continuous gradient of increasing polarity. The gradient first eluted PI, then an apparent PI-5-HT complex, and finally 5-HT. This demonstrated that PI will bind to 5-HT on a Sephadex LH-20 column and that the PI-5-HT complex is probably more polar than PI.  相似文献   

Cloning of two additional catecholamine receptors from rat brain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An approach based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to isolate additional members of the G-linked receptor family from a rat striatal lambda gtII cDNA library. Priming with one degenerate probe corresponding to highly conserved consensus sequences in the third transmembrane (TM) domain of 15 G-linked receptors and sequences in the phage vector resulted in one clone (G-13) encoding a dopamine D2 receptor variant with a 29 amino acid insert in the third cytoplasmic loop. In addition, the amino acid sequence encoded by clone G-36 contained conserved sequences characteristic of the G-linked class of receptors and displayed sequence homology in TM domains with the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (48%). Two conserved serine residues in TM5 postulated to be part of a ligand binding site in the adrenergic receptor, suggests that G-36 encodes a catecholaminergic receptor. Northern blot analysis confirmed the expression of G-36 in rat brain, but not in kidney, heart and lung. Several strong hybridizing bands to G-36 were obtained in both human and rat genomic DNA. The general PCR strategy employed here should prove to be extremely useful for the isolation of other members of the G-linked receptor family.  相似文献   

LysoPAF acetyltransferase (lysoPAF-AT) and PAF-synthesizing phosphocholinetransferase (PAF-PCT) are the two enzymes which catalyze the final reactions for the synthesis of PAF. Their activities, assayed in the homogenate of rat brain stem slices and under their optimal conditions, increased 5 min after high frequency stimulation of vestibular afferents, inducing LTP in the medial vestibular nuclei. The activity of phosphatidylcholine-synthesizing phosphocholinetransferase, was not affected. Sixty minutes from the induction of LTP, PAF-PCT activity, but not that of lysoPAF-AT, was still significantly higher with respect to 5 min test stimulated control. We used AP-5 to verify whether this increase was strictly dependent upon LTP induction, which requires NMDA receptor activation. In AP-5 treated slices, lysoPAF-acetyltransferase and PAF-synthesizing phosphocholinetransferase activities increased, but they were reduced after high frequency stimulation under AP-5. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the activities of PAF-synthesizing enzymes are activated soon after the induction of LTP and that this effect is linked to the activation of NMDA-receptors. We suggest that the enzyme activation by AP-5, preventing LTP, might be due to glutamate enhancement but, in neurons showing LTP and under normal conditions, the activation of potentiation mechanisms is critical for the enhancement of enzyme activities.  相似文献   

The metabolic behaviour of NHCP was studied in rat brain nuclei from fully differetiated cells and in nuclei from still differentiating cells. Eight-day-old rats were injected intracisternally with [14C]thymidine and [3H]tryptophan and the 3H/14C ratio of the chromatin was followed for a period of 33 days. It was found that in the fraction of differentiated cells this ratio remained unchanged, showing the presence of metabolically stable NHCP. At the same time in the fraction containing nondifferentiated cells a substantial part of the NHCP was turned over, which was indicated by a sharp decrease in their 3H/14C ratio with time.  相似文献   

Membrane inositol glycerophospholipid (IGP) is metabolized to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP), phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate (PIP2), and inositol triphosphate (IP3) in signaling transduction. This study was carried out to determine the subclasses of IGP involved in signaling pathway. The acyl chain moieties of the phospholipids are easily modulated by dietary fatty acids. We analyzed acyl chain composition of IGP 3-subclasses, PIP and PIP2 from rat brain after feeding sunflower seed oil enriched with linoleic acid or fish oil high in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were not incorporated into ether-linked IGP (alkenylacylglycerophosphoinositol and alkylacyl-glycerophosphoinositol), PIP and PIP2, while diacyl-glycerophosphoinositol (GPI) contained high LCPUFA. These results suggest that PIP might be phosphorylated from only the ether-linked IGP (alkenylacyl- and alkylacyl species) but not from diacyl subclass for signals to intracellular responses in the plasma membrane of rat brain.  相似文献   

Pre-lamin A and progerin have been implicated in normal aging, and the pathogenesis of age-related degenerative diseases is termed 'laminopathies'. Here, we show that mature lamin A has an essential role in cellular fitness and that oxidative damage to lamin A is involved in cellular senescence. Primary human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) aged replicatively or by pro-oxidants acquire a range of dysmorphic nuclear shapes. We observed that conserved cysteine residues in the lamin A tail domain become hyperoxidized in senescent fibroblasts, which inhibits the formation of lamin A inter- and intramolecular disulfide bonds. Both in the absence of lamin A and in the presence of a lamin A cysteine-to-alanine mutant, which eliminates these cysteine residues (522, 588, and 591), mild oxidative stress induced nuclear disorganization and led to premature senescence as a result of decreased tolerance to ROS stimulators. Human dermal fibroblasts lacking lamin A or expressing the lamin A cysteine-to-alanine mutant displayed a gene expression profile of ROS-responsive genes characteristic of chronic ROS stimulation. Our findings suggest that the conserved C-terminal cysteine residues are essential for lamin A function and that loss or oxidative damage to these cysteine residues promotes cellular senescence.  相似文献   

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