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Development of European bitterling in the gills of freshwater mussels   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The development of bitterling embryos within the unique environment of a freshwater mussel's gills requires a departure from typical cyprinid embryological development. Eggs are large (2·6×1·7 mm), illustrating the low risk of predation, and elliptical; a response to unionid gill morphology and a way of increasing the transfer rates of respiratory and excretory products to and from the tissues. The yolk sac develops elongated lateral processes during early ontogeny; these secure the embryo into the host's interlamellar space. Once the larva is capable of movement (8·2 mm) the lateral processes are lost and the larva becomes less dependent of the host's gills for the provision of oxygen. Hatching (3·3 mm) and pigmentation of the blood (6·4 mm) occur relatively early; this may increase the rate of oxygen supply to the tissues. Pigmentation of the eyes and appearance of the melanophores occurs relatively late (7·4 mm and 7·9 mm, respectively); embryos are not required to detect or avoid predators. Bitterling larvae generally emerge from the host once the yolk sac has been consumed (10·5 mm); this may mark a change in respiratory and nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

The coevolutionary dynamics between European bitterling Rhodeus amarus and freshwater unionid mussels, which the former parasitize by laying eggs on their gills, were tested. In a series of experiments fish preferences and mussel responses were compared in parasites and hosts of recent (Europe) and ancient (Asia) sympatry. Rhodeus amarus readily oviposited on the gills of all mussel species tested. Fish that laid their eggs on the gills of Asian Anodonta woodiana, however, suffered a dramatic reduction in reproductive success compared to fish that oviposited on the gills of European mussels: Unio pictorum , Unio tumidus , Anodonta anatina and Anodonta cygnea . This difference was the result of egg ejection behaviour by mussels rather than the unsuitability of the internal gill environment for European bitterling embryo development. The ejection response of mussels with a long sympatry with European bitterling was considerably more pronounced than that of mussels with a substantially shorter sympatry. The data support a coevolutionary arms race between bitterling and mussels and point to an evolutionary lag in the relationship between R. amarus and its European mussel hosts.  相似文献   

We staged female mate choice trials between pairs of males andrepeated the process for each female to determine the repeatabilityof female preference for males in red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus)in the first and second half of the breeding season. We measuredmale morphological traits (the size and color of the comb andthe brightness of the hackle feathers) that females are knownto use in choosing a mate. In the first half of the breedingseason, females showed repeatability in their choices of matewith respect to the male's comb characters. Females did notshow a repeatable preference with respect to male hackle feathers,and we found no repeatability of mate choice in the second halfof the season. Females seem to primarily look at the male'scomb when choosing a mate, and other ornaments seem only ofsecondary importance.[Behav Ecol 7: 243-246 (1996)]  相似文献   

In some species, females sequentially mate with different maleswithin a single mating period, store sperm until the eggs areeventually fertilized, and gain no other resources from themales. Halliday hypothesized that, for such species, a femalecould ensure fertilization of her eggs by mating with the firstmale that she encounters; thereafter, she can maximize the qualityof her progeny by sampling further males and by mating onlywith males of higher quality than previously mated males. Thishypothesis predicts that females' choosiness will increase asthe breeding season progresses. We tested this prediction ofHalliday's hypothesis by examining mate choice by female smoothnewts (Triturus vulgaris vulgaris). Males of this species developa dorsal crest during the courtship season. Crest height variesbetween males and is potentially an indicator of male quality.Initially, female smooth newts were equally willing to matewith males with low or high crests. However, in their secondmating, females remated only with high-crested males. Theseresults support our prediction and are consistent with Halliday'shypothesis. If crest height in smooth newts is an indicatorof quality, this change in females' mate choice criterion allowsfemales both to initiate egg-laying very early in the seasonand, subsequently, to mate preferentially with higher qualitymates  相似文献   

We used a breeding design involving 18 sires and 108 dams tostudy the heritabilities of male ornaments in red jungle fowl(Gallus gallus). Ornaments used by females to choose mates showedlow heritabilities, with the exception of comb and wattle measures.The general absence of heritability suggests that a geneticcovariance did not exist at the time of this study between mostmale ornaments and female preferences for those ornaments. Thisresult is contrary to a key prediction of the arbitrary or Fisherianhypothesis of sexual selection. Comb size and color are condition-dependenttraits that reflect short-term changes in health, and comb sizeof males was positively correlated with offspring weight. Ourresults are consistent with the expectation of good-genes hypothesesthat male ornaments reflect the ability of males to withstandenvironmental stresses.  相似文献   

We investigated the signaling function of blue plumage in maleblue grosbeaks (Guiraca caerulea) to determine if structurallybased coloration may act as a reliable signal of quality toconspecifics. Blue plumage results from the microstructureof feather barbules rather than from pigment granules, andthus it is possible that structurally based plumage ornamentsmay function differently from sexually selected ornamental coloration that is pigment based. The plumage of male blue grosbeaksreflects maximally in the blue-ultraviolet range, so most variationin plumage coloration among males is invisible to human observers.In previous research, we showed that increased area of blueplumage on the body is associated with a shift in the wavelengthof maximum feather reflectance toward the ultraviolet and withhigh intensity of light reflected at that maximum, and thatextreme expression of the male ornament is condition dependent.These observations suggest that blue plumage may be an honestadvertisement of male quality. We tested this hypothesis ina wild population of blue grosbeaks. We quantified male qualityin three broad categories. (1) Physical condition was assessed from subcutaneous fat deposits, ectoparasite load, and bodysize. (2) Territory quality was assessed from territory area,prey abundance, and predation risk. (3) Paternal investmentwas assessed from male feeding rate. We found that the bluestmales have the largest body size, maintain the largest territorieswith the greatest prey abundance, and feed nestlings in thefirst nest of the season at the highest rates. We conclude that structurally based plumage coloration functions as an honest,intraspecific signal of quality.  相似文献   

Human mate preferences have received a great deal of attention in recent decades because of their centrality to sexual selection, which is thought to play a substantial role in human evolution. Most of this attention has been on universal aspects of mate preferences, but variation between individuals is less understood. In particular, the relative contribution of genetic and environmental influences to variation in mate preferences is key to sexual selection models but has barely been investigated in humans, and results have been mixed in other species. Here, we used data from over 4000 mostly female twins who ranked the importance of 13 key traits in a potential partner. We used the classical twin design to partition variation in these preferences into that due to genes, family environment, and residual factors. In women, there was significant variability in the broad-sense heritability of individual trait preferences, with physical attractiveness the most heritable (29%) and housekeeping ability the least (5%). Over all the trait preferences combined, broad-sense heritabilities were highly significant in women and marginally significant in men, accounting for 20% and 19% of the variation, respectively; family environmental influences were much smaller. Heritability was a little higher in reproductive aged than in nonreproductive aged women, but the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of a female sexual ornament   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the evolution of sexual ornaments, and particularly that of female sexual ornaments, is an enduring challenge in evolutionary biology. Key to this challenge are establishing the relationship between ornament expression and female reproductive investment, and determining the genetic basis underpinning such relationship. Advances in genomics provide unprecedented opportunities to study the genetic architecture of sexual ornaments in model species. Here, we present a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of a female sexual ornament, the comb of the fowl, Gallus gallus, using a large-scale intercross between red junglefowl and a domestic line, selected for egg production. First, we demonstrate that female somatic investment in comb reflects female reproductive investment. Despite a trade-off between reproductive and skeletal investment mediated by the mobilization of skeletal minerals for egg production, females with proportionally large combs also had relatively high skeletal investment. Second, we identify a major QTL for bisexual expression of comb mass and several QTL specific to female comb mass. Importantly, QTL for comb mass were nonrandomly clustered with QTL for female reproductive and skeletal investment on chromosomes one and three. Together, these results shed light onto the physiological and genetic architecture of a female ornament.  相似文献   

Mate choice by females may be influenced by both advertizing traits of males, and behaviour of other females. Here, a simple genetic and behavioural model studies the advantages of mate‐choice copying. From a genetic point of view, a female preferring to copy others’ mate choice adopts a prudent strategy, because her offspring will inherit the same alleles from their father as the other young in the population. The model predicts that a female should copy others’ mate‐choice, unless she encounters a relatively more attractive male than the one she has observed mating, and the attractiveness of the male reflects his genotype. For low or moderate reliability of male signalling, mate‐copying is always predicted, even if the newcoming male is more attractive than the first male. This effect is attenuated, however, when the number of females that have already chosen the first male increases.  相似文献   

To investigate behavioral or morphological traits importantas mate choice cues, we measured selection differentials (s)as the covariances between each trait and male mating success,and directional selection gradients (J3) from multiple linearregression of the standardized traits on male mating success.Data from two leks in four consecutive years were included,and the annual data were analyzed separately. The main findingsare: (1) the distribution of male mating success proved to beless skewed than those found in many other lekking species,(2) only a few traits yielded significant selection gradients,(3) the importance of age on male mating success changed acrossyears, (4) females may use traits with a high variance as matechoice cues, and (5) individual males achieved similar matingsuccesses between years. Attendance and age were the traitsmost consistently correlated with male mating success, but notraits showed significant selection gradients in all years.Our results indicate that variable sexual selection pressuresexisted between years, but the high correlation found betweenthe mating success of individual males in successive seasonsalso indicates that permanent differences in male traits areimportant. Key words: lek, mate choice, sexual selection.  相似文献   

Although sexual selection through female choice explains exaggerated male ornaments in many species, the evolution of the multicomponent nature of most sexual displays remains poorly understood. Theoretical models suggest that handicap signaling should converge on a single most informative quality indicator, whereas additional signals are more likely to be arbitrary Fisherian traits, amplifiers, or exploitations of receiver psychology. Male nuptial plumage in the highly polygynous red-collared widowbird (Euplectes ardens) comprises two of the commonly advocated quality advertisements (handicaps) in birds: a long graduated tail and red carotenoid coloration. Here we use multivariate selection analysis to investigate female choice in relation to male tail length, color (reflectance) of the collar, other aspects of morphology, ectoparasite load, display rate, and territory quality. The order and total number of active nests obtained are used as measures of male reproductive success. We demonstrate a strong female preference and net sexual selection for long tails, but marginal or no effects of color, morphology, or territory quality. Tail length explained 47% of male reproductive success, an unusually strong fitness effect of natural ornament variation. Fluctuating tail asymmetry was unrelated to tail length, and had no impact on mating success. For the red collar, there was negative net selection on collar area, presumably via its negative relationship with tail length. None of the color variables (hue, chroma, and brightness) had significant selection differentials, but a partial effect (selection gradient) of chroma might represent a color preference when tail length is controlled for. We suggest that the red collar functions in male agonistic interactions, which has been strongly supported by subsequent work. Thus, female choice targets only one handicap, extreme tail elongation, disregarding or even selecting against the carotenoid display. We discuss whether long tails might be better indicators of genetic quality than carotenoid pigmentation. As regards the evolution of multiple ornaments, we propose that multiple handicap signaling is stable not because of multiple messages but because of multiple receivers, in this case females and males.  相似文献   

All too often, studies of sexual selection focus exclusively on the responses in one sex, on single traits, typically those that are exaggerated and strongly sexually dimorphic. They ignore a range of less obvious traits and behavior, in both sexes, involved in the interactions leading to mate choice. To remedy this imbalance, we analyze a textbook example of sexual selection in the stalk‐eyed fly (Diasemopsis meigenii). We studied several traits in a novel, insightful, and efficient experimental design, examining 2,400 male–female pairs in a “round‐robin” array, where each female was tested against multiple males and vice versa. In D. meigenii, females exhibit strong mate preference for males with highly exaggerated eyespan, and so we deliberately constrained variation in male eyespan to reveal the importance of other traits. Males performing more precopulatory behavior were more likely to attempt to mate with females and be accepted by them. However, behavior was not a necessary part of courtship, as it was absent from over almost half the interactions. Males with larger reproductive organs (testes and accessory glands) did not make more mating attempts, but there was a strong tendency for females to accept mating attempts from such males. How females detect differences in male reproductive organ size remains unclear. In addition, females with larger eyespan, an indicator of size and fecundity, attracted more mating attempts from males, but this trait did not alter female acceptance. Genetic variation among males had a strong influence on male mating attempts and female acceptance, both via the traits we studied and other unmeasured attributes. These findings demonstrate the importance of assaying multiple traits in males and females, rather than focusing solely on prominent and exaggerated sexually dimorphic traits. The approach allows a more complete understanding of the complex mating decisions made by both males and females.  相似文献   

Animals often use assessment signals to communicate information about their quality to a variety of receivers, including potential mates, competitors, and predators. But what maintains reliable signaling and prevents signalers from signaling a better quality than they actually have? Previous work has shown that reliable signaling can be maintained if signalers pay fitness costs for signaling at different intensities and these costs are greater for lower quality individuals than higher quality ones. Models supporting this idea typically assume that continuous variation in signal intensity is perceived as such by receivers. In many organisms, however, receivers have threshold responses to signals, in which they respond to a signal if it is above a threshold value and do not respond if the signal is below the threshold value. Here, we use both analytical and individual-based models to investigate how such threshold responses affect the reliability of assessment signals. We show that reliable signaling systems can break down when receivers have an invariant threshold response, but reliable signaling can be rescued if there is variation among receivers in the location of their threshold boundary. Our models provide an important step toward understanding signal evolution when receivers have threshold responses to continuous signal variation.  相似文献   

Female mating preferences are often based on more than one cue.In empirical studies, however, different mate choice cues aretypically treated separately ignoring their possible interactions.In the current work, we studied how male body size and sizeof the male's nest jointly affect mate preferences of femalesand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus. The females were givena binary choice between males that differed either in body sizeor size of their nest or both. We found that neither body sizenor size of the nest alone affected male attractiveness, buttogether these 2 cues had a significant effect. Specifically,large males were more popular among females when they had alarge nest than when they occupied a small nest. The resultssuggest that if interaction effects between multiple mate choicecues are not considered, there is a danger of ignoring or underestimatingthe importance of these cues in sexual selection by female choice.  相似文献   

Investigations of parasite-mediated sexual selection have concentratedon the effects of parasites on males. Differences in femalesusceptibility to parasitic infection may also cause variationin reproductive behavior. I propose two alternative hypothesesto explain how infected females may alter their mate samplingbehavior. In the first hypothesis, infected females sample fewerprospective mates because chronic parasitic infection imposesenergetic costs that limit the time and calories that a femalecan expend in mate searching. A novel alternative hypothesisis that females recognize their own susceptibility to infectionand thus invest more time searching for a male phenotype thatindicates he offers genes complementary to her genome. In recombination,these good genes would allow her offspring to better resistparasites despite their mother's susceptibility. I examinedthe mate sampling behavior of experimentally infected wild turkeyhens when presented with an array of males, and compared themto control hens. Infected females did not invest more time assessingindividuals, did not wait longer to choose a male, nor werethey less likely to solicit during the trial. They did differfrom control females in that they visited more males beforesoliciting copulation and exhibited different preference functionsfor snood length. These results suggest that females are notso energetically restricted by latent coccidia infection thatthey must hurry to find a mate. Instead, it appears that infectedfemales assess a larger set of males as prospective mates, perhapsto increase the opportunity to obtain complementary genes forparasite resistance.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice for homologous sexual display traits has been demonstrated in several recent studies yet little attention has been given to quantitative comparison of the strength and form of mate preferences between the sexes. Such comparisons may provide important insight into the evolution of mate choice for honest signals. In particular, because females generally provide the majority of resources for initial offspring development, female displays may trade-off with fecundity, causing preference evolution to differ between the sexes. Recent theory suggests that adaptive male preferences for honest displays in females are possible under certain conditions and may result in preferences that are convex (i.e., stabilizing) in form. We compared sexual selection on a suite of contact pheromones arising from mutual mate choice using nine separate geographic populations of Drosophila serrata. We show that the convex selection is stronger on females than on males overall in these populations, and that convex selection is the predominate form of nonlinear selection on females but not males.  相似文献   

A theory of mate choice based on heterozygosity   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:14  
In theories of mate choice that rely on genetic benefits, thenature of the"good genes" involved has received little attention.A review of genetic studies of mate choice in a variety of speciesand situations suggests that individual heterozygosity is moreimportant than previously realized. Females are predicted tovalue heterozygosity in their offspring and under some conditionsin their males. The expression of vigor, condition-sensitiveornaments, and symmetry in males may be a direct reflectionnot of "good genes" but of individual heterozygosity at keyloci or at many loci. Like sexuality itself, mate choice basedon heterozygosity and genic diversity may be an adaptation thatfavors the production of diverse and superior competitors. Femalechoice is made meaningful by sexuality, and the adaptive valueof choice probably depends on some of the same factors thatmaintain sexuality  相似文献   

The evolution of reliable signaling can be explained by the handicap principle, which assumes that (1) the cost of a signal guarantees its reliability, and (2) cheating is prevented because the cost of a unit of display is greater for low-quality than for high-quality individuals. A test of these two assumptions was performed using manipulations of the length of the outermost tail feathers of male barn swallows Hirundo rustica, a trait currently subject to a directional female mate preference. We found that survival decreased with tail elongation and increased with tail shortening of males, supporting the assumption that the secondary sexual character is costly. Naturally long-tailed males were better able to survive with an elongated tail, whereas naturally short-tailed males improved their survival following tail shortening. This observation supports the second assumption of a differential cost of a signal. One mechanism imposing differential costs on sexually signaling barn swallows is foraging. Males with elongated tails captured smaller, less profitable Diptera, whereas males with shortened tails captured large, profitable prey items. The conditions for reliable sexual signaling by the tail ornament of male barn swallows are thus fulfilled.  相似文献   

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