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Aqueous dispersions of monovalent and divalent cation salts of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl) cholesterol form multilamellar vesicles as shown by freeze-fracture electron microscopy, by electron micrographs of the negatively stained liposomes, and by swelling curves of liposomes in hypoosmotic medium. Differential scanning calorimetry reveals that aqueous dispersions of divalent metal salts of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)-cholesterol undergo a characteristic thermotropic phase transition with a relatively large cooperative unit (n > 250 for the calcium salt). In contrast, monovalent cation salts of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol do not show a thermotropic phase transition under comparable conditions. The molecular area of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol in a monolayer is the same in the presence and absence of Ca2+, and is virtually equal to the area of an equimolar mixture of dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid and cholesterol. To account for the novel state induced by Ca2+ on aqueous dispersions of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol (i.e., bilayer organization and highly cooperative phase transition), a linear array model is proposed in which Ca2+ bridges adjacent arrays of O-(1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol molecules, thus freezing the acyl chains in their normal state. One of the main corollaries of the model is that the cooperative unit for a thermotropic phase transition is essentially one-dimensional, rather than a two-dimensional matrix. O-(1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoryl)cholesterol is proposed as an orientationally and conformationally restricted analog of glycerophospholipid plus cholesterol in bilayers.  相似文献   

The depression of the phase-transition temperature of dimyristoyl- and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles induced by phenol has been investigated by fluorescence polarization. This effect is strongly pH and concentration dependent. Only the uncharged phenol molecule influences the fluidity of the bilayer so that the interaction of phenol with the bilayer can be situated in the hydrophobic acyl chain region. Direct measurements of the partitioning of phenol in the phospholipid vesicles confirm these results and show a limited and concentration-dependent solubility. Phase-transition temperature depressions, obtained from thermodynamic analysis of partition coefficient measurement, are in good agreement with the experimental values.  相似文献   

The current view of the biological membrane is that in which lipids and proteins mutually interact to accomplish membrane functions. The lateral heterogeneity of the lipid bilayer can induce partitioning of membrane-associated proteins, favoring protein-protein interaction and influence signaling and trafficking. The Atomic Force Microscope allows to study the localization of membrane-associated proteins with respect to the lipid organization at the single molecule level and without the need for fluorescence staining. These features make AFM a technique of choice to study lipid/protein interactions in model systems or native membranes. Here we will review the technical aspects inherent to and the main results obtained by AFM in the study of protein partitioning in lipid domains concentrating in particular on GPI-anchored proteins, lipidated proteins, and transmembrane proteins. Whenever possible, we will also discuss the functional consequences of what has been imaged by Atomic Force Microscopy.  相似文献   

Steric effects on interaction of tea catechins with lipid bilayers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Interaction of tea catechins with lipid bilayers has been investigated with liposome systems. Tea catechins are classified into cis-type and trans-type from the configuration of the two hydrogens at the 2 and 3 positions on the C-ring. The amount of trans-type catechins incorporated into liposomes was less than that of the respective cis-type catechins. Furthermore, the order of the partition coefficients of catechins in an n-octanol/PBS system is the same as that of the amount incorporated into liposomes. These results indicate that in addition to the number of hydroxyl groups on the B-ring and the presence of the galloyl moiety, the stereochemical structure of the C-ring also governs the hydrophobicity and the affinity for lipid bilayers. Trans-type catechins with the galloyl moiety were located on the surface of the lipid bilayer, as well as cis-type catechins with the galloyl moiety, and perturbed the membrane structure. These different stereochemical structures should influence the affinity for lipid bilayers, the alteration of membrane structures, and the difference in the order of the biological activities.  相似文献   

The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the lipid bilayer hydration, the mean order parameter, and rotational dynamics of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) cholesterol vesicles has been studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy up to 1500 bar. Whereas the degree of hydration in the lipid headgroup and interfacial region was assessed from fluorescence lifetime data using the probe 1-(4-trimethylammonium-phenyl)-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (TMA-DPH), the corresponding information in the upper acyl chain region was estimated from its effect on the fluorescence lifetime of and 3-(diphenylhexatrienyl)propyl-trimethylammonium (TMAP-DPH). The lifetime data indicate a greater level of interfacial hydration for DPPC bilayers than for POPC bilayers, but there is no marked difference in interchain hydration of the two bilayer systems. The addition of cholesterol at levels from 30 to 50 mol% to DPPC has a greater effect on the increase of hydrophobicity in the interfacial region of the bilayer than the application of hydrostatic pressure of several hundred to 1000 bar. Although the same trend is observed in the corresponding system, POPC/30 mol% cholesterol, the observed effects are markedly less pronounced. Whereas the rotational correlation times of the fluorophores decrease in passing the pressure-induced liquid-crystalline to gel phase transition of DPPC, the wobbling diffusion coefficient remains essentially unchanged. The wobbling diffusion constant of the two fluorophores changes markedly upon incorporation of 30 mol% cholesterol, and increases at higher pressures, also in the case of POPC/30 mol% cholesterol. The observed effects are discussed in terms of changes in the rotational characteristics of the fluorophores and the phase-state of the lipid mixture. The results demonstrate the ability of cholesterol to adjust the structural and dynamic properties of membranes composed of different phospholipid components, and to efficiently regulate the motional freedom and hydrophobicity of membranes, so that they can withstand even drastic changes in environmental conditions, such as high external hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   

We recently reported the equilibrium maximum solubility of cholesterol in a lipid bilayer, chi*chol, to be 0.66 in four different phosphatidylcholines, and 0.51 in a phosphatidylethanolamine (Huang, J.,J.T. Buboltz, and G. W. Feigenson. 1999. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. in press). Here we present a model of cholesterol-phospholipid mixing that explains these observed values of chi*chol. Monte Carlo simulations show that pairwise-additivity of nearest-neighbor interactions is inadequate to describe all the chi*chol values. Instead, if cholesterol multibody interactions are assigned highly unfavorable energy, then jumps occur in cholesterol chemical potential that lead to its precipitation from the bilayer. Cholesterol precipitation is most likely to occur near three discrete values of cholesterol mole fraction, 0.50, 0.57, and 0.67, which correspond to cholesterol/phospholipid mole ratios of 1/1, 4/3, and 2/1, respectively. At these solubility limits, where cholesterol chemical potential jumps, the cholesterol-phospholipid bilayer mixture forms highly regular lipid distributions in order to minimize cholesterol-cholesterol contacts. This treatment shows that dramatic structural and thermodynamic changes can occur at particular cholesterol mole fractions without any stoichiometric complex formation. The physical origin of the unfavorable cholesterol multibody interaction is explained by an "umbrella model": in a bilayer, nonpolar cholesterol relies on polar phospholipid headgroup coverage to avoid the unfavorable free energy of cholesterol contact with water. Thus, at high cholesterol mole fraction, this unfavorable free energy, not any favorable cholesterol-phospholipid interaction, dominates the mixing behavior. This physical origin also explains the "cholesterol condensing effect" and the increase in acyl chain order parameter in cholesterol-phospholipid mixtures.  相似文献   

Artificial lipid bilayers in the form of planar supported or vesicular bilayers are commonly used as models for studying interaction of biological membranes with different substances such as proteins and small molecule pharmaceutical compounds. Lipid membranes are typically regarded as inert and passive scaffolds for membrane proteins, but both non-specific and specific interactions between biomolecules and lipid membranes are indeed ubiquitous; dynamic exchange of proteins from the environment at the membrane interface can strongly influence the function of biological membranes. Such exchanges would either be of a superficial (peripheral) or integrative (penetrating) nature. In the context of viral membranes (termed envelopes), this could contribute to the emergence of zoonotic infections as well as change the virulence and/or pathogenicity of viral diseases. In this study, we analyze adsorption/desorption patterns upon challenging tethered liposomes and enveloped virus particles with proteins – or protein mixtures - such as bovine serum albumin, glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored proteins and serum, chosen for their different lipid-interaction capabilities. We employed quartz crystal microbalance and dual polarization interferometry measurements to measure protein/membrane interaction in real time. We identified differences in mass uptake between the challenges, as well as differences between variants of lipid bilayers. Tethered viral particles showed a similar adsorption/desorption behavior to liposomes, underlining their value as model system. We believe that this methodology may be developed into a new approach in virology and membrane research by enabling the combination of biophysical and biochemical information.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of a number of antimicrobial peptides are sufficiently detailed to allow computer simulations to make a significant contribution to understanding their mechanisms of action at an atomic level. In this review we focus on simulation studies of alamethicin, melittin, dermaseptin and related antimicrobial, membrane-active peptides. All of these peptides form amphipathic alpha-helices. Simulations allow us to explore the interactions of such peptides with lipid bilayers, and to understand the effects of such interactions on the conformational dynamics of the peptides. Mean field methods employ an empirical energy function, such as a simple hydrophobicity potential, to provide an approximation to the membrane. Mean field approaches allow us to predict the optimal orientation of a peptide helix relative to a bilayer. Molecular dynamics simulations that include an atomistic model of the bilayer and surrounding solvent provide a more detailed insight into peptide-bilayer interactions. In the case of alamethicin, all-atom simulations have allowed us to explore several steps along the route from binding to the membrane surface to formation of transbilayer ion channels. For those antimicrobial peptides such as dermaseptin which prefer to remain at the surface of a bilayer, molecular dynamics simulations allow us to explore the favourable interactions between the peptide helix sidechains and the phospholipid headgroups.  相似文献   

In the nervous system, homophilic and heterophilic adhesion molecules participate in the induction and differentiation of presynaptic transmitter release sites. We focus on the heterophilic interaction between postsynaptic neuroligin-1 (Nlg) and presynaptic beta-neurexin (Nrx). Nlg has previously been shown to trigger presynaptic differentiation in a Nrx-expressing axon even when presented on a non-neuronal cell or on beads coated with lipid bilayers. We have now developed a new method to measure single molecule and ensemble distribution of Nrx and Nlg at the contact site between a non-neuronal Nrx-expressing cell and a flat supported glycosylphosphoinositol-neuroligin-1 (GPI-Nlg) lipid bilayer and relate them to adhesion as measured by cell migration and gravity dissociation. We find that within minutes after cell-bilayer contact, Nrx accumulates at the contact site and the contact area is expanded. The strength of cell-bilayer adhesion depends on the morphology of Nrx accumulation, with the focal concentration strengthening adhesion. The results suggest that Nlg-Nrx interaction rapidly establishes a weak, but specific, adhesion between dynamic pre- and postsynaptic processes, which may ultimately require additional molecules for synapse stabilization.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of peptide-membrane interactions in the biological activity of cyclic cationic peptides, the conformations and interactions of four membrane-active antimicrobial peptides [based on Gramicidin S (GS)] were examined in neutral and negatively charged micelles and phospholipid vesicles, using CD and fluorescence spectroscopy and ultracentrifugation techniques. Moreover, the effects of these peptides on the release of entrapped fluorescent dye from unilamellar vesicles of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylglycerol (PE/PG) were studied. The cyclic peptides include GS10 [Cyclo(VKLdYP)2], GS12 [Cyclo(VKLKdYPKVKLdYP)], GS14 [Cyclo(VKLKVdYPLKVKLdYP)] and [d-Lys]4GS14 [Cyclo(VKLdKVdYPLKVKLdYP)] (underlined residues are d-amino acids), were different in their ring size, structure and amphipathicity, and covered a broad spectrum of hemolytic and antimicrobial activities. Interaction of the peptides with the zwitterionic PC and negatively charged PE/PG vesicles were distinct from each other. The hydrophobic interaction seems to be the dominant factor in the hemolytic activity of the peptides, as well as their interaction with the PC vesicles. A combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions of the peptides induces aggregation and fusion in PE/PG vesicles with different propensities in the order: [d-Lys]4GS14 > GS14 > GS12 > GS10. GS10 and GS14 are apparently located in the deeper levels of the membrane interfaces and closer to the hydrophobic core of the bilayers, whereas GS12 and [d-Lys]4GS14 reside closer to the outer boundary of the interface. Because of differing modes of interaction of the cyclic cationic peptides with lipid bilayers, the mechanism of their biological activity (and its relation to peptide-lipid interaction) proved to be versatile and complex, and dependent on the biophysical properties of both the peptides and membranes.  相似文献   

Affinity of polyphenols for lipid bilayers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Interaction of tea catechins with lipid bilayers has been investigated with liposome systems. Epicatechin gallate had the highest affinity for lipid bilayers, followed by epigallocatechin gallate, epicatechin, and epigallocatechin. Epicatechin gallate and epigallocatechin gallate in the surface of lipid bilayer perturbed the membrane structure.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is one of the glycolytic enzymes, which have been proved to have the capability to reverse non-specific adsorption on cellular membranous structures in vitro, as well as on the structural proteins of the contractile system of muscle cells. It has been suggested that this binding may play a physiological role, as it alters the enzyme's kinetic properties. Our previous studies on this enzyme showed that its interaction with some anionic phospholipids reveals similar characteristics and similar effect on the activity of the enzyme to those which had been observed for the interaction with membranous structures. Disruption of the lipid bilayers by nonionic detergent (Tween 20) restored the enzyme activity inhibited by the presence of phosphatidylserine (PS) liposomes. In this study, we used the measurement of enzyme tryptophanyl fluorescence spectra to monitor the interaction and possible changes in the enzyme conformation. The investigation provided further evidence of the importance of the bilayer structure in this interaction. Similarly to the effect on the activity of the enzyme, the addition of Tween 20 diminishes the quenching of the LDH tryptophanyl fluorescence, and finally completely restores the fluorescence.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl-phosphoryl-choline (CPC), a hybrid between cholesterol and lecithin, is incorporated into sonicated liposomes and erythrocyte membranes similarly to cholesterol. The effect of CPC on lipid microviscosity and degree of order is smaller, but not significantly than that of cholesterol. It is proposed that CPC may be employed as an efficient modulator of lipid dynamics.  相似文献   

A detailed molecular dynamics study of the haemagglutinin fusion peptide (N-terminal 20 residues of the HA2 subunits) in a model bilayer has yielded useful information about the molecular interactions leading to insertion into the lipids. Simulations were performed on the native sequence, as well as a number of mutant sequences, which are either fusogenic or nonfusogenic. For the native sequence and fusogenic mutants, the N-terminal 11 residues of the fusion peptides are helical and insert with a tilt angle of approximately 30 degrees with respect to the membrane normal, in very good agreement with experimental data. The tilted insertion of the native sequence peptide leads to membrane bilayer thinning and the calculated order parameters show larger disorder of the alkyl chains. These results indicate that the lipid packing is perturbed by the fusion peptide and could be used to explain membrane fusion. For the nonfusogenic sequences investigated, it was found that most of them equilibrate parallel to the interface plane and do not adopt a tilted conformation. The presence of a charged residue at the beginning of the sequence (G1E mutant) resulted in a more difficult case, and the outcomes do not fall straightforwardly into the general picture. Sequence searches have revealed similarities of the fusion peptide of influenza haemagglutinin with peptide sequences such as segments of porin, amyloid alpha eta peptide, and a peptide from the prion sequence. These results confirm that the sequence can adopt different folds in different environments. The plasticity and the conformational dependence on the local environment could be used to better understand the function of fusion peptides.  相似文献   

Functional tethered lipid bilayers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Our strategy to provide the structural basis for the build-up of functional tethered membranes focuses on three approaches: the first one is based on the pre-organization of a monomolecular layer of a lipopolymer at the water/air interface which is then transferred to a solid support. Prior to deposition, the substrate is coated with a layer of benzophenone-derivatized silane molecules that allow for a stable covalent attachment by photo-cross-linking of some of the monomer units of the lipopolymer to the support. An alternative concept realizes a layer-by-layer deposition of the various structural elements: (1) the attachment layer with the reactive sites for the chemical stabilization; (2) a polymer 'cushion' prepared by adsorption and simultaneous or subsequent partial covalent binding to the reactive sites; and (3) a lipid monolayer transferred from the water/air interface, that contains a certain amount of lipids with reactive headgroups which, upon binding to the polymer tether, act as anchor lipids stabilizing the whole monolayer/cushion-composite. And finally, we build peptide-supported monolayers by first (self-) assembling amino acid sequences of various lengths via a SH-group near their N-terminus onto Au substances and use then their COO(-)-terminus to chemically attach phosphatidyl-ethanolamine lipids to form a stable monolayer of lipid-peptide conjugates. All the individual preparation steps and the various resulting (multi-) layers are characterized by surface plasmon spectroscopy, X-ray and neutron-reflectometry, contact angle measurements, IR spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, scanning probe microscopies, as well as, electrochemical techniques. For all tethering systems, the final membranes' architecture is obtained by fusing lipid vesicles onto the lipid monolayer. Proteins can be incorporated by either fusing vesicles that are loaded with the respective receptors, pores, or ion pumps via a reconstitution procedure, or via a transfer directly from a micellar solution to the pre-formed lipid bilayer at the solid support by a dialysis step. Two structural/dynamical features of tethered membranes which are considered to be of particular functional relevance, i.e. the degree of water uptake and, hence, the degree of swelling of the polymer support, as well as the lateral mobility of the lipid molecules in the membrane, are tested by surface plasmon optics and by measurements of the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), respectively. The results confirm that the presented preparation protocols yield fluid bilayers that mimic certain relevant properties of biological membranes. The functional characterization of tethered membranes, which is briefly summarized, is based on various electrochemical techniques, in particular, impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometric studies. The results obtained for reconstituted H(+)-ATPase from chloroplasts and E. coli and for cytochrome oxidase (with and without cytochrome c) confirm the incorporation of the proteins in an active form, thus, opening opportunities for novel sensor formats or offering a completely new model membrane system.  相似文献   

The softening of wet lipid bilayer membranes during their gel-to-fluid first-order phase transition is studied by computer simulation of a family of two-dimensional microscopic interaction models. The models include a variable number, q, of lipid chain conformational states, where 2q10. Results are presented as functions of q and temperature for a number of bulk properties, such as internal energy, specific heat, and lateral compressibility. A quantitative account is given of the statistics of the lipid clusters which are found to form in the neighborhood of the transition. The occurrence of these clusters is related to the softening and the strong thermal density fluctuations which dominate the specific heat and the lateral compressibility for the high-q models. The cluster distributions and the fluctuations behave in a manner reminiscent of critical phenomena and percolation. The findings of long-lived metastable states and extremely slow relaxational behavior in the transition region are shown to be caused by the presence of intermediate lipid chain conformational states which kinetically stabilize the cluster distribution and the effective phase coexistence. This has as its macroscopic consequence that the first-order transition apperas as a continuous transition, as invariably observed in all experiments on uncharged lecithin bilayer membranes. The results also suggest an explanation of the non-horizontal isotherms of lipid monolayers. Possible implications of lipid bilayer softening and enhanced passive permeability for the functioning of biological membranes are discussed.Abbreviations PC phosphatidvlcholine - DMPC dimyristoyl PC - DPPC dipalmitoyl PC - ac alternating current - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - T m lipid gel-to-fluid phase transition temperature - TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl Supported by the Danish Natural Science Research Council and A/S De Danske Spritfabrikkers JubilæumslegatSupported in part by the NSERC of Canada and Le FCAC du Quebec  相似文献   

Structure of lipid bilayers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The quantitative experimental uncertainty in the structure of fully hydrated, biologically relevant, fluid (L(alpha)) phase lipid bilayers has been too large to provide a firm base for applications or for comparison with simulations. Many structural methods are reviewed including modern liquid crystallography of lipid bilayers that deals with the fully developed undulation fluctuations that occur in the L(alpha) phase. These fluctuations degrade the higher order diffraction data in a way that, if unrecognized, leads to erroneous conclusions regarding bilayer structure. Diffraction measurements at high instrumental resolution provide a measure of these fluctuations. In addition to providing better structural determination, this opens a new window on interactions between bilayers, so the experimental determination of interbilayer interaction parameters is reviewed briefly. We introduce a new structural correction based on fluctuations that has not been included in any previous studies. Updated measurements, such as for the area compressibility modulus, are used to provide adjustments to many of the literature values of structural quantities. Since the gel (L(beta)') phase is valuable as a stepping stone for obtaining fluid phase results, a brief review is given of the lower temperature phases. The uncertainty in structural results for lipid bilayers is being reduced and best current values are provided for bilayers of five lipids.  相似文献   

Green tea contains a high concentration of such catechins as (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECg), and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg). Their biological activities have been evaluated by in vitro experiments using cultured cells or bacteria, but the order of activity of the various catechins differed with the study. We have been studying the interaction of tea catechins with lipid bilayers, and clarified that the number of hydroxyl groups on the B-ring, the presence of the galloyl moiety, and the stereochemical structure of each catechin govern their affinity for lipid bilayers. We investigated in this present study the effects of various external factors on the affinity of tea catechins for lipid bilayers by using liposomes as model membranes. The amount of tea catechins incorporated into the lipid bilayers increased with increasing salt concentration in an aqueous medium and decreased with increasing negative electric charge of the lipid bilayers. Furthermore, the amount of EGCg or ECg incorporated into the lipid bilayers increased with increasing EC concentration. These results reveal that the salt concentration in an aqueous medium, the electric charge of the membrane, and the presence of other catechins governed the affinity of tea catechins for the lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

Despite the vast body of literature that has accumulated on tilted peptides in the past decade, direct information on the forces that drive their interaction with lipid membranes is lacking. Here, we attempted to use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to explore the interaction forces between the Simian immunodeficiency virus peptide and phase-separated supported bilayers composed of various lipids, i.e. dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, dioleoylphosphatidic acid and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine. Histidine-tagged peptides were attached onto AFM tips terminated with nitrilotriacetate and tri(ethylene glycol) groups, an approach expected to ensure optimal exposure of the C-terminal hydrophobic domain. Force-distance curves recorded between peptide-tips and the different bilayer domains always showed a long-range repulsion upon approach and a lack of adhesion upon retraction, in marked contrast with the hydrophobic nature of the peptide. To explain this unexpected behaviour, we suggest a mechanism in which lipids are pulled out from the bilayer due to strong interactions with the peptide-tip, in agreement with the very low force needed to extract lipids from supported bilayers.  相似文献   

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