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The delivery of Met-tRNA(i) to the 40S ribosomal subunit is thought to occur by way of a ternary complex (TC) comprising eIF2, GTP and Met-tRNA(i). We have generated from purified human proteins a stable multifactor complex (MFC) comprising eIF1, eIF2, eIF3 and eIF5, similar to the MFC reported in yeast and plants. A human MFC free of the ribosome also is detected in HeLa cells and rabbit reticulocytes, indicating that it exists in vivo. In vitro, the MFC-GTP binds Met-tRNA(i) and delivers the tRNA to the ribosome at the same rate as the TC. However, MFC-GDP shows a greatly reduced affinity to Met-tRNA(i) compared to that for eIF2-GDP, suggesting that MFC components may play a role in the release of eIF2-GDP from the ribosome following AUG recognition. Since an MFC-Met-tRNA(i) complex is detected in cell lysates, it may be responsible for Met-tRNA(i)-40S ribosome binding in vivo, possibly together with the TC. However, the MFC protein components also bind individually to 40S ribosomes, creating the possibility that Met-tRNA(i) might bind directly to such 40S-factor complexes. Thus, three distinct pathways for Met-tRNA(i) delivery to the 40S ribosomal subunit are identified, but which one predominates in vivo remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Formation and nuclear export of 60 S pre-ribosomes requires many factors including the heterodimeric Noc1-Noc2 and Noc2-Noc3 complexes. Here, we report another Noc complex with a specific role in 40 S subunit biogenesis. This complex consists of Noc4p, which exhibits the conserved Noc domain and is homologous to Noc1p, and Nop14p, a nucleolar protein with a role in 40 S subunit formation. Moreover, noc4 thermosensitive mutants are defective in 40 S biogenesis, and rRNA processing is inhibited at early cleavage sites A(0), A(1), and A(2). Using a fluorescence-based visual assay for 40 S subunit export, we observe a strong nucleolar accumulation of the Rps2p-green fluorescent protein reporter in noc4 ts mutants, but 60 S subunit export was normal. Thus, Noc4p and Nop14p form a novel Noc complex with a specific role in nucleolar 40 S subunit formation and subsequent export to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A B Sachs  R W Davis 《Cell》1989,58(5):857-867
Depletion of the essential poly(A) binding protein (PAB) in S. cerevisiae by promoter inactivation or by the utilization of a temperature-sensitive mutation (pab1-F364L) results in the inhibition of translation initiation and poly(A) tail shortening. Reversion analysis of pab1-F364L yielded seven independent, extragenic cold-sensitive mutations (spb1-spb7) that also suppress a PAB1 deletion. These mutations allow translation initiation without significantly changing poly(A) tail lengths in the absence of PAB, and they affect the amount of 60S ribosomal subunit. Consistent with this, SPB2 encodes the ribosomal protein L46. These data suggest that the 60S subunit mediates the PAB requirement of translation initiation, thereby ensuring that only intact poly(A)+ mRNA will be translated efficiently in vivo.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a 12-subunit protein complex that plays a central role in binding of initiator methionyl-tRNA and mRNA to the 40 S ribosomal subunit to form the 40 S initiation complex. The molecular mechanisms by which eIF3 exerts these functions are poorly understood. To learn more about the structure and function of eIF3 we have expressed and purified individual human eIF3 subunits or complexes of eIF3 subunits using baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells. The results indicate that the subunits of human eIF3 that have homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae form subcomplexes that reflect the subunit interactions seen in the yeast eIF3 core complex. In addition, we have used an in vitro 40 S ribosomal subunit binding assay to investigate subunit requirements for efficient association of the eIF3 subcomplexes to the 40 S ribosomal subunit. eIF3j alone binds to the 40 S ribosomal subunit, and its presence is required for stable 40 S binding of an eIF3bgi subcomplex. Furthermore, purified eIF3 lacking eIF3j binds 40 S ribosomal subunits weakly, but binds tightly when eIF3j is added. Cleavage of a 16-residue C-terminal peptide from eIF3j by caspase-3 significantly reduces the affinity of eIF3j for the 40 S ribosomal subunit, and the cleaved form provides substantially less stabilization of purified eIF3-40S complexes. These results indicate that eIF3j, and especially its C terminus, play an important role in the recruitment of eIF3 to the 40 S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

The multisubunit eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 3 plays various roles in translation initiation that all involve interaction with 40S ribosomal subunits. eIF3 can be purified in two forms: with or without the loosely associated eIF3j subunit (eIF3j+ and eIF3j-, respectively). Although unlike eIF3j+, eIF3j- does not bind 40S subunits stably enough to withstand sucrose density gradient centrifugation, we found that in addition to the known stabilization of the eIF3/40S subunit interaction by the eIF2*GTP*Met-tRNA(i)Met ternary complex, eIF3j-/40S subunit complexes were also stabilized by single-stranded RNA or DNA cofactors that were at least 25 nt long and could be flanked by stable hairpins. Of all homopolymers, oligo(rU), oligo(dT), and oligo(dC) stimulated the eIF3/40S subunit interaction, whereas oligo(rA), oligo(rG), oligo(rC), oligo(dA), and oligo(dG) did not. Oligo(U) or oligo(dT) sequences interspersed by other bases also promoted this interaction. The ability of oligonucleotides to stimulate eIF3/40S subunit association correlated with their ability to bind to the 40S subunit, most likely to its mRNA-binding cleft. Although eIF3j+ could bind directly to 40S subunits, neither eIF3j- nor eIF3j+ alone was able to dissociate 80S ribosomes or protect 40S and 60S subunits from reassociation. Significantly, the dissociation/anti-association activities of both forms of eIF3 became apparent in the presence of either eIF2-ternary complexes or any oligonucleotide cofactor that promoted eIF3/40S subunit interaction. Ribosomal dissociation and anti-association activities of eIF3 were strongly enhanced by eIF1. The potential biological role of stimulation of eIF3/40S subunit interaction by an RNA cofactor in the absence of eIF2-ternary complex is discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) forms a ternary complex with methionyl-tRNA(fMet) and GTP on one hand, and it binds to a specific site in mRNA molecules on the other. Antibodies directed against eIF-2 were used to analyze these dual binding activities. A monoclonal antibody directed against the beta-subunit of eIF-2, 5A4, is able to inhibit ternary complex formation as well as binding of mRNA, showing that this subunit is essential for both binding activities of eIF-2. However, a polyclonal antibody, PR1, is able to distinguish between these activities in the eIF-2 molecule. In the presence of PR1, binding of mRNA by eIF-2 is inhibited completely, yet ternary complex formation with methionyl-tRNA(fMet) and GTP is stimulated more than 5-fold. Apparently, specific antibodies to eIF-2 can induce a conformational change in inactive factor molecules that permits them to form ternary complexes. These results show that distinct epitopes in eIF-2 are involved in binding of mRNA and in ternary complex formation with methionyl-tRNA(fMet) and GTP.  相似文献   

Summary Poly(U)-and AUG-dependent initiations were studied under conditions in which the ribosomal subunits from rabbit reticulocytes form 80S ribosome couples. The AUG-dependent initiation took place only in the presence of 40S subunits and not in that of 80S ribosome couples. The poly(U)-dependent initiation could take place on 80S ribosome couples as well as on 40S subunits. Heating of 60S subunits removed their inhibitory effect on AUG-dependent initiation without affecting their ability to attach to the 40S-AUG-initiator-tRNA complex and covert it to the more thermostable 40S-AUG-60S complex. This complex could bind initiator-tRNA reversibly. Two components seemed to be present in ribosomal high salt wash which antagonistically caused the disappearance and persistence of the inhibitory effect of 60S subunits on AUG-dependent initiation. Paper No. 3 on “Studies on Rabbit Reticulocytc Ribosomes”. Preceding paper is by Chatterjce, S.K., Kazemie, M., Matthaei, H., noppe-Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Chem.345, 481 (1973).  相似文献   

The interaction of ribosomal proteins with mRNA in the 40S initiation complex was examined by chemical cross-linking. 40S initiation complexes were formed by incubating rat liver [(3)H]Met-tRNAi, rat liver 40S ribosomal subunits, rabbit globin mRNA, and partially purified initiation factors of rabbit reticulocytes in the presence of guanylyl(beta, gamma-methylene)-diphosphonate. The initiation complexes were then treated with 1,3-butadiene diepoxide to introduce crosslinks between the mRNA and proteins. The covalent mRNA-protein conjugates were isolated by chromatography on an oligo(dT) cellulose column in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, followed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Proteins cross-linked to the mRNA were labeled with Na(125)I, extracted by extensive ribonuclease digestion, and analyzed by two-dimensional and diagonal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three ribosomal proteins, S6, S8, and S23/S24, together with small amounts of S3/S3a, S27, and S30, were identified as the protein components cross-linked to the globin mRNA protein complex, and were shown to attach directly to the mRNA. It is suggested that these proteins constitute the ribosomal binding site for mRNA in the 40S initiation complex.  相似文献   

Recruitment of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2)-GTP-Met-tRNAiMet ternary complex to the 40S ribosome is stimulated by multiple initiation factors in vitro, including eIF3, eIF1, eIF5, and eIF1A. Recruitment of mRNA is thought to require the functions of eIF4F and eIF3, with the latter serving as an adaptor between the ribosome and the 4G subunit of eIF4F. To define the factor requirements for these reactions in vivo, we examined the effects of depleting eIF2, eIF3, eIF5, or eIF4G in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells on binding of the ternary complex, other initiation factors, and RPL41A mRNA to native 43S and 48S preinitiation complexes. Depleting eIF2, eIF3, or eIF5 reduced 40S binding of all constituents of the multifactor complex (MFC), comprised of these three factors and eIF1, supporting a mechanism of coupled 40S binding by MFC components. 40S-bound mRNA strongly accumulated in eIF5-depleted cells, even though MFC binding to 40S subunits was reduced by eIF5 depletion. Hence, stimulation of the GTPase activity of the ternary complex, a prerequisite for 60S subunit joining in vitro, is likely the rate-limiting function of eIF5 in vivo. Depleting eIF2 or eIF3 impaired mRNA binding to free 40S subunits, but depleting eIF4G led unexpectedly to accumulation of mRNA on 40S subunits. Thus, it appears that eIF3 and eIF2 are more critically required than eIF4G for stable binding of at least some mRNAs to native preinitiation complexes and that eIF4G has a rate-limiting function at a step downstream of 48S complex assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

Aurintricarboxylic acid and pactamycin inhibited initiation factor catalyzed reassociation of ribosomal subunits to form 80S couples and subsequent polyphenylalanine synthesis although their effects were qualitatively different. The two inhibitors prevented the formation of 80S monomers if they were present with 40S subunits in the reassociation mixture before addition of large subunits; they did not inhibit protein synthesis nor reassociation if they were added with the 60S subunits after formation of a small subunit initiation complex. Thus creation of a 40S initiation complex precedes addition of the large subunit and formation of an 80S monomer. An additional finding was that aurintricarboxylic acid preferentially inhibited the formation of inactive 40S–60S couples.  相似文献   

p50, the major core protein bound to mammalian mRNAs, has been reported to stimulate translation at low p50/mRNA ratios and inhibit translation at high p50/mRNA ratios. This study aims to address the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena using the in vitro assembly of 48 S preinitiation complexes from fully purified translational components in the presence or absence of p50 as analyzed by the toeprint assay. With limited concentrations of eIF2, eIF3, and eIF4F, p50 (but not pyrimidine tract-binding protein, which was taken for comparison) strongly stimulates formation of the 48 S preinitiation complexes with beta-globin mRNA. This stimulation is observed when just a few molecules of p50 are bound per molecule of the mRNA. When the amount of p50 in solution is increased over some threshold p50/mRNA ratio, a remarkable repression is observed that can still be relieved by adding more eIF2 and eIF4F. At even higher concentrations of p50, the inhibitory effect becomes irreversible. The threshold ratio depends upon the extent of secondary structure of the 5'-untranslated region linked to the beta-globin coding region. Chemical probing has confirmed that the binding of p50 to mRNA involves only the sugar-phosphate backbone of the mRNA leaving nucleotide bases free for interaction with other messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) components. These data are best compatible with the functional role of p50 as a "manager" of mRNA-protein interactions in mammalian mRNPs.  相似文献   

Antibodies prepared against a homogeneous preparation of Co-eIF-2A20 [Ahmad et al. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 6955-6959] reacted with several polypeptides including an 80-kDa polypeptide present in a crude yeast ribosomal salt wash. This 80-kDa polypeptide, containing Co-eIF-2A (Co-eIF-2A80) activity, has been extensively purified using a two-step purification procedure involving an immunoaffinity column chromatograph prepared using antibodies against Co-eIF-2A20 (fraction II) and hydroxyapatite chromatography (fraction III). The factors, eIF-2 + homogeneous Co-eIF-2A80 (fraction III) promoted Met-tRNAf.40S complex formation with an AUG codon but not with a physiological mRNA or a polyribonucleotide messenger poly(U,G) whereas eIF-2 + a partially purified Co-eIF-2A80 preparation (fraction II) promoted Met-tRNAf.40S complex formation with an AUG codon as well as with globin mRNA and poly(U,G) messenger. This factor-promoted Met-tRNAf binding to 40S ribosomes depends absolutely on the presence of a polyribonucleotide messenger containing an initiation codon (such as AUG or GUG). Other polyribonucleotide messengers tested, such as poly(U), poly(A) and poly(A,C) were completely ineffective in this binding reaction. This result indicates that the Met-tRNAf.40S.mRNA complex is formed by a direct interaction between Met-tRNAf, 40S ribosomes and the initiation site in mRNA. A mechanism has been proposed for Met-tRNAf.40S.mRNA complex formation in yeast.  相似文献   

An adenine-rich cis element at the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of Pabp1 mRNA is able to inhibit translation of its own mRNA. Similar inhibition of translation of a reporter beta-galactosidase mRNA is observed when the adenine-rich auto regulatory sequence (ARS) is placed within the 5'-UTR of this mRNA. For this translational control the distance of the ARS from the 5' cap is not important. However, it determines the number of 40 S ribosomal subunits bound to the translationally arrested mRNA. Inhibition of mRNA translation by this regulatory sequence occurs at the step of joining of the 60 S ribosomal subunit to the pre-initiation complex. Translational arrest of the ARS containing mRNA in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell-free system in the presence of exogenous Pabp1 protects the 5'-flanking region of the ARS from nuclease digestion. This protection depends on the binding of the 40 S ribosomal subunit to the mRNA. The size and the sequence of the nucleotide-protected fragment depends on the location of the ARS within the 5'-UTR. When the ARS is located at a distance of about 78 nucleotides from the 5' cap, a 40-nucleotide long region adjacent to the ARS is protected. On the other hand, when the ARS is moved further away from the 5' cap to a distance of approximately 267 nucleotides, a 100-nucleotide-long region adjacent to the ARS is protected from nuclease digestion. Nuclease protection is attributed to the presence of one or more stalled 40 S ribosomal subunits near the Pabp1-bound ARS.  相似文献   

Stress granules (SGs) are formed in response to stress, contain mRNAs, 40S ribosomal subunits, initiation factors, RNA-binding and signaling proteins, and promote cell survival. Our study describes a novel function of the protein heterodimer SRP9/14 and Alu RNA in SG formation and disassembly. In human cells, SRP9/14 exists assembled into SRP, bound to Alu RNA and as a free protein. SRP9/14, but not SRP, localizes to SGs following arsenite or hippuristanol treatment. Depletion of the protein decreases SG size and the number of SG-positive cells. Localization and function of SRP9/14 in SGs depend primarily on its ability to bind directly to the 40S subunit. Binding of SRP9/14 to 40S and Alu RNA is mutually exclusive indicating that the protein alone is bound to 40S in SGs and that Alu RNA might competitively regulate 40S binding. Indeed, by changing the effective Alu RNA concentration in the cell or by expressing an Alu RNA binding-defective protein we were able to influence SG formation and disassembly. Our findings suggest a model in which SRP9/14 binding to 40S promotes SG formation whereas the increase in cytoplasmic Alu RNA following stress promotes disassembly of SGs by disengaging SRP9/14 from 40S.  相似文献   

Ribosomal precursor particles are assembled in the nucleolus before export into the cytoplasm. Using a visual assay for nuclear accumulation of 60S subunits, we have isolated several conditional-lethal strains with defects in ribosomal export (rix mutants). Here we report the characterization of a mutation in an essential gene, RIX7, which encodes a novel member of the AAA ATPase superfamily. The rix7-1 temperature-sensitive allele carries a point mutation that causes defects in pre-rRNA processing, biogenesis of 60S ribosomal subunits, and their subsequent export into the cytoplasm. Rix7p, which associates with 60S ribosomal precursor particles, localizes throughout the nucleus in exponentially growing cells, but concentrates in the nucleolus in stationary phase cells. When cells resume growth upon shift to fresh medium, Rix7p-green fluorescent protein exhibits a transient perinuclear location. We propose that a nuclear AAA ATPase is required for restructuring nucleoplasmic 60S pre-ribosomal particles to make them competent for nuclear export.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-5 mediates hydrolysis of GTP bound to the 40 S initiation complex in the absence of 60 S ribosomal subunits. The eIF-2.GDP formed under these conditions is released from the 40 S ribosomal subunit while initiator Met-tRNA(f) remains bound. The released eIF-2.GDP can participate in an eIF-2B-catalyzed GDP/GTP exchange reaction to reform the Met-tRNA(f).eIF-2.GTP ternary complex. In contrast, when 60 S ribosomal subunits were also present in an eIF-5-catalyzed reaction, the eIF-2.GDP produced remained bound to the 60 S ribosomal subunit of the 80 S initiation complex. When such an 80 S initiation complex, containing bound eIF-2.GDP, was incubated with GTP and eIF-2B, GDP was released. However, eIF-2 still remained bound to the ribosomes and was unable to form a Met-tRNA(f)l.eIF-2.GTP ternary complex. In contrast, when 60 S ribosomal subunits were preincubated with either free eIF-2 or with eIF-2.eIF-2B complex and then added to a reaction containing both the 40 S initiation complex and eIF-5, the eIF-2.GDP produced did not bind to the 60 S ribosomal subunits but was released from the ribosomes. Thus, the 80 S initiation complex formed under these conditions did not contain bound eIF-2.GDP. Under similar experimental conditions, preincubation of 60 S ribosomal subunits with purified eIF-2B (free of eIF-2) failed to cause release of eIF-2.GDP from the ribosomal initiation complex. These results suggest that 60 S ribosome-bound eIF-2.GDP does not act as a direct substrate for eIF-2B-mediated release of eIF-2 from ribosomes. Rather, the affinity of 60 S ribosomal subunits for either eIF-2, or the eIF-2 moiety of the eIF-2.eIF-2B complex, prevents association of 60 S ribosomal subunits with eIF-2.GDP formed in the initiation reaction. This ensures release of eIF-2 from ribosomes following hydrolysis of GTP bound to the 40 S initiation complex.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is a conserved process in eukaryotes that requires a large number of small nucleolar RNAs and trans-acting proteins. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae MRD1 (multiple RNA-binding domain) gene encodes a novel protein that contains five consensus RNA-binding domains. Mrd1p is essential for viability. Mrd1p partially co-localizes with the nucleolar protein Nop1p. Depletion of Mrd1p leads to a selective reduction of 18 S rRNA and 40 S ribosomal subunits. Mrd1p associates with the 35 S precursor rRNA (pre-rRNA) and U3 small nucleolar RNAs and is necessary for the initial processing at the A(0)-A(2) cleavage sites in pre-rRNA. The presence of five RNA-binding domains in Mrd1p suggests that Mrd1p may function to correctly fold pre-rRNA, a requisite for proper cleavage. Sequence comparisons suggest that Mrd1p homologues exist in all eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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