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A variety of bacterial O-polysaccharides were covalently linked to enzymes and it was demonstrated with three discrete monoclonal antibodies that enzyme-glycoconjugates function as convenient labelled antigens in direct enzyme immunoassays, particularly competitive assays that quantify bacterial O-antigens. Two strategies, each involving reductive amination, were used to couple O-polysaccharides to enzymes, while retaining high enzymic activity. Reduction of the Schiff base formed between, 1,3-diaminopropane and the terminal reducing ketodeoxyoctanoic acid (KDO) residue present in the majority of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core domains, following mild acid removal of Lipid A, offered the most direct route to mono-aminated polysaccharide. Alternatively, mild periodate oxidation of KDO and heptose residues generated multiple aldehyde targets for Schiff base formation, without affecting the O-antigenic determinant. Hetero- and homobifunctional coupling reagents, sulphosuccinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)-cyclohexane-1-carboxylate and discuccinimidyl suberate, activated polysaccharide for coupling to enzymes at amino and sulphydryl sites and produced conjugates that retained at least 95% of the original enzymic activity. The most suitable enzyme conjugates, especially for competitive inhibition EIA were those bearing one polysaccharide chain, and these were easily prepared from horse-radish peroxidase. Although the extent of conjugation of activated polysaccharide to -galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase could be controlled by reaction stoichiometry, the use of these enzymes was a less effective utilization of valuable antigen and enzyme.Issued as NRCC No. 31634  相似文献   

Conjugates of adenosine mimics and d-arginine-rich peptides (ARCs) are potent inhibitors of protein kinases (PKs) from the AGC group. Labeling ARCs with fluorescent dyes or immobilizing on chip surfaces gives fluorescent probes (ARC-Photo) and biosensors that can be used for high-throughput screening (HTS) of inhibitors of protein kinases. The bisubstrate character (simultaneous association with both binding sites of the kinase) and high affinity of ARCs allow ARC-based probes and sensors to be used for characterization of inhibitors targeted to either binding site of the kinase with affinities in whole nanomolar to micromolar range. The ability to penetrate cell plasma membrane and bind to the target kinase fused with a fluorescent protein leads to the possibility to use ARC-Photo probes for high content screening (HCS) of inhibitors in cellular milieu with detection of intensity of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between two fluorophores.  相似文献   

The Vitamin D International External Quality Assessment Scheme (DEQAS) was established in 1989 to monitor the performance of assays for 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (I,25(OH)2D). This is achieved through the quarterly distribution of five samples of human serum. Results are used to calculate an All-Laboratory Trimmed Mean and a Method Mean for each of the methods used by participants. In July 2005, participants were asked to assay serum to which 50.9 nmol of either 25-OHD3 or 25-OHD2 had been added as ethanolic solutions. The final concentration of ethanol in the serum was 0.7%. The distribution also included a sample of the original serum (OS) containing 0.7% pure ethanol. The percentage recoveries of exogenous 25-OHD3 (R1) and 25-OHD2 (R2) were calculated for each method. Results (OS nM, R1 and R2) were as follows: DiaSorin RIA (n = 53); 39.2, 82.1%, 83.3%, DiaSorin Liason (n = 16); 36.8, 81.4%, 88.6%, IDS RIA (n = 21); 36.4, 54.2%, 29.1%, IDS OCTEIA (n = 16); 47.3, 78.8%, 56.4%, Nichols Advantage (n = 21); 58.9, 46.4%, 43.2%, HPLC (n = 9); 42.6, 112.2%, 97.1%, LC–MS (n = 4); 34.0, 111.5%, 118.1%. The IDS RIA and Nichols assays gave unexpectedly low recoveries. This does not appear to be a calibration problem or the effect of ethanol.  相似文献   

In vitro generation of a secondary cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to Class I alloantigen requires two signals: recognition of the Class I antigen by precursor CTL (Signal 1), and subsequent interaction with lymphokine(s) (Signal 2). Previous work using subcellular antigen stimulation has demonstrated that the required lymphokine(s) is produced as a result of adherent cell uptake, processing, and Ia-restricted presentation of alloantigen to helper T cells. This pathway could be bypassed by addition to the cultures of supernatant from Con A-stimulated rat spleen cells. When an optimal level of lymphokine(s) is provided by addition of Con A supernatant, the magnitude of the CTL response obtained is dependent on the effectiveness of alloantigen recognition and triggering of the primed precursor CTL (pCTL). By using this approach, we examined the cellular and molecular requirements for generation of Signal 1. Previous results had indicated that pCTL were able to directly recognize subcellular antigen, and that cellular presentation of the antigen to pCTL was not required. Further evidence for this was provided by the finding that pulsing of the responder population for short times with liposomes containing purified H-2Kk resulted in effective stimulation of the response. Exposure of cells to antigen for 1 to 2 hr at 4 degrees C generated responses of comparable magnitude to those obtained when antigen was continuously present in the cultures. Experiments were also done to directly examine the ability of alloantigen-pulsed splenic adherent cells (SAC) to deliver Signal 1. Although the antigen-pulsed SAC were very effective in presenting to helper T cells to result in factor production, they were found to be very ineffective in providing Signal 1 to the pCTL. Having obtained strong evidence for triggering of pCTL occurring via direct recognition of the subcellular alloantigen, we then examined the role of antigen multivalency in recognition and triggering. Purified H-2Kk was prepared in a variety of forms of differing multivalency, ranging from monovalent papain cleavage product to large, highly multivalent liposomes and plasma membranes. The magnitude of the CTL responses obtained was found to be critically dependent on the multivalency of the antigen preparation. Examination of the antigen dose-response curves and maximal responses obtained suggests that valency of the antigen may be important both in determining the avidity of interaction between the pCTL and the antigen-bearing structure, and in determining the extent to which localized receptor cross-linking occurs on the cell surface to result in triggering.  相似文献   

Two ionens (II and X) formed complexes with DNA and chromatin with extrinsic CD bands and reduced intrinsic bands. The salt and urea sensitive, AT-specific probe (II) gave Δε > 100 L-(residue II)?1-cm?1 with DNA and Δε=0–14 with chromatin; II reduced the intrinsic bands from Δε≈0.7 to Δε≈0.5. Ionen X gave Δε345=30 with DNA, and Δε345=15–20 with chromatin. X reduced the intrinsic band to ?1.6. X show less base specificity. Extrinsic Δελ of X increased linearly to r (residue/phosphate) = 0.5 for DNA and only 0.3 in chromatin. DNA in chromatin may have ~10% of the II and 50–60% of the X binding sites and those in an altered conformation.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the direct analysis of osmotic pressure data for reversibly dimerizing proteins that makes allowance for effects of thermodynamic nonideality on the statistical–mechanical basis of the potential-of-mean-force between molecules. Detailed consideration is also given to calculation of the magnitudes of the required virial coefficients. After illustration of the approach with analysis of simulated osmotic pressure data, the method is used to obtain dimerization constants from published osmotic pressure data for soybean proteinase inhibitor, hemoglobin and α-chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

A general counterpart of the Scatchard analysis has been developed which takes into account the valence of the ligand. Its use is first demonstrated by application to binding data obtained by exclusion chromatography of mixtures of Dextran T2000 and concanavalin A (a bivalent ligand) on a column of porous glass beads (Glyceryl-CPG 170) equilibrated at 5°C with phosphate-chloride buffer (pH 5.5), I 0.5. A recycling partition equilibrium study with Sephadex G-100 as gel phase then provides a quantitative evaluation of the interaction between haemoglobin and a monoclonal mouse antihaemoglobin antibody preparation in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 7.0) in order to emphasize the ability of the present analysis to consider collectively binding results obtained with a range of acceptor concentrations. Finally, the use of the generalized Scatchard analysis to assess acceptor site homogeneity is illustrated by reappraisal of results for the binding of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase to erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of BIACORE technology is sufficient for detection and characterization of binding events involving low-molecular-weight compounds and their immobilized protein targets. The technology requires no labeling and provides information on the stability of the compound/target complex with a single injection of the compound. This is useful for qualifying hits obtained in a primary screen and in lead optimization. Although immobilized targets can be reused, the surface may slowly deteriorate, solvent effects can distort binding levels during injection of compounds, and some compounds may exhibit broad protein selectivity rather than target specificity. A reliable direct binding assay for compounds binding to immobilized thrombin using a combination of two reference surfaces, a dextran surface for subtraction and calibration of solvent effects and a protein surface for identification of compounds that tend to bind proteins, has been developed. Eleven compounds with known binding specificity to thrombin and 159 additional compounds were investigated. All compounds with known binding specificity were identified at 1 and 10 microM concentration. One additional compound was scored as positive. The direct binding assay compared favorably with two competitive assay formats, a surface competitive assay and a inhibitor in solution assay, that were examined in parallel.  相似文献   

The use of the avidin/biotin complex in immunoassays is well documented. No comprehensive studies, however, are available on the structural requirements of the linkage between biotin and small molecules to get an optimal antigen-antibody interaction. We have synthesized seven different biotinylated estradiol derivatives. They were evaluated in an antibody- and in an antigen-immobilized enzyme immunoassay system. All three derivatives lacking a spacer group were useless for use in immunoassays, demonstrating the importance of a long distance between the biotin- and estradiol-moiety. In addition, the chemical structure of the linkage at the site of attachment to the steroid skeleton is very important for the antibody recognition: it may either be rigid but identical to that one used in the immunogen (6-carboxymethyloxime), or must be structurally flexible as exemplified by a 6-amido-linkage. A rigid structure (hydrazone) different from that of the immunogen absolutely prevents antibody binding.  相似文献   

A general counterpart of the Scatchard analysis has been developed which takes into account the valence of the ligand. Its use is first demonstrated by application to binding data obtained by exclusion chromatography of mixtures of Dextran T2000 and concanavalin A (a bivalent ligand) on a column of porous glass beads (Glyceryl-CPG 170) equilibrated at 5 degrees C with phosphate-chloride buffer (pH 5.5), I 0.5. A recycling partition equilibrium study with Sephadex G-100 as gel phase then provides a quantitative evaluation of the interaction between haemoglobin and a monoclonal mouse antihaemoglobin antibody preparation in 0.1 M phosphate (pH 7.0) in order to emphasize the ability of the present analysis to consider collectively binding results obtained with a range of acceptor concentrations. Finally, the use of the generalized Scatchard analysis to assess acceptor site homogeneity is illustrated by reappraisal of results for the binding of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase to erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

Binding isotherms can provide quantitive information regarding the stability of a molecular complex. Theorectical studies in recent years have been directed to systems in which a single ligand can exclude more than one polymer site (excluded-site effect). This system has minium of thre parameters to describe the binding data: the intrinsic binding constant, B; the remote-neighbor cooperative paramaters, σq and the number of excluded sites, q. It is suggested in the present communication that precise values for these three parameters can be obtained by utilizing the characteristics of two forms of data representation: θ vs ln m and θ/m vs θ, where θ is the degree of saturation (0?θ?1) and m is the molality of free ligand. The matrix generation method is used to obtain empirical equations relating the midpoint location and slope at the midpoint of the θ vs ln m plot to the three molecular parameters. A modified Scatchard theory is also presented for highly cooperative systems, which results in an expression relaing the maximum in the θ/m vs θ plot to the molecular parameters σq and q, thus providing the third equation for the three unknown parameters. The novel method f analysis is illustrated with the AMP-poly(L -arginine) and oligocytidylate–T7 DNA sstems.  相似文献   

In electrochemical DNA hybridization assays target or probe DNAs end-labeled with electroactive compounds have been frequently used. We show that multiple osmium labels yielding faradaic (at carbon or mercury electrodes) and catalytic signals (at mercury electrodes) can be easily covalently bound to DNA molecules. We use (GAA)(7) (T)(n) oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) with n ranging between 5 and 50. (T)(n) tails are selectively modified with osmium tetroxide,2,2'-bipyridine leaving the (GAA)(7) repeat intact for the DNA hybridization. These ODNs are applied as reporter probes (RP's) in DNA hybridization double-surface (DS) assay using magnetic beads for the DNA hybridization and pyrolytic graphite (PGE) or hanging mercury drop (HMDE) electrodes for the electrochemical detection. We show that in difference to the usual single-surface methods (where the RP has to be bound to target DNA near to the surface to communicate with the electrode) in the DS assay the RP can be bound to DNA regardless of its position and can used for the determination of the length of DNA repetitive sequences. Several fmols or about a hundred of amol of a RP with osmium-labeled (T)(50) tail can be detected at PGE and HMDE, respectively, at 1-2 min accumulation time.  相似文献   

Coating efficiency of rat and human serum a 1 -acid glycoprotein (a 1 -AGP) was investigated for competitive enzyme immunosorbent assays with antigen immobilized on the solid phase by using different pHs and buffers. Blocking materials and pH of coating buffer had a marked influence on the amount of a 1 -AGP that binds to plate. Usually, carbonate buffer is used at pH 9.6 or 9.0, but phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.2 can be used for an effective coating. At pH 7.2, coating of a 1 -AGP in Tris buffered saline was five - tenfold as effective as in PBS and phosphate buffer. Blocking of uncoated surface with casein was ten - twenty times as effective as with fetal bovine serum albumin for coating of a 1 -AGP.  相似文献   

Iodinated estradiol tracers were synthesized with three different bridges connecting the radiolabelled moiety to the steroid core: Hemisuccinate, carboxymethyloxime and amide. Taking these iodinated tracers in combination with ten antibodies raised against estradiol-6-CMO-albumin, titers and slopes of calibration curves have been compared to the corresponding data using a 3H tracer. The data indicate that the tracer with the amide bridge is recognized similarly to the tritiated estradiol by all antibodies tested, whereas the two other iodinated tracers exhibit substantial bridge binding. The results suggest that the amide tracer structure can generally be used to improve the quality of estradiol antibodies suffering from bridge binding effects.  相似文献   

In order to investigate a requirement for isoprenoid compounds in the cell cycle, DNA synthesis was examined in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells in which mevalonate biosynthesis was blocked with mevinolin, a competitive inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. Treatment of exponentially-growing cultures with mevinolin led to a decline in DNA synthesis and cell cycle arrest in G1. Synchronous DNA synthesis and cell division could be restored in the arrested cultures, in the absence of exogenous mevalonate, by removing the inhibitor from the culture thereby allowing expression of an induced level of HMG-CoA reductase. In order to quantitate the mevalonate requirement for entry into S phase, recovery of DNA synthesis was made dependent upon added mevalonate by preventing the induction of the enzyme using 25-hydroxycholesterol, a specific repressor of HMG-CoA reductase synthesis. When cultures were treated with both inhibitors, optimal recovery of DNA synthesis was obtained with 200 micrograms/ml mevalonate following an 8 h lag, whereas a progressively longer lag-time was found with lower concentrations of mevalonate. Exogenous dolichol, ubiquinone, or isopentenyladenine had no effect on the arrest or recovery of DNA synthesis. Cholesterol was required during the arrest incubation for cell viability, but was not sufficient for recovery in the absence of mevalonate. The recovery of DNA synthesis by 200 micrograms/ml mevalonate, which was maximal 14-16 h after the addition of mevalonate, only required that the mevalonate be present for the first 4 h, whereas more than an 8-h incubation was required for maximal recovery with 25 micrograms/ml mevalonate. Maximal recovery at either concentration of mevalonate was achieved after approximately 400 fmol mevalonate/micrograms protein was incorporated into non-saponifiable lipids. This quantity represents approximately 0.1% of the mevalonate required for the synthesis of total cellular isoprenoid compounds. The results indicate that production of a quantitatively minor product(s) of mevalonate metabolism is required during the first 4 h following release of the block before other cellular events necessary for entry into S phase can occur.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [125I]IgG into spleen cells was studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo, the antigen after uptake into the cytoplasm migrated into cell nuclei, where it was bound to chromatin up to the saturation level. One day after immunization the constant level of [125I]IgG was 1.3 X 10(12) molecules per spleen (10(8) cells). The same number of [125I]IgG molecules were bound to chromatin in cell cultures. The uptake of [125I]IgG was competitively inhibited by non-labelled IgG. Binding of [125I]IgG molecules reextracted from cytoplasm and chromatin with specific anti-human IgG serum argues against the uptake of degraded [125I]IgG molecules. [125I]IgG was tightly bound to DNA. Approximately 50 per cent of [125I]IgG was present in the residual chromatin fraction (after removal of 0.35 M and 2 M NaCl-soluble fractions) and 40 per cent was complexed with DNA (after removal of histones and non-histones AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4). Binding of [125I]IgG by isolated chromatin was inhibited by the cytoplasmic fraction but not by BSA. Binding of [125I]IgG by fractionated chromatin, (chromatins remaining after removal of 0.35M, and 2M NaCl-soluble fractions or histones + non-histones AP1 + AP2 + AP3 + AP4) occurred at a level similar to that observed with native chromatin. The results suggest that interaction of antigen with immunocompetent cells is not restricted to the cell surface but that antigen seems to be taken up into cytoplasm, migrates to the nuclei and is bound to chromatin, probably directly to DNA. The results are discussed in relation to the induction of the immune reaction.  相似文献   

The interactions of three groups of probes (berberine alkaloids, tricyclic psychopharmaca and acridine derivatives) with isoenzymes of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and with rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase have been examined. These compounds inhibit the activity of the EE isoenzyme of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase but differ in their behaviour towards the steroid-active enzymes (i.e. the ES isoenzyme of horse liver alcohol dehydrognase and alcohol dehydrogenase from rat liver): psychopharmaca inhibit, acridines activate and berberines do not bind. The ligands differ also in their influence on the modification of the EE isoenzyme by iodoacetate. Polarities (expressed as Kosower's Z values) of the respective binding sites on the EE isoenzyme were estimated from optical properties of bound probes. Berberines bind into a very hydrophobic area of the enzyme molecule, the binding site for psychopharmaca is moderately hydrophobic and that for acridines is rather polar. Steric arrangements of the binding sites are also discussed. The data presented confirm the existence of three distinct binding sites for these ligands in the substrate pocket of liver alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Serologic testing for antibody to monkey B virus (BV) in macaque sera is problematic due to the biohazardous nature of BV and BV antigens. Herpesvirus papio 2 (HVP2), a herpesvirus of baboons, is more closely related genetically and antigenically to BV than is human herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1). The potential for use of HVP2 relative to HSV1 as an alternative test antigen for detection of anti-BV antibody in macaque sera was assessed. METHODS: Standard ELISA formats were developed, using BV-, HVP2-, and HSV1-infected cell extracts. Performance of the HVP2 and HSV1 tests was assessed relative to that of the BV test. RESULTS: Using the BV antigen ELISA, 349 sera from 7 macaque species were tested, and results were classified as positive (253), negative (94), or suspect (2). The ELISA using HVP2 antigen detected 98.0% of BV-positive sera (248 of 253), whereas the HSV1-based ELISA detected only 96.0% (243 of 253). All three ELISAs identified the same two samples as suspect, and the HSV1 ELISA identified three additional BV-positive sera as suspect. CONCLUSIONS: The HVP2 antigen-based ELISA was equal in sensitivity and specificity to the BV antigen-based ELISA and was superior to the HSV1 ELISA for detection of BV-positive macaque sera. In addition, the HVP2 ELISA has greater laboratory safety, compared with BV antigen use for ELISA testing.  相似文献   

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