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Abstract. Evidence is presented for the occurrence of alternative stable states in a wet calcareous dune slack on the Frisian island of Texel, The Netherlands. An early pioneer stage (0.5 kgm?2 total standing crop) and a more productive later successional stage (2.9 kg m?2) occur side by side, with sharp boundaries between them. The pioneer vegetation has been recorded at the site for more than 62 yr. These features indicate the occurrence of a positive‐feedback mechanism that has led to alternative stable states. Analyses of ground and surface water composition, and decalcification depths, indicated that hydrologically the study site can be characterized as a flow‐through slack, with exfiltration of calcareous groundwater on one side and infiltration of surface water on the other side of the slack. These differences in hydrological conditions have led to distinct differences in environmental conditions within the dune slack. The occurrence of the two successional stages can, however, not be explained by differences in hydrological conditions since both stages occur side by side in the centre of the dune slack. It is, therefore, more likely that biotic interactions are the cause of the vegetation pattern. Three possible mechanisms for feedback processes are discussed: (1) enhanced nitrogen loss; (2) sulfide toxicity and (3) nutrient accumulation in internal cycle.  相似文献   

Berendse  F.  Lammerts  E. J.  Olff  H. 《Plant Ecology》1998,137(1):71-78
Vegetation and soil development during succession in coastal dune slacks on Terschelling island, the Netherlands, was investigated, by comparing neighbouring ecosystems on similar substrates that had been developing for 1, 5, 35 and 76 years since the vegetation and organic soil layer had been removed. In this successional sequence, soil organic matter accumulated rapidly due to the production of litter and dead roots. N mineralization was extremely low, increasing from 0.2 g m-2 yr-1 after 5 years to 0.8 g m-2 yr-1 after 76 years. It was accompanied by a decline in the pH (KCl) in the upper 10 cm of the soil from 6.8 to 4.4. Most of the above-ground biomass accumulated in the shrub species Oxycoccus macrocarpos and Salix repens. The 5- year-old plots harboured many plant species (18 species per 0.25 m2), but plant species diversity was much lower in the older plots. It is concluded that most changes in species composition and the decline in diversity occurred because early successional plant species were gradually outshaded by the thick litter layer and the accumulated shrub biomass.  相似文献   

Invasive nitrogen-fixing plants drive vegetation dynamics and may cause irreversible changes in nutrient-limited ecosystems through increased soil resources. We studied how soil conditioning by the invasive alien Lupinus nootkatensis affected the seedling growth of co-occurring native plant species in coastal dunes, and whether responses to lupin-conditioned soil could be explained by fertilisation effects interacting with specific ecological strategies of the native dune species. Seedling performance of dune species was compared in a greenhouse experiment using field-collected soil from within or outside coastal lupin stands. In associated experiments, we quantified the response to nutrient supply of each species and tested how addition of specific nutrients affected growth of the native grass Festuca arundinacea in control and lupin-conditioned soil. We found that lupin-conditioned soil increased seedling biomass in 30 out of 32 native species; the conditioned soil also had a positive effect on seedling biomass of the invasive lupin itself. Increased phosphorus mobilisation by lupins was the major factor driving these positive seedling responses, based both on growth responses to addition of specific elements and analyses of plant available soil nutrients. There were large differences in growth responses to lupin-conditioned soil among species, but they were unrelated to selected autecological indicators or plant strategies. We conclude that Lupinus nootkatensis removes the phosphorus limitation for growth of native plants in coastal dunes, and that it increases cycling of other nutrients, promoting the growth of its own seedlings and a wide range of dune species. Finally, our study indicates that there are no negative soil legacies that prevent re-establishment of native plant species after removal of lupins.  相似文献   

Abstract. The soil seed bank composition was determined at four sites in the dune slack ‘Koegelwieck’ on the Dutch Wadden Sea island of Terschelling. At three different sites in the slack, where sod-cutting experiments down to the mineral sand had been carried out, the established vegetation and seed bank were assessed after 5, 9 and 39 yr of undisturbed development, respectively. In addition, a fourth site in the slack was investigated, where vegetation development had proceeded for 80 yr since plant colonization of bare soil and where nowadays a vegetation dominated by Calamagrostis epigejos and Salix repens occurs. Together these four sites can be regarded as a chronosequence of dune slack formation. Clear time sequences were detected in the seed bank data. Many late successional species showed a significant increase in the number of seeds during the succession. Some of the early successional basiphilous pioneer species such as Anagallis minima, Centaurium littorale, Littorella uniflora, Radiola linoides and Samolus valerandi, showed either a decrease during the time of succession or an optimum in the vegetation while remaining present in the seed bank in low but detectable numbers. They could, therefore, play a role in re-establishment of the vegetation after sod-cutting. One of the target species, Schoenus nigricans, established within a few years after removal of the sod. However, no seeds of this species have been detected in the soil below either of the successional stages. Based on the species disappearance from the established vegetation and based on the independent data of Thompson et al. (1997) an estimation of seed longevity could be made for several Red List species of wet dune slacks.  相似文献   

Various compatible solutes enable plants to tolerate abiotic stress, and glycinebetaine (GB) is one of the most-studied among such solutes. Early research on GB focused on the maintenance of cellular osmotic potential in plant cells. Subsequent genetically engineered synthesis of GB-biosynthetic enzymes and studies of transgenic plants demonstrated that accumulation of GB increases tolerance of plants to various abiotic stresses at all stages of their life cycle. Such GB-accumulating plants exhibit various advantageous traits, such as enlarged fruits and flowers and/or increased seed number under non-stress conditions. However, levels of GB in transgenic GB-accumulating plants are relatively low being, generally, in the millimolar range. Nonetheless, these low levels of GB confer considerable tolerance to various stresses, without necessarily contributing significantly to cellular osmotic potential. Moreover, low levels of GB, applied exogenously or generated by transgenes for GB biosynthesis, can induce the expression of certain stress-responsive genes, including those for enzymes that scavenge reactive oxygen species. Thus, transgenic approaches that increase tolerance to abiotic stress have enhanced our understanding of mechanisms that protect plants against such stress.  相似文献   

Abstract. The biomass and chemical composition in six dominant field and bottom layer species was followed during four years after a fire in a Pinus sylvestris forest in western Norway. Three fire intensity levels were distinguished: low, medium and high. The overall biomass in the different species was estimated from the biomass per shoot, the shoot densities in pure stands of the investigated species and the percentage cover at medium burned sites. Corresponding measurements were made at control plots outside the burned area. A strong post-fire increase in the overall biomass of Calluna vulgaris, Polytrichum spp., Deschampsia flexuosa and Pteridium aquilinum was found, against a much slower regrowth of Vaccinium myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea. The Vaccinium species and Calluna were the dominant species at the control plot. Accumulation of carbohydrates seemed to take place in green and non-green tissue of Pteridium and Deschampsia. A corresponding accumulation of nitrogen was found in green and non-green Calluna and in non-green Vaccinium myrtillus tissue, and of phosphorus in green and non-green tissue of both Vaccinium species and Calluna as a result of fire. The regrowth of Calluna was mainly from seeds that appeared to be present in the soil before the fire. The regeneration of Pteridium and the two Vaccinium species took place almost exclusively vegetatively from below-ground rhizomes that had survived the fire. Three years after the fire the overall biomass at the burned site was higher than at the control site, due to improved light and nutrient conditions. However, the biomass is expected to decrease in the future and the species composition will probably change as nutrients are leached out of the soil and Pinus and deciduous trees (Betula pubescens and Salix caprea) regenerate from seeds and roots, leading to increased competition in the field and shrub layer.  相似文献   

Human alteration of the nitrogen cycle has stimulated research on nitrogen cycling in many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, where analyses of nitrate (NO3 ) by standard laboratory methods are common. A recent study by Colman et al. (Biogeochemistry 84:161–169, 2007) identified a potential analytical interference of soluble iron (Fe) with NO3 quantification by standard flow-injection analysis of soil extracts, and suggested that this interference may have led Dail et al. (Biogeochemistry 54:131–146, 2001) to make an erroneous assessment of abiotic nitrate immobilization in prior 15N pool dilution studies of Harvard Forest soils. In this paper, we reproduce the Fe interference problem systematically and show that it is likely related to dissolved, complexed-Fe interfering with the colorimetric analysis of NO2 . We also show how standard additions of NO3 and NO2 to soil extracts at native dissolved Fe concentrations reveal when the Fe interference problem occurs, and permit the assessment of its significance for past, present, and future analyses. We demonstrate low soluble Fe concentrations and good recovery of standard additions of NO3 and NO2 in extracts of sterilized Harvard Forest soils. Hence, we maintain that rapid NO3 immobilization occurred in sterilized samples of the Harvard Forest O horizon in the study by Dail et al. (2001). Furthermore, additional evidence is accumulating in the literature for rapid disappearance of NO3 added to soils, suggesting that our observations were not the result of an isolated analytical artifact. The conditions for NO3 reduction are likely to be highly dependent on microsite properties, both in situ and in the laboratory. The so-called “ferrous wheel hypothesis” (Davidson et al., Glob Chang Biol 9:228–236, 2003) remains an unproven, viable explanation for published observations.  相似文献   

Summary Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) plants were grown in Hoagland solution to which 20 to 2000 ppm of a soil fulvic acid (FA) were added. The addition of 100 to 300 ppm of FA produced highly significant increases in the growth and development of above and below ground plant parts, in the uptake of nutrient elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn), and in the formation of numbers of flowers per plant. Effects of adding 500 and more ppm of FA were less beneficial.  相似文献   

A pot culture experiment was conducted to examine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and soil developmental stages on the growth and nutrient absorption of pioneer plants growing in the early stage of primary succession on Mt. Fuji. Four herbaceous plants, Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonaceae), Miscanthus oligostachyus (Gramineae), Aster ageratoides var. ovatus (Compositae), and Hedysarum vicioides (Leguminosae), were grown from seed in soils collected from two different successional stages, bare ground and an herbaceous plant community. Spores of indigenous AM fungi collected from the herbaceous plant community were used as inoculum. The initial colonizer P. cuspidatum showed very low levels of AM colonization (<0.4%), whereas the average AM colonization levels of M. oligostachyus, A. ageratoides var. ovatus, and H. vicioides were within the range of 13–49%. AM fungi had positive effects on the growth and N acquisition of the leguminous species (H. vicioides) irrespective of soil developmental stages. In contrast, AM colonization did not increase the plant dry weight and N content of the non-leguminous species (P. cuspidatum, M. oligostachyus, and A. ageratoides var. ovatus) in both soil developmental stages. A positive effect of AM colonization on P content was observed in M. oligostachyus, A. ageratoides var. ovatus, and H. vicioides only in soil collected from the herbaceous plant community. P. cuspidatum showed no or a negative response to AM colonization in all cases. These results suggest that the effect of AM fungi on plant growth depends more on the plant species than soil developmental stages in the early stage of primary succession in this volcanic area.  相似文献   

Summary In a pot experiment with 26 calcareous soils, the critical limit of Fe in soils and plants was evaluated. DTPA-extractable Fe was found significanty correlated with Bray's per cent yield in rice. The Fe2+ (iron) in rice and lentil was also found significantly correlated with DTPA-extractable Fe as well as Bray's per cent yield showing thereby the superiority of Fe2+ (iron) in leaves over DTPA-extractable soil Fe to differentiate Fe responsive soils from non-responsive ones. The total Fe content in plant tissues does not seem correlated with the occurrence of Fe deficiency. The threshold values of DTPA-extractable soil Fe and Fe2+ (iron) in rice and lentil leaves were 6.95, 44 and 74.5 ppm, respectively below which appreciable responses to Fe application were observed. The optimum Fe level for these soils was found to be 10 ppm in which the dry matter yield response in all the 19 rice soils and 16 lentil soils ranged from 14.28 to 56.16 (Av. 25.75%) and 13.31 to 53.97 (Av. 22.47%), respectively.  相似文献   

Environmental stresses (salinity, drought, heat/cold, light and other hostile conditions) may trigger in plants oxidative stress, generating the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These species are partially reduced or activated derivatives of oxygen, comprising both free radical and non-radical (H2O2) forms, leading to cellular damage, metabolic disorders and senescence processes. In order to overcome oxidative stress, plants have developed two main antioxidants defense mechanisms that can be classified as non-enzymatic and enzymatic systems. The first class (non-enzymatic) consists of small molecules such as vitamin (A, C and E), glutathione, carotenoids and phenolics that can react directly with the ROS by scavenging them. Second class is represented by enzymes among them superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase which have the capacity to eliminate superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. In this review, we have tried to explore the related works, which have revealed the changes in the basic antioxidant metabolism of plants under various abiotic constraints.  相似文献   

Summary Foliar samples were obtained from symbiotic nitrogen-fixers and control plants (non-fixers) along elevational and primary successional gradients in volcanic sites in Hawai'i. Most control plants had negative 15N values (range-10.1 to +0.7), while most nitrogen-fixers were near 0. Foliar 15N in the native tree Metrosideros polymorpha did not vary with elevation (from sea level to tree-line), but it did increase substantially towards 0 on older soils. The soil in an 197-yr-old site had a 15N value of approximately-2, while in a 67000-yr-old site it was +3.6. We suggest that inputs of 15N-depleted nitrogen from precipitation coupled with very low nitrogen outputs cause the strongly negative 15N values in non-nitrogen-fixing plants on early successional sites.  相似文献   

Well-constrained carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) ratios in planktonic biomass, and their importance in advancing our understanding of biological processes and nutrient cycling in marine ecosystems, has motivated ecologists to search for similar patterns in terrestrial ecosystems. Recent analyses indicate the existence of “Redfield-like” ratios in plants, and such data may provide insight into the nature of nutrient limitation in terrestrial ecosystems. We searched for analogous patterns in the soil and the soil microbial biomass by conducting a review of the literature. Although soil is characterized by high biological diversity, structural complexity and spatial heterogeneity, we found remarkably consistent C:N:P ratios in both total soil pools and the soil microbial biomass. Our analysis indicates that, similar to marine phytoplankton, element concentrations of individual phylogenetic groups within the soil microbial community may vary, but on average, atomic C:N:P ratios in both the soil (186:13:1) and the soil microbial biomass (60:7:1) are well-constrained at the global scale. We did see significant variation in soil and microbial element ratios between vegetation types (i.e., forest versus grassland), but in most cases, the similarities in soil and microbial element ratios among sites and across large scales were more apparent than the differences. Consistent microbial biomass element ratios, combined with data linking specific patterns of microbial element stoichiometry with direct evidence of microbial nutrient limitation, suggest that measuring the proportions of C, N and P in the microbial biomass may represent another useful tool for assessing nutrient limitation of ecosystem processes in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Mt. Teide (Tenerife, Spain) is a high volcanic island mountain with an unusually low tree line elevation (2000–2100 m). While searching for the causes of this tree line depression, we analysed the concentrations of total N, available P, and salt-exchangeable Ca, K and Mg in three soil horizons, and the foliar N, P, Ca, K and Mg concentrations in six abundant plant species (trees, shrubs, forbs) along a transect from 1400 (1600) to 3100 m a.s.l. The objective of the study was to detect altitudinal trends in soil and plant nutrient status below and above the tree line. For characterising elevational changes in microclimate and hydrology, we also conducted measurements of air and soil temperatures (Ta and Ts), atmospheric water vapour saturation deficit (D), potential evaporation (E) and soil moisture (θ) on 3–4 occasions along the transect.Ta and Ts did not linearly decrease with elevation but were highest at or immediately below the tree line and were relatively low in the closed Pinus canariensis forest at 1600 m. Ts reached maxima at about 70 °C near the tree line. The absence of a linear temperature decrease with elevation was caused by a stable temperature inversion at about 2000 m and by canopy shading in the forest canopy below the tree line. In June, the topsoil (10 cm) dried out almost completely between 1800 and 3100 m, but remained moist in the pine forest at 1600 m. This gradient reflects the transition from the montane cloud belt to the dry alpine belt higher upslope. The subsoil (30 cm) contained >30 vol% of soil water at all elevations even in June except for the uppermost site (3100 m). Potential evaporation increased with elevation despite a decrease in D. We assume that this is mainly due to the air pressure-dependent increase with elevation in the diffusion coefficient for water vapour in air.The concentrations of N and ‘available’ P (after Olsen) in the mineral topsoil were by far smaller than in alpine soils of other humid mountains which is thought to be a consequence of a very dry and biologically inactive topsoil in the semi-arid alpine belt of Mt. Teide. In contrast to many other mountains, foliar N, P and cation concentrations in the plants did not increase with elevation but either remained unchanged, or decreased as in the tree line species P. canariensis. Nevertheless, P. canariensis probably is not limited by nutrient deficiency at the tree line despite rather low N and P needle concentrations. Rather, drought and heat stress effects on seedling establishment are thought to be the causes of the tree line depression.  相似文献   

The consequences of fire recurrence (1, 2 and 3 fires in 16 years) on plant and soil C, N, P and K from Quercus coccifera garrigues were analysed in the Valencia Region (E Spain). Plant and forest floor (L horizon) nutrient concentrations either changed weakly or showed no change with fire recurrence. At the soil surface (0-2.5 cm), soil potential mineralisable nitrogen increased and available P decreased after an initial increase, whereas exchangeable K was not affected by successive fires. However, the significance of those observed trends for N and P was site-dependent. Despite the rapid formation of the L soil horizon, fire recurrence did not permit the development of the whole forest floor profile observed in the unburned garrigues. These organic layers contained a great proportion of the total nutrient pool, especially for N. Forest-floor and aboveground plant combustion by fire may produce significant losses of N and P compared with those available in mineral soil, whereas soil exchangeable K is large enough to replace these losses. Belowground nutrient reserves may account for the quick recovery of the Quercus coccifera aboveground biomass although successive fires could deplete these reserves and produce a loss of biomass and productivity in this species.  相似文献   

Waterlogging frequently reduces plant biomass allocation to roots. This response may result in a variety of alterations in mineral nutrition, which range from a proportional lowering of whole-plant nutrient concentration as a result of unchanged uptake per unit of root biomass, to a maintenance of nutrient concentration by means of an increase in uptake per unit of root biomass. The first objective of this paper was to test these two alternative hypothetical responses. In a pot experiment, we evaluated how plant P concentration of Paspalum dilatatum, (a waterlogging-tolerant grass from the Flooding Pampa, Argentina) was affected by waterlogging and P supply and how this related to changes in root-shoot ratio. Under both soil P levels waterlogging reduced root-shoot ratios, but did not reduce P concentration. Thus, uptake of P per unit of root biomass increased under waterlogging. Our second objective was to test three non-exclusive hypotheses about potential mechanisms for this increase in P uptake. We hypothesized that the greater P uptake per unit of root biomass was a consequence of: (1) an increase in soil P availability induced by waterlogging; (2) a change in root morphology, and/or (3) an increase in the intrinsic uptake capacity of each unit of root biomass. To test these hypotheses we evaluated (1) changes in P availability induced by waterlogging; (2) specific root length of waterlogged and control plants, and (3) P uptake kinetics in excised roots from waterlogged and control plants. The results supported the three hypotheses. Soil P avail-ability was higher during waterlogging periods, roots of waterlogged plants showed a morphology more favorable to nutrient uptake (finer roots) and these roots showed a higher physiological capacity to absorb P. The results suggest that both soil and plant mechanisms contributed to compensate, in terms of P nutrition, for the reduction in allocation to root growth. The rapid transformation of the P uptake system is likely an advantage for plants inhabiting frequently flooded environments with low P fertility, like the Flooding Pampa. This advantage would be one of the reasons for the increased relative abundance of P. dilatatum in the community after waterlogging periods. Received: 15 February 1997 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

Lichens are symbiotic associations of a fungus (usually an Ascomycete) with green algae and/or a cyanobacterium. They dominate on 8 % of the world's land surface, mainly in Arctic and Antarctic regions, tundra, high mountain elevations and as components of dryland crusts. In many ecosystems, lichens are the pioneers on the bare rock or soil following disturbance, presumably because of their tolerance to desiccation and high temperature. Lichens have long been recognized as agents of mineral weathering and fine-earth stabilization. Being dominant biomass producers in extreme environments they contribute to primary accumulation of soil organic matter. However, biochemical role of lichens in soil processes is unknown. Our recent research has demonstrated that Peltigeralean lichens contain redox enzymes which in free-living fungi participate in lignocellulose degradation and humification. Thus lichen enzymes may catalyse formation and degradation of soil organic matter, particularly in high-stress communities dominated by lower plants. In the present review we synthesize recently published data on lichen phenol oxidases, peroxidases, and cellulases and discuss their possible roles in lichen physiology and soil organic matter transformations.  相似文献   

Soil multitrophic interactions transfer energy from plants as the predominant primary producer to communities of organisms that occupy different positions in the food chain and are linked by multiple ecological networks, which is the soil food web. Soil food web sequesters carbon, cycles nutrients, maintains soil health to suppress pathogens, helps plants tolerate abiotic and biotic stress, and maintains ecosystem resilience and sustainability. Understanding the influence of climate change on soil multitrophic interactions is necessary to maintain these essential ecosystem services. But summarising this influence is a daunting task due to a paucity of knowledge and a lack of clarity on the ecological networks that constitute these interactions. The scant literature is fragmented along disciplinary lines, often reporting inconsistent findings that are context and scale‐dependent. We argue for the differentiation of soil multitrophic interactions along functional and spatial domains to capture cross‐disciplinary knowledge and mechanistically link all ecological networks to reproduce full functionalities of the soil food web. Distinct from litter mediated interactions in detritosphere or elsewhere in the soil, the proposed ‘pathogen suppression’ and ‘stress tolerance’ interactions operate in the rhizosphere. A review of the literature suggests that climate change will influence the relative importance, frequency and composition of functional groups, their trophic interactions and processes controlling these interactions. Specific climate change factors generally have a beneficial influence on pathogen suppression and stress tolerance, but findings on the overall soil food web are inconsistent due to a high level of uncertainty. In addition to an overall improvement in the understanding of soil multitrophic interactions using empirical and modelling approaches, we recommend linking biodiversity to function, understanding influence of combinations of climatic factors on multitrophic interactions and the evolutionary ecology of multitrophic interactions in a changing climate as areas that deserve most attention.  相似文献   

Internal transport of gases is crucial for vascular plants inhabiting aquatic, wetland or flood‐prone environments. Diffusivity of gases in water is approximately 10 000 times slower than in air; thus direct exchange of gases between submerged tissues and the environment is strongly impeded. Aerenchyma provides a low‐resistance internal pathway for gas transport between shoot and root extremities. By this pathway, O2 is supplied to the roots and rhizosphere, while CO2, ethylene, and methane move from the soil to the shoots and atmosphere. Diffusion is the mechanism by which gases move within roots of all plant species, but significant pressurized through‐flow occurs in stems and rhizomes of several emergent and floating‐leaved wetland plants. Through‐flows can raise O2 concentrations in the rhizomes close to ambient levels. In general, rates of flow are determined by plant characteristics such as capacity to generate positive pressures in shoot tissues, and resistance to flow in the aerenchyma, as well as environmental conditions affecting leaf‐to‐air gradients in humidity and temperature. O2 diffusion in roots is influenced by anatomical, morphological and physiological characteristics, and environmental conditions. Roots of many (but not all) wetland species contain large volumes of aerenchyma (e.g. root porosity can reach 55%), while a barrier impermeable to radial O2 loss (ROL) often occurs in basal zones. These traits act synergistically to enhance the amount of O2 diffusing to the root apex and enable the development of an aerobic rhizosphere around the root tip, which enhances root penetration into anaerobic substrates. The barrier to ROL in roots of some species is induced by growth in stagnant conditions, whereas it is constitutive in others. An inducible change in the resistance to O2 across the hypodermis/exodermis is hypothesized to be of adaptive significance to plants inhabiting transiently waterlogged soils. Knowledge on the anatomical basis of the barrier to ROL in various species is scant. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that the barrier may also impede influx of: (i) soil‐derived gases, such as CO2, methane, and ethylene; (ii) potentially toxic substances (e.g. reduced metal ions) often present in waterlogged soils; and (iii) nutrients and water. Lateral roots, that remain permeable to O2, may be the main surface for exchange of substances between the roots and rhizosphere in wetland species. Further work is required to determine whether diversity in structure and function in roots of wetland species can be related to various niche habitats.  相似文献   

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