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Catsadorakis  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):157-174
The breeding avifauna of Prespa National Park is ofnational and international importance both due to itshigh richness and the internationally importantpopulations of rare species. The latter include theDalmatian (Pelecanus crispus) and Great White(Pelecanus onocrotalus) pelicans and the PygmyCormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus). Populationsof national interest include Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Greylag Goose (Anseranser), Goosander (Mergus merganser), GreatWhite Egret (Egretta alba) and six otherspecies of ardeids. Among the 261 bird speciesobserved in the area of ca 250 km2 since thelate 60s, 164 breed and 41 are very rarely observed.Passage migrants and winter visitors include 91species. Twelve breeding species became extinct in theNational Park during the last 25 years and others areendangered. Raptors and aquatic birds suffered moredue to habitat and land use alterations brought aboutby the construction of an irrigation scheme.Eighty-one species observed in the area are listed asin need of special protection in Annex I of the 79/409EEC Directive and 32 of them breed. Lake Mikri Prespais of virtually no importance for wintering waterfowlsince it is frozen every winter, but the Greek part ofLake Megali Prespa, which never freezes, concentratesamong other species the 20% and 35% respectively ofthe Great Crested Grebes and Tufted Ducks wintering inGreece.  相似文献   

基于信息熵量化评价大熊猫国家公园生态系统管理成效   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
生态系统管理绩效的量化评价是保护区域生态安全、合理利用自然资源、实现可持续发展的重要前提。选取大熊猫国家公园四川片区作为研究对象,从生态系统服务潜力、人为活动强度、旗舰种保护和生态管理实际情况出发,构建生态系统管理评估指标体系。指标体系包含16个因子。对指标体系构建的数据集,基于熵理论定量评价系统无序程度、发展方向。结果表明:(1)大熊猫国家公园生态系统总熵流值为-0.8309,系统整体健康;其中5个市县总熵流为正,生态系统无序性较大,为非健康状态。(2)生态系统管理的正熵流主要受第一产业影响;负熵流的产生主要来自旗舰种保护和区域保护绩效。在空间尺度上,不同区域间总熵流存在差异,宝兴县总熵流最高,达到0.0880;九寨沟县最低,为-0.1826。综合农村居民收入与总熵流评价结果,研究认为试点期内大熊猫国家公园管理可以考虑选取示范点,总结管理经验;在生态管理热点区域优先推广,如平武县、宝兴县和茂县。在管理过程中谨慎对待社区发展与生态保护的关系。  相似文献   

钱江源国家公园红外相机监测平台由钱江源国家公园管理局与中国科学院植物研究所、北京大学合作建立, 覆盖了钱江源国家公园全域和毗邻的安徽及江西省的部分区域。其中, 钱江源国家公园古田山片区的监测始于2014年5月, 其他区域的监测始于2018年7月; 毗邻的江西、安徽区域的监测分别始于2017年11月和2018年3月。截至2020年5月, 共在343个公里网格内完成了1,033个有效位点的调查, 总有效相机工作日331,834 d, 共获得兽类、鸟类的照片和视频718,515份, 独立有效探测数151,221次。其中, 658,644份照片和视频可鉴定到物种, 对应133,204次独立有效探测。记录到分属7目15科的野生兽类23种, 分属9目27科的野生鸟类75种。通过覆盖全域的长期监测, 完成了钱江源国家公园大中型兽类的本底调查, 开展了关键物种栖息地利用和种群动态等研究, 为国家公园的规划、保护管理措施的制定和保护管理成效的评估提供了数据支持。今后, 本监测平台将在时间和空间尺度上进一步拓展, 以服务于国家公园主要保护目标和生态系统的完整性保护, 并将研究成果转化为国家公园自然教育的案例和素材。  相似文献   

我国的自然保护地普遍存在着科学管控难、统一管理难和资金供给难等问题, 即便是国家公园体制试点区也不例外。本文以钱江源国家公园体制试点区为例, 设计了基于细化保护需求的保护地役权制度, 以探索一种能解决上述问题并能体现生态补偿的适应性管理方法, 包括: 细化主要保护对象的管理需求, 结合土地利用类型, 确定实施保护地役权的空间范围; 辨析保护需求和原住民生产、生活之间的关系, 形成正负行为的准则并以行为清单的形式体现; 从生态系统监测指标改善情况、正负行为遵守情况和社区能力建设三个维度制定地役权制度的评价方法; 据此形成地役权合同, 明确供役地人和需役地人的权责利, 形成考虑保护绩效的生态补偿方案。这种方法可以解决自然保护地因为权属不一致造成的生态系统和景观破碎化问题, 缓解社区发展和生态保护之间的矛盾, 在我国南方集体林地占比较高的自然保护地具有适用性。  相似文献   

青藏高原具有全球独特的自然生态和人文生态系统,生态系统完整性与原真性极高,建设国家公园群是青藏高原整体性保护重要生态系统完整性与原真性的重要手段。遵循"内涵界定-框架梳理-框架构建"的研究思路,科学界定国家公园生态系统完整性和原真性内涵并建立概念模型,通过梳理国家公园生态系统完整性评估的主要框架,在对区域自然生态和社会人文系统科学考察的基础上,分析区域生态系统完整性与原真性保护与监管需求,从生境质量、生物群落、生态系统服务、自然条件与灾害、人类活动、人文景观6个方面构建青藏高原国家公园群潜在建设区生态系统完整性与原真性评估框架,以期为未来国家公园群建设与管理提供基础支撑。针对目前国家公园管理存在的主要问题,提出未来评估应用需充分体现国家公园复合生态系统和"群"的特征,并建立生态系统完整性与原真性监测体系,从而更全面的服务于青藏高原国家公园群生态系统完整性与原真性保护。  相似文献   

中国三江源国家公园与韩国智异山国家公园的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1967年智异山被认定为韩国首个国家公园以来,韩国以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设已历经50余年。这期间韩国在国家公园的建设中积累了大量经验,十分值得我国借鉴。选取我国首个国家公园体制试点——三江源国家公园和韩国首个国家公园——智异山国家公园为研究对象,对二者的管理现状进行了定性分析,并运用基于最优实践的国家公园管理能力评价方法对二者的管理能力进行了定量评价。研究表明:三江源国家公园的管理能力综合得分低于智异山国家公园,在体制建设、保障机制、资源环境管理、社区管理和科普教育五个方面均与智异山国家公园存在一定差距;智异山国家公园在资源本底调查、法制建设、多方参与、环境教育和游憩管理方面的管理能力十分突出,为三江源国家公园管理能力的提升提供了有益借鉴;三江源国家公园在生态补偿和制度约束方面具有比较优势,但在自然资源权属、资源本底调查、社区组织建设和游憩管理方面则亟待提升。在此基础上,针对三江源国家公园建设提出了强化科研支撑、健全多方参与制度、推进全民福利共享三项建议,针对我国国家公园体制建设提出了制定《国家公园法》、设置自然保护地顶层规划两项建议,以期促进三江源国家公园管理能力提升、推动我国国家公园体制建设。  相似文献   

The hippopotamus population in Liwonde National Park, Malawi was studied from December 2002 to June 2003. Motorboat censuses along the River Shire counted 640 animals, but because of the large number of hippos in temporary water sources at the time, the true number is probably closer to 950. Marked shifts in hippo distribution from the Shire into temporary water sources occurred as the wet season advanced. Because of the Shire’s year‐round water supply, the hippo population is not regulated by the availability of aquatic refuges, but by food availability. By following feeding tracks, dry season grazing range was estimated to extend 5 km east and 1 km west of the river. Grazing intensity transects and visual estimates indicated only a small portion of this area is suitable for hippo grazing, leading to over‐grazing in suitable areas. Coupled with low primary productivity levels in Liwonde, this means that dry season food competition between hippos and other herbivores is probably high. Recent proposals to raise the Shire’s dry season water level should be considered very carefully, as this will flood late dry season grazing grounds, thereby intensifying grazing competition and increasing grazing pressure in remaining grazing areas, having potentially serious impacts on the animal community.  相似文献   

In this ‘perspectives’ article, we share experiences gained from the century-old Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa to illustrate the dynamic complexity of biophysical and socio-political systems, the interactions that occur between them, and the consequences for ecosystem-scale functions and resources and for their management. As in KNP, the social-ecological milieu surrounding many national parks and protected areas is changing rapidly. There will be significant managerial adjustments as human populations grow and the needs for resources accelerate. The changes, driven largely by global-scale environmental shifts as well as by new knowledge, are intimately intertwined with evolving societal perceptions, values, and expectations. Many KNP resource-related issues of the past century originated more internally and were largely environmental, whereas the emerging issues are more external and largely social. Here, we illustrate how interrelated scientific and managerial advances in integrating biophysical and social systems are acting to conserve and rehabilitate resources within KNP, and to aid in their conservation. Where appropriate, we relate these advances to similar examples in the region or other protected areas in the world. Strategies to address emerging issues are identified and discussed—and their combined effects on resource conservation and management are evaluated. In our experience the approach to conservation within KNP has been successful, despite well-intended but damaging management actions in the past. We believe that the perceived success stems from a willingness to continually incorporate new knowledge into management, to foster close working and personal associations among scientists, managers, and rangers, to acquire an intimate knowledge and understanding of the social-ecological system by the administrators as well as by the staff, and to be actively ‘forward’ thinking in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. We accept that many decisions taken today will be challenged by future managers and scientists, and we expect that some will be found wanting as emerging knowledge and continued learning shape future decisions. Further, evolving political, social, and environmental contexts may mean that protected areas will need to be managed in different ways. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of minimizing the permanency and impact of decisions so that today’s actions do not compromise future decisions when meaningful changes need to be made.
Robert J. NaimanEmail:

三江源国家公园是我国首批建立的面积最大的国家公园,也是青藏高原第一个国家公园,对青藏高原乃至我国加快构建以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系具有里程碑式意义。三江源国家公园野生动物多样性水平高且濒危物种占比大,其中兽类和鸟类受威胁比例分别为32.26%和19.90%;具有丰富的国家重点保护物种及青藏高原特有珍稀物种,包括46.77%的中国或青藏高原特有兽类和7.65%的中国特有鸟类,其生物多样性具有全国乃至全球意义的保护价值。本文简要回顾全球野生动物保护研究重要进展和取得的成果,分析三江源野生动物濒危成因,提出了加强三江源国家公园野生动物动态监测、创新栖息地保护技术、建立野生动物迁移廊道及避难所、开展草畜平衡管理、疫源疫病控制、人兽冲突研究和建立野生动物基因资源库等多项野生动物保护和管理对策,为实现三江源国家公园生态环境严格保护、人与自然和谐共生、区域可持续发展战略提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

[目的]通过构建南滇池国家湿地公园外来园林植物生态风险评价体系,推进外来园林植物的有效判定、有利运用和有别管控,探讨国家湿地公园前期建设中存在外来植物科学防控问题,为各类生态湿地公园的建设和发展提供参考.[方法]对南滇池国家湿地公园园林植物物种组成和外来植物入侵现状进行全面普查,通过文献研究和专家咨询,构建南滇池国家湿...  相似文献   

姚小兰  周琳  吴挺勋  任明迅 《生态学报》2022,42(16):6695-6703
海南热带雨林国家公园被中线高速公路自东北-西南方向穿越,改变了局域景观分布格局,影响到生态系统完整性与原真性,可能存在潜在的生态风险。选取海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路穿越段两侧3 km作为研究区域,运用GIS技术、Fragstats和景观生态学理论定量评价2013年(高速公路未建)、2016年(高速公路在建)和2019年(高速公路竣工)三年的景观要素变化,解析景观变化趋势和可能带来的潜在生态风险。结果表明,2016年高速公路建成面积(含动土区域)为325.51 hm2,林地面积略有减少,但林地斑块密度增加;耕地面积虽略有增加,但耕地最大斑块指数下降,耕地景观优势度降低。2019年高速公路建成竣工后,由于路旁绿化,高速公路占地面积有所下降,林地面积和林地斑块密度增加,但林地和耕地斑块的内聚力指数下降,自然连通度略降低,破碎化程度加剧;高速公路穿越段中等生态风险区和较高生态风险区面积逐年增加。但隧道和高架桥路段在一定程度上维持了道路两侧的植被连通性,对局域生态系统没有明显影响。高速公路造成的生境隔离与破碎化可能累积产生远期的负面生态学效应。海南热带雨林国家公园高速公路...  相似文献   

A 10‐year science–management partnership has focussed on three key issues within Booderee National Park in eastern Australia: the impacts of fire on native biota, the response of vertebrates to feral animal control and the control of Bitou Bush. What has been achieved to date and what are the partnership's key ingredients?  相似文献   

建立生物多样性保护信息系统的意义和途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物多样性保护信息系统可提供必要的数据和信息,帮助决策者对生物多样性的保护与持续利用作出科学的规划,因而受到国内外的普遍关注。本文就该信息系统的内容、功能以及建立途径等方面作一简略介绍。  相似文献   

Culture is widely accepted as an important social factor present across a wide range of species. Bears have a culture as defined as behavioral traditions inherited through social learning usually from mothers to offspring. Successful bear cultures can enhance fitness and resource exploitation benefits. In contrast, some bear cultures related to response to humans and human‐related foods can be maladaptive and result in reduced fitness and direct mortality. In environments with minimal human influence most bear culture has evolved over generations to be beneficial and well adapted to enhance fitness. However, most bears across the world do not live in areas with minimal human influence and in these areas, bear culture is often changed by bear interactions with humans, usually to the detriment of bear survival. We highlight the importance of identifying unique bear cultural traits that allow efficient use of local resources and the value of careful management to preserve these adaptive cultural behaviors. It is also important to select against maladaptive cultural behaviors that are usually related to humans in order to reduce human–bear conflicts and high bear mortality. We use examples from Yellowstone National Park to demonstrate how long‐term management to reduce maladaptive bear cultures related to humans has resulted in healthy bear populations and a low level of human–bear conflict in spite of a high number of Yellowstone National Park visitors in close association with bears.  相似文献   

Protected areas remain a cornerstone for global conservation. However, their effectiveness at halting biodiversity decline is not fully understood. Studies of protected area benefits have largely focused on measuring their impact on halting deforestation and have neglected to measure the impacts of protected areas on other threats. Evaluations that measure the impact of protected area management require more complex evaluation designs and datasets. This is the case across realms (terrestrial, freshwater, marine), but measuring the impact of protected area management in freshwater systems may be even more difficult owing to the high level of connectivity and potential for threat propagation within systems (e.g. downstream flow of pollution). We review the potential barriers to conducting impact evaluation for protected area management in freshwater systems. We contrast the barriers identified for freshwater systems to terrestrial systems and discuss potential measurable outcomes and confounders associated with protected area management across the two realms. We identify key research gaps in conducting impact evaluation in freshwater systems that relate to three of their major characteristics: variability, connectivity and time lags in outcomes. Lastly, we use Kakadu National Park world heritage area, the largest national park in Australia, as a case study to illustrate the challenges of measuring impacts of protected area management programmes for environmental outcomes in freshwater systems.  相似文献   

大熊猫国家公园荥经片区(102°19′~102°55′E,29°28′~29°56′N)位于四川省雅安市荥经县境内,该区域属亚热带季风气候,动植物资源丰富。为进一步了解该区域两栖爬行动物资源情况,于2021年5月、7月和9月在区内设置6个研究点,在其中布设33条有效样线,对两栖爬行动物的多样性和海拔分布特征进行调查,并通过访问调查与文献查阅方法对实地调查结果进行补充。结果表明,大熊猫国家公园荥经片区现有两栖爬行动物4目18科67种,其中两栖动物2目9科31种,爬行动物2目9科36种。东洋界物种占绝对优势,其中,两栖动物除黑斑侧褶蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculatus)以外全为东洋界物种,爬行动物中东洋界物种有26种,广布种仅有9种。6个研究点的Shanoon-Winner多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和生态优势度指数变化趋势基本一致,由高到低排序为,新庙、泡草湾、泥巴山、云雾山、大石坝、安靖。对区域内两栖动物的栖息地类型进行比较发现,陆栖-山区高原型生境中生活的两栖动物种类最多。两栖动物的丰富度随海拔梯度的升高呈现逐渐降低的趋势,爬行动物由于所发现的数量有限,并未发现明显的海拔分布特征。  相似文献   

近海海洋生态连通性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态连通性是空间生态学和保护生物学的重要概念和研究手段。国外越来越多的研究表明,开展近海海洋生态连通性研究对促进海洋生态系统保护和修复具有十分重要的现实意义。阐述了近海海洋生态连通性的概念与机制,回顾了目前近海海洋连通性的研究进展并分析了存在的问题,总结了近海海洋生态连通性研究的框架和具体方法,最后提出我国开展近海海洋生态连通性研究的建议,以期对今后国内开展海洋生态连通性相关研究工作有所启示。  相似文献   

Recent research on the ecology of fire has challenged the view that the use of fire by indigenous peoples is detrimental to ecosystems and wildlife in protected areas. However, in Canaima National Park and World Heritage Site in southeastern Venezuela, since 1981 managers have employed a costly fire control program to eliminate savanna burning by the Pemon indigenous people. Here I present the results of the first study on Pemon perspectives of fire management in the park. I show that savanna burning is an important tool in indigenous land management and plays a key role in preventing large catastrophic fires. Pemon knowledge of fire also raises questions about conventional interpretations of environmental change in the park. Lastly, I recommend a fire management policy that seeks to integrate local ecological knowledge. This will require: (a) greater openness from scientists and resource managers to understanding Pemon rationale for the use of fire, (b) clarification among the Pemon themselves of their own views of fire, and (c) research partnerships among scientists, resource managers and the Pemon in order to encourage understanding of Pemon ecological knowledge of fire, and to assess its true impact in the Canaima National Park.  相似文献   

生物多样性编目是自然保护地有效管理与政策制定的基础。本研究收集整理了钱江源国家公园体制试点区(简称钱江源国家公园)内的鸟类记录, 数据来源包括专项鸟类调查、红外相机调查、自动录音调查、公众科学活动4大类。共记录到分属17目64科的252种鸟类。其中, 国家I级重点保护鸟类2种, 为白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)和白鹤(Grus leucogeranus), 国家II级重点保护鸟类34种; 在IUCN物种红色名录和中国脊椎动物红色名录中被评估为受威胁(即极危、濒危、易危和近危)的分别有10种和34种: 共计有46种鸟类为需受重点关注的物种, 占总物种数的18.25%。记录到4种浙江省鸟类新记录, 分别为黄嘴角鸮(Otus spilocephalus)、方尾鹟(Culicicapa ceylonensis)、远东苇莺(Acrocephalus tangorum)和蓝短翅鸫(Brachypteryx montana)。钱江源国家公园内鸟类组成兼具古北界和东洋界成分, 东洋种(45.24%)占比略高于古北种(42.46%); 留鸟和迁徙性鸟类的物种数近似; 繁殖鸟类中以东洋种为主(68.79%), 冬候鸟中则以古北种占绝对优势(94.83%)。本研究结果表明, 钱江源国家公园虽然面积有限(252 km 2), 但记录鸟种数占浙江全省的52%, 在鸟类多样性保护中有重要价值; 同时本研究的结果将为该国家公园管理以及未来的鸟类监测和研究提供基础本底。  相似文献   

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