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Supercooling causes very abrupt temperature and osmotic changes and can thus lead to freezing damage. Supercooling can be prevented by seeding, using a sample volume and geometry that allows rapid spreading of the ice throughout the sample. In a split-sample comparison of such samples on the cooling stage of a cryomicroscope and seeded at -5 and -15 degrees C, respectively, the percentages of membrane-intact sperm and sperm with acrosomes with a 'normal apical ridge' (NAR) were 72.5+/-3.8 and 75.8+/-2.0 versus 46.3+/-4.8 and 36.0+/-3.7 (means+/-S.E.M., n=4). In ejaculates of 15 unselected AI boars, after seeding at -5 degrees C, the post-thaw % live and % NAR were 66.3+/-10.4 and 74.8+/-7.5, respectively. Our present research is aimed at translating these findings to freezing in straws and at a high sperm concentration. We have designed a novel type of freezing apparatus for controlled-rate freezing of straws, in which supercooling can be effectively prevented in the entire straw. In a split-sample comparison of semen frozen in straws at a sperm concentration of 1.5 x 10(9) cells/ml with nine ejaculates from eight unselected AI boars, we found 54.8+/-1.9% versus 40.7+/-1.7% (means+/-S.E.M.) membrane-intact sperm for the new apparatus and a conventional freezing apparatus, respectively. With bull semen (eight ejaculates from six bulls), we obtained 67.3+/-3.0% versus 59.3+/-2.9% (means+/-S.E.M.) membrane-intact sperm for the new apparatus and conventional freezing, respectively. Additionally, the temperature curve after ice nucleation is of great importance. We have developed a model that allows us to predict that optimal cryopreservation requires a non-linear cooling curve in which the cooling rate varies as a function of subzero temperature.  相似文献   

We have carried out a theoretical analysis of specimen cooling rate under ideal conditions during impact freezing and liquid-jet freezing. The analysis shows that use of liquid helium instead of liquid nitrogen as cooling medium during impact freezing results in an increase in a specimen cooling rate of no more than 30-40%. We have further shown that when both impact freezing and liquid-jet freezing are conducted at liquid nitrogen temperature, the two methods give approximately the same specimen cooling rate under ideal conditions except for a thin outer layer of the specimen. In this region impact freezing yields the highest cooling rate.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to quantify possible intracellular water activity gradients during ADH-induced osmotic water flow, we employed energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis to thin, freezedried cryosections obtained from fresh, shock-frozen tissue of the toad urinary bladder. The sum of all detectable small ions (Na + K + Cl) in the cellular water space was taken as an index of the intracellular osmolarity. Presuming that all ions are osmotically active, they comprise about 90% of the cellular solutes. When the cells were exposed to dilute serosal medium, the reduction in the sum of the ions agreed well with the expected reduction in osmolarity. After inducing water flow by addition of ADH and dilution of the mucosal medium, all epithelial cells showed a fall in osmolarity. The change was more pronounced in granular cells than in basal or mitochondria-rich cells, consistent with the notion that granular cells represent the main transport pathway. Most significantly, intracellular osmolarity gradients, largely caused by an uneven distribution of K and Na, were detectable in granular cells. The gradients were not observed after ADH or mucosal dilution alone, or when the direction of transepithelial water flow was reversed. We conclude from these results that there is a significant cytoplasmic resistance to water flow which may lead to intracellular gradients of water activity. Concentration gradients of diffusible cations can be explained by a flow-induced Donnan-type distribution of fixed negative charges. With regard to transepithelial Na transport, the data suggest that ADH stimulates transport by increasing the Na permeability of the apical membranes of granular cells specifically.  相似文献   

We describe here a novel proteoliposome reconstitution system for functional analysis of plant membrane transporters that is based on a modified wheat germ cell-free translation system. We established optimized conditions for the reconstitution system with Arabidopsis thaliana phosphoenolpyruvate/phosphate translocator 1 (AtPPT1) as a model transporter. A high activity of AtPPT1 was achieved by synthesis of the protein in the presence of both a detergent such as Brij35 and liposomes. We also determined the substrate specificities of three putative rice PPT homologs with this system. The cell-free proteoliposome reconstitution system provides a valuable tool for functional analysis of transporter proteins.  相似文献   

Total length (LT) and total weight (W) measurements of 2576 European eels (Anguilla anguilla) immediately after sampling and again after freezing and defrosting showed that freezing significantly reduced eel LT and W by 1.3 and 6.4%, respectively (P < 0.001). Two formulas for the correction of LT and W of eels after defrosting are given.  相似文献   

A histological analysis of liver injury in freezing storage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ishine N  Rubinsky B  Lee CY 《Cryobiology》1999,39(3):271-277
As part of a more extensive study on the use of high subzero freezing for cryopreservation of mammalian livers we have tried to single out the effects of freezing and thawing on tissue damage. We compared the morphology of livers after freezing and thawing with what we considered an optimal high subzero cryopreservation protocol with the morphology of livers preserved under the same thermal conditions and in the same solution in a supercooled state, without freezing. The results show that while hepatocytes survive high subzero cryopreservation, detachment of endothelial cells occurs in every freezing experiment. On the other hand, the endothelial cells in livers that are not frozen are intact. This suggests that endothelial cell damage is caused by freezing and may be an important factor in high subzero freezing cryopreservation of the liver.  相似文献   

Kinetics of intracellular ice formation (IIF) under various freezing conditions was investigated for mouse oocytes at metaphase II obtained from B6D2F1 mice. A new cryostage with improved optical performance and "isothermal" temperature field was used for nucleation experiments. The maximum thermal gradient across the window was less than 0.1 degrees C/10 mm at sample temperatures near 0 degrees C. The dependence of IIF on the initial concentration of the suspending medium was found to be pronounced. The mean IIF temperatures were found to be -9.56, -12.49, -17.63, -22.20 degrees C for freezing at 120 degrees C/min in 200, 285, 510, and 735 mosm phosphate-buffered saline, respectively. For concentrations higher than 735 mosm, the kinetics of IIF showed a break point at approximately -31 degrees C. Below -31 degrees C, all the remaining unfrozen oocytes underwent IIF almost immediately over a temperature range of less than 3 degrees C. This dramatic shift in the kinetics of IIF suggests that there were two distinct mechanisms responsible for IIF during freezing. The effect of the cooling rate on the kinetics of IIF was also investigated in isotonic PBS. At 1 degrees C/min none of the oocytes contained ice, whereas, at 5 degrees C/min all the oocytes contained ice. The mean IIF temperatures for cooling rates between 1 and 120 degrees C/min were almost constant with an average of -12.82 +/- 0.6 degrees C (SEM). In addition, constant temperature experiments were conducted in isotonic PBS. The percentages of oocytes with IIF were 0, 50, 60, and 95% for -3.8, -6.4, -7.72, and -8.85 degrees C. In undercooling experiments, IIF was not observed until approximately -20 degrees C (at which temperature the whole suspension was frozen spontaneously), suggesting the involvement of the external ice in the initiation of IIF between approximately -5 and -31 degrees C during freezing of oocytes.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical analysis of the relationship between the flux of water, f H2O, and the flux of potassium f K, to the xylem of exuding root systems of Ricinus communis, is presented. Previous analyses (Baker and Weatherley, 1969; Minchin and Baker, 1969) have indicated the presence of a water dependent and a water independent f K both of which vary with the external concentration of potassium, Cm, supplied as potassium nitrate.The present analysis reveals that whereas at Cm values<1 mM both components of f K contribute ions to the osmotically active solutions within the osmotic barrier, at Cm values>1 mM only the water dependent f K is responsible for the osmotic work. This suggests that the ions are released within different regions of the stele. It is proposed that at cm values<1 mM both components are released from the inner stelar tissues whilst at higher Cm values the water dependent f K is released from the outer stelar tissues. This requires that the solute permeability of the plasmalemma of the outer stelar tissues increases markedly at or about Cm values of 1 mM.It is postulated that the required separation of the two f K components within the stelar symplasm at Cm values>1 mM is due to the water independent f K being in a bound state, possibly being transported along a chain of binding sites whilst the water dependent f K is in a free state within the aqueous phase of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Human erythrocytes were labeled with stearic acid spin labels, and no change was detected in membrane fluidity under hyperosmotic stress, going from isotonicity to about 3000 mOsm. Intact erythrocytes labeled with an androstane spin label and submitted to simulation of freezing show the onset of irreversible structural breakdown occurring in a saline solution at 2,000 mOsm. Ghosts labeled with maleimide spin label (4-maleimide-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxyl) when submitted to solutions of increasing osmolalities (pH 7.4), exhibit protein conformational changes that are irreversible after a simulated freeze-thaw cycle. After sonication of maleimide spin-labeled ghosts, membrane buried sulfhydryl groups become exposed. Such preparations showed behavior similar to the unsonicated when in saline hyperosmolal medium (pH 7.4). Such results suggest the ionic strength of the medium as the determining factor of the detected conformational changes. Maleimide spin-labeled ghosts in 300 mOsm saline solution (pH 7.4) were treated with ascorbic acid (spin destruction of nitroxides), and the kinetic analysis indicates that 65% of the labeled sites are located at the external interface of the membrane or in hydrophilic channels. Deformation and rearrangements of membrane components in solutions of increasing osmolalities apparently are related to protein conformational changes, on the outside surface of erythrocyte membranes, with a significant amount being structurally dissociated of lipids.  相似文献   

The effect of different conditions on the formation and properties of cryogels prepared by the freezing-thawing procedure from suspensions and solutions of the carp (Cyprinus carpio) myofibrillar proteins was studied. The freezing of water solutions and suspensions of the native myofibrillar proteins resulted in the formation of the structures mainly stabilized by non-covalent bonds. When muscle proteins were denatured prior to the freezing they formed the structures stabilized by both non-covalent and covalent disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented to simulate the freezing of individual yeast cells. In addition the model is solved numerically on a digital computer to obtain values for cell volume as a function of temperature, based on the thermal protocol during freezing, and the transport parameters of the cell membrane. The numerical procedure was modified to enable values for the membrane hydraulic permeability reference coefficient, Lpg, and activation energy, ELp, to be deduced by nonlinear analysis of complementary experimental data (10). It was observed that the apparent values of both Lpg and ELp increase with cooling rate, from Lpg = 0.0116 micrometer 3 micrometers-2 atm-1 min-1 and ELp = 19.4 kJ mol-1 for 9 degrees K/min to Lpg = 2.11 micrometers 3 micrometer-2 atm-1 min-1 and ELp = 101 kJ mol-1 for 35 degrees K/min. The deduced permeabilities fall within the range of values determined in a prior study by Levin (6). Analysis with the model also indicates that the turgor pressure exerts a negligible effect on yeast exposed to freezing stress.  相似文献   

A simple two-stage technique for preserving bovine lymphocytes is described. Lymphocytes from animals chosen at random were used. The experiments indicate that the optimum temperature for freezing and the optimum concentration of dime-thylsulphoxide (DMSO) as cryoprotectant were in the range -29 °C to -31 °C and 17.5 % to 20 % respectively. These concentrations of DMSO are much greater than those reported in most other studies.  相似文献   

A simple two-stage technique for preserving bovine lymphocytes is described. Lymphocytes from animals chosen at random were used. The experiments indicate that the optimum temperature for freezing and the optimum concentration of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) as cryoprotectant were in the range -29 degrees C to -31 degrees C and 17.5% to 20% respectively. These concentrations of DMSO are much greater than those reported in most other studies.  相似文献   

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