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Previous Y chromosome studies have shown that the Cohanim, a paternally inherited Jewish priestly caste, predominantly share a recent common ancestry irrespective of the geographically defined post-Diaspora community to which they belong, a finding consistent with common Jewish origins in the Near East. In contrast, the Levites, another paternally inherited Jewish caste, display evidence for multiple recent origins, with Ashkenazi Levites having a high frequency of a distinctive, non-Near Eastern haplogroup. Here, we show that the Ashkenazi Levite microsatellite haplotypes within this haplogroup are extremely tightly clustered, with an inferred common ancestor within the past 2,000 years. Comparisons with other Jewish and non-Jewish groups suggest that a founding event, probably involving one or very few European men occurring at a time close to the initial formation and settlement of the Ashkenazi community, is the most likely explanation for the presence of this distinctive haplogroup found today in >50% of Ashkenazi Levites.  相似文献   

We have established the use of a primer extension/mass spectrometry method (the PinPoint assay) for high-throughput SNP genotyping of the human Y chromosome. 118 markers were used to define 116 haplogroups and typing was organised in a hierarchical fashion. Twenty multiplex PCR/primer extension reactions were set up and each sample could be assigned to a haplogroup with only two to five of these multiplex analyses. A single aliquot of one enzyme was found to be sufficient for both PCR and primer extension. We observed 100% accuracy in blind validation tests. The technique thus provides a reliable, cost-effective and automated method for Y genotyping, and the advantages of using a hierarchical strategy can be applied to any DNA segment lacking recombination.  相似文献   

Summary The identification of a deleted extra chromosome 22 by means of the DNA replication banding pattern is reported. The characteristics of DNA replication banding, its advantages and superiority in chromosome identification are described.  相似文献   

The high prevalence of rare genetic diseases in Finland has been attributed to a founder effect some 2,000 years ago. However, this hypothesis has not been supported from mtDNA sequence and autosomal microsatellite data which indicate high levels of gene diversity. Here we have identified genetic evidence for a population bottleneck by examining variable microsatellite loci on the nonrecombining portion of Y chromosomes from Finland and four populations from Europe and the Americas. Sequence data from segment I of the control region (HVS-1) of mtDNA (360 bases) and 20 autosomal dinucleotide repeat markers were also analyzed. Partitions of genetic variance within and between populations revealed significant levels of Y-chromosome differentiation between populations. Phylogenetic and diversity analyses revealed divergent Finnish Y-haplotype clades and significantly lower Y-haplotype diversity among Finns as compared to other populations. Surprisingly, Finnish Y-haplotype diversity was even lower than the Native American populations. These results provide support for the Finnish bottleneck hypothesis. Evidence for two separate founding Finnish Y-chromosome lineages was also observed from the Y-chromosome phylogeny. A limited number of closely related founding males may have contributed to the low number of paternal lineages in the Finnish population. In contrast, high levels of genetic diversity for mtDNA and autosomal STRs may be the result of sex-biased gene flow and recent immigration to urban areas from established internal isolates within Finland.  相似文献   

Ross JA  Peichel CL 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2173-2182
To identify the processes shaping vertebrate sex chromosomes during the early stages of their evolution, it is necessary to study systems in which genetic sex determination was recently acquired. Previous cytogenetic studies suggested that threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) do not have a heteromorphic sex chromosome pair, although recent genetic studies found evidence of an XY genetic sex-determination system. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we report that the threespine stickleback Y chromosome is heteromorphic and has suffered both inversions and deletion. Using the FISH data, we reconstruct the rearrangements that have led to the current physical state of the threespine stickleback Y chromosome. These data demonstrate that the threespine Y is more degenerate than previously thought, suggesting that the process of sex chromosome evolution can occur rapidly following acquisition of a sex-determining region.  相似文献   

Phenotypic similarities between Australian Aboriginal People and some tribes of India were noted by T.H. Huxley during the voyage of the Rattlesnake (1846-1850). Anthropometric studies by Birdsell led to his suggestion that a migratory wave into Australia included populations with affinities to tribal Indians. Genetic evidence for an Indian contribution to the Australian gene pool is contradictory; most studies of autosomal markers have not supported this hypothesis (; and references therein). On the other hand, affinities between Australian Aboriginal People and southern Indians were suggested based on maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA. Here, we show additional DNA evidence in support of Huxley's hypothesis of an Indian-Australian connection using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short tandem repeats (STRs) on the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY). Phylogenetic analyses of STR variation associated with a major Australian SNP lineage indicated tight clustering with southern Indian/Sri Lankan Y chromosomes. Estimates of the divergence time for these Indian and Australian chromosomes overlap with important changes in the archaeological and linguistic records in Australia. These results provide strong evidence for an influx of Y chromosomes from the Indian subcontinent to Australia that may have occurred during the Holocene.  相似文献   

The human Y chromosome is the sex determining chromosome. The number of proteins associated with this chromosome is 196 and 107 of the 196 proteins have yet not been characterised. Here, we describe the analysis of these 107 proteins by computing various physicochemical properties using sequence and predicted structural data to elucidate molecular function. We present the derived data in the form a form a database made freely available for download, review, refinement and update.


http://puratham.googlepages.com/ or http://puratham.googlepages.com/ftpconnection  相似文献   

A previous report in 1967 on the observation of a satellited Y chromosome found in a French Canadian family line is confirmed by the use of the ammoniacal silver procedure which stains selectively the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in acrocentric human chromosomes. There is evidence that this peculiar chromosome results from the translocation to the distal end of the Y chromosome long arms of a satellited segment from a D or G autosome.  相似文献   

Surnames and the Y chromosome   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
A randomly ascertained sample of males with the surname "Sykes" was typed with four Y-chromosome microsatellites. Almost half the sample shared the same Y-chromosome haplotype, which has not been observed in control samples either from the same geographic region or from the United Kingdom as a whole. This points to a single surname founder for extant Sykes males, even though written sources had predicted multiple origins. The distribution of other Sykes Y-chromosome haplotypes were not significantly different from those in controls and may be accounted for by the historical accumulation of nonpaternity during the past 700 years, in which case the average rate estimate is 1.3%/generation. If this pattern is reproduced with other surnames, it may have important forensic and genealogical applications.  相似文献   

Bovine Y chromosome microsatellite polymorphisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-eight bovine Y chromosome (BTAY) microsatellites (MS) were assessed for polymorphisms in DNA samples obtained from 17 unrelated bulls. Thirty-three of these microsatellites are new and were used for the construction of a first generation radiation hybrid map for BTAY (Liu et al., 2002). Five MS had been previously reported and were used as positive controls. Fourteen out of 38 MS were found to be polymorphic; the remaining 24 were uninformative among the animals tested. The number of hemizygous loci per MS within individual ranged from two to over 20. Seven MS presented smear- or ladder-like bands, a unique feature for Y chromosome multi-copy hemizygous MS loci. The locus length variance, within individual, ranged from 2 to 42 bp corresponding to the MS with the minimum and maximum number of loci observed, respectively. Within the 14 polymorphic MS, the five pseudoautosomal MS, on average, were more polymorphic (35.3%) than the nine Y-specific MS (19.6%). Haplotypes resulting from combinations of these polymorphic loci will provide a powerful tool for future studies on the origin of domestic cattle and the evolution of bovid species.  相似文献   

Mapping the human Y chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews past and present trends in mapping the human Y chromosome. So far, mapping has essentially used a combination of cytogenetic and molecular analyses of Y-chromosomal anomalies and sex reversal syndromes. This deletion mapping culminated recently in the isolation of the putative sex-determining locus TDF. With the availability of new separation and cloning techniques suited for large size fragments (over 100 kilobases), the next step will consist rather in the establishment of a physical map of fragments of known physical sizes. This may allow the definition of several variants of the human Y chromosome differing by the order or location of DNA sequences along the molecule.  相似文献   

In humans, deviations from a 1:1 male:female ratio have been identified in both chromosomally normal and trisomic live births: among normal newborns there is a slight excess of males, among trisomy 18 live borns a large excess of females, and among trisomy 21 live borns an excess of males. These differences could arise from differential production of or fertilization by Y- or X-bearing sperm or from selection against male or female conceptions. To examine the proportion of Y- and X-bearing sperm in normal sperm and in sperm disomic for chromosomes 18 or 21, we used three-color FISH (to the X and Y and either chromosome 18 or chromosome 21) to analyze >300,000 sperm from 24 men. In apparently normal sperm, the sex ratio was nearly 1:1 (148,074 Y-bearing to 148,657 X-bearing sperm), and the value was not affected by the age of the donor. Certain of the donors, however, had significant excesses of Y- or X-bearing sperm. In disomy 18 sperm, there were virtually identical numbers of Y- and X-bearing sperm; thus, the excess of females in trisomy 18 presumably is due to selection against male trisomic conceptions. In contrast, we observed 69 Y-bearing and 44 X-bearing sperm disomic for chromosome 21. This is consistent with previous molecular studies, which have identified an excess of males among paternally derived cases of trisomy 21, and suggests that some of the excess of males among Down syndrome individuals is attributable to a nondisjunctional mechanism in which the extra chromosome 21 preferentially segregates with the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

The Altai region of southern Siberia has played a critical role in the peopling of northern Asia as an entry point into Siberia and a possible homeland for ancestral Native Americans. It has an old and rich history because humans have inhabited this area since the Paleolithic. Today, the Altai region is home to numerous Turkic-speaking ethnic groups, which have been divided into northern and southern clusters based on linguistic, cultural, and anthropological traits. To untangle Altaian genetic histories, we analyzed mtDNA and Y chromosome variation in northern and southern Altaian populations. All mtDNAs were assayed by PCR-RFLP analysis and control region sequencing, and the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome was scored for more than 100 biallelic markers and 17 Y-STRs. Based on these data, we noted differences in the origin and population history of Altaian ethnic groups, with northern Altaians appearing more like Yeniseian, Ugric, and Samoyedic speakers to the north, and southern Altaians having greater affinities to other Turkic speaking populations of southern Siberia and Central Asia. Moreover, high-resolution analysis of Y chromosome haplogroup Q has allowed us to reshape the phylogeny of this branch, making connections between populations of the New World and Old World more apparent and demonstrating that southern Altaians and Native Americans share a recent common ancestor. These results greatly enhance our understanding of the peopling of Siberia and the Americas.  相似文献   

Microdeletions on the short arm of the Y chromosome have defined three non-overlapping regions (AZFa, b, c) recurrently deleted among infertile males. These regions contain several genes or gene families involved in male germ-cell development and maintenance. Even though a meiotic origin for these microdeletions is assumed, the mechanisms and causes leading to microdeletion formation are largely unknown. In order to assess whether some Y chromosome groups (or haplogroups) are predisposed to, or protected against, deletion formation during male meiosis, we have defined and compared Y chromosome haplogroup distribution in a group of infertile/subfertile males harbouring Yq deletions and in a relevant Northwestern European control population. Our analyses suggest that Y chromosome deletion formation is, at least in the study populations, a stochastic event independent of the Y chromosome background on which they arise and may be caused by other genetic and/or environmental factors.  相似文献   

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