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The recently isolated root‐hairless mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare L), bald root barley, brb offers a unique possibility to quantify the importance of root hairs in phosphorus (P) uptake from soil. In the present study the ability of brb and the wild‐type, barley genotype Pallas producing normal root hairs to deplete P in the rhizosphere soil was investigated and the theory of diffusion and mass flow applied to compare the predicted and measured depletion profiles of diffusible P. Pallas depleted twice as much P from the rhizosphere soil as brb. The P depletion profile of Pallas uniformly extended to 0.8 mm from the root surface, which was equal to the root hair length (RHL). The model based on the theory of diffusion and mass flow explained the observed P‐depletion profile of brb, and the P depletion outside the root‐hair zone of Pallas, suggesting that the model is valid only for P movement in rhizosphere soil outside the root‐hair zone. In low‐P soil (P in soil solution 3 µm ) brb did not survive after 30 d, whereas Pallas continued to grow, confirming the importance of root hairs in plant growth in a P‐limiting environment. In high‐P soil (P in soil solution 10 µm ) both brb and Pallas maintained their growth, and they were able to produce seeds. At the high‐P concentration, RHL of the Pallas was reduced from 0.80 ± 0.2 to 0.68 ± 0.14 mm. In low‐P soil, P‐uptake rate into the roots of Pallas was 4.0 × 10?7 g mm?1 d?1 and that of brb was 1.9 × 10?7 g mm?1 d?1, which agreed well with the double amount of P depleted from the rhizosphere soil of Pallas in comparison with that of brb. In high‐P soil, the P uptake rates into the roots of brb and Pallas were 3.3 and 5.5 × 10?7 g mm?1 d?1, respectively. The results unequivocally confirmed that in a low‐P environment, root hairs are of immense importance in P acquisition and plants survival, but under high‐P conditions they may be dispensable. The characterization of phenotypes brb and Pallas and the ability to reproduce seeds offers a unique possibility of molecular mapping of QTLs and candidate genes conferring root‐hair formation and growth of barley.  相似文献   

To assess the extent of variation in phosphorus acquisition efficiency of some winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), winter and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes, depletion of inorganic phosphorus (P) extractable with 0.5 M NaHCO3 (NaHCO3-Pi) from the rhizosphere soil was studied. Nutrients supply, rhizosphere soil pH and soil water content was kept equal for all the genotypes with the aim to reduce the confounding variation due to these factors. The experimental set up implied that no difference in the relative growth rates, nitrogen, potassium and calcium content of shoot dry matter occurred among the genotypes.The winter wheat, winter barley and spring barley genotypes differed significantly (p>0.05) in their efficiency to acquire NaHCO3-Pi from the rhizosphere soil. The efficiency of the winter wheat genotypes to acquire NaHCO3-Pi from rhizosphere soil ranked Kraka > Gawain > Foreman > Sleipner = Obelisk > Kosack > Pepital > Arum. Winter wheat genotypes differed in extent of P depletion profiles in the rhizosphere, indicating variation in root hair length. The winter barley and spring barley genotypes also showed significant differences in their P depletion profiles near roots. The efficiency of the winter barley genotypes to acquire soil P in the rhizosphere ranked Hamu > Frost > Marinka > Astrid > Clarine = Angora. The efficiency of spring barley genotypes to acquire NaHCO3-Pi in the rhizosphere ranked Canut > Etna Riga > Digger > Peel > Semal > Alexis. The rhizosphere pH remained unchanged, suggesting that additional mechanisms such as root hair formation and root exudates play a significant role in causing variation in P acquisition among the genotypes.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new barley mutant missing root hairs. The mutant was spontaneously discovered among the population of wild type (Pallas, a spring barley cultivar), producing normal, 0.8 mm long root hairs. We have called the mutant bald root barley (brb). Root anatomical studies confirmed the lack of root hairs on mutant roots. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analyses of the genomes of the mutant and Pallas supported that the brb mutant has its genetic background in Pallas. The segregation ratio of selfed F2 plants, resulting from mutant and Pallas outcross, was 1:3 (–root hairs:+root hairs), suggesting a monogenic recessive mode of inheritance.In rhizosphere studies, Pallas absorbed nearly two times more phosphorus (P) than the mutant. Most of available inorganic P in the root hair zone (0.8 mm) of Pallas was depleted, as indicated by the uniform P depletion profile near its roots. The acid phosphatase (Apase) activity near the roots of Pallas was higher and Pallas mobilised more organic P in the rhizosphere than the mutant. The higher Apase activity near Pallas roots also suggests a link between root hair formation and rhizosphere Apase activity. Hence, root hairs are important for increasing plant P uptake of inorganic as well as mobilisation of organic P in soils.Laboratory, pot and field studies showed that barley cultivars with longer root hairs (1.10 mm), extracted more P from rhizosphere soil, absorbed more P in low-P field (Olsen P=14 mg P kg–1 soil), and produced more shoot biomass than shorter root hair cultivars (0.63 mm). Especially in low-P soil, the differences in root hair length and P uptake among the cultivars were significantly larger. Based on the results, the perspectives of genetic analysis of root hairs and their importance in P uptake and field performance of cereals are discussed.  相似文献   

The readily available global rock phosphate (P) reserves may run out within the next 50–130 years, causing soils to have a reduced P concentration which will affect plant P uptake. Using a combination of mathematical modelling and experimental data, we investigated potential plant‐based options for optimizing crop P uptake in reduced soil P environments. By varying the P concentration within a well‐mixed agricultural soil, for high and low P (35.5–12.5 mg L?1 respectively using Olsen's P index), we investigated branching distributions within a wheat root system that maximize P uptake. Changing the root branching distribution from linear (evenly spaced branches) to strongly exponential (a greater number of branches at the top of the soil) improves P uptake by 142% for low‐P soils when root mass is kept constant between simulations. This causes the roots to emerge earlier and mimics topsoil foraging. Manipulating root branching patterns, to maximize P uptake, is not enough on its own to overcome the drop in soil P from high to low P. Further mechanisms have to be considered to fully understand the impact of P reduction on plant development.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out in a growth chamber to investigate P efficiencies and mycorrhizal responsiveness of modern (Krichauff and Excalibur) and old (Khapstein, Bobin, Comeback and Purple Straw) wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum). The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) used in this study was Glomus intraradices. The growth medium was a soil/sand mixture with NaHCO3-extractable P of 9.4 mg P kg–1 and no extra P was added. Plant P efficiencies (uptake, utilisation and agronomic) were found to differ significantly between cultivars, but no general trends of changes with the year of release of the cultivar were found. AMF colonisation was found to decrease plant growth under our experimental conditions with low light intensity. Mycorrhizal responsiveness (MR) was measured in terms of the improvement in plant P nutrition (shoot P concentrations). MR was found to be generally lower in modern cultivars than in old cultivars, indicating that modern breeding programs may have reduced the responsiveness of modern wheat cultivars to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. MR was also found to decrease in general with increased plant P utilisation efficiency.  相似文献   

Root hairs substantially extend root surface for ion uptake. Although many reports suggest a relationship between root hairs and phosphorus (P) uptake of plants, the role of root hairs in phosphorus uptake from soils is still debated. We measured uptake of phosphorus from soil directly via root hairs. Root hairs only were allowed to penetrate through a tightly stretched nylon screen (53 µm) glued to the bottom of a PVC tube. The penetrating root hairs grew for 2 and 4 days in soil labelled with radioisotope phosphorus (P) tracer 32P (185 kBq g-1 dry soil) filled in another PVC tube. Transparent plastic rings of thickness ranging from 0.25 mm to 2.0 mm were inserted between the two PVC tubes. This provided slit width for microscopic observations in situ, which confirmed that only root hairs were growing into the 32P labelled soil. In some cases no rings were inserted (slit width = 0) where both root hairs and root surface were in contact with the labelled soil (total 32P uptake). The uptake of32 P from soil via the root hairs only was quantified by measuring activity of 32P in the plant shoot (32P uptake only via root hairs).The results showed that when 70 percent of the root hairs grew into the labelled soil, they contributed to 63 percent of the total P uptake. With decreasing number of root hairs growing into the 32P labelled soil, the quantity of 32P in the plant shoot decreased. In this study, P uptake via root hairs was measured in a soil-based system, where root hairs were the only pathway of 32P from soil to the plant shoot. Therefore, this study provides a strong evidence on the substantial participation of root hairs in uptake of phosphorus from soil.  相似文献   

Root development was studied in winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv Starke II) grown at 5,10, 15 and 20°C in nutrient solutions with phosphate concentrations of 10, 100 or 1000 μM . The plants were grown for 38 days (5 and 10°C), 19 days (15°C) or 14 days (20°C). At the end of the cultivation period the phosphate influx in the roots was determined with 32P-phosphate. Root development (lateral and seminal roof length and number) was monitored throughout the cultivation period on the same individuals by repeated (approximately every second day) photocopying of the roots for measurements with digitizer and appropriate software. The 5°C treatment yielded no laterals, and the seminals were only slightly affected by the different phosphate treatments. The 10 μM phosphate treatment gave high root:shoot dry weight ratio, high average lateral root length and high specific root length [m root (g root fresh weight)-1]. The 1000 μM phosphate treatment yielded the highest number of laterals per m seminal root, and usually also the highest absolute numbers. Phosphate influx decreased with increased P status of the roots. It is argued that phosphate influx is dependent on factors such as P status, root geometry and relative root extension rate.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out in 1991 and 1992 on sandy soil highly infested with the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida. Half the trial area was fumigated with nematicide to establish two levels of nematode density. Three levels of soil compaction were made by different combinations of artificial compaction and rotary cultivation. Two potato cultivars were used in 1991 and four in 1992. Both high nematode density and soil compaction caused severe yield losses, of all cultivars except cv. Elles which was tolerant of nematode attack. The effects of the two stress factors were generally additive. Analysis of the yield loss showed that nematodes mainly reduced cumulative interception of light while compaction mainly reduced the efficiency with which intercepted light was used to produce biomass. This indicates that nematodes and compaction affect growth via different damage mechanisms. Nematodes reduced light interception by accelerating leaf senescence, by decreasing the specific leaf area and indirectly by reducing overall crop growth rate. Partitioning of biomass between leaves, stems and tubers was not affected by nematode infestation but compaction decreased partitioning to leaves early in the growing season while increasing it during later growth stages. The effects of nematodes and compaction on root length dynamics and nutrient uptake were also additive. This suggests that the commonly observed variation in yield loss caused by nematodes on different soil types is not related to differences in root system expansion between soils of various strength. Cv. Elles, which showed tolerance of nematodes by relatively low yield losses in both experiments, was characterised by high root length density and thick roots. These characteristics did not confer tolerance of soil compaction, since compaction affected root lengths and tuber yields equally in all cultivars. In the first experiment only, high nematode density led to decreased root lengths and lower plant nutrient concentrations. The yield loss which occurred in the second experiment was attributed to the effects of nematodes on other aspects of plant physiology.  相似文献   

This paper reports morphological and physiological characteristics of a first root-hairless mutant (RH2) of rice (Oryza sativa L.), which can be useful in advancing knowledge on the role of root hairs in water and nutrient uptake, and genetics of root hairs. The mutant was selected among NaN3 mutagenized progeny of the rice cultivar Oochikara. Microscopic observations showed absence of root hairs in RH2. At the seedling stage, RH2 showed shorter seedling height and shorter roots compared to the wild type variety Oochikara. Because of the differences in seedling growth, all comparisons between Oochikara and RH2 in uptake-related characters were made on the basis of values adjusted by the dry weight of either the shoot or the root. When grown at low water potential in soil, Oochikara and RH2 were similar in shoot water content and transpiration per unit shoot dry weight, and similarly, at low water potential in solution culture, there was no significant difference between Oochikara and RH2 in transpiration per unit shoot dry weight. These results suggest that at the seedling stage, root hairs do not significantly contribute to uptake of water. In solution culture, Oochikara and RH2 did not significantly differ in phosphate uptake per unit root dry weight. This result supports the previous work that root hairs do not contribute to phosphate uptake in solution culture. Regarding to response to plant hormones, RH2 showed a higher level of resistance to two synthetic auxins, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) than Oochikara. NAA treatment induced very short root hairs in RH2, suggesting that the absence of root hairs in RH2 may be due to a shortage of endogenous auxin. Genetic analysis showed that the root hairless character in RH2 is inherited as a single recessive gene.  相似文献   

Background and AimsRhizosheaths are defined as the soil adhering to the root system after it is extracted from the ground. Root hairs and mucilage (root exudates) are key root traits involved in rhizosheath formation, but to better understand the mechanisms involved their relative contributions should be distinguished.MethodsThe ability of three species [barley (Hordeum vulgare), maize (Zea mays) and Lotus japonicus (Gifu)] to form a rhizosheath in a sandy loam soil was compared with that of their root-hairless mutants [bald root barley (brb), maize root hairless 3 (rth3) and root hairless 1 (Ljrhl1)]. Root hair traits (length and density) of wild-type (WT) barley and maize were compared along with exudate adhesiveness of both barley and maize genotypes. Furthermore, root hair traits and exudate adhesiveness from different root types (axile versus lateral) were compared within the cereal species.Key ResultsPer unit root length, rhizosheath size diminished in the order of barley > L. japonicus > maize in WT plants. Root hairs significantly increased rhizosheath formation of all species (3.9-, 3.2- and 1.8-fold for barley, L. japonicus and maize, respectively) but there was no consistent genotypic effect on exudate adhesiveness in the cereals. While brb exudates were more and rth3 exudates were less adhesive than their respective WTs, maize rth3 bound more soil than barley brb. Although both maize genotypes produced significantly more adhesive exudate than the barley genotypes, root hair development of WT barley was more extensive than that of WT maize. Thus, the greater density of longer root hairs in WT barley bound more soil than WT maize. Root type did not seem to affect rhizosheath formation, unless these types differed in root length.ConclusionsWhen root hairs were present, greater root hair development better facilitated rhizosheath formation than root exudate adhesiveness. However, when root hairs were absent root exudate adhesiveness was a more dominant trait.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if plant roots have to take up nitrate at their maximum rate for achieving maximum yield. This was investigated in a flowing-solution system which kept nutrient concentrations at constant levels. Nitrate concentrations were maintained in the range 20 to 1000 μM. Maximum uptake rate for both species was obtained at 100 μM. Concentrations below 100 μM resulted in decreases in uptake rate per cm root (inflow) for both spinach and kohlrabi by 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. However, only with kohlrabi this caused a reduction in N uptake and yield. Thus indicating that this crop has to take up nitrate at the maximum inflow. Spinach, however, compensated for lower inflows by enhancing its root absorbing surface with more and longer roots hairs. Both species increased their root length by 1/3 at low nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs grow longer and denser in response to low-phosphorus availability. In addition, plants with the root hair response acquire more phosphorus than mutants that have root hairs that do not respond to phosphorus limiting conditions. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the efficiency of root hairs in phosphorus acquisition at high- and low-phosphorus availability. Root hair growth, root growth, root respiration, plant phosphorus uptake, and plant phosphorus content of 3-wk-old wild-type Arabidopsis (WS) were compared to two root hair mutants (rhd6 and rhd2) under high (54 mmol/m) and low (0.4 mmol/m) phosphorus availability. A cost-benefit analysis was constructed from the measurements to determine root hair efficiency. Under high-phosphorus availability, root hairs did not have an effect on any of the parameters measured. Under low-phosphorus availability, wild-type Arabidopsis had greater total root surface area, shoot biomass, phosphorus per root length, and specific phosphorus uptake. The cost-benefit analysis shows that under low phosphorus, wild-type roots acquire more phosphorus for every unit of carbon respired or unit of phosphorus invested into the roots than the mutants. We conclude that the response of root hairs to low-phosphorus availability is an efficient strategy for phosphorus acquisition.  相似文献   

小麦新品种(系)Glu-1位点等位基因变异研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用SDS-PAGE技术分析了40份小麦新品种(系)的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基等位基因变异。在Glu-1位点共检测到10种变异类型,其中Glu-Al位点有3种类型:Null、1、26 ,Glu-B1位点有5种类型:7 8、7 9、14 15、7、17 18,Glu-D1位点有2种类型:2 12、5 10;Null(54.3%)、7 8(51.4%)和2 12(62.9%)分别是Glu-Al、Glu-B1和Glu-D1位点上的主要亚基变异类型。另外,在2份材料的Glu-B1和Glu-D1位点各检测到1个新的亚基,分别命名为1By8.1和1Dx5^ 。Glu-1位点的Nei‘s遗传变异指数平均为0,5648,Glu-B1的遗传多样性最高,Glu-D1最低。供试小麦材料Glu-1位点的HMW-GS组合共有17种类型,以(Null,7 8,2 12)组合为主要类型,占31.4%;有9种亚基组合类型分别只在1份材料中出现,占26.1%。结果表明,这些小麦新品种(系)存在着丰富的亚基组合类型。  相似文献   

Phosphorus-deficient rape plants appear to acidify part of their rhizosphere by exuding malic and citric acid. A simulation model was used to evaluate the effect of measured exudation rates on phosphate uptake from Mali rock phosphate. The model used was one on nutrient uptake, extended to include both the effect of ion uptake and exudation on rhizosphere pH and the effect of rhizosphere pH on the solubilization of rock phosphate. Only the youngest zones of the root system were assumed to exude organic acids. The transport of protons released by organic acids was described by mass flow and diffusion. An experimentally determined relation was used describing pH and phosphate concentration in the soil solution as a function of total soil acid concentration. Model parameters were determined in experiments on organic acid exudation and on the uptake of phosphate by rape from a mixture of quartz sand and rock phosphate. Results based on simulation calculations indicated that the exudation rates measured in rape plants deficient in phosphorus can provide the roots with more phosphate than is actually taken up. Presence of root hairs enhanced the effect of organic acid exudation on calculated phosphate uptake. However, increase of root hair length without exudation as an alternative strategy to increase phosphate uptake from rock phosphate appeared to be less effective than exudation of organic acids. It was concluded that organic acid exudation is a highly effective strategy to increase phosphate uptake from rock phosphate, and that it unlikely that other rhizosphere processes play an important role in rock phosphate mobilization by rape.  相似文献   

Fifteen lettuce cultivars representing three different morphological types were grown in a sand alumina system under conditions of low (deficient) and high (sufficient) P supply. An efficient plant was defined as one that produced a large shoot fresh weight under low P conditions. Cultivars within their respective groups varied significantly for some traits that appeared to be important in determining adaptation to P. This led to the conclusion that accumulation of P in shoot tissue or the total plant was the main difference between efficient and inefficient cultivars. Accumlation of P seemed to be due to a greater absorption capability of roots or greater root mass (weight), depending on the different lettuce groups. Differences in internal use of P did not contribute to differences in shoot fresh weight.The butterhead cultivars were the least efficient plants when grown under low P. Compared to the other groups, plants has lower translocation efficiency and a greater root: shoot ratio. Never-the-less, butterhead cultivars as efficient as the best cultivars of other groups were found. There were no differences between Brazilian and American cultivars for any of the traits analysed, probably due to the fact that in both countries vegetables are bred under high fertility levels and grown with heavy applications of fertilizers. The results of this study demonstrate that there were genotypic variability and/or genotype×environment interaction effects for shoot weight (yield) among the lettuce cultivars grown under low P conditions imposed in the sand-alumina system.  相似文献   

Effects of different N/P ratios on several root parameters and on net P uptake were studied in winter wheat, Triticum aestivum cv. Starke II, grown in water culture. In the First experiment N/P ratios of (0/4, 2/3, 4/2, 6/1 and 8/0) were used, and plants were harvested at age 3, 5, 8, 11 and 14 days. In the second experiment N/P ratios of 6/1, 10/1, 15/1, 17/1, 20/1 and 25/1 were applied at two different N,P levels. Root length and number were determined using a digitizer connected to a computer. In the first experiment. the 6/1 N/P ratio gave the largest plants at day 14, and growth decreased with decreasing N/P ratio, The same pattern was found fur lateral root length and root number (seminal and lateral). In the second experiment the root weights decreased with increasing N/P ratio within each level. Lateral root number and overall length decreased with increasing N/P ratio at both levels as did the average lateral root length at the high N,P level. At the low N.P level, average lateral root length was about the same at all N/P ratios. Increasing the N/P ratio increased net uptake of P at the low N,P level, but decreased net P uptake at the high N,P level. Net P uptake increased with increasing P concentration in the roots and then decreased with further increase in P concentration. Net P uptake based on calculated root length [m (g root)−1] showed no significant deviation from weight-based uptake plots. The effect of N and P on root structure is discussed as well as the interaction of N and P in P uptake. The relevance of a proper basis for expressing root activity is stressed.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate levels in the roots of two soybean cultivars (Century, Woodworth) were determined during the early vegetative growth stage. Based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics Century was characterized as being more efficient at phosphate uptake when compared to Woodworth. The experiments were carried out at normal nutrition (+P treatment) as well as under a condition of moderate phosphate stress (–P treatment). The stress situation was created by withdrawal of phosphate from the nutrient solution for five or nine days. Compared to the +P-treatment the deprivation of phosphate led to a reduction of more than 50% in the phosphate content of the plant tissue.The carbohydrates in the roots exhibited differences between both cultivars with Century generally having higher sucrose levels. During the morning the +P treatment of Century exhibited 10 mg g-1 and in the afternoon 16 mg g-1 sucrose (plant dry weight basis). This compares to 8 mg g-1 sucrose (morning) and 13 mg g-1 sucrose (afternoon) for Woodworth. Phosphate stress increased the levels of hexoses (glucose, fructose) in both varieties significantly. The sucrose levels remained higher for the Century variety even during phosphate stress. We conclude that the shoot of the Century variety supplies its root with an increased amount of energy in form of carbohydrates compared to the Woodworth variety. This may enable the plant to take up phosphate more efficiently. It is also remarkable that the Century variety reduces the pH of the nutrient medium more rapidly. This active proton deposition may create a high membrane potential which is known to be necessary for phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

The mechanism of resistance toB toxicity in barley and wheat was studied in a solution culture experiment using several cultivars displaying a large range of sensitivity to excessB supply. Plants were cultured for 35 d atB concentrations ranging from normal to excessive (15 to 5000 M, respectively) then examined for dry matter production and theB distribution between roots and shoots.In both species, increasedB supply was accompanied by increased tissueB concentrations, development ofB toxicity symptoms and depressed growth. At each level ofB supply, however, resistant cultivars accumulated considerably lessB than did sensitive cultivars, in both roots and shoots. Even at the lowestB supply, at which noB toxicity symptoms developed and growth was not affected, resistant cultivars maintained relatively low tissueB concentrations. No cultivar displayed an ability to tolerate high tissueB concentrations.These results indicate that sensitivity toB toxicity in barley and wheat is governed by the ability of cultivars to excludeB. If theB concentrations of tissues is used to indicate resistance toB toxicity, then cultivars have the same ranking whether cultured at a normal or excessB supply.  相似文献   

The migration of cereal aphids and the time of their arrival on winter cereal crops in autumn and spring are of particular importance for plant disease (e.g. barley yellow dwarf virus infection) and related yield losses. In order to identify days with migration potentials in autumn and spring, suction trap data from 29 and 45 case studies (locations and years), respectively, were set‐off against meteorological parameters, focusing on the early immigration periods in autumn (22 September to 1 November) and spring (1 May to 9 June). The number of cereal aphids caught in a suction trap increased with increasing temperature, global radiation and duration of sunshine and decreased with increasing precipitation, relative humidity and wind speed. According to linear regression analyses, the temperature, global radiation and wind speed were most frequently and significantly associated with migration, suggesting that they have a major impact on flight activity. For subsequent model development, suction trap catches from different case studies were pooled and binarily classified as days with or without migration as defined by a certain number of migrating cereal aphids. Linear discriminant analyses of several predictor variables (assessed during light hours of a given day) were then performed based on the binary response variables. Three models were used to predict days with suction trap catches ≥1, ≥4 or ≥10 migrating cereal aphids in autumn. Due to the predominance of Rhopalosiphum padi individuals (99.3% of total cereal aphid catch), no distinction between species (R. padi and Sitobion avenae) was made in autumn. As the suction trap catches were lower and species dominance changed in spring, three further models were developed for analysis of all cereal aphid species, R. padi only, and Metopolophium dirhodum and S. avenae combined in spring. The empirical, cross‐classification and receiver operating characteristic analyses performed for model validation showed different levels of prediction accuracy. Additional datasets selected at random before model construction and parameterization showed that predictions by the six migration models were 33–81% correct. The models are useful for determining when to start field evaluations. Furthermore, they provide information on the size of the migrating aphid population and, thus, on the importance of immigration for early aphid population development in cereal crops in a given season.  相似文献   

In most soils, inorganic phosphorus occurs at fairly low concentrations in the soil solution whilst a large proportion of it is more or less strongly held by diverse soil minerals. Phosphate ions can indeed be adsorbed onto positively charged minerals such as Fe and Al oxides. Phosphate (P) ions can also form a range of minerals in combination with metals such as Ca, Fe and Al. These adsorption/desorption and precipitation/dissolution equilibria control the concentration of P in the soil solution and, thereby, both its chemical mobility and bioavailability. Apart from the concentration of P ions, the major factors that determine those equilibria as well as the speciation of soil P are (i) the pH, (ii) the concentrations of anions that compete with P ions for ligand exchange reactions and (iii) the concentrations of metals (Ca, Fe and Al) that can coprecipitate with P ions. The chemical conditions of the rhizosphere are known to considerably differ from those of the bulk soil, as a consequence of a range of processes that are induced either directly by the activity of plant roots or by the activity of rhizosphere microflora. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of those chemical processes that are directly induced by plant roots and which can affect the concentration of P in the soil solution and, ultimately, the bioavailability of soil inorganic P to plants. Amongst these, the uptake activity of plant roots should be taken into account in the first place. A second group of activities which is of major concern with respect to P bioavailability are those processes that can affect soil pH, such as proton/bicarbonate release (anion/cation balance) and gaseous (O2/CO2) exchanges. Thirdly, the release of root exudates such as organic ligands is another activity of the root that can alter the concentration of P in the soil solution. These various processes and their relative contributions to the changes in the bioavailability of soil inorganic P that can occur in the rhizosphere can considerably vary with (i) plant species, (ii) plant nutritional status and (iii) ambient soil conditions, as will be stressed in this paper. Their possible implications for the understanding and management of P nutrition of plants will be briefly addressed and discussed.  相似文献   

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