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Global wheat yields are suffering due to differences in regional climatic conditions and soil fertility. Plant breeders are continuously working to improve the yield per unit area of wheat crop through selecting superior lines as parents. The screening and field evaluation of available lines allow the selection of superior ones and subsequently improved varieties. Therefore, heritable distinctions among 33 bread wheat lines for yield and related attributes were assessed under field conditions. The experiment included thirty lines and three check varieties. Data relating to different plant characteristics was collected at maturity. Significant differences were recorded for yield and related traits of tested wheat lines and check varieties. Wheat lines V6, V12 and V20 proved better with reduced number of days to reach anthesis and other desirable traits compared to check varieties. Days to start heading had strong correlation with spike length and number of spikelets spike-1. Flag leaf area had positive relationship with peduncle length and yield related traits. The 1000-garin weight and grain yield were also correlated with each other. It is concluded that V6, V10 and V20 proved better for all studied traits than the rest of the lines. Therefore, these lines could be used in wheat breeding program as parents to improve yield.  相似文献   

F1 plants between two intervarietal chromosome substitution lines of European spring wheat varieties, Sicco (Chinese Spring 5B) and Highbury (Chinese Spring 5B), were used to produce 114 doubled haploid lines, 45 by the Hordeum bulbosum technique and 69 by anther culture. These two sets of lines were characterized for variation at a range of morphological, isozyme and RFLP marker loci, and genetic maps were developed with emphasis on chromosomes 6B, 7A, 7B and 7D. A subset of lines, scored for production traits in field trials in 1986 and 1987, were analysed for quantitative trait loci (QTL). The performance of the lines for the quantitative traits studied showed no overall differences due to the method of production of the lines. QTL were located on the linkage map for ear emergence time, height, tiller weight, yield and 50-grain weight using four analytical methods. Many of these effects showed genotype x year interaction.  相似文献   

Xiao J  Wang X  Hu Z  Tang Z  Xu C 《Heredity》2007,98(6):427-435
Segregation analysis is a method of detecting major genes for quantitative traits without using marker information. It serves as an important tool in helping investigators to plan further studies such as quantitative trait loci mapping or more sophisticated genomic analyses. However, current methods of segregation analysis for a single trait typically have low statistical power. We propose a multivariate segregation analysis (MSA) that takes advantage of the correlation structure of multiple quantitative traits to detect major genes. This method not only increases the statistical power, but allows dissection of the genetic architecture underlying the trait complex. In MSA the observed phenotypes of multiple correlated traits are fitted to a multivariate Gaussian mixture model. Model parameters are estimated under the maximum likelihood framework via the expectation-maximization algorithm. The presence of major genes is tested using likelihood ratio test statistics. Pleiotropy is distinguished from close linkage by comparing three possible models using the Bayesian information criterion. Two simulation experiments were performed based on the F(2) mating design. In the first, the statistical properties of MSA under varying heritabilities and sample sizes were investigated and the results compared with those obtained from single-trait analysis. In the second simulation the efficacy of MSA in separating pleiotropy from close linkage was demonstrated. Finally, the new method was applied to real data and detected a major gene responsible for both plant height and tiller number in rice.  相似文献   

小麦高代新品系鉴定的聚类分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用系统聚类分析方法对小麦育种高代出圃品系进行了鉴定,依据小区产量、抽穗期、株高、穗长、公顷穗数、穗粒数、单穗重、千粒重、籽粒饱满度和角质率10个性状,将38个参试品系以离差平方和法在D2=2.083聚类水平下划分为5个类群,通过聚类分析了解各类群、类内品系之间以及与对照种的关系.初步评选出9个综合性状优良的新品系,描述了各个类群中品系的特性,为小麦高代品系鉴定提供了较为精确的定量鉴定方法.  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the largest stresses blocking horizontal and vertical expansion in agricultural lands. Establishing salt-tolerant genotypes is a promising method to benefit from poor water quality and salinized lands. An integrated method was developed for accomplishing reliable and effective evaluation of traits stability of salt-tolerant wheat. The study aims were to estimate the genetic relationships between explanatory traits and shoot dry matter (SDM), and determine the traits stability under three salinity levels. Morphophysiological and biochemical traits were evaluated as selection criteria for SDM improvement in wheat for salinity tolerance. Three cultivars and three high-yielding doubled haploid lines (DHLs) were used. Three salt (NaCl) levels (control (washed sand), 7 and 14 dS m−1) were applied for 45 days (at the first signs of death in the sensitive genotypes). All morphophysiological traits gradually decreased as salinity levels increased, excluding the number of roots. Decreases were more visible in sensitive genotypes than in tolerant genotypes. All biochemical traits increased as salinity levels increased. Variance inflation factors (VIFs) and condition number exhibited multicollinearity for membrane stability index and polyphenol oxidase activity. After their removal, all VIFs were <10, thereby increasing path coefficient accuracy. Total chlorophyll content (CHL) and catalase (CAT) provided significant direct effects regarding genetic and phenotypic correlations for the three salinity levels and their interactions in path analysis on SDM, indicating their stability. CHL and CAT had high heritability (>0.60%) and genetic gain (>20%) and highly significant genetic correlation, co-heritability, and selection efficiencies for SDM. CHL and CAT could be used as selection criteria for salinity tolerance in wheat-breeding programs. The tolerated line (DHL21) with the check cultivar (Sakha 93) can be also recommended as novel genetic resource for improving salinity tolerance of wheat.  相似文献   

A intervarietal genetic map and QTL analysis for yield traits in wheat   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A new genetic linkage map was constructed based on recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross between the Chinese winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties, Chuang 35050 and Shannong 483 (ChSh). The map included 381 loci on all the wheat chromosomes, which were composed of 167 SSR, 94 EST-SSR, 76 ISSR, 26 SRAP, 15 TRAP, and 3 Glu loci. This map covered 3636.7 cM with 1327.7 cM (36.5%), 1485.5 cM (40.9%), and 823.5 cM (22.6%) for A, B, and D genome, respectively, and contained 13 linkage gaps. Using the RILs and the map, we detected 46 putative QTLs on 12 chromosomes for grain yield (GY) per m2, thousand-kernel weight (TKW), spike number (SN) per m2, kernel number per spike (KNS), sterile spikelet number per spike (SSS), fertile spikelet number per spike (FSS), and total spikelet number per spike (TSS) in four environments. Each QTL explained 4.42–70.25% phenotypic variation. Four QTL cluster regions were detected on chromosomes 1D, 2A, 6B, and 7D. The most important QTL cluster was located on chromosome 7D near the markers of Xwmc31, Xgdm67, and Xgwm428, in which 8 QTLs for TKW, SN, SSS and FSS were observed with very high contributions (27.53–67.63%).  相似文献   


A complete diallel study of crosses between eight wheat varieties was carried out to determine the relative magnitude of components of genetic variation and heritability for important grain yield, quality and drought‐related traits. The data appeared adequate for the additive‐dominance model. The additive effects predominated for most traits, and consequently the narrow‐sense heritability was high to moderately high for flag leaf area, weight and venation, stomatal frequency and size, epidermal cell size, biomass, protein content, number of tillers, spike length, spike density, 1000‐grain weight and grain yield. These results appear promising for selecting better plants in the segregating populations with some degree of improvement for yield, quality and physiological efficiency.  相似文献   

北方冬麦区小麦抗旱种质资源遗传多样性分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
遗传多样性分析对于作物资源评价和利用具有重要的意义。本研究以我国北方冬麦区136份小麦抗旱种质资源为材料,分析10个农艺性状及其耐旱指数的相关性,以及抗旱种质的遗传多样性。结果表明:在雨养和灌溉条件下,穗叶距的变异系数最高,分别为42.1%和37.2%,单穗总小穗数的变异系数最低,为6.4%和5.7%;不同水分条件下,植株稳产性主要受单株穗数、有效小穗数及穗下节长的影响;性状耐旱指数的多样性指数在1.95到2.07之间变化,平均值为2.02;根据性状耐旱指数将供试材料分为7个类群,其中第I、第III类群材料表现为对水分条件不敏感,而第II类群材料更适于在干旱条件下种植。材料之间的抗旱性差异可以作为抗旱育种中亲本选配的依据。  相似文献   

Wheat microsatellites (WMS) were used to estimate the extent of genetic diversity among 40 wheat cultivars and lines, including mainly European elite material. The 23 WMS used were located on 15 different chromosomes, and revealed a total of 142 alleles. The number of alleles ranged from 3 to 16, with an average of 6.2 alleles per WMS. The average dinucleotide repeat number ranged from 13 to 41. The correlation coefficient between the number of alleles and the average number of repeats was only slight (r s = 0.55). Based on percentage difference a dendrogram is presented, calculated by the WMS-derived data. All but two of the wheat cultivars and lines could be distinguished. Some of the resulting groups are strongly related to the pedigrees of the appropriate cultivars. Values for co-ancestry (f) of 179 pairs of cultivars related by their pedigrees (f0.1) averaged 0.29. Genetic similarity (GS) based on WMS of the same pairs averaged 0.44. The rank correlation for these pairs was slight, with r s = 0.55, but highly significant (P<0.001). The results suggest that a relatively small number of microsatellites can be used for the estimation of genetic diversity and cultivar identification in elite material of hexaploid bread wheat.  相似文献   

两个镜鲤半同胞家系的遗传多样性及经济性状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在两个镜鲤半同胞家系中,各随机选取47尾作为实验鱼,测量体重、体长、全长等数量性状,利用24个微卫星分子标记对其进行遗传检测,共检测到57个等位基因,每个基因座的等位基因数为1-6个不等,平均等位基因3.21个,片段长度在134-371bp之间,有效等位基因数Ne为1.00-2.89, 平均观察杂合度Ho为0.00-0.83,平均期望杂合度He为0.00-0.66,平均多态信息含量PIC为0.00-0.58。结果表明:2个家系的遗传多样性处于中度水平,但连锁不平衡分析表明这两个家系在较大的选择压力下,已严重偏离Hardy-Wenberg平衡。利用SPSS程序下的GLM过程对24个微卫星位点与主要经济性状的相关性进行分析,结果发现:HLJ519,HLJ848、HLJ855、HLJE8 4个微卫星位点对镜鲤体重显著影响(p<0.05),其中,位点HLJ519,HLJ848、HLJ855还对体长和全长存在显著影响(p<0.05)。对这些位点基因型所对应的表型均值进行了多重比较,找到了一些对主要经济性状有利的基因型。  相似文献   

Multivariate regression trees for analysis of abundance data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Larsen DR  Speckman PL 《Biometrics》2004,60(2):543-549
Multivariate regression tree methodology is developed and illustrated in a study predicting the abundance of several cooccurring plant species in Missouri Ozark forests. The technique is a variation of the approach of Segal (1992) for longitudinal data. It has the potential to be applied to many different types of problems in which analysts want to predict the simultaneous cooccurrence of several dependent variables. Multivariate regression trees can also be used as an alternative to cluster analysis in situations where clusters are defined by a set of independent variables and the researcher wants clusters as homogeneous as possible with respect to a group of dependent variables.  相似文献   

Fifty-two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), nine spring wheat, and 20 spelt (Triticum spelta L.) lines representing part of the European breeding germplasm, were assayed for RFLPs (restriction fragment length polymorphisms) with 56 wheat DNA clones and two barley cDNA clones. Objectives of this study were to (1) determine the level of variation for RFLPs in the wheat and spelt breeding lines, (2) characterize the genetic diversity within the European winter wheat germplasm, and (3) evaluate the usefulness of RFLP markers for pedigree analysis and the grouping of wheat and spelt lines of various origins. Seventy-three of the 166 RFLP loci detected with 58 probes and one restriction enzyme were polymorphic for the 81 lines. The percentage of polymorphic loci was greatest for the B genome (58%) and smallest for the D genome (21%). Among the 81 lines, 271 different RFLP bands were detected. RFLP band frequencies of the winter wheat lines differed considerably (0.5) from those of the spring wheat lines at five loci, and from those of the spelt lines at 17 loci. Eight cultivars that had a major impact as progenitors on the development of improved winter wheat cultivars accounted for 93% of the observed RFLP bands in winter wheat. Genetic distance (GD) estimates between two lines ranged between 0.01 and 0.21. Mean GD estimates within winter wheat (0.083), within spring wheat (0.108) and within spelt (0.096) were smaller than between spring and winter wheat (0.114), and greatest between winter wheat and spelt (0.132) and spring wheat and spelt (0.148). Principal coordinate analysis performed on GD estimates revealed a clear separation of wheat and spelt germplasm. Novel spelt lines with various proportions of wheat germplasm were positioned between wheat and traditional spelt lines. The spring wheat lines formed a distinct group at the periphery of the distribution of the winter wheat lines. Subgroupings of the winter wheat lines according to the cluster analysis were in good agreement with their origin, and lines with common ancestors were grouped together.  相似文献   

燕麦种质资源主要农艺性状的遗传多样性分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
燕麦种质资源是燕麦育种的重要基础,对燕麦遗传多样性的研究不仅有助于种质资源的搜集、管理和利用,也有利于进行核心种质的研究。为了解不同地区燕麦种质资源在农艺性状上的遗传多样性,对74份皮、裸燕麦种质资源13个性状的遗传多样性进行了聚类分析与主成分分析。结果表明:各性状的遗传多样性指数较大,多样性指数最高的是主穗粒重,其次是千粒重和穗长;性状变异系数最大的是单株分蘖数,其后依次为单株粒重和主穗粒重,最小的为株高;根据品种间各性状的遗传差异,通过聚类分析将74份资源材料划分为5类,其中36份皮燕麦资源被分为2类,26份裸燕麦资源被分为2类,7份皮燕麦和5份裸燕麦被分为一类,其中,类群Ⅰ可作为高产育种目标的亲本,类群Ⅲ可作为粒型育种目标的亲本,类群Ⅳ、Ⅴ可作为株高和小穗等育种目标的亲本;8个数量性状主成分分析的结果表明,前4个主成分对变异的累计贡献率达86.27%,第一主成分反应产量,第二主成分反应粒型,第三、第四主成分分别反应分蘖数和株高。  相似文献   

Terminal heat stress causes irreversible damage to wheat crop productivity. It reduces the vegetative growth and flowering period that consequently declines the efficiency to capture available stem reserves (carbohydrates) in grains. Markers associated with thermotolerant traits ease in marker assisted selection (MAS) for crop improvement. It identifies the genomic regions associated with thermotolerant traits in wheat, but the scarcity of markers is the major hindrance in crop improvement. Therefore, 158 wheat genotypes were subjected to genotyping with 165 simple sequence repeat markers dispersed on three genomes (A, B and D). Allelic frequency and polymorphic information content values were highest on genome A (5.34 (14% greater than the lowest value at genome D) and 0.715 (3% greater than the lowest value at genome D)), chromosome 4 (5.40 (16% greater than the lowest value at chromosome 2) and 0.725 (5% greater than the lowest value at chromosome 6)) and marker xgwm44 (13.0 (84% greater than the lowest value at marker xbarc148) and 0.916 (46% greater than the lowest value at marker xbarc148)). Bayesian based population structure discriminated the wheat genotypes into seven groups based on genetic similarity indicating their ancestral origin and geographical ecotype. Linkage disequilibrium pattern had highest significant (P < 0.001) linked loci pairs 732 on genome A at r2 > 0.1 whereas, 58 on genome B at r2 > 0.5. Linkage disequilibrium decay (P < 0.01 and r2 > 0.1) had larger LD block (5–10 cM) on genome A. Highly significant MTAs (P < 0.000061) under heat stress conditions were identified for flag leaf area (xwmc336), spikelet per spike (xwmc553), grains per spike (cxfa2147, xwmc418 and xwmc121), biomass (xbarc7) and grain yield (xcfa2147 and xwmc671). The identified markers in this study could facilitate in MAS and gene pyramiding against heat stress in wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty characters were measured on 60 tomato varieties cultivated in the open-air and in polyethylene plastic-house. Data were analyzed by means of principal components, factorial discriminant methods, Mahalanobis D2 distances and principal coordinate techniques. Factorial discriminant and Mahalanobis D2 distances methods, both of which require collecting data plant by plant, lead to similar conclusions as the principal components method that only requires taking data by plots. Characters that make up the principal components in both environments studied are the same, although the relative importance of each one of them varies within the principal components. By combining information supplied by multivariate analysis with the inheritance mode of characters, crossings among cultivars can be experimented with that will produce heterotic hybrids showing characters within previously established limits.  相似文献   

Genetic distance among canola cultivars was estimated through multivariate analysis. Thirty cultivars from various sources were analyzed and clustered based upon five morphological characteristics and yield components-crown diameter, number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1 and yield plant-1 -and placed in three distinct clusters. Two cultivars from each cluster were selected as parents and 15 partial-diallel inter- and intra-cluster crosses were made between the six selected parents and evaluated at two locations in Michigan in 1990/1991. The association between genetic distance and mid-parent heterosis was investigated. The correlation between genetic distance and heterosis was positive and highly significant for seed yield, number of pods plant-1, and number of seeds pod-1. Clustering, based on yield and yield-component traits, demonstrated that inter-cluster heterosis was greater than intra-cluster heterosis in the majority of cases.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of measurements of the teeth and mandibles of Gigantopithecus species has been conducted, using several methods. Results indicate Gigantopithecus is an aberrant form, less related to australopithecines and gorillas than the latter are to each other. Gracile and robust australopithecines differ considerably more than do male and female gorillas.  相似文献   

A thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile (TGMS) wheat line ( Triticum aestivum L.) BNY-S was obtained from the spontaneous mutant of BNY-F. Its fertility was decided by the temperature during the differentiation stage of the spikelets. BNY-S was completely sterile when the temperature was lower than 10 degrees C during the differentiation stage of the spikelets, but fertile when the temperature was higher than 10 degrees C. Genetic analysis indicated that the sterility of BNY-S was controlled by a single recessive gene, which was named as wtms1. An F(2) population, consisting of 3,000 individuals from the cross between BNY-S and Lankao 52-24, was used for genetic analysis and statistical analysis of the TGMS and, out of them, 158 sterile and 93 fertile extremes were present for molecular tagging and mapping of the wtms1 gene. SSR (simple sequence repeat) and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) techniques combined with BSA (bulked segregant analysis) were used to screen markers linked to the target gene. As a result, wtms1 was preliminarily mapped on chromosome 2B according to SSR analysis. In AFLP analysis, 14 polymorphic AFLP loci were identified with a linkage relation to the wtms1 gene. Then linkage analysis using the F(2) population showed that three of them, E: AAG/M: CTA(163), E: AGG/M: CTC(220) and E: ACA/M: CTA(160), were linked to the wtms1 gene relatively close to a genetic distance of 6.9 cM, 6.9 cM and 13.9 cM, respectively. Finally, the wtms1 gene was mapped between the SSR marker Xgwm 374 and the AFLP marker E: AAG/M: CTA(163) with the distance of 4.8 cM and 6.9 cM, respectively. A partial linkage map was constructed according the SSR and AFLP data.  相似文献   

Summary Ten genotypes, including inbreds, hybrids, and advanced populations, were examined in order to elucidate the relationship between position and frequency distribution of chiasmata and quantitative traits, including yield heterosis in common beans. The hybrid and advanced population groups were determined to possess 83% and 54% increased chiasma frequency, respectively in contrast to inbred lines. The increase in chiasma frequency of these populations was further manifested in a high number of interstitial chiasmata. The regular and superior chromosome behaviour of the hybrids was found to be positively associated with quantitative measures on bean yield, harvest index and bean yield efficiency. The results were discussed from the point of view that: a) increased interstitial chiasmata may provide an effective mechanism for maintaining genetic diversity and heterosis in hybrid populations; and b) heterosis for chiasma frequency and quantitative traits may be due to dispersed genes on the chromosomes having combined intra-and interallelic interactions. The data provide evidence for the existence of positive associations between interstitially localized chiasmata with its recombination potential and regular chromosome behaviour to bean yield heterosis. The role of enhanced interstitial chiasmata to promote higher levels of genetic variation and heterozygous advantage is discussed.  相似文献   

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