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Ocean warming and coral bleaching are patchy phenomena over a wide range of scales. This paper is part of a larger study that aims to understand the relationship between heat stress and ecological impact caused by the 2002-bleaching event in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). We used a Bayesian belief network (BBN) as a framework to refine our prior beliefs and investigate dependencies among a series of proxies that attempt to characterize potential drivers and responses: the remotely sensed environmental stress (sea surface temperature — SST); the geographic setting; and topographic and ecological attributes of reef sites for which we had field data on bleaching impact. Sensitivity analyses helped us to refine and update our beliefs in a manner that improved our capacity to hindcast areas of high and low bleaching impact. Our best predictive capacity came by combining proxies for a sites heat stress in 2002 (remotely sensed), acclimatization temperatures (remote sensed), the ease with which it could be cooled by tidal mixing (modeled), and type of coral community present at a sample of survey sites (field data). The potential for the outlined methodology to deliver a transparent decision support tool to aid in the process of identifying a series of locations whose inclusion in a network of protected areas would help to spread the risk of bleaching is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA微阵列技术可同时定量测定成千上万个基因在生物样本中的表达水平,从这一技术获得的全基因组范围表达数据为揭示基因间复杂调控关系提供了可能。研究人员试图通过数学和计算方法来构建遗传互作的模型,这些基因调控网络模型有聚类法、布尔网络、贝叶斯网络、微分方程等。文章对网络重建计算方法的研究现状进行了较为全面的综述,比较了不同模型的优缺点,并对该领域进一步的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) are considered as a promising model for inferring gene networks from time series microarray data. DBNs have overtaken Bayesian networks (BNs) as DBNs can construct cyclic regulations using time delay information. In this paper, a general framework for DBN modelling is outlined. Both discrete and continuous DBN models are constructed systematically and criteria for learning network structures are introduced from a Bayesian statistical viewpoint. This paper reviews the applications of DBNs over the past years. Real data applications for Saccharomyces cerevisiae time series gene expression data are also shown.  相似文献   

A Bayesian survival analysis is presented to examine the effect of fluoride-intake on the time to caries development of the permanent first molars in children between 7 and 12 years of age using a longitudinal study conducted in Flanders. Three problems needed to be addressed. Firstly, since the emergence time of a tooth and the time it experiences caries were recorded yearly, the time to caries is doubly interval censored. Secondly, due to the setup of the study, many emergence times were left-censored. Thirdly, events on teeth of the same child are dependent. Our Bayesian analysis is a modified version of the intensity model of Harkanen et al. (2000, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 27, 577-588). To tackle the problem of the large number of left-censored observations a similar Finnish data set was introduced. Our analysis shows no convincing effect of fluoride-intake on caries development.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to two questions: whether distinction of causes versus effects of neoplasia leaves a signature in the cancer versus normal gene expression profiles and whether roles of genes, "causes" or "effects", can be inferred from repeated measurements of gene expressions. We model joint probability distributions of logarithms of gene expressions with the use of Bayesian networks (BN). Fitting our models to real data confirms that our BN models have the ability to explain some aspects of observational evidence from DNA microarray experiments. Effects of neoplastic transformation are well seen among genes with the highest power to differentiate between normal and cancer cells. Likelihoods of BNs depend on the biological role of selected genes, defined by Gene Ontology. Also predictions of our BN models are coherent with the set of putative causes and effects constructed based on our data set of papillary thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

Harrington ED  Jensen LJ  Bork P 《FEBS letters》2008,582(8):1251-1258
Continuing improvements in DNA sequencing technologies are providing us with vast amounts of genomic data from an ever-widening range of organisms. The resulting challenge for bioinformatics is to interpret this deluge of data and place it back into its biological context. Biological networks provide a conceptual framework with which we can describe part of this context, namely the different interactions that occur between the molecular components of a cell. Here, we review the computational methods available to predict biological networks from genomic sequence data and discuss how they relate to high-throughput experimental methods.  相似文献   

A Bayesian model for sparse functional data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thompson WK  Rosen O 《Biometrics》2008,64(1):54-63
Summary.   We propose a method for analyzing data which consist of curves on multiple individuals, i.e., longitudinal or functional data. We use a Bayesian model where curves are expressed as linear combinations of B-splines with random coefficients. The curves are estimated as posterior means obtained via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, which automatically select the local level of smoothing. The method is applicable to situations where curves are sampled sparsely and/or at irregular time points. We construct posterior credible intervals for the mean curve and for the individual curves. This methodology provides unified, efficient, and flexible means for smoothing functional data.  相似文献   

The effect of missing data on phylogenetic methods is a potentially important issue in our attempts to reconstruct the Tree of Life. If missing data are truly problematic, then it may be unwise to include species in an analysis that lack data for some characters (incomplete taxa) or to include characters that lack data for some species. Given the difficulty of obtaining data from all characters for all taxa (e.g., fossils), missing data might seriously impede efforts to reconstruct a comprehensive phylogeny that includes all species. Fortunately, recent simulations and empirical analyses suggest that missing data cells are not themselves problematic, and that incomplete taxa can be accurately placed as long as the overall number of characters in the analysis is large. However, these studies have so far only been conducted on parsimony, likelihood, and neighbor-joining methods. Although Bayesian phylogenetic methods have become widely used in recent years, the effects of missing data on Bayesian analysis have not been adequately studied. Here, we conduct simulations to test whether Bayesian analyses can accurately place incomplete taxa despite extensive missing data. In agreement with previous studies of other methods, we find that Bayesian analyses can accurately reconstruct the position of highly incomplete taxa (i.e., 95% missing data), as long as the overall number of characters in the analysis is large. These results suggest that highly incomplete taxa can be safely included in many Bayesian phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Cancer arises from a deregulation of both intracellular and intercellular networks that maintain system homeostasis. Identifying the architecture of these networks and how they are changed in cancer is a pre‐requisite for designing drugs to restore homeostasis. Since intercellular networks only appear in intact systems, it is difficult to identify how these networks become altered in human cancer using many of the common experimental models. To overcome this, we used the diversity in normal and malignant human tissue samples from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database of human breast cancer to identify the topology associated with intercellular networks in vivo. To improve the underlying biological signals, we constructed Bayesian networks using metagene constructs, which represented groups of genes that are concomitantly associated with different immune and cancer states. We also used bootstrap resampling to establish the significance associated with the inferred networks. In short, we found opposing relationships between cell proliferation and epithelial‐to‐mesenchymal transformation (EMT) with regards to macrophage polarization. These results were consistent across multiple carcinomas in that proliferation was associated with a type 1 cell‐mediated anti‐tumor immune response and EMT was associated with a pro‐tumor anti‐inflammatory response. To address the identifiability of these networks from other datasets, we could identify the relationship between EMT and macrophage polarization with fewer samples when the Bayesian network was generated from malignant samples alone. However, the relationship between proliferation and macrophage polarization was identified with fewer samples when the samples were taken from a combination of the normal and malignant samples. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:470–479, 2016  相似文献   

Modeling of developmental toxicity studies often requires simple parametric analyses of the dose-response relationship between exposure and probability of a birth defect but poses challenges because of nonstandard distributions of birth defects for a fixed level of exposure. This article is motivated by two such experiments in which the distribution of the outcome variable is challenging to both the standard logistic model with binomial response and its parametric multistage elaborations. We approach our analysis using a Bayesian semiparametric model that we tailored specifically to developmental toxicology studies. It combines parametric dose-response relationships with a flexible nonparametric specification of the distribution of the response, obtained via a product of Dirichlet process mixtures approach (PDPM). Our formulation achieves three goals: (1) the distribution of the response is modeled in a general way, (2) the degree to which the distribution of the response adapts nonparametrically to the observations is driven by the data, and (3) the marginal posterior distribution of the parameters of interest is available in closed form. The logistic regression model, as well as many of its extensions such as the beta-binomial model and finite mixture models, are special cases. In the context of the two motivating examples and a simulated example, we provide model comparisons, illustrate overdispersion diagnostics that can assist model specification, show how to derive posterior distributions of the effective dose parameters and predictive distributions of response, and discuss the sensitivity of the results to the choice of the prior distribution.  相似文献   

It has been a challenging task to integrate high-throughput data into investigations of the systematic and dynamic organization of biological networks. Here, we presented a simple hierarchical clustering algorithm that goes a long way to achieve this aim. Our method effectively reveals the modular structure of the yeast protein-protein interaction network and distinguishes protein complexes from functional modules by integrating high-throughput protein-protein interaction data with the added subcellular localization and expression profile data. Furthermore, we take advantage of the detected modules to provide a reliably functional context for the uncharacterized components within modules. On the other hand, the integration of various protein-protein association information makes our method robust to false-positives, especially for derived protein complexes. More importantly, this simple method can be extended naturally to other types of data fusion and provides a framework for the study of more comprehensive properties of the biological network and other forms of complex networks.  相似文献   

Sun L  Clayton MK 《Biometrics》2008,64(1):74-84
Summary .   We address the development of methods for analyzing crossclassified categorical data that are spatially autocorrelated. We first extend the autologistic model to accommodate two variables. Two bivariate autologistic models are constructed, namely a two-step model and a symmetric model. Importance sampling is used to approximate the complex normalizing factors that arise in these models, and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques are used to generate simulations of posterior distributions. The resulting models then are expanded to accommodate trend surfaces and directional effects. Simulation studies and real data are used to illustrate this method.  相似文献   

Xing Qin  Shuangge Ma  Mengyun Wu 《Biometrics》2023,79(3):1761-1774
Genetic interactions play an important role in the progression of complex diseases, providing explanation of variations in disease phenotype missed by main genetic effects. Comparatively, there are fewer studies on survival time, given its challenging characteristics such as censoring. In recent biomedical research, two-level analysis of both genes and their involved pathways has received much attention and been demonstrated as more effective than single-level analysis. However, such analysis is usually limited to main effects. Pathways are not isolated, and their interactions have also been suggested to have important contributions to the prognosis of complex diseases. In this paper, we develop a novel two-level Bayesian interaction analysis approach for survival data. This approach is the first to conduct the analysis of lower-level gene–gene interactions and higher-level pathway–pathway interactions simultaneously. Significantly advancing from the existing Bayesian studies based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique, we propose a variational inference framework based on the accelerated failure time model with effective priors to accommodate two-level selection as well as censoring. Its computational efficiency is much desirable for high-dimensional interaction analysis. We examine performance of the proposed approach using extensive simulation. The application to TCGA melanoma and lung adenocarcinoma data leads to biologically sensible findings with satisfactory prediction accuracy and selection stability.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(2):188-194
As the key precursor for l-ascorbic acid synthesis, 2-keto-l-gulonic acid (2-KGA) is widely produced by the mixed culture of Bacillus megaterium and Ketogulonicigenium vulgare. In this study, a Bayesian combination of multiple neural networks is developed to obtain accurate prediction of the product formation. The historical batches are classified into three categories with a batch classification algorithm based on the statistical analysis of the product formation profiles. For each category, an artificial neural network is constructed. The input vector of the neural network consists of a series of time-discretized process variables. The output of the neural network is the predicted product formation. The training database for each neural network is composed of both the input–output data pairs from the historical bathes in the corresponding category, and all the available data pairs collected from the batch of present interest. The prediction of the product formation is practiced through a Bayesian combination of three trained neural networks. Validation was carried out in a Chinese pharmaceutical factory for 140 industrial batches in total, and the average root mean square error (RMSE) is 2.2% and 2.6% for 4 h and 8 h ahead prediction of product formation, respectively.  相似文献   

Sample data from a number of sub-populations are often investigated in order to integrate the findings of different research studies on a particular area. In case of compositional samples, like the allele frequencies collected at a single locus in different surveys, the data are independent multinomial vectors. Each multinomial distribution depends on a specific probability vector, that is, the unknown relative composition of the sub-population. A Bayesian hierarchy approach is proposed here to model the variability of the sub-composition vectors around a common mean with possibly different scales. The common mean can be seen as the relative composition of the aggregated population. Scale parameters are well known in Biology as the Wright's inbreeding coefficients. The method presented here extends some previous work by assuming less prior knowledge on the subject and constraints on the model. A relatively simple Monte Carlo algorithm is described to perform joint inferences on general and local compositions and inbreeding coefficients. The method is applied on two case studies. The first one is based on DNA samples from ten Italian regions at the loci TH01 and FES, obtained from a database currently used for forensic identification, in which inbreeding assessments can be crucial. The second application is based on a set of colour-blind sample rates in North-East Indian populations collected by Choudhury (1994). The Author found some controversial results from the classical test for comparing proportions. A clearer picture, instead, is obtained by the current Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

On the Bayesian analysis of ring-recovery data   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Vounatsou and Smith (1995, Biometrics 51, 687-708) describe the modern Bayesian analysis of ring-recovery data. Here we discuss and extend their work. We draw different conclusions from two major data analyses. We emphasize the extreme sensitivity of certain parameter estimates to the choice of prior distribution and conclude that naive use of Bayesian methods in this area can be misleading. Additionally, we explain the discrepancy between the Bayesian and classical analyses when the likelihood surface has a flat ridge. In this case, when there is no unique maximum likelihood estimate, the Bayesian estimators are remarkably precise.  相似文献   

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