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Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy uses ultrathin sections and gold particle labelling to determine distributions of molecules across cell compartments. Here, we review a portfolio of new methods for comparing labelling distributions between different compartments in one study group (method 1) and between the same compartments in two or more groups (method 2). Specimen samples are selected unbiasedly and then observed and expected distributions of gold particles are estimated and compared by appropriate statistical procedures. The methods can be used to analyse gold label distributed between volume-occupying (organelle) and surface-occupying (membrane) compartments, but in method 1, membranes must be treated as organelles. With method 1, gold counts are combined with stereological estimators of compartment size to determine labelling density (LD). For volume-occupiers, LD can be expressed simply as golds per test point and, for surface-occupiers, as golds per test line intersection. Expected distributions are generated by randomly assigning gold particles to compartments and expressing observed/expected counts as a relative labelling index (RLI). Preferentially-labelled compartments are identified from their RLI values and by Chi-squared analysis of observed and expected distributions. For method 2, the raw gold particle counts distributed between compartments are simply compared across groups by contingency table and Chi-squared analysis. This identifies the main compartments responsible for the differences between group distributions. Finally, we discuss labelling efficiency (the number of gold particles per target molecule) and describe how it can be estimated for volume- or surface-occupiers by combining stereological data with biochemical determinations.  相似文献   

In quantitative immunoelectron microscopy, subcellular compartments that are preferentially labelled with colloidal gold particles can be identified by estimating labelling densities (LDs) and relative labelling indices (RLIs). Hitherto, this approach has been limited to compartments which are either surface occupying (membranes) or volume occupying (organelles) but not a mixture of both (membranes and organelles). However, some antigens are known to translocate between membrane and organelle compartments and the problem then arises of expressing gold particle LDs in a consistent manner (e.g., as number per compartment profile area). Here, we present one possible solution to tackle this problem. With this method, each membrane is treated as a volume-occupying compartment and this is achieved by creating an acceptance zone at a fixed distance on each side of membrane images. Gold signal intensity is then expressed as an LD within the membrane profile area so created and this LD can be compared to LDs found in volume-occupying compartments. Acceptance zone width is determined largely by the expected dispersion of gold labelling. In some cases, the zone can be applied to all visible membrane images but there is a potential problem when image loss occurs due to the fact that membranes are not cut orthogonal to their surface but are tilted within the section. The solution presented here is to select a subset of clear images representing orthogonally sectioned membranes (so-called local vertical windows, LVWs). The fraction of membrane images forming LVWs can be estimated in two ways: goniometrically (by determining the angle at which images become unclear) or stereologically (by counting intersections with test lines). The fraction obtained by either method can then be used to calculate a factor correcting for membrane image loss. In turn, this factor is used to estimate the total gold labelling associated with the acceptance zone of the entire (volume-occupying) membrane. However calculated, the LDs over the chosen (membrane and organelle) compartments are used to obtain observed and expected gold particle counts. The observed distribution is determined simply by counting gold particles associated with each compartment. Next, an expected distribution is created by randomly superimposing test points and counting those hitting each compartment. LDs of the chosen compartments are used to calculate RLI and chi-squared values and these serve to identify those compartments in which there is preferential labelling. The methods are illustrated by synthetic and real data.  相似文献   

Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy often involves determining the distributions of gold label in different intracellular compartments and then drawing comparisons between compartments in the same sample of cells or between experimental groups of cells. In the case of within-group comparisons, recent developments in the estimation of relative labelling index and labelling density make it possible to test whether or not particular compartments are preferentially labelled. These methods are ideally suited to analysing gold label restricted to volume (organelle) or surface (membrane) compartments but may be modified to analyse label localised in mixtures of both. Here, a simple and efficient approach to drawing between-group comparisons for label associated with organelles and/or membranes is presented. The method relies on multistage random sampling of specimens (via blocks and microscopic fields) followed by simply counting gold particles associated with different compartments. The distributions of raw gold counts in different groups are then compared by contingency table analysis with statistical degrees of freedom for chi-squared values being determined by the number of compartments and the number of experimental groups of cells. Compartmental chi-squared values making substantial contributions to the total chi-squared values then identify where the main between-group differences reside. The method requires no information about compartment size (for example, organelle profile area or membrane trace length) and does not even depend critically on standardising between-group magnification. Its application is illustrated using datasets from immunolabelling studies designed to localise the KDEL receptor, phosphatidyl-inositol 4,5-bisphosphate, GLUT4 and rab4 at the electron microscopic level.  相似文献   

A review is presented of recently developed methods for quantifying electron microscopical thin sections on which colloidal gold-labelled markers are used to identify and localize interesting molecules. These efficient methods rely on sound principles of random sampling, event counting, and statistical evaluation. Distributions of immunogold particles across cellular compartments can be compared within and between experimental groups. They can also be used to test for co-localization in multilabelling studies involving two or more sizes of gold particle. To test for preferential labelling of compartments, observed and expected gold particle distributions are compared by χ(2) analysis. Efficient estimators of gold labelling intensity [labelling density (LD) and/or relative labelling index (RLI)] are used to analyse volume-occupying compartments (e.g. Golgi vesicles) and/or surface-occupying compartments (e.g. cell membranes). Compartment size is estimated by counting chance events after randomly superimposing test lattices of points and/or line probes. RLI=1 when there is random labelling and RLI >1 when there is preferential labelling. Between-group comparisons do not require information about compartment size but, instead, raw gold particle counts in different groups are compared by combining χ(2) and contingency table analyses. These tests may also be used to assess co-distribution of different sized gold particles in compartments. Testing for co-labelling involves identifying sets of compartmental profiles that are unlabelled and labelled for one or both of two gold marker sizes. Numbers of profiles in each labelling set are compared by contingency table analysis and χ(2) analysis or Fisher's exact probability test. The various methods are illustrated with worked examples based on empirical and synthetic data and will be of practical benefit to those applying single or multiple immunogold labelling in their research.  相似文献   

An expanding appreciation for the varied functions of neutral lipids in cellular organisms relies on a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms of lipid production and packaging into cytosolic lipid droplets (LDs). Conventional lipid profiling procedures involve the analysis of tissue extracts and consequently lack cellular or subcellular resolution. Here, we report an approach that combines the visualization of individual LDs, microphase extraction of lipid components from droplets, and the direct identification of lipid composition by nanospray mass spectrometry, even to the level of a single LD. The triacylglycerol (TAG) composition of LDs from several plant sources (mature cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) embryos, roots of cotton seedlings, and Arabidopsis thaliana seeds and leaves) were examined by direct organelle mass spectrometry and revealed the heterogeneity of LDs derived from different plant tissue sources. The analysis of individual LDs makes possible organellar resolution of molecular compositions and will facilitate new studies of LD biogenesis and functions, especially in combination with analysis of morphological and metabolic mutants. Furthermore, direct organelle mass spectrometry could be applied to the molecular analysis of other subcellular compartments and macromolecules.  相似文献   

LDs (lipid droplets) have long been considered as inert particles used by the cells to store fatty acids and sterols as esterified non-toxic lipid species (i.e. triacylglycerols and steryl esters). However, accumulating evidence suggests that LDs behave as a dynamic compartment, which is involved in the regulation of several aspects of the homoeostasis of their originating organelle, namely the ER (endoplasmic reticulum). The ER is particularly sensitive to physiological/pathological stimuli, which can ultimately induce ER stress. In the present review, after considering the basic mechanisms of LD formation and the signal cascades leading to ER stress, we focus on the connections between these two pathways. Taking into consideration recent data from the literature, we will try to draw possible mechanisms for the role of LDs in the regulation of ER homoeostasis and in ER-stress-related diseases.  相似文献   


The lipid droplet (LD) is a phylogenetically conserved organelle. In eukaryotes, it is born from the endoplasmic reticulum, but unlike its parent organelle, LDs are the only known cytosolic organelles that are micellar in structure. LDs are implicated in numerous physiological and pathophysiological functions. Many aspects of the LD has captured the attention of diverse scientists alike and has recently led to an explosion in information on the LD biogenesis, expansion and fusion, identification of LD proteomes and diseases associated with LD biology. This review will provide a brief history of this fascinating organelle and provide some contemporary views of unanswered questions in LD biogenesis.  相似文献   

Various methods for quantifying cellular immunogold labelling on transmission electron microscope thin sections are currently available. All rely on sound random sampling principles and are applicable to single immunolabelling across compartments within a given cell type or between different experimental groups of cells. Although methods are also available to test for colocalization in double/triple immunogold labelling studies, so far, these have relied on making multiple measurements of gold particle densities in defined areas or of inter-particle nearest neighbour distances. Here, we present alternative two-step approaches to codistribution and colocalization assessment that merely require raw counts of gold particles in distinct cellular compartments. For assessing codistribution over aggregate compartments, initial statistical evaluation involves combining contingency table and chi-squared analyses to provide predicted gold particle distributions. The observed and predicted distributions allow testing of the appropriate null hypothesis, namely, that there is no difference in the distribution patterns of proteins labelled by different sizes of gold particle. In short, the null hypothesis is that of colocalization. The approach for assessing colabelling recognises that, on thin sections, a compartment is made up of a set of sectional images (profiles) of cognate structures. The approach involves identifying two groups of compartmental profiles that are unlabelled and labelled for one gold marker size. The proportions in each group that are also labelled for the second gold marker size are then compared. Statistical analysis now uses a 2 × 2 contingency table combined with the Fisher exact probability test. Having identified double labelling, the profiles can be analysed further in order to identify characteristic features that might account for the double labelling. In each case, the approach is illustrated using synthetic and/or experimental datasets and can be refined to correct observed labelling patterns to specific labelling patterns. These simple and efficient approaches should be of more immediate utility to those interested in codistribution and colocalization in multiple immunogold labelling investigations.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets (LDs) are ubiquitous organelles that store metabolic energy in the form of neutral lipids (typically triacylglycerols and steryl esters). Beyond being inert energy storage compartments, LDs are dynamic organelles that participate in numerous essential metabolic functions. Cells generate LDs de novo from distinct sub-regions at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), but what determines sites of LD formation remains a key unanswered question. Here, we review the factors that determine LD formation at the ER, and discuss how they work together to spatially and temporally coordinate LD biogenesis. These factors include lipid synthesis enzymes, assembly proteins, and membrane structural requirements. LDs also make contact with other organelles, and these inter-organelle contacts contribute to defining sites of LD production. Finally, we highlight emerging non-canonical roles for LDs in maintaining cellular homeostasis during stress.  相似文献   

For many years, lipid droplets (LDs) were considered to be an inert store of lipids. However, recent data showed that LDs are dynamic organelles playing an important role in storage and mobilization of neutral lipids. In this paper, we report the characterization of LOA1 (alias VPS66, alias YPR139c), a yeast member of the glycerolipid acyltransferase family. LOA1 mutants show abnormalities in LD morphology. As previously reported, cells lacking LOA1 contain more LDs. Conversely, we showed that overexpression results in fewer LDs. We then compared the lipidome of loa1Δ mutant and wild-type strains. Steady-state metabolic labeling of loa1Δ revealed a significant reduction in triacylglycerol content, while phospholipid (PL) composition remained unchanged. Interestingly, lipidomic analysis indicates that both PLs and glycerolipids are qualitatively affected by the mutation, suggesting that Loa1p is a lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase (LPA AT) with a preference for oleoyl-CoA. This hypothesis was tested by in vitro assays using both membranes of Escherichia coli cells expressing LOA1 and purified proteins as enzyme sources. Our results from purification of subcellular compartments and proteomic studies show that Loa1p is associated with LD and active in this compartment. Loa1p is therefore a novel LPA AT and plays a role in LD formation.  相似文献   

Attachment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein to lipid droplets (LDs) is linked to release of infectious progeny from infected cells. Core progressively coats the entire LD surface from a unique site on the organelle, and this process coincides with LD aggregation around the nucleus. We demonstrate that LD redistribution requires only core protein and is accompanied by reduced abundance of adipocyte differentiation-related protein (ADRP) on LD surfaces. Using small hairpin RNA technology, we show that knock down of ADRP has a similar phenotypic effect on LD redistribution. Hence, ADRP is crucial to maintain a disperse intracellular distribution of LDs. From additional experimental evidence, LDs are associated with microtubules and aggregate principally around the microtubule-organizing centre in HCV-infected cells. Disrupting the microtubule network or microinjecting anti-dynein antibody prevented core-mediated LD redistribution. Moreover, microtubule disruption reduced virus titres, implicating transport networks in virus assembly and release. We propose that the presence of core on LDs favours their movement towards the nucleus, possibly to increase the probability of interaction between sites of HCV RNA replication and virion assembly.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets (LDs) are a neutral lipid storage organelle that is conserved across almost all species. Many metabolic syndromes are directly linked to the over-storage of neutral lipids in LDs. The study of LDs in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) has been difficult because of the lack of specific LD marker proteins. Here we report the purification and proteomic analysis of C. elegans lipid droplets for the first time. We identified 306 proteins, 63% of these proteins were previously known to be LD-proteins, suggesting a similarity between mammalian and C. elegans LDs. Using morphological and biochemical analyses, we show that short-chain dehydrogenase, DHS-3 is almost exclusively localized on C. elegans LDs, indicating that it can be used as a LD marker protein in C. elegans. These results will facilitate further mechanistic studies of LDs in this powerful genetic system, C. elegans.  相似文献   

The lipid droplet (LD) is an organelle with a lipid ester core and a surface phospholipid monolayer. The mechanism of LD biogenesis is not well understood. The present study aimed to elucidate the LD growth process, for which we developed a new electron microscopic method that quantifies the proportion of existing and newly synthesized triglycerides in individual LDs. Our method takes advantage of the reactivity of unsaturated fatty acids and osmium tetroxide, which imparts LDs an electron density that reflects fatty acid composition. With this method, existing triglyceride-rich LDs in 3Y1 fibroblasts were observed to incorporate newly synthesized triglycerides at a highly uniform rate. This uniformity and its persistence even after microtubules were depolymerized suggest that triglycerides in fibroblasts are synthesized in the local vicinity of individual LDs and then incorporated. In contrast, LDs in 3T3-L1 adipocytes showed heterogeneity in the rate at which lipid esters were incorporated, indicating different mechanisms of LD growth in fibroblasts and adipocytes.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Wang Y  Li J  Yu J  Pu J  Li L  Zhang H  Zhang S  Peng G  Yang F  Liu P 《Journal of proteome research》2011,10(10):4757-4768
The lipid droplet (LD) is a universal organelle governing the storage and turnover of neutral lipids. Mounting evidence indicates that elevated intramuscular triglyceride (IMTG) in skeletal muscle LDs is closely associated with insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Therefore, the identification of the skeletal muscle LD proteome will provide some clues to dissect the mechanism connecting IMTG with T2DM. In the present work, we identified 324 LD-associated proteins in mouse skeletal muscle LDs through mass spectrometry analysis. Besides lipid metabolism and membrane traffic proteins, a remarkable number of mitochondrial proteins were observed in the skeletal muscle LD proteome. Furthermore, imaging by fluorescence microscopy and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM) directly demonstrated that mitochondria closely adhere to LDs in vivo. Moreover, our results revealed for the first time that apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), the principal apolipoprotein of high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles, was also localized on skeletal muscle LDs. Further studies verified that apo A-I was expressed endogenously by skeletal muscle cells. In conclusion, we report the protein composition and characterization of skeletal muscle LDs and describe a novel LD-associated protein, apo A-I.  相似文献   

Lipid droplet (LD) is a cellular organelle that stores neutral lipids as a source of energy and carbon. However, recent research has emerged that the organelle is involved in lipid synthesis, transportation, and metabolism, as well as mediating cellular protein storage and degradation. With the exception of multi-cellular organisms, some unicellular microorganisms have been observed to contain LDs. The organelle has been isolated and characterized from numerous organisms. Triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation in LDs can be in excess of 50% of the dry weight in some microorganisms, and a maximum of 87% in some instances. These microorganisms include eukaryotes such as yeast and green algae as well as prokaryotes such as bacteria. Some organisms obtain carbon from CO2 via photosynthesis, while the majority utilizes carbon from various types of biomass. Therefore, high TAG content generated by utilizing waste or cheap biomass, coupled with an efficient conversion rate, present these organisms as bio-tech ‘factories’ to produce biodiesel. This review summarizes LD research in these organisms and provides useful information for further LD biological research and microorganism biodiesel development. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(12): 575-581]  相似文献   

Seipin is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein implicated in lipid droplet (LD) biogenesis and mutated in severe congenital lipodystrophy (BSCL2). Here, we show that seipin is stably associated with nascent ER–LD contacts in human cells, typically via one mobile focal point per LD. Seipin appears critical for such contacts since ER–LD contacts were completely missing or morphologically aberrant in seipin knockout and BSCL2 patient cells. In parallel, LD mobility was increased and protein delivery from the ER to LDs to promote LD growth was decreased. Moreover, while growing LDs normally acquire lipid and protein constituents from the ER, this process was compromised in seipin‐deficient cells. In the absence of seipin, the initial synthesis of neutral lipids from exogenous fatty acid was normal, but fatty acid incorporation into neutral lipids in cells with pre‐existing LDs was impaired. Together, our data suggest that seipin helps to connect newly formed LDs to the ER and that by stabilizing ER–LD contacts seipin facilitates the incorporation of protein and lipid cargo into growing LDs in human cells.  相似文献   

Not so long ago, contact sites between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lipid droplets (LDs) were largely unexplored on a molecular level. In recent years however, numerous proteins have been identified that are enriched or exclusively located at the interfaces between LDs and the ER. These comprise members of protein classes typically found in diverse types of contacts, such as organelle tethers and lipid transfer proteins, but also proteins that have no similarities to known contact site machineries. This structurally heterogeneous group of contact site residents might be required to fulfill unique aspects of LD-ER contact biology, such as de novo LD biogenesis, and maintenance of lipidic connections between LDs and ER. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the molecular components of this special organelle contact site, and discuss their features and functions.  相似文献   

The number of proteins known to be associated with lipid droplets (LDs) is increasing. However, the reported distribution of a given protein in the LDs was, in some cases, found not reproduced by other groups. We report here that the choice of the fixation and permeabilization method is important in order to observe LD proteins using immunofluorescence microscopy. Formaldehyde fixation followed by treatment with Triton X-100, one of the most frequently used protocols for the immunolabeling of cultured cells, was not appropriate to label adipocyte differentiation-related protein (ADRP), TIP47, or Rab18 in LDs. Formaldehyde fixation followed by treatment with digitonin or saponin, allowed the visualization of all these proteins in LDs. When cells were fixed with glutaraldehyde, permeabilization by Triton X-100 could also be used for ADRP. These observations suggest that LD proteins are likely to be solubilized by some detergents, and strong cross-linkage to the surrounding protein matrix or mild permeabilization is necessary for their retention on the LD surface. The authors Yuki Ohsaki and Takashi Maeda have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets (LDs) were once viewed as simple, inert lipid micelles. However, they are now known to be organelles with a rich proteome involved in a myriad of cellular processes. LDs are heterogeneous in nature with different sizes and compositions of phospholipids, neutral lipids and proteins. This review takes a focused look at the roles of proteins involved in the regulation of LD formation, expansion, and morphology. The related proteins are summarized such as the fat-specific protein (Fsp27), fat storage-inducing trans- membrane (FIT) proteins, seipin and ADP-ribosylation factor 1-coat protein complex I (Arf-COPI). Finally, we present important challenges in LD biology for a deeper understanding of this dynamic organelle to be achieved.  相似文献   

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