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The behavior of respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD may involve complicated interactions among multiple factors. Theoretical and experimental data suggest that interdependence among the airways of the bronchial tree leads to the emergence of self-organized patterns of airway narrowing, ventilation defects, and other phenomena when a tipping point is passed. Additionally, evidence from several studies shows that the behavior of an isolated airway is different from an identical airway embedded in the bronchial tree so that experimental results of isolated elements such as airways, airway smooth muscle, or inflammatory pathways may not explain the whole organ behavior. However, there may be factors in the isolated elements that can dramatically change the complex system's behavior. More effective strategies for prevention or recovery from a disease, such as asthma, will depend on our progress in identifying and understanding the essential parts of the self-organized behavior that is involved.  相似文献   

Immature rabbits have greater maximal airway narrowing and greater maximal fold increases in airway resistance during bronchoconstriction than mature animals. We have previously demonstrated that excised immature rabbit lungs have more distensible airways, a lower shear modulus, and structural differences in the relative composition and thickness of anatomically similar airways. In the present study, we incorporated anatomic and physiological data for mature and immature rabbits into a computational model of airway narrowing. We then investigated the relative importance of maturational differences in these factors as determinants of the greater airway narrowing that occurs in the immature animal. The immature model demonstrated greater sensitivity to agonist, as well as a greater maximal fold increase in airway resistance. Exchanging values for airway compliance between the mature and immature models resulted in the mature model exhibiting a greater maximal airway response than the immature model. In contrast, exchanging the shear moduli or the composition of the airway wall relative to the airway size produced relatively small changes in airway reactivity. Our results strongly suggest that the mechanical properties of the airway, i.e., greater compliance of the immature airway, can be an important factor contributing to the greater airway narrowing of the immature animal.  相似文献   

Airway hyperresponsiveness, particularly the ability of airways to narrow excessively in response to stimuli that normally cause little airway narrowing in nonasthmatic subjects, is a characteristic feature of asthma and the basis of its symptoms. Although airway hyperresponsiveness may be partly the result of alterations in the contractile phenotype of the airway smooth muscle, there is evidence that it may also be caused by structural changes in the airway wall, collectively termed airway remodeling. Airway remodeling is defined as changes in composition, quantity, and (or) organization of cellular and molecular constituents of the airway wall. Airway wall remodeling that occurs in asthma can result in functional alterations because of quantitative changes in airway wall compartments, and (or) because of changes in the biochemical composition or material properties of the various constituents of the airway wall. This brief review summarizes the quantitative changes in the dimensions and organization of the airway wall compartments that have been described and explains how structural alterations may lead to the exaggerated airway narrowing.  相似文献   

Effects of edema on small airway narrowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wagner, Elizabeth M. Effects of edema on small airwaynarrowing. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):784-791, 1997.Numerous mediators of inflammation have beendemonstrated to cause airway microvascular fluid and proteinextravasation. That fluid extravasation results in airway wall edemaleading to airway narrowing and enhanced reactivity has not beenconfirmed. In anesthetized, ventilated sheep(n = 30), airway vascularfluid extravasation was induced by infusing bradykinin(106 M) through acannulated, blood-perfused bronchial artery. Airway wall edema andluminal narrowing were determined morphometrically. Airway reactivityto methacholine (MCh; 10 µg/ml, intrabronchial artery) was determinedby measuring conducting airway resistance (Raw) by forced oscillation.Raw measurements were made and lung lobes were excised and quick frozenbefore or after a 1-h bradykinin infusion. In 10 airways per lobe(range 0.2- to 2.0-mm relaxed diameter), wall area occupied 32 ± 2% (SE) of the total normalized airway area(n = 9). Bradykinin infusion increasedwall area to 42 ± 5% (P = 0.02);luminal area decreased by <5%; and smooth muscle perimeter, ameasure of smooth muscle constriction, was not altered(n = 5). Raw showed nochange from baseline (1.4 ± 0.4 cmH2O · l1 · s)after bradykinin infusion (n = 10).During MCh challenge, Raw increased by 3.2 ± 04 cmH2O · l1 · s,and this change did not differ after administration of bradykinin. MChchallenge caused similar decreases in smooth muscle perimeter (10%)and luminal area (72 vs. 68%) before and after bradykinin infusion.However, the time constant of recovery of Raw from MCh constriction wasincreased from control (40 ± 3 s) to 57 ± 10 s after bradykinininfusion (P = 0.03). When lung lobeswere excised at the same time after MCh challenge was terminated(n = 5), luminal area was greaterbefore bradykinin infusion than after (86 vs. 78%;P = 0.007), as was smooth muscleperimeter. The results of this study demonstrate that airway wall edemalimits relaxation after induced constriction rather than enhancingconstriction.


Airway narrowing depends on smooth muscle force production and muscle shortening, but the structural and geometric properties exhibited by individual generations of the bronchial tree largely determine the extent and characteristics of airway narrowing. Properties of major importance include the nature and integrity of the epithelium, the structural and mechanical properties of the airway wall, as well as airway diameter. The influence of these properties on airway narrowing measured as flow or flow resistance in large and small diameter segments of airways from pig lung is described using a novel preparation, the perfused bronchial segment.  相似文献   



For mechanically ventilated patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), suboptimal PEEP levels can cause ventilator induced lung injury (VILI). In particular, high PEEP and high peak inspiratory pressures (PIP) can cause over distension of alveoli that is associated with VILI. However, PEEP must also be sufficient to maintain recruitment in ARDS lungs. A lung model that accurately and precisely predicts the outcome of an increase in PEEP may allow dangerous high PIP to be avoided, and reduce the incidence of VILI.

Methods and results

Sixteen pressure-flow data sets were collected from nine mechanically ventilated ARDs patients that underwent one or more recruitment manoeuvres. A nonlinear autoregressive (NARX) model was identified on one or more adjacent PEEP steps, and extrapolated to predict PIP at 2, 4, and 6 cmH2O PEEP horizons. The analysis considered whether the predicted and measured PIP exceeded a threshold of 40 cmH2O. A direct comparison of the method was made using the first order model of pulmonary mechanics (FOM(I)). Additionally, a further, more clinically appropriate method for the FOM was tested, in which the FOM was trained on a single PEEP prior to prediction (FOM(II)). The NARX model exhibited very high sensitivity (> 0.96) in all cases, and a high specificity (> 0.88). While both FOM methods had a high specificity (> 0.96), the sensitivity was much lower, with a mean of 0.68 for FOM(I), and 0.82 for FOM(II).


Clinically, false negatives are more harmful than false positives, as a high PIP may result in distension and VILI. Thus, the NARX model may be more effective than the FOM in allowing clinicians to reduce the risk of applying a PEEP that results in dangerously high airway pressures.

Although we have reported that tracheal smooth muscle from sensitized dogs shows altered mechanical properties, we did not know, because of technical difficulties with the preparation, whether similar changes occur in the properties of sensitized central bronchial smooth muscle (BSM), the site at which the acute asthmatic response is believed to develop. We have now succeeded in developing a cartilage-free BSM preparation that retains optimal mechanical properties. Such strips were obtained from mongrel dogs that had been sensitized to ragweed pollen. Controls were littermates injected with adjuvant alone. Length-tension relationships were obtained for both control and sensitized BSM strips (CBSM and SBSM, respectively). The maximal active stresses were the same (P greater than 0.05) when normalized to muscle fraction in total tissue cross-sectional area [6.2 +/- 0.6 x 10(4) and 5.9 +/- 0.6 x 10(4) (SE) for SBSM and CBSM, respectively]. This suggests that optimal tension is an insensitive indicator of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and that isotonic studies might be more revealing. The maximal shortening velocity (Vo) for SBSM at 2 s [0.35 +/- 0.017 (SE) lo/s, where lo signifies optimal muscle length], in the course of a 10-s contraction, was significantly greater (P less than 0.05) than Vo measured for CBSM (0.27 +/- 0.015 lo/s). However, Vo did not differ at the 8-s point of contraction. The sensitized group demonstrated a statistically significantly greater maximal shortening capacity (0.67 +/- 0.04 lo) than the control group (0.51 +/- 0.04 lo). At 2 s of contraction, 80% of maximal SBSM shortening had been completed and was significantly greater than for CBSM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine whether airway smooth muscle undergoes a maturational change regarding force generation, length-tension relationships were determined in isolated trachealis strips from adult and preterm sheep. At the length of maximum force generation, passive active and total tensions of the adult muscle were 2.5 times greater than preterm values (P less than 0.001). KCl stimulation yielded a greater peak tension in the adult strips than in the preterm strips (P less than 0.01). Preterm strips required higher concentrations of KCl to initiate contractions and higher concentrations to reach peak tension. Acetylcholine- (ACh) induced contraction resulted in greater force development at each dose in the adult strips compared with preterm strips (P less than 0.001). The dose of ACh required to reach a half-maximal response was significantly less for the adult strips than for the preterm strips (P less than 0.005). These data demonstrate that both force generation and receptor sensitivity increase with age. This inability of immature smooth muscle to generate as much force as adult smooth muscle may help explain why very preterm neonates requiring intermittent positive-pressure ventilation are at risk for developing structural airway problems.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the costal and crural parts of the diaphragm have different actions on the rib cage (RC) and that the tension developed in one part is not transmitted perfectly to the other. Thus the diaphragm can be modeled pneumatically or electrically as two generators or pumps in series between the lung and abdomen. As such, the force developed by diaphragmatic contraction is the sum of the forces developed in each part, whereas the volume displaced is the same for each part and equal to the total volume displaced. The costal part of the diaphragm is in series with the intercostal and accessory (IA) muscles between the lung and RC, whereas the crural part is in parallel. The volume displaced by simultaneous contraction of the crural part and IA is the sum of volumes displaced by each part. The action of pleural and abdominal pressure [acting through the area of apposition (Aap) of the diaphragm to RC] can be modelled as a summing junction between IA and RC. With hyperinflation the costal part acts more and more in parallel with both IA and the crural part, whereas Aap diminishes, so that the ability to develop large forces decreases independently of the muscles' force-length relationships. The model also predicts that the factors determining the length of the costal and crural parts are different. Finally, the parallel and serial arrangement of the inspiratory musculature allows for increases in maximum power, maximum force, and maximum velocity by appropriate recruitment of the various muscle groups.  相似文献   

A model of inspiratory muscle mechanics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Increasing minute ventilation of dry gas shifts the principal burden of respiratory heat and water losses from more proximal airway to airways farther into the lung. If these local thermal transfers determine the local stimulus for bronchoconstriction, then increasing minute ventilation of dry gas might also extend the zone of airway narrowing farther into the lung during hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction (HIB). We tested this hypothesis by comparing tantalum bronchograms in tracheostomized guinea pigs before and during bronchoconstriction induced by dry gas hyperpnea, intravenous methacholine, and intravenous capsaicin. In eight animals subjected to 5 min of dry gas isocapnic hyperpnea [tidal volume (VT) = 2-5 ml, 150 breaths/min], there was little change in the diameter of the trachea or the main stem bronchi up to 0.75 cm past the main carina (zone 1). In contrast, bronchi from 0.75 to 1.50 cm past the main carina (zone 2) narrowed progressively at all minute ventilations greater than or equal to 300 ml/min (VT = 2 ml). More distal bronchi (1.50-3.10 cm past the main carina; zone 3) did not narrow significantly until minute ventilation was raised to 450 ml/min (VT = 3 ml). The estimated VT during hyperpnea needed to elicit a 50% reduction in airway diameter was significantly higher in zone 3 bronchi [4.3 +/- 0.8 (SD) ml] than in zone 2 bronchi (3.5 +/- 1.1 ml, P less than 0.012).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Variable site of airway narrowing among obstructive sleep apnea patients   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The purpose of this was to determine whether the site of physiological narrowing within the upper airway was uniform or differed among patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Inspiratory pressures were measured with an esophageal balloon catheter and three catheters located at different sites along the upper airway: supralaryngeal airway, oropharynx, and nasopharynx. Peak inspiratory pressure differences between catheters allowed assessment of pressure gradients across three airway segments: lungs-larynx-retroepiglottal airway (esophageal-supralaryngeal pressure), hypopharynx (supralaryngeal-oropharynx pressure), and transpalatal airway (oropharynx-nasopharynx pressure). In five patients, hypopharyngeal obstruction was present, and in four patients no hypopharyngeal obstruction existed. In these four patients the site of obstruction was located at the level of the palate. In a given subject, the site of obstruction was the same during repeated measurements. The presence or absence of hypopharyngeal narrowing during sleep was not predictable from gradients measured across different segments of the upper airway during wakefulness. We conclude that the site of physiological upper airway obstruction varies among patients with obstructive sleep apnea and is not predictable from pressure measured during wakefulness. We speculate that uvulopalatopharyngoplasty may not relieve obstructive apneas in patients with hypopharyngeal obstruction.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of changes in flow rates from partial flow-volume curves depends on their measurement at the same lung volume. This lung volume can be standardized from total lung capacity (TLC) if this does not change at the same time. We examined the effect of methacholine-stimulated maximal airway narrowing [change in mean forced expiratory volume in 1 s (delta FEV1) = 26.4%] on TLC, measured by whole-body plethysmography, in 10 normal subjects and of moderate airway narrowing (mean delta FEV1 = 34.9%) in 10 asthmatics. The TLC changed from 5.88 to 6.03 liters in normal subjects (P greater than 0.05) and from 6.92 to 6.95 liters (P greater than 0.5) in asthmatics. The results of this study suggest that TLC does not change significantly after methacholine-stimulated maximal airway narrowing in normal subjects and after moderate narrowing in asthmatics.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to assess the magnitude of oxidative stress and lung function abnormalities in 34 male pesticide sprayers on exposure to pesticides in mango plantations. Biochemical studies on blood antioxidant enzymes revealed an unchanged glutathione level and increased level of malondialdehyde (P < 0.001), which indicates that pesticide sprayers may have suffered from oxidative stress. Decreased acetyl-cholinesterase levels (P < 0.001) in sprayers compared to the controls suggest inhibition of cholinesterase activity. The present study shows that pesticide toxicity might lead to oxidative stress and airway narrowing resulting in decreased peak expiratory flow rate.  相似文献   


The study was conducted to assess the magnitude of oxidative stress and lung function abnormalities in 34 male pesticide sprayers on exposure to pesticides in mango plantations. Biochemical studies on blood antioxidant enzymes revealed an unchanged glutathione level and increased level of malondialdehyde (P < 0.001), which indicates that pesticide sprayers may have suffered from oxidative stress. Decreased acetyl-cholinesterase levels (P < 0.001) in sprayers compared to the controls suggest inhibition of cholinesterase activity. The present study shows that pesticide toxicity might lead to oxidative stress and airway narrowing resulting in decreased peak expiratory flow rate.  相似文献   

Airway hyperresponsiveness in mice with allergic airway inflammation can be attributed entirely to exaggerated closure of peripheral airways (Wagers S, Lundblad LK, Ekman M, Irvin CG, and Bates JHT. J Appl Physiol 96: 2019-2027, 2004). However, clinical asthma can be characterized by hyperresponsiveness of the central airways as well as the lung periphery. We, therefore, sought to establish a complementary model of hyperresponsiveness in the mouse due to excessive narrowing of the airways. We treated mice with a tracheal instillation of the cationic protein poly-l-lysine (PLL), hypothesizing that this would reduce the barrier function of the epithelium and thereby render the underlying airway smooth muscle more accessible to aerosolized methacholine. The PLL-treated animals were hypersensitive to methacholine: they exhibited an exaggerated response to submaximal doses but had a maximal response that was similar to controls. With the aid of a computational model of the mouse lung, we conclude that the methacholine responsiveness of PLL-treated mice is fundamentally different in nature to the hyperresponsiveness that we found previously in mice with allergically inflamed lungs.  相似文献   

Increased smooth muscle contractility or reduced smooth muscle mechanical loads could account for the excessive airway narrowing and hyperresponsiveness seen in asthma. These mechanisms were investigated by using an allergen-induced porcine model of airway hyperresponsiveness. Airway narrowing to electric field stimulation was measured in isolated bronchial segments, over a range of transmural pressures (0-20 cmH(2)O). Contractile responses to ACh were measured in bronchial segments and in isolated tracheal smooth muscle strips isolated from control and test (ovalbumin sensitized and challenged) pigs. Test airways narrowed less than controls (P < 0.0001). Test pigs showed reduced contractility to ACh, both in isolated bronchi (P < 0.01) and smooth muscle strips (P < 0.01). Thus isolated airways from pigs exhibiting airway hyperresponsiveness in vivo are hyporesponsive in vitro. The decreased narrowing in bronchi from hyperresponsive pigs may be related to decreased smooth muscle contractility. These data suggest that mechanisms external to the airway wall may be important to the hyperresponsive nature of sensitized lungs.  相似文献   

Several assessments of the mechanics of plantar tissues, using various material models in conjunction with representing plantar regions using simple geometry, have been proposed. In this study, the plantar tissues were divided into eight regions to account for the various tissue characteristics. The plantar tissue model described each region as an ellipsoid, with a viscoelastic material model. The model combined varying elliptical contact areas with nonlinear tissue stiffness and damping. The main instruments used in this research were pressure-measuring insoles, which were used to determine the ground reaction force, as well as contact areas. The measured contact areas were fitted as elliptical areas to describe the compression of the corresponding ellipsoids. The approach was tested using walking data collected from 26 individuals: four men, 22 women, 24.4 ± 6.9 years old, 66.9 ± 21.4 kg of mass, 1.66 ± 0.12 m tall. The geometric and material variables of the proposed ellipsoidal model were optimized for each participant to match the ground reaction forces. Results suggest that the ellipsoid model is able to reproduce ground reaction force with reasonable accuracy. The largest errors were seen in heel and toe regions and were due to high-rate forces and small comparative areas, respectively. The model also showed that there are regional differences in the mechanical characteristics of plantar tissue, which confirms earlier research.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) model of the human airway tree is proposed using a deterministic algorithm that can generate a branching duct system in an organ. The algorithm is based on two principles: 1) the amount of fluid delivery through a branch is proportional to the volume of the region it supplies; and 2) the terminal branches are arranged homogeneously within the organ. These principles define the basic process of branching: generation of the dimensions and directionality of two daughter branches is governed by the properties of the parent branch and the region the parent supplies. The algorithm is composed of nine basic rules and four complementary rules. When the contour of an organ and the position of the trunk are specified, branches are successively generated by the algorithm. Applied to the human lung, the algorithm generates an airway tree that consists of approximately 54,000 branches. Its morphometric characteristics are in good agreement with those reported in the literature. The algorithm and the 3D airway model are useful for studying the structure-function relationship in the lung.  相似文献   

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