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The mean cranial capacities of 50 male and 50 female Zulu crania were found to be 1373.3 +/- 107.4 ml for males and 1251.2 +/- 101.1 ml for females (means +/- SD). The male value resembles that of other Negro groups, while the female value is somewhat higher than the value for Negro crania as a whole. The index of sexual dimorphism is 8.9%, which is low when compared with those of other Negroid series and other populations. The possible causes for this form of a low sexual dimorphism are as follows: A negative secular trend, with the assumption that the Zulu crania were larger than those of the reference populations of African Negroids before the start of the secular trend change. This would seem to be the most likely possibility, with some supporting evidence for both parts of the explanation. An absence of secular trend, with a demographic sampling aberration, in which large females and small males of the population are sampled. This possibility cannot be totally excluded. An absence of secular trend, with a genetic difference in sexual dimorphism for cranial capacity between the Zulu and the reference populations. While this possibility cannot be excluded, it would be the least preferable explanation.  相似文献   

Endocasts from 378 rhesus macaque skulls from the Cayo Santiago skeletal collection were measured to determine the effects of age and gender on the position and orientation of the foramen magnum. The foramen magnum migrates from a rostral to a caudal position and its angle changes during postnatal development. The angles and relative positions of the foramen magnum are similar for both genders of infants and for both genders of adults. However, analyses of linear response and plateau (LRP) functions reveal significant differences between males and females in the timing of reorientation of the angle and migration of the foramen magnum. The mean adult angle and relative position of the foramen magnum are reached by 4.7 years in females, but they do not achieve their adult values until 7.1 years in males. A similar pattern is observed for the brainstem region of the basicranium. Mean adult lengths of the brainstem region are reached at 5.2 years in females and 7.1 years in males. The relationships between cranial capacity, the growth pattern of the brainstem, and the pattern of change for the angle and the relative position of the foramen magnum are examined. Quantification of the effects of age and gender on the location of the foramen magnum in a large sample of endocasts from one species of higher primate has potential implications for research on human development, and for interpretation of juvenile specimens in the hominid fossil record.  相似文献   

Canonical correlation analysis was used to test an hypothesized morphological relationship between vault form and cranial capacity relative to length of the chondrocranium. Ninety-five adult male Czech skulls were measured for vault form expressed as length, width and height of the brain case; the chondrocranium was represented by nasion-basion and basion-opisthion lengths. In terms of explained variation, the first and most important dimension of covariation between vault and chondrocranial variables was size. The second most significant dimension of covariation expressed the hypothesized shape relationships—i.e., overall size being equal, the shorter the chondrocranial base relative to cranial capacity, the shorter and wider the vault. Furthermore, the competing hypothesis that vault form is determined by facial length proved untenable since facial length was predictive of vault shape only when measured as prosthion-basion, a measure that incorporates basal length. When corrected for basal length, facial length is unrelated to vault form. The results are consistent with the assumption that phylogenetic and microevolutionary trends toward brachycephaly in man stem from changes in the relationship between two components of skull growth, the chondrocranial base and the brain.  相似文献   

The growth and skeletal maturation of nine preterm female pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) obtained by C-section at less than or equal to 155 postconceptional days were followed through six months of age. At C-section they were of normal size and maturation for gestational age. Compared with 50 normal females born at term (mean = 173 +/- 6.4 postconceptional days), preterm infants were also of normal size at term, but delayed in skeletal maturation, requiring about one month to achieve the standard.  相似文献   

Age changes in the pubic symphyses of 142 Cayo Santiago rhesus monkeys (known age, sex and maternal genealogy) are described. Symphyseal development is sexually dimorphic. Males generate a ridge and furrow system which is gradually replaced by a solid ankylosis at the mid-sagittal plane. Female development parallels that of the male until puberty. With pregnancy and delivery, relaxation and reaggregation of pelvic ligaments binding the symphysis destroy the symphyseal face. Continued bearing of offspring inhibits mid-sagittal ankylosis. Limited estimates of skeletal age can be made by using symphyseal development as an indicator of senescence.  相似文献   

Lengths within the cranial base and vault were measured in cephalometric radiographs of 220 boys and 177 girls ranging in age from 0 to 15 years; all these children are participants in The Fels Longitudinal Growth Study. The present study is based on mixed longitudinal data derived from 1640 radiographs for boys and 1260 radiographs for girls. Factor analysis was applied separately for boys and girls for each age group; i.e., 0–3, 4–6, 7–9, 10–12, and 13–15 years. For the 0–3 year age group, two factors were extracted in each sex, whereas four factors were extracted in the rest of the age groups. The factor structures are similar in the three older age groups of boys (7–9, 10–12, and 13–15 years). The first four factors for these groups are labelled, respectively: cranial vault size, posterior cranial base length, presphenoid length, and basisphenoid length. The order of the third and fourth factors is reversed in the 7–9 year olds. For girls, the factors extracted were also the same in both the 7–9 and 10–12 year age groups, even though the order of factors was different between age groups; i.e., anterior cranial base length, cranial vault size, basisphenoid length, and basioccipital length. Differential growth rates among cranial base dimensions probably cause changes in factor patterns. Obliteration of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis is suggested as the mechanism responsible for the change of factor pattern in the girls. Closure of this synchondrosis would have occurred too late to affect the patterns in boys.  相似文献   

The cranial base exerts a supportive role for the brain and includes the occipital, sphenoid and ethmoid bones that arise from cartilaginous precursors in the early embryo. As the occipital bone and the posterior part of the sphenoid are mesoderm derivatives that arise in close proximity to the notochord and floor plate, it has been assumed that their development, like the axial skeleton, is dependent on Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and modulation of bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signalling. Here we examined the development of the cranial base in chick and mouse embryos to compare the molecular signals that are required for chondrogenic induction in the trunk and head. We found that Shh signalling is required but the molecular network controlling cranial base development is distinct from that in the trunk. In the absence of Shh, the presumptive cranial base did not undergo chondrogenic commitment as determined by the loss of Sox9 expression and there was a decrease in cell survival. In contrast, induction of the otic capsule occurred normally demonstrating that induction of the cranial base is uncoupled from formation of the sensory capsules. Lastly, we found that the early cranial mesoderm is refractory to Shh signalling, likely accounting for why development of the cranial base occurs after the axial skeleton. Our data reveal that cranial and axial skeletal induction is controlled by conserved, yet spatiotemporally distinct mechanisms that co-ordinate development of the cranial base with that of the cranial musculature and the pharyngeal arches.  相似文献   

Artificial reshaping of the cranial vault has been practiced by many human groups and provides a natural experiment in which the relationships of neurocranial, cranial base, and facial growth can be investigated. We test the hypothesis that fronto-occipital artificial reshaping of the neurocranial vault results in specific changes in the cranial base and face. Fronto-occipital reshaping results from the application of pads or a cradle board which constrains cranial vault growth, limiting growth between the frontal and occipital and allowing compensatory growth of the parietals in a mediolateral direction. Two skeletal series including both normal and artificially modified crania are analyzed, a prehistoric Peruvian Ancon sample (47 normal, 64 modified crania) and a Songish Indian sample from British Columbia (6 normal, 4 modified). Three-dimensional coordinates of 53 landmarks were measured with a diagraph and used to form 9 finite elements as a prelude to finite element scaling analysis. Finite element scaling was used to compare average normal and modified crania and the results were evaluated for statistical significance using a bootstrap test. Fronto-occipitally reshaped Ancon crania are significantly different from normal in the vault, cranial base, and face. The vault is compressed along an anterior-superior to posterior-inferior axis and expanded along a mediolateral axis in modified individuals. The cranial base is wider and shallower in the modified crania and the face is foreshortened and wider with the anterior orbital rim moving inferior and posterior towards the cranial base. The Songish crania display a different modification of the vault and face, indicating that important differences may exist in the morphological effects of fronto-occipital reshaping from one group to another.  相似文献   

SKW 18, a partial hominin cranium recovered from the site of Swartkrans, South Africa, in 1968 is described. It is derived from ex situ breccia of the Hanging Remnant of Member 1, dated to approximately 1.5-1.8 Mya. Although partially encased in breccia, it was refit to the facial fragment SK 52 (Clarke 1977 The Cranium of the Swartkrans Hominid SK 847 and Its Relevance to Human Origins, Ph.D. dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), producing the composite cranium SKW 18/SK 52. Subsequent preparation revealed the most complete cranial base attributable to the species Australopithecus robustus. SKW 18 suffered weathering and slight postdepositional distortion, but retains considerable anatomical detail. The composite cranium most likely represents a large, subadult male, based on the incomplete fusion of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis; unerupted third molar; pronounced development of muscular insertions; and large teeth. Cranial base measures of SKW 18 expand the range of values previously recorded for A. robustus. SKW 18 provides information on anatomical features not previously visible in this taxon, and expands our knowledge of morphological variability recognizable in the cranial base. Morphological heterogeneity in the development of the prevertebral and nuchal muscular insertions is likely the result of sexual dimorphism in A. robustus, while differences in cranial base angles and the development of the occipital/marginal sinus drainage system cannot be attributed to size dimorphism.  相似文献   

We have documented several sexually dimorphic patterns of behavior that develop during the first year of life in infant Japanese macaques and their mothers. Mothers treated their infants differently by sex—mothers of males broke contact with them and retrieved them more frequently than did mothers of females. And mothers of male infants moved more frequently than did mothers of female infants. Male infants played more, played in larger groups, and mounted more frequently; female infants groomed and spent more time close to other monkeys in larger social groups than did males. Female infants were also punished by other group members more frequently than were male infants. We conclude that male and female Japanese macaque infants receive differential treatment early in life by both their own mothers and other animals, and males and females in turn treat their mothers and other animals differently. There appears to be a reciprocal relationship between the behavior of infants, mothers and other social partners that contributes to the development of sexually dimorphic patterns of behavior.  相似文献   

Artificial modification of the cranial vault was practiced by a number of prehistoric and protohistoric populations, frequently during an infant's first year of life. We test the hypothesis that, in addition to its direct effects on the cranial vault, annular cranial vault modification has a significant indirect effect on cranial base and facial morphology. Two skeletal series from the Pacific Northwest Coast, which include both nonmodified and modified crania, were used: the Kwakiutl (62 nonmodified, 45 modified) and Nootka (28 nonmodified, 20 modified). Three-dimensional coordinates of 53 landmarks were obtained using a diagraph, and 36 landmarks were used to define nine finite elements in the cranial vault, cranial base, and face. Finite element scaling was used to compare average nonmodified and average modified crania, and the significance of the results were evaluated using a bootstrap test. Annular modification of the cranial vault produces significant effects on the morphology of the cranial base and face. Annular modification in the Kwakiutl resulted in restrictions of the cranial vault in the medial-lateral and superior-inferior dimensions and an increase in anterior-posterior growth. Similar dimensional changes are observed in the cranial base. The Kwakiutl face is increased anterior-posteriorly and reduced anterior-laterally to posterior-medially. Similar effects of modification are observed in the Nootka cranial vault and cranial base, though not in the face. These results demonstrate the developmental interdependence of the cranial vault, cranial base, and face. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study consisting of 38 unrelated Macaca nemestrina and 16 Papio cynocephalus monkeys are investigated for palatal changes during the first two and a half years of life. The central problem is to ascertain whether there are any significant differences between the two genera regarding their relative growth rates. In order to examine this question, the amount of sexual dimorphism in absolute size was determined. There was no sex difference in palatal dimensions within the species but there were marked size differences between the groups. The relative growth rates present another story. There are no significant sex or intergeneric differences in growth rates. The genera are different in absolute size but they grow at about the same relative rates. These rates represent a decelerating curve in both genera.  相似文献   

This study examines latitudinal and insular variation in the expression of sexual dimorphism in cranial length in three geographical groupings of Macaca fascicularis. In addition, the relationship between cranial length dimorphism (CLD) and sex‐specific size is examined. The results of the study identified a significant relationship between CLD and latitude for only one of the three geographic groupings. Sex‐specific relationships between cranial length and CLD were detected. The pattern of these relationships varied by geographic grouping. This study is important because it demonstrates that despite very similar levels of CLD in a single primate species, there exists important geographic variability in the correlates of that dimorphism. I suggest that geographically varying ecological factors may influence sex‐specific natural selection and the intensity of CLD in M. fascicularis. Gaining a better understanding of this geographical variability will require that future research examines morphological variation, including CLD, within its corresponding ecological and social contexts. Such research should be comparative, and incorporate multiple geographically separated populations with disparate environmental settings. Am. J. Primatol. 72:152–160, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

猕猴颊齿大小的性差研究初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对28例太行山成年猕猴(♂10,♀18)的上、下颌颊齿齿冠面积进行测量。运用SPSS 10.0统计软件的多变量分析,选择有关颊齿变量建立性别判别函数。结果表明:猕猴颊齿具有明显的性差。选择不同的变量和选择不同的判别函数其性别正确判别率不同。上、下颌颊齿的性差有一定差异。使用逐步判别法建立判别函数,其性别正确判别率上颌颊齿为89.3%,下颌颊齿为92.3%。  相似文献   

Permanent maxillary canine teeth (C1) are appreciably larger in males than in females in most nonhominid Anthropoidea. Mandibular canines (C1) and mandibular first premolars (P3), against which C1 are sharpened in honing behavior, reflect commensurate sexual dimorphism. These three teeth constitute the canine dental complex. The canine complex crown metrics of seven mature genetically female rhesus Macaques, androgenized by prenatal exposure to testosterone propionate, were compared with a control sample (N = 12) for evidence of masculinization. The C1 and C1 were measured for clinical crown lengths (L) and mesiodistal and buccolingual widths. The functionally significant and highly dimorphic honing dimensions (HD), which approximate the honing surfaces of P3, were noted. In t-test comparisons, the C1 L and P3 HD in androgenized monkeys were significantly larger than those of the control group (P less than 0.05). Identical results were obtained with White's nonparametric ranking technique. Standardized lateral skull radiographs showing earlier dental formative stages were available for five of the seven animals, and these were compared with radiographs of control skulls. The developing C1 were longer and wider than in the controls. This was not reflected in the crown metrics of mature animals because of marked dental attrition. We concluded that androgens can masculinize the female rhesus canine complex, if given during critical periods of prenatal development. We hypothesize that genes encoding the male canine complex are normally activated by endogenous fetal androgens during such critical periods.  相似文献   

Sutural complexity (the degree of interdigitation) of 13 cranial sutures was compared between male and female wild sheep ( Ovis orientalis ) to investigate a morphological feature that is potentially important with respect to stress transmission in the skulls of males during fighting. Most facial sutures (four of six) were not sexually dimorphic, but two sutures, the maxillojugal and jugolacrimal, had greater complexity in males than in females, suggesting that significant forces may be transmitted through the facial region of rams, most likely during horn clashing. Most of the braincase sutures (five of seven) were more complex in males than in females, and different factors appear to underlie this sexual dimorphism. In females, increased complexity of sutures during ontogeny was predicted best by variables measuring growth of the skull, brain or face, while in males, changes in complexity were predicted best by variables representing mechanical loading and frontal bone growth.  相似文献   

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