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Gas phase biotransformation reaction catalyzed by baker's yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gas phase continuous production of acetaldehyde from ethanol and hexanol from hexanal using dried baker's yeast was studied as an alternative approach to conventional processes. The effects of water activity, activity of substrates, and amount of yeast on the performance of the continuous bioreactor were investigated. The extent of yeast hydration and ethanol activity are the most important factors affecting yeast activity and stability.  相似文献   

The periodical stopping of permeation flow was applied to increase the permeation flux in crossflow filtration of commercially available baker's yeast cell suspension. The permeation flux after 3 h filtration in the crossflow filtration increased to 8 x 10(-5) m(3) /m(2) s (290 L/m(2) h) from 2 x 10(-5) m(3)/m(2) s (72 L/m(2) h) by applying the periodical stopping of permeation. Introduction of air bubbles during the stopping period of permeation further increased the flux.(c) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Real-time fuzzy-knowledge-based control of Baker's yeast production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A real-time fuzzy-knowledge-based system for fault diagnosis and control of bioprocesses was constructed using the object-oriented programming environment Small-talk/V Mac. The basic system was implemented in a Macintosh Quadra 900 computer and built to function connected on line to the process computer. Fuzzy logic was employed in handling uncertainties both in the knowledge and in measurements. The fuzzy sets defined for the process variables could be changed on-line according to process dynamics. Process knowledge was implemented in a graphical two-level hierachical knowledge base. In on-line process control the system first recognizes the current process phase on the basis of top-level rules in the knowledge-base. Then, according to the results of process diagnosis based on measurement data, the appropriate control strategy is subsequently inferred making use of the lower level rules describing the process during the phase in question. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Baker's yeast mediated reduction of various phenylfuran-2-yl-ethanones has been studied. The influence of the reaction conditions, the type and position of the substituents, as well the presence of various additives on the enantiomeric composition of the products and the reaction yield are discussed. The absolute configuration of the reaction products was established using a retrosynthetic procedure.  相似文献   

A method of on-line optimal control for fed-batch culture of bakers yeast production is proposed. The feed rate is taken as the control variable. The specific growth rate of the yeast is the output variable and is determined from the balance equation of oxygen. A moving model is obtained by using the data from the feed rate and the specific growth rate. Based on the moving model, an optimal feed rate for fed-batch culture is then achieved.  相似文献   

A methodology for the design and evalution of bioprocess control strategies is presented. The strategies manage nutrient supply with demand and vary with the metabolic condition and phase of fermentation operation. Six carbon source addition strategies are based on different combinations of available measurements; they are described and evaluated under different operating conditions for yeast cultivation. It is concluded that a single control strategy is not the most appropriate under all possible operating conditions. An oxygen uptake rate-based control strategy performs better with a mean respiratory quotient (RQ) value less than 1.1 during an oxygen limitation than an ethanol control strategy which had a mean RQ of 14. The designed strategies and an approach of applying the strategy that best matches fermentation conditions consistently enables achievement of high cell densities 78.7 g DCW/L and yields 0.50 g DCW/g glucose as the mean values for three fermentations.  相似文献   

The efficiency of ethanol yield increased from 61% to 88% of the theoretical value as the filling-up time was approached in fed-batch fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Temporary accumulation of ethanol within the yeast cells may explain the above variation.The author is with the Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, Estrada das Lágrimas 2035, 09580-900. Sao Caetano Do Sul, SP, Brazil  相似文献   

A fuzzy logic controller designed to control glucose feeding in a fed-batch baker's yeast process is presented. Feeding is carried out in portions and the controller determines the time at which glucose should be added and computes the size of the portion to provide the maximum glucose uptake rate. Moreover, the controller detects and prevents the occurrence of overdosage. The experimental results indicate that yield and specific growth rate obtained with the controller approached 55% and 0.13 h–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Lipases are versatile biocatalists showing multiple applications in a wide range of biotechnological processes. The gene lipA coding for Lipase A from Bacillus subtilis was isolated by PCR amplification, cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus subtilis strains, using pBR322, YEplac112 and pUB110-derived vectors, respectively. Lipase activity analysis of the recombinant strains showed that the gene can be properly expressed in all hosts assayed, this being the first time a lipase from bacterial origin can be expressed in baker's S. cerevisiae strains. An important increase of lipase production was obtained in heterologous hosts with respect to that of parental strains, indicating that the described systems can represent a useful tool to enhance productivity of the enzyme for biotechnological applications, including the use of the lipase in bread making, or as a technological additive.  相似文献   

酵母菌半连续转化人参皂苷Rb1的条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以单因素实验为基础,通过多因素方差分析实验对人参皂苷半连续转化的条件进行优化,选出最佳条件组合,得到最佳的补料方式,补料浓度为6%,补料体积为24mL,补料周期为12h,在此条件下人参皂苷Rb1生物转化达33.5%左右。在最佳补料条件下进行人参皂苷酵母菌转化,其稳定性好,转化率高,对工业生产有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Baker's-yeast-mediated reductions of ketones hold great potential for the industrial production of enantiopure alcohols. In this article we describe the stoichiometry and kinetics of asymmetric ketone reduction by cell suspensions of bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). A system for quantitative analysis of 3-oxo ester reduction was developed and allowed construction of full mass and redox balances as well as determination of the influence of different process parameters on aerobic ketone reduction. The nature of the electron donor (ethanol or glucose) and its specific consumption rate by the biomass (0-1 mol.kg dw(-1).h(-1)) affected the overall stoichiometry and rate of the process and the final enantiomeric excess of the product. Excess glucose as the electron donor, i.e. a very high consumption rate of glucose, resulted in a high rate of alcoholic fermentation, oxygen consumption, and biomass formation and therefore causing low efficiency of glucose utilization. Controlled supply of the electron donor at the highest rates applied prevented alcoholic fermentation but still resulted in biomass formation and a high oxygen requirement, while low rates resulted in a more efficient use of the electron donor. Low supply rates of ethanol resulted in biomass decrease while low supply rates of glucose provided the most efficient strategy for electron donor provision and yielded a high enantiomeric excess of ethyl (S)-3-hydroxybutanoate. In contrast to batchwise conversions with excess glucose as the electron donor, this strategy prevented by-product formation and biomass increase, and resulted in a low oxygen requirement.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the performance of crossflow filtration were investigated with a thin-channel module and yeast cells. In crossflow filtration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells cultivated with YPD medium (Yeast extract, polypeptone, and dextrose) and suspended in saline, a steady state was attained within several minutes when the cell concentration was low and the circulation flow rate was high. The steady-state flux and the change in flux during the initial unsteady state were explained well by conventional filtration theory, with the amount of cake deposited and the mean specific resistance to the cake measured in a dead-end filtration apparatus used in calculation. When the circulation flow rate was lower than a critical value, a part of the channel of the crossflow filtration module was plugged with cell cake, and thus the steady-state flux was low. In crossflow filtration of suspensions of commercially available baker's yeast, the flux gradually decreased, and the flux after 8 h of filtration was lower than the value calculated by filtration theory. Fine particles contaminating the baker's yeast was responsible for the decrease. A similar phenomenon was responsible for the decrease. A similar phenomenon was observed in crossflow filtration of a broth of S. cerevisiae cells cultivated in molasses medium, which also contains such particles, had no effect of the permeation flux during crossflow filtration. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

对肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiellapneumoniae)发酵生产1,3-丙二醇(1,3-Propanediol,1,3.PD)的补碱策略进行了研究。分别利用NaOH、氨水、KOH三种溶液作为pH调节剂,优化三种pH调节剂并得到按一定比例混合的混合碱。当采用混合碱调控发酵pH值为7.0时,1,3-丙二醇的产量达到了55dL,比无pH调控(对照)发酵过程发酵水平提高了10.6倍。  相似文献   

This paper describes an iterative learning control scheme for fed-batch operation where repetitive trajectory tracking tasks are required. The proposed learning strategy is model-independent, and it takes advantage of the repetitive feature of system operations with a certain degree of intelligence and requires only small size of dynamic database for the learning process. The convergence of the learning process is proven. An example of simultaneously tracking two predefined trajectories by iterative learning control with two control inputs is given to illustrate the methodology. Satisfactory performance of the learning system can be observed from the simulation results.  相似文献   

Presented is a new simple method for multidimensional optimization of fed-batch fermentations based on the use of the orthogonal collocation technique. Considered is the problem of determination of optimal programs for fermentor temperature, substrate concentration in feed, feeding profile, and process duration. By reformulation of the state and control variables is obtained a nonsingular form of the optimization problem which has considerable advantage over the singular case since a complicated procedure for determination of switching times for feeding is avoided. The approximation of the state variables by Lagrange polynomials enables simple incorporation of split boundary conditions in the approximation, and the use of orthogonal collocations provides stability for integration of state and costate variables. The interpolation points are selected to obtain highest accuracy for approximation of the objective functional by the Radau-Lobatto formula. The control variables are determined by optimization of the Hamiltonian at the collocation points with the DFP method. Constraints are imposed on state and control variables.The method is applied for a homogeneous model of fermentation with volume, substrate, biomass, and product concentrations as the state variables. Computer study shows considerable simplicity of the method, its high accuracy for low order of approximation, and efficient convergence.  相似文献   

绿色木霉(Trichodermaviride)在pH控制发酵条件下,采用流加葡萄糖发酵策略,可显著提高综合滤纸酶活力(FPA)和内切酶(endo—β—1,4-glucanase,EG)、外切酶exo—β-1,4-glucanase,CBH)、纤维二糖酶(cellobiase,CB)酶活。在5L发酵罐中采用pH控制和流加葡萄糖工艺,可提高CB酶含量,改变酶组分之间的比例,使得FPA、EG、CB和CBH酶活分别达到50.0U/mL,210.0U/mL,4.0U/mL和2.5U/mL,比摇瓶发酵分别提高了6.7.4.2、19、2.5倍。  相似文献   

Statistical methods of optimization were applied to the stereoselective synthesis of (2S,3R)-5-phenylpent-4-en-2,3-diol mediated by baker's yeast. The quantitative effects of seven variables, i.e. pH, temperature, concentration of cinnamaldehyde, yeast and glucose, addition of pyruvate and acetaldehyde were investigated using a fractional factorial design. This approach gave informations about the chemical behaviour of the yeast. Response surface methodology was employed to describe the variability of the yield in the experimental domain.  相似文献   

用遗传算法优化流加培养的底物流加轨迹   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)j是把生物进化论和遗传学原理应用于工程优化而创造出来的新的优化算法,在复杂问题的优化方面显示出了优良性能。近年来GA开始应用于发酵工程领域,本文介绍了应用GA优化流加培养流加轨迹的原理和方法。  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. medellin was grown until sporulation in a 1.1 l fermenter in batch and intermittent fed-batch culture. At optimum conditions 25 g dry cells l–1 and 9×108 spores ml–1 were produced. Toxicity of the final biomass showed a half lethal concentration on third instar Culex quinquefasciatus larvae of 295 ng ml–1.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a whole-cell biocatalytic system based on the popular host Saccharomyces cerevisiae that shows programmable performance and good atom economy in the reduction of alpha-keto ester substrates. The NADPH-dependent yeast reductase background was suppressed through the combined effects of overexpression of a biosynthetic NADH-active reductase (xylose reductase from Candida tenuis) to the highest possible level and the use of anaerobic reaction conditions in the presence of an ethanol co-substrate where mainly NADH is recycled. The presented multi-level engineering approach leads to significant improvements in product optical purity along with increases in the efficiency of alpha-keto ester reduction and co-substrate yield (molar ratio of formed alpha-hydroxy ester to consumed ethanol). The corresponding alpha-hydroxy esters were obtained in useful yields (>50%) with purities of > or =99.4% enantiomeric excess. The obtained co-substrate yield reached values of greater than 1.0 with acetate as the only by-product formed.  相似文献   

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