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Intestinal development is typically studied using omnivores. For comparative purposes, we examined an altricial carnivore, the mink (Mustela vison). In mink, intestinal dimensions increase up to 8 wk after birth and then remain constant (length) or decrease (mass) into maturity despite continuing gains in body mass. Rates of glucose and fructose transport decline after birth for intact tissues but increase for brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV). Rates of absorption for five amino acids that are substrates for the acidic (aspartate), basic (lysine), neutral (leucine and methionine), and imino acid (proline) carriers increase between birth and 24 h for intact tissues before declining, but increase after 2 wk for BBMV. The proportion of BBMV amino acid uptake that is Na(+)-dependent increases during development but for aspartate is nearly 100% at all ages. Tracer uptake by BBMV can be inhibited by 100 mmol/l of unlabeled amino acid, except for lysine. BBMV uptake of the dipeptide glycyl-sarcosine does not differ between ages, is not Na(+) dependent, and is only partially inhibited by 100 mmol/l unlabeled dipeptide. Despite the ability to rapidly and efficiently digest high dietary loads of protein, rates of amino acid and peptide absorption are not markedly higher than those of other mammals.  相似文献   

Effect of NaF on ATP-ase, creatine kinase, acid and basic phosphatases activity of small intestine mucosa in white rats during enteral administration of NaCl, KCl solutions has been studied under conditions of acute experiment. Inhibition of the Mg2+-ATP-ase activity by 13%, general ATP-ase activity by 25%, creatine kinase by 22% and a 2.2-3 fold inhibition of Na, K+-ATP-ase activity is observed. Acid and basic phosphatase activity does not change, swelling of mucosa is observed. The acid phosphatase activity in the intestinal contents increases 1.5 times, basic phosphatase activity--1.7 times, creatine amount--1.7 times, Pi amount 1.8 times. In experiments in vitro F- produces 20% activation of the basic phosphatase of mucosa and a 2.6-fold inhibition of the acid phosphatase. Rate of fructose absorption falls by 34%, that of methionine--by 29%, glucose--by 24%, glutaminic acid--by 10%. Activity of general ATP-ase in this case decreases by 22, 15, 27, 20% respectively. It is supposed that the F- effect results in destabilization of the membrane structures of the intestine mucosa.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that sustained exercise in human subjects causes an increase in the plasma concentration ratio of free tryptophan: other large neutral amino acids [including the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)]. This should favour the transport of tryptophan into the brain and also the synthesis of 5-hydroxytryptamine, which is thought to contribute to fatigue during prolonged exercise. A mixture of the three BCAA was given to subjects during a 30-km cross-country race or a marathon (42.2 km) and the effects on mental and physical performances were measured. The mental performance, measured as the performance in the Stroop Colour and Word Test (CWT), was improved after, as compared to before the 30-km cross-country race when a BCAA supplement was given during the race, whereas the CWT scores were similar before and after in the placebo group. The running performance in the marathon was improved for the "slower" runners (3.05 h-3.30 h) when BCAA was taken during the race; however, there was no significant effect on the performance in the "faster" runners (less than 3.05 h). The results showed that both mental and physical performance was improved by an intake of BCAA during exercise. In addition, the effects of exercise on the plasma concentration of the aromatic amino acids were altered when a BCAA supplement was given during the marathon.  相似文献   

1. Monosaccharides, amino sugars and N-acetylneuraminic acid were determined by using an original colorimetric assay procedure, based on the detection of formaldehyde released after periodate oxidation. A range of these compounds was investigated by this method and they were all found to obey Beer's law within the concentration range 0-0.6mumole/ml. 2. A simple method for the determination of 6-deoxyhexose concentration in the presence of other monosaccharides is also described. 3. The optimum pH for the release of formaldehyde from sugars by periodate oxidation was 7.0-7.5. 4. The methods described have considerable advantages over existing assay systems and their particlar value in automatic colorimetry, where the use of concentrated acids is undesirable, is discussed.  相似文献   

Phloem loading and unloading of sugars and amino acids   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
In terrestrial higher plants, phloem transport delivers most nutrients required for growth and storage processes. Some 90% of plant biomass, transported as sugars and amino nitrogen (N) compounds in a bulk flow of solution, is propelled though the phloem by osmotically generated hydrostatic pressure differences between source (net nutrient export) and sink (net nutrient import) ends of phloem paths. Source loading and sink unloading of sugars, amino N compounds and potassium largely account for phloem sap osmotic concentrations and hence pressure differences. A symplasmic component is characteristic of most loading and unloading pathways which, in some circumstances, may be interrupted by an apoplasmic step. Raffinose series sugars appear to be loaded symplasmically. However, sucrose, and probably certain amino acids, are loaded into minor veins from source leaf apoplasms by proton symporters localized to plasma membranes of their sieve element/companion cell (se/cc) complexes. Sucrose transporters, with complementary kinetic properties, are conceived to function as membrane transporter complexes that respond to alterations in source/sink balance. In contrast, symplasmic unloading is common for many sink types. Intervention of an apoplasmic step, distal from importing phloem, is reserved for special situations. Effluxers that release sucrose and amino acids to the surrounding apoplasm in phloem loading and unloading are yet to be cloned. The physiological behaviour of effluxers is consistent with facilitated membrane transport that can be energy coupled. Roles of sucrose and amino acid transporters in phloem unloading remain to be discovered along with mechanisms regulating symplasmic transport. The latter is hypothesized to exert significant control over phloem unloading and, in some circumstances, phloem loading.  相似文献   

The review is mainly devoted to the development of ideas about absorption, or transport, of basic nutrients in the small intestine in humans and higher animal. The absorption processes have been characterized on the example of such substances, vital for organism, as carbohydrates and proteins. The review considers a molecular structure of transporters--protein molecules, which take part in a transfer of the products of lumenal and membrane digestion of carbohydrates (glucose, galactose, fructose) and proteins (amino acids, oligopeptides) across the enterocyte membranes. An information is presented about genetic disturbances of transport of certain amino acids during such diseases as Hartnup disease, cystinuria, and iminoglycineuria.  相似文献   

The growth of alkalophilic Bacillus no. A-40-2 with nitrate as the nitrogen source was highly stimulated by the addition of 0.1% of certain amino acids, sugars, organic acids, nucleic acids, or Fe2+ or Mn2+ at concentrations of 10 mM or more to the medium, resulting in maximum growth after 24 h. Other alkalophilic Bacillus strains also showed the same results. A decrease in the amount of nitrate in the medium was observed. The optimum pH of nitrate reductase was 7.5.  相似文献   

A technique to isolate epithelial cells from rabbit jejunum using hyaluronidase is described. The cells obtained retained their abilities to accumulate sugars and potassium (86Rb) against concentration gradients. Potassium efflux was monitored using cells preloaded with 86Rb and the rate constant of efflux was seen to increase when actively transported sugars or amino acids are added to the bathing medium. The increase is related to the transport of the non-electrolyte, but not to volume regulatory events.  相似文献   

Inelastic Electron Tunnelling Spectroscopy (IETS) has been used to identify the reaction products present on an alumina surface when it is exposed to likely components of the earth's prebiotic atmosphere. The alumina barrier of Al-AlO x -Pb tunnelling junctions have been exposed to water; aqueous ammonia; wet carbon monoxide gas and to aqueous formaldehyde vapour under normal atmospheric conditions at room temperature. The water spectrum shows strong coincidence with that of a genuine sample of formic acid. It is proposed that atmospheric CO2 is involved in this surface catalyzed reaction. The aqueous ammonia spectrum is assigned as an amino acid species produced from ammonia, water and atmospheric carbon dioxide. This spectrum compares very closely with the tunnelling spectrum of a genuine sample of glycine. The wet carbon monoxide spectrum and the aqueous formaldehyde spectrum have been produced by an infusion doping process. These spectra of CO and aqueous formaldehyde are assigned as a sugar like polymer or a sugar formed on the alumina surface. A tunnelling spectrum of D(–) fructose has been produced to aid this assignment. The role of an inorganic template such as alumina in the original prebiotic synthesis of amino acids and sugars is considered.  相似文献   

Three axenic and rhizosphere microorganism-inoculated shortgrass steppe plant species were evaluated for possible differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen present as sugars, organic acids and amino acids. IntroducedAgropyron cristatum was compared toA. smithii andBouteloua gracilis, which are dominant species in the native shortgrass steppe. These plants, grown for 90 days in root growth chambers, showed differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen per gram of root, and rhizosphere microbe presence resulted in additional changes in these compounds. The root biomass ofB. gracilis was significantly increased with microbes present. TheAgropyron species had significantly lower amino acid levels with microbes present, while under the same conditions, theB. gracilis showed significant decreases in residual sugars. Based on the amino acids, sugars and organic acids, the C/N ratio of the sterileA. cristatum was higher than forB. gracilis. Rhizosphere microbe presence did not result in changes in these C/N ratios. These results suggest thatA. cristatum, with microbes present, will have lower levels of amino acids present, whileB. gracilis, with a lower C/N ratio, will have sugars used to a greater extent by the rhizosphere microbes. This resulted in the higher levels of residual soluble organic C and N in the rhizosphere ofB. gracilis, in comparison with the introducedA. cristatum. These differences may be critical in influencing the course of nutrient accumulation and plant competition in short-grass steppe communities, and in understanding basic aspects of plant-rhizosphere microorganism interactions.  相似文献   

Natural amino acids and sugars in unicellular eukaryotes are known to regulate adenylyl cyclase (AC) and guanylyl cyclase (GC) systems that control the most important cell processes. The goal of the present work consisted in study of effects of natural amino acids and sugars and some of their derivatives on AC and GC activities of infusoria Tetrahymena pyriformis and Dileptus anser. Methionine, arginine, lysine, and tryptamine stimulated basic AC activity of T. pyriformis, whereas alanine, tyramine, and cysteine decreased it. Methionine, glycine, alanine, thyrosine, arginine, and to the lesser degree tryptamine and histidine stimulated AC of D. anser. The GC activity of T. pyriformis rose in the presence of tryptamine, tryptophane, histidine, arginine, and lysine, whereas glycine and aspartic acid, on the contrary, decreased it. Tryptamine, tryptophan, leucine, glutamic acid, serine, histidine, and alanine stimulated the GC activity of D. anser. Glucose, fructose, and sucrose stimulated the basal AC activity of both infusorians and GC of T. pyriformis, with glucose and sucrose increasing AC of T. pyriformis twice, while that of D. anser 4.5 times. Lactose stimulated AC and GC of T. pyriformis and was inefficient with respect to the D. anser cyclases, whereas mannose and galactose did not affect the enzyme activities in both infusorians. The study of the chemotactic response of the infusorians to amino acids and sugars indicates that involved in realization of this response can be signaling pathways both dependent on and independent of cyclic nucleotides. Thus, it has been established for the first time that several amino acids and sugars affect functional activity of enzymes with cyclase activity of the infusorians T. pyriformis and D. anser. This confirms the hypothesis that at early stages of evolution the large specter of comparatively simple natural molecules has a hormone-like action.  相似文献   

The efficiency of amino acid, organic acid and sugar metabolism was quantified for adult Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) by comparing chemical profiles of xylem fluid (food source) and insect exudate. Leafhoppers were confined in Parafilm® sachets to stems of 4 host plants: [Baccharis halimifolia (L.), Lagerstroemia indica (L.), Prunus salicina (Lindl.), Prunus persica (L.), Batsch]. Insect feeding rates (0.09–0.27 ml h–1), exudate osmolarity (7.8–12.8 mM) and exudate composition (mainly inorganic entities) were characteristic of a xylem feeder. Total organic solute concentration in the xylem fluid of B. halimifolia, L. indica, P. salicina and P. persica was ca. 9.4, 13.8, 5.5 and 1.8 mM, respectively. Nineteen protein amino acids, 7 organic acids and 3 or 4 sugars were identifid in the xylem fluid. Total amino acids, organic acids and sugars were metabolized with ca. 99% efficiency. Glutamine, asparagine, arginine and citric, malic and succinic acids, the predominant organic compounds in the xylem fluid of all four plant species, were metabolized with greater than 99% efficiency. Cysteine (51%), methionine (74%) and oxalic acid (77%) were metabolized with the lowest efficiency. The primary nitrogenous waste was NH inf4 sup+ ; uric acid or urea were not detected. Nitrogen retention was generally less than 60% of dietary nitrogen. High feeding rates, ammonotelism and an extremely high metabolic efficiency of organic compounds permit H. coagulata to subsist on the dilute and skewed chemical profile of xylem fluid.
Résumé L'efficacité du métabolisme des amino-acides, des acides organiques et des sucres a été quantifiée chez des H. coagulata Say (Hom. Cicadellidae) adultes, en comparant la composition chimique de la sève du xylème et du miellat des insectes. Les cicadelles ont été maintenues dans des sachets de parafilm avec des tiges de 4 plantes hôtes: Baccharis halimifolia L., Lagerstroemia indica L., Prunus salicina Lindl. et Prunus persica Batsch. Le taux de consommation (0,09 à 0,27 ml hr–1), l'osmolarité du miellat (7,8 à 12,8 mM) et la composition du miellat (principalement des éléments inorganiques) sont caractéristiques des consommateurs de xylème. Les concentrations organiques totales en soluté de la sève du xylème étaient respectivement: 9,4; 13,8; 5,5; et 1,8 mM chez B. halimifolia, L. indica, P. salicina et P. persica. 19 amino acides protéiques, 7 acides organiques et 3 ou 4 sucres ont été identifiés dans la sève du xylème. Les acides aminés, les acides organiques et les sucres ont été métabolisés dans leur ensemble avec une efficacité de 99%. La glutamine, l'asparagine, l'arginine et les acides citrique, malique et succinique,-les principaux composés organiques de la sève du xylème de ces 4 plantes,-ont été métabolisés avec plus de 99% d'efficacité. La cystéine (51%), la méthionine (74%) et l'acide oxalique (77%) ont été métabolisés avec une plus faible efficacité. Le déchet azoté primarie était NH inf4 sup+ ; l'acide urique et lurée n'ont pas été décelés. La fixation d'azote a été généralement inférieure à 60% de l'azote consommé. Des taux de consommation élevés, l'ammonotélisme et une efficacité extrêmement élevée du métabolisme des composés organiques permettent à H. coagulata de survivre malgré la composition chimique biaisée et la dilution de la sève du xylème.

Experimental support is given for a model concerning the origin of a primordial transport system. The model is based on the facilitated diffusion of amino acids stimulated by aliphatic aldehyde carriers and sugars stimulated by aliphatic amine carriers. The lipid-soluble diffusing species is the Schiff base. The possible role of this simple transport system in the origin of an early protocell is discussed.  相似文献   

Transport of some amino acids and sugars in rat-liver slices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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