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Many cells, including neuronal and glial progenitor cells, stem cells and microglial cells, have the capacity to move through the extracellular spaces of the developing and mature brain. This is particularly pronounced in astrocyte-derived tumors, gliomas, which diffusely infiltrate the normal brain. Although a significant body of literature exists regarding signals that are involved in the guidance of cells and their processes, little attention has been paid to cell-shape and cell-volume changes of migratory cells. However, extracellular spaces in the brain are very narrow and represent a major obstacle that requires cells to dynamically regulate their volume. Recent studies in glioma cells show that this involves the secretion of Cl(-) and K(+) with water. Pharmacological inhibition of Cl(-) channels impairs their ability to migrate and limits tumor progression in experimental tumor models. One Cl(-)-channel inhibitor, chlorotoxin, is currently in Phase II clinical trials to treat malignant glioma. This article reviews our current knowledge of cell-volume changes and the role of ion channels during the migration of glioma cells. It also discusses evidence that supports the importance of channel-mediated cell-volume changes in the migration of immature neurons and progenitor cells during development. New unpublished data is presented, which demonstrates that Cl(-) and K(+) channels involved in cell shrinkage localize to lipid-raft domains on the invadipodia of glioma cells and that their presence might be regulated by trafficking of these proteins in and out of lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Chlorotoxin inhibits glioma cell invasion via matrix metalloproteinase-2   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Primary brain tumors (gliomas) have the unusual ability to diffusely infiltrate the normal brain thereby evading surgical treatment. Chlorotoxin is a scorpion toxin that specifically binds to the surface of glioma cells and impairs their ability to invade. Using a recombinant His-Cltx we isolated and identified the principal Cltx receptor on the surface of glioma cells as matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2). MMP-2 is specifically up-regulated in gliomas and related cancers, but is not normally expressed in brain. We demonstrate that Cltx specifically and selectively interacts with MMP-2 isoforms, but not with MMP-1, -3, and -9, which are also expressed in malignant glioma cells. Importantly, we show that the anti-invasive effect of Cltx on glioma cells can be explained by its interactions with MMP-2. Cltx exerts a dual effect on MMP-2: it inhibits the enzymatic activity of MMP-2 and causes a reduction in the surface expression of MMP-2. These findings suggest that Cltx is a specific MMP-2 inhibitor with significant therapeutic potential for gliomas and other diseases that invoke the activity of MMP-2.  相似文献   

The invasion of neoplastic cells into healthy brain tissue is a pathologic hallmark of gliomas and contributes to the failure of current therapeutic modalities (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy). Transformed glial cells share the common attributes of the invasion process, including cell adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components, cell locomotion, and the ability to remodel extracellular space. However, glioma cells have the ability to invade as single cells through the unique environment of the normal central nervous system (CNS). The brain parenchyma has a unique composition, mainly hyaluronan and is devoid of rigid protein barriers composed of collagen, fibronectin and laminin. The integrins and the hyaluronan receptor CD44 are specific adhesion receptors active in glioma-ECM adhesion. These adhesion molecules play a major role in glioma cell-matrix interactions because the neoplastic cells use these receptors to adhere to and migrate along the components of the brain ECM. They also interact with the proteases secreted during glioma progression that degrade ECM allowing tumor cells to spread and diffusely infiltrate the brain parenchyma. The plasminogen activators (PAs), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and lysosomal cysteine peptidases called cathepsins are also induced during the invasive process. Understanding the mechanisms of tumor cell invasion is critical as it plays a central role in glioma progression and failure of current treatment due to tumor recurrence from micro-disseminated disease. This review will focus on the impact of microregional heterogeneity of the ECM on glioma invasion in the normal adult brain and its modifications in tumoral brain.  相似文献   

Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule (MT) binding protein that induces growth arrest at the G2–M phase of cell cycle in glioma and suppresses tumor xenograft in immunocompromised hosts. DCX expression was found in neuronal cells, but lacking in glioma cells. We tested the hypothesis that DCX inhibits glioma U87 cell mitosis and invasion. Our data showed that DCX synthesizing U87 cells underwent mitotic MT spindle catastrophe in a neurabin II dependent pathway. Synthesis of both DCX and neurabin II were required to induce apoptosis in U87 and human embryonic kidney 293T cells. In DCX expressing U87 cells, association of phosphorylated DCX with protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) in the cytosol disrupted the interaction between kinesin-13 and PP1 in the nucleus and yielded spontaneously active kinesin-13. The activated kinesin-13 caused mitotic MT catastrophe in spindle checkpoint. Phosphorylated-DCX induced depolymerization of actin filaments in U87 cells, down-regulated matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9, and inhibited glioma U87 cell invasion in a neurabin II dependent pathway. Thus, localization of the DCX–neurabin II–PP1 complex in the cytosol of U87 tumor cells inhibited PP1 phosphatase activities leading to anti-glioma effects via (1) mitotic MT spindle catastrophe that blocks mitosis and (2) depolymerization of actin that inhibits glioma cell invasion.  相似文献   

Several soluble proteins that reside in the lumen of the ER contain a specific C-terminal sequence (KDEL) which prevents their secretion. This sequence may be recognized by a receptor that either immobilizes the proteins in the ER, or sorts them from other proteins at a later point in the secretory pathway and returns them to their normal location. To distinguish these possibilities, I have attached an ER retention signal to the lysosomal protein cathepsin D. The oligosaccharide side chains of this protein are normally modified sequentially by two enzymes to form mannose-6-phosphate residues; these enzymes do not act in the ER, but are thought to be located in separate compartments within (or near) the Golgi apparatus. Cathepsin D bearing the ER signal accumulates within the ER, but continues to be modified by the first of the mannose-6-phosphate forming enzymes. Modification is strongly temperature-dependent, which is also a feature of ER-to-Golgi transport. These results support the idea that luminal ER proteins are continuously retrieved from a post-ER compartment, and that this compartment contains N-acetylglucosaminyl-1-phosphotransferase activity.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(4):480-495.e6
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Glial cells are major components of the nervous system. The roles of these cells are not fully understood, however. We have now identified a secreted protein, designated Meteorin, that is expressed in undifferentiated neural progenitors and in the astrocyte lineage, including radial glia. Meteorin selectively promoted astrocyte formation from mouse cerebrocortical neurospheres in differentiation culture, whereas it induced cerebellar astrocytes to become radial glia. Meteorin also induced axonal extension in small and intermediate neurons of sensory ganglia by activating nearby satellite glia. These observations suggest that Meteorin plays important roles in both glial cell differentiation and axonal network formation during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

We describe the requirements for T cell activation by a mAb termed 4-10 that recognizes a novel determinant on MHC class I molecules. The determinant recognized by mAb 4-10 appears on resting T cells of all individuals tested (n greater than 30). Unlike previously described anti-class I mAb, 4-10 was shown to be directly mitogenic for T cells obtained from more than 20 normal donors. In order for 4-10 to exert its mitogenic effect on purified T cell populations it must be immobilized on a solid support. Immobilization of 4-10 can be circumvented if low numbers of adherent cells are added to the T cell cultures. mAb 4-10 preferentially activates the CD8+ T cell subset as judged by the fact that CD8+ T cells preferentially down-regulated their TCR after 4-10 activation and because CD4+ T cell activation with 4-10 requires approximately five times the concentration of mAb needed to reach comparable levels of activation observed with CD8+ T cells. We further observed that simultaneous cross-linking of class I and CD8 Ag by using 4-10 and anti-CD8 mAb almost completely abrogated the proliferative response of T cells when anti-CD8 was presented in immobilized form. In contrast, similar cross-linking with 4-10 and anti-CD4 diminished the response by about 20%. We also found that other anti-class I mAb were able to synergize in the activation of T cells with mAb 4-10 in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The intracellular protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas' disease, a serious disorder that affects millions of people in Latin America. Despite the development of lifelong immunity following infections, the immune system fails to completely clear the parasites, which persist for decades within host tissues. Cardiomyopathy is one of the most serious clinical manifestations of the disease, and a major cause of sudden death in endemic areas. Despite decades of study, there is still debate about the apparent preferential tropism of the parasites for cardiac muscle, and its role in the pathology of the disease. In this review, we discuss these issues in light of recent observations, which indicate that T. cruzi invades host cells by subverting a highly conserved cellular pathway for the repair of plasma membrane lesions. Plasma membrane injury and repair is particularly prevalent in muscle cells, suggesting that the mechanism used by the parasites for cell invasion may be a primary determinant of tissue tropism, intracellular persistence, and Chagas' disease pathology.  相似文献   

Injury that disrupts an epithelial layer instantaneously generates endogenous electric fields (EFs), which were detected at human skin wounds over 150 years ago. Recent researches combining molecular, genetic and imaging techniques have provided significant insights into cellular and molecular responses to this “unconventional” signal. One unexpected finding is that the EFs play an overriding guidance role in directing cell migration in epithelial wound healing. In experimental models where other directional cues (e.g., contact inhibition release, population pressure etc.) are present, electric fields of physiological strength override them and direct cell migration. The electrotaxis or galvanotaxis is mediated by polarized activation of multiple signaling pathways that include PI3 kinases/Pten, membrane growth factor receptors and integrins. Genetic manipulation of PI3 kinase/Pten (Phosphoinositide 3-kinases/phosphatase and tensin homolog) and integrin β4 demonstrated the importance of those molecules. The electric fields are therefore a fundamental signal that directs cell migration in wound healing. One of the most challenging question is: How do cells sense the very weak electric signals? Clinically, it is highly desirable to develop practical and reliable technologies for wound healing management exploiting the electric signaling.  相似文献   

We have identified a cellular efflux pump, RhT, with the properties of an MDR transporter-a type of ATP-binding cassette transporter whose substrates include small hydrophobic molecules. RhT transports rhodamine 123 (Rh123) and is inhibited by low temperature, energy poisons, and several MDR transport inhibitors, such as verapamil. All vegetative cells have RhT activity, but during development prestalk cells lose RhT activity while prespore cells retain it. We also identified several RhT inhibitors. The most effective inhibitor is the stalk cell-inducing chlorinated alkyl phenone, DIF-1. The RhT inhibitors disrupted development, to varying degrees, and induced stalk cell formation in submerged culture. The inhibitors displayed the same rank order of pharmacological efficacy for stalk cell induction as they did for Rh123 transport inhibition. We also found that cerulenin, a specific inhibitor of DIF-1 biosynthesis (R. R. Kay, 1998, J. Biol. Chem. 273, 2669-2675), abolished the induction of stalk cells by each of the RhT inhibitors, and this effect could be reversed by DIF-1. Thus, DIF-1 synthesis appears to be required for the induction of stalk cells by the RhT inhibitors. Since DIF-1 is the most potent inhibitor of RhT activity, and thus a likely transport substrate itself, we propose that RhT inhibitors induce stalk cell differentiation by blocking DIF-1 export, causing DIF-1 to build up within cells. Our results provide evidence for a prespore-specific efflux pump that regulates cell fate determination, perhaps by regulating the cellular concentration of DIF-1.  相似文献   

A 125-kDa starch hydrolysing enzyme of Aspergillus niger characterised by its ability to dextrinise and saccharify starch [Suresh et al. (1999) Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 51, 673-675] was also found to possess activity towards raw starch. Segregation of these activities in the 71-kDa glucoamylase and a 53-kDa alpha-amylase-like enzyme supported by antibody cross-reactivity studies and the isolation of mutants based on assay screens for the secretion of particular enzyme forms revealed the 125-kDa starch hydrolysing enzyme as their precursor. N-terminal sequence analysis further revealed that the 71-kDa glucoamylase was the N-terminal product of the precursor enzyme. Immunological cross reactivity of the 53-kDa amylase with antibodies raised against the precursor enzyme but not with the 71- and 61-kDa glucoamylase antibodies suggested that this enzyme activity is represented by the C-terminal fragment of the precursor. The N-terminal sequence of the 53-kDa protein showed similarity to the reported Taka amylase of Aspergillus oryzae. Antibody cross-reactivity to a 10-kDa non-enzymic peptide and a 61-kDa glucoamylase described these proteins as products of the 71-kDa glucoamylase. Identification of only the precursor starch hydrolysing enzyme in the protein extracts of fungal protoplasts suggested proteolytic processing in the cellular periplasmic space as the cause for the secretion of multiple forms of amylases by A. niger.  相似文献   

The Smad2 protein plays an essential role in the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling pathway. This pathway mediates growth inhibitory signals from the cell surface to the nucleus. Although Smad2 protein is significantly mutated in human cancers, there is no definitive evidence implicating Smad2 as a tumor-suppressor gene. Here we show that overexpression of the tumor-derived missense mutation Smad2.D450E, an unphosphorylable form of Smad2 found in colorectal and lung cancers, did not abolish the TGF-beta-mediated growth arrest, suggesting that resistance to the growth-inhibiting effects of TGF-beta exhibited by human tumors cannot be linked to the inactivation of Smad2 protein. In contrast, overexpression of Smad2.D450E induces cellular invasion, and this effect was enhanced by TGF-beta. A similar invasive phenotype was obtained in cells expressing another inactivating mutation in Smad2 (Smad2.P445H) found in colorectal cancer. These findings indicate that genetic defects in Smad2 are sufficient to confer the invasion-promoting effect of TGF-beta and reveal that TGF-beta acts through Smad2 to induce cellular invasion by a novel mechanism that is independent of Smad2 phosphorylation by the activated TGF-beta type I receptor.  相似文献   

Understanding how autocrine/paracrine factors regulate neural stem cell (NSC) survival and growth is fundamental to the utilization of these cells for therapeutic applications and as cellular models for the brain. In vitro, NSCs can be propagated along with neural progenitors (NPs) as neurospheres (nsphs). The nsph conditioned medium (nsph-CM) contains cell-secreted factors that can regulate NSC behavior. However, the identity and exact function of these factors within the nsph-CM has remained elusive. We analyzed the nsph-CM by mass spectrometry and identified DSD-1-proteoglycan, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG), apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and cystatin C as components of the nsph-CM. Using clonal assays we show that CSPG and ApoE are responsible for the ability of the nsph-CM to stimulate nsph formation whereas cystatin C is not involved. Clonal nsphs generated in the presence of CSPG show more than four-fold increase in NSCs. Thus CSPG specifically enhances the survival of NSCs. CSPG also stimulates the survival of embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived NSCs, and thus may be involved in the developmental transition of ESCs to NSCs. In addition to its role in NSC survival, CSPG maintains the three dimensional structure of nsphs. Lastly, CSPG's effects on NSC survival may be mediated by enhanced signaling via EGFR, JAK/STAT3 and PI3K/Akt pathways.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to clarify whether active locomotion of cancer cells is important for their ability to invade. The most rapidly moving cells were isolated from a cultured murine parent fibrosarcoma by successive cycles of migration through a micropore membrane. Cells were isolated by unstimulated locomotion and by haptotaxis to laminin, and the selected cells did indeed constitute rapidly locomoting subpopulations. These cells invaded biological tissues more efficiently than did the unselected parent cells. The cells selected by haptotaxis to laminin invaded most rapidly through amnion with basement membranes (containing laminin). Cancer cell haptotaxis to laminin in basement membranes thus promotes penetration of these tissue barriers. These results show in a direct manner that cancer cell locomotion is in fact important in invasion of biological tissues.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteases from the cell surface cleave an 80 kDa E-cadherin fragment (sE-CAD) that induces invasion of cancer cells into collagen type I and inhibits cellular aggregation. Conditioned media from MDCKts.srcCl2 cells at 40 degrees C and 35 degrees C, PCm.src5 and COLO-16 cells at 37 degrees C contained spontaneously released sE-CAD; these 48 h old conditioned media were capable of inhibiting E-cadherin functions in a paracrine way. Here we show direct cleavage of the extracellular domain of E-cadherin by the serine protease plasmin. sE-CAD released by plasmin inhibits E-cadherin functions as evidenced by induction of invasion into collagen type I and inhibition of cellular aggregation. This functional inhibition by sE-CAD was reversed by aprotinin or by immunoadsorption on protein Sepharose 4 fast flow beads with antibodies against the extracellular part of E-cadherin. Our results demonstrate that plasmin produces extracellular E-cadherin fragments which regulate E-cadherin function in cells containing an intact E-cadherin/catenin complex.  相似文献   

During Dictyostelium development, the expression of some genes is dependent on cell density. This effect is mediated by soluble factors referred to as conditioned medium factors (CMFs) which the developing cells secrete at very low rates and simultaneously sense. There are at least two classes of CMFs: one is an 80 x 10(3) Mr glycoprotein and the other is a heterogeneous group of molecules, with relative molecular masses between 6.5 x 10(3) and 0.65 x 10(3). Interestingly, the two classes of molecules do not need to be combined for activity. We find that the 80 x 10(3) Mr CMF but not the small CMF is sequestered in vegetative cells. The 80 x 10(3) Mr CMF is then secreted by cells during early development, while the small CMF appears only during late development. Like the 80 x 10(3) Mr CMF, the small CMFs are trypsin-sensitive and contain N- and O-linked glycosylation. The breakdown products of a fraction containing 80 x 10(3) Mr CMF cochromatographed from a Sephadex G-50 column and a reverse-phase HPLC column with small CMFs. The specific activity of CMF increases roughtly 100-fold upon breakdown. The results suggest that, during differentiation, the slowly diffusing 80 x 10(3) Mr CMF is first produced from a precursor pool already present in vegetative cells, allowing differentiation of only those cells in the immediate vicinity of the aggregation center. The breakdown of 80 x 10(3) Mr CMF to a faster-diffusing, higher specific activity form then might enable cells farther from the aggregation center to differentiate.  相似文献   

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