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天童国家森林公园常见植物凋落叶分解的研究   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
 选择天童地区常绿阔叶林及其退化群落常见植物种为对象,着重探讨分解速率和基质营养含量以及比表面积(Specific Leaf Area, SLA)的关系,并试图通过单独分解试验和混合分解试验的比较,从物种、功能群角度探讨凋落叶多样性和分解这一生态系统过程的关系,为深入研究常绿阔叶林常见植物种的营养策略、群落养分循环等奠定基础,也为植被恢复、森林生态系统管理提供理论依据。结果表明:所有凋落叶随时间进程失重率增大,但失重率并不与时间呈线性相关;凋落叶分解后N、P均发生了变化,大多数凋落叶在分解初期N、P均发生了积累,营养元素的释放和富集与凋落叶初始营养状况无明显的相关性。凋落叶的年分解系数与凋落叶中的初始N含量有较高的相关性,而与初始P含量则无显著的相关性;凋落叶的分解速率与成熟叶的面积无相关性,而与其SLA有很强的相关性。通过模型分析,天童地区大多数常见树种凋落叶分解95%需1~4年,平均是2.54年;分解率最高的物种为山鸡椒(Litsea cubeba),其值为6.280,最低的为黄丹木姜子(Litsea elongata),其值为0.558。凋落物混合对分解有很大的影响,虽在初期对分解有阻碍作用,但长期是促进的。若不考虑功能群差异,则可得出多样性的增加有利于分解的结论。功能群数目的增加在凋落物分解前期对分解起促进作用,但这种作用随分解的进展逐渐减小。混合物种的特性往往是决定分解过程的最重要的因素。  相似文献   

人工同龄纯林冠层辐射场模拟模型Ⅰ理论计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
充分考虑坡地人工林冠层结构特征和叶面积空间分布的异质性,分别相邻树冠遮荫和目的树冠遮荫对树冠内辐射场的影响,建立的人工林冠层辐射场模型,可模拟树冠内任意点,在一年内任一时刻的辐射及其直接和散射分量,以及以1h为步长的日总辐射等,为人工林可持续经营和冠层光合生产力模拟奠定基础。  相似文献   

人工同龄纯林冠层辐射场模拟模型I.理论计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
充分考虑坡地人工林冠层结构特征和叶面积空间分布的异质性,分别相邻树冠遮荫和目的树冠遮荫对树冠内辐射场的影响,建立的人工林冠层辐射场模型,可模拟树冠内任意点,在一年内任一时刻内的辐射及其直接和散射分量,以及以1h为步长的日总辐射等,为人工林可持续经营和冠层光合生产力模拟奠定基础。  相似文献   

  细根分解是陆地生态系统C和养分循环的重要环节。以往的细根分解研究以埋袋法的应用为主。然而, 由于埋袋法对分解材料的干扰以及对分解环境的改变使其很难揭示原位环境下根系的自然分解过程。该研究应用微根管(Minirhizotron)技术连续3年对水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)和兴安落叶松(Larix gmelinii)细根的分解过程进行原位监测, 运用Kaplan–Meier方法估算细根分解的保存率及分解期中位值(即50%细根完全分解的时间, Median root decomposition time), 做分解曲线, 用对数秩检验(Log-rank test)方法分析不同树种、直径、根序及土层对细根保存率的影响。结果表明, 伴随时间延长, 细根的保存率逐渐下降, 兴安落叶松细根保存率的下降显著快于水曲柳(p<0.001), 两树种分解期中位值分别为(82±7) d 和(317±28) d; 不同直径等级(≤0.3、0.3~0.6、>0.6 mm)细根的分解速率不同, 两树种最长分解期中位值均出现在最细直径(≤0.3 mm)根中; 高级根分解速率显著低于一级根(p<0.05); 土壤上层分解速度快, 随着土壤深度增加细根分解速率减小。微根管技术为了解细根自然分解过程提供了有效途径。  相似文献   


柞树体内营养元素的垂直分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石福臣 《植物研究》1993,13(3):306-311
本文对柞树的皮、干、根及树冠各层的营养元素,按照不同的高度和层次进行了分析,阐明了这些营养元素在柞树各器官中的垂直分布规律,同时提出了有些营养元素在树皮、树干中的分布存在一个“过渡区”,为进一步研究柞树林的养分动态机理提供了依据。  相似文献   

华南典型人工林凋落物的持水特性   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62       下载免费PDF全文
对于华南地区的杉木 (Cunninghamialanceolata) 林、马尾松 (Pinusmassoniana) 林、湿地松 (Pinuselliottii) 林、马占相思 (Acaciamangium) 林和尾叶桉 (Eucalyptusurophylla) 林的凋落物的储量、持水量、持水率和吸水速率进行了研究。结果表明, 杉木林的凋落物的干重 (6.5× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ) 最大, 其次是马尾松林和马占相思林 (5.5× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ), 而湿地松林 (4.1× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ) 和尾叶桉林较小 (4.0× 10 3 kg·hm-2 ) 。凋落物持水量呈现杉木林 >马占相思林 >尾叶桉林 >马尾松林 >湿地松林。各林分凋落物的最大持水量为杉木林 17.9× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 马占相思林 14.8× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 尾叶桉林 14.0× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 马尾松林 10.6× 10 3 kg·hm-2, 湿地松林 9.8× 10 3 kg·hm-2 。尾叶桉林、杉木林、马占相思林、湿地松林和马尾松林的凋落物最大持水率分别为 35 1%、2 74 %、2 6 9%、2 35 %和 191%。凋落物持水量和凋落物持水率随着浸泡时间的增加按照对数方程增加。 5种林分中尾叶桉林的凋落物吸水速率在各浸泡时间后居首位, 杉木林和马占相思林中等, 湿地松林较小, 而马尾松林最小, 各林分的凋落物的吸水速率随浸泡时间的增长按方程Y =a +b·t-1下降。  相似文献   

用土钻法研究了杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata)、火力楠(Micheliamaclurei)纯林和混交林的细根分布,用分解袋法研究了杉木和火力楠细根的分解,计算了3个林分中细根分解的N,P,K,Ca,Mg的归还量。活细根的垂直分布以火力楠纯林层次性最强,混交林次之,杉木纯林最差。火力楠细根的养分含量比杉木细根高,而C/N比低。火力楠细根年分解率比杉木快,火力楠为57.7%,而杉木为32.78%。细根分解的养分归还量多少顺序依次为:火力楠纯林、杉木火力楠混交林和杉木纯林。混交林中,细根分解的N,P,K,Ca和Mg归还量分别为枯枝落叶的33.38%,5.82%,269.33%,34.12%和376.08%。细根在3个林分的物质循环和周转中起着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

Ordination and classification techniques were used to analyze patterns of forest vegetation, species diversity, and soil type in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge of southwestern Oklahoma. Cluster analysis based on tree species produced three general community types: 1) Quercus stellata-Q. marilandica forests; 2) Q. stellata forests; and 3) mesophytic forests. A polar ordination produced a gradient of vegetation that corresponded to a moisture gradient. Many high diversity forests were located on loamy drainageway soils or north facing slopes. Tree species diversity (H') was inversely related to the importance of Quercus stellata. Cluster analysis based on species composition of the tree seedlings produced four general community types: 1) Q. marilandica type; 2) Q. marilandica-Q. stellata-Juniperus virginiana type; 3) Ulmus americana-Celtis reticulata-Bumelia lanuginosa type; and 4) Acer saccharum type. The third seedling type occurred almost exclusively on loamy drainageway soils. There was no relationship between stand location on the first axis of the tree ordination and the first axis of the seedling ordination suggesting that trees and seedlings respond differently along the moisture gradient.  相似文献   

A bacterial shoot wilt, observed at the East Malling Research Station in 1923 and 1924, is described.
A bacterium isolated from infected shoots has been shown by inoculation experiments to be the cause of the disease.
The organism not only infects young green shoots, but experiments have shown that it can also cause leaf spots, and that it can induce gummosis and cankers on woody branches and on stems.
Cultural studies of the organism suggest that it has not previously been described, so the name Ps. prunicola is proposed for it.  相似文献   

厦门地区芒果盐害的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“叶焦病”是闽南地区芒果(Mangifera indica L.)的一种常见病。对不同地点受害植物的叶片及土壤理化指标的分析表明:①土壤酸度、总N、总P、K、Na等含量与芒果受害程度无关;②受害程度与叶片Cl、K含量、30-40cm土壤Cl含量及总盐含量呈显著正相关;③造成厦门地区芒果“叶焦病”的主要原因是盐害,其中起主要作用的是Cl;④芒果是一种对盐比较敏感的植物,土壤总盐含量达0.489‰时仍  相似文献   

香港三种人工林下植物多样性的调查   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
报道了作者于1995年6月至19%年1月期间对香港3种人工林-红胶木林、相思树林、荷树及其混交林林下植物区系调查的初步结果。在10个面积为200-400m2的人工林样方中,共记载了184种非栽培的植物种类,它们分属于70个科139属,其中42%的种类是树木,约占香港树木区系的20%。最常见的植物种类通常具有可以被鸟类传播的小型浆果或核果,它们也是天然次生林中的常见种。这些人工林样方的树木多样性(Shannon指数)在0-2.66之间,随着人工林的年龄增长呈增加的趋势。人工林在加速森林植被的恢复和促进退化地区生物多样性的发展中具有重要的作用,特别是植物种源严重贫乏地区森林植被恢复的重要手段。在营造速生人工林时,适当引入鸟播的野生树种,可加速人工林的自然演替速度和提高人工林的生态效益。  相似文献   

Greenidge , K. N. H. (Dalhousie U., Halifax, Nova Scotia.) Studies in the physiology of forest trees. IV. Moisture movement in decapitated stems. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(10) : 816–819. Illus. 1960.—The rates and patterns of moisture movement in large, decapitated ring-porous stems have been investigated with the aid of water-soluble dyes injected into the lower boles of standing trees. A few observations have been made also in diffuse-porous trees treated in the same manner. Movement has been found to continue to the very apices of the stubs of oak and elm stems in the complete absence of foliar surfaces. Similar results were obtained in untouched stubs, and in stubs, the sawn surfaces of which were shellacked following decapitation and prior to injection. In oak and elm thus treated, maximum rates of movement approached 1/2 the velocities characteristic of entire stems. In shellacked and unshellacked stubs injected 20–24 hr. after decapitation, rates of movement, although commensurable, were further decreased. The relative distance moved by the stain varied on occasion in ash, and rates of movement dropped markedly in this species following decapitation. Similarly, speeds of travel were much reduced in diffuse-porous species following detopping.  相似文献   

Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii Nutt.) is normally monoecious, flowering once a year in spring. In Utah, August 1978, several individuals were observed producing hermaphroditic flowers in riparian habitats. This unusual event was preceded by a general freeze of male catkins in May which resulted in low acorn production. In 1979 the same individuals flowered normally, with no evidence of freeze damage or hermaphroditic flowers being observed. Acorns were produced on these individuals in both years. It is suggested that hermaphroditic flowering in the Fagaceae is an ancestral condition, still present in the genome, but normally suppressed, which may be evoked by unusual environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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