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Villar R  Held AA  Merino J 《Plant physiology》1995,107(2):421-427
Dark respiration in light as well as in dark was estimated for attached leaves of an evergreen (Heteromeles arbutifolia Ait.) and a deciduous (Lepechinia fragans Greene) shrub species using an open gas-exchange system. Dark respiration in light was estimated by the Laisk method. Respiration rates in the dark were always higher than in the light, indicating that light inhibited respiration in both species. The rates of respiration in the dark were higher in the leaves of the deciduous species than in the evergreen species. However, there were no significant differences in respiration rates in light between the species. Thus, the degree of inhibition of respiration by light was greater in the deciduous species (62%) than in the evergreen species (51%). Respiration in both the light and darkness decreased with increasing leaf age. However, because respiration in the light decreased faster with leaf age than respiration in darkness, the degree of inhibition of respiration by light increased with leaf age (from 36% in the youngest leaves to 81% in the mature leaves). This suggests that the rate of dark respiration in the light is related to the rate of biosynthetic processes. Dark respiration in the light decreased with increasing light intensity. Respiration both in the light and in the dark was dependent on leaf temperature. We concluded that respiration in light and respiration in darkness are tightly coupled, with variation in respiration in darkness accounting for more than 60% of the variation in respiration in light. Care must be taken when the relation between respiration in light and respiration in darkness is studied, because the relation varies with species, leaf age, and light intensity.  相似文献   

The members of the genus Picea form a dominant component in many alpine and boreal forests which are the major sink for atmospheric CO2. However, little is known about the growth response and acclimation of CO2 exchange characteristics to high temperature stress in Picea taxa from different altitudes. Gas exchange parameters and growth characteristics were recorded from four year old seedlings of two alpine (Picea likiangensis vars. rubescens and linzhiensis) and two lowland (P. koraiensis and P. meyeri) taxa. Seedlings were grown at moderate (25°C/15°C) and high (35°C/25°C) day/night temperatures, for four months. The approximated biomass increment (ΔD2H) for all taxa decreased under high temperature stress, associated with decreased photosynthesis and increased respiration. However, the two alpine taxa exhibited lower photosynthetic acclimation and higher respiratory acclimation than either lowland taxon. Moreover, higher leaf dry mass per unit area (LMA) and leaf nitrogen content per unit area (Narea), and a smaller change in the nitrogen use efficiency of photosynthesis (PNUE) for lowland taxa indicated that these maintained higher homeostasis of photosynthesis than alpine taxa. The higher respiration rates produced more energy for repair and maintenance biomass, especially for higher photosynthetic activity for lowland taxa, which causes lower respiratory acclimation. Thus, the changes of ΔD2H for alpine spruces were larger than that for lowland spruces. These results indicate that long term heat stress negatively impact on the growth of Picea seedlings, and alpine taxa are more affected than low altitude ones by high temperature stress. Hence the altitude ranges of Picea taxa should be taken into account when predicting changes to carbon fluxes in warmer conditions.  相似文献   

SHARPE  P. J. H. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(3):325-343
This analysis suggests that a model of the temperature dependenceof carbon exchange by a plant can be developed based upon absolutereaction rate theory. Component temperature-dependent physiologicalprocesses necessary to describe net photosynthesis over thebiological temperature range include the light reaction, darkreaction (carboxylase CO2 uptake, oxygenase photorespiration)and mitochondrial dark respiration. An essential assumptionof the model is the reversibility of thermal inhibition. Supportingevidence for this assumption is provided within the biologicalrange. Thermodynamic constants were found to be strongly correlatedwith the thermal environment to which they were adapted. Therewas little difference in non-photorespiration thermodynamicconstants between C2 andC4species within thermal habitat types.The model shows the observed shift in temperature optima withlight intensity as a natural consequence of enzyme kineticsand absolute reaction rate theory. photosynthesis, photorespiration, dark respiration, temperature response, carbon exchange, mathematical model  相似文献   

Dark Respiration during Photosynthesis in Wheat Leaf Slices   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The metabolism of [14C]succinate and acetate was examined in leaf slices of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Frederick) in the dark and in the light (1000 micromoles per second per square meter photosynthetically active radiation). In the dark [1,4-14C]succinate was rapidly taken up and metabolized into other organic acids, amino acids, and CO2. An accumulation of radioactivity in the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates after 14CO2 production became constant indicates that organic acid pools outside of the mitochondria were involved in the buildup of radioactivity. The continuous production of 14CO2 over 2 hours indicates that, in the dark, the tricarboxylic acid cycle was the major route for succinate metabolism with CO2 as the chief end product. In the light, under conditions that supported photorespiration, succinate uptake was 80% of the dark rate and large amounts of the label entered the organic and amino acids. While carbon dioxide contained much less radioactivity than in the dark, other products such as sugars, starch, glycerate, glycine, and serine were much more heavily labeled than in darkness. The fact that the same tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates became labeled in the light in addition to other products which can acquire label by carboxylation reactions indicates that the tricarboxylic acid cycle operated in the light and that CO2 was being released from the mitochondria and efficiently refixed. The amount of radioactivity accumulating in carboxylation products in the light was about 80% of the 14CO2 release in the dark. This indicates that under these conditions, the tricarboxylic acid cycle in wheat leaf slices operates in the light at 80% of the rate occurring in the dark.  相似文献   

Some plant species show constant rates of respiration and photosynthesismeasured at their respective growth temperatures (temperaturehomeostasis), whereas others do not. However, it is unclearwhat species show such temperature homeostasis and what factorsaffect the temperature homeostasis. To analyze the inherentability of plants to acclimate respiration and photosynthesisto different growth temperatures, we examined 11 herbace-ouscrops with different cold tolerance. Leaf respiration (Rarea)and photosynthetic rate (Parea) under high light at 360 µll–1 CO2 concentrations were measured in plants grown at15 and 30°C. Cold-tolerant species showed a greater extentof temperature homeostasis of both Rarea and Parea than cold-sensitivespecies. The underlying mechanisms which caused differencesin the extent of temperature homeostasis were examined. Theextent of temperature homeostasis of Parea was not determinedby differences in leaf mass and nitrogen content per leaf area,but by differences in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency(PNUE). Moreover, differences in PNUE were due to differencesin the maximum catalytic rate of Rubisco, Rubisco contents andamounts of nitrogen invested in Rubisco. These findings indicatedthat the temperature homeostasis of photosynthesis was regulatedby various parameters. On the other hand, the extent of temperaturehomeostasis of Rarea was unrelated to the maximum activity ofthe respiratory enzyme (NAD-malic enzyme). The Rarea/Parea ratiowas maintained irrespective of the growth temperatures in allthe species, suggesting that the extent of temperature homeostasisof Rarea interacted with the photosynthetic rate and/or thehomeostasis of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

雾凉季研究了西双版纳热带雨林4种植物幼苗对生长光环境的适应,其中两个树种幼苗喜光(团花和滇南插柚紫),两个树种幼苗耐荫(滇南红厚壳和玉蕊)发现弱光环境中生长的4种植物比叶重、光合能力、光饱和点、光补偿点暗呼吸速度、叶绿素a/b比较低,叶绿素含量较高。玉蕊和滇南红厚壳幼苗的光合能力和呼吸速度 于团花树和滇南插柚紫。团花树和滇南插机紫的比叶重和光合作用的可塑性大于玉蕊和滇南红厚壳。高光强下生长的团花树和滇南插机紫增加叶氮分配给羧化酶的比较。减少分配给叶绿素的比例。滇南红厚壳和玉蕊适应弱光环境的能力略强于团花树和滇南插机紫,但适应强光的能力较差。研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说,单位干重叶的光合能力和呼吸速率并未表现出利于光适应的可塑性,表明4种植物生理适应能力较差,形态学上的适应在4种热带雨林树种幼苗光适应方面起到了重要的作用,叶氮分配也是它们光适应的策略之一。  相似文献   

Ten species of plants were grown at ambient (350μmol CO2·mol-1 air) and doubled (700 μmol CO2·mol-1 air) CO2 concentrations at ambient temperature and illumination in order to examine changes of dark respiration of whole seedlings or detached leaves. Effects of CO2 on dark respiration were determined by brief exposure ( ≤ 5 min) to corresponding CO2 concentration and temperatures ( 15,20,25,30 and 35 ℃ ) with infrared CO2 analyzer. The reductions in dark respiration on a weight base for leaves of East-Liaoning oak (Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. ) at 15,20 and 25 ℃ and of soybean ( Glycine max L. ) at 20,25,30 and 35 ℃ and for whole seedlings of three- tcoloured amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L. ) at 15 and 20 ℃ and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) at 15 cE measured at elevated concentration relative to the ambient CO2 concentration were observed. No significant difference in respiration responded was observed to elevated or ambient CO2 concentrations at 15 ℃ in maize (Zea mays L. ) seedlings and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. ) leaves, at 35 ℃ in East-Liaoning oak leaves and at 20,25 and 30 ℃ in three-coloured amaranth seedlings. However CO2 efflux in leaves of weeping willow (Salix babylonica L. ), simon poplar (Populus simonii Carr. ) and eucommia (Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. ) at 15,20,25,30 and 35 ℃, alfalfa at 20,25,30 and 35 ℃, East-Liaoning oak at 30 ℃, maize at 15 ℃, seedlings of common buckwheat (Fagotrytum esculentum Moench) at 15,20,25,30 and 35 ℃, cucumber and maize at 20,25,30 and 35 ℃ and three-coloured amaranth at 35 ℃ showed an increase at elevated in contrast to ambient CO2 concentration. In general, at lower temperatures (i. e. 15, 20 ℃ ) there was no significant difference between elevated and ambient CO2 concentration for dark respiration, while at higher temperatures (i. e. 30,35 ℃ ) elevated CO2 concentration positively stimulate clark respiretion. It has not yet been described that double CO2 concentration could enhance plant dark respiration at 30 and 35 ℃. Impacts of the characteristics in dark respiration on the future changes of vegetation and its mechanism were discussed.  相似文献   

以人工种植的多年生高山植物麻花艽(Uentiana straminea)为材料,在3个不同强度的UV—B辐射处理下,定时测定处理和对照叶片的净光合速率、表观量子效率和暗呼吸的变化。结果显示:UV—B处理对麻花艽叶片的光合作用在短期内有一定的抑制作用,但随着处理时间的增加,该高山植物能很快地适应强UV—B辐射的处理。表明麻花艽这种青藏高原常见的高山植物在长期的自然选择过程中可能已经形成了适应UV—B辐射的特有生理机制。暗呼吸的实验结果亦表明:在3种强度的UV—B辐射处理下,麻花艽叶片的呼吸作用从一开始就未受到抑制;随着UV—B辐射时间的增加,UV—B辐射强度越高,呼吸强度越强;这可能是UV—B辐射并未引起麻花艽呼吸机构的破坏所致。  相似文献   

The dark respiration of shoots (measured between March and anthesisin mid-June) and of ears (measured between anthesis and maturityat end of July) of winter wheat crops, grown in 1982 and 1985under different nitrogen application and irrigation conditions,was determined in the field. The respiration rate of 126 averagesof four samples was measured hourly for a 12–14-h darkperiod including the night. Respiration (expressed per unitdry mass) generally declined through the season for both shootsand ears. The average rate of respiration obtained on the samenight was greater for fertilized and irrigated crops, comparedwith unfertilized and droughted crops. The relationship betweenthe measured respiration and photosynthesis, simulated usinga modified version of the model developed by Spitters (1986),was analysed. This revealed that: (a) Shoot respiration was less well correlated with photosynthesisfrom the day preceding measurement than with the average ofthe photosynthesis from the two days preceding measurement. (b) The constants relating shoot respiration to total crop photosynthesisper unit crop mass and ear respiration to total crop photosynthesisper unit ear mass had similar values. This suggests that allgrowth respiration takes place in the ears at the end of theseason. (c) Crop growth respiration consumes about 35% of assimilatebefore anthesis, and that growth respiration of the ear consumesabout 40% of assimilate at the end of the season. (d) No significant effect of treatment on the relationship betweenrespiration and photosynthesis was detected, suggesting thatthe observed effect of treatment on respiration is due entirelyto differences in photosynthesis. Triticwn aestivum var. Avalon, winter wheat, dark respiration, growth coefficient, photosynthesis model, nitrogen nutrition, irrigation  相似文献   

Ceratophyllum demersum L. remained physiologically active beneath ice of a southeastern Michigan lake. The effect of seasonally low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and cold but nonfreezing temperature on whole-plant physiology was studied. Net photosynthesis was measured at six temperatures and 12 PPFDs. Net photosynthesis, soluble protein concentration, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) protein concentration, and Rubisco activity of winter plants were 32, 31, 33, and 70% lower, respectively, than those of plants collected in the summer. Optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis of winter and summer plants were 5 and 30[deg]C, respectively. Dark respiration of winter plants was up to 313% greater than that of summer plants. Reduced Rubisco activity and increased dark respiration interacted to reduce net photosynthesis. Interaction of reduced net photosynthesis and increased dark respiration increased CO2 and light compensation points and the light saturation point of winter plants. Growth of C. demersum was limited by the ambient phosphorus concentration of lake water during summer. Apical stem segments of winter-collected plants had 54 and 35% more phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively, than summer-collected plants. Physiologically active perennation beneath ice enabled C. demersum to accumulate phosphorus during the winter when it was most abundant. Partial uncoupling of phosphorus acquisition from utilization may reduce phosphorus limitation upon growth during the summer when phosphorus concentration is seasonally the lowest.  相似文献   

The biogenic silica extracted from samples of 28 alpine plantspecies belonging to 23 genera and nine families collected inthe Swiss Alps (Valais) accounted for between 0.01 and 5.9%of the dry biomass of leaves and wood. Silica content, and plantcontribution to the soil biogenic silica pool, varied widelyamong taxa. Plant net productivity and biogenic silica productionfrom this study and from the literature have been used to predictthe input made by different subalpine and alpine plant communitiesto soil-borne phytolith assemblages, and their contributionto the silicon biocycle. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Silicon, productivity, phytoliths, subalpine, alpine, grasslands, heaths, forests, Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Coniferae  相似文献   

Villar R  Held AA  Merino J 《Plant physiology》1994,105(1):167-172
Dark respiration in the light was estimated in leaves of two woody species (Heteromeles arbutifolia Ait. and Lepechinia fragans Greene) using two different approaches based on gas-exchange techniques: the Kok method and the Laisk method. In all cases, dark respiration in the light was lower (P < 0.05) than respiration in darkness, indicating that dark respiration was inhibited in the light. Rates of dark respiration in the light estimated by the Laisk method were 52% higher (P < 0.05) than those estimated by the Kok method. Differences between the methods could be explained by the low ambient CO2 concentrations required by the Laisk approach. The mean value of the inhibition of respiration by light for the two species, corrected for the ambient CO2 concentration effect, was 55%. Despite the differences in leaf characteristics between the species, values of the CO2 photocompensation point, at which the rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake equaled that of photorespiratory CO2 evolution, were very constant, suggesting an excellent consistency in the results obtained with the Laisk approach.  相似文献   

Feng  Y.-L.  Cao  K.-F.  Zhang  J.-L. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):431-437
We investigated the effect of growth irradiance (I) on photon-saturated photosynthetic rate (P max), dark respiration rate (R D), carboxylation efficiency (CE), and leaf mass per unit area (LMA) in seedlings of the following four tropical tree species with contrasting shade-tolerance. Anthocephalus chinensis (Rubiaceae) and Linociera insignis (Oleaceae) are light-demanding, Barringtonia macrostachya (Lecythidaceae) and Calophyllum polyanthum (Clusiaceae) are shade-tolerant. Their seedlings were pot-planted under shading nets with 8, 25, and 50 % daylight for five months. With increase of I, all species displayed the trends of increases of LMA, photosynthetic saturation irradiance, and chlorophyll-based P max, and decreases of chlorophyll (Chl) content on both area and mass bases, and mass-based P max, R D, and CE. The area-based P max and CE increased with I for the light-demanders only. Three of the four species significantly increased Chl-based CE with I. This indicated the increase of nitrogen (N) allocation to carboxylation enzyme relative to Chl with I. Compared to the two shade-tolerants, under the same I, the two light-demanders had greater area- and Chl-based P max, photosynthetic saturation irradiance, lower Chl content per unit area, and greater plasticity in LMA and area- or Chl-based P max. Our results support the hypothesis that light-demanding species is more plastic in leaf morphology and physiology than shade-tolerant species, and acclimation to I of tropical seedlings is more associated with leaf morphological adjustment relative to physiology. Leaf nitrogen partitioning between photosynthetic enzymes and Chl also play a role in the acclimation to I.  相似文献   

研究了西双版纳热带雨林2种喜光树种中平树(Macaranga denticulata)、倒樱木(Pnravallaris macrophylla)和2种耐荫树种云南肉豆蔻(Myristica yunnanensis)、金丝李(Garcinia paucinervis)幼苗叶片光合和形态解剖特征对3种不同生长光强(5%、25%和50%相对光强)的适应。研究结果表明,与强光下相比,弱光下生长的4种植物最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、暗呼吸速率、叶绿素a/b、叶片和栅栏组织厚度、气孔密度和比叶重都降低,而海绵组织/栅栏组织和叶绿素含量升高。在相同光强下,与2种耐荫树种相比,2种喜光树种有较大的最大净光合速率、暗呼吸速率、气孔密度和较低的叶绿素含量。在不同光强下,4种植物均表现出了对光适应有利的生理和形态解剖可塑性,而喜光树种比耐荫树种有较大的生理和形态可塑性,表明喜光树种具有比耐荫树种对强光有更强的适应能力。4种植物的生理指标的可塑性均大于叶片解剖结构的可塑性。  相似文献   

The alterations in chloroplast phospholipid acyl chain composition and phospholipid molecular species composition of Dunaliella salina (UTEX 1644) were monitored during acclimation to low temperature. Chlorophyll fluorescence yield, an indicator of chloroplast membrane stability, was used as a physical means of following the acclimation process.

Minor alterations in phospholipid acyl chain composition were evident within 36 hours of shifting the cells from 30 to 12°C. Between 36 and 60 hours, pronounced changes in the acyl chain composition of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were observed. Changes in the acyl chain composition of phosphatidylcholine (PC) did not occur until sometime after 60 hours.

Alterations in the phospholipid molecular species during acclimation were also examined. The pattern of change observed in PC molecular species, namely a decrease in species having one saturated chain (16:0) paired with a C18 acyl chain and a concomitant increase in species having two unsaturated C18 acyl chains, suggests that molecular species changes augment fatty acid compositional changes as a mean of adapting to low temperature. The molecular species of PG were found to change abruptly between 36 and 60 hours following a shift to low temperature. During this time, a dramatic alteration in the threshold temperature of thermal denaturation of the photosynthetic apparatus, as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence, also occurred. Lipid compositional changes other than those associated with PG were negligible during this time. This strongly suggests that a correlation exists between the molecular species composition of PG and the thermal stability of the photosynthetic membrane.


Shirke  P.A. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(2):305-311
P. juliflora trees produce leaves during two growth periods. The first cohort of leaves is produced during spring in cool conditions, while the second cohort is produced during monsoon under warm conditions. I studied photosynthetic characteristics of young, mature, and old leaves of the previous season (monsoon) in the spring season. Maximum net photosynthetic rate of a young leaf was lower than that of the mature and old leaves. The total CO2 fixed per day by the young leaves was just 36 % of that in the mature leaves while the old leaves fixed 76 % of that of the mature leaf. The total transpiration rate and water use efficiency (WUE) were similar in the mature and old leaves, while they were much lower in the young leaves. Dark respiration rate was maximal in the young leaves as compared to the mature and old leaves. About 92 % of the total CO2 fixed per day were respired by the young leaves. The diurnal fluorescence characteristics (F/Fm, q p, and q N) of the young, mature, and old leaves showed that photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 during midday decreased more in the young and old leaves than in the mature ones. However, the fluorescence characteristics showed that in all the three leaf types there was complete recovery of the photochemical efficiency at sunset from the midday depression. Fv/Fm in the young and mature leaves also confirmed this. Hence the young and old leaves were photosynthetically less efficient than mature leaves, but they were well adapted to withstand the harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the low temperature-induced alterations of Dunaliella salina (UTEX 1644) microsomal membrane lipids was carried out. Microsomal membranes were isolated from cells grown at 30 degrees C, from cells shifted to 12 degrees C for 12 hours, and from cells acclimated to 12 degrees C. Fatty acid analyses of the major lipid classes demonstrated significant changes in the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholinemine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) but not phosphatidylcholine (PC) during the initial 12 hours at low temperature. These changes did not entail enhanced desaturation of linoleic acid. Subsequent to 12 hours, the proportions of linolenic acid increased in all phospholipids.Molecular species analyses of the phospholipids demonstrated that the most immediate changes following a shift to low temperature were limited to several molecular species of PE and PG. The changes observed in PE included a decrease in C(30) species and concomitant increases in C(34) and C(36) species. Compositional changes associated with PG entailed the emergence of a new molecular species (18:1/18:1) not found at 30 degrees C. The retailoring of molecular species resulted in an increase in the number of species having two unsaturated acyl chains and did not reflect a simple enhancement of desaturase activity as suggested by the fatty acid analysis. We conclude that the initial alterations in response to low temperature stress involve discrete changes in certain molecular species. These and further alterations of molecular species following acclimation to low temperature would appear to augment increases in acyl chain desaturation as a means of modifying membrane properties in response to low temperature stress.  相似文献   

The ability to down-regulate leaf maximum net photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and dark respiration rate (Rdark) in response to shading is thought to be an important adaptation of trees to the wide range of light environments that they are exposed to across space and time. A simple, general rule that accurately described this down-regulation would improve carbon cycle models and enhance our understanding of how forest successional diversity is maintained. In this paper, we investigated the light response of Amax and Rdark for saplings of six temperate forest tree species in New Jersey, USA, and formulated a simple model of down-regulation that could be incorporated into carbon cycle models. We found that full-sun values of Amax and Rdark differed significantly among species, but the rate of down-regulation (proportional decrease in Amax or Rdark relative to the full-sun value) in response to shade was not significantly species- or taxon-specific. Shade leaves of sun-grown plants appear to follow the same pattern of down-regulation in response to shade as leaves of shade-grown plants. Given the light level above a leaf and one species-specific number (either the full-sun Amax or full-sun Rdark), we provide a formula that can accurately predict the leaf''s Amax and Rdark. We further show that most of the down regulation of per unit area Rdark and Amax is caused by reductions in leaf mass per unit area (LMA): as light decreases, leaves get thinner, while per unit mass Amax and Rdark remain approximately constant.  相似文献   

The Philippines are one of the most important biodiveristy hotspots on earth. Due to the extraordinary rate of environmental destruction, leaving only 3% of the land with primary forest, this biodiversity is at high risk. Despite that situation information on Philippine forest vegetation is fragmentary and focused on trees. This study aimed at analysing forest remnants in the Leyte Cordillera on the Island of Leyte, and at evaluating their role as refuge to the largely destroyed lowland forest vegetation. A total of 49 plots (100 m2 each) between 55 and 520 m a.s.l. were studied. All vascular plant species except epiphytes were included. Records include 685 taxa from 289 genera and 111 families, representing nearly 8% of the known Philippine vascular plant species. More than half (52%) of the species are Philippine endemics. A number of 41 tree species, or 6% of all taxa recorded, are included in the IUCN red list, either as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. Life form composition was dominated by phanerophytes (65.3%), followed by lianas and chamaephytes (17.1 and 16.9%, respectively). The most common families were the Rubiaceae with 35 and the Euphorbiaceae with 32 species. All five Philippine dipterocarp forest types as well as the molave forest type were represented by typical tree species. The area provides an important gene bank of the highly threatened Philippine lowland forest vegetation and is of high value for biodiversity conservation. Additionally, it can play an important role as seed source of valuable tree species for the increasing initiatives to rehabilitate and reforest degraded land with native species.  相似文献   

Acclimation of Soybean Nodules to Changes in Temperature   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
This study examines how O2 status, respiration rate, and nitrogenase activity of soybean (Glycine max) nodules acclimate to short-term (<30 min) temperature change from 20 to 15[deg]C or from 20 to 25[deg]C. Acclimation responses were compared between nodules on uninhibited plants and nodules that were severely O2 limited by exposure to Ar:O2. In uninhibited nodules the decrease in temperature caused a rapid inhibition of nitrogenase activity followed by partial recovery, whereas in Ar:O2-inhibited nodules the temperature decrease caused a minor stimulation followed by a gradual decline in nitrogenase activity. In contrast, the temperature increase caused a gradual increase in nitrogenase activity in uninhibited nodules, and an initial inhibition followed by a rapid rise in Ar:O2-inhibited nodules. In both uninhibited and Ar:O2-inhibited nodules, temperature had only minor effects on the degree to which nitrogenase activity was limited by O2 supply, but nodule permeability to O2 diffusion was greater at 25[deg]C, and less at 15[deg]C, than that measured at 20[deg]C. On the basis of these data, we propose that temperature change alters the nodule's respiratory demand and that the observed changes in nodule permeability occur to maintain control over the infected cell O2 concentration as the O2 demand increases at high temperature or decreases at low temperature.  相似文献   

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