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Female preference for male fin elaborations in Poeciliid fishes may be driven by a sensory bias for increased lateral projection area (LPA) that has existed since the lineages diverged from a common ancestor. Previous research supports this hypothesis demonstrating female Poecilia latipinna, Poecilia mexicana, and Poecilia reticulata prefer males of larger body and dorsal fin size, but exhibit no such preferences when controlling for total LPA. In the current study, we further tested this hypothesis by presenting female platys, Xiphophorus variatus, with pairs of dummy males differing in: (1) body size (holding dorsal fin size constant); (2) dorsal fin size (holding body size constant); and (3) dorsal fin: body size ratio (holding total LPA constant). Females spent more time near dummies of greater body and dorsal fin size; however, in the third experiment, neither fin size, body size, nor any particular dorsal fin + body size combination was preferred. These results provide additional support for the LPA and sensory bias hypotheses, demonstrating that female X. variatus not only prefer males with “swords”, but sailfin-like dorsal fins as well when body size is held constant. Shared preference for increased LPA is consistent with common ancestry of the sensory/neural systems in females of all four species.  相似文献   

The significance of elongation of the first and second spines of the first dorsal fin in male Eviota abax (Gobiidae) was examined in relation to female preference. Reproductive behavior occurred in three phases: male approach to female home, male leading female to nest, and male entering nest. During each phase, the female either accompanied the male or departed. The ratio of positive female mating responses to males before the elongated male dorsal spines were clipped and thereafter was compared in an aquarium. Females preferred male elongated spines in the first phase of courtship, but not in the second phase . Because females may be more exposed to predators during the second phase, owing to conspicuous male courtship, their greater receptivity to elongated dorsal spines in the first phase may decrease predation pressures during subsequent phases of courtship. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Examining the distribution of female preference and attractive male secondary sexual characters in closely related species can help evaluate the various models for the evolution of female preference. We examined whether orange coloration in males was attractive to females of Poecilia picta, a species in the same subgenus as the guppy, P. reticulata. Females did not respond differently to males with or without a conspicuous orange stripe on the dorsum of the tail, a characteristic ornamentation of the male of this species. This lack of preference in a taxon that possesses a conspicuous, secondary sexual character directly contradicts the predictions of the sensory exploitation hypothesis for the evolution of female preference, but may support a model of antagonistic sexual selection proposed by Rice (1996).  相似文献   

Cave mollies (Poecilia mexicana) inhabit a dark Mexican cave, where visual communication is impossible. I observed the preference of cave molly females to associate with a non-infected male or a male infected with a pathogenic bacterium (Mycobacterium sp.) which causes the formation of large blisters around the eyes of infected fish. Females preferred to stay near the non-infected male only when the two stimulus males were separated from the female by transparent Plexiglas in light, but not when the males were separated by a wire-mesh in light (where vision was to some extent hindered, but the females perceived non-visual cues) or in darkness (where only non-visual cues were available). I conclude that the visually mediated preference for non-infected males has been maintained during the colonisation of the lightless habitat, but a preference for this trait on the basis of non-visual cues did not evolve. The cave habitat may be poor in pathogens, resulting in low selection pressure to evolve a non-visual preference for males without bacterial infection.Communicated by R.F. Oliveira  相似文献   

Female mate choice can be hypothesised in most nocturnal primates, since females show a higher investment in their offspring than males. The aim of this experimental study was to investigate if female grey mouse lemurs perform mate choice and whether age, relatedness (to the male), or male advertisement call activity systematically influence their decisions. A two-way mate choice design was developed in which females could choose between two males. Mate choice was deduced from the time spent in proximity to the males and from mating behaviour. During oestrus 12 of 17 females participated actively in the experiment and all of them showed either a significant spatial (n=11) or behavioural (n=1) preference for one male. In four cases copulations were observed. The influence of age on female mate choice was not statistically significant. In the cases with copulations, however, females mostly preferred the older male. This might indicate a preference for older age as an indicator of experience, fitness, and/or status. The influence of relatedness on female mate choice could not be definitely clarified. However, results imply a mechanism of kin recognition on the basis of familiarity. In the majority of choices, females preferred the male with higher trill call activity. Since trill call activity correlates with the relative dominance status of males, these results suggest an importance of the male dominance status for female mate choice in grey mouse lemurs. Altogether our findings indicate that females use a complex of different cues to choose their mates.  相似文献   

Male hermit crabs perform precopulatory mate-guarding behavior during their reproductive season. As females generally cannot reject guarding attempts by males, male guarding prevents females from inspecting and choosing other male mates. However, as guarding males are often replaced by other males through competition for females during the guarding phase, females may be able to select males by delaying their copulation. To examine the possibility of female choice by hermit crabs, we investigated whether female Pagurus filholi that were being guarded in the field were ready to copulate and spawn. We found that about 30% of females guarded in the field were ready to spawn, indicating that guarded females delayed copulation with their current male. Our results suggest that by delaying copulation females may exploit male–male competition to choose dominant males. However, delaying copulation reduced the spawning potential of females. Hence, there is a trade-off between waiting for the opportunity to mate with a dominant male and decreased spawning success if females exploit male–male competition.  相似文献   

Female mate choice and female multiple mating are major focuses of studies on sexual selection. In a multiple mating context, the benefits of mate choice can change along successive matings, and female choice would be expected to change accordingly. We investigated sequential female mate choice in the moderately polyandrous common lizard (Zootoca vivipara, synonym Lacerta vivipara). Along successive mating opportunities, we found that females were relatively unselective for the first mate, but accepted males of higher heterozygosity for subsequent mating, consistent with the trade-up choice hypothesis. We discuss the evidence of trade-up mate choice in squamates and generally trade-up for mate heterozygosity in order to motivate new studies to fill gaps on these questions.  相似文献   

We examined the possible existence of, and female contributions to, pair bonds, as well as the relation of social preference to mating selectivity, in a recently identified wild guinea pig, the Muenster yellow-toothed cavy (Galea monasteriensis). In Experiment 1, females housed for approximately 20 days in an apparatus in which they could choose to approach and interact with unfamiliar males typically exhibited a robust preference for one of two available males. DNA fingerprinting revealed a strong association between female choice and paternity. Experiment 2 examined the influence of the removal and return of the female on male plasma cortisol levels and behavior in established breeding pairs. A 2-h period of separation in the home enclosure elevated male cortisol levels. Return of the female to the home enclosure reduced male cortisol levels 2 h later, whereas continued separation did not. Reunion in either the home or novel enclosure increased socio-positive and courtship/sexual behavior, as well as time spent in proximity of the partner. Together, these results provide evidence for a substantial female influence on pair bond formation and maintenance in G. monasteriensis and further support for the existence of social and sexual monogamy in this species.  相似文献   

Females often choose to associate with males that have exaggerated traits. In fishes, this may reflect an overall preference for larger size in a potential mate. Female zebrafish (Danio rerio) prefer males with larger bodies but not longer fins. The availability of mutant and transgenic strains of zebrafish make this a unique model system in which to study the role of phenotypic variation in social and sexual behavior. We used mutant strains of zebrafish with truncated (short fin) and exaggerated (long fin) fins to further examine female preferences for fin length in dichotomous association tests. Wild type females showed no preferences between wild type males and short fin mutant males or between wild type males and long fin mutant males. short fin females also showed no preference for short fin males or wild type males while long fin females preferred to associate with long fin males over wild type males. These results suggest that the single gene long fin mutation that results in altered fin morphological may also be involved in a related female association preference.  相似文献   

A preliminary linkage map was constructed by applying backcross and testcross strategy using microsatellite (SSR) markers developed for Xiphophorus and Poecilia reticulata in ornamental fish, molly Poecilia sp. The linkage map having 18 SSR loci consisted of four linkage groups that spanned a map size of 516.1 cM. Association between genotypes and phenotypes was tested in a random fashion and QTL for dorsal fin length was found to be linked to locus Msb069 on linkage group 2. Coincidentally, locus Msb069 was also reported as putative homologue primer pairs containing SSRs repeat motif which encoded hSMP-1, a sex determining locus. Dorsal fin length particularly in males of Poecilia latipinna is an important feature during courtship display. Therefore, we speculate that both dorsal fin length and putative hSMP-1 gene formed a close proximity to male sexual characteristics.  相似文献   

为了解云贵水韭(Isoetes yunguiensis)的生殖过程和濒危原因,采用人工培养获得其雌配子体,用半薄切片法观察雌配子体发育过程。结果表明,云贵水韭的大孢子萌发率约为26%;雌配子体异养,终生都在大孢子细胞壁内发育;颈卵器发育只有2枚颈沟细胞而无腹沟细胞。雌配子体发育停止在游离核时期、颈壁细胞数量偏少或排列紊乱、颈沟细胞异常、卵细胞凋亡等可能是导致生殖濒危的原因。同时,游离核是水韭生殖生物学研究和系统学研究的重要环节之一;缺失腹沟细胞可能是水韭类简化性进化的特征之一。  相似文献   

【背景】蝇蛹俑小蜂是实蝇类害虫蛹期的一种重要寄生蜂,对压制下一代实蝇类害虫的种群数量具有重要作用,但有关其对不同实蝇害虫的寄生特性尚缺乏研究。【方法】采用"H"型装置和培养皿测定方法,研究了蝇蛹俑小蜂的寄主选择偏好性。【结果】蝇蛹俑小蜂在橘小实蝇蛹和瓜实蝇蛹共存的情况下,偏好在橘小实蝇蛹上停留,且寄生率较高,最高寄生率达61.11%。【结论与意义】本研究为合理利用蝇蛹俑小蜂控制实蝇类害虫提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

We investigated male sexual behaviour and the cost of sexual harassment, as measured by the reduction of female feeding time in the presence of a male, in a cave-dwelling population of Poecilia mexicana, in which sexual harassment does not occur naturally. We asked whether the lack of sexual harassment in this population is due to low sexual activity of the males, or low feeding motivation of the females. We experimentally increased the sexual activity of males or the females feeding motivation, or we used a combination of both treatments. Female feeding time was not lower in the presence of a male than in the presence of a female after sexual deprivation of the males or food deprivation of the females. Only in the combined experiment was female feeding time lower in the presence of a large male than in the presence of a small male, indicating a weak effect of sexual harassment by large males. Virgin females did not suffer a cost of sexual harassment, indicating that sexual experience does not cause the lack of sexual harassment in cave mollies. Males from a surface population, where sexual harassment occurs, significantly reduced the feeding time of cave-dwelling females even though these males exhibited surprisingly little sexual behaviour. The sexual activity of cave mollies did not correlate with male body size in any experiment, indicating that even after sexual deprivation, small cave molly males do not switch to the alternative mating behaviour known in surface-dwelling P. mexicana, where sexual activity is correlated negatively with male body size.  相似文献   

In most species females do not exhibit conspicuous sexual behaviours and female mate preferences are often measured by means of the time spent close to males. In spite of its widespread use, in only a few studies has this measure been validated as a reliable indicator of female mate preference. Sex-role-reversed species offer a better opportunity to test female preferences, as females usually court males. We tested in a sex-role-reversed population of the blenny Salaria pavo (Risso) if the time spent by females close to males related to the number of courtship displays directed towards males, and whether these measures of female preference reliably predicted matings. Females were simultaneously presented with two males behind a glass partition and the time spent close to each male was measured. We then allowed females to have access to the males' compartments and measured the courtship behaviours performed by females towards each male and recorded with which of the males females spawned. Females spent more time close to the male that subsequently received more courtship displays, and the preferred male had a more developed head crest. However, both measures of female preference failed to predict matings. Females were often attacked by males and probably had, in some occasions, to spawn with the less preferred male. Females that spawned with the previously preferred male had more swollen bellies than females that spawned with the less preferred male, suggesting a male preference towards more ripe females. These results validate the use of "time spent close to a sexual partner" as a measure of female preference in S. pavo. We argue that matings may not always reliably indicate mate preferences, particularly in the less choosy sex.Communicated by R. Serrão Santos  相似文献   

The skeleton of zebrafish fins consists of lepidotrichia and actinotrichia. Actinotrichia are fibrils located at the tip of each lepidotrichia and play a morphogenetic role in fin formation. Actinotrichia are formed by collagens associated with non-collagen components. The non-collagen components of actinotrichia (actinodins) have been shown to play a critical role in fin to limb transition. The present study has focused on the collagens that form actinotrichia and their role in fin formation. We have found actinotrichia are formed by Collagen I plus a novel form of Collagen II, encoded by the col2a1b gene. This second copy of the collagen II gene is only found in fishes and is the only Collagen type II expressed in fins. Both col1a1a and col2a1b were found in actinotrichia forming cells. Significantly, they also expressed the lysyl hydroxylase 1 (lh1) gene, which encodes an enzyme involved in the post-translational processing of collagens. Morpholino knockdown in zebrafish embryos demonstrated that the two collagens and lh1 are essential for actinotrichia and fin fold morphogenesis. The col1a1 dominant mutant chihuahua showed aberrant phenotypes in both actinotrichia and lepidotrichia during fin development and regeneration. These pieces of evidences support that actinotrichia are composed of Collagens I and II, which are post-translationally processed by Lh1, and that the correct expression and assembling of these collagens is essential for fin formation. The unique collagen composition of actinotrichia may play a role in fin skeleton morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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