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Glyptothorax dikrongensis, a new species of sisorid catfish from the Dikrong River in northeastern India, is described. Glyptothorax dikrongensis can be differentiated from all congeners, except G. indicus, G. rugimentum and G. obliquimaculatus, by the presence of an unculiferous patch on the posterior region of the lower lip, in between the inner mandibular-barbel bases, and unculiferous striae of the thoracic adhesive apparatus extending anteriorly onto the gular region. Glyptothorax dikrongensis is distinguished from G. indicus by the following combination of characters: equal distance between the posterior end of the pectoral-fin base and the pelvic-fin origin and between the pelvic-fin and the anal-fin origin (vs. distance between posterior end of pectoral-fin base and pelvic-fin origin greater than between pelvic-fin origin and anal-fin origin), and the pelvic-fin origin anterior to or almost at a vertical through the posterior end of the dorsal-fin base (vs. posterior to the dorsal-fin base). Glyptothorax dikrongensis is distinguished from G. rugimentum in lacking vertical bars on the body and caudal peduncle, and having a deeper caudal peduncle (8.4–9.2 vs. 6.1–7.6% SL) and a shorter dorsal-fin spine (10.1–11.1 vs. 15.2–18.6% SL). It is distinguished from G. obliquimaculatus in lacking dark, oblique blotches on the body, and in having a shorter dorsal-fin spine (10.1–11.1 vs. 13.4–16.4% SL).  相似文献   

Two new species of Bembras Cuvier 1829, Bembras leslieknappi sp. nov. and Bembras andamanensis sp. nov., are described from single specimens collected from the Andaman Sea off Myanmar, eastern Indian Ocean, in 2015. The two new species are distinguished from each other and five known congeners by the numbers of anal-fin rays and pectoral-fin rays (15 and 20 in B. leslieknappi vs. 14 and 20–21 in B. andamanensis), forward-slanting body scale rows above the lateral line (80 vs. 74) and upper limb gill rakers (3 vs. 4), as well as by head (41.5 vs. 42.1% SL), snout (14.3 vs. 13.8% SL) and orbit (10.4 vs. 10.9% SL) proportions, and color of the second dorsal (dusky, with blackish spots only on first spine and bases of many soft rays vs. pale, with many scattered blackish spots), pectoral (with a blotch vs. without it) and caudal (both with a broad band) fins.  相似文献   

Hemigrammus xaveriellus sp. nov. is described from the upper Río Vaupés basin (Amazon basin), Departamento Guaviare, Colombia. It is distinguished from all congeners by the combination of the following characters: presence of a conspicuous, dark, longitudinal midlateral stripe extending along the body; presence of a conspicuous rounded, horizontally elongated humeral blotch anterior to the beginning of the dark midlateral stripe; seven scale rows between the dorsal fin and lateral line (vs. five to six); and five scale rows between the lateral line and pelvic-fin insertion (vs. three to four). The single mature male of He. xaveriellus possessed a well-developed urogenital papilla, an unusual feature among characids. The presence of an enlarged urogenital papilla in the family is discussed, and comments regarding the putative relationships of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

The species of the genus Discogobio (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) inhabiting the Wenshan prefecture (branches of upper Red River) of Yunnan Province, China are reviewed. The authors recognize four species from the prefecture, Discogobio antethoracalis n. sp., Discogobio propeanalis n. sp., Discogobio poneventralis n. sp., and D. yunnanensis. D. antethoracalis and D. propeanalis had previously been identified as Discogobio brachyphysallidos. D. antethoracalis can be distinguished from D. brachyphysallidos by the following characters: snout rounded, not projected (versus slightly pointed, projected); head length 17.5–20.6% of SL (vs. 20.8–22.8); prepectoral length 16.3–18.3% of SL (vs. 19.1–22.0); interorbital width 52.5–60.9% of head length (vs. 44.7–50.0); anus to anal-fin origin distance 25% posterior end of pelvic-fin base to anal-fin origin distance (versus less than 25). D. propeanalis can be distinguished from D. brachyphysallidos by the following combination of characters: interorbital width greater than half of head length (versus less than half); pelvic-fin extending beyond anal-fin origin (versus not reaching anal-fin origin); anus closer to anal-fin origin, anus to anal-fin origin distance less than 25% posterior end of pelvic-fin base to anal-fin origin distance (versus more than 25%). D. poneventralis, with a small oral sucking disc (its posterior edge not reaching vertical of anterior margin of eye) is similar to Discogobio longibarbatus and D. macrophysallidos, but distinct from them in the following characters: rostral barbels equal to eye diameter (versus twice as long as eye diameter in D. longibarbatus); maxillary barbels not reaching posterior margin of oral sucking disc (versus beyond in D. longibarbatus); mid-ventral region anterior to pelvic-fin insertion scaleless (versus scaled in D. macrophysallidos); prepelvic length 57.1–58.1% of SL (vs. 52.4–55.6 in D. macrophysallidos); pectoral-pelvic length 40.8–41% of SL (vs. 32.6–35.9 in D. macrophysallidos); head length 17.5–18.4% of SL (vs. 19.8–21.8 in D. macrophysallidos); and snout length 44.9–47.2% of HL (vs. 48.9–55.4 in D. macrophysallidos).  相似文献   

A new species of amblycipitid catfish is here described from the Indawgyi Lake basin of the Irrawaddy River drainage in Kachin State, Myanmar as Amblyceps improcerum, new species. It can be distinguished from congeners in having a unique combination of the following characters: lower jaw longer than upper; head length 17.4–22.3% SL; head width 13.7–15.2% SL; head depth 9.0–11.7% SL; interorbital distance 31–39% HL; eye diameter 7–10% HL; 37–38 vertebrae; lateral line incomplete; predorsal length 25.5–30.7% SL; smooth posterior margin of pectoral spine; pectoral-fin length 13.5–16.8% SL; pelvic-fin length 9.6–13.4% SL; dorsal-to-adipose distance 25.2–28.7% SL; length of adipose-fin base 19.4–23.3% SL; adipose fin separate from dorsal procurrent caudal-fin rays; preanal length 62.1–66.9% SL; body depth at anus 9.8–12.8% SL; depth of caudal peduncle 10.1–12.6% SL; length of caudal peduncle 21.4–24.0% SL, post-adipose distance 15.8–17.8% SL; weakly-forked caudal fin with short broadly, rounded lobes (length of longest ray 1.3–1.5 times length of median rays); centrally projecting hooks on proximal lepidotrichia of median caudal-fin rays absent.  相似文献   

The poorly known scorpionfish, Scorpaena taeniophrys, originally described from two specimens from the Philippines, is redescribed as a valid species of Sebastapistes. Sebastapistes taeniophrys differs from all other congeners in having a combination of 15 pectoral-fin rays, 31–33 scale rows in longitudinal series, 11–14 pored lateral-line scales, 3 predorsal scale rows, 12 gill rakers, 3 suborbital spines, absence of coronal spines, lower opercular spine with a median ridge and not covered with scales, ctenoid body scales, several dark transverse bands on ventral surface of mandible, a distinct elongate black blotch distally between the second or third and seventh dorsal-fin spines, and no black blotch on the nape.  相似文献   

Amblyceps crassioris, a new species of amblycipitid catfish, is described from the Mahanadi River basin in Odisha, India. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners in having a combination of the following characters: a deeply forked caudal fin, centrally projecting hooks on proximal lepidotrichia of median caudal-fin rays absent, jaws equal in length, lateral line absent, body depth at anus 15.1%–19.5% standard length (SL), caudal peduncle depth 13.0%–18.3% SL, adipose-fin base length 21.1%–27.1% SL, eye diameter 7.35%–14.1% head length and 38 total vertebrae.  相似文献   

Taxonomic analysis of a group of morphologically similar ponyfishes (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) establishes a complex comprising three valid species: Leiognathus aureus Abe and Haneda, 1972, widely distributed in the western Pacific Ocean (Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and northern Australia); L. hataii Abe and Haneda, 1972, currently known only from Ambon, Indonesia; and L. panayensis sp. nov. Kimura and Dunlap, currently known only from Panay Island, the Philippines. The L. aureus complex can be defined by the following combination of characters: mouth protruding forward, not downward; small but sharp conical teeth uniserially on jaws; a black line between lower margin of eye and lower jaw articulation; and lateral line incomplete, ending below posterior part of dorsal fin base or on anterior caudal peduncle. Leiognathus hataii differs from both L. aureus and L. panayensis in having a large dark blotch below the spinous dorsal fin base and fewer counts of scales (lateral line scales 50–58 vs. 64–85 in the latter two species; scales above lateral line 7–10 vs. 12–18; scales below lateral line 22–26 vs. 30–41). Leiognathus panayensis is distinguished from L. aureus in having a deeper body (41–51% SL vs. 35–45% SL in the latter), long posterior limb of maxilla (21–25% HL vs. 15–23% HL), wholly scaled belly (vs. naked along preanal median keel), and a dark blotch on nape (vs. absent).  相似文献   

A new species of the subfamily Barbinae, Tor yingjiangensis, is recognized from Yunnan province, China. It can be distinguished from other Tor species by the following combination of characters: last simple dorsal-fin ray osseous and non-serrated; no forward directed predorsal procumbent spine; head length considerably longer than body depth; no tubercles on the snout or sides of the face; 18–20 gill rakers on the outside of first gill arch; 24–26 lateral line scales; median lobe of lower lip short, its posterior margin truncate, not extending to the vertical across the inner corners of the mouth; and the condition of the lower lip consistent in individuals of different sizes. The new species has been misidentified previously as Tor putitora (Hamilton, F. 1822. An account of the fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches. Edinburgh & London. 405 pp), which occurs in the Ganges and Indus River basins. The new species can easily be distinguished from T. putitora by having 3–3.5 (vs. 2.5) scales from lateral line to pelvic-fin origin, shorter caudal peduncle length (13.0% vs. 17.2% of standard length), lesser body depth (26.4% vs. 24.0% of standard length) and longer caudal peduncle depth (12.0% vs. 10.9% of standard length), no longitudinal stripe present along side of body, and eyes visible in ventral view of head.  相似文献   

A new cottid, Icelinus pietschi sp. nov., and a rare species, Sigmistes smithi Schultz, were collected from intertidal zones in the southern Kuril Archipelago. Icelinus pietschi, represented by five specimens (34.8–42.2 mm SL) from Iturup Island, is distinguished from other species of Icelinus by having the dorsal scale rows terminating before the posteriormost base of the second dorsal fin, spines absent on the dorsal surface of the head, a single common opening of the terminal pores of the mandibular canal, a cirrus on the base of the nasal spine, and a slightly bifid uppermost preopercular spine without denticles dorsally. Six examples (36.8–42.9 mm SL) from Urup Island of Sigmistes smithi, previously known only rarely from the middle of the Aleutian Archipelago, constitute the first record of the species from the western North Pacific. Received: September 26, 1999 / Revised: May 25, 2000 / Accepted: August 29, 2000  相似文献   

Chelidoperca tosaensis is described as a new species based on 84 specimens from Japan and the Philippines taken from depths of 60–302 m. The species can be distinguished from all known congeners by having the following combination of characters: scale rows between lateral line and base of spinous dorsal fin 3; pored lateral-line scales 37–42 (modally 39); scale rows in longitudinal series 39–43 (modally 40); no longitudinal dark stripe or row of dark blotches on body side. The new species is additionally characterized by having a combination of numerous, scattered, yellow spots on dorsal and anal fins with red streak or cluster of reddish spots over bases of about 4–6th dorsal-fin spines; large ocellated red spot with pinkish white border present on membrane between opercular spines; pelvic fin with middle area yellow with whitish spine, and whitish first, second and fifth soft rays; caudal fin with about three transverse rows of yellow spots centrally and posteriorly, two fan-shaped rows of red blotches on basal third, and a pair of white blotches with a pair of yellow blotches between white blotches on the base. Diagnostic characters of Chelidoperca stella, previously known only from its type locality in the Andaman Sea, are updated based on 12 specimens from Taiwan, the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam and the Philippines. These specimens represent the first records of the species from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Dendrochirus brachypterus complex resulted in the recognition of five species, including Dendrochirus barberi (Steindachner 1900), Dendrochirus bellus (Jordan and Hubbs 1925), Dendrochirus brachypterus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829), Dendrochirus hemprichi sp. nov. and Dendrochirus tuamotuensis Matsunuma and Motomura 2013. The complex is defined as having usually 9 dorsal-fin soft rays, usually 5 anal-fin soft rays, 17–20 (rarely 20) pectoral-fin rays, no ocellated spots on the soft-rayed portion of the dorsal fin and usually 2 (sometimes none) barbels on the snout tip. Dendrochirus barberi, known from the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll, is characterized by usually 18 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively high number of scale rows in the longitudinal series (modally 51 vs. 39–49 in other species) and mottled markings on the pectoral fin in large specimens. Dendrochirus bellus, restricted to the northwestern Pacific Ocean from the South China Sea north to southern Japan, is characterized by usually 17 pectoral-fin rays, a relatively low number of scale rows in the longitudinal series (modally 38 vs. 44–51 in other species), and the absence of skin flaps on the orbit surface and uppermost preopercular spine base. Dendrochirus tuamotuensis, recorded only from the Tuamotu Archipelago, is characterized by 19 pectoral-fin rays, the posterior margin of the pectoral fin strongly notched, and a relatively shallow and narrow head and body. Dendrochirus hemprichi sp. nov. is distributed in the western Indian Ocean, including the Red Sea. Although previously confused with a closely related congener (D. brachypterus, known from the northern and eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific), D. hemprichi can be distinguished from the former by having fewer scale rows between the last dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line, and between the sixth dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line [4–7 (5) in D. hemprichi vs. 5–7 (6) in D. brachypterus, in both cases], a slightly greater interorbital width at the mid-orbit [5.5–10.7 (mean 7.8) % SL vs. 4.5–8.9 (6.8) % of SL] and at preocular spine base [4.4–9.1 (6.6) % SL vs. 3.5–7.8 (5.7) % of SL], and slightly shorter posteriormost (usually 13th) dorsal-fin spine length [11.8–19.9 (15.3) % SL vs. 13.3–21.3 (17.2) % of SL]. Moreover, D. hemprichi tends to have relatively more spinous points on the head spines and ridges, compared with D. brachypterus. Notwithstanding the morphological similarity between the two species, an obvious genetic difference was observed between D. hemprichi and D. brachypterus. Dendrochirus chloreus Jenkins 1903 and Dendrochirus hudsoni Jordan and Evermann 1903 were synonymized under Pterois barberi, as in some previous studies. Scorpaena koenigii Bloch 1789 was regarded as conspecific with D. brachypterus, which it predated. However, the former name should be suppressed under Reversal of Precedence.  相似文献   


Priolepis duostella sp. nov. (Perciformes: Gobiidae) is described based on a single specimen of 28.8 mm in standard length collected from an artificial reef released established for 2.5 years in ca. 100 m depth off Kashiwa-jima Island, Kochi, southern Japan. Within the three species grades of the genus, the new species is included in the “Priolepis profunda” grade, characterized by the presence of predorsal scales and well-developed transverse papillae rows on the cheek. The new species can be clearly distinguished from congeners by its distinctive coloration, including two black blotches, each crossed by a vertical white stripe, on the caudal fin, four white stripes on the head, and six white bars on body, the second bar curved, continuous with the anteriormost diagonal stripe on the first dorsal fin, the third bar bent at the middle, originating on the second dorsal-fin origin, and the fourth bar curved. Although most similar in coloration to Priolepis akihitoi Hoese and Larson 2010, the new species can be distinguished from the latter by the following: a large eye, its diameter 31.4% of head length (HL) (vs. 26.1–30.3), a wide interorbital space, its width 10.9% HL (vs. 5.3–7.8), six bars on the body, second to fourth curve or bent (vs. eight, all straight), black blotches on the lower caudal fin (vs. absent), and three anterior transverse interorbital papillae (ATI) (vs. one or two); and four or five posterior transverse interorbital papillae (PTI) (vs. one or two).


Gerres macracanthus Bleeker, 1854, for many years having been explicitly or tentatively synonymized withG. filamentosus Cuvier, 1829, is redescribed as a valid species.Gerres macracanthus differs fromG. filamentosus in lacking vertical rows of dark ovoid spots on the body, having instead only indistinct vertical bands in both subadult and adult stages, in addition to shorter second and third anal fin spines (9.1–13.9% and 10.4–14.4% of standard length [SL] vs. 12.3–19.6% and 11.9–17.3% of SL), fewer ored lateral line scales (41–44 vs. 43–46) and fewer scales between the base of the 5th dorsal fin spine and the lateral line (4–5 vs. 4 1/2–5 1/2), and above and below the lateral line (5 1/2–6 1/2/9 1/2–10 1/2 vs. 6 1/2–7 1/2/10 1/2–11 1/2). AlthoughG. filamentosus has similarly, indistinct vertical bands on the body up to ca. 100 mm SL, specimens over ca. 100 mm SL develop diffuse ovoid spots in each vertical band. Furthermore,G. macracanthus is generally a smaller species, apparently attaining a maximum size of ca. 170 mm SL, compared with ca. 250 mm SL forG. filamentosus. Formerly known from the Philippines, Indonesia, New guinea, India and the Arabian Gulf,G. macracanthus is newly-recorded from Japan, China, the Gulf of Thailand, the Red Sea and South Africa. A lectotype and three paralectotypes are designated forG. macracanthus Bleeker, 1854, in addition to a neotype forG. filamentosus Cuvier, 1829.  相似文献   

A new blenniid fish, Laiphognathus longispinis, described on the basis of 39 specimens from southern Japan and Taiwan, is distinguished from the only known congeneric species, L. multimaculatus, by the following characters: 3 to 5 of the 6th–10th dorsal spines elongate in mature males (vs. no elongate dorsal spines in L. multimaculatus); no spots on cheek (vs. small spots present); anterior body spots usually large, forming diagonal bands (vs. small scattered spots); conspicuous black spot both centrally and dorsally on the pectoral-fin base (vs. inconspicuous spots over the entire fin base); elongate black spot on belly from pelvic-fin base to anus in mature males and females (wider in males) (vs. circular spot just before anus in males only); abdomen becoming reddish in males, but lips not reddish (vs. lips only becoming reddish). L. longispinis is distributed only in East Asia including Japan, whereas L. multimaculatus is widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific except Japanese waters.  相似文献   

Taxonomic analysis of a group of morphologically similar and phylogenetically related ponyfishes (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) establishes the Equulites elongatus species group comprising three valid species: Equulites aethopos sp. nov., currently known only from southern Red Sea; Equulites elongatus (Günther 1874), known from northern Australia, Indonesia and Myanmar; and Equulites popei (Whitley 1932), known from Japan, Philippines, Malaysia (Sabah), Thailand (Gulf of Thailand), Oman, the Red Sea, and Mozambique. Although E. popei has previously been regarded as a junior synonym of E. elongatus, the present mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that these two nominal species are different and that they constitute a monophyletic group separate from other species of Equulites. The E. elongatus species group can be defined by the following of characters: slender body (20–30% in standard length), deeply incised posterior margin of the adipose eyelid, and ventral surface of breast completely scaly. Equulites aethopos sp. nov. differs from the other two species in having smaller eyes (eye diameter 53–68% of postorbital head length vs. 78–137%) and tips of neural and hemal spines of the fourth preural centrum distinctly expanding (vs. slightly expanding). Equulites elongatus is distinguished from E. popei by: scales above and below the lateral line 5–9 and 9–14, respectively (vs. 8–13 and 12–19), anus anteriorly located (distance from the pelvic-fin insertion to the center of anus 30–42% of the distance from the pelvic-fin insertion to the anal-fin origin vs. 35–50%), and more numerous dorsolateral dark marks (1–9 ring marks and 0–14 dark spots smaller than a half of pupil diameter vs. 0–2 and 0–5).  相似文献   

A new species of amblycipitid catfish is described based on five specimens (88.0–164.5mm in standard length: SL) collected from the vicinity of Duan, Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, southern China. The new species, Xiurenbagrus gigas, is different from all other known amblycipitid catfish, but similar to X. xiurenensis by having two patches of vomerine teeth. The new species can be distinguished from X. xiurenensis by having a larger head (head length: 27.9–34.9% vs. 21.8–26.4% SL; head depth: 14.4–17.9% vs. 12.4–14.1% SL; head width: 22.4–29.4% vs. 18.1–20.3% SL), lower adipose fin (4.6–6.0% vs. 6.5–8.3% SL), shorter distance from dorsal origin to adipose origin (25.7–32.0% vs. 32.9–38.9% SL), longer dorsal fin (21.2–24.9% vs. 16.2–19.1% SL), longer pectoral fin (18.4–20.7% vs. 13.5–16.8% SL), longer pelvic fin (13.1–14.3% vs. 8.8–11.8% SL), and more gill rakers (7–9 vs. 5). Xiurenbagrus gigas, the largest known species in the family Amblycipitidae, is distributed in the Xijiang River, the longest tributary of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River basin.  相似文献   

A new peristediid, Paraheminodus kamoharai, is described from three specimens (106.9–114.8mm SL) collected from the Sulu Sea, the Philippines. The new species is easily distinguished from its congeners (Paraheminodus laticephalus and P. murrayi) in having 33 bony plates in the upper lateral row, the 24–25th to 30th bony plate each in the upper lateral row with a forwardly directed spine, 17–19 gill rakers on the lower limb, a long slender rostral projection (43.4–47.0% of head length), and short upper (41.1–42.3%) and lower jaws (36.5–37.2%).  相似文献   

A new deepwater assfish, Bassozetus nielseni sp. nov., is described from 29 specimens [147–615 mm in standard length (SL)] collected from the North Atlantic and West Indian oceans. It is distinguished from 13 congeners by the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin rays 122–129, long rakers on first gill arch 11–14, oblique scales 20–25, abdominal vertebrae 13–14, head length 18.1–21.3 % SL, body depth at anal-fin origin 8.2–14.6 % SL, predorsal length 16.4–20.1 % SL, tail length 62.7–68.0 % SL, posterior tip of pelvic-fin rays anterior to anus, a single median basibranchial tooth patch, dorsal margin of sagittal otolith smooth, and fins pale yellowish brown (preserved condition).  相似文献   

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