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Field trials were carried out from June to August in 2004 at Wuyishan (Wuyi Mountains), Fujian province, China, to determine the effects of habitat diversification on arthropod communities. Two Chinese cabbage, Brassica chinensis, field 1 (F1) and field 2 (F2) surrounded by diverse vegetable cultivars were selected, while a monoculture of Chinese cabbage served as the control field (CK). The results showed that: (i) when comparing insect abundance of each order between different habitats, significantly higher numbers of lepidopterous insects (39.76% from the each order) and lower densities of Hymenoptera (19.82%) were found in CK than in F1 and F2; (ii) compared with CK, F1 and F2 had a lower percentage of species richness and an abundance of herbivorous insects, but increased richness, abundance and biodiversity of predatory insects; (iii) no differences were observed in neutral insects' guild between different fields; and (iv) the dominant species for each guild depends on the habitat types and sampling dates. This study suggests that intercropping could conceivably be used in these habitats to increase the population of natural predators, thus achieving desirable and ecologically friendly results in vegetable fields.  相似文献   

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with the protein content of cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1; EC in senescing leaves, panicle number, and panicle weight was characterized in rice (Oryza sativa L.). A near-isogenic line (NIL), C-22, developed by marker-assisted selection was grown under different nitrogen levels in the greenhouse and in a paddy field. Chromosome 2 of C-22 had an approximately 50-cM segment substituted from the Kasalath (indica) chromosome in a Koshihikari (japonica) genetic background. C-22 showed a 12–37% lower content of GS1 protein in leaf blades than Koshihikari, which was in good agreement with a QTL region positively affected by the japonica chromosome. At an early vegetative stage, C-22 had more active tillers than Koshihikari in the greenhouse. At the reproductive stage, both panicle number and total panicle weight of C-22 were significantly higher than those of Koshihikari, particularly when the plants were grown under a low-nitrogen condition. These traits of C-22 were further confirmed in a paddy field. Thus, tiller development was positively affected by the Kasalath chromosome at an early vegetative stage, which resulted in an increased panicle number and panicle weight at the mature stage in C-22. These data indicate that the target QTL (Pnn1; panicle number 1) is important in the development of tillers and panicles in rice. Linkage analyses for panicle number and ratio of developing tiller formation in the second axil (RDT) revealed that Pnn1 was delimited at the 6.7-cM region.  相似文献   

The BACH2 gene regulates B cell differentiation and function and has been reported to be a shared susceptibility gene for several autoimmune diseases. Our previous genome-wide association study (GWAS) indicated that several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the BACH2 gene are associated with Graves’ disease (GD) in the Chinese Han population; however, the association did not achieve genome-wide significance levels. Recently, this association of BACH2 with GD was confirmed in Caucasians in the UK population, but fine mapping in this region has not yet been reported. Here, we provide a refined analysis of a 331-kb region in the BACH2 gene, which harbors 359 SNPs, using GWAS data from 1,442 GD patients and 1,468 controls. The SNPs rs2474619 and rs9344996 were implied as the independent variants associated with GD by forward and two-locus logistic regression analysis. We genotyped eight out of 10 tagSNPs with P < 1 × 10?3 in 3,508 GD patients and 3,209 controls, the results also showed that rs2474619 was independently associated with GD in the combined population from GWAS and the second stage (P = 1.81 × 10?5). The rs2474619 and rs9344996 were further genotyped in the third stage cohorts, and rs2474619 showed evidence of association with GD at genome-wide significance levels in the combined population (P = 3.28 × 10?8, odds ratio = 1.13). The association of rs9344996 with GD can be explained by its linkage to rs2474619 in the combined population. Our study clearly demonstrated that BACH2 is a susceptibility gene for GD in the Chinese Han population and further supported rs2474619, in intron 2 of BACH2, is the best association signal with GD. However, the mechanism by which BACH2 confers increased risk of GD requires further study.  相似文献   

Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is one of the most economically important diseases of Brassica napus worldwide. Two blackleg-resistant lines, 16S and 61446, were developed through interspecific hybridization between B. napus and B. rapa subsp. sylvestris and backcrossing to B. napus. Classical genetic analysis demonstrated that a single recessive gene in both lines conferred resistance to L. maculans and that the resistance alleles were allelic. Using BC1 progeny derived from each resistant plant, this locus was mapped to B. napus linkage group N6 and was flanked by microsatellite markers sN2189b and sORH72a in an interval of about 10 cM, in a region equivalent to about 6 Mb of B. rapa DNA sequence. This new resistance gene locus was designated as LepR4. The two lines were evaluated for resistance to a wide range of L. maculans isolates using cotyledon inoculation tests under controlled environment conditions, and for stem canker resistance in blackleg field nurseries. Results indicated that line 16S, carrying LepR4a, was highly resistant to all isolates tested on cotyledons and had a high level of stem canker resistance under field conditions. Line 61446, carrying LepR4b, was only resistant to some of the isolates tested on cotyledons and was weakly resistant to stem canker under field conditions.  相似文献   

 Co-segregation of male fertility with DNA markers selected by targeted mapping approaches as being potentially linked to the Rfp1 restorer gene for the pol cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was analyzed using two canola (Brassica napus L.) backcross populations. Eleven DNA markers (10 RFLP markers and one RAPD marker) directly linked to the Rfp1 locus were identified. The linkage group containing the Rfp1 locus was found to correspond to B. napus linkage group 18 of Landry et al. (1991). A similar pattern of co-segregation between DNA markers and male fertility was observed in a backcross population segregating for the pol restorer gene Rfp2 from line ‘UM2383’; one RFLP marker, cRF1b, showed perfect linkage with both Rfp1 and Rfp2 and detected identical polymorphic fragments in both the Rfp1 and Rfp2 restorer lines. Our findings indicate that restoration of pol CMS is controlled by a single nuclear genetic locus on linkage group 18 and that Rfp1 and Rfp2 are likely allelic. Received: 2 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

A 60-year-old Japanese man was diagnosed as having hypouricemia at an annual health check-up. The routine laboratory data was not remarkable except that the patient's hypouricemia and plasma levels of xanthine and hypoxanthine were much higher than those of normal subjects. Furthermore, the patient's daily urinary excretion of xanthine and hypoxanthine was markedly increased compared with reference values. The xanthine dehyrogenase activity of the duodenal mucosa was below the limits of detection. Nevertheless, allopurinol was metabolized to oxypurinol in vivo. Based on these findings, a subtype of classical xanthinuria (type I) was diagnosed. The xanthine dehyrogenase protein was detected by Western blotting analysis. Sequencing of the cDNA of the xanthine dehyrogenase obtained from the duodenal mucosa revealed that a point mutation of C to T had occurred in nucleotide 445. This changed codon 149 from CGC (Arg) to TGC (Cys), a finding that has not been previously reported in patients with classical xanthinuria type I.  相似文献   

Genetic studies suggest that hereditary prostate cancer is a genetically heterogeneous disease with multiple contributing loci. Studies of high-risk prostate cancer families selected for aggressive disease, analysis of large multigenerational families, and a meta-analysis from the International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics (ICPCG), all highlight chromosome 22q12.3 as a susceptibility locus with strong statistical significance. Recently, two publications have narrowed the 22q12.3 locus to a 2.18 Mb interval using 54 high-risk families from the ICPCG collaboration, as defined by three recombination events on either side of the locus. In this paper, we present the results from fine mapping studies at 22q12.3 using both haplotype and recombination data from 42 high-risk families contributed from the Mayo Clinic and the Prostate Cancer Genetic Research Study (PROGRESS) mapping studies. No clear consensus interval is present when all families are used. However, in the subset of 14 families with ≥5 affected men per family, a 2.53-Mb shared consensus segment that overlaps with the previously published interval is identified. Combining these results with data from the earlier ICPCG study reduces the three-recombination interval at 22q12.3 to approximately 1.36 Mb. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cataract, defined as any opacity of the crystallin lens, can be divided into early onset (congenital or infantile) and age-related. It is the leading cause of visual disability in children, and mutations in many genes have currently been linked with this disorder. In the present study, we identified a genetic defect in a Chinese family with congenital cataract. Genomic DNA was extracted from the venous blood of the family and 100 normal controls. To screen for the disease-causing mutation, we sequenced eight candidate genes, and to predict the functional consequences of the mutation, a structural model of the protein was developed using the Protein Data Bank and PyMOL 1.1r1. We found a novel variant (c.163 A > G transition) in the gene for gap junction protein α3, or the connexin46 gene. This mutation resulted in the substitution of a highly conserved asparagine at codon 55 by aspartic acid (p.N55D). There were no nucleotide polymorphisms in the other candidate genes sequenced.  相似文献   

Virginiae butanolide (VB) is a member of the γ-butyrolactone autoregulators and triggers the production of streptogramin antibiotics virginiamycin M1 and S in Streptomyces virginiae. A VB biosynthetic gene (barS2) was localized in a 10-kb regulatory island which controls the virginiamycin biosynthesis/resistance of S. virginiae, and analyzed by gene disruption/complementation. The barS2 gene is flanked by barS1, another VB biosynthetic gene catalyzing stereospecific reduction of an A-factor-type precursor into a VB-type compound, and barX encoding a pleiotropic regulator for virginiamycin biosynthesis. The deduced product of barS2 possessed moderate similarity to a putative dehydrogenase of Streptomyces venezuelae, encoded by jadW 2 located in similar gene arrangement to that in the regulatory island of S. virginiae. A barS2-disruptant (strain IC152), created by means of homologous recombination, showed no differences in growth in liquid medium or morphology on solid medium compared to a wild-type strain, suggesting that BarS2 does not play any role in primary metabolism or morphological differentiation of S. virginiae. In contrast, no initiation of virginiamycin production or VB production was detected with the strain IC152 until 18 h of cultivation, at which time full production of virginiamycin occurs in the wild-type strain. The delayed virginiamycin production of the strain IC152 was fully restored to the level of the wild-type strain either by the exogenous addition of VB or by complementation of the intact barS2 gene, indicating that the lack of VB production at the initiation phase of virginiamycin production is the sole reason for the defect of virginiamycin production, and the barS2 gene is of primary importance for VB biosynthesis in S. virginiae. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Alpha1-antitrypsin (1-at) of individuals homozygous for a gene determining low serum concentrations of this protein can be distinguished electrophoretically from 1-at of homozygotes for the more common gene. Heterozygotes possess both electrophoretic species, and they may have 1-at levels intermediate between those of both homozygotes or may be in the range of the homozygotes for the common gene. The frequency of the gene determining a deficiency of 1-at in a population sample of 100 individuals was 0.075.This work was supported in part by NIH Program Project Grant HE-06285 from the National Heart Institute.  相似文献   

While rhizome formation is intimately associated with perennialism and the derived benefit of sustainability, the introduction of this trait into temperate-zone adapted Sorghum cultivars requires precise knowledge of the genetics conditioning this trait in order to minimize the risk of weediness (e.g., Johnsongrass, S. halepense) while maximizing the productivity of perennial sorghum. As an incremental step towards dissecting the genetics of perennialism, a segregating F4 heterogeneous inbred family derived from a cross between S. bicolor and S. propinquum was phenotyped in both field and greenhouse environments for traits related to over-wintering and rhizome formation. An unseasonably cold winter in 2011 provided high selection pressure, and hence 74.8 % of the population did not survive. This severe selection pressure for cold tolerance allowed the resolution of two previously unidentified over-wintering quantitative trait locus (QTL) and more powerful correlation models than previously reported. Conflicting with previous reports, a maximum of 33 % of over-wintering variation could be explained by above-ground shoot formation from rhizomes; however, every over-wintering plant exhibited rhizome growth. Thus, while rhizome formation is required for over-wintering, other factors also determine survival in this interspecific population. The fine mapping of a previously reported rhizome QTL on sorghum chromosome SBI-01 was conducted by targeting this genomic region with additional simple sequence repeat markers. Fine mapping reduced the 2-LOD rhizome QTL interval from ~59 to ~14.5 Mb, which represents a 75 % reduction in physical distance and a 53 % reduction in the number of putative genes in the locus.  相似文献   

Genetic studies recently unraveled the genetic cause of sclerosteosis, a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by a generalized increase in bone mass. Different loss-of-function mutations were identified in SOST, a gene with no homology to any known gene. This SOST gene is also involved in the pathogenesis of van Buchem disease, a disorder closely resembling sclerosteosis, since a 52-kb deletion located downstream of SOST is found in patients diagnosed with this condition. Molecular studies showed a very restricted expression pattern of SOST and its gene product, sclerostin, with areas in the bone tissue, more precisely in cells of the osteoblast lineage, being the major sites of expression. Sclerostin is a secreted protein with a cysteine knot motif. In vitro studies demonstrated that sclerostin acts as a modulator of BMP signaling by binding to different members of the BMP growth factor family and acting on downstream BMP signal transduction events. The important function of sclerostin in bone metabolism has also been proven in vivo by the osteopenic phenotype of transgenic mice overexpressing SOST in bone. The identification of sclerostin as an important protein in bone metabolism opens new perspectives for the development of anabolic therapeutics to prevent and treat osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Summary We have used four independently isolated cDNA probes for human apolipoprotein B (apo B), to isolate overlapping genomic recombinants for the 3 portion of the apo B gene. The cDNA clones and a unique fragment from the genomic recombinant have been used to identify the human apo B gene in DNA from a series of roden x human somatic cell hybrids. Our results provide evidence for the assignment of this gene to the short arm of human chromosome 2 (p23-pter). We have used the cDNA probes to identify three common DNA polymorphisms. The first, detected with the restriction enzyme XbaI and our probe pAB4, has a rare allele frequency of 0.48. The other two polymorphisms are detected with the probe pAB3. The enzyme MspI detects at least three alleles, with frequencies of 0.67, 0.16 and 0.15, while that detected with the enzyme EcoRI has a rare allele frequency of 0.12. The relative position of these polymorphisms has been mapped using the genomic recombinants.Investigation of a small number of haplotypes indicares that there is linkage equilibrium between the polymorphisms, which have a total polymorphism information content (PIC) value of more than 0.8. These polymorphisms will provide useful markers for genetic studies on chromosome 2 and for the analysis of the involvement of variants of the apo B gene in the development of hyperlipidaemia.  相似文献   

We used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) to detect DNA polymorphisms in the 3 untranslated (3UT) region of the gene for cystathionine -synthase (CBS). A polymorphism due to a T-to-C substitution at nucleotide 549 of the 3UT region with heterozygosity of 46% has been identified. Genotypes for this polymorphism have been obtained in all of the informative CEPH families, and CBS has been placed in the linkage map of human chromosome 21.  相似文献   

Pan C  Lan X  Chen H  Guo Y  Shu J  Lei C  Wang X 《Biochemical genetics》2008,46(7-8):424-432
PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods were applied to reveal three novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon 2 of the POU1F1 gene in 963 Chinese cattle belonging to eight breeds. Among them, a silent SNP (NM_174579:c.545G > A) detected by TaqI endonuclease is described. Frequencies of the POU1F1-G allele varied from 0.685 to 1.000. The association of TaqI polymorphism with growth traits was analyzed in 251 Nanyang cattle. No significant associations of the TaqI polymorphism with body weight and average daily gain for different growth periods (6, 12, 18, and 24 months old) were observed (P > 0.05), as well as for body sizes (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

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