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Vernet  J. P.  Favarger  P. -Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):643-649

During the last glaciation, the Rhone glacier extended as far as the region of Lyon and covered Lakes Bourget, Annecy and Léman. Glacial retreat successively freed Lakes Bourget and Annecy, it reached Geneva around 14 000 B.P. and the head of Lake Léman at about 12 000 B.P. Deposits situated between Nyon and the foot of the Jura provide a complete palynological zonation and serve as a type section for the lake core studies. A palynological horizon (about 1 800 A.D.) has been found in Lake Bourget and wood has been dated at 3 230 ± 65 B.P. (14C) in a core from Lake Léman. Three 6 m cores from each lake were sampled together with many 0.5 m cores from Léman. The short Lake Léman cores have been dated by137Cs and provide a precise indication of changes in the basin during recent decades. Holocene climatic variations are evident in the Léman cores and are reflected by concentrations of carbonate and organic carbon which increase at the end of the Alleröd and reach a maximum in the Atlantic Period (climatic optimum). Human settlement on the shores of Lake Annecy is shown by increases in heavy metals; increased sedimentation rates suggest settlement at the beginning of the Christian era. All the cores show increases in the organic matter and nutrients; from the turn of the century in the Léman, and later for the other lakes where eutrophication started only a few decades ago. NAI-P shows a very recent increase, around 1965 in the Leman. Heavy metals (Hg, Cd and Pb) show increases at about 30 years ago in Annecy, at about the turn of the century in Lake Léman and in the mid-19th century in Lake Bourget.


Co-extinction is a recurring topic in conservation biology. Quantification of co-extinction has been generally restricted to parasite–host, predator–prey and herbivore–host plant interactions. The loss of detritivorous insects upon the depletion of herbivore mammals has been poorly explored. Here, we used rarefaction curves to predict co-decline involving the decrease in scarab dung beetles diversity due to a reduction in the number of dens of the Asia minor ground squirrel in the Turkish steppe biome. We also evaluated the potential benefits provided by livestock in mitigating the decline of scarab beetle communities. Rarefaction curves estimated that a 50% reduction in the number of sample units where squirrel faecal pellets are the only available food resource accounts for a reduction of 28% of all the scarab species, and of 24% of the squirrel-linked species. The current decline of ground squirrels, mainly due to intensification of agriculture, may represent a threat for biodiversity in steppic environments because it may affect the specialized insects, and may produce a cascade effect also on their predators, i.e., saker falcon, buzzards, eagles and mustelids. We also showed that the conservation of ground squirrels and their affiliate scarab species may be ensured by a moderate livestock grazing, owing to the higher ecological success of these rodents in the presence of large herbivores keeping low the grass cover.  相似文献   

An analysis of Cladocera has been made on sediments from the three Polish lakes Suszek, B\cedowo, and Skrzetuszewskie. The analysed sediments are gyttja from the Subboreal and Subatlantic periods, during which the lakes were subject variously to eutrophication. The eutrophication process has been analysed from the frequency of Cladocera, particularly the index species, and has been correlated with climatic and settlement changes. It was found that in Suszek lake, in which no significant human activity had taken place (palynologically documented), the eutrophication must have been slow and gradual. On the contrary, in the two remaining lakes, in which the human influence was more intense, the eutrophication process underwent intensive changes and coincided somewhat with settlement fluctuations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the dynamic properties of an SIRI epidemic model incorporating media coverage, and stochastically perturbed by a Lévy noise. We establish the existence of a unique global positive solution. We investigate the dynamic properties of the solution around both disease-free and endemic equilibria points of the deterministic model depending on the basic reproduction number under some noise excitation. Furthermore, we present some numerical simulations to support the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Nembrini  G.  Capobianco  J. A.  Garcia  J.  Jacquet  J. -M. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):363-375
The pore fluids of the sediments collected at the deepest point of Lac Léman (Switzerland) are supersaturated with respect to vivianite and siderite. In the presence of sulphide, the iron solubility is controlled entirely by the amorphous iron sulphides. As the iron (II) becomes dominant, the formation of siderite occurs and evidence of this, in the solid phase, can be obtained by the use of M?ssbauer spectroscopy and some sequential chemical extractions. The amount of ‘siderite iron’ decreases from about 10% near the sediment surface to a few percent in the lower levels of the sediment (<10 cm). Evidence for vivianite formation could not be obtained even in the lower layers, despite the precautions taken to avoid oxidation. Although the trace metal behaviour in the solid phase is well correlated with the iron and manganese, availability in the pore fluid is dependent on the adsorption on, or co-precipitation with, finely dispersed colloids, which pass through a 0.45 μg filter. Trace metal concentrations in pore fluid were not directly related to total elemental concentrations in the solid phase, and did not reflect cumulative trends associated with anthropogenic enrichment.  相似文献   

The nature of the human fossil record is less than ideal for the generation of precise correlations between environmental variables and patterns of evolution in specific lineages. Nonetheless, a critical look at what can and cannot be said from individual fossil morphology and the correlation of specific environmental proxies with specific hominin fossils may lead to a greater understanding of the degree of certainty with which we should embrace environmental hypotheses for the evolution of Homo. Climate shifts have been implicated in both the origin of the genus and its dispersal from Africa. Here, I consider three areas in which a climatic influence has been posited to explain evolutionary shifts in the genus Homo: the origin and dispersal of the genus from Africa; geography, climate and body size in early Homo, and the influence of climate-induced sea level rise on morphological isolation in H. erectus. Each of the data sets is far from ideal, and interpretations of each of the data sets are fraught with issues of equifinality. Of the three hypotheses discussed, the clearest link is seen between latitudinal variation (and presumably temperature) and body size in H. erectus. Similarly, climate-induced sea level change seems a reasonable isolating mechanism to explain the pattern of cranial variation in later Asian H. erectus, but the distribution could also reflect incompletely sampled clinal variation. Alternatively, only equivocal support is found for the influence of climate on the differentiation of H. erectus from H. habilis (as proxied by body/brain size scaling), and therefore the dispersal of the genus Homo cannot be as clearly linked to changes in body size and shape as it has been in the past. These preliminary data suggest that an emphasis on understanding local adaptation before looking at global (and specific) level change is critical to elucidating the importance of climatic factors on the evolution of the genus Homo.  相似文献   

Jaquet  J. -M.  Nembrini  G.  Garcia  J.  Vernet  J. -P. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):323-340
The manganese pathways in Lac Léman have been investigated on the basis of chemical analyses undertaken on water, suspended solids, bottom sediments and interstitial water samples. The various modes of occurrence of Mn have been determined by means of visual examination using SEM and TEM (scanning and transmission electron microscopy), by microanalysis (EDAX) of various sediment fractions, by chemical analysis of the dissolved phase, and by chemical speciation and XRD of bottom sediments. Fluxes to and from the sediment have also been computed. The time-depth variations of Mn in the water column are characterized by (a) a very steep gradient of Mn sol. from the sediment interstitial water (15 mg l−1) to the overlying water, 2 m above the bottom(500 μg l−1), (b) an accumulation of Mn part. between 280 m and the interface at 310 m, consisting of mineralized colonies ofMetallogenium. The abundance ofMetallogenium colonies is inversely related to O2 concentration; the optimal value for the bacterium Mn fixation is around 1 mg l−1. Because of the quasi-anoxic state of the bottom sediments and overlying water, Mn diffuses from a ‘source layer’, 2–5 cm below the interface (a) upwards across the interface, before being taken up byMetallogenium, and (b) downwards to a ‘sink layer’, in which large amounts of Mn-carbonate precipitate. Particulate Mn sedimentation rates measured in traps show that downwards Mn flux due toMetallogenium settling approximately balances the upwards soluble flux due to diffusion. Quantitatively, the process of Mn cycling in Lac Léman is, therefore, limited to the lowermost part of the hypolimnion. Although Zn and Cd seem to follow the same cycle as Mn, Fe behaves in a different manner; it was not taken up byMetallogenium at the time of our study.  相似文献   

Japan’s rapid urbanisation over the last 50 years has resulted in land use and lifestyle changes, all of which are likely to have changed the quality of river water, and consequently the wetland and coastal environment. We examined changes in river water quality over this period by means of a review of previous studies. Around the 1950s, the weighted average of chloride using discharge of Japan’s 30 major rivers was 6.1 mg/l while in the 2000s it was 11.3 mg/l. Because there were no significant changes in the natural conditions, we have attributed the increase to the urbanisation of the last 50 years. Nitrate levels in the mountain streams of southern Japan have increased, particularly in the western part of the Kanto region. As this area is located on the leeward side of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, depositions from aerosols are thought to be the main cause of the increased nitrate concentration. These two findings suggest that certain uses of land may affect river water quality differently over time, and that changes in land use may also affect river water quality in remote areas.  相似文献   

The supplementation with 50, 100 and 150μg/mL potassium chloride to the fifth instar larvae of the silkworm Bombyx mori on fat body glycogen, protein, total lipids and haemolymph protein and trehalose were analyzed. The fat body glycogen and protein and haemolymph protein were increased significantly in all the treated groups; whereas fat body total lipids increased only in 100 and 150μg/mL and haemolymph trehalose increased only in 150μg/mL potassium chloride-treated groups when compared with those of the corresponding parameters of the carrier controls.  相似文献   

Among colonies with different foraging distances, central-place-foraging seabirds may change their foraging and reproductive efforts. We compared the body condition, meal frequency, and diving behavior of male and female Adélie penguins at two locations: Dumont d'Urville, where there was little sea ice and they foraged in open waters far from the colony; and Syowa, where there was heavy, fast sea ice and they foraged in ice cracks close to the colony. The parental mass decrease rate during the chick-rearing period was similar between colonies and between sexes. A large individual variation in meal frequency positively affected the brood growth rate, but daily underwater time did not. A weak but significant positive effect of body condition on brood growth rate was found only in males at Syowa. It was suggested that males work with better body condition than females. We propose the hypothesis that the regional difference in the distance to the feeding sites and the sex difference in body energy reserve might constrain the capacity to regulate reproductive effort.  相似文献   

Inhibition of wheat β-amylase (WBA) by glucose and maltose was studied by kinetics and thermodynamics. The inhibitory effects of fructose, difructose, sucrose, trehalose, cellobiose, acarbose, and 1-deoxynojirimycin on WBA were also evaluated. The half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of acarbose, maltose and glucose were 0.06 ± 0.01 M, 0.22 ± 0.09 M, and 1.41 ± 0.17 M, respectively. The inhibitor constant (Ki) and the thermodynamic parameters such as changes in Gibbs energy (ΔG), enthalpy (ΔH), and entropy (ΔS) of the dissociation reactions of the WBA-glucose and WBA-maltose complexes were temperature and pH-dependent. The dissociation reactions were endothermic and enthalpy-driven. Both glucose and maltose behaved as competitive inhibitors at pH 3.0 and 5.4 at a temperature of 25 °C with respective Ki values of 0.33 ± 0.02 M and 0.12 ± 0.03 M. In contrast, both sugars exhibited uncompetitive inhibition at pH 9 at a temperature of 25 °C with Ki values of 0.21 ± 0.03 M for glucose and 0.11 ± 0.04 M for maltose. The pH-dependence of the inhibition type and Ki values indicate that the ionizing groups of WBA influence drastically the interaction with these carbohydrates. This evidence enables us to consider temperature and pH in the WBA-catalyzed hydrolysis to manipulate the inhibition by end-product, maltose, and even by glucose.  相似文献   

The plant Clausena dunniana Levl. With leaves of anethole fragrance is growing in limestone area of north Guangdong, The essential oils in leaves of anethole fragrance were extracted by steam distillation with a yield of 0.7%. The oils contained isoanethole (methyl chavcol) 93.10% and may be used in the synthesis of anethole and for medicinal purpose. Isoanethole and other 15 chemical constituents were identified by GC,GC/MS/DS, IR and NMR.  相似文献   

Efficiency of imidacloprid and pymetrozine on population growth parameters of cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Homoptera: Aphididae) was determined using demographic toxicology by leaf dip method. At first, bioassay tests were performed. The LC50 value and confidence limit for imidacloprid and pymetrozine were 1.61 × 10^-5 mol/L (0.74 × 10^-5-2.66 × 10^-5) and 2.14 × 10^-4 mol/L (1.24 × 10^-4-3.40 × 10^-4), respectively. To evaluate the sublethal effect of two insecticides on population growth parameters of cabbage aphid, LC30 concentrations of imidacloprid and pymetrozine were used at 5 mol/L and 30 mol/L. The experiments were carried out in a incubator at 20±1℃, 60% ± 5% RH and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod on canola seedlings, Brassica napus L. var. 'PF'. Net fecundity rate decreased in both insecticide-treated populations. Intrinsic rates of increase (rm) were lower in imidacloprid and pymetrozine treatments than in controls. Intrinsic birth rates also decreased in treated populations. There was a relative increase in intrinsic death rates of treated populations. The mean generation times and doubling time were also lower in populations treated with insecticides than in controls. There was a considerable reduction in the average numbers of nymphs reproduced per female as compared with the control. The average longevity of female adults in the control was significantly different from those treated with imidacloprid and pymetrozine. However, there was no significant differences in aphid life-table parameters between the two insecticide-treated populations (P 〉 0.01).  相似文献   

The benefits of using white clover in pastures have been widely recognised for many years. However, clover is perceived as being unreliable because of its typically low content, which is spatially and temporally variable, in mixed pastures. One proposed solution to increase the proportion of clover in the diet of grazing animals and composition in the pasture is to spatially separate clover from grass within the same field. In a field experiment ryegrass and white clover were grown in fine mixtures, and in pure alternating strips of ryegrass and clover of 1.5 m, 3 m or 18 m width within a field. Pastures were grazed for two grazing periods of 9 and 12 weeks, and measurements of sward surface height (SSH), herbage mass and composition and clover morphology were taken. Grazing behaviour was also observed. Results showed that spatial separation in the long term, when compared with a fine mixture, increased clover availability (18% to 30% v. 9%, based on standing dry matter) and was not grazed to extinction. Ewes maintained their preference for clover throughout the experiment (selection coefficient 2 to 5), which resulted in a reduction in the SSH of clover in monocultures to <3 cm and significant changes to the morphology of clover (smaller leaves, shorter petioles and thicker stolon), at the expense of maximising their intake. Spatial separation in the short term may therefore allow grazing animals to select their preferred diet; however, in the long term in continuously grazed pasture, their preference for clover depletes its availability.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of changing KCl concentration on the secondary structures of -actinins using circular dichroism (CD), 1,1-bis(4-anilino) naphthalene-5,5-disulfonic acid (bisANS) fluorescence and proteolysis experiments. Under near-physiological conditions, divalent cations also were added and changes in conformation were investigated. In 25 mm KH2PO4, pH 7.5, increasing KCl from 0 to 120 mm led to decreases in -helix conformation for brain, platelet and heart -actinins (40.5-30.2%, 65.5-37.8% and 37.5-27.8%, respectively). In buffered 120 mm KCl, 0.65 mm calcium produced small changes in the CD spectra of both brain and platelet -actinin, but had no effect on heart -actinin. bisANS fluorescence of all three -actinins also showed significant changes in conformation with increasing KCl. However, in buffered 120 mm KCl increasing concentrations of Ca2+ or Mg2+ did not have significant effects on the bisANS fluorescence of any -actinin. Digestion of brain, platelet and heart -actinins with -chymotrypsin showed an increase of proteolytic susceptibility in 120 mm KCl. These experiments also showed that increasing the concentration of Ca2+ or Mg2+ led to greater changes in digestion fragment patterns in the absence of KCl than in the presence of 120 mm KCl. The results suggest that -actinins exist in different conformations depending on the ionic strength of the medium, which could explain the differences in calcium and F-actin binding results obtained from different -actinins.  相似文献   

Michel Lafont 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):179-187
Worms were measured and their biovolumes estimated. Measurements show that the biovolume (V) of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was significantly correlated with the diameter of the segment XI (dXI):V = 13.553dXI 2.987 (r2 = 0.92). Production was estimated for L. hoffmeisteri and for a population of Tubificidae with hair setae where Potamothrix heuscheri dominated, using the Hynes method reviewed by Menzie (1980). The P/B ratios of L. hoffmeisteri and Tubificidae with hair setae were 4.9 and 5.4.  相似文献   

The effects of ice cover on diet and breeding chronology of Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and chinstrap penguins (P. antarctica) were studied in the colonies located at Point Martin, South Orkney Islands. Reproductive success and diet parameters were measured as described in the CCAMLR Environmental Monitoring Program protocols. It was found that late pack-ice break-off in 1998 resulted in lower reproductive success than in 1999 for chinstrap penguins, while Adélie penguin parameters were rather insensitive. This species has shown to be able to cope with this environmental factor, as suggested by its circumpolar and more southerly range. Significant differences in stomach contents' weights and in the proportion of whole krill were found between ice-covered and open-sea periods within and between years. Foraging trips of both species became longer, resulting in underfeeding of chicks and nest desertion by chinstrap-penguin parents. Simultaneous analysis of reproductive parameters of both species and their diets have proven to be useful in discriminating between variation in reproductive success parameters due to prey accessibility and prey abundance.  相似文献   

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