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L C Seamer  R N Mandler 《Cytometry》1992,13(5):545-552
We have developed a technique to improve the sensitivity of relative membrane potential measurements in mouse spinal cord cells using the fluorescent, anionic, voltage sensitive dye, DiBa-C4(3) (Oxonol) and flow cytometry. In order to attribute cellular fluorescence primarily to membrane potential, signal variability due to cell size and shape was reduced by dividing the log fluorescence signal from each cell by either its log forward angle light scatter or log side scatter signals. The use of these ratios in place of log oxonol fluorescence reduced the coefficient of variation of the distributions while leaving the changes in mean fluorescence largely unaffected. Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis of pre- vs. postkainate stimulation (an excitatory amino acid) showed improved sensitivity of the assay with the use of this ratio technique.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of the mouse liver mitochondrial inner membrane   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Mitochondria play a crucial role in cellular homeostasis, which justifies the increasing interest in mapping the different components of these organelles. Here we have focused our study on the identification of proteins of the mitochondrial inner membrane (MIM). This membrane is of particular interest because, besides the well known components of the respiratory chain complexes, it contains several ion channels and many carrier proteins that certainly play a key role in mitochondrial function and, therefore, deserve to be identified at the molecular level. To achieve this goal we have used a novel approach combining the use of highly purified mouse liver mitochondrial inner membranes, extraction of membrane proteins with organic acid, and two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. This procedure allowed us to identify 182 proteins that are involved in several biochemical processes, such as the electron transport machinery, the protein import machinery, protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, and ion or substrate transport. The full range of isoelectric point (3.9-12.5), molecular mass (6-527 kDa), and hydrophobicity values (up to 16 transmembrane predicted domains) were represented. In addition, of the 182 proteins found, 20 were unknown or had never previously been associated with the MIM. Overexpression of some of these proteins in mammalian cells confirmed their mitochondrial localization and resulted in severe remodeling of the mitochondrial network. This study provides the first proteome of the MIM and provides a basis for a more detailed study of the newly characterized proteins of this membrane.  相似文献   

In the hemoglobin-free perfused liver, administration of pyruvate, lactate fructose, alanine and palmitate elicited a sustained hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. In contrast, glucose, galactose, lysine, acetate or α-aminoisobutyric acid had no effect on the membrane potential. The pattern of the substrate induced hyperpolarization was different from glucagon- or cyclic AMP-induced hyperpolarization in the onset and duration of the response and ouabain sensitivity. The effect of cyclic AMP (5 · 10-4 M) on membrane potential was additive to the effect of the hyperpolarizing substrates and seems to involve a mechanism different from the substrate-induced potential changes.  相似文献   

Changes in membrane potential during mouse egg development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The electrical membrane potential (Em) was measured in the developing mouse egg with intracellular microelectrodes. The oocyte had a low negative Em of ?8.3 ± 0.8 mV (mean ± SE) when immature, which decreased and reversed polarity to a small positive value (+1.9 ± 0.2 mV) in the mature ovulated oocyte. After fertilization Em returned to a negative value (?9.2 ± 0.5 mV) similar in magnitude to that observed in immature oocytes and then increased significantly (P < 0.01) at both the two-cell (?10.7 ± 0.3 mV) and morula stage (?12.8 ± 0.7 mV) and leveled out at the blastocyst stage (?12.9 ± 0.7 mV). Average potential difference recorded across the blastocoele wall of not fully expanded blastocysts was ?5.0 ± 0.5 mV. These data represent the first report on membrane potentials of the mammalian egg during development. A striking similarity is seen in the relative changes in Em throughout development of the mouse egg in comparison to those seen in other invertebrate and vertebrate eggs.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane potential in aging cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Decreased mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsi(M)) has been found in a variety of aging cell types from several mammalian species. The physiological significance and mechanisms of the decreased DeltaPsi(M) in aging are not well understood. This review considers the generation of DeltaPsi(M) and its role in ATP generation together with factors that modify DeltaPsi(M) with emphasis on mitochondrial membrane permeability, particularly the role of a multiprotein membrane megapore, the mitochondrial permeability transition pore complex (PTPC). Previous data showing decreased DeltaPsi(M) in aged cells is considered in relation to the methods available to estimate DeltaPsi(M). In the past the majority of studies used whole cell rhodamine 123 fluorescence to estimate DeltaPsi(M) in lymphocytes from mice or rats. Imaging of DeltaPsi(M) in living, in situ mitochondria using laser confocal scanning microscopy offers advantages over whole cell measurements or those from isolated mitochondria, particularly if several different potentiometric dyes are employed. Furthermore, high resolution imaging of the newer fixable potentiometric dyes allows immunocytochemistry for specific proteins and DeltaPsi(M) to be examined in the same cells or even the same mitochondria. We found that decreased DeltaPsi(M) in p53 overexpression-induced or naturally occurring senescence is associated with decreased responsiveness of the PTPC to agents that induce either its opening or closing. The decreased PTPC responsiveness seems to reflect, at least in part, decreased levels of a key PTPC protein, the adenine nucleotide translocase. We also consider the possible basis for decreased DeltaPsi(M) in fibroblasts from patients with Parkinson's disease, an age-related neurodegenerative disease. Finally, we speculate on the mechanisms and functional significance of decreased DeltaPsi(M) in aging.  相似文献   

In the previous paper, we showed that the K+ channels of the mouse neuroblastoma cell (clone N-18) are closed at low concentration of external K+ ([K+]0) including the physiological concentration for the cells. In the present study, the origin of the resting membrane potential of N-18 cells has been examined. (1) The resting membrane potential of N-18 cells was depolarized by increasing concentration of the polyvalent cations (La3+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Mg2+) and by decreasing the pH of the medium. The input membrane resistance was slightly increased during the depolarization. The depolarization was not explained in terms of the diffusion of the cations across the membrane, since the trivalent cations of greater ionic size were effective at much lower concentrations than the divalent cations. The results obtained from the measurements of 86Rb efflux suggested that the depolarization cannot be explained in terms of blocking of the K+ channels by the cations. (2) An increase in Ca2+ concentration from 0.3 to 1.8 mM induced depolarization of about 10 mV at low [K+]0 where the K+ channels are closed, but did not induce any depolarization at high [K+]0 where the channels are open. (3) In order to estimate the changes in the zeta-potential, the electrophoretic mobility of N-18 cells was measured under various conditions. There was a close correlation between the changes in the zeta-potential and those in the membrane potential in response to the polyvalent cations and proton. On the other hand, an increase in K+-concentration in the medium, which induced a large depolarization in the cells, did not affect the zeta-potential. (4) The results obtained were explained by an electrical circuit model for the membranes of N-18 cells. In this model, an electrical circuit for the membrane part carrying no selective ionic channels, in which changes in the surface potential directly affect the transmembrane potential, is connected in parallel to the usual circuit model representing selective ionic channel systems. It was concluded that the surface potential contributes significantly to the resting membrane potential of N-18 cells at low [K+]0 where the K+ channels are closed.  相似文献   

The resting membrane potential, Em, and the cell input resistance, Rinp, of cultured human Chang liver cells were measured using the single electrode 'double-pulse' current clamp technique, following exposure of the cells to the insecticide DDT (20 microM). In control (unexposed) cells, the mean Em was -24 mV, and the mean Rinp was 30 M omega. Neither parameter was significantly impaired after 1 h of cell exposure to DDT. But after 7 and 48 h, the Em was depolarized by 15 and 25 mV, respectively, in parallel with a decrease of the cell input resistance. The strongly time-delayed effect of DDT on Chang liver cell membranes may indicate a mode of interaction different from excitable membranes.  相似文献   

When mouse leukosis cell suspensions were subjected to heating the survival rate of animals decreased exponentially with increasing time of heating. It is shown that the increase of temperature for 1 degree C in the range 40-45 degrees C is equivalent to a decrease in the heating time by a factor of approximately 2. The hyperthermia-induced increase in the radiosensitivity of leukosis cells was dependent upon a medium in which heating was performed.  相似文献   

The toxic side effects of certain antimicrobial agents are probably related to their membrane damaging properties. Thus it should be possible to use measurement of membrane damage in vitro for evaluation of the potential toxicity in vivo of such antibiotics. We estimated the membrane damage induced in cultured human fibroblasts by anti-microbial agents, such as polyene antibiotics, sodium fusidate and polymyxin B as well as derivatives of some of these. Degree and character of membrane damage was determined on basis of leakage of three defined cytoplasmic markers from prelabelled cells after treatment with test substance.By comparing the minimal inhibitory concentrations against the target microbial cells (MIC) with the amounts needed to cause membrane damage of human cells (ED50) a ‘therapeutic dose range’ was obtained (ED50/MIC). The therapeutic dose range and the character of induced membrane damage were compared with the relative toxicities in vivo of each test substance. Highly toxic agents caused large functional ‘holes’ and/or showed a narrow therapeutic dose range, whereas less toxic substances induced smaller functional holes and/or had a larger therapeutic dose range. These parameters, evaluated in the presented model system, should be useful for an indication of potential toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Xie J  Wang X  Liu X  Tang X  Cao R  Hu W  Nie S  Fan C  Liang S 《Proteomics》2005,5(17):4510-4524
To comprehensively identify proteins of liver plasma membrane (PM), we isolated PMs from mouse liver by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. An optimized extraction method for whole PM proteins and several methods of differential extraction expected to enrich hydrophobic membrane proteins were tested. The extracted PM proteins were separated by 2-DE, and were identified by MALDI-TOF-MS, and ESI-quadrupole-TOF MS. As the complementary method, 1-DE-MS/MS was also used to identify PM proteins. The optimized lysis buffer containing urea, thiourea, CHAPS and NP-40 was able to extract more PM proteins, and treatment of PM samples with chloroform/methanol and sodium carbonate led to enrichment of more hydrophobic PM proteins. From the mouse liver PM fraction, 175 non-redundant gene products were identified, of which 88 (about 50%) were integral membrane proteins with one to seven transmembrane domains. The remaining products were probably membrane-associated and cytosolic proteins. The function distribution of all the identified liver PM proteins was analyzed; 40% represented enzymes, 12% receptors and 9% proteins with unknown function.  相似文献   

Summary The membrane potentials and resistances of L cells were measured using a standard electrophysiological technique. The values obtained in physiological media were around –15 mV and 37 M, respectively. Almost all the large nondividing L cells (giant L cells) showed spontaneous oscillations of the membrane potential between around –15 and –40 mV. Application of an appropriate electrical or mechanical stimulus was also capable of eliciting responses but such were usually induced only once. The total membrane conductance increased significantly and in parallel with such a hyperpolarizing response. Cooling of the cells and application of metabolic inhibitors to the cells completely blocked the spontaneous oscillation despite the fact that the electrically induced hyperpolarizing response remained. Intracellular K+, Na+ and Cl concentrations were measured by means of a flame photometer and a chloridometer, and the equilibrium potential for each ion was estimated.  相似文献   

We give an explicit formula for the membrane potential of cells in terms of the intracellular and extracellular ionic concentrations, and derive equations for the ionic currents that flow through channels, exchangers and electrogenic pumps. We demonstrate that the work done by the pumps equals the change in potential energy of the cell, plus the energy lost in downhill ionic fluxes through the channels and exchangers. The theory is illustrated in a simple model of spontaneously active cells in the cardiac pacemaker. The model predicts the experimentally observed intracellular ionic concentration of potassium, calcium and sodium. Likewise, the shapes of the simulated action potential and five membrane currents are in good agreement with experiment. We do not see any drift in the values of the concentrations in a long time simulation, and we obtain the same asymptotic values when starting from the full equilibrium situation with equal intracellular and extracellular ionic concentrations. Received: 9 December 1998 / Revised version: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

Summary Effects of divalent cations on oscillations of membrane potentials (i.e., spontaneous repetitive hyperpolarizing responses) and on hyperpolarizing responses induced by electrical stimuli as well as on resting potentials were studied in large nondividing L cells. Deprivation of Ca2+ from the external medium inhibited these hyperpolarizing responses accompanying slight depolarization of the resting potential. Sr2+ or Mn2+ applied to the external medium in place of Ca2+ was able to substitute for Ca2+ in the generation of hyperpolarizing responses, while Mg2+, Ba2+ or La3+ suppressed hyperpolarizing responses. The addition of A23187 to the bathing medium or intracellular injection of Ca2+, Sr2+, Mn2+ or La3+ induced membrane hyperpolarization. When the external Ca2+, Sr2+ or Mn2+ concentration was increased, the resting potential also hyperpolarized, in a saturating manner. The amplitude of maximum hyperpolarization produced by high external Ca2+ was of the same order of magnitude as those of hyperpolarizing responses and was dependent on the external K+ concentration. In the light of these experimental observations, it was deduced that the K+ conductance increase associated with the hyperpolarizing excitation is the result of an increase in the intracellular concentration of free Ca2+ mainly derived from the external solution.  相似文献   

Developmental potential of mouse primordial germ cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
There are distinctive and characteristic genomic modifications in primordial germ cells that distinguish the germ cell lineage from somatic cells. These modifications include, genome-wide demethylation, erasure of allele-specific methylation associated with imprinted genes, and the re-activation of the X chromosome. The allele-specific differential methylation is involved in regulating the monoallelic expression, and thus the gene dosage, of imprinted genes, which underlies functional differences between parental genomes. However, when the imprints are erased in the germ line, the parental genomes acquire an equivalent epigenetic and functional state. Therefore, one of the reasons why primordial germ cells are unique is because this is the only time in mammals when the distinction between parental genomes ceases to exist. To test how the potentially imprint-free primordial germ cell nuclei affect embryonic development, we transplanted them into enucleated oocytes. Here we show that the reconstituted oocyte developed to day 9.5 of gestation, consistently as a small embryo and a characteristic abnormal placenta. The embryo proper also did not progress much further even when the inner cell mass was 'rescued' from the abnormal placenta by transfer into a tetraploid host blastocyst. We found that development of the experimental conceptus was affected, at least in part, by a lack of gametic imprints, as judged by DNA methylation and expression analysis of several imprinted genes. The evidence suggests that gametic imprints are essential for normal development, and that they can neither be initiated nor erased in mature oocytes; these properties are unique to the developing germ line.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells are the only stem cells that retain true developmental totipotency after gastrulation, express markers typical of totipotent/pluripotent status and are able both in vivo and in vitro to give rise to pluripotent stem cells as EC and EG cells. We have therefore explored the possibility of the trans-differentiation of mouse PGCs to a myogenic lineage by transplanting them directly or after in vitro culture into a regenerating muscle and by culturing them on monolayers of differentianting muscle cells. The results obtained suggest that mouse PGCs may trans-differentiate into myogenic cells, provided that their somatic environment is preserved. This occurs at an estimated frequency of 0.01%, which is no higher than that reported for stem cells of adult tissues.  相似文献   

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