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Historically, a species’ social system was perceived to be a fixed attribute and deviations were usually treated as aberrant or maladaptive. Over the last few decades, socioecologists have started to recognize that variation in social systems is normal and adaptive. Here I explore how ecological variation affects the mating system of a nocturnal primate, the spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum. Several studies of the spectral tarsier have illustrated variation in this species’ mating system. Although most groups exhibit a monogamous mating system, a small proportion of the population consistently exhibits a polygynous mating system. I conducted this study at Tangkoko Nature Reserve in Sulawesi, Indonesia during 2007. I found that group size was highly variable, ranging from 2 individuals to as many as 8 individuals per sleeping site. Although most groups (21 of 26) were composed of a single adult male and a single adult female, ca. 19% of the groups contained 2 adult females. Three of the 5 groups with 2 adult females contained 2 young infants. As might be expected, polygynous groups were larger than were monogamous groups. The mean group size of monogamous groups was 2.9, whereas the mean group size of polygynous groups was 6.0. Polygynous groups were also more likely to use Ficus caulocarpa trees than were the monogamous groups. Polygynous groups consistently used more sleeping sites as well as larger diameter sleeping trees, than did monogamous groups. The large-diameter fig trees are ideal homes for the spectral tarsiers in that they offer multiple entrances and exits as well as protection from the elements. Polygynous and monogamous groups exhibited no differences in insect biomass available, home range size, or height of sleeping tree. These results support the hypothesis that ecological variation is an important determinant of mating system within spectral tarsiers.  相似文献   

We here present the first behavioral, morphological, and ecological data on a living group of highland pygmy tarsiers, Tarsius pumilus, and compare them with the lowland tarsier species of Sulawesi. Pygmy tarsiers were previously known only from 3 museum specimens and had not been seen alive since the first specimens were collected in 1917 and 1930. As part of a 2-mo exploratory study, we recently located a group consisting of ≥4 pygmy tarsiers in the mossy cloud forest of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. We captured 1 adult female and 2 adult male group members. The tarsiers weighed a mean of 50 g, less than half the weight of adult lowland tarsiers. Our behavioral observations indicate that these tarsiers live in small groups that return to the same sleeping tree each morning. Though our data are preliminary, pygmy tarsier body proportions appear to differ from the lowland Sulawesian tarsier species, with relatively long hind limbs compared to total body length. We also observed differences in grouping and communication behaviors. Unlike lowland tarsiers, pygmy tarsiers possess multiple adult males per group and rarely vocalize or scentmark. These differences may correlate with variables unique to their high altitude habitat, especially a reduction in food and tree resources, given that tree density declined sharply along an altitudinal gradient. Our preliminary study identifies the importance of altitudinal ecological gradients to tarsier behavioral ecology in Central Sulawesi, providing questions and predictions for future research directions.  相似文献   

Through extrapair matings, males can sire additional offspring with low cost and females may look for direct benefits in form of food or additional paternal care or gain genetic benefits that increase offspring fitness. We studied the patterns of female mate choice and frequency of extrapair paternity in the socially monogamous willow tit Parus montanus using microsatellites. We also examined the effect of heterozygosity on the growth rate and survival of the chicks. We found 25 mixed‐paternity broods out of 117 broods of which both parents were sampled. Altogether, 6.7% of sampled chicks were classified as extrapair young. The pairwise relatedness of social pairs did not correlate with the percentage of extrapair young in the brood and there was no difference in heterozygosity between promiscuous and monogamous parents. However, the extrapair young were more heterozygous than the within‐pair young in the mixed‐paternity broods. The maternal half‐siblings in mixed paternity broods were similar in body size. Thus, there was no indication for different growth rate between the siblings, but there were indications that heterozygosity affects survival.  相似文献   

This study reports the development and characterization of the first 12 microsatellite markers for tarsiers. Nine loci were isolated from Dian's tarsier, Tarsius dianae and three from the Philippine tarsier, Tarsius syrichta. The 12 markers were used to screen 40 individuals of Dian's tarsier and 40 individuals of the Lariang tarsier, Tarsius lariang for allelic diversity. This suite of highly polymorphic microsatellites provides the first chance to genetically study parentage patterns in tarsiers.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term field study on the behavioral ecology and conservation of a population of spectral tarsiers (Tarsius spectrum) in Tangkoko Nature Reserve, Sulawesi, Indonesia, I observed the first known instance of infanticide in this species. A young infant was killed by a neighboring male. Neither the epiphenomenal aggression hypothesis, social pathology hypothesis, nutritive benefits of cannibalism hypothesis, nor sexual selection hypothesis are supported by this observation. The only hypothesis that could not be rejected outright, on the basis of this single observation, was the competition for limited resources hypothesis.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity seems to be common in socially monogamous passerines, but the genetic mating system of most species is currently unknown. Here, we report the first study of paternity in the socially monogamous Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). We found no evidence of extrapair paternity among 96 offspring in 34 examined broods. An upper 95% confidence limit of 3.1% suggests that extrapair fertilizations were truly infrequent in our study population. Common Crossbills thus seem to represent an exception to the rule of extrapair mating among socially monogamous passerine bird species. A potentially important selective pressure preventing promiscuity in Common Crossbills is the harsh environmental conditions experienced during breeding at wintertime, which may increase the importance of paternal care and limit the time available for seeking extrapair copulations.  相似文献   

Why do females of many species mate with more than one male? One of the main hypotheses suggests that female promiscuity is an insurance mechanism against the potential detrimental effects of inbreeding. Accordingly, females should preferably mate with less related males in multiple or extrapair mating. Here we analyse paternity, relatedness among mating partners, and relatedness between parents and offspring, in the socially monogamous North American barn swallow (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster). In contrast to the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis, we found that extrapair mating partners were more related than expected by random choice, and tended to be more related than social partners. Furthermore, extrapair mating resulted in genetic parents being more related to their extrapair young than to their withinpair young. We propose a new hypothesis for extrapair mating based on kin selection theory as a possible explanation to these findings.  相似文献   

On the basis of distinguishing characteristics of various genetic markers, pelage color, tail tuft, and vocalizations, we describe a new species of the genus Tarsius Storr 1780. The new taxon Tarsius wallacei sp. nov. occupies a disjunct range in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The two isolated populations differ significantly in body size, but are alike in color, tail tuft dimensions, vocalizations, and genetic composition. Morphologically, the new species is similar to other Sulawesi lowland tarsiers. In the field, it can be distinguished from its congeners via a characteristic duet song and its yellow-brown pelage coloration and a copper-colored throat. Genetic analyses prove Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequences and also microsatellite allele frequencies to be absolutely diagnostic.  相似文献   

We report new mitochondrial DNA sequence data from tarsiers sampled from several populations, including the extreme northeast and southwest of the range of the Tarsius tarsier species complex, the most extensive sampling ever reported for this taxon. Our results provide the opportunity to produce the first ever molecular chronometric analysis of Tarsiidae. These results date the age of crown tarsiers, minimally, to the middle Miocene, and each of the 3 tarsier species groups, Tarsius bancanus, T. syrichta, and the T. tarsier complex, to the early or middle Miocene. Thus, each of these 3 species has evolved in isolation for a period of time that is consistent with that which would be expected for multiple speciation events. Our analysis of the Tarsius tarsier complex reveals 5 subclades, each of which is interpreted to represent a haplogroup at, or above, the species level, a result that is consistent with current hypotheses about numerous cryptic species within this species complex. The implications for conservation within the Sulawesi biogeographic region are that Sulawesi is subdivided into numerous subregions of endemism and that, by extrapolating the example of cryptic tarsier species to other taxa, biodiversity may be underestimated by an order of magnitude. The practical realties of conservation in Sulawesi are such that it is most reasonable to assume that anthropogenic extinctions are occurring, and that some species will go extinct before they have even been identified.  相似文献   

One of the most widely accepted explanations for the difference in the sex bias between mammals and birds is that male-biased dispersal in mammals is due to the preponderance of polygynous mating systems exhibited by this class, whereas birds are predominantly monogamous. Spectral tarsiers (Tarsius spectrum) are unusual in that they exhibit variation in its mating system. Although the majority of spectral tarsier groups are monogamous, ca. 15% are polygynous. If mating system influences dispersal, then I predicted that the polygynous groups would exhibit male biased dispersal whereas I predicted that the dispersal patterns of the monogamous groups would be analogous to that exhibited by birds, specifically female biased. Alternatively, I hypothesized that ecological variation may influence dispersal habits in this species. Specifically, I predicted that polygynous groups would exhibit greater habitat quality than monogamous groups. The 2 hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. On the basis of 14 individuals birdbanded between 1994 and 1999, I determined that individuals of both sexes were equally likely to disperse (males, n = 5; females, n = 9). Males dispersed twice as far as females did. The mean dispersal distance for males was 660 m, and for females it was 266 m. Females (77%) were more likely to form a territory adjacent to the parental territory than were males (20%). Individuals exhibited relatively high amounts of site fidelity (86%) that were related to physical characteristics of the sleeping site. Adults that dispersed a second time (n = 4) initially resided in trees that were shorter and had a smaller diameter-at-breast height than the trees of individuals that exhibited site fidelity. The results of my study partly support the parental mating system hypothesis and also support the habitat quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

The prevalence of extrapair paternity in many socially monogamous passerines has not been mirrored in most monogamous nonpasserines studied to date. Here, we investigated the reproductive behaviour of a socially monogamous shorebird, the common sandpiper, using multilocus DNA fingerprinting. Given the high level of paternal care in the species, and the likely high costs in allocating care between kin and nonkin in species with precocial young, we predicted low levels of extrapair paternity similar to other monogamous shorebirds. We found the social mating system to be predominantly monogamous although one polyandrous pairing was identified. Of 83 offspring from 27 broods, 13 (15.7%) young from five (18.5%) broods were identified as being extrapair. There was no evidence of intraspecific nest parasitism or quasiparasitism. In this population, territorial intrusions were carried out largely by males but did not appear to be related to seeking extrapair copulations (EPCs). Seventy copulation attempts were observed and most were within-pair (84%). Six of eight EPC attempts occurred outside the territory of the female's social mate. Copulation rates were significantly higher just before and during egg laying than at other times during the study. At least two females that reared extrapair young had associated with males other than their eventual mates on arrival, suggesting that some females use rapid mate switching as a mating tactic, facilitated perhaps by the asynchronous arrival among both sexes in this population. Why some female sandpipers mate promiscuously remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Avian extrapair mating systems provide an interesting model to assess the role of genetic benefits in the evolution of female multiple mating behavior, as potentially confounding nongenetic benefits of extrapair mate choice are seen to be of minor importance. Genetic benefit models of extrapair mating behavior predict that females engage in extrapair copulations with males of higher genetic quality compared to their social mates, thereby improving offspring reproductive value. The most straightforward test of such good genes models of extrapair mating implies pairwise comparisons of maternal half-siblings raised in the same environment, which permits direct assessment of paternal genetic effects on offspring traits. But genetic benefits of mate choice may be difficult to detect. Furthermore, the extent of genetic benefits (in terms of increased offspring viability or fecundity) may depend on the environmental context such that the proposed differences between extrapair offspring (EPO) and within-pair offspring (WPO) only appear under comparatively poor environmental conditions. We tested the hypothesis that genetic benefits of female extrapair mate choice are context dependent by analyzing offspring fitness-related traits in the coal tit (Parus ater) in relation to seasonal variation in environmental conditions. Paternal genetic effects on offspring fitness were context dependent, as shown by a significant interaction effect of differential paternal genetic contribution and offspring hatching date. EPO showed a higher local recruitment probability than their maternal half-siblings if born comparatively late in the season (i.e., when overall performance had significantly declined), while WPO performed better early in the season. The same general pattern of context dependence was evident when using the number of grandchildren born to a cuckolding female via her female WPO or EPO progeny as the respective fitness measure. However, we were unable to demonstrate that cuckolding females obtained a general genetic fitness benefit from extrapair fertilizations in terms of offspring viability or fecundity. Thus, another type of benefit could be responsible for maintaining female extrapair mating preferences in the study population. Our results suggest that more than a single selective pressure may have shaped the evolution of female extrapair mating behavior in socially monogamous passerines.  相似文献   

Geographic populations of Sulawesi tarsiers differ conspicuously in the acoustic structure of the loud duet calls produced by mated pairs. There is evidence that the differences in call features relate to species differentiation. Duet calls can thus be used as a tool to identify cryptic species and for their monitoring in the field. We recorded duets from various geographically isolated populations of Tarsius tarsier in south and southeast Sulawesi to survey the species identity of the tarsiers in these regions. We compared their calls with the duet calls of the Manado tarsier (= Tarsius spectrum), Tarsius dianae, and the Togian Island tarsier. In addition, we recorded and analyzed the duet call of the tarsier from Peleng Island, Tarsius pelengensis. Qualitative characteristics of duet songs of both sexes, analysis of frequency and temporal parameters, and multivariate statistics show 4 distinct vocal forms that predict the existence of 4 new species. These are found on Selayar Island, on the south mainland (Bantimurung), on the southeast mainland (Puwato), and on the Islands of Kabaena and Buton. Our analysis of the call of the Peleng tarsier revealed striking similarities with the call of Tarsius dianae. Further morphological analyses are needed to support the proposed new species in south and southeast Sulawesi and to clarify the taxonomic affinity between the central Sulawesi tarsier species Tarsius pelengensis and T. dianae.  相似文献   

Survival of extrapair and within-pair young in tree swallows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In monogamous species, it is generally accepted that males seekextrapair matings to increase their reproductive success withoutadditional parental investment; however, the benefits of extrapairmatings to females are much less clear. One possibility isthat females obtain genes for enhanced offspring viabilityfrom the extrapair sires. If this is the case, then the increasedviability of extrapair young may be evident throughout the periodof embryonic development as well as later in life. Tree swallows(Tachycineta bicolor) have one of the highest known levelsof extrapair mating in birds, and females have substantialcontrol over the paternity of their offspring. We used moleculartechniques to determine the parentage of nestlings and unhatchedembryos to examine the possibility that female tree swallowsgain viability benefits for their extrapair offspring. Althoughboth extrapair paternity and mortality of embryos and nestlingswere high (89% and 54% of broods respectively), we found nodifference in the viability of within-pair and extrapair youngprior to fledging. In addition, extrapair young were not morelikely to be male. There was no bias in the sex of young atfledging, but unhatched embryos were more likely to be male.Our results do not support the idea that female tree swallowsengage in extrapair mating to increase offspring viability,at least early in life.  相似文献   

Extrapair mating strategies are common among socially monogamous birds, but vary widely across ecological and social contexts in which breeding occurs. This variation is thought to reflect a compromise between the direct costs of mates' extrapair behavior and indirect benefits of extrapair fertilizations (EPF) to offspring fitness. However, in most free-living populations, the complete spatial and temporal distribution of mating attempts, genetic characteristics of available mates, and their relative contribution to EPF strategies are difficult to assess. Here we examined prevalence of EPF in relation to breeding density, synchrony, and genetic variability of available mates in a wild population of house finches Carpodacus mexicanus where all breeding attempts are known and all offspring are genotyped. We found that 15% of 59 nests contained extra-pair offspring and 9% of 212 offspring were sired by extra-pair males. We show experimentally that paired males and females avoided EPF displays in the presence of their social partners, revealing direct selection against EPF behavior. However, at the population level, the occurrence of EPF did not vary with nests dispersion, initiation date, synchrony, or with distance between the nests of extrapair partners. Instead, the occurrence of EPF closely covaried with genetic relatedness of a pool of available mates and offspring of genetically dissimilar mating tended to be resistant to a novel pathogen. These results corroborate findings that, in this population, strong fitness benefits of EPF are specific to each individual, thus highlighting the ecological, social, and genetic contingency of costs and benefits of an individual's extrapair behaviors.  相似文献   

Field data are presented from a 15-month study of spectral tarsiers in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, based on over 300 sightings of animals in the wild and supplemented by observations from other parts of the island. Animals in study area were caught in mist nets and marked with colored plastic bird rings so that tarsiers followed at night could be individually recognized. Ecological data presented cover the locomotion, use of forest strata, and diet of tarsiers. Although clearly specialized for vertical clinging and leaping, the spectral tarsier is less specialized than the western tarsier, occupying a wider range of habitats and using a wider range of vegetation strata and locomotor patterns. Diet is mostly insects collected both on the ground and in trees. Spectral tarsiers were found to be monogamous and territorial. Families regularly slept at the same sites each day and gave loud duet songs as they congregated at sleeping sites each dawn. Sometimes similar songs were given in the night during territorial conflicts. Family home ranges were plotted and average about 1 ha. Observations are included on mating, the development of young tarsiers, and the dispersion of juveniles. Tarsier young are very precocious and may travel independently as little as 23 days after birth. Tarsiers regularly scent marked their ranges by rubbing branches with urine and special epigastric glands. In addition, they have a varied repertoire of calls and the main vocalizations are described.  相似文献   

This study reports the isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite markers for the study of Philippine tarsiers (Tarsius syrichta), small primates endemic to this Southeast Asian archipelago. The markers were used to screen 14 Tarsius syrichta for allelic diversity. This suite of highly polymorphic microsatellites provides the first chance to genetically study parentage and dispersal patterns in Philippine tarsiers.  相似文献   

The adaptive function of female extrapair mating in socially monogamous passerines is currently debated. In the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica), a previous study showed that offspring sired by extrapair males had a higher cell-mediated immunity than their within-pair half siblings, suggesting an immunogenetic benefit of extrapair mating in this species. Here, we expanded that dataset with two more years and investigated the association between extrapair paternity and microsatellite multilocus heterozygosity, in addition to cell-mediated immunity. We found that extrapair offspring were more heterozygous than their within-pair half siblings, and corroborated the previous finding of enhanced cellular immunity in extrapair offspring in this four-year dataset. The increased heterozygosity among extrapair offspring appeared to be a result of extrapair mates being less genetically similar than pair mates, and also less genetically similar than expected by random choice. Together with previous findings in this species, showing that the majority of females participate in extrapair copulations, our results indicate a postcopulatory cryptic female choice of genetically dissimilar males. The enhanced cellular immunity and increased heterozygosity were not related to each other, and hence our results indicate two independent genetic benefits of extrapair mating in the bluethroat.  相似文献   

Social monogamy is common among passerines whereas genetic monogamy is regarded as rare. Here we report the first study of paternity in the genus Phoenicurus (Aves, Muscicapidae). In the socially monogamous common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) 2.0% (5/253) of offspring in 10.5% (4/38) of the broods examined were sired by extrapair males. The observed pattern of extrapair paternity was consistent among two geographically separate nest-box populations sampled over two years. Our findings reveal low rates of extrapair paternity compared with other passerine birds, suggesting only a minor role of sperm competition in this sexually dichromatic species.  相似文献   

Trivers proposed that, if parental care by both sexes is advantageous, males should practice a "mixed" strategy of seeking extrapair copulations, while restricting their parental investment to offspring of social mates. We explore circumstances under which males should limit their parental care in the predicted manner. We find that Trivers's "mixed" strategy will generally be evolutionarily stable so long as either socially monogamous or polygynous males usually sire more offspring per brood from a social mate than they typically sire in broods of extrapair mates. Polygynous males should spread investment across their home nests unless the expected number of chicks sired in them differs widely. Whether polygynous males should restrict paternal care to social mates' offspring hinges additionally on resident male investment in broods containing extrapair young: if resident males contribute minimally, some investment by a polygynous extrapair male becomes more advantageous. Recently reviewed data on extrapair fertilization distributions within monogamous and polygynous passerines suggest that extrapair offspring often predominate numerically within their broods, consistent with sperm expenditure theory. Nevertheless, most species conform to the model's criterion regarding relative parentage levels in broods of social versus extrapair mates. Patterns of extrapair parentage thus appear sufficient to stabilize biparental care systems.  相似文献   

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