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The active-site metal ion and the associated ligand amino acids in the NADP-linked, tetrameric enzyme Thermoanaerobacter brockii alcohol dehydrogenase (TBADH) were characterized by atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis and site-directed mutagenesis. Our preliminary results indicating the presence of a catalytic zinc and the absence of a structural metal ion in TBADH (Peretz & Burstein. 1989. Biochemistry 28:6549-6555) were verified. To determine the role of the putative active-site zinc, we investigated whether exchanging the zinc for other metal ions would affect the structural and/or the enzymatic properties of the enzyme. Substituting various metal ions for zinc either enhanced or diminished enzymatic activity, as follows: Mn2+ (240%); Co2+ (130%); Cd2+ (20%); Cu2+ or V3+ (< 5%). Site-directed mutagenesis to replace any one of the three putative zinc ligands of TBADH, Cys 37, His 59, or Asp 150, with the non-chelating residue, alanine, abolished not only the metal-binding capacity of the enzyme but also its catalytic activity, without affecting the overall secondary structure of the enzyme. Replacing the three putative catalytic zinc ligands of TBADH with the respective chelating residues serine, glutamine, or cysteine damaged the zinc-binding capacity of the mutated enzyme and resulted in a loss of catalytic activity that was partially restored by adding excess zinc to the reaction. The results imply that the zinc atom in TBADH is catalytic rather than structural and verify the involvement of Cys 37, His 59, and Asp 150 of TBADH in zinc coordination.  相似文献   

A comparison of the three-dimensional structures of the closely related mesophilic Clostridium beijerinckii alcohol dehydrogenase (CBADH) and the hyperthermophilic Thermoanaerobacter brockii alcohol dehydrogenase (TBADH) suggested that extra proline residues in TBADH located in strategically important positions might contribute to the extreme thermal stability of TBADH. We used site-directed mutagenesis to replace eight complementary residue positions in CBADH, one residue at a time, with proline. All eight single-proline mutants and a double-proline mutant of CBADH were enzymatically active. The critical sites for increasing thermostability parameters in CBADH were Leu-316 and Ser-24, and to a lesser degree, Ala-347. Substituting proline for His-222, Leu-275, and Thr-149, however, reduced thermal stability parameters. Our results show that the thermal stability of the mesophilic CBADH can be moderately enhanced by substituting proline at strategic positions analogous to nonconserved prolines in the homologous thermophilic TBADH. The proline residues that appear to be crucial for the increased thermal stability of CBADH are located at a beta-turn and a terminating external loop in the polypeptide chain. Positioning proline at the N-caps of alpha-helices in CBADH led to adverse effects on thermostability, whereas single-proline mutations in other positions in the polypeptide had varying effects on thermal parameters. The finding presented here support the idea that at least two of the eight extra prolines in TBADH contribute to its thermal stability.  相似文献   

Glu-60 of the zinc-dependent Thermoanaerobacter brockii alcohol dehydrogenase (TbADH) is a strictly conserved residue in all members of the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) family. Unlike most other ADHs, the crystal structures of TbADH and its analogs, ADH from Clostridium beijerinckii (CbADH), exhibit a unique zinc coordination environment in which this conserved residue is directly coordinated to the catalytic zinc ion in the native form of the enzymes. To explore the role of Glu-60 in TbADH catalysis, we have replaced it by alanine (E60A-TbADH) and aspartate (E60D-TbADH). Steady-state kinetic measurements show that the catalytic efficiency of these mutants is only four- and eightfold, respectively, lower than that of wild-type TbADH. We applied X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) and near-UV circular dichroism to characterize the local environment around the catalytic zinc ion in the variant enzymes in their native, cofactor-bound, and inhibited forms. We show that the catalytic zinc site in the studied complexes of the variant enzymes exhibits minor changes relative to the analogous complexes of wild-type TbADH. These moderate changes in the kinetic parameters and in the zinc ion environment imply that the Glu-60 in TbADH does not remain bound to the catalytic zinc ion during catalysis. Furthermore, our results suggest that a water molecule replaces this residue during substrate turnover.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and application of a bioaffinity chromatographic system for the one-step purification of an NADP(+)-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase from the obligate anaerobe, Thermoanaerobacter brockii (TBADH, EC The general approach is based upon improving the selectivity of immobilized cofactor derivatives (general ligand approach to bioaffinity chromatography) through using soluble enzyme-specific substrate analogues in irrigants to promote biospecific adsorption (the kinetic locking-on tactic). Specifically, the following is described: Evaluation of 8'-azo-linked, C(8)-linked, N(1)-linked, and N(6)-linked immobilized NADP(+) derivatives for use with the kinetic locking-on strategy for bioaffinity purification of TBADH; evaluation of 2', 5'-ADP as a stripping ligand for TBADH bioaffinity purifications using an 8'-azo-linked immobilized NADP(+) derivative in the locking-on mode; and application of the developed bioaffinity chromatographic system to the purification of TBADH from a crude cellular extract. Surprizingly, of the four immobilized NADP(+) derivatives investigated, only the 8'-azo-linked immobilized NADP(+) derivative proved effective for TBADH affinity purification when used in conjunction with pyrazole (a competitive inhibitor of TBADH activity) as the locking-on ligand. This is in contrast to other NADP(+)-dependent dehydrogenases where the immobilized N(6)-linked cofactor proved to be suitable. While the one-step purification of TBADH to electrophoretic homogeneity is described in the present study (92% yield), results from the model chromatographic studies point to improvements that could be made to the immobilized cofactor derivative to improve its suitability for TBADH bioaffinity purification and to facilitate future large scale protein purification operations.  相似文献   

The course of inactivation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) using 4,4′-dithiodipyridine (DSDP) has been studied in this paper. The results show that the reaction mechanism between DSDP and YADH is a competitive, complexing inhibition. The microscopic constants for the inactivation of the free enzyme and the enzyme-substrate complex were determined. The presence of the substrate NAD+ offers strong protection for this enzyme against inactivation by DSDP. The above results suggest that two Cys residues are essential for activity and are situated at the active site. These essential Cys residues should be Cys-46 and Cys-174 which are ligands to the catalytic zinc ion. Another Cys residue, which can be modified by DSDP, is non-essential for activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase was purified in 14 h from male Fischer-344 rat livers by differential centrifugation, (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, and chromatography over DEAE-Affi-Gel Blue, Affi-Gel Blue, and AMP-agarose. Following HPLC more than 240-fold purification was obtained. Under denaturing conditions, the enzyme migrated as a single protein band (Mr congruent to 40,000) on 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Under nondenaturing conditions, the protein eluted from an HPLC I-125 column as a symmetrical peak with a constant enzyme specific activity. When examined by analytical isoelectric focusing, two protein and two enzyme activity bands comigrated closely together (broad band) between pH 8.8 and 8.9. The pure enzyme showed pH optima for activity between 8.3 and 8.8 in buffers of 0.5 M Tris-HCl, 50 mM 2-(N-cyclohexylamino)ethanesulfonic acid (CHES), and 50 mM 3-(cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid (CAPS), and above pH 9.0 in 50 mM glycyl-glycine. Kinetic studies with the pure enzyme, in 0.5 M Tris-HCl under varying pH conditions, revealed three characteristic ionization constants for activity: 7.4 (pK1); 8.0-8.1 (pK2), and 9.1 (pK3). The latter two probably represent functional groups in the free enzyme; pK1 may represent a functional group in the enzyme-NAD+ complex. Pure enzyme also was used to determine kinetic constants at 37 degrees C in 0.5 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4 (I = 0.2). The values obtained were Vmax = 2.21 microM/min/mg enzyme, Km for ethanol = 0.156 mM, Km for NAD+ = 0.176 mM, and a dissociation constant for NAD+ = 0.306 mM. These values were used to extrapolate the forward rate of ethanol oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase in vivo. At pH 7.4 and 10 mM ethanol, the rate was calculated to be 2.4 microM/min/g liver.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in summer-acclimatized crucian carp showed almost the same exceptional pattern as previously found in winter-acclimatized specimens. There was a nearly complete spatial separation of ALDH and ADH; in other vertebrates these enzymes occur together. This exceptional enzyme distribution is probably an adaptation to the extraordinary ability of Carassius to produce ethanol as the major metabolic end product during anoxia. Since the crucian carp is less likely to encounter anoxia during the summer, the present results suggest that the crucian carp is unable to switch over to a 'normal' ALDH and ADH distribution in the summer. However, it is also possible that there is an advantage for the summer-acclimatized crucian carp in keeping ALDH and ADH separate, because of occasional anoxic periods.  相似文献   

The isozymes of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; E.C. in wild and cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seeds can be resolved electrophoretically into 12 bands. The slowest- and probably the fastest-migrating sets of three are allozymic products of two genes, Adh 1 and Adh 2 , each having two alleles, F (for fast) and S (for slow). Evidence from dissociation-recombination experiments utilizing bands excised from starch gels indicates that an intermediately-migrating isozyme is a dimeric intergenic product consisting of ADH-1F and ADH-2S subunits. The hybrid isozyme was unstable in vitro in that its monomers spontaneously dissociated and recombined to produce ADH-1FF and ADH-2SS isozymes. The molecular weights of the hybrid as well as the parental isozymes were estimated at approximately 98,000.Supported by a Graduate School Research grant of the University of Kansas and by NSF grant GB-35853.  相似文献   

Abstract A soluble NADP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase activity (EC was found in all five strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus tested. In A. calcoaceticus NCIB8250, this dehydrogenase was not induced by growth on ethanol, but was present at approximately the same specific activity when this strain was grown on a variety of carbon sources. The specific activity of the NADP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase is about 10% of the activity of the NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase found in bacteria grown on ethanol. The distinct biochemical properties of the NADP-dependent dehydrogenase showed that this activity was not due to lack of nucleotide specificity of the NAD-dependent dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Expression of alcohol dehydrogenase in rice embryos under anoxia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity was present in roots and shoots of 48-h rice embryos and rose in response to anoxia. The increase was accompanied by changes in the ADH isozyme pattern. Translatable levels of mRNA for two ADH peptides increases as early as 1 h after the beginning of anoxic treatment. Adh mRNA was detected in aerobically grown rice embryos by hybridization to maize Adh1 cDNA: its level increased significantly after 3 h of anoxia.  相似文献   

In sorbitol dehydrogenase only one cysteine residue, Cys-43, is reactive in both anionic buffer (phosphate) and zinc-liganding buffer (imidazole) upon carboxymethylation. This is in contrast to the situation in the structurally related liver alcohol dehydrogenase, with either of two alternative Cys residues being reactive, and is compatible with differences in zinc-binding and active site relationships between these two metalloenzymes. Unrelated aldehyde dehydrogenase, upon carboxamidomethylation, shows a third pattern, now less well defined but confirming the presence of a thiol function of Cys-302 close to the active site.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies have previously shown that the tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) from Escherichia coli is a zinc metalloprotein and identified the enzymic ligands to the zinc [Chong et al. (1995), Biochemistry 34, 3694–3701; Garcia et al. (1966), Biochemistry 35, 3133–3139]. During these studies one mutant, TGT (C265A), was found to exhibit a significantly lower specific activity, but was not found to be involved in the zinc site. The present report demonstrates that TGT is inactivated by treatment with thiol reagents (e.g., DTNB, MMTS, and N-ethylmaleimide). Further, this inactivation is shown to be due to modification of cysteine 265. The kinetic parameters for the mutants TGT (C265A) and TGT (C265S), however, suggest that this residue is not performing a critical role in the TGT reaction. We conclude that cysteine 265 is in the active site of TGT, but is not performing a critical catalytic function. This conclusion is supported by the recent determination of the X-ray crystal structure of the TGT from Zymomonas mobilis [Romier et al. (1966), EMBO J. 15, 2850–2857], which reveals that the residue corresponding to cysteine 265 is distant from the putative catalytic site, but is in the middle of a region of the enzyme surface proposed to bind tRNA.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental 2-propanol on the in vivo properties of Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase (E.C. are presented. Exposed flies were found to exhibit a significant decrease in ADH specific activity with a concomitant increase in the enzyme's relative in vivo stability and concentration. The possible adaptive significance of the observed responses is discussed.This work was supported by NSF grant #DEB 7815466 to J.M. Journal Paper No. J-9979 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2272.  相似文献   

Stereoselective reduction towards pharmaceutically potent products with multi‐chiral centers is an ongoing hot topic, but up to now catalysts for reductions of bulky aromatic substrates are rare. The NADPH‐dependent alcohol dehydrogenase from Ralstonia sp. (RADH) is an exception as it prefers sterically demanding substrates. Recent studies with this enzyme indicated outstanding potential for the reduction of various alpha‐hydroxy ketones, but were performed with crude cell extract, which hampered its detailed characterization. We have established a procedure for the purification and storage of RADH and found a significantly stabilizing effect by addition of CaCl2. Detailed analysis of the pH‐dependent activity and stability yielded a broad pH‐optimum (pH 6–9.5) for the reduction reaction and a sharp optimum of pH 10–11.5 for the oxidation reaction. The enzyme exhibits highest stability at pH 5.5–8 and 8–15°C; nevertheless, biotransformations can also be carried out at 25°C (half‐life 80 h). Under optimized reaction parameters a thorough study of the substrate range of RADH including the reduction of different aldehydes and ketones and the oxidation of a broad range of alcohols was conducted. In contrast to most other known alcohol dehydrogenases, RADH clearly prefers aromatic and cyclic aliphatic compounds, which makes this enzyme unique for conversion of space demanding substrates. Further, reductions are catalyzed with extremely high stereoselectivity (>99% enantio‐ and diastereomeric excess). In order to identify appropriate substrate and cofactor concentrations for biotransformations, kinetic parameters were determined for NADP(H) and selected substrates. Among these, we studied the reduction of both enantiomers of 2‐hydroxypropiophenone in more detail. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1838–1848. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Adh4, a member of the mouse alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) gene family, encodes an enzyme that functions in vitro as a retinol dehydrogenase in the conversion of retinol to retinoic acid, an important developmental signaling molecule. To explore the role of Adh4 in retinoid signaling in vivo, gene targeting was used to create a null mutation at the Adh4 locus. Homozygous Adh4 mutant mice were viable and fertile and demonstrated no obvious defects when maintained on a standard mouse diet. However, when subjected to vitamin A deficiency during gestation, Adh4 mutant mice demonstrated a higher number of stillbirths than did wild‐type mice. The proportion of liveborn second generation vitamin A‐deficient newborn mice was only 15% for Adh4 mutant mice but 49% for wild‐type mice. After retinol administration to vitamin A‐deficient dams in order to rescue embryonic development, Adh4 mutant mice demonstrated a higher resorption rate at stage E12.5 (69%), compared with wild‐type mice (30%). The relative ability of Adh4 mutant and wild‐type mice to metabolize retinol to retinoic acid was measured after administration of a 100‐mg/kg dose of retinol. Whereas kidney retinoic acid levels were below the level of detection in all vehicle‐treated mice (<1 pmol/g), retinol treatment resulted in very high kidney retinoic acid levels in wild‐type mice (273 pmol/g) but 8‐fold lower levels in Adh4 mutant mice (32 pmol/g), indicating a defect in metabolism of retinol to retinoic acid. These findings demonstrate that another retinol dehydrogenase can compensate for a lack of Adh4 when vitamin A is sufficient, but that Adh4 helps optimize retinol utilization under conditions of both retinol deficiency and excess. Dev. Genet. 25:1–10, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Toluene and related aromatic compounds are anaerobically degraded by the denitrifying bacterium Thauera sp. strain K172 via oxidation to benzoyl-CoA. The postulated initial step is methylhydroxylation of toluene to benzyl alcohol, which is either a free or enzyme-bound intermediate. Cells grown with toluene or benzyl alcohol contained benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, which is possibly the second enzyme in the proposed pathway. The enzyme was purified from benzyl-alcohol-grown cells and characterized. It has many properties in common with benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase from Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas species. The enzyme was active as a homotetramer of 160kDa, with subunits of 40kDa. It was NAD+-specific, had an alkaline pH optimum, and was inhibited by thiol-blocking agents. No evidence for a bound cofactor was obtained. Various benzyl alcohol analogues served as substrates, whereas non-aromatic alcohols were not oxidized. The N-terminal amino acid sequence indicates that the enzyme belongs to the class of long-chain Zn2+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases, although it appears not to contain a metal ion that can be removed by complexing agents.Dedicated to Prof. Achim Trebst  相似文献   

Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD; EC 1.1.195) catalyses the conversion of p-hydroxy-cinnamaldehydes to the corresponding alcohols and is considered a key enzyme in lignin biosynthesis. In a previous study, an atypical form of CAD (CAD 1) was identified in Eucalyptus gunnii [12]. We report here the molecular cloning and characterization of the corresponding cDNA, CAD 1-5, which encodes this novel aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase. The identity of CAD 1-5 was unambiguously confirmed by sequence comparison of the cDNA with peptide sequences derived from purified CAD 1 protein and by functional expression of CAD 1 recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. Both native and recombinant CAD 1 exhibit high affinity towards lignin precursors including 4-coumaraldehyde and coniferaldehyde, but they do not accept sinapaldehyde. Moreover, recombinant CAD 1 can also utilize a wide range of aromatic substrates including unsubstituted and substituted benzaldehydes. The open reading frame of CAD 1-5 encodes a protein with a calculated molecular mass of 35790 Da and an isoelectric point of 8.1. Although sequence comparisons with proteins in databases revealed significant similarities with dihydroflavonol-4-reductases (DFR; EC from a wide range of plant species, the most striking similarity was found with cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR; EC, the enzyme which directly precedes CAD in the lignin biosynthetic pathway. RNA blot analysis and immunolocalization experiments indicated that CAD 1 is expressed in both lignified and unlignified tissues/cells. Based on the catalytic activity of CAD 1 in vitro and its localization in planta, CAD 1 may function as an alternative enzyme in the lignin biosynthetic pathway. However, additional roles in phenolic metabolism are not excluded.  相似文献   

The reactivity of alcohol dehydrogenase IIG (ADH IIG) from Pseudomonas putida HK5 with new heterocycle-pentacyanoferrate(III) complexes and hexacyanoferrate(III) was determined at pH 7.2. The pentacyanoferrate(III) complexes contained imidazole, pyrazole, pyridine, their derivatives and 2-aminobenzothiazole as the sixth ligand. The largest reactivity of the complexes with ADH IIG was estimated for the complex containing pyridine. An apparent bimolecular constant (k ox ) for this complex was 8.7 × 105 M−1s−1. The lowest value of k ox was estimated for the complex with benzotriazole (k ox = 3.1 × 104 M−1s−1). The investigation of the hexacyanoferrate(III) enzymatic reduction rate at different ionic strength gave a single negative charge of reduced ADH IIG. Docking calculations revealed two binding sites of the complexes in ADH-IIG structure. The first one is located at the entrance to the PQQ pocket, and the second is at the site of cytochrome domain. The calculations of electron transfer (ET) path indicated that the most effective ET takes place from heme to the complex docked at the entrance to the PQQ pocket. This shortest path is constructed of amino acids Ser607 and Cys606.  相似文献   

Data from genetic crosses of Peromyscus maniculatus and P. polionotus suggest that electrophoretic variants of liver alcohol dehydrogenase are coded by alleles at a single locus. These alleles, designated Adh F , Adh S , and Adh N , determine, respectively, the fast, slow, and not detectable (null) ADH electrophoretic phenotypes. Heterozygotes (Adh F /Adh S ) exhibit three bands on zymograms, suggesting a dimeric subunit structure for the enzyme. However, Adh F /Adh N and Adh S /Adh N animals exhibit a single band, suggesting that the Adh N allele does not produce a polypeptide subunit capable of dimerizing into an active molecule. Fast and slow electrophoretic phenotypes exhibit multiple bands which can be converted into single major fast and slow bands, respectively, upon treatment with oxidized or reduced NAD. Addition of NAD also stabilizes both the fast and slow enzyme to heat inactivation at 60 C for at least 30 min.This work was supported by Predoctoral Fellowship AA-05067 from the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to K. G. B. and South Carolina Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Grant 7607. Also, partial support was provided by NIH Grant CA-16184.  相似文献   

The expression and anaerobic induction of alcohol dehydrogenase in cotton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) system in cotton is characterized, with an emphasis on the cultivated allotetraploid speciesGossypium hirsutum cv. Siokra. A high level of ADH activity is present in seed of Siokra but quickly declines during germination. When exposed to anaerobic stress the level of ADH activity can be induced several fold in both roots and shoots of seedlings. Unlike maize andArabidopsis, ADH activity can be anaerobically induced in mature green leaves. Three major ADH isozymes were resolved in Siokra, and it is proposed that two genes,Adh1 andAdh2, are coding for these three isozymes. The genes are differentially expressed. ADH1 is predominant in seed and aerobically grown roots, while ADH2 is prominent in roots only after anaerobic stress. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the ADH enzyme has a native molecular weight of approximately 81 kD and a subunit molecular weight of approximately 42 kD, thus establishing that ADH in cotton is able to form and is active as dimers. Comparisons of ADH activity levels and isozyme patterns between Siokra and other allotetraploid cottons showed that the ADH system is highly conserved among these varieties. In contrast, the diploid species of cotton all had unique isozyme patterns.This work was generously supported by an Australian Cotton Research Council Postgraduate Studentship.  相似文献   

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