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Hippocampal slices have been widely used to investigate electrophysiological and metabolic neuronal parameters, as well as parameters of astroglial activity including protein phosphorylation and glutamate uptake. S100B is an astroglial-derived protein, which extracellularly plays a neurotrophic activity during development and excitotoxic insult. Herein, we characterized S100B secretion in acute hippocampal slices exposed to different concentrations of K+ and Ca2+ in the extracellular medium. Absence of Ca2+ and/or low K+ (0.2 mM KCl) caused an increase in S100B secretion, possibly by mobilization of internal stores of Ca2+. In contrast, high K+ (30 mM KCl) or calcium channel blockers caused a decrease in S100B secretion. This study suggests that exposure of acute hippocampal slices to low- and high-K+ could be used as an assay to evaluate astrocyte activity by S100B secretion: positively regulated by low K+ (possibly involving mobilization of internal stores of Ca2+) and negatively regulated by high-K+ (likely secondary to influx of K+).  相似文献   

A diet containing an inert marker (ballotini beads, quantified by X-radiography) was used to quantify the transport of two essential minerals, Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the diet during the digestion and absorption of a single meal of commercial trout food (3% ration). Initially, net uptake of Ca2+ was observed in the stomach followed by subsequent Ca2+ fluxes along the intestine which were variable, but for the most part secretory. This indicated a net secretion of Ca2+ along the intestinal tract resulting in a net assimilation of dietary Ca2+ of 28%. Similar handling of Ca2+ and Mg2+ was observed along the gastrointestinal tract (GI), although net assimilation differed substantially between the cations, with Mg2+ assimilation being close to 60%, mostly a result of greater uptake by the stomach. The stomach displayed the highest net uptake rates for both cations (1.5 and 1.3 mmol kg−1 fish body mass for Ca2+ and Mg2+, respectively), occurring within 2 h following ingestion of the meal. Substantial secretions of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ were observed in the anterior intestine, which were attributed to bile and other intestinal secretions, while fluxes in the mid and posterior intestine were small and variable. The overall patterns of Ca2+ and Mg2+ handling in the GI tract were similar to those observed for Na+ and K+ (but not Cl) in a previous study. Overall, these results emphasize the importance of dietary electrolytes in ionoregulatory homeostasis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of salinity on the relationship between Na+-K+-ATPase and sulfogalactosyl ceramide (SGC) in the basolateral membrane of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gill epithelium. SGC has been implicated as a cofactor in Na+-K+-ATPase activity, especially in Na+-K+-ATPase rich tissues. However, whole-tissue studies have questioned this role in the fish gill. We re-examined SGC cofactor function from a gill basolateral membrane perspective. Nine SGC fatty acid species were quantified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and related to Na+-K+-ATPase activity in trout acclimated to freshwater or brackish water (20 ppt). While Na+-K+-ATPase activity increased, the total concentration and relative proportion of SGC isoforms remained constant between salinities. However, we noted a negative correlation between SGC concentration and Na+-K+-ATPase activity in fish exposed to brackish water, whereas no correlation existed in fish acclimated to freshwater. Differential Na+-K+-ATPase/SGC sensitivity is discussed in relation to enzyme isoform switching, the SGC cofactor site model and saltwater adaptation.This revised version was published online in June 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

The midgut of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, actively secretes potassium ions. This can be measured as short-circuit current (Isc) with the midgut mounted in an Ussing chamber and superfused with a high-K+ saline containing as its major osmolyte 166 mM sucrose. Iso-osmotic substitution of sucrose by non-metabolisable compounds (mannitol, urea, NaCl and the polyethylene glycols 200, 400 and 600) led to a dramatic, though reversible, drop in the current. Acarbose, a specific inhibitor of invertase (sucrase) in vertebrates and insects, had no detectable influence on Isc. Unexpectedly, after replacing sucrose iso-osmotically with the saccharides glucose, fructose, trehalose or raffinose, the K+ current could no longer be supported. However, all osmolytes smaller than sucrose (except for NaCl), metabolisable or not, initiated an immediate, quite uniform but transient, increase in Isc by about 20%, before its eventual decline far below the control value. Hypo-osmotic treatment by omission of sucrose also transiently increased the K+ current. Small osmolytes substituted for sucrose caused no transient Isc stimulation when the epithelium had been challenged before with hypo-osmolarity; however, the eventual decline in Isc could not be prevented. Our data seem inconsistent with a role of sucrose as energiser or simple osmolyte. Rather, we discuss here its possible role as analogous to that of sucrose in lower eukaryotes or plants, as an extra- and/or intracellular compatible osmolyte that stabilises structure and/or function of the proteins implicated in K+ transport.Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

The Anglo-American reaction to the Lysenkoaffair has been treated primarily either fromthe point of view of the political Right orLeft, or as a consequence of post-WWIIinternational relations. None of the accountshave considered the central role of the Britishcytogeneticist and evolutionist C.D.Darlington. This article considers Darlington'srole, and illustrates how, through an analysisof his divergent reaction, it becomes possibleto see the response to Lysenko as a reflectionof internal scientific and political debatesconcerning the planning, funding, utility, andfreedom of science in post-war Britain.  相似文献   

Variation in stable nitrogen isotope ratios (15N) was assessed for plants comprising two wetland communities, a bog-fen system and a flood plain, in central Japan. 15N of 12 species from the bog-fen system and six species from the flood plain were remarkably variable, ranging from –5.9 to +1.1 and from +3.1 to +8.7, respectively. Phragmites australis exhibited the highest 15N value at both sites. Rooting depth also differed greatly with plant species, ranging from 5cm to over 200cm in the bog-fen system. There was a tendency for plants having deeper root systems to exhibit higher 15N values; plant 15N was positively associated with rooting depth. Moreover, an increasing gradient of peat 15N was found along with depth. This evidence, together with the fact that inorganic nitrogen was depleted under a deep-rooted Phragmites australis stand, strongly suggests that deep-rooted plants actually absorb nitrogen from the deep peat layer. Thus, we successfully demonstrated the diverse traits of nitrogen nutrition among mire plants using stable isotope analysis. The ecological significance of deep rooting in mire plants is that it enables those plants to monopolize nutrients in deep substratum layers. This advantage should compensate for any consequential structural and/or physiological costs. Good evidence of the benefits of deep rooting is provided by the fact that Phragmites australis dominates as a tall mire grass.  相似文献   

The one-domain voltage-gated sodium channel of Bacillus halodurans (NaChBac) is composed of six transmembrane segments (S1–S6) comprising a pore-forming region flanked by segments S5 and S6 and a voltage-sensing element composed of segment S4. To investigate the role of the S4 segment in NaChBac channel activation, we used the cysteine mutagenesis approach where the positive charges of single and multiple arginine (R) residues of the S4 segment were replaced by the neutrally charged amino acid cysteine (C). To determine whether it was the arginine residue itself or its positive charge that was involved in channel activation, arginine to lysine (R to K) mutations were constructed. Wild-type (WT) and mutant NaChBac channels were expressed in tsA201 cells and Na+ currents were recorded using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The current/voltage (I-V) and conductance/voltage (G-V) relationships steady-state inactivation (h ) and recovery from inactivation were evaluated to determine the effects of the S4 mutations on the biophysical properties of the NaChBac channel. R to C on the S4 segment resulted in a slowing of both activation and inactivation kinetics. Charge neutralization of arginine residues mostly resulted in a shift toward more positive potentials of G-V and h curves. The G-V curve shifts were associated with a decrease in slope, which may reflect a decrease in the gating charge involved in channel activation. Single neutralization of R114, R117, or R120 by C resulted in a very slow recovery from inactivation. Double neutralization of R111 and R129 confirmed the role of R111 in activation and suggested that R129 is most probably not part of the voltage sensor. Most of the R to K mutants retained WT-like current kinetics but exhibited an intermediate G-V curve, a steady-state inactivation shifted to more hyperpolarized potentials, and intermediate time constants of recovery from inactivation. This indicates that R, at several positions, plays an important role in channel activation. The data are consistent with the notion that the S4 is most probably the voltage sensor of the NaChBac channel and that both positive charges and the nature of the arginine residues are essential for channel activation.This revised version was published online in June 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

A novel NMR pulse sequence has been developed that correlates the H2 resonances with the C2 and the N1 (N3) resonances in adenine nucleobases of 13C, 15N labeled oligonucleotides. The pulse scheme of the new 3D-HNHC experiment is composed of a 2J-15N-HSQC and a 1J-13C-HSQC and utilizes large 2J(H2, N1(N3)) and 1J(H2, C2) couplings. The experiment was applied to a medium-size 13C, 15N-labeled 36mer RNA. It is useful to resolve assignment ambiguities occurring especially in larger RNA molecules due to resonance overlap in the 1H-dimension. Therefore, the missing link in correlating the imino H3 resonances of the uracils across the AU base pair to the H8 resonances of the adenines via the novel pulse sequence and the TROSY relayed HCCH-COSY (Simon et al. in J Biomol NMR 20:173–176 2001) is provided. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of two dihydropyridines extensively used in clinical medicine, nimodipine and nitrendipine, on Ca2+ channels of two subtypes providing the fast and slow components of low-threshold Ca2+ currents in isolated neurons of the nucl. lateralis dorsalis of the thalamus of the rat; a patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration was used. The fast component of the Ca2+ current demonstrated a higher sensitivity to nimodipine and nitrendipine (IC50 = 0.6 and 0.1 µM, respectively) than the slow component (IC50 = =1.09 and 0.18 µM, respectively). Maximum decreases in the current amplitude, A max, caused by nimodipine and nitrendipine were 74 and 94% for the fast component and 55 and 80% for the slow component, respectively. Both tested agents evoked a shift of the inactivation curves of the fast component toward more negative potentials, whereas they did not significantly modify the inactivation characteristics of the slow component. Both dihydropyridines weakly influenced the characteristics of stationary activation of low-threshold Ca2+ channels and the blocking intensity demonstrated a voltage dependence.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 3–10, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of 2D 1H-15N spectra is often complicated by resonance overlap. Here a simple method is presented for resolving overlapped correlations by recording 2D projection planes from HNCO data sets. Applications are presented involving the measurement of 15N T1 relaxation rates in a high molecular weight protein, malate synthase G, and in a system that exchanges between folded and unfolded states, the drkN SH3 domain. By supplementing relaxation data recorded in the conventional way as a series of 2D 1H-15N data sets with a series of a pair of projection planes the number of dynamics probes is increased significantly for both systems studied.  相似文献   

California Porcini: Three New Taxa, Observations on their Harvest, and the Tragedy of No Commons. Seven species of California porcini (Boletus, sect. Boletus) are recognized, including three new taxa that are culturally and economically significant: B. rex-veris sp. nov., B. regineus sp. nov., and B. edulis var. grandedulis var. nov. The three new taxa have been intensively gathered during the last century by Italian immigrants, and B. rex-veris sp. nov. more recently by southeast Asian immigrants as well as by long-time rural residents. B. rex-veris sp. nov. is restricted to inland mountains while the other two are widely distributed, and are abundant in California’s heavily populated coastal zone. In the 1990s, reflecting the preservationist policies of mainstream environmental organizations, many park authorities and land management agencies in coastal California closed public lands to mushroom gathering. Organized attempts to establish legal, limited gathering in a few parks were almost entirely unsuccessful. The result is that it is illegal to pick porcini on nearly all public lands over a 6,000-square-mile area, even though they grow prolifically in coastal California. Many of coastal California’s porcini are picked anyway by those willing to risk being apprehended and fined. In response to the official intolerance for mushroom gathering, an entire generation of mushroom hunters has grown up practicing the activity in secret.  相似文献   

A 15N-tracer experiment was carried out in a stand of adult spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] located on the Swiss Plateau in order to investigate the effects of wood ash treatment on seasonal nitrogen fluctuations in fine roots and needles. Treatments included irrigation (W), liquid fertilization (LF) and wood ash (A) application. 15N fluctuation in fine roots and current to 3-year-old needles was studied after one 15N pulse for 2 consecutive years (1999, 2000). 15N tracer was rapidly incorporated into the fine roots of adult trees, and 15N values reached similar levels in all treatments 2 months after the pulse. In the needles, the largest increase in 15N was observed in those of the current year. Following the initial peak during spring growth, 15N values in needles of control trees showed an oscillating pattern through the season. This oscillation is attributed to the increased use of internal N sources, as soon as the roots can no longer meet the increased N demand during the sprouting phase. However, W-, LF- and A-treated trees no longer showed the oscillation in 15N. Additional water (W and LF) as well as fertilizer (A and LF) may have induced shifts in the microbial flora, thus increasing the unlabelled N release from the soil. The strongest dampening was observed for the A treatment, indicating sufficient N availability from the soil, and making intensive use of the internal N sources unnecessary. Treatment with wood ash thus resulted in a similar fertilizer response to liquid fertilization.  相似文献   

Let v be a valuation of terms of type , assigning to each term t of type a value v(t) 0. Let k 1 be a natural number. An identity of type is called k-normal if either s = t or both s and t have value k, and otherwise is called non-k-normal. A variety V of type is said to be k-normal if all its identities are k-normal, and non-k-normal otherwise. In the latter case, there is a unique smallest k-normal variety to contain V , called the k-normalization of V. Inthe case k = 1, for the usual depth valuation of terms, these notions coincide with the well-known concepts of normal identity, normal variety, and normalization of a variety. I. Chajda has characterized the normalization of a variety by means of choice algebras. In this paper we generalize his results to a characterization of the k-normalization of a variety, using k-choice algebras. We also introduce the concept of a k-inflation algebra, and for the case that v is the usual depth valuation of terms, we prove that a variety V is k-normal iff it is closed under the formation of k-inflations, and that the k-normalization of V consists precisely of all homomorphic images of k-inflations of algebras in V .  相似文献   

This article will cover historical and recent aspects of reactions and mechanisms involved in the auxin-induced signalling cascade that terminates in the dramatic elongation growth of cells and plant organs. Massive evidence has accumulated that the final target of auxin action is the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, which excretes H+ ions into the cell wall compartment and, in an antiport, takes up K+ ions through an inwardly rectifying K+ channel. The auxin-enhanced H+ pumping lowers the cell wall pH, activates pH-sensitive enzymes and proteins within the wall, and initiates cell-wall loosening and extension growth. These processes, induced by auxin or by the "super-auxin" fusicoccin, can be blocked instantly and specifically by a voltage inhibition of the H+-ATPase due to removal of K+ ions or the addition of K+-channel blockers. Vice versa, H+ pumping and growth are immediately switched on by addition of K+ ions. Furthermore, the treatment of segments either with auxin or with fusicoccin (which activates the H+-ATPase irreversibly) or with acid buffers (from outside) causes an identical transformation and degradation pattern of cell wall constituents during cell-wall loosening and growth. These and other results described below are in agreement with the acid-growth theory of elongation growth. However, objections to this theory are also discussed.  相似文献   

HER-2/neu is an immunogenic protein eliciting both humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with HER-2/neu-positive (+) tumors. Preexisting cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) immunity to HER-2/neu has so far been mainly evaluated in terms of detection of CTL precursor (CTLp) frequencies to the immunogenic HLA-A2–binding nona-peptide 369-377 (HER-2(9369)). In the present study, we examined patients with HER-2/neu+ breast, ovarian, lung, colorectal, and prostate cancers for preexisting CTL immunity to four recently described HER-2/neu–derived and HLA-A2–restricted "cytotoxic" peptides and to a novel one spanning amino acids 777–785 also with HLA-A2–binding motif. We utilized enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assay, which allows a quantitative and functional assessment of T cells directed against specific peptides after only brief in vitro incubation. CTL reactivity was determined with an interferon (IFN-) ELISpot assay detecting T cells at the single cell level secreting IFN-. CTLp were defined as peptide-specific precursors per 106 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Patients' PBMCs with increased CTLp were also tested against autologous tumor targets and peptide-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) in cytotoxicity assays. We also studied patients with HER-2/neu-negative (-) tumors and healthy individuals. Of the HER-2/neu+ patients examined, 31% had increased CTLp to HER-2(9952), 19% to HER-2(9665), 16% to HER-2(9689), and 12.5% HER-2(9435), whereas only 2 of 32 patients (6%) responded to HER-2(9777). The CTLp recognizing HER-2(9952) were extremely high in two patients with breast cancer, one with lung cancer, and one with prostate cancer. None of the HER-2/neu- patients or healthy donors exhibited increased CTLp to any of these peptides. Besides IFN- production, preexisting CTL immunity to all five HER-2/neu peptides was also shown in cytotoxicity assays where patients' PBMCs with increased CTLp specifically lysed autologous tumor targets and autologous peptide-pulsed DCs. Our results demonstrate for the first time that (1) preexisting immunity to peptides HER-2(9435), HER-2(9952), HER-2(9689), HER-2(9665), and HER-2(9777) is present in patients with HER-2/neu+ tumors of distinct histology, (2) HER-2(9777) is a naturally processed peptide expressed on the surface of HER-2/neu+ tumors, as are the other four peptides, and (3) HER-2/neu+ prostate tumor cells can be recognized and lysed by autologous HER-2 peptide-specific CTL. Our findings broaden the potential application of HER-2/neu-based immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Both coccolith-bearing cells (C-cells) and naked cells (N-cells) of the coccolithophorid Pleurochrysis haptonemofera can grow in salinities of more than 7‰ (about 20% of a “normal” sea water salinity [35‰]), with the highest growth rates in salinities of more than 14‰. Microscopic observations of cells suspended in 100 mM NaCl (7‰) showed that, while N-cells were swelling uniformly all over the cell surface, C-cells were bulging the plasma membrane from the hole of the coccosphere at the apical (flagellar) pole of the cell. Effects of several cations and anions on the morphological change of C-cells under hypoosmotic pressure were investigated. When 100 mM K+ was used, protoplasts were released from the coccosphere completely in almost all the cells. This phenomenon was shown with K+ most effectively. The protoplasts could grow in the fresh medium and form the first coccolith within 9 h.  相似文献   

Chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) tensor parameters have been determined for the protonated carbons of the purine bases in an RNA kissing complex in solution by extending the model-independent approach [Fushman, D., Cowburn, D. (1998) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 7109–7110]. A strategy for determining CSA tensor parameters of heteronuclei in isolated X–H two-spin systems (X = 13C or 15N) in molecules undergoing anisotropic rotational diffusion is presented. The original method relies on the fact that the ratio κ2=R2auto/R2cross of the transverse auto- and cross-correlated relaxation rates involving the X CSA and the X–H dipolar interaction is independent of parameters related to molecular motion, provided rotational diffusion is isotropic. However, if the overall motion is anisotropic κ2 depends on the anisotropy D||/D of rotational diffusion. In this paper, the field dependence of both κ2 and its longitudinal counterpart κ1=R1auto/R1cross are determined. For anisotropic rotational diffusion, our calculations show that the average κav = 1/2 (κ12), of the ratios is largely independent of the anisotropy parameter D||/D. The field dependence of the average ratio κav may thus be utilized to determine CSA tensor parameters by a generalized model-independent approach in the case of molecules with an overall motion described by an axially symmetric rotational diffusion tensor.  相似文献   

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