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Vertical profiles of total dissolved arsenic, manganese and iron, pH, Eh and rates of sulfate reduction were determined in a freshly-collected box core from a 335m depth station in the Laurentian Trough. The relationships observed between the profiles were further examined in the laboratory by measuring these same parameters with time in surficial sediment slurries as the Eh decreased in response to biological activity or chemical alteration.Both field and laboratory observations have shown that arsenic is released predominantly as As(III) into reducing sediment porewaters. This occurs after the dissolution of manganese oxides and at the same time as the dissolution of iron oxyhydroxides and the onset of sulfate reduction. Laboratory experiments indicated that sulfate reduction and the production of sulfide ions are not solely responsible for the release of arsenic to the porewaters, although this process is necessary to create and maintain a highly reducing environment conducive to rapid iron dissolution.The diagenesis of arsenic in Laurentain Trough sediments involves the simultaneous release of arsenic and iron at a subsurface depth, followed by its removal from porewaters by precipitation and adsorption reactions after migration by diffusion along concentration gradients. A qualitative model is presented to describe the behavior of arsenic in coastal marine sediments.Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, McGill University, 3450 UniversityStreet, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7, Canada  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in sulfate reduction ana the dynamics or sulfur ana iron geochemistry were studied throughout a year in sediment of Aarhus Bay, Denmark. A radiotracer method for measuring sulfate reduction rates was applied with incubation times down to 15 min and a depth resolution down to 2 mm in the oxidized surface layer of the sediment. The radiotracer data were analyzed by a mathematical model which showed that, due to partial, rapid reoxidation of radioactive sulfide during incubation, the actual reduction rates in this layer were probably underestimated 5-fold. In the deeper, sulfidic zone, measured rates appeared to be correct. Sulfate reduction followed the seasonal variation in temperature with maximum activity at 1–2 cm depth in late summer. In spite of its rapid production, free H2S was detectable in the porewater only below the depth of free Fe2+ at 6–7 cm throughout the year. Following the massive sedimentation from a spring phytoplankton bloom, anaerobic degradation of phytoplankton detritus was strongly stimulated over several weeks. A transient reversed redox zonation developed with a thin, black zone on top of the brown, oxidized sediment layer due to intensive sulfate and iron reduction. Mineralization through sulfate reduction was equivalent to two thirds of the annual net sedimentation of organic matter.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Redox profiles, pH, bacterial numbers, and organic content of sediments in Bayou Texar, Pensacola, Florida, were examined in an effort to delineate spatial and temporal patterns. These data were accompanied by field determinations of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and salinity. The results point to the importance of bacterial activity and bottom water dissolved oxygen upon the redox status of the sediments. It is suggested that, in certain systems, the redox status of deeper sediments may reveal long-term trends which are obscured at the sediment-water interface by transient effects.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation of the protein contribution to the redox potential of the iron–sulfur protein rubredoxin is presented. Structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the protein were obtained by energy minimizing the oxidized crystal structure of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin with appropriate charges and parameters. By including 102 crystal waters, structures close to the original crystal structure were obtained (rms difference of 1.16 Å), even with extensive minimization, thus allowing accurate calculations of comparative energies. Our calculations indicate an energy change of about –60 kcal/mol (2.58 eV) in the protein alone upon reduction. This energy change was due to both the change in charge of the redox site and the subsequent relaxation of the protein. An energy minimization procedure for the relaxation gives rms differences between the oxidized and reduced states of about 0.2 Å. The changes were small and occurred in both the backbone and sidechain mainly near the Fe–S center but contributed about – 16 kcal/mol (0.69 eV) to the total protein contribution. Although the neglect of certain effects such as electronic polarization may make the relaxation energies calculated an upper limit, the results indicate that protein relaxation contributes substantially to the redox potential. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Horizontal variation of seston concentration in the shallow, eutrophic Loosdrecht Lakes (A=9.8 km2; =1.9 m) was studied in relation to windspeed and effective fetch. Simple wave theory was applied in order to predict resuspension using wind data from a nearby meteorological station. Most results were consistent with the theory, but a clear limit for the occurrence of resuspension could not be established. Generally, changes in epipelon—the particles at the sediment-water interface — were not directly related to computed frequency of resuspension at the sampling station. The frequency was estimated for 37 grid points over the entire lake. Resuspension was computed to affect high percentages of the lake area in winter. In summer the frequency was much lower, but in June and July 1984 there were days with nearly 50% of the lake area subject to resuspension. The resulting input of particulate organic carbon into the water column during these days was estimated to equal 12–25 times the daytime phytoplankton carbon fixation. Most of the resuspended matter appeared to be redeposited rapidly. The computed frequency of resuspension for the 37 locations of the lake varied between 7 and 48 days in 1984.  相似文献   

张伟  张瑞文  郑桂灵  李鹏 《植物研究》2018,38(3):444-452
植物叶表附属物是与大气颗粒物最先接触的结构,但现在少有研究表明这些特殊结构是如何影响大气颗粒物的滞留的。因此,本研究以具有典型叶表面附属物-鳞片的植物-空气凤梨维路提拉为实验对象,通过人工去除鳞片,比较鳞片的有无对其叶片滞尘量的影响,并比较了不同时间、不同风力强度条件下其叶片表面所滞留的大气颗粒物再悬浮的比例。结果表明,未去除叶表鳞片的维路提拉的最大滞尘量(23.24±0.11 g·m-2)和自然滞尘量(10.22±0.92 g·m-2)均显著高于去除鳞片的植株(P<0.05)。大气颗粒物沉降到叶片表面后,在风力作用下,去除鳞片的空气凤梨植株上超过99.0%的粉尘会被吹起,而未去除鳞片的空气凤梨植株上这一比例仅有28.1%。而且,鳞片去除的越多,大气颗粒物的再悬浮比例越大。以上结果表明维路提拉叶表鳞片对大气颗粒物的作用不仅体现在总滞尘量上,而且体现在大气颗粒物的再悬浮过程中,它会有效降低沉降于叶表面颗粒物的再悬浮,起着促进颗粒物滞留的作用。  相似文献   

Thomas Smayda 《Hydrobiologia》1990,192(2-3):191-203
The addition of powdered limestone to intact sediment cores from oligotrophic, acid Lake Hovvatn caused pH to increase, redox potential (E7) to drop, and permitted net precipitation of phosphorous (P) from the water column. Significant pH increase was found to a sediment depth of 6 cm and a maximum increase in pH from 4.9 to 6.5 was found at a depth of 0.5 cm when dosed with 36 g m–2 of lime. Such pH increase creates important changes in sediment equilibrium chemistry and enhances habitat suitability. In the case of Hovvatn, however, sediments would consume only 5 kg of the 91 tons of applied limestone. Superficial sediments remained oxidized, but below 0.5 cm, E7 in limed sediment declined significantly more than in unlimed sediments, with a maximum difference of 102 mV versus –66 mV at a depth of 6 cm in unlimed and limed cores, respectively. Abiotic reactions account for 82 ± 54% of this reduction and the remainder is due to the oxidation of organic matter by bacteria. Precipitation of CaSO4, reduction of the sediments by organic compounds at elevated pH and inhibition of the downward diffusion of O2 by the limestone powder are potential abiotic mechanisms which could drive E7 down. Enhanced P release was not found at lowered E7, and supernatent TP concentrations dropped from 11.7 to 4.4 µg P l–1. More P was swept from solution in cores which recieved larger lime doses. The presence of chironomids caused sediment pH to increase by as much as 1.2 pH units, presumably due to NH4 release, reduced sediment E7 by as much as 171 mV and facilitated TP release during the first 17 d of core incubation. Field measurements of vertical distributions of sediment pH and E7 before and after the liming of Hovvtn corroborated laboratory findings.  相似文献   

The conditional formal potential, E degrees', of Rutin has been studied by cyclic voltammetry using a Rutin film deposited at the multi-wall carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) as the working electrode in different pH phosphate buffered solutions. The experimental standard redox potential, E degrees, of Rutin is obtained to be 0.88 V versus SHE (Standard Hydrogen Electrode). High-level ab initio calculations have been also performed on a chemical model of Rutin and the absolute reduction potential has been calculated. The theoretical standard reduction potential relative to SHE (0.83 V) is in relatively good agreement with experiment.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) yields are constrained by Fe and Al toxicity and P deficiency on acid sulfate soils. In order to delineate the effects of pH and redox potential on metal availability in these soils, one or both of these parameters must be held constant. The objective of this study was to investigate metal behavior in acid sulfate soils in redox controlled suspensions. Three acid sulfate soils, Rangsit Very Acid (Rsa), Rangsit (Rs), and Mahaphot (Ma); a potential acid sulfate soil, Bang Pakong (Bg); and a non-acid marine soil, Bangkok (Bk) from Thailand were utilized. After pre-incubating the soils under anaerobic conditions, the soils were oxidized in 100 mV increments in a stepwise fashion (oxidation cycle). Afterwards, the oxidized soils were reduced in the same manner (reduction cycle). The pH's of all the soils decreased during the oxidation cycle and increased upon re-reduction. Water-soluble Fe decreased in all the soils (except Bg) as the Eh was increased in the oxidation cycle, whereas Fe increased in the reduction cycle when the Eh was decreased until -50 mV, at which time Fe sulfide precipitation was believed to occur. In the Bg soil, pyrite oxidation (which evidently started at +50 mV) brought about large increases in soluble Fe under oxidizing conditions, and soil pH decreased to 2.0. The influence of the redox status on Mn varied. Soluble Al increased with increases in Eh (due to decreases in pH) and vice versa in most of the soils. Water-soluble P decreased under oxidizing conditions and increased under reducing conditions. Ammonium acetate-extractable Fe and P were highly correlated (r=0.88), indicating that Fe plays an important role in P availability in acid sulfate soils.Contribution from the Laboratory for Wetland soils and Sediments, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.Contribution from the Laboratory for Wetland soils and Sediments, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We outline a simple method for estimating the in-situ settling velocity of particles in wind disturbed lakes. The total sedimentation rate (primary and secondary sedimentation) was measured during storm events in two lakes using a time series sediment trap.
2. The sediment trap had 12 sample bottles which were programmed to open for periods of 3–4 h, giving total deployment times ranging from 36 to 48 h.
3. Wave mixed layer theory was used to infer if and when sediment resuspension occurred and the first order rate equation was used to estimate the settling velocity of resuspended particles.
4. The settling velocity during three resuspension events in Lough Neagh and one in Lough Macnean were 34.3, 29.5, 24.1 and 77.3 m day−1, respectively. These are similar to values obtained using recent in-situ video imaging in marine environments, but much larger than previous lake sediment trap studies.  相似文献   

The cellular glutathione redox buffer is assumed to be part of signal transduction pathways transmitting environmental signals during biotic and abiotic stress, and thus is essential for regulation of metabolism and development. Ratiometric redox-sensitive GFP (roGFP) expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana reversibly responds to redox changes induced by incubation with H(2)O(2) or DTT. Kinetic analysis of these redox changes, combined with detailed characterization of roGFP2 in vitro, shows that roGFP2 expressed in the cytosol senses the redox potential of the cellular glutathione buffer via glutaredoxin (GRX) as a mediator of reversible electron flow between glutathione and roGFP2. The sensitivity of roGFP2 toward the glutathione redox potential was tested in vivo through manipulating the glutathione (GSH) content of wild-type plants, through expression of roGFP2 in the cytosol of low-GSH mutants and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of wild-type plants, as well as through wounding as an example for stress-induced redox changes. Provided the GSH concentration is known, roGFP2 facilitates the determination of the degree of oxidation of the GSH solution. Assuming sufficient glutathione reductase activity and non-limiting NADPH supply, the observed almost full reduction of roGFP2 in vivo suggests that a 2.5 mm cytosolic glutathione buffer would contain only 25 nm oxidized glutathione disulfide (GSSG). The high sensitivity of roGFP2 toward GSSG via GRX enables the use of roGFP2 for monitoring stress-induced redox changes in vivo in real time. The results with roGFP2 as an artificial GRX target further suggest that redox-triggered changes of biologic processes might be linked directly to the glutathione redox potential via GRX as the mediator.  相似文献   

An investigation of the effects of repeated winter harvest and removal of dry reed culms on water and sediment chemistry was made in a shallow lake dominated by closed, monospecific reed stands. The oxygen concentration and redox potential in the water, as well as temperature, showed regular diurnal fluctuations inside the reed stands. Ammonium and nitrate + nitrite did not exhibit diurnal fluctuations and differences between a harvested and an unharvested reed area were small. Molybdate reactive phosphorus (MRP) concentration was higher in the unharvested area.Because the winter harvest caused an almost doubling of shoot production compared to the unharvested area, net addition of reed litter (leaves, stubble and culms) to the sediment of the harvested area was similar to that of the unharvested area. It is concluded that removal of reed culms in winter has the largest effect on microclimate in spring, and that the rate of mineralization and reducing intensity in the substrate are not immediately affected. Significantly higher summer standing crop of reed after harvest may have caused lower phosphate concentration in the water column and sediment interstitial water.  相似文献   

Olila  O. G.  Reddy  K. R. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(1):45-57
Biogeochemical reactions in shallow eutrophic lakes areaffected bythe changes in redox potential (Eh) as bottom sedimentsundergotemporal resuspension and settling. The stability of varioussediment P fractions and kinetics of P-uptake were evaluatedfortwo sub-tropical lakes (Lake Apopka and Lake Okeechobee,Florida)using sediment suspensions in closed systems maintained atvariousEh levels ranging from –235 to 555 mV. Redox potential hadminimal effect on the stability of NaOH-P (Fe-/Al-bound P plusmoderately resistant organic P) and HCl-P (Ca-/Mg-P) fractionsinLake Apopka sediments. Increases in ortho-P and NH4Cl-P(loosely-bound P plus labile organic P) concentrations wereobserved in highly reduced (Eh=–225 mV) Apopkasediments.Phosphate solubility diagrams and mineral equilibriacalculationssuggest that P-uptake by Apopka bottom sediments at elevated Pconcentrations (ortho-P110 M) was due toformationof Ca-P compounds and/or co-precipitation of P withCaCO3. Incontrast, the ortho-P concentrations for Lake Okeechobeebottomsediments increased exponentially with decreasing Eh. Thequantityof NaOH-P fractions for these sediments decreased withdecreasingEh, suggesting the release of Fe- and Mn-bound P intosolution.Phosphate-uptake by Okeechobee bottom sediments (pH 7.5,ambient)followed first order kinetics, yielding a rate constant (k)of 0.51±0.05 h-1. Unlike that of Apopka, the mudsediments in Lake Okeechobee have strong affinity for P ineitheraerobic or anaerobic conditions. Results suggest that even incalcareous systems, Fe and Al, when present in highconcentrations(as in the case of Lake Okeechobee), are actively involved inregulating P-uptake and geochemistry.  相似文献   

Intertidal sediments of Ria Formosa have been surveyed at different time scales. Pore water of short sediment cores was collected bimonthly at five stations, from May 1993 to June 1994, around low-tide. One location was studied intensively every 1.5 hour, during a 6-hour air-exposure period, and during 20 minutes (1, 5, 10 and 20 minutes) immediately after tidal water had inundated the sampling site. Determinations of vertical profiles of pH, Eh, water content, O2, total dissolved Mn (Mndiss), total dissolved Fe (Fediss) and inorganic sulphur [(HS)t] were carried out in all samples. The results obtained indicate that daily variations of Mndiss, Fediss and (HS)t concentrations appear to be superimposed to the seasonal ones. Probably, the renewal of the pore water at periods of tidal inundation causes advective transport of manganese and exchange of iron, between the pore water and the solid fraction of the sediment that masks seasonal fluctuations induced by temperature and organic matter input variations.  相似文献   

Redox proteins participate in many metabolic routes, in particular those related to energy conversion. Protein-protein complexes of redox proteins are characterized by a weak affinity and a short lifetime. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy has been applied to many redox protein complexes, providing a wealth of information about the process of complex formation, the nature of the interface and the dynamic properties of the complex. These studies have shown that some complexes are non-specific and exist as a dynamic ensemble of orientations while in other complexes the proteins assume a single orientation. The binding interface in these complexes consists of a small hydrophobic patch for specificity, surrounded by polar, uncharged residues that may enhance dissociation, and, in most complexes, a ring or patch of charged residues that enhances the association by electrostatic interactions. The entry and exit port of the electrons is located within the hydrophobic interaction site, ensuring rapid electron transfer from one redox centre to the next.  相似文献   

土壤铁矿物形态转化影响有机碳固定研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋旭昕  刘同旭 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7928-7938
铁是地壳中丰度第四高的元素,其可通过多种方式影响土壤有机碳累积,尤其铁氧化物与土壤有机碳相互作用形成的稳定有机-矿物复合物,被认为是土壤可溶性有机碳长期固定的关键地球化学机制。促进土壤固定有机碳不仅可以提高土壤质量和肥力,还是应对全球气候变化的主要策略之一。然而,铁活跃的氧化还原反应和多样化的赋存形态,使其转化过程对土壤有机碳累积和稳定性的影响结果受到诸多生物和非生物因素调控。从不同角度,结合多学科的研究成果,综述了近年来国内外关于铁矿物形态转化影响土壤有机碳固定的相关研究,包括铁矿物形态转化过程、土壤有机碳固定机制、铁矿物形态转化影响土壤有机碳固定的机制及其主要影响因素(各种环境条件、自身的铁矿物性质、碳源质量等方面),强调铁在土壤有机碳固定过程中的重要作用。对铁固定土壤有机碳的相关研究提出了建议,为今后研究提供相关参考。  相似文献   

This in vitro study aimed at understanding how abiotic, that is chemical and electrochemical potentials, and biotic factors combine to impact the outputs of rumen volatile fatty acid (VFA). Using a 48-run design optimized by means of an exchange algorithm, the curvilinear effects of pH, Eh and partial pressure of dihydrogen (H2) on fermentation yields were investigated in 6-h batch cultures of mixed rumen microbes, fed on glucose so as to bypass the enzymatic hydrolysis and conversion steps preceding the glycolytic pathway. The role played by rumen microbiota in the expression of these effects was explored by testing three inocula grown on feeds supplying a microflora adapted to fibre, slowly degradable or readily degradable starch as the dominant dietary polysaccharide. Data were fitted to 2nd-order polynomial models. In fibre-adapted cultures, the yields of major VFA were mainly influenced by pH and H2 partial pressure, in opposite ways. In wheat grain-adapted cultures, the VFA yields underwent the opposite influences of pH, in a curvilinear way for propionate, and Eh since acetate production yield was not significantly modified by any factor. In maize grain-adapted cultures, acetate production yield was not modified by any factor but H2 in a quadratic way when the production yields of higher VFA underwent opposite influences of pH and Eh. In conclusion, the effects of environmental factors were dependent on the nature of the inoculum, a major source of variation, and more particularly on its adaptation to high- or low-fibre diets. These effects were loosely interrelated, the pH being the most active factor before the Eh and H2 partial pressure.  相似文献   

The effects of floating-leaved, submerged and emergent macrophytes on sediment resuspension and internal phosphorus loading were studied in the shallow Kirkkojärvi basin by placing sedimentation traps among different plant beds and adjacent open water and by sediment and water samples. All the three life forms considerably reduced sediment resuspension compared with non-vegetated areas. Both among submerged (Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton obtusifolius, Ranunculus circinatus) and emergent (Typha angustifolia) plants, resuspension rate was on average 43% of that in the adjacent open water, while within floating-leaved plants (Nuphar lutea) the corresponding value was 87%. The effects of submerged and emergent vegetation increased in the course of the growing season together with increasing plant density. Among floating-leaved vegetation, such seasonal trend in resuspension effects was not observed. Compared with the non-vegetated area, floating-leaved, submerged and emergent plants reduced internal phosphorus loading on average by 21, 12 and 26 mg m−2 d−1, respectively. The effects of floating-leaved plants on resuspension-mediated internal phosphosrus loading were thus comparable to the effects of the other two life forms.  相似文献   

Freshwater isoetids exchanges a high proportion of the photosynthetically produced oxygen over the extensive root system and, therefore, they influence the redox potential (Eh) and phosphorus (P) availability in their sediments. Because isoetids rely on the sediment for P uptake, P may be a key element in controlling the distribution of isoetids. We investigated biomass and P availability to isoetids (Littorella uniflora and Isoetes lacustris) in a transect of five stations across the littoral zone in oligotrophic Lake Kalgaard, Denmark. At the two shallowest stations (0.6 and 1.0 m depth) the redox potential in the low organic rhizosphere sediment was high (>300 mV) and low concentrations of reduced exchangeable iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) compounds in the sediment and of precipitated Fe and Mn oxides on isoetid roots (plaques) were found. The concentration of sediment P pools was low and so was isoetid P content and isoetid biomass. At intermediate water depth (1.8 m) sediment Eh was high (300 mV) and isoetids showed low root plaque concentrations. However, higher concentration of P pools in the rhizosphere was found at 1.8 m and isoetids showed the highest P content and biomass. At deeper stations (2.8 and 4.6 m depth) Eh was low (<100 mV) in the high organic rhizosphere and high concentrations of plaques were found. The P content in the sediment was high, however, isoetids showed low biomass and low P content. We suggest that the low P content in isoetids growing on P rich organic sediments is partly due to inhibition of the P uptake because of adsorption of P to the oxidized Fe and Mn plaques. However, ratios between oxidized Fe and Fe-bound P, 150 for plaques and 40 for sediment, suggest the isoetids are able to access some of the P that is bound in the plaques. The pools of dissolved P in the porewater were 25–1100 times lower than the estimated annual P requirement for net growth of isoetids while solid fraction P pools were 20–260 times higher than the estimated annual P requirement. Clearly, the oxygen release from isoetid roots decreases the availability of P either by keeping the entire rhizosphere oxidized (low organic sediments) or by the formation of root plaques (high organic sediments).  相似文献   

The influence of episodic, sediment resuspension on phytoplankton abundance/volume and composition, the photosynthetic maximum rate (PB max) and efficiency (B), and chlorophyll-specific growth (Chl) was evaluated during the spring isothermal period in southern Lake Michigan (Laurentian Great Lakes, USA). Resuspension altered the nutrient and light climate of nearshore waters; light attenuation (Kd) and phosphorus concentrations corresponded (p 0.0001 and p 0.001, respectively) with concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM). Phytoplankton cell volume and diatom cell abundance and volume were not associated with SPM concentrations (p > 0.05). Diatom composition displayed spatial dissimilarities corresponding with resuspension (p 0.001); small centric diatoms exhibiting meroplanktonic life histories and pennate diatoms considered benthic in origin were most abundant within SPM-impacted, nearshore waters whereas taxa typically comprising assemblages in optically-clear, offshore waters and the basin-wide, spring bloom were not. Values of PB max and B corresponded (p 0.0001) with both Kd coefficients and SPM concentrations, potentially reflecting increased light harvesting/utilization within impacted assemblages. However, integral production was inversely associated with Kd coefficients and SPM concentrations (p < 0.0001) and photosynthesis was light-limited (or nearly so) for most assemblages. Although Chl values corresponded with Kd coefficients (p 0.05), values were quite low (x ± S.E., 0.10 ± 0.004 d-1) throughout the study. Most likely, distinct rate processes between SPM- and non-impacted assemblages reflected short-term compositional (and corresponding physiological) variations due to infusion of meroplankton and/or tributary-derived phytoplankton. Overall, resuspension appears to have little, if any, long-term impact upon the structure and function of the lakes phytoplankton.  相似文献   

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