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Cranial and skeletal remains of modern humans, Homo sapiens, were discovered in the Kibish Formation in 1967 by a team from the Kenya National Museums directed by Richard Leakey. Omo I, from Kamoya's Hominid Site (KHS), consists of much of a skeleton, including most of the cranial vault, parts of the face and mandible, and many postcranial elements. Omo II, from Paul's Hominid Site (PHS), is a virtually complete calvaria. Only a limited fauna and a few stone artifacts attributed to the Middle Stone Age were recovered in conjunction with the fossil hominids. The available dating techniques suggested a very early age, over 100 ka, for Member I, from which the Omo I and Omo II fossils were recovered. However, in subsequent decades, the reliability of the dates and the provenance of the Kibish hominids were repeatedly questioned. The papers in this volume provide a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Kibish Formation and a series of new radiometric dates that indicate an age of 196 +/- 2 ka for Member I and 104 +/- 1 for Member III, confirming the antiquity of the lower parts of the Kibish Formation and, in turn, the fossils from Member I. Studies of the postcranial remains of Omo I indicate an overall modern human morphology with a number of primitive features. Studies of an extensive lithic record from Members I and III indicate a Middle Stone Age technology comparable to assemblages of similar age elsewhere in Ethiopia. Studies of the mammalian, avian, and fish faunas indicate overall similarities to those found in the region today, with a few distinctive differences.  相似文献   

The provenance and age of two Homo sapiens fossils (Omo I and Omo II) from the Kibish Formation in southern Ethiopia have been much debated. Here we confirm that Omo I and the somewhat more primitive-looking Omo II calvariae are from similar stratigraphic levels in Member I of the Kibish Formation. Based on (40)Ar/(39)Ar age measurements on alkali feldspar crystals from pumice clasts in the Nakaa'kire Tuff, a tuffaceous bed in Member I just below the hominin levels, we place an older limit of 198+/-14ka (weighted mean age=196+/-2ka) for the hominins. A younger limit of 104+/-7ka (weighted mean age=104+/-1ka) is provided by feldspars separated from pumice clasts in the Aliyo Tuff in Member III. Geological evidence indicates rapid deposition of each member of the Kibish Formation, concurrent with deposition of sapropels in the Mediterranean Sea. The (40)Ar/(39)Ar age measurements, together with correlations with sapropels, indicate that the hominin fossils are close in age to the older limit. Our preferred estimate of the age of the hominins is 195+/-5ka, making them the earliest well-dated anatomically modern humans yet described.  相似文献   

Hominin specimens Omo I and Omo II from Member I of the Kibish Formation, Ethiopia are attributed to early Homo sapiens, and an age near 196 ka has been suggested for them. The KHS Tuff, within Member II of the Kibish Formation has not been directly dated at the site, but it is believed to have been deposited at or near the time of formation of sapropel S6 in the Mediterranean Sea. Electron microprobe analyses suggest that the KHS Tuff correlates with the WAVT (Waidedo Vitric Tuff) at Herto, Gona, and Konso (sample TA-55), and with Unit D at Kulkuletti in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Konso sample TA-55 is older than 154 ka, and Unit D at Kulkuletti is dated at 183 ka. These correlations and ages provide strong support for the age originally suggested for the hominin remains Omo I and Omo II, and for correlation of times of deposition in the Kibish region with formation of sapropels in the Mediterranean Sea. The Aliyo Tuff in Member III of the Kibish Formation is dated at 104 ka, and correlates with Gademotta Unit 15 in the Ethiopian Rift Valley.  相似文献   

The Kibish Formation in southwestern Ethiopia, with an aggregate thickness of ~105m, consists of lacustrine, marginal lacustrine, and deltaic deposits. It is divided into four members numbered I to IV on the basis of erosion surfaces (disconformities) between the strata of each member. It overlies the Mursi and Nkalabong formations, the latter of which is here shown to correlate with the Shungura Formation. Tephra layers in each member allow for secure correlation between geographically separated sections on the basis of the composition of their volcanic glass. Members I, III, and IV of the Kibish Formation appear to have been deposited at the same times as sapropels S7 (197ka), S4 (104ka), and S1 (8ka) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, respectively. We correlate the KHS Tuff of the Kibish Formation with a >154-kyr-old unnamed tuff in the Konso Formation. Tephra in Member IV may derive from Mount Wenchi, a volcano situated on the divide between the Omo and Blue Nile drainage basins. Thin-bedded sedimentary layers probably represent annual deposition reflecting rapid sedimentation (~30m/kyr) of parts of the formation. This conclusion is supported by variation in paleomagnetic inclination through a sequence of these layers at KHS. Two fossils of early Homo sapiens (Omo I and Omo II) derive from Member I. Their stratigraphic placement is confirmed by analysis of the KHS Tuff in the lower part of Member II at both fossil sites. The KHS Tuff lies above a disconformity, which itself lies above the fossils at both sites. (40)Ar/(39)Ar dates provide an estimated age of ~195kyr for these fossils. Omo III, a third fossil H. sapiens, probably also derives from Member I of the Kibish Formation and is of similar age. Hominin fossils from AHS, a new site, also derive from Member I. Hominin fossils from CHS can only be placed between 104ka and 10ka, the H. sapiens specimen from JHS is most likely 9-13kyr in age, and a partial skeleton of H. sapiens from Pelvic Corner is most likely ~6.6kyr in age.  相似文献   

This paper describes the excavation, stratigraphy, and lithic assemblages of Middle Stone Age sites from the Omo Kibish Formation (Lower Omo Valley, southwestern Ethiopia). Three sites were excavated, two in Kibish Member I (KHS and AHS) and one at the base of Member III (BNS). The assemblages are dominated by relatively high-quality raw materials procured as pebbles from local gravels. The principal modes of core preparation are radial/centripetal Levallois and discoidal. Retouched tools are rare. Foliate bifaces are present, as are larger tools, such as handaxes, picks, and lanceolates, but these are more common among surface finds than among excavated assemblages. Middle Stone Age assemblages shed light on the adaptations of the earliest-known Homo sapiens populations in Africa.  相似文献   

In addition to the new fragments of the Omo I skeleton, renewed fieldwork in the Kibish Formation along the lower reaches of the Omo River in southwestern Ethiopia has yielded new hominin finds from the Kibish Formation. The new finds include four heavily mineralized specimens: a partial left tibia and a fragment of a distal fibular diaphysis from Awoke's Hominid Site (AHS), a parietal fragment, and a portion of a juvenile occipital bone. The AHS tibia and fibula derive from Member I and are contemporaneous with Omo I and II. The other specimens derive from Chad's Hominid Site (CHS), and derive from either Member III or IV, which constrains their age between approximately 8.6 and approximately 104ka.  相似文献   

Recent fieldwork in the Kibish Formation has expanded our knowledge of the geological, archaeological, and faunal context of the Omo I skeleton, the earliest known anatomically modern human. In the course of this fieldwork, several additional fragments of the skeleton were recovered: a middle manual phalanx, a distal manual phalanx, a right talus, a large and a small fragment of the left os coxae, a portion of the distal diaphysis of the right femur that conjoins with the distal epiphysis recovered in 1967, and a costal fragment. Some researchers have described the original postcranial fragments of Omo I as anatomically modern but have noted that a variety of aspects of the specimen's morphology depart from the usual anatomy of many recent populations. Reanalysis confirms this conclusion. Some of the unusual features in Omo I--a medially facing radial tuberosity, a laterally flaring facet on the talus for the lateral malleolus, and reduced dorsovolar curvature of the base of metacarpal I--are shared with Neandertals, some early modern humans from Skhul and Qafzeh, and some individuals from the European Gravettian, raising the possibility that Eurasian early modern humans inherited these features from an African predecessor rather than Neandertals. The fragment of the os coxae does not unambiguously diagnose Omo I's sex: the greater sciatic notch is intermediate in form, the acetabulum is large (male?), and a preauricular sulcus is present (female?). The preserved portion of the left humerus suggests that Omo I was quite tall, perhaps 178-182 cm, but the first metatarsal suggests a shorter stature of 162-173 cm. The morphology of the auricular surface of the os coxae suggests a young adult age.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary Kibish Formation of the Omo Valley, southwestern Ethiopia, preserves environments reflecting a history of fluctuations in the level of nearby Lake Turkana over the past 200,000 years. The Kibish Formation has yielded a diverse mammalian fauna (as well as birds and crocodiles), stone tools, and the oldest anatomically modern Homo sapiens. Fish, the most common vertebrate fossils in this unit, are reported in this study. Catfish (especially clariids and Synodontis) and Nile perch (Lates niloticus) predominate, but the gymnarchid Gymnarchus, a cyprinid (Barbus), tigerfish (Hydrocynus), pufferfish (Tetraodon), and other catfish are also present. In total, nine teleost genera are found in the Kibish Formation, representing a subset of the 37 genera that constitute the modern Omo-Turkana ichthyofauna. Several taxa present in the modern fauna, including Polypterus and members of the family Cichlidae, are not found in the Kibish deposits. Most specimens are preserved as disarticulated or broken skeletal elements, but some preservation of articulated elements (e.g., sets of vertebrae, crania with lower jaws or cleithra) also occurs. Many of the catfish and Nile perch specimens are larger than the largest reported from the modern river or lake. Faunas of Kibish Members I and III closely resemble one another; the fauna from Member IV contains only the three most common taxa (Clarias, Synodontis, Lates), though this may result from insufficient sampling. Barbed bone points have been collected from the upper part of the formation, indicating a long association between the human inhabitants and the fish fauna of the Omo Valley.  相似文献   

Since its initiation in 1966 the Omo Research Expedition has recovered a series of hominid fossils, in association with many vertebrate taxa, from formations of Pliocene/Pleistocene age from the lower Omo basin, southern Ethiopia. These fossiliferous formations span a time range from over 4.2 m.y. to about 1.4 m. y. on the basis of K/A age determination. Hominid remains have been found so far to occur at two localities in the upper part of the Usno Formation (~ 2.9 m.y.) and in the Shungura Formation at 79 localities from successive Members B through levels postdating J, a time span between 3 m.y. and 1.4 m.y. The remains—inventoried here according to skeletal part, locality and stratigraphic level, age and situation—include numerous isolated and associated teeth, mandibles, partial maxillae, portions of crania, and elements of the postcranial skeleton.  相似文献   

张文堂 《古生物学报》2002,41(3):303-307
云南澄江及梅树村早寒武世黑林铺组(玉案山段及石岩头段)的帽形化石,被命名为云南太阳女神螺(新种),这是澄江生物群内软体动物化石的初次发现。根据梅树村及澄江的地层层位,该种由梅树村阶上部可延至筇竹寺阶,玉案山段软体动物稀少的原因与环境的波动,如潮汐影响近海沉积环境有关。  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the Carboniferous Iraty Formation is described in several sections from the southwestern Alduides-Quinto Real Massif (western Pyrenees), and biostratigraphy is updated based on conodont occurrences. The Ochaverri Member yields upper Serpukhovian conodonts, whereas the lower part of the overlying Asturreta Member is assigned to the lower Bashkirian, according to the occurrences of Declinognathodus noduliferus bernesgae and D. n. noduliferus, respectively. The upper beds of the formation (Baserdi Member) are correlated with the Kinderscoutian to lowermost Marsdenian English substages (lower Bashkirian), and new conodont occurrences are the oldest species of Neognathodus and Idiognathodus known in Spain. We discuss the status of Idiognathoides macer, several species related to I. sinuatus, I. sulcatus and Lochriea glaber. Conodont diversity is related to stratigraphic distribution of species and conodont biofacies. Finally, the lowermost Marsdenian to upper Bashkirian age of the siliciclastic rocks overlying the Iraty Formation is also discussed and compared with known data from localities in the western Pyrenees.  相似文献   

近几十年,华北的二马营组上部地层以产出中国肯氏兽-山西鳄四足动物化石组合而闻名.最近在山西临县白道峪于上覆的铜川组一段发现了中国肯氏兽.本文描述了同一地点同一层位产出的主龙型类化石,包括一具山西鳄的部分骨架以及一些可以归入suchian的主龙类.它们是铜川组一段首次记述的主龙型类.最有鉴定特征的suchian材料包括一个大的髂骨以及一个小的、形状很奇特的、可能是跟骨的骨骼.髂骨可能可以归入一个奇异的波波龙类(poposauroid).因为中国肯氏兽与山西鳄同时出现在白道峪,表明中国肯氏兽-山西鳄组合可以向上延伸到铜川组一段.髂骨与跟骨大小悬殊,可能代表两个从未在中国肯氏兽-山西鳄组合报道过的物种.白道峪发现了特化的波波龙类,支持了波波龙类在中三叠世大量分化的观点.  相似文献   

Thousands of vertebrate fossils have been recovered from the lower Omo River Valley, in southern Ethiopia, however, fishes have been poorly reported. Here we describe fossil fish remains deriving from the Shungura Formation, part of the Omo Group of deposits ranging in date from 1.8 to 3.4 my. Two new species are reported, Sindacharax omoensis (Characiformes) and Lates arambourgi (Perciformes), which suggest greater diversity of these genera than previously documented.  相似文献   

Four fish species,Pollimyrus isidori (Mormyridae),Barbus paludinosus, Labeo forskalii (Cyprinidae), andNemacheilus abyssinicus (Balitoridae), new to the Omo-Turkana basin, were recorded from the Gojeb River, a tributary of the Omo River (south-western Ethiopia). Occurrence of the latter species in the upper reaches of the Blue Nile and of the Omo drainage substantiates the belonging of the upper parts of these water systems to the Abyssinian highlands ichthyofaunal province.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):737-746
The spatial relationships of the Early Oldowan toolmakers with their environment have been so far addressed through raw material procurement analyses and the characterization of hominid habitat. This paper proposes to integrate these two approaches into a broader spatial analysis encompassing archaeological and environmental data (palaeontological, geological and isotopic data) from Member F and lower Member G of the Shungura Formation (Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia). Heterogeneity in data resolution induces a multiscale approach with three levels of analysis. The level of occurrence complex allows focusing on the characterization of archaeological occurrences and on their environmental settings. The level of “study area” allows working on hominid habitats and on their raw material procurement behaviours. Finally, at the Shungura Formation scale, we can address temporal issues related to the evolution of spatial behaviours between Member F and the lower part of Member G, ca. 2.3 to 2 million years (Ma).  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Turkana Depression of northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia rest on basement rocks that yield K/Ar cooling ages between 433 and 522 Ma. Proven Cretaceous strata are exposed in Lokitaung Gorge in northwest Kenya. Eocene basalts and rhyolites in Lokitaung Gorge, the Nabwal Hills, and at Kangamajoj, date between 34 and 36 Ma, recording the earliest volcanism in the region. Oligocene volcanic rocks, with associated fossiliferous sedimentary strata at Eragaleit, Nakwai, and Lokone, all west of Lake Turkana, are 23 to 28 Ma old, as is the Langaria Formation east of Lake Turkana. Lower and Middle Miocene volcanic and sedimentary sequences are present both east and west of Lake Turkana, where ages from 17.9 to 9.1 Ma have been measured at many levels. Upper Miocene strata are presently known only at Lothagam, with ages ranging from 7.4 to 6.5 Ma. Deposition of Pliocene strata of the Omo Group begins in the Omo-Turkana, Kerio, and South Turkana basins -4.3 Ma ago and continues in parts of those basins until nearly the present time, but with some gaps. These strata are linked through volcanic ash correlations at many levels, as are Pleistocene strata of the Omo Group (principally the Shungura, Koobi Fora, and Nachukui formations). (40) Ar/(39) Ar dates on many volcanic ash layers within the Omo Group, supplemented by K/Ar ages on intercalated basalts and paleomagnetic polarity stratigraphy, provide excellent age control from 4.2 to 0.75 Ma, although there is a gap in the record between -1 Ma and 0.8 Ma. Members I to III of the Kibish Formation in the lower Omo Valley record deposition between 0.2 and 0.1 Ma ago; Member IV, correlative with the Galana Boi Formation, was deposited principally between 12 and 7 ka BP.  相似文献   

Cognitive abilities and techno-economic behaviours of hominids in the time period between 2.6-2.3 Myr have become increasingly well-documented. This time period corresponds to the oldest evidence for stone tools at Gona (Kada Gona, West Gona, EG 10-12, OGS 6-7), Hadar (AL 666), lower Omo valley (Ftji1, 2 & 5, Omo 57, Omo 123) in Ethiopia, and West Turkana (Lokalalei sites -LA1 & LA2C-) in Kenya. In 2002 a new palaeoanthropological site (LA1alpha), 100 meters south of the LA1 archaeological site, produced a first right lower molar of a juvenile hominid (KNM-WT 42718). The relative small size of the crown, its marked MD elongation and BL reduction, the relative position of the cusps, the lack of a C6 and the mild expression of a protostylid, reinforced by metrical analyses, demonstrate the distinctiveness of this tooth compared with Australopithecus afarensis, A. anamensis, A. africanus and Paranthropus boisei, and its similarity to early Homo. The LA1alpha site lies 2.2 m above the Ekalalei Tuff which is slightly younger than Tuff F dated to 2.34+/-0.04 Myr. This juvenile specimen represents the oldest occurrence of the genus Homo in West Turkana.  相似文献   

Over 200 hominid specimens were recovered by the International Omo Expedition of 1967–1976. Despite the fragmentary nature of this primarily dental collection, these hominid remains represent a major body of evidence about hominid evolution in eastern Africa during the 2–3 myr time period. Our analysis of the Omo dental collection is based on a large comparative sample of 375 quantifiable mandibular postcanine teeth of A. afarensis, A. africanus, A. aethiopicus, A. boisei, A. robustus, and early Homo. A total of 48 isolated mandibular premolars and molars of the Omo collection spanning the 2–3 myr time period is sufficiently preserved to allow reliable serial allocations and intertaxon comparisons and is the object of study in this paper. We present taxonomic identifications of these teeth and seven other mandibular specimens preserving tooth crowns. Metric analyses of this study include cusp area and crown shape variables taken on occlusal view diagrams. Nonmetric analyses were based on simultaneous observations of all relevant material to ensure accuracy of categorical evaluations. First, a combined metric and morphological evaluation was conducted to allocate each Omo tooth to either robust or nonrobust categories. Further taxonomic affinities were then examined. Our results indicate that nonrobust and robust lineages cooccur by circa 2.7 myr. We consider the Shungura robust specimens from Members C through F to represent A. aethiopicus. A significant phenetic transformation occurs at circa 2.3 myr, with the mosaic emergence of the derived A. boisei morphology across Member G times. Characterization of the East African nonrobust lineage is more difficult because of the comparatively subtle morphological differences seen among the dentitions of A. afarensis, A. africanus, and early Homo. The earlier Members B and C nonrobust specimens are difficult to evaluate and are considered indeterminate to genus or species. Both molars and premolars from Members E through G exhibit phenetic similarities to the early Homo condition and are considered as aff. Homo sp. indet. At present, there is no indication of multiple species in the Omo nonrobust sample at any time horizon. The 2–2.4 myr Omo nonrobust specimens exhibit some similarities to the stated Homo “rudolfensis” condition in size and morphology and are likely to represent the ancestral condition of the genus Homo. The bearing of these results on interpretations of early hominid evolution and diversification is considered. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

贵州省惠水县王佑至翁赖一带出露的中泥盆世晚期浅海底栖相地层翁赖组(新名)陆源碎屑发育,沉积厚度巨大,单体珊瑚居多。由于受到当地穹窿地质构造的影响,只出露了中泥盆统的最上部,即相当于独山剖面的独山组鸡窝寨段和宋家桥段这二段地层,而相当于鸡泡段及其以下的地层都被掩埋在地下。根据岩性和珊瑚群组合面貌,翁赖组可以分成上、下两个部分:下部砂岩比较多,也有少许灰岩和泥质砂岩,大致可与独山剖面的独山组宋家桥段相当;上部虽然也有砂岩和泥质砂岩,但灰岩和泥质灰岩明显增加,最富有生物地层学意义的是在上部之底发现了中泥盆世晚期的标准珊瑚化石Sinospongophyllum,表明它可与独山剖面的独山组鸡窝寨段进行对比。无独有偶,独山县的泥盆系剖面是以群体的内板珊瑚(Endophyllum)层作为鸡窝寨段的底界的,Endophyllum层之上是鸡窝寨段(灰岩);Endophyllum层之下则是宋家桥段(砂岩)。Sinospongophyllum(单体珊瑚)与Endophyllum(群体珊瑚),虽然它们外部形态不同,但它们的骨骼内部构造基本上是相同的或者是非常相似的,而它们外形的差异主要是受不同海洋生态环境(如海浪的强弱和陆源碎屑物的多少)影响的结果。文中描述了翁赖组下部的四射珊瑚,共有6属7种,含2个新种,分别是:Grypophyllum cf.primum Wedekind,Grypophyllum wangyouense(Li in Kong and Huang),Cyathophyllum wenglaiense sp. nov.,Sinodisphyllum litvinovitshae(Soshkina),Temnophyllum majus Walther,Argutastrea quadrigemina(Goldfuss)和Ceratophyllum simplex sp. nov.。它们都是华南以及亚洲、欧洲、澳大利亚和北美西部等地中泥盆世晚期常见的一些珊瑚属种。  相似文献   

The extensive Devonian marine deposits of South China have yielded few articulated crinoid cups or theca. Two Eifelian specimens, from the Gupa Member, are the first ones reported from the Yingtang Formation, Eifelian, from the Ma’anshan section, Guangxi, South China. The new taxon Guangxicrinus xiangzhouensis n. gen. n. sp. is the first report of a marsupiocrinid in China, extending the paleogeographic range of the family into the Paleotethys and the stratigraphic range of the family upward from the upper Silurian into the lower Middle Devonian, Eifelian. The occurrence of Halocrinites sp. is the third occurrence of a cupressocrinitid in China and extends the paleogeographic range from Yunnan to Guangxi.  相似文献   

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