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Ethanol induced germination in several partly after-ripened dormant lines of Avena fatua L. The dose-response curves for the stimulation of germination and for oxygen uptake were similar, indicating that ethanol may stimulate germination by promoting oxygen uptake. A time-sequence study showed that ethanol stimulated oxygen uptake by as much as 70% prior to the first visible signs of germination. A similar methanol treatment failed to induce germination or significantly elevate oxygen uptake, indicating that the promotive effects of ethanol are not common to all alcohols. The stimulation of both germination and oxygen uptake by ethanol was not inhibited significantly by salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of alternative respiration. Thus, stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake by ethanol does not require the operation of the alternative pathway of respiration. Similarly, the stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake by ethanol were not inhibited by sodium azide, an inhibitor of cytochrome-mediated respiration. However, both germination and oxygen uptake were prevented when salicylhydroxamic acid and sodium azide were administered together. Thus, stimulation of these events by ethanol requires only the operation of one or other of these pathways of respiration; a specific requirement for the operation of the alternative pathway of respiration does not exist. The function of ethanol as a promoter of respiration is discussed with reference to dormancy and involvement of the Krebs cycle.  相似文献   

Sodium nitrate and nitrite induced germination in a partly after-ripened dormant line of Avena fatua L. The dose-response curves for their stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake were similar, indicating that these compounds may stimulate germination by promoting oxygen uptake. Time-sequence studies showed that nitrate and nitrite stimulated oxygen uptake as much as 70% prior to the first signs of germination. A similar ammonium chloride treatment failed to induce germination or elevate the rate of oxygen uptake, indicating that nitrate and nitrite may promote these events by acting as electron acceptors. The stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake by nitrate and nitrite were not significantly inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of alternative respiration. Thus, stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake by nitrate and nitrite do not require the operation of the alternative pathway of respiration. The stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake by nitrate and nitrite were not inhibited by sodium azide, an inhibitor of cytochrome-mediated respiration; however both germination and oxygen uptake were prevented when salicylhydroxamic acid and sodium azide were applied together. Thus, stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake by nitrate and nitrite require the operation of only one or other of the pathways of respiration; however a specific requirement for the operation of the alternative pathway of respiration does not exist. The function of these compounds as promotors of respiration is discussed with reference to dormancy and the involvement of the Krebs cycle.  相似文献   

The dormancy breaking effect of sodium azide was studied in seeds of several genetically pure lines of Avena fatua L. isolated from field populations. Sodium azide (0.8 and 1 m M ) induced germination in several dormant lines (characterized by long term dormancy) after two weeks of treatment. By about five weeks, germination was nearly complete in azide treated seeds as compared to little or no germination in controls. (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis) completely inhibited the azide effect suggesting that stimulation of germination by azide requires gibberellin biosynthesis. Azide was very effective in breaking dormancy in lines AN-51, AN-86, AN-127 and AN-265, but failed to induce germination in Montana 73. In this line there was a synergism between azide and gibberellic acid in promotion of germination. Thus, at least two metabolic blocks are involved in the stimulation of germination in this line. Salicylhydroxamic acid (an inhibitor of alternative respiration) at 3 m M completely inhibited the germination induced by 1 m M azide. At this concentration, salicylhydroxamic acid did not inhibit germination in 1) genetically nondormant seeds (line SH-430), 2) afterripened seeds of a dormant line (AN-51), and 3) gibberellic acid-treated dormant seeds. These findings suggest that salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive process(es), presumably alternative respiration, is necessary for the stimulation of germination in the presence of azide, but not in the germination of genetically nondormant, gibberellic acid-treated dormant, or afterripened seeds.  相似文献   

The dormancy-breaking effect of several known germination promoters was studied in 9 genetically pure lines of Avena fatua L. during a period of controlled after-ripening. Changes in the germination response show at least two dormancy states in the caryopses of these lines. The first state is overcome by a short period of after-ripening and is insensitive to nitrate and azide, while the second state is more persistent and is sensitive to nitrate and azide. Both states are sensitive to gibberellic acid (OA,) and ethanol. In the most dormant lines a third ethanol-insensitive dormancy state is present. The duration of both major dormancy states was related to several environmental factors influencing plant growth and seed storage. Duration was increased in caryopses produced from plants matured under low temperatures (15°C) and decreased in caryopses produced from plants matured under high temperatures (25°C). Duration was increased in caryopses after-ripened under low temperatures (4°C) and decreased in caryopses after-ripened under high temperatures (45°C). Dehulling the seeds prior to after-ripening reduced the duration of both major dormancy states. The multiple state dormancy system and its environmentally induced plasticity are discussed with reference to previous explanations of the dormancy mechanism in wild oats.  相似文献   

Sodium nitrate and nitrite (50–100 m M ) induced germination in three out of four genetically pure dormant lines of Avena fatua L. The sensitivity to these treatments was low immediately ater harvest and increased markedly after six months of dry after-ripening. The observation that a fourth dormant line failed to respond suggests at least two metabolic blocks may be involved in expression of dormancy. An inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, 2-chloroethyl trimethylammonium chloride, completely inhibited the dormancy-breaking effect by nitrate and nitrite, indicating a requirement for gibberellin biosynthesis. Among reduced nitrogenous compounds, ammonium chloride and urea failed to break dormancy in all partly after-ripened lines, suggesting that nitrate and nitrite may induce germination through their ability to act as electron acceptors. The sensitivity to all nitrogenous compounds tested increased with the length of after-ripening indicating that the depth of the second dormancy block amy decrease with the time of after-ripening. Other reduced nitrogenous compounds, thiourea and hydroxylamine hydrochloride, promoted some germination in the least dormant, partially after-ripened lines. The function of these compounds as electron acceptors and their similarity in activity to the cytochrome oxidase inhibitor, sodium azide, is discussed with reference to dormancy and the possible involvement of the alternative pathway of respiration.  相似文献   

Adkins, S. W., Symons, S. J. and Simpson, G. M. 1988. The physiological basis of seed dormancy in Avena fatua . VIII. Action of malonic acid - Physiol. Plant, 72: 477–482.
A low concentration of malonic acid (50 m M ) induced germination in four genetically pure dormant lines of Avena fatua L. Sensitivity to this treatment was poor immediately after harvest but increased markedly during after-ripening, indicating that the mode of action of malonic acid (50 m M ) was similar to that of another organic acid, citric acid. Over the concentration range (10–50 m M ) where malonic acid promoted germination, oxygen uptake was also stimulated, and this was before the first visible signs of germination. At higher concentrations (100–300 m M ) where there was no promotion of germination, malonic acid strongly inhibited oxygen uptake. These results show that malonic acid has a dual effect on oxygen uptake and subsequent germination. Low concentrations (10–50 m M ) act by stimulating the Krebs cycle and germination through an acidification reaction like citric acid, and high concentrations (100–300 m M ) act by inhibiting germination through enzymatic restraint of the Krebs cycle.
The stimulation of both oxygen uptake and germination by three established germination promoters (sodium nitrate, citric acid and ethanol) was inhibited by a high concentration of malonic acid (200 m M ) but unaffected by a low concentration (50 m M ). These results show that oxygen uptake, and hence the activity of the Krebs cycle, are important processes involved in the dormancy breaking mechanism of these three promotors.  相似文献   

Citric, succinic, fumaric, malic, pyruvic and lactic acids induced germination in two genetically pure dormant lines of Avena fatua L. The sensitivity to these acids was low immediately after harvest and increased markedly after a period of dry after-ripening. Because the acids could only overcome dormancy in partly after-ripened caryopses, the mode of their action in these caryopses differed from that of another germination promotor, ethanol, and was similar to that of the germination promoter, sodium nitrate. The mode of action of the organic acids on the partly after-ripened caryopses through lowering pH was indicated by the observation that other non-metabolic weak acids could also break dormancy while neutral pH value salt solutions of some of the tested acids were inactive. The dose-response curves of citric acid for the stimulation of germination and for oxygen uptake were similar, indicating that this organic acid may stimulate germination by promoting oxygen uptake. A time sequence study showed that citric acid stimulated oxygen uptake before the first visible signs of germination. Stimulation of germination and oxygen uptake over a range of pH values showed that those values of pH which stimulated germination also stimulated oxygen uptake, indicating that the ability to stimulate oxygen uptake was not confined to organic acids. The stimulation of both germination and oxygen uptake by citric acid was not inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of alternative respiration, therefore stimulation of both germination and oxygen uptake by citric acid does not require the operation of the alternative pathway of respiration. The function of weak acids as promoters of oxygen uptake is discussed with reference to the breakage of dormancy in partly after-ripened caryopses and the involvement of various respiratory pathways is indicated.  相似文献   

The effects of inhibitors of alternative respiration [salicylhydroxamate (SHAM) and propyl gallate (PG)] on germination, seedling growth and O2 uptake in Avena fatua L. (wild oats) were studied. SHAM did not inhibit germination or O2 uptake prior to germination. SHAM-sensitive (alternative) respiration, therefore, cannot be a pre-requisite for germination. Following germination, both chemicals inhibited seedling growth with the root being more susceptible than the shoot. SHAM concentrations that inhibited root growth by 90 to 95%, inhibited O2 uptake of 1 cm root apices by less than 15%. While sodium azide (a cytochrome-oxidase inhibitor; 1 m M ) alone inhibited O2 uptake by only 40 to 50%, in the simultaneous presence of SHAM (or PG), O2 uptake was inhibited by 90 to 99%. Thus: 1) respiration of wild oat seedling root apices is predominantly cytochrome-mediated and incomplete inhibition of O2 uptake in the presence of azide alone is due to diversion of electrons to the alternative pathway and 2) even though these roots have little alternative respiration, they maintain the capacity to support a much greater flux of electrons via this path way. SHAM and PG at concentrations (0.05 to 0.4 m M ) which inhibited O2 uptake significantly in the presence (but not in the absence) of azide had little effect on root growth suggesting that an effect(s) other than that on respiration is involved in the inhibition of root growth at higher concentrations. The effect of SHAM on wild oat root growth is not selective as it also inhibits growth of a number of crop species.  相似文献   

Ethanol (50-200 mM )induced germination in four genetically pure dormant lines of Avena fatua L. The sensitivity to this treatment was moderate immediately after harvest and increased steadily during six months of after-ripening. This sensitivity to ethanol was detectable much earlier during after-ripening than with two other germination promoters, NaN3, and NaNO3, Because ethanol can overcome dormancy in freshly harvested caryopses, the mode of action of ethanol in these caryopses apparently differs from that of the two other promoters, azide and nitrate. Nevertheless, it is clear that induction of germination by the three promoters is fully gibberellin-dependent since in each case this response can be blocked by the administration of 2-chlorocthyl trimethylammonium chloride, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis. Short-term incubation treatments with ethanol were relatively more effective than continuous treatments. These brief treatments were most effective when presented near the beginning of seed imbibition. Among other organic compounds tested only acetaldehyde significantly promoted germination in all lines tested. Propan-1-ol, butan-l-ol, chloral hydrate, procaine, methanol and chloroform were marginally effective on the least dormant lines, while ether, formaldehyde, acetone and ethyl acetate were ineffective. The mode of action of ethanol in overcoming dormancy in both freshly harvested and partly after-ripened caryopses is discussed and the possible role as a metabolic substrate or anaesthetic is indicated.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of this study was to determine how mycorrhizal infection of one generation of plants influences the nutrient dynamics of seeds and seedlings comprising the subsequent generation. We showed that, for Avena fatua L., seeds produced by mycorrhizal (M) plants consistently contained significantly more phosphorus (particularly the phytate P and residual P fractions) than seeds produced by non-mycorrhizal (NM) plants. We also followed the development of spikelets produced by M and NM plants. The rates of increase in spikelet dry weight and nitrogen content were largely unaffected by mycorrhizal infection. However, the rate of P accumulation into spikelets was significantly increased by mycorrhizal infection. Greater endosperm P reserves in seeds produced by M plants were associated with greater rates of P accumulation in resultant seedlings. Moreover, offspring plants (all NM) produced by M mother plants had significantly higher root and rhizosphere phosphatase, ATPase and phytase activities than offspring plants produced by NM mother plants. This persistent maternal effect has never before been described. Our results suggest that mycorrhizal infection of one generation of plants may have substantial positive effects on the offspring generation, and thus, may influence plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Stimulation of wheat seed germination by brief exposure in a 50-Hz electromagnetic field (EMF) is shown to depend on the extent of membrane stretching upon seed swelling in sucrose solutions. This again confirms the effect of low-frequency EMF on the release of peripheral proteins from membranes. Prolonged exposure, on the contrary, decreases the germination rate and retards seedling growth.  相似文献   

The effect of low doses (LD)—0.1 kJ m−2 d−1 and high doses (HD)—0.3 kJ m−2 d−1 of UV-C irradiation on free, conjugated and bound spermine, spermidine and putrescine in leaves of young pea plants after 7 and 14 days of consecutive treatment was studied. Free polyamine (PA) fractions increased mainly in LD treated plants, while conjugated fractions decreased. Bound fractions accumulated mainly at the end of the experiment (after 14 days of UV-C irradiation). The results are interpreted in relation to the possible role of endogenous bound PAs in the prevention of membrane damage induced by UV-C irradiation. Stress markers (malondialdehyde and electrolyte leakage) increased after 7 days of UV-C treatment, and reached control values by the end of the experiment (mainly after HD treatment). Malondialdehyde concentration correlated negatively with UV-C—induced bound fraction and total PAs. The results support the conclusion that endogenous PAs lessen membrane damage in young pea plants provoked by UV-C irradiation.  相似文献   

Finn B. Hansen  Peter Nicholls 《BBA》1978,502(3):400-408
1. Carbon monoxide (CO) acts competitively towards oxygen when the latter is taken up in respiration by cytochrome aa3-containing proteoliposomes, both in the presence of p-trifluoromethoxy carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and valinomycin (deenergized state) and in their absence (energized state). At high levels of CO, the double reciprocal plots (1v vs. 1[O2]) in the energized and deenergized states are parallel, i.e. energization acts “anti-competitively” towards oxygen, and the “respiratory control ratio” decreases as the oxygen concentration decreases.2. Azide acts non-competitively towards cytochrome c when the latter is oxidized by cytochrome aa3-containing proteoliposomes both in the energized and deenergized (plus p-trifluoromethoxy carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and valinomycin) conditions. At low azide concentrations the apparent Ki for azide is unaffected by energization, but at high azide levels the Ki increases in energized liposomes, i.e. the “respiratory control ratio” decreases as the azide concentration increases.3. It is concluded that the inhibitor experiments are consistent with but do not prove the concept that the oxidase molecules in a single vesicle are responding to a single “energization state” or set of electrochemical gradients. This and other models are discussed.  相似文献   

Seed germination, one of the most important phases in the life cycle of a plant, is highly responsive to existing environment. Hydrolyzing enzymes play a major role in the mobilization of food reserves by hydrolyzing carbohydrates, proteins and fats. This paper reports on the effect of Cd toxicity on seed germination and the activities of hydrolyzing enzymes, like acid phosphatases (ACPs), proteases and α-amylases in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The metal uptake by embryonic axes and seeds was quantified. We found that sorghum could tolerate up to 0.5 mM Cd. At concentrations above 3.0 mM, seed germination was adversely affected with a complete cessation of seedling growth. All investigated hydrolyzing enzymes exhibited a significant decrease in activity with increasing Cd concentrations. The isozyme profiles indicated the loss of one or two isozymes of ACP, induction of a new isozyme for total protease (at 3.0 mM Cd) and a decline in the intensity of α-amylase isozymes. SEM studies revealed that Cd affected a change in root hair density. SEM investigations also confirmed the assay results of the inhibition of starch mobilization from endosperm. This suggested an inhibition of the hydrolysis of reserve carbohydrates and translocation of hydrolyzed sugars, ultimately resulting in decreased germination and disruption of seedling growth. Because sorghum is an important dryland crop, its response to the presence of Cd in agro-ecosystems and Cd-induced phytotoxicity during seed germination and seedling growth needs critical investigation.  相似文献   

Summary The role of temperature in the regulation of seasonal changes in dormancy and germination was studied in seeds of Polygonum persicaria. Seeds were buried in the field and under controlled conditions. Portions of seeds were exhumed at regular intervals and germination was tested over a range of conditions. Seeds of P. persicaria exhibited a seasonal dormancy pattern that clearly showed the typical features of summer annuals, i.e. dormancy was relieved at low winter temperatures, the germination peak occurred in spring and dormancy was re-induced in summer. The expression of the dormancy pattern was influenced by the temperature at which germination was tested. At 30°C exhumed seeds germinated over a much longer period of the year than at 20° or 10°C. Nitrate added during the germination test occasionally stimulated germination. The seasonal changes in dormancy of buried seeds were regulated by the field temperature. Soil moisture and nitrate content did not influence the changes in dormancy. The fact that, on the one hand, field temperature determined the changes in dormancy and, on the other hand, germination itself was influenced by temperature, was used to describe the seasonal germination pattern of P. persicaria with a model. Germination of exhumed seeds in Petri dishes at field temperature was accurately described with this model. Germination in the field was restricted to the period where the range of temperatures over which germination could proceed (computed with the model) and field temperature overlapped.  相似文献   

Germinability of isolated embryos from developing fruits of Acer platanoides was high at the earliest developmental stage assessed (90 dpa), but fell subsequently and at seed maturity was very low. These observations showed an inverse correlation with changes in endogenous free abscisic acid (ABA) levels in the embryo, which were low during early ontogeny, but reached maximum levels late in development (150–160 dpa). These observations suggest the possibility that dormancy may be induced during development as a result of ABA accumulation in the embryo, an argument strengthened by the obvious inhibitory effect of added ABA on the germinability of isolated embryos. The cotyledons appear to exert an inhibitory influence on embryo germinability that may result from their free ABA content although the embryonic axis itself possesses an innate dormancy that may reflect its own free ABA content. The increased germinability of isolated embryos resulting form added kinetin serves only to emphasise the complexity of the system and the dangers of simplistic interpretation.The correlation between germinability and ABA content is not complete, however, since much of the reduction in germinability had occurred before any appreciable increase in free ABA levels in the embryo was observed. Indeed the failure of the intact seed to respond to endogenous changes in embryonal ABA levels suggests that even though free ABA in the embryo may influence embryo germinability, it has little effect in the intact seed, where the presence of an intact testa may be a more important factor.The absence of a desiccation phase in the embryo during the late stages of development suggests that the large increases in endogenous free ABA did not cause dormancy by inhibiting water uptake, nor did they result from water stress in the embryonal tissues.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the etr1-2 mutation confers dominant ethylene insensitivity and results in a greater proportion of mature seeds that exhibit dormancy compared with mature seeds of the wild-type. We investigated the impact of the etr1-2 mutation on other plant hormones by analyzing the profiles of four classes of plant hormones and their metabolites by HPLC-ESI/MS/MS in mature seeds of wild-type and etr1-2 plants. Hormone metabolites were analyzed in seeds imbibed immediately under germination conditions, in seeds subjected to a 7-day moist-chilling (stratification) period, and during germination/early post-germinative growth. Higher than wild-type levels of abscisic acid (ABA) appeared to contribute, at least in part, to the greater incidence of dormancy in mature seeds of etr1-2. The lower levels of abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE) in etr1-2 seeds compared with wild-type seeds under germination conditions (with and without moist-chilling treatments) suggest that reduced metabolism of ABA to ABA-GE likely contributed to the accumulation of ABA during germination in the mutant. The mutant seeds exhibited generally higher auxin levels and a large build-up of indole-3-aspartate when placed in germination conditions following moist-chilling. The mutant manifested increased levels of cytokinin glucosides through zeatin-O-glucosylation (Z-O-Glu). The resulting increase in Z-O-Glu was the largest and most consistent change associated with the ETR1 gene mutation. There were more gibberellins (GA) and at higher concentrations in the mutant than in wild-type. Our results suggest that ethylene signaling modulates the metabolism of all the other plant hormone pathways in seeds. Additionally, the hormone profiles of etr1-2 seed during germination suggest a requirement for higher than wild-type levels of GA to promote germination in the absence of a functional ethylene signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Astragalus membranaceus is a major traditional Chinese medicinal plant. Here, we investigated the mobilizations of seed reserves during its germination and post-germination growth, as well as the effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA). It was found that both starch and protein were rapidly mobilized during the seed germination. However, lipid was mostly utilized during the post-germination. Exogenous ABA and MeJA treatments significantly inhibited the germination and post-germination growth. Meanwhile, the treatments decreased the weight of mobilized seed reserves and seed reserves utilization efficiency, retarded the mobilizations of protein and lipid, and led to excessive consumption of carbon energy. Moreover, the treatments changed fatty acid compositions in cotyledons, with the decreasing of the double bond index and average carbon chain length. This study will help us to understand the inhibition mechanism of exogenous ABA and MeJA on the germination and post-germination growth of A. membranaceus.  相似文献   

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