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Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis, using 14 primers was performed to estimate genetic diversity among 27 landraces of Hassawi rice growing in Al-Ahsa region of Saudi Arabia and deposited at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology with KACST IDs. The average polymorphism produced by 11 selected primers was more than 75%. The analysis of ISSR polymorphism divided the examined rice landraces into two groups; In one group (A), one accession (KACST 191) was clearly delimited as a distant landrace from other 12 landraces grouped in two clusters; cluster I of seven landraces of close geographic distributions; four of them grow at close geographic locations (KACST IDs 32, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187 and 188) and cluster II is comprised of five landraces KACST IDs (190, 308, 352, 353 and 355). In group B, the landraces were more closely related to each other as compared to the landraces of group A. In this group a small cluster of two landraces (KACST 305 & KACST 333) was clearly distant from a large group of three clusters comprised of landraces having KACST IDs 189 & 192, landraces 302, 306, 307, 308 & 310 and landraces with KACST IDs 334, 351, 354, 356 & 357 respectively. These results indicate that ISSR fingerprints are efficient in the identification and resolution of genetic diversity between the landraces of the Hassawi rice and will be an efficient method in the authentication of the rice germplasm in the gene bank of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

9种石斑鱼遗传多样性和系统发生关系的微卫星分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
董秋芬  刘楚吾  郭昱嵩  刘丽  吴勇 《遗传》2007,29(7):837-843
利用实验室克隆的13个青石斑鱼微卫星分子标记, 对中国南海海域9种石斑鱼(青石斑鱼、蜂巢石斑鱼、鲑点石斑鱼、黑边石斑鱼、鞍带石斑鱼、赤点石斑鱼、七带石斑鱼、斜带石斑鱼和棕点石斑鱼)进行了遗传多样性和系统发生关系的分析。研究结果显示, 13个微卫星标记共检测到了84个等位基因, 9种石斑鱼中的平均等位基因数、平均多态信息含量(PIC)、平均观测杂合度(Ho)、平均期望杂合度(He)和平均Hardy-Weinberg遗传偏离指数(D)分别在2.69~5.38、0.1976~0.4267、0.4615~0.6239、0.3510~0.4754和0.1097~0.2836之间变动, 说明9种石斑鱼的遗传多样性都处于中等水平。用NJ法进行聚类分析的结果将9种石斑鱼分为3个支系:斜带石斑鱼、棕点石斑鱼和鞍带石斑鱼为第1支; 青石斑鱼、赤点石斑鱼和七带石斑鱼为第2支系; 蜂巢石斑鱼、黑边石斑鱼和鲑点石斑鱼为第3支系, 该支系与第2支系的关系较近。本研究支持将宽额鲈(鞍带石斑鱼)归入石斑鱼属。  相似文献   

China is a center of natural distribution and diversity of genus Lilium around the world. In the study, the genetic diversity and genetic relationships of Lilium in China were analyzed by inter-simple sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. The 6 highly polymorphic ISSR primers were selected to amplify the 20 Lilium species. The results showed that a total of 114 DNA bands were amplified, all of which were polymorphic loci (P = 100%), the effective number of alleles (Ne) was 1.2753, and the difference value between observed number of alleles (Na) and effective number of alleles (Ne) was 0.7247, and the Nei's genetic diversity (H) was 0.2048, and the Shannon's information index (I) was 0.3503. These results indicated that there is significant genetic difference among Lilium species in China. Taking the average genetic similarity coefficient (Gs) 0.5313 as the threshold, the 20 tested Lilium species were clustered into 5 groups, which was not entirely consistent with traditional clustering by morphological traits. The results obtained from this study can provide a reference for the molecular study of Lilium germplasm resources.  相似文献   

Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the important biomass sources used to produce bioenergy and bioethanol. In this study, we examined variations in chemical composition as well as genetic diversity and differentiation among 165 black locust plants from seven populations in five provinces (Beijing, Hebei, Gansu, Shanxi, Shandong) of Northern China using microsatellite markers(SSR). The contents of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin varied widely among seven populations. Of the microsatellite markers analysed, 14 showed polymorphisms, and 45 alleles were identified. The polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.2885 (Rops4) to 0.6837 (Rp200), and most of the microsatellite loci had PIC values > 0.5. Expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), and Shannon's information index (I) detected relatively high genetic variation among populations. The percentage of polymorphic loci in three populations was 100%, and the average among all populations were 95.92%. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the degree of genetic differentiation among the seven populations was low (GST = 0.058; Nm = 4.05), and chemical compositions had no relationship with genetic or geographic distance. This study demonstrates that microsatellite markers efficiently assess of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in black locust populations, and all seven populations exhibit high genetic diversity. The population from Feixian has the potential to be lingo-cellulosic biomass for bioenergy and bioethanol.  相似文献   

Peganum harmala L. is a perennial herbaceous plant and can be a future drug due to its wide medicinal purposes. Despite its economic importance, the molecular genetics of P. harmal have not yet been studied in detail. Genetic diversity of 12 P. harmala genotypes were investigated by using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR), PCR-RFLP of rDNA-ITS, PCR-SSCP of rDNA-ITS and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers. The level of polymorphism revealed by ITS-SSCP is the lowest, followed by ITS-RFLP then ISSR and the highest polymorphism level was reported for SSR marker. The AMOVA analysis implied that most of the variation occurred within the Populations. A value of inbreeding coefficient Fis estimated by the three co-dominant markers was nearly equal and offer an indication of the partial out-crossing reproductive system of P. harmala. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCOA) plot revealed a clear pattern of clustering based on the locations of collected plants which coincide with the isolation by distance. The study revealed that ITS-SSCP and ISSR markers respectively were more informative than the other used markers in the assessment of genetic diversity of P. harmala. The results reflect the great diversity of P. harmala and data obtained from this study can be used for future collecting missions.  相似文献   

Curcuma longa L., commonly known as turmeric, is one of the economically and medicinally important plant species. It is predominantly cultivated in the tropical and sub tropical countries. India is the largest producer, and exporter of turmeric in the world, followed by China, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Thailand. In the present study, Directed Amplification of Minisatellite DNA (DAMD) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR), methods were used to estimate the genetic variability in indigenous turmeric germplasm. Cumulative data analysis for DAMD (15) and ISSR (13) markers resulted into 478 fragments, out of which 392 fragments were polymorphic, revealing 82 % polymorphism across the turmeric genotypes. Wide range of pairwise genetic distances (0.03–0.59) across the genotypes revealed that these genotypes are genetically quite diverse. The UPGMA dendrogram generated using cumulative data showed significant relationships amongst the genotypes. All 29 genotypes studied grouped into two clusters irrespective of their geographical affiliations with 100 % bootstrap value except few genotypes, suggesting considerable diversity amongst the genotypes. These results suggested that the current collection of turmeric genotypes preserve the vast majority of natural variations. The results further demonstrate the efficiency and reliability of DAMD and ISSR markers in determining the genetic diversity and relationships among the indigenous turmeric germplasm. DAMD and ISSR profiling have identified diverse turmeric genotypes, which could be further utilized in various genetic improvement programmes including conventional as well as marker assisted breeding towards development of new and desirable turmeric genotypes.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of the genus Lespedeza is not well known and the phylogenetic relationship of Lespedeza with the genus Kummerowia is unclear. We report the first study in which polymorphic expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers derived from Medicago, cowpea and soybean were used to assess the genetic diversity of the USDA Lespedeza germplasm collection and clarify its phylogenetic relationship with the genus Kummerowia. Phylogenetic analysis partitioned 44 Lespedeza accessions into three main groups some of which were species-specific and eight subgroups. This data set revealed some misidentified accessions, and indicated that the two species in the genus Kummerowia are closely related to the genus Lespedeza. Morphological reexamination was used to correct the misidentified accessions within the genus Lespedeza. Our results demonstrated that phylogenetic analysis with morphological reexamination provides a more complete approach to classify accessions in plant germplasm collection and conservation.  相似文献   

Various species of genus Saccharina are economically important brown macroalgae cultivated in China. The genetic background of the conserved Saccharina germplasm was not clear. In this report, DNA-based molecular markers such as inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to assess the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among 48 Saccharina germplasms. A total of 50 ISSR and 50 RAPD primers were tested, of which only 33 polymorphic primers (17 ISSR and 16 RAPD) had an amplified clear and reproducible profile, and could be used. Seventeen ISSR primers yielded a total of 262 bands, of which 256 were polymorphic, and 15.06 polymorphic bands per primer were amplified from 48 kelp gametophytes. Sixteen RAPD primers produced 355 bands, of which 352 were polymorphic, and 22 polymorphic bands per primer were observed across 48 individuals. The simple matching coefficient of ISSR, RAPD and pooled ISSR and RAPD dendrograms ranged from 0.568 to 0.885, 0.670 to 0.873, and 0.667 to 0.862, revealing high genetic diversity. Based on the unweighted pair group method with the arithmetic averaging algorithm (UPGMA) cluster analysis and the principal components analysis (PCA) of ISSR data, the 48 gametophytes were divided into three main groups. The Mantel test revealed a similar polymorphism distribution pattern between ISSR and RAPD markers, the correlation coefficient r was 0.62, and the results indicated that both ISSR and RAPD markers were effective to assess the selected gametophytes, while matrix correlation of the ISSR marker system (r = 0.78) was better than that of the RAPD marker system (r = 0.64). Genetic analysis data from this study were helpful in understanding the genetic relationships among the selected 17 kelp varieties (or lines) and provided guidance for molecular-assisted selection for parental gametophytes of hybrid kelp breeding.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships is useful for plant breeding. In this study, we assessed the genetic diversity in a panel of 84 accessions of kenaf from 26 countries using SRAP and ISSR markers. The kenaf accessions could be divided into L1 (60 cultivated varieties) and L2 (24 wild accessions) at the level of 0.145 genetic dissimilarity coefficient by UPGMA. The L2 group was further divided into two subgroups (16 relative-wide and 9 origin wide accessions) at the level of 0.207 genetic dissimilarity. Out of the 9 wild accessions in the L2 group, 6 were from Tanzania and the remaining 3 lines were from Kenya. These results suggest that the center of origin for kenaf might be Tanzania and Kenya.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is a type of cultivated sorghums and has been recognized widely as potential alternative source of bio-fuel because of its high fermentable sugar content in the stalk. A substantial variation of sugar content and related traits is known to exist in US sweet sorghum. The objectives of the study were to assess the genetic diversity and relationship among the US sweet sorghum cultivars and lines using SSR markers and to examine the genetic variability within sweet sorghum accessions for sugar content. Sixty-eight sweet sorghum and four grain sorghum cultivars and lines were genotyped with 41 SSR markers that generated 132 alleles with an average of 3.22 alleles per locus. Polymorphism information content (PIC) value, a measure of gene diversity, was 0.40 with a range of 0.03–0.87. The genetic similarity co-efficient was estimated based on the segregation of the 132 SSR alleles. Clustering analysis based on the genetic similarity (GS) grouped the 72 sorghum accessions into 10 distinct clusters. Grouping based on clustering analysis was in good agreement with available pedigree and genetic background information. The study has revealed the genetic relationship of cultivars with unknown parentage to those with known parentage. A number of diverse pairs of sweet sorghum accessions were identified which were polymorphic at many SSR loci and significantly different for sugar content as well. Information generated from this study can be used to select parents for hybrid development to maximize the sugar content and total biomass, and development of segregating populations to map genes controlling sugar content in sweet sorghum.  相似文献   

A new species, Gonapodasmius epinepheli (Didymozoidae: Gonapodasmiinae), is described from the fish Epinephelus tauvina from the Arabian Gulf. It differs from most other members of the genus in the presence of a bulbous swelling at the distal end of the ovary, the presence of a characteristic bulge in the genital junction region, in the dense mass of glandular cells around the intestinal limbs and in the presence of an empty metraterm and vas deferens in the male and female respectively. The new species represents the first record of a didymozoid trematode from fishes in the Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure in Bergenia stracheyi, a threatened medicinal herb in the Western Himalaya of India was analysed using directed amplification of minisatellite DNA (DAMD) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. A total of 41 accessions of B. stracheyi representing three populations (Khillenmarg –KLM, Jalori Pass-JLP and Rohtang-RTG) were considered in the present study. The cumulative data analysis for 26 (10 DAMD + 16 ISSR) markers revealed 87.1% polymorphism. The maximum inter-population genetic distance was found between KLM and JLP, whereas the minimum genetic distance was found between RTG and JLP populations. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed maximum percentage of variation among individuals within populations (75%) than among the populations (25%). Clustering pattern of the three sample populations in STRUCTURE and PCoA analyses showed high genetic variation at population level. The present study revealed that distribution patterns, high altitudinal ranges, high habitat specificity, relatively high gene flow, small and isolated population size have shaped the current population structure of B. stracheyi in the Western Himalayan region. DAMD and ISSR markers have provided significant insights into characterization of B. stracheyi populations, and facilitate selection of appropriate accessions for further utilization in conservation and bioprospecting programmes.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of five wild populations of marine polychaete Marphysa sanguinea found in China was investigated using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat-PCR (ISSR-PCR) polymorphisms. The results of the ISSR-PCR showed that 108 (90.8%) of the 119 ISSR loci tested were polymorphic. The Shannon's information index value was 0.4981, Nei's gene diversity was 0.3418, and the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.3671, which indicated that the among-population component accounted for 36.7% of the total variation, while the within-population component accounted for 63.3%. A UPGMA tree showed that the five populations clustered into two branches. Populations from Dalian, Xingcheng, and Rushan clustered together, while the two Guangxi populations, A and B, clustered into a unique group. The results indicated that the genetic diversity among the five populations of M. sanguinea is high, which will provide useful information for the protection of biodiversity among marine polychaetes.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are increasingly being used in crop plants to discriminate among genotypes and as tools in marker-assisted selection. Here we evaluated the use of microsatellite markers to quantify the genetic diversity within as well as among accessions sampled from the world germplasm collection of sorghum. Considerable variation was found at the five microsatellite loci analysed, with an average number of alleles per locus equal to 2.4 within accessions and 19.2 in the overall sample of 25 accessions. The collection of sorghum appeared highly structured genetically with about 70% of the total genetic diversity occurring among accessions. However, differentiation among morphologically defined races of sorghum, or among geographic origins, accounted for less than 15% of the total genetic diversity. Our results are in global agreement with those obtained previously with allozyme markers. We were also able to show that microsatellite data are useful in identifying individual accessions with a high relative contribution to the overall allelic diversity of the collection. Received: 10 August 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

We used the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) gene DNA to barcode 117 endemic Gulf and cosmopolitan Indo–West Pacific fish species belonging to 54 families and 13 orders. Novel DNA barcodes were provided for 18 fish species (Trachinocephalus sp., Nematalosa sp., Herklotsichthys lossei, Upeneus doriae, Trachurus indicus, Apogonichthyoides taeniatus, Verulux cypselurus, Favonigobius sp., Suezichthus gracilis, Sillago sp., Brachirus orientalis, Pegusa sp., Lepidotrigla bispinosa, Lepidotrigla sp., Grammoplites suppositus, Hippichthys sp., Paramonacanthus sp. and Triacanthus sp.). The species delimitation analysis, conducted with Poisson tree processes– Bayesian PTP (PTP–bPTP) and nucleotide-divergence-threshold (NDT) models), found 137 and 119 entities respectively. Overall, NDT method, neighbour-joining species tree and the prior taxonomic assessment provided similar results. Among the 54 families considered, only 10 (Ariommatidae, Ephippidae, Leiognathidae, Nemipteridae, Plotosidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Priacanthidae and Rachycentridae) showed the occurrence of molecular diagnostic pure characters. The DNA barcoding database developed during this study will help ichthyologists to identify and resolve the taxonomic ambiguities they may encounter with the fishes occurring in The Gulf and throughout the region.  相似文献   

Summary Diversity as a measure of individual variation within a population is widely agreed to reflect the number of different types in the population, taking into account their frequencies. In contrast, differentiation measures variation between two or more populations, demes or subpopulations. As such, it is based on the relative frequencies of types within these subpopulations and, ideally, measures the average distance of subpopulations from their respective lumped remainders. This concept of subpopulation differentiation can be applied consistently to a single population by regarding each individual as a deme (subpopulation) of its own, and it results in a measure of population differentiation T which depends on the relative frequencies of the types and the population size. T corresponds to several indices of variation frequently applied in population genetics and ecology, and it verifies these indices as measures of differentiation rather than diversity. For any particular frequency distribution of types, the diversity is then shown to be the size of a hypothetical population in which each type is represented exactly once, i. e. for which T =1. Hence, the diversity of a population is its differentiation effective number of types. This uniquely specifies the link between the two concepts. Moreover, again corresponds to known measures of diversity applied in population genetics and ecology. While population differentiation can always be estimated from samples, the diversity of a population, particularly if it is large, may not be. In such cases, it is recommended that population differentiation is estimated and the corresponding sample diversity merely computed. Finally, a solution to the problem of measuring multi-locus diversities is provided.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within and among six natural populations of Nypa fruticans from China, Vietnam, and Thailand was assessed using SSR and ISSR analysis. Our results showed an extremely low level of genetic diversity of N. fruticans (at the species level, P = 11.76% and 2.88%, He = 0.0279 and 0.0113, I = 0.0470 and 0.0167 by SSRs and ISSRs, respectively) across a total of 183 individuals. No genetic variation was detected within any population except for the Thailand population by SSRs (P = 11.76%, He = 0.0417; I = 0.0622). The bottlenecks during glacial epochs, founder effects, and propagation pattern may be responsible for the extremely low level of genetic diversity of N. fruticans.  相似文献   

Clitoria ternatea (L.) is a medicinal leguminous plant and is cultivated to cater the need of herbal industries and asthetic purposes. The unavailability of steady molecular marker impedes the genetic improvement of C. ternatea. In the present study, transferability of 98 pairs of Cajanus spp. specific SSR primers were assessed among 14 genotypes of C. ternatea, varied for their flower color, floral architecture and bio-metabolite (taraxerol and delphinidin) content, and out of them 43 had successfully amplified the fragments. Among them, 36 pairs of primers showed 100% transferability, whereas rest seven varied from 42.86 to 92.85% transferability. The transferable 43 pairs of SSR primers generated 196 alleles across the 14 genotypes and the AMOVA analysis showed moderate genetic variation (55.1%) among the genotypes of C. ternatea, which was also reinforced by Nei’s genetic distance and gene identity estimates derived haplotype matrix. Similarly, both the principal coordinate analysis and dendrogram grouped these 14 genotypes of C. ternatea into two major clusters based on SSR allele distribution and frequency, and the clustering pattern is in accordance with petal color but in contrast to floral architecture. MCheza based outlier analysis revealed 16 alleles for balancing selection, which are putatively involved in the maintenance of genetic polymorphism in C. ternatea. Moreover, the estimates of molecular diversity and bio-metabolite content revealed the possible use of these genotypes in future breeding programme of this species.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12298-020-00907-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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