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春小地片质膜氧化还原系统及其对缓慢干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了抗旱性不同的2个品种小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)叶片质膜氧化还原系统的部分性南及其在田间缓慢干时时下氧化还原活力的变化。结果显示,2个品种小麦叶片质膜氧化还原活性的最适pH为8.0,最适温度在40℃左右,Mg^2 对其活性有刺激作用,Ca^2 对其活性没有影响。但这2个品种叶片的质膜氧化还原系统对K^ 和Na^ 的响应不尽相同:在品种定西24中,K^ 刺激作用不太明显,Na^ 有一定的抑制作用;而在品种8139中,这两种离子都有明显的刺激作用。干旱降低了小麦叶片的水势和水分含量,影响了小麦的生长发育;在缓慢干旱下,小麦叶片质膜氧化还原活力在生长发育的前期上升;在后期,其活性不变或下降,这与前人在实验室内以植物幼苗进行短期而剧烈的模拟干旱下所观察的结果不同。这种差异的原因除了与植物材料不同有关外,主要与胁迫方式及植物的发育阶段有关。  相似文献   

Purified plasma membrane fractions were obtained from leaves of Picea abies L., Pinus sylvestris L., Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus robur L., whereas plasma membranes from Pinus halepensis Mill, proved to be more difficult to obtain, perhaps due to the higher content of volatile substances in this plant species. Plasma membranes were purified by both phase partitioning and free-flow electrophoresis from microsomal fractions and identified on the basis of biochemical and in some cases morphological and cytochemical markers. Electron micrographs revealed that membrane vesicles from Pinus sylvestris exhibited a very clear dark-light-dark pattern and measurements of membrane thickness showed that it ranged from 6 to 10 nm. Most membranes were 8 nm thick and stained with phosphotungstic acid at low pH, both typical characteristics of the plasma membrane. Enzymatic identification of plasma membranes consisted in the determination of the vanadate-sensitive ATPase (EC activity. The specific activity in the upper phase (U2) fraction was 10–25 times higher than those in the lower phase and microsomal fractions, depending on plant species. 1,3-β-glucan synthase II (EC, another putative plasma membrane marker, was not detected in the plasma membrane-enriched fractions of conifer needles and showed a very low specific activity in membranes of deciduous trees. Contamination by membranes of other origin was determined by analysis of membrane markers: cytochrome c oxidase (EC for mitochondria, inosine diphosphatase (EC for Golgi apparatus, cytochrome c reductase (EC for endoplasmic reticulum, and pyrophosphatase (EC for tonoplasts. The main, but relatively low contamination, was due to tonoplasts, as determined by the activity of pyrophosphatase. Plasma membrane characteristics were quite different depending on the season during which needles were taken. Membrane preparations of better quality were more easily obtained from samples taken during winter.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of aluminum (A1) on lipid composition of plasma membranes from roots of an A1-resistant (PT741) and an A1-sensitive (Katepwa) cultivar of Triticum aestivum L. Several genotype–specific changes were observed in phospholipids and steryl lipids. While exposure to 20 μ M AICI3 for 3 days had no effect on total phospholipids in either genotype, the most abundant phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine, increased significantly in the A1-sensitive Katepwa. Aluminum also decreased steryl lipids (mainly free sterols) in PT741. Such changes were not observed in Katepwa. As a result of differential changes in lipid composition, the relative abundance of one lipid class to another changed. The ratio of steryl lipids to phospholipids decreased in PT741, with no change in Katepwa. While limited information on the relationship between membrane function and lipid composition makes it difficult to relate these changes to A1 toxicity and resistance, changes observed only in the A1–resistant genotype could contribute to continued plant growth in the face of A1 stress.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane lipid alterations induced by NaCl in winter wheat roots   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A highly enriched plasma membrane traction was isolated by two phase partitioning from wheat roots ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Vivant) grown with and without 100 m M NaCl. The lipids of the plasma membrane fraction were extracted and characterised. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were the major phospholipids with lesser amounts of phosphandylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphalidylglycerol, phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylseriae. NaCl decreased the total phospholipids and the phosphatidylcholine portion of the plasma membranes. Salt treatment had no effect on total sterols and glycolipids. but the relative abundance of the tree sterols was altered: cholesterol, stigma sterol and brassicasterol were significantly increased. Salt treatment resulted in an increase of the more planar/less planar ratio of the free sterols and in introduction of a double bond in the C22 position in the side chain of stigma sterol and brassicasterol. The degree of fatty acid saturation of total phospholipids, phospha-tidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine was increased after salt treatment. These lipid changes are discussed in relation to the salt tolerance mechanism.  相似文献   

橡胶树树皮质膜H~+-ATPase在橡胶树产排胶过程中扮演着重要角色,制备高纯度及高活性的质膜是研究质膜H~+-ATPase特性和功能的必要条件。该研究以一年生巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)树皮为材料,利用差速离心法获得粗膜微粒体,通过两相分配法分离纯化质膜,并研究两相体系中不同浓度聚合物(5.9%、6.1%、6.3%、6.5%、6.7%,W/W)和KCl(2、5、8、11、14 mmol·L~(-1))对质膜蛋白得率和纯化效率的影响。通过Bradford法对质膜蛋白得率进行检测,同时采用酶活性检测法对质膜纯度进行检测,分析结果表明选用6.4%(W/W)聚合物浓度和5mmol·L~(-1)KCl组成的两相体系可获得较高纯度和得率的橡胶树树皮质膜。通过电镜观察法在形态学上对质膜纯度进一步评价,利用铅铀能侵染全部膜组分使其染色,而磷钨酸只能专一性地侵染质膜并使其染色这一特性,分别使用铅铀和磷钨酸对切片进行染色,并通过透射电镜对切片染色程度进行直接观察,结果表明提取的粗膜微粒体中质膜组分较少,存在大量的细胞器膜污染,而纯化后的质膜膜组分较单一,其他膜组分污染较少,而且质膜大小较均一,可以用于进行后续橡胶树树皮质膜H~+-ATPase特性和功能的研究。  相似文献   

The distribution of divalent cation stimulated ATPase activity in relation to the distribution of other enzyme activities was studied for membrane fractions from wheat roots ( Tritium aestivum L . cv. Svenno). A homogenate from dark grown plants was fractionated by differential centrifugation at 1000 g , 10,000 g , 30,000 g and 60,000 g (1, 10, 30 and 60 KP fractions), followed by partition in an aqueous polymer two-phase system, using polyethylene glycol 4000/dextran T500 concentrations of 5.7/5.7, 5.9/5.9, 6.1/6.1, 6.3/6.3 and 6.5/6.5% (w/w). The 30 KP fraction was also separated by counter-current distribution id a 6.3/6.3% two-phase system. Protein and activities of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+ stimulated ATPases. cytochrome oxidase, light induced absorbance change (LIAC) related to cyt b reductions, inosine diphosphatase and NADH dependent antimycin A insensitive cytochrome c reductase were measured.
The partition of ATPase activities stimulated by Ca2+, Mg2+ or Mn2+ was similar at all polymer concentrations tested, indicating: a low cation specificity of the dominating ATPases. The distribution of ATPases. agreed with different marker enzymes in different centrifuge fractions. Divalent cation stimulated ATPases were evidently related to several of the organelles. In the different fractions the distribution of ATPase activity should then follow that of the marker enzyme of the dominant organelle. From studies with different polymer concentrations the 6.3/6.3-system was selected for further separation of the membranes in the 30 KP fraction by counter-current distribution. By this method one fraction was obtained, which probably consisted of plasmalemma and was free from mitochondrial material. Indications for plasmalemma in this fraction were a) similar partition as protoplasts and b) high LIAC activity.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from Ehrlich cells using two-phase system compartmentation. The highly pure plasma membrane vesicles obtained presented a negligible mitochondrial contamination and were suitable for studies of amino acid transport.l-Serine transport showed a clear ionic specificity, maximum incorporation being observed when an inwardly directed NaSCN gradient was used. Na+-dependentl-serine transport was dependent on assay temperature and membrane potential, and it seemed to be carried out by two different transport systems. An essential sulfhydryl group seemed to be involved in the transport process.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for isolation of plasma membrane (PM) preparations from unfertilized mouse eggs. Zona-free mouse eggs prepared by the method of Boldt and Wolf (Gamete Res 13:213–222, 1986) were labeled with 125I-concanavalin A (ConA) prior to sonication and fractionation on iso-osmotic self-generated Percoll density gradients. Experiments using the ConA-specific sugar α-methylmannoside (αMM) indicated that 125I-ConA bound specifically to the egg PM. Greater than 95% of 125I-ConA binding to zona-free eggs was blocked in the presence of 0.1 M αMM, and incubation of eggs in αMM after 125I-ConA labeling caused release of 85–90% of bound label. Fractionation of 125I-ConA-labeled eggs by Percoll density gradient centrifugation yielded a single radioactive peak at density = 1.025, corresponding to egg PM material. Prolonged incubation of 125I-ConA-labeled eggs or egg sonicates prior to fractionation did not alter the location of the radioactive peak, indicating that 125I-ConA did not label other organelles. As a control, human erythrocytes were labeled with 125I-ConA and fractionated under identical experimental conditions and yielded a single radioactive peak at density (1.020) comparable to that observed for 125I-ConA-labeled eggs. These results indicate that 125I-ConA can be used as a specific marker to support PM isolation from small numbers of zona-free mouse eggs.  相似文献   

We have estimated the amount of inside-out plasma membrane (PM) vesicles in microsomal fractions from wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Drabant) and maize (Zea mays L.) roots; non-latent activities of the PM markers vanadate-inhibited K+, Mg2+-ATPase (ΔVO4-ATPase) and glucan synthase II (GS II, EC were used as markers for inside-out PM vesicles, latent activities as markers for right-side-out PM vesicles, and specific staining with silicotungstic acid (STA) as a general marker for the PM. Separation of presumptive inside-out PM vesicles from right-side-out ones was achieved by counter-current-distribution (CCD) in an aqueous polymer two-phase system. Most of the GS II activity was latent and was found in material partitioning into the upper phase; a distribution which correlated well with that of STA-stained vesicles. Thus, most of the PM vesicles had a right-side-out orientation. ΔVO4-ATPase, on the other hand, had a dual distribution (particularly pronounced in wheat) and was recovered both in material partitioning into the lower phase and into the upper phase. This indicates that ΔVO4-ATPase activity was present also in membranes other than the PM. Additional evidence for this interpretation came from sucrose gradient centrifugation of wheat root material. This produced two peaks of ΔVO4-ATPase activity with the membranes partitioning into the lower phase, none of which coincided with the peak obtained with right-side-out PM vesicles. Taken together, these results indicate that only very few inside-out PM vesicles are present in the microsomal fraction, and that ΔVO4-ATPase as a marker for the PM, in contrast to GS II, may give quite misleading results with some plant materials. This stresses the need to use well-defined preparations of scaled, inside-out PM vesicles in solute uptake studies. The distribution of Ca2+-inhibited ATPase, on the other hand, agreed well with those of GS II and STA-stained vesicles both after CCD and sucrose gradient centrifugation, which suggests that Ca2+ inhibition may be a more specific property of the PM H+-ATPase than vanadate inhibition.  相似文献   

A membrane fraction enriched in plasma membrane and tonoplast vesicles was isolated from green leaves of Spinacia oleracea L. and subjected to subfractionation by free-flow electrophoresis. The most electronegative membrane vesicle fraction collected after the free-flow electrophoretic separation was identified as derived from tonoplast, while the least electronegative fraction was identified as derived from plasma membrane. The identification of the fractions was based on membrane morphology, and on the presence or absence of biochemical markers. The plasma membrane fraction was enriched in thick (9–11 nm) membranes which bound N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), and reacted with phosphotungstic acid at low pH on thin sections for electron microscopy. The tonoplast fraction was enriched in vesicles with 7–9 nm thick membranes that neither bound NPA nor reacted with phosphotungstic acid at low pH. Both the plasma membrane and the tonoplast fraction were about 90% pure, with a cross-contamination of not more than 2%. Membrane vesicles originating from dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, plastids, or peroxisomes contaminated the plasma membrane and the tonoplast fractions by a few % only. In leaves of photoinduced plants (24 h light period), the plasma membranes were thicker than in control leaves (8 h light, 16 h dark). The plasma membrane fraction obtained from photo-induced leaves by free-flow electrophoresis retained this increase in thickness, showing not only that photoinduction alters plasma membrane structure, but also that this change is stable to isolation.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane preparations of high purity were obtained from roots of dark-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Drabant) by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning. These preparations mainly contained sealed, right-side-out vesicles (ca 90% exposing the original outside out). By subjecting the preparations to 4 freeze/thaw cycles the proportion of sealed, inside-out (cytoplasmic side out) vesicles increased to ca 30%. Inside-out and right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles were then separated by partitioning the freeze/thawed plasma membranes in another aqueous polymer two-phase system. In this way, highly purified, sealed, inside-out (>60% inside-out) vesicles were isolated and subsequently used for characterization of the Ca2+ transport system in the wheat plasma membrane. The capacity for 45Ca2+ accumulation, nonlatent ATPase activity and proton pumping (the latter two markers for inside-out plasma membrane vesicles) were all enriched in the inside-out vesicle fraction as compared to the right-side-out fraction. This confirms that the ATP-binding site of the 45Ca2+ transport system, similar to the H+-ATPase, is located on the inner cytoplasmic surface of the plant plasma membrane. The 45Ca2+ uptake was MgATP-dependent with an apparent Km for ATP of 0.1 mM and a high affinity for Ca2+ [Km(Ca2+/EGTA) = 3 μM]. The pH optimum was at 7.4–7.8. ATP was the preferred nucleotide substrate with ITP and GTP giving activities of 30–40% of the 45Ca2+ uptake seen with ATP. The 45Ca2+ uptake was stimulated by monovalent cations; K? and Na+ being equally efficient. Vanadate inhibited the 45Ca2+ accumulation with half-maximal inhibitions at 72, 57 and 2 μM for basal, total (with KCI) and net K+-stimulated uptake, respectively. The system was also highly sensitive to erythrosin B with half-maximal inhibition at 25 nM and total inhibition at 1μM. Our results demonstrate the presence of a primary Ca2+ transport ATPase in the plasma membrane of wheat roots. The enzyme is likely to be involved in mediating active efflux (ATP-binding sites on the cytoplasmic side) to the plant cell exterior to maintain resting levels of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ within the cell.  相似文献   

采用水培的方法研究了Al对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.cv Yangmai No.5)幼苗的生长、根尖组织膜脂过氧化作用、保护酶的活性和质膜结合酶H  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of a particular two-phase partitioning system to the isolation of plasma membranes from heterogeneous starting material, differing in physiological age. Plasma membranes were isolated from hypocotyl segments of mung beans ( Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) on four successive days in order to examine the variation caused by ageing of the seedling. Additionally, the segments were cut at different positions of the hypocotyl to measure variation caused by position-related ageing. To assess purity and degree of contamination of the plasma membrane-enriched preparations, a series of membrane enzyme markers were screened for all isolated fractions. Glucan synthetase II activities were enriched in the plasma membrane fractions, but enrichment and recovery became less pronounced with increasing age. Plasma membrane ATPase activity affected by VO43-, Ca2+ and K+ was similar in all segments throughout the time-course of the experiment (4 days). However, control ATPase activity varied with segment origin: the physiologically oldest segments showed only 75% activity compared to the youngest ones. Km and Vmax values indicated a smaller proportion of active enzyme but higher substrate affinity as the age of the segments increased. Contamination by intracellular membranes was minimal and unrelated to tissue age.  相似文献   

Sulfhydryl groups were quantified in root-cell plasma membranes of two genotypes of wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. Warigal and T. turgidum conv. durum cv. Durati) differing in Zn efficiency. Smaller amounts of 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)-reactive sulfhydryl groups were found in Zn-deficient than in Zn-sufficient roots; and also in Zn-inefficient genotype Durati compared to Zn-efficient Warigal, regardless of Zn supply. Upon transfer of 15-day-old Zn-deficient plants into solutions containing various Zn2+ activities, a Zn-dependent increase in the amount of reactive sulfhydryl groups was evident in roots of both genotypes, but occurred only in Warigal when 20-day-old plants were used, indicating irreversible physiological damage in Durati plants due to prolonged Zn deficiency. Upon transfer into solutions of increasing Zn2+ activities, the increase in total Zn concentration in roots was about an order of magnitude smaller than the increase in amounts of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the roots of both genotypes, suggesting that, in wheat roots, a relatively small amount of Zn is required for preventing oxidation of sulfhydryl groups into disulfides. The amount of reactive sulfhydryl groups in the roots is positively related to Zn efficiency of wheat genotypes and may be one of the mechanisms that, under conditions of Zn deficiency, allow better growth and productivity of Zn-efficient genotypes in comparison to Zninefficient ones.  相似文献   

Preparative free-flow electrophoresis and aqueous two-phase polymer partition were used to obtain a plasma membrane-enriched fraction of adipocytes isolated from epididymal fat pads of the rat together with a fraction enriched in small vesicles with plasma membrane characteristics (thick membranes, clear dark-light-dark pattern). The electrophoretic mobility of the small vesicles was much less than that of the plasma membrane consistent with an inside-out orientation whereby charged molecules normally directed to the cell surface were on the inside. When plasma membranes and the small vesicle fraction were isolated from fat cells treated or not treated with 100 μU/ml insulin and the resident proteins of the two fractions analyzed by SDS-PAGE, the two fractions exhibited characteristics responses involving specific protein bands. Insulin treatment for 2 min resulted in the loss of a 90 kDa band from the plasma membrane. At the same time, a ca. 55-kDa peptide band that was enhanced in the plasma membrane was lost from the small vesicle fraction. The latter corresponded on Western blots to the GLUT-4 glucose transporter. Thus, we suggest that the small vesicle fraction with characteristics of inside-out plasma membrane vesicles may represent the internal vesicular pool of plasma membrane subject to modulation by treatment of adipocytes with insulin.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes can be isolated from a variety of plant tissues by first preparing a post-mitochondrial membrane fraction enriched in plasma membranes, by differential centrifugation, and partitioning this on a dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase system. With wild oat aleurone, however, we observed that differential centrifugation could not be used to produce a microsomal fraction enriched in plasma membrane. Approximately 70% of the plasma membrane in aleurone homogenates was pelleted by sequential centrifugation at 100 g× 10 min and 1000 g× 10 min. The remainder sedimented at 112 000 g× 1 h. All the material that was pelletable by centrifugation was, therefore, subjected to dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase partitioning. The plasma membrane marker enzymes glucan synthase II (GSII, EC 2. 4. 1. 34) and UDP-glucose:sterol glucosyltransferase (SGT, EC 2. 4. 1.) were enriched in the upper phase, whereas cytochrome c oxidase activity (EC 1. 9. 3. 1), a mitochondrial marker enzyme, was depleted. The presence of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and protein body membranes in the phase system was assessed by probing western blots, of SDS-PAGE separated proteins, with polyclonal antiserum either to binding protein (BiP, an ER marker) or to tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP, a protein body membrane marker). BiP and TIP were present in the lower phase, but were not detected in the upper phase. In addition, the polypeptide patterns of material in the upper and lower phases were very different. These observations suggested that high purity aleurone plasma membrane had been isolated. Although the procedure for isolating plasma membranes was applicable to both aleurone protoplasts and layers, the polypeptide patterns of plasma membranes prepared from these sources were very different. The major protein components of wild oat aleurone were 7 S and 12 S storage globulins. These proteins were present in the lower phase, but not in the plasma membrane enriched upper phase, after aqueous two-phase partitioning. Differential centrifugation studies showed that it was necessary to homogenise aleurone in a buffer of pH 6. 0 or less if a soluble protein fraction, essentially devoid of storage globulins, was to be obtained. The use of these fractionation techniques is discussed in relation to photoaffinity labelling of gibberellin (GA)-binding proteins in aleurone.  相似文献   

以胡杨愈伤组织为材料,用PEG3350/DextranT500构成的两相系统提取质膜微囊,研究质膜H+-AT-Pase的特性。结果显示:由6.3%PEG3350、6.3%DextranT500、KCl、磷酸缓冲液(pH7.8)和蔗糖构成的两相系统提取膜微囊的H+-ATPase活性分别被Na3VO4、KNO3、NaN3抑制了约75%、2.6%和1.3%。方向性检测显示原位膜微囊占提取质膜微囊的90%,翻转膜微囊仅占10%。去垢剂对质膜H+-ATPase活性的影响说明0.015%的TritonX-100和0.01%~0.1%的Brij58适用于测定质膜H+-ATPase活性。Lineweaver-Burk动力学分析该酶的Km值为0.65mmol·L-1,Vmax为37.59μmolPi·mg-1protein·h-1。研究结果表明:两相法提取的质膜微囊主要是正向密闭的膜微囊;胡杨愈伤组织质膜H+-ATPase的最适pH为6.5,最适温度为37℃左右。  相似文献   

Light-induced absorbance changes (LIAC), indicating the reversible reduction of a b-type cytochrome, and with a possible connection to blue light photomorphogenesis, have been found in a presumptive plasma membrane rich centrifuge fraction from LIAC could be due to plasma membrane vesicles turned inside out or to cytochromes localized in other organelles. Phase partition proved to be a rapid method (results technique membrane particles are separated according to differences in surface properties rather than size and density. LIAC could be separated into two fractions: one partitioning into the polyethylene glycol rich upper phase and another preferring the dextram rich lower phase. Mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase) were recovered in the lower phase. A dual distribution of LIAC was found with all materials tested: corn coleoptiles, corn shoots, barley shoots and cauliflower inflorescences. About 80–90% of the cytochromes in the upper phase were related to LIAC, whereas only 10–15% of those in the lower phase were of this kind. The LIAC preferring the upper phase was probably bound to the plasma membrane, since plasma membrane vesicles are known to have a high partition in these phase systems. The lower phase LIAC could be due to plasma membrane vesicles turned inside out or to cytochromes localized in other organelles. Phase partition proved to be a rapid method (results within one hour after the initial pelleting) for purification of presumptive plasma membranes, yielding a preparation which contained five times less mitochondrial contamination than the preparation obtained with sucrose gradient centrifugation (the 33/45% w/w sucrose interface fraction).  相似文献   

Plant cells frequently and rapidly have to respond to environmental changes for survival. Regulation of transport and other energy-requiring processes in the plasmalemma of root cells is therefore one important aspect of the ecological adaptation of plants. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Drabant) was grown hydroponically, with or without 50 nM benzyladenine in the medium, and plasma membranes from root cells of 8-day-old plants were prepared by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning. The influence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the plasmalemma ATPase activities was investigated. The presence of benzyladenine during growth increased the ATPase activity, that dependent upon Ca2+ more than that elicited by Mg2+. As a general characteristic, ATP was the preferred substrate, but all nucleotide tri- and diphosphates could be accepted with activities in plasma membranes from control plants of 7-36% (Mg2+) and 40-86% (Ca2+) and in plasma membranes from benzyladenine-treated plants of 12-47% (Mg2+) and 53-102% (Ca2+) as compared with activities obtained with ATP. Nucleotidemonophosphates were not hydrolyzed by the preparations. In preparations from benzyladenine-treated plants one peak of Ca2+-ATPase at pH 5.2–5.6, with a tail from pH 6 and upwards, and one peak of Mg2+-ATPase at pH 6.0–6.5 were observed in the presence of EDTA in the assay media. In preparations from control plants, the addition of EDTA to the assays resulted in a wide optimum between pH 6 and 7 for Mg2+-ATPase and low Ca2+-ATPase activity with no influence of pH in the range 4.5 to 8. Analysis of the pH dependence in the presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ indicates that the control plants mainly contain Mg2+-ATPase corresponding to the proton pump. Preparations from benzyladenine-treated wheat roots show, in addition, activation by Ca2+, which, in the slightly alkaline pH range may correspond to a Ca2+-extruding (Ca2++ Mg2+)-ATPase. In the acidic range, the responses are more complicated: the Mg2+-ATPase is inhibited by vanadate, while the Ca2+-ATPase is insensitive, and benzyladenine added during growth influences the interaction between Ca2+ and Mg2+ in a way that parallels the effect of high salt medium.  相似文献   

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