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Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate a series of mutants harboring point or multiple substitutions within the hydrophilic, polybasic domain of gp91(phox) encompassed by residues 86-102, which was previously identified as a site of interaction with p47(phox) during phagocyte NADPH oxidase assembly. Recombinant wild-type or mutant gp91(phox) was expressed in a human myeloid leukemia cell line in which the endogenous gp91(phox) gene was disrupted by gene targeting. NADPH oxidase activity was measured in a cytochrome c reduction assay following granulocytic differentiation of cells that expressed recombinant gp91(phox). Expression of a gp91(phox) mutant in which amino acids 89-97 were replaced with nine alternate amino acids abolished NADPH oxidase activity. Expression of gp91(phox) mutants R89T, D95A, D95R, R96A, R96E, or K102T did not significantly affect NADPH oxidase activity. However, mutations of individual or paired arginine residues at positions 91 and 92 had substantial effects on superoxide generation. The R91E/R92E mutation completely abolished both NADPH oxidase activity and membrane-translocation of the cytosolic oxidase proteins p47(phox), p67(phox), Rac1, and Rac2. The phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced rate of superoxide production was reduced by approximately 75% in cells expressing R91T/R92A, R91E, or R92E gp91(phox) along with an increased lag time to the maximal rates of superoxide production relative to cells expressing wild-type gp91(phox). Taken together, these results demonstrate that Arg91 and Arg92 of gp91(phox) are essential for flavocytochrome b558 function in granulocytes and suggest that these residues participate in the interaction of gp91(phox) with the cytosolic oxidase proteins.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric flavocytochrome b558, comprised of the two integral membrane proteins p22phox and gp91phox, mediates the transfer of electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen in the phagocyte NADPH oxidase to generate the superoxide precursor of microbicidal oxidants. This study uses deletion mutagenesis to identify regions of p22phox required for maturation of gp91phox and for NADPH oxidase activity. N-terminal, C-terminal, or internal deletions of human p22phox were generated and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells with transgenes for gp91phox and two other NADPH oxidase subunits, p47phox, and p67phox. The results demonstrate that p22phox-dependent maturation of gp91phox carbohydrate, cell surface expression of gp91phox, and the enzymatic function of flavocytochrome b558 are closely correlated. Whereas the 5 N-terminal and 25 C-terminal amino acids are dispensable for these functions, the N-terminal 11 amino acids of p22phox are required, as is a hydrophilic region between amino acids 65 and 90. Upon deletion of 54 residues at the C terminus of p22phox (amino acids 142-195), maturation and cell surface expression of gp91phox was still preserved, although NADPH oxidase activity was absent, as expected, due to removal of a proline-rich domain between amino acids 151-160 that is required for recruitment of p47phox. Antibody binding studies indicate that the extreme N terminus of p22phox is inaccessible in the absence of cell permeabilization, supporting a model in which both the N- and C-terminal domains of p22phox extend into the cytoplasm, anchored by two membrane-embedded regions.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence was determined for the first part of the Bacillus subtilis sdh operon. An open reading frame corresponding to the structural gene, sdhA, for cytochrome b558 was identified. The predicted molecular weight of the cytochrome (excluding the N-terminal methionine) is 22,770. It is a very hydrophobic protein with five probable membrane-spanning segments. There is little homology between the B. subtilis cytochrome b558 and cytochrome b of mitochondrial complex III from different organisms or between cytochrome b558 and the hydrophobic sdhC and sdhD peptides of the Escherichia coli sdh operon. About 30 bases downstream of the sdhA stop codon, a new open reading frame starts. The nucleotide sequence predicts the presence of a typical flavin-binding peptide which identifies this reading frame as part of the sdhB gene. Seven bases upstream of the sdhA initiation codon ATG there is a typical B. subtilis ribosome binding site (free energy of interaction, -63 kJ), and further upstream, tentative sigma 55 and sigma 32 promoter sequences were found. The upstream region also contains two 12-base-long direct repeats; their significance is unknown.  相似文献   

We have attempted to purify the heme moiety of cytochrome b558 from human neutrophils. Cytochrome b558 was solubilized from the crude membrane fraction which was pretreated with both 1 M potassium phosphate buffer and 1% octyl glucoside at low ionic strength. The solubilization of cytochrome b558 was carried out efficiently with 1.6% octyl glucoside in the presence of 100 mM phosphate buffer. Solubilized cytochrome b558 was purified by hydroxylapatite, DEAE-Sephacel, and Mono Q fast protein liquid chromatography. The specific content of purified cytochrome b558 was 37 nmol/mg of protein. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of purified cytochrome b558 revealed a single band of 20,000 Da. The large subunit of cytochrome b558, which has been reported by others, could not be found in purified cytochrome b558 even with silver staining. The amino acid composition of the heme-containing moiety of cytochrome b558 was abundant in hydrophobic amino acids. The circular dichroism spectra of both oxidized and reduced b558-type cytochromes exhibited bilobed bands with wavelengths of crossover points closely corresponding to those of the maxima in the optical absorbance spectra at the Soret region. Furthermore, there were some differences in the shoulders and peak widths of CD spectra between oxidized and reduced b558-type cytochromes. These results indicate that this method provides the purification of the small subunit of human cytochrome b558 which is the heme-carrying subunit of cytochrome b558, and suggest that cytochrome b558 has heme-heme interaction and some conformational changes in the alternation of the redox state.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b558 is the only membrane component of the phagocyte O2(-)-producing NADPH oxidase. The O2- production by the oxidase reconstituted in vitro with the crude membrane fraction is enhanced several-fold by addition of FAD, whereas that with the partially purified cytochrome is completely dependent on exogenous FAD, suggesting that FAD acts through the membrane component, cytochrome b558. The alignments of the amino acid sequence of the large subunit of the cytochrome (gp91-phox) with those of previously characterized flavoproteins reveal that the middle and C-terminal portions of gp91-phox are likely to be FAD- and NADPH-binding domains, respectively. Cytochrome b558, thus, appears to be a flavoprotein with an NADPH-binding site, of the NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b558 of pig blood neutrophils was purified from the membranes of resting cells to examine its ability to reconstitute superoxide (O2-)-forming NADPH oxidase activity in a cell-free assay system containing cytosol and fatty acid. The membrane-associated cytochrome b558 was solubilized with a detergent, n-heptyl beta-thioglucoside, and purified by DEAE-Sepharose, heparin-Sepharose, and Mono Q column chromatography. The final preparation of cytochrome containing 11.5 nmol of protoheme/mg of protein gave bands of the large and small subunits on immunoblotted gel. The cell-free system with the purified cytochrome alone as a membrane component showed little O2(-)-generating activity in the absence of exogenous FAD. However, the system showed high O2(-)-generating activity of 31.8 mol/s/mol of cytochrome b558 (52.5% of the original O2(-)-generating activity of the solubilized membranes) in the presence of a nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) reductase fraction that was separated from the cytochrome b fraction by heparin-Sepharose chromatography. Heat treatment of the NBT reductase fraction resulted in loss of the O2(-)-generating activity in the reconstituted system. The O2(-)-forming activity of the reconstituted system was markedly decreased by removal of FAD from the NBT reductase fraction and was restored by readdition of FAD to the FAD-depleted reductase. The reconstituted system containing purified cytochrome b558 plus the NBT reductase showed approximately 100 times higher O2(-)-generating activity than a system containing rabbit liver NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase instead. These results suggest that both the FAD-dependent NBT reductase and cytochrome b558 are required as membrane redox components for O2(-)-forming NADPH oxidase activity. The present data are discussed in comparison with previously reported results on reconstituted systems containing added free FAD.  相似文献   

It is known that in respiratory burst oxidase preparations engaged in O2- production, cytochrome b558, a characteristic oxidase component, is partly reduced. This result has been interpreted in terms of a mechanism in which cytochrome b558 functions as an electron-carrying component of the respiratory burst oxidase, its level of reduction reflecting a steady-state partitioning of the cytochrome between reduced and oxidized forms as it ferries electrons from NADPH to oxygen. Kinetic arguments based on this interpretation have supported the proposal that the cytochrome is reduced at a rate sufficient to account for the rate of O2- production by activated neutrophils. We have confirmed the partial reduction of cytochrome b558 in neutrophil cytoplasts and in oxidase preparations exposed to NADPH, but have found that the reduction of the cytochrome bears no apparent relation to the activity of the oxidase, and can occur when NADPH is added to neutrophil membrane preparations that are unable to manufacture O2-. We therefore conclude that the NADPH-dependent reduction of cytochrome b558 seen in these preparations is unlikely to be a reflection of a catalysis-related steady state and that inferences drawn from such observations regarding the kinetic competence of the cytochrome may need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The phagocyte NADPH-dependent oxidase generates superoxide (O(2)) by reducing molecular oxygen through flavocytochrome b(558) (flavocytochrome b), a heterodimeric oxidoreductase composed of gp91(phox) and p22(phox) subunits. Although each flavocytochrome b molecule contains two heme groups, their precise distribution within the heterodimer is unknown. Among functionally and/or structurally related oxidoreductases, histidines at codons 101, 111, 115, 119, 209, 210, and 222 of gp91(phox) are conserved and potential candidates to ligate heme. We compared biochemical and functional features of normal flavocytochrome b with those in cells expressing gp91(phox) harboring amino acid substitutions at each of these histidines. Surface expression of flavocytochrome b and heterodimer formation were relatively unaffected in cells expressing gp91(phox) H111L, H119L, or H210L. These mutations also had no effect on the flavocytochrome b heme spectrum, although NADPH oxidase activity was decreased in cells expressing gp91(phox) H119L or H210L. In contrast, gp65 was not processed to gp91(phox), heterodimers did not form, and flavocytochrome b was not expressed on the surface of cells expressing gp91(phox) H101L, H115L, H115D, H209C, H209Y, H222L, H222C, or H222R. Similarly, this subset of mutants lacked detectable O(2)-generating activity, and flavocytochrome b purified from these cells contained little or no heme. These findings demonstrate that His(101), His(115), His(209), and His(222) of gp91(phox) are critical for heme binding and biosynthetic maturation of flavocytochrome b.  相似文献   

Iron and probably also copper are absorbed by the intestine in their reduced form. A b-type cytochrome, Dcytb, has recently been cloned from mouse and has been proposed to be the corresponding reductase. However, the nature of the cytochrome and the reduction reaction remain unknown. Here we describe the isolation and functional characterization of a novel b-type cytochrome from rabbit enterocytes. The 33 kDa heme protein was solubilized from brush border membranes with Triton X-100 and purified by successive ion exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Spectroscopic analysis of the heme revealed a b(558) cytochrome. The purified hemoprotein exhibited ascorbate-stimulated reduction of iron(III) and copper(II). The rate constants, k(1), for these reactions were 1.38 +/- 0.12 and 0.64 +/- 0.16 min(-1), respectively. Cytochrome b(558) may be the rabbit Dcytb homologue. A novel mechanism of how cytochrome b(558) could shuttle electrons from cytoplasmic ascorbate to luminal dehydroascorbate is proposed.  相似文献   

Tso SC  Yin Y  Yu CA  Yu L 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2006,1757(12):1561-1567
A region of subunit IV comprising residues 77-85 is identified as essential for interaction with the core complex to restore the bc(1) activity (reconstitutive activity). Recombinant subunit IV mutants with single or multiple alanine substitution at this region were generated and characterized to identify the essential amino acid residues. Residues 81-84, with sequence of YRYR, are required for reconstitutive activity of subunit IV, because a mutant with these four residues substituted with alanine has little activity, while a mutant with alanine substitution at residues 77-80 and 85 have the same reconstitutive activity as that of the wild-type IV. The positively charged group at R-82 and R-84 and both the hydroxyl group and aromatic group at Y-81 and Y-83 are essential. The interactions between these four residues of subunit IV and residues of core subunits are also responsible for the stability of the complex. However, these interactions are not essential for the incorporation of subunit IV into the bc(1) complex.  相似文献   

A soluble cytochrome b(558) from the purple phototropic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata was completely sequenced by a combination of automated Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. The protein, with a measured mass of 10,094.7 Da, contains 90 residues and binds a single protoheme. Unexpectedly, the sequence shows homology to eukaryotic cytochromes b(5). As no prokaryotic homologue had been reported so far, we developed a protocol for the expression, purification, and crystallization of recombinant cytochrome b(558). The structure was solved by molecular replacement to a resolution of 1.65 A. It shows that cytochrome b(558) is indeed the first bacterial cytochrome b(5) to be characterized and differs from its eukaryotic counterparts by the presence of a disulfide bridge and a four-residue insertion in front of the sixth ligand (histidine). Eukaryotes contain a variety of b(5) homologues, including soluble and membrane-bound multifunctional proteins as well as multidomain enzymes such as sulfite oxidase, fatty-acid desaturase, nitrate reductase, and lactate dehydrogenase. A search of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome showed that a previously unidentified gene encodes a fatty-acid desaturase with an N-terminal b(5) domain. Thus, it may provide another example of a bacterial b(5) homologue.  相似文献   

Subunit VIII was purified from a preparation of the human heart cytochrome c oxidase and its complete amino acid sequence was determined. The sequence proved to be much more related to that of the bovine liver oxidase subunit VIII than to that found in bovine heart. Our finding of a ‘liver-type’ subunit VIII in the human heart enzyme suggests that either there are no isoforms of human subunit VIII or the human oxidase does not show the type of tissue specificity that has been reported for the oxidase in other mammals.  相似文献   

With (resonance) Raman microscospectroscopy, it is possible to investigate the chemical constitution of a very small volume (0.5 fl) in a living cell. We have measured resonance Raman spectra in the cytoplasm of living normal, myeloperoxidase (MPO)-deficient, and cytochrome b558-deficient neutrophils and in isolated specific and azurophilic granule fractions, using an excitation wavelength of 413.1 nm. Similar experiments were performed after reduction of the redox centers by the addition of sodium dithionite. The specific and azurophilic granules in both redox states appeared to have clearly distinguishable Raman spectra when exciting at a wavelength of 413.1 nm. The azurophilic granules and the cytochrome b558-deficient neutrophils showed Raman spectra similar to that of the isolated MPO. The spectra of the specific granules and the MPO-deficient neutrophils corresponded very well to published cytochrome b558 spectra. The resonance Raman spectrum of the cytoplasmic region of normal neutrophilic granulocytes could be fitted with a combination of the spectra of the specific and azurophilic granules, which shows that the Raman signal of neutrophilic granulocytes mainly originates from MPO and cytochrome b558, at an excitation wavelength of 413.1 nm.  相似文献   



In plants the hormone cytokinin is perceived by members of a small cytokinin receptor family, which are hybrid sensor histidine kinases. While the immediate downstream signaling pathway is well characterized, the domain of the receptor responsible for ligand binding and which residues are involved in this process has not been determined experimentally.  相似文献   

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