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The properties and distribution of -galactosidase were studied in the mouse brain using the artificial substrate methylumbelliferyl--galactoside. Enzyme activities were compared between an audiogenic seizure-susceptible mouse strain (DBA/2) and three non-susceptible strains of mice (BALB/c, C3H/He and Swiss A2G). At all ages, DBA/2 mice have significantly lower -galactosidase activity compared with the three other mouse strains: this is attributed to the different alleles present at the Bgs locus. The low activity of -galactosidase is also evident when the natural substrate GMI-ganglioside is hydrolyzed. In contrast to this low GMI-ganglioside--galactosidase activity, there is no difference in the activity of the second form of acid -galactosidase, galactosylceramidase, in DBA/2 mice at 7 and 14 days. However, at 21 and 28 days the activity is significantly lower in DBA/2 mice compared with the other strains of mice. These results on -galactosidase activity in the brain of seizure-susceptible and non-susceptible mice are discussed in relation to published levels of GMI-ganglioside and galactosylceramide present in the developing mouse brain.Dedicated to Henry McIlwain.  相似文献   

J. V. Jacobsen  R. B. Knox 《Planta》1973,112(3):213-224
Summary Gibberellic-acid(GA3)-induced -amylase has been localised in barley aleurone layers using cytochemical methods and light microscopy. Evidence obtained from the use of a starch substrate film method as well as immunofluorescence indicated that the first amylase to appear in the cell was associated with aleurone grains, apparently with the outer membrane, and also with the peripheral cytoplasm. In GA3-treated tissue, the amylase distribution was much more diffuse, although patchy, throughout the cytoplasm and it tended to accumulate in the endosperm side of the cell. The possibility that the aleurone grain membrane is the site of gibberellin-induced enzyme synthesis and that it proliferates to become rough endoplasmic reticulum is considered. Immunological information was obtained which supports earlier indications that induced -amylase consists of two different proteins, each with molecular heterogeneity.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A soluble sialidase was copurified apparently as an enzyme complex with acid β-galactosidase from porcine testis.
  • 2.2. The sialidase exhibited its maximum activity at acidic pH. It was efficiently active towards 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-N-acetyl-neuraminic acid and sialyllactose, relatively inactive towards glycoproteins, and had little activity towards glycolipids.
  • 3.3. The complex could be separated by sucrose gradient centrifugation or isoelectric focusing.
  • 4.4. The separated enzymes had molecular weights about 600,000 for β-galactosidase and more than about 1,000,000 for sialidase by Sepharose 4B gel filtration.
  • 5.5. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the β-galactosidase showed three protein bands with molecular weights of 63,000, 31,000 and 20,000.

Summary The -galactosidase gene ofStreptococcus thermophilus was cloned into plasmid vector, pVT100-U, and used to transform a strain ofEscherichia coli andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Transformants which expressed -galactosidase activity were obtained in bothE. coli andSaccharomyces cerevisiae, the highest activity found in a yeast recombinant. The expression and thermostability of the cloned -galactosidase genes from different plasmid constructions were compared with the streptococcal -galactosidase. The recombinant protein was equivalent to the specific activity and thermostability ofS. thermophilus.  相似文献   

A gene encoding β-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans which had hydrolysis specificity for the β1-3 linkage was expressed in Escherichia coli. The β-galactosidase was purified from crude cell lysates of E. coli by column chromatographies on Resource Q and Sephacryl S-200 HR. The enzyme released galactose with high selectivity from oligosaccharides which had terminal β1-3 linked galactose residues. However it did not hydrolyse β1-4 linked galactooligosaccharides. Moreover, Galβ1-3GlcNAc, Galβ1-3GalNAc, and their p-nitrophenyl glycosides were regioselectively synthesized in 10–46% yield by the transglycosylation reaction using this enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A -galactosidase (EC from the mesophilic obligate anaerobe, Bacteroides polypragmatus, was purified 172 fold by p-aminophenyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside agarose affinity chromatography followed by Bio-Gel P300 chromatography. The presence of Mg2+ and a reducing agent such as dithiothreitol (DTT) or mercaptoethanol was required for enzyme activity. The optimum pH and temperature, as determined from hydrolysis of the substrate analogue o-nitrophenyl--D-galactopyranoside (ONPG), for enzyme activity were 6.8 and 45°C, respectively. There was negligible activity loss during incubation at 35°C for up to 13 h. The Km values obtained with ONPG and lactose as substrates were 0.43 mM and 9.09 mM respectively. The enzyme obtained by affinity chromatography was shown to hydrolyze the lactose component of cheese whey; the amount of lactose hydrolyzed was 32% of that expected with pure lactose as the substrate in buffer containing Mg2+ and DTT.NRCC Publication Number 24295  相似文献   

The present study describes a novel method for the histochemical demonstration of -galactosidase activity on tissue sections. We have replaced 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-galactoside (X-Gal) with 5-bromoindolyl--o-galactopyranoside (Bluo-Gal) as a chromogenic substrate for the bacterial -galactosidase (lacZ). After -galactosidic cleavage, Bluo-Gal precipitates in form of fine birefringent crystals, whereas X-gal gives rise to an amorphous precipitate. Upon microscopic examination under polarized light, the crystals emit a strong signal consisting of yellow reflected light. This property of Bluo-Gal results in greatly enhanced sensitivity of the staining method for -galactosidase and allows for optimal morphological resolution. To exemplify the applications of this technique, the expression is demonstrated in transgenic mice of -galactosidase driven by a fragment of the human tissue-type plasminogen activator promoter.  相似文献   


Higher alcohol is a by-product of the fermentation of wine, and its content is one of the most important parameters that affect and are used to appraise the final quality of Chinese rice wine. Ammonium compensation is an efficient and convenient method to reduce the content of higher alcohols, but the molecule mechanism is poorly understood. Therefore, an iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis was designed to reveal the proteomic changes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to elucidate the molecular mechanism of ammonium compensation in reducing the content of higher alcohols.


The iTRAQ proteomic analysis method was used to analyze a blank group and an experimental group with an exogenous addition of 200 mg/L (NH4)2HPO4 during inoculation. The extracted intracellular proteins were processed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and identified using bioinformatics tools. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to verify the gene expression of differentially expressed proteins.


About 4062 proteins, including 123 upregulated and 88 downregulated proteins, were identified by iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis. GO and KEGG analysis uncovered that significant proteins were concentrated during carbohydrate metabolism, such as carbon metabolism, glyoxylate, and dicarboxylate metabolism, pyruvate metabolism, and the nitrogen metabolism, such as amino acid synthesis and catabolism pathway. In accordance with the trend of differential protein regulation in the central carbon metabolism pathway and the analysis of carbon metabolic flux, a possible regulatory model was proposed and verified, in which ammonium compensation facilitated glucose consumption, regulated metabolic flow direction into tricarboxylic acid, and further led to a decrease in higher alcohols. The results of RT-qPCR confirmed the authenticity of the proteomic analysis results at the level of gene.


Ammonium assimilation promoted by ammonium compensation regulated the intracellular carbon metabolism of S. cerevisiae and affected the distribution of metabolic flux. The carbon flow that should have gone to the synthesis pathway of higher alcohols was reversed to the TCA cycle, thereby decreasing the content of higher alcohols. These findings may contribute to an improved understanding of the molecular mechanism for the decrease in higher alcohol content through ammonium compensation.


The tritium-labeled selective agonist of the nonopioid β-endorphin receptor the decapeptide immunorphin ([3H]SLTCLVKGFY) with a specific activity of 24 Ci/mmol was prepared. It was shown that [3H]immunorphin binds with a high affinity to the non-opioid β-endorphin receptor of mouse peritoneal macrophages (K d 2.4 ± 0.1 nM). The specific binding of [3H]immunorphin to macrophages was inhibited by unlabeled β-endorphin (K i of the [3H]immunorphin-receptor complex 2.9 ± 0.2 nM) and was not inhibited by unlabeled naloxone, α-endorphin, γ-endorphin, and [Met5]enkephalin (K i > 10 μM). Thirty fragments of β-endorphin were synthesized, and their ability to inhibit the specific binding of [3H]immunorphin to macrophages was studied. It was found that the shortest peptide having practically the same inhibitory activity as β-endorphin is its fragment 12–19 (K i 3.1 ± 0.3 nM).  相似文献   

-Galactosidase from B. coagulans strain L4 is produced constitutively, has a mol. wt. of 4.3×105 and an optimal temperature of 55°C. The optimal pH at 30°C is 6.0 whereas at 55°C it is 6.5. The energy of activation of enzyme activity is 41.9 kJ/mol (10 kcal/mol). No cations are required. The Km with ONPG as substrate is 4.2–5.6mm and with lactose is 50mm. The Ki for inhibition by galactose is 11.7–13.4mm and for dextrose is 50mm. Galactose inhibited competitively while dextrose inhibited noncompetitively. The purified and unprotected enzyme is 70% destroyed in 30 min at 55°C whereas in the presence of 2 mg/ml of BSA 42% of the activity is destroyed in 30 min at 55°C. An overall purification of 75.3-fold was achieved.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Dog liver acid β-galactosidase was isolated in high yield and purified to homogeneity using a series of chromatographies on Con A-Sepharose, decyl-agarose, anion-exchange HPLC and gel-filtration HPLC.
  • 2.2. Non-denaturing gel filtration by HPLC gave a single homogeneous peak corresponding to molecular mass of 180–190 kDa. During SDS-PAGE analysis, the single peak dissociated into a major band corresponding to molecular mass of 32 kDa with minor bands at 18 and 13 kDa.
  • 3.3. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the purified enzyme immunoprecipitated β-galactosidase activity specifically from dog liver extracts and recognized a single 32 kDa band in Western blot analysis of dog tissue homogenates. This antibody did not crossreact with any protein band in tissue homogenates from other species examined except cat.
  • 4.4. Western blot analysis of tissue extracts from dogs affected with GMI-gangliosidosis showed the presence of a 32 kDa band similar to that of controls.

Recently, we found increased levels of -d-mannose- and -d-galactose-containing glycoproteins in plasma membrane of the apoptotic murine leukemia L1210 cells (Bilyy & Stoika 2003). That indicator was suggested to be a novel marker of apoptosis in L1210 cells. The aim of our present work was to reveal if these changes in glycoprotein expression can be common for apoptotic cells of different origin and for various ways of apoptosis induction. It was demonstrated that an elevated expression of plasma membrane glycoproteins rich in -d-mannose and -d-galactose did not depend on type of cell line and its tissue origin as well as on nature of apoptosis-inducing agent. We also found that an increase in membrane glycoprotein expression was dependent on concentration of apoptosis-inducing agent and was time-dependent. Changes in glycoproteins expression were detected as early as 9–12 hours after apoptosis induction. Two hours pretreatment of cells with non-labeled lectin decreased plasma membrane staining with corresponding peroxidase-labeled lectin, probably because of lectin-induced internalization of specific membrane glycoproteins. PSL-lectin-affinity procedure was developed for isolation of apoptotic cells from their mixed population with normal cells. Lectin-dependent agglutination analysis showed that this process occurs at much lower lectin dilutions in the apoptotic cells than in the non-apoptotic cells. Thus, we found that -d-mannose- and -d-galactose-containing glycoproteins can be used for lectinocytochemical detection, study and isolation of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

The -galactosidase (EC of Corynebacterium murisepticum (inducible by lactose and galactose) was purified by successive column chromatography on Sephadex G-200, DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and DEAE-cellulose (DE52). The enzyme was found to be a dimer of identical subunits of molecular mass 100,000 daltons. The K m values of the enzyme for the substrates lactose and o-nitrophenyl--d-galactopyranoside (ONPG) are 16.7 mM and 4.4 mM, respectively, indicating, its low affinity for the substrates. The Ouchterlony immunodiffusion method exhibited immunological homogeneity of the enzyme preparation. The catalytic site of the enzyme does not take part in antigen-antibody reaction.  相似文献   

Although several methods for determining erythrocyte lifespan are used in research studies that involve mice, all involve the alteration of RBC to allow for its tracking over time, which may affect overall RBC survival. The aims of this study were to determine 1) whether sex affects RBC survival; 2) whether RBC survival differs between the biotin method and an alternative method that uses GFP; and 3) whether repeat exposure of mice to biotin results in an antibiotin antibody response or decreased RBC survival. The results suggest no difference in the RBC half-life between male and female C57BL/6 mice (22.9 ± 1.2 and 22.4 ± 0.9 d, respectively). In addition, RBC half-life did not differ between the biotin- and GFP-based methods (20.5 ± 2.1 d and 22.7 ± 2.1 d, respectively). Finally, retransfusion of mice 90 d after an initial transfusion with biotin-labeled RBC did not induce detectable antibiotin antibodies nor alter the half-life of transfused biotin-labeled RBC (initial transfusion, 22.0 ± 1.2 d; subsequent transfusion, 23.4 ± 1.4 d, respectively).Abbreviations: T1/2, half-lifeRBC lifespan and senescence are important parameters used both clinically and in research studies of hereditary disorders of erythrocyte metabolism, transfusion medicine, and sepsis.8,21,27,32,35 Labeling RBC with a biotinylating reagent is a common method used to determine their circulating lifespan. Other methods involve using radioactive isotopes, such as 51Cr and 59Fe.7,20 Biotinylating reagents are preferred for various research applications with humans,8,23,24 and are used in a variety of animal models.1,25,33,34,37 Once biotin attaches to RBC surface proteins, streptavidin (a protein derived from Streptomyces avidinii) that is labeled with a fluorescent dye is used to form a strong and rapid complex with biotin, thereby allowing for its detection through flow cytometry. Blood samples analyzed sequentially over a period of weeks will show a linear decline in biotin–streptavidin signal as labeled cells age and are cleared from the circulation through the reticuloendothelial system.The characteristics of an ideal label for performing RBC survival studies include: 1) stable presence on or within the cell throughout its normal lifespan; 2) specificity for RBC; 3) inertness, such that the cell does not become prone to accelerated destruction; 4) nonrecycling (that is, the label does not reenter the circulation and bind to new cells after destruction of the labeled RBC); and 5) easy and accurate measurement by using available assays. Radioactive isotopes and other labels fulfill several of these criteria, but their limitations include elution from RBC as well as safety concerns.7,22 In contrast, biotin poses little to no risk of accumulation or toxicity. The sulfo- N-hydroxysuccinimide–biotin ester used for RBC tracking studies in humans and animals can be administered directly or through the transfusion of biotinylated RBC. Although it is generally accepted that biotinylation of RBC does not affect their function, antibodies to biotin have been demonstrated in some human studies, posing the question of whether repeated administration of biotin ester or biotinylated RBC could interfere with subsequent results within the same subject.4,20 Repeat transfusions of biotinylated RBC to mice have not been described in the literature. One aim of this study was to determine whether exposure to biotinylated RBC induces an antibiotin antibody response in mice. Furthermore, we tested whether the survival of biotinylated RBC changed after repeat exposure.Recently GFP-expressing RBC have been used to track the posttransfusion survival and recovery of stored RBC administered to nonGFP-expressing recipient mice.9,12,36 The C57BL/6-Tg(UBC–GFP)30Scha/J mouse strain is characterized by GFP expression under the control of a human ubiquitin C promoter. All tissues of these mice express GFP, including blood.26 GFP expression appears to be consistent throughout life and does not otherwise alter the normal structure, physiology, or function of RBC. In addition, GFP is unaffected by ambient light contamination or degradation, drawbacks that are associated with fluorescent dyes.15 In addition, GFP allows for the separation of cell populations through flow cytometry.9,11 Many qualities of GFP suggest that it may serve as a useful surrogate marker in place of other labeling techniques in mice. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the utility of UBC–GFP transgenic mice as an alternative to labeling RBC with biotin esters. Our aim for this work was to determine the survival of RBC in wild-type C57BL/6 mice and in the UBC–GFP strain and to compare methods for determining RBC half-life (T1/2).  相似文献   

The occurrence and expression of -galactosidase among various dextran-producing Leuconostoc strains was determined. -Galactosidase was detected from four of twelve Leuconostoc strains tested. -Galactosidase in L. mesenteroides was induced by lactose and was repressed by glucose. Growth curves of L. mesenteroides on lactose indicated extended lag and late growth phases that were shortened when the inoculum was preexposed to lactose.  相似文献   

1. beta-Galactosidase activity was studied in homogenates and isolated microvilli fraction of jejunal mucosa from 14-day-old suckling rats. o-Nitrophenyl beta-d-galactoside served as the substrate. 2. The microvilli fraction contains about one-third of the total activity of the original homogenate. 3. The pH optimum of the beta-galactosidase was 3.5 in the total homogenate and supernatant fraction, whereas in the microvilli fraction the maximum activity was at pH5.5. 4. This work gives further support to the view that two beta-galactosidases exist in the jejunal mucosa.  相似文献   

Summary The dual localization of certain hydrolases in lysosomes and in endoplasmic reticulum as studied in enzyme staining reactions is now supported by cytobiochemical studies on mouse liver and kidney -glucuronidase and acid phosphatase. Use was made of the renal -glucuronidase response to endogenous androgen for both studies. Accordingly, sucrose homogenates were prepared of liver and kidney of male BALB/C mice previously injected with gonadotrophin along with control animals receiving saline instead. The homogenates were subjected to differential ultracentrifugation yielding six fractions. These were characterized as to their organelle composition by measurements of marker enzymes and by observations with the electron microscope. In all subcellular fractions, -glucuronidase was uniformly increased 5 to 8 times over the corresponding control value and, in fractions rich in lysosomes, this enzyme was easily released by alternate freezing and thawing. On the other hand, the microsomal -glucuronidase and acid phosphatase enzymes were not liberated by freezing and thawing nor were they after treatment with 0.1 % Triton X-100 and by employing other reagents and conditions which are known to release lysosomal enzymes. In contrast to microsomal acid phosphatase, microsomal -glucuronidase activity could be liberated by treatment with hyaluronidase. This soluble -glucuronidase showed the same optimum pH, Michaelis Constant and heat inactivation behavior as the lysosomal -glucuronidase prepared by freezing and thawing treatment. These observations define two populations of microsomal vesicles each identifiable by an individual membrane-associated acid hydrolase. One of these -glucuronidase, increases in specific activity in the animal on androgens and is released by hyaluronidase and the other, acid phosphatase, does not respond to androgen and is not released by hyaluronidase. There would appear to be a variety of mechanisms by which hydrolases enter into association with the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and from there, a variety of routes to the lysosomes. A comment is made concerning the question of acid phosphatases and -glucuronidase as enzyme markers for lysosomes in mouse kidney.Aided in part by Research Grant, P-106, of the American Cancer Society, Inc., New York, and by U.S.P.H.S. Grant CA-07538 and by a Research Career Award, CA-K6-18453 to William H. Fishman.  相似文献   

Summary The enzyme production and localization ofThielavia terrestris strains C464 and NRRL 8126 were compared to determine their optimum temperature and pH for cellulase activity. High levels of intracellular -glucosidase activity were detected in the former strain. The intracellular -glucosidase of both strains were more thermostable than the extracellular enzyme; the half life ofT.terrestris (C464) endoglucanase activity at 60°C was greater than 96 hrs.  相似文献   

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