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The circularisation model of the polysome suggests that ribosome recycling is facilitated by 5'-3' interactions mediated by the cap-binding complex eIF4F and the poly(A)-binding protein, Pab1. Alternatively, downstream of a short upstream open reading frame (uORF) in the 5' untranslated region of a gene, posttermination ribosomes can maintain the competence to (re)initiate translation. Our data show that recycling and reinitiation must be distinct processes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The role of the 3'UTR in recycling was assessed by restricting ribosome movement along the mRNA using a poly(G) stretch or the mammalian iron regulatory protein bound to the iron responsive element. We find that although 3'UTR structure can influence translation, the main pathway of ribosome recycling does not depend on scanning-like movement through the 3'UTR. Changes in termination kinetics or disruption of the Pab1-eIF4F interaction do not affect recycling, yet the maintenance of normal in vivo mRNP structure is important to this process. Using bicistronic ACT1-LUC constructs, elongating yeast ribosomes were found to maintain the competence to (re)initiate over only short distances. Thus, as the first ORF to be translated is progressively truncated, reinitiation downstream of an uORF of 105nt is found to be just detectable, and increases markedly in efficiency as uORF length is reduced to 15nt. Experiments using a strain mutated in the Cca1 nucleotidyltransferase suggest that the uORF length-dependence of changes in reinitiation competence is affected by peptide elongation kinetics, but that ORF length per se may also be relevant.  相似文献   

Translation of genetic information encoded in messenger RNAs into polypeptide sequences is carried out by ribosomes in all organisms. When a full protein is synthesized, a stop codon positioned in the ribosomal A site signals termination of translation and protein release. Translation termination depends on class I release factors. Recently, atomic-resolution crystal structures were determined for bacterial 70S ribosome termination complexes bound with release factors RF1 or RF2. In combination with recent biochemical studies, the structures resolve long-standing questions about translation termination. They bring insights into the mechanisms of recognition of all three stop codons, peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis, and coordination of stop-codon recognition with peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis. In this review, the structural aspects of these mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Nonsense suppression is a readthrough of premature termination codons. It typically occurs either due to the recognition of stop codons by tRNAs with mutant anticodons, or due to a decrease in the fidelity of translation termination. In the latter case, suppressors usually promote the readthrough of different types of nonsense codons and are thus called omnipotent nonsense suppressors. Omnipotent nonsense suppressors were identified in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in 1960s, and most of subsequent studies were performed in this model organism. Initially, omnipotent suppressors were localized by genetic analysis to different protein- and RNA-encoding genes, mostly the components of translational machinery. Later, nonsense suppression was found to be caused not only by genomic mutations, but also by epigenetic elements, prions. Prions are self-perpetuating protein conformations usually manifested by infectious protein aggregates. Modulation of translational accuracy by prions reflects changes in the activity of their structural proteins involved in different aspects of protein synthesis. Overall, nonsense suppression can be seen as a “phenotypic mirror” of events affecting the accuracy of the translational machine. However, the range of proteins participating in the modulation of translation termination fidelity is not fully elucidated. Recently, the list has been expanded significantly by findings that revealed a number of weak genetic and epigenetic nonsense suppressors, the effect of which can be detected only in specific genetic backgrounds. This review summarizes the data on the nonsense suppressors decreasing the fidelity of translation termination in S. cerevisiae, and discusses the functional significance of the modulation of translational accuracy.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the stop codon and its 3′-flanking codon relative to the components of translation termination complexes of human 80S ribosomes was studied using mRNA analogs containing the stop signal UPuPuPu (Pu is A or G) and the photoreactive perfluoroarylazido group, which was linked to a stop-signal or 3′-flanking nucleotide (positions from +4 to +9 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon). Upon mild UV irradiation, the analogs crosslinked to components of the model complexes, mimicking the state of the 80S ribosome at translation termination. Termination factors eRF1 and eRF3 did not change the relative arrangement of the stop signal and 18S rRNA. Crosslinking to eRF1 was observed for modified nucleotides in positions +5 to +9 (that for stop-codon nucleotide +4 was detected earlier). The eRF1 fragments crosslinked to the mRNA analogs were identified. Fragment 52–195, including the N domain and part of the M domain, crosslinked to the analogs carrying the reactive group at A or G in positions +5 to +9 or at the terminal phosphate of nucleotide +7. The site crosslinking to mRNA analogs containing modified G in positions +5 to +7 was assigned to eRF1 fragment 82–166 (beyond the NIKS motif). All but one analog (that with modified G in position +4) crosslinked to the C domain of eRF1 (fragment 330–422). The efficiency of crosslinking to the C domain was higher than to the N domain in most cases. It was assumed that the C domain of eRF1 bound in the A site is close to nucleotides +5 to +9, especially +7 and +8, and that eRF1 undergoes substantial conformational changes when binding to the ribosome.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by the interaction of two, class 1 and class 2, polypeptide chain release factors with the ribosome. The middle (M) domain of the class 1 factor eRF1 contains the strictly conserved GGQ motif and is involved in hydrolysis of the peptidyl-tRNA ester bond in the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosome subunit. Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy was used to map the interaction interface of the M domain of human eRF1 with eukaryotic ribosomes. The protein was found to specifically interact with the 60S subunit, since no interaction was detected with the 40S subunit. The amino acid residues forming the interface mostly belong to long helix α1 of the M domain. Some residues adjacent to α1 and belonging to strand β5 and short helices α2 and α3 are also involved in the protein-ribosome contact. The functionally inactive G183A mutant interacted with the ribosome far more weakly as compared with the wild-type eRF1. The interaction interfaces of the two proteins were nonidentical. It was concluded that long helix α1 is functionally important and that the conformational flexibility of the GGQ loop is essential for the tight protein-ribosome contact.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, eRF1 and eRF3 are associated in a complex that mediates translation termination. The regulation of the formation of this complex in vivo is far from being understood. In mammalian cells, depletion of eRF3a causes a reduction of eRF1 level by decreasing its stability. Here, we investigate the status of eRF3a when not associated with eRF1. We show that eRF3a forms altered in their eRF1-binding site have a decreased stability, which increases upon cell treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132. We also show that eRF3a forms altered in eRF1 binding as well as wild-type eRF3a are polyubiquitinated. These results indicate that eRF3a is degraded by the proteasome when not associated with eRF1 and suggest that proteasomal degradation of eRF3a controls translation termination complex formation by adjusting the eRF3a level to that of eRF1.  相似文献   

Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) catalyzes the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). As the sole methyl-donor for methylation of DNA, RNA, and proteins, SAM levels affect gene expression by changing methylation patterns. Expression of MAT2A, the catalytic subunit of isozyme MAT2, is positively correlated with proliferation of cancer cells; however, how MAT2A promotes cell proliferation is largely unknown. Given that the protein synthesis is induced in proliferating cells and that RNA and protein components of translation machinery are methylated, we tested here whether MAT2 and SAM are coupled with protein synthesis. By measuring ongoing protein translation via puromycin labeling, we revealed that MAT2A depletion or chemical inhibition reduced protein synthesis in HeLa and Hepa1 cells. Furthermore, overexpression of MAT2A enhanced protein synthesis, indicating that SAM is limiting under normal culture conditions. In addition, MAT2 inhibition did not accompany reduction in mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 activity but nevertheless reduced polysome formation. Polysome-bound RNA sequencing revealed that MAT2 inhibition decreased translation efficiency of some fraction of mRNAs. MAT2A was also found to interact with the proteins involved in rRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis; depletion or inhibition of MAT2 reduced 18S rRNA processing. Finally, quantitative mass spectrometry revealed that some translation factors were dynamically methylated in response to the activity of MAT2A. These observations suggest that cells possess an mTOR-independent regulatory mechanism that tunes translation in response to the levels of SAM. Such a system may acclimate cells for survival when SAM synthesis is reduced, whereas it may support proliferation when SAM is sufficient.  相似文献   

Genetic code is not universal. Various nonstandard versions of the code are known for some mitochondrial, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic genomes. The most common deviation is stop codon reassignment; i.e., a stop codon is decoded as a sense codon rather than as a signal for translation termination. Class 1 release factors (RFs: prokaryotic RF1 and RF2 and eukaryotic eRF1) recognize the stop codons and induce hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA in the ribosome. The specificity of class 1 RFs changes in organisms with a nonstandard code. The rare amino acids selenocysteine and pyrrolysine utilize essentially different decoding strategies. The review considers several hypotheses of the origin of nonstandard genetic codes. A new hypothesis is advanced, assuming a change in the specificity of class 1 RFs as a starting point for stop codon reassignment.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by two proteins belonging to class 1 (eRF1) and class 2 (eRF3) polypeptide release factors. eRF3 catalyzes hydrolysis of GTP to yield GDP and Pi in the ribosome in the absence of mRNA, tRNA, aminoacyl-tRNA, and peptidyl-tRNA and requires eRF1 for this activity. It is known that eRF1 and eRF3 interact with each other via their C-terminal regions both in vitro and in vivo. eRF1 consists of three domains—N, M, and C. In this study we examined the influence of the individual domains of the human eRF1 on induction of the human eRF3 GTPase activity in the ribosome in vitro. It was shown that none of the N, M, C, and NM domains induces the eRF3 GTPase activity in the presence of ribosomes. The MC domain does induce the eRF3 GTPase activity, but four times less efficiently than full-length eRF1. Therefore, we assumed that the MC domain (and very likely the M domain) binds to the ribosome in the presence of eRF3. Based on these data and taking into account the data available in the literature, a conclusion was drawn that the N domain of eRF1 is not essential for eRF1-dependent induction of the eRF3 GTPase activity. A working hypothesis is formulated that the eRF3 GTPase activity in the ribosome during translation termination is associated with the intermolecular interactions of GTP/GDP, the GTPase center of the large (60S) subunit, the MC domain of eRF1, and the C-terminal region and GTP-binding motifs of eRF3 but without participation of the N-terminal region of eRF1.  相似文献   

The iron–sulphur (Fe–S)‐containing RNase L inhibitor (Rli1) is involved in ribosomal subunit maturation, transport of both ribosomal subunits to the cytoplasm, and translation initiation through interaction with the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) complex. Here, we present a new function for Rli1 in translation termination. Through co‐immunoprecipitation experiments, we show that Rli1 interacts physically with the translation termination factors eukaryotic release factor 1 (eRF1)/Sup45 and eRF3/Sup35 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetic interactions were uncovered between a strain depleted for Rli1 and sup35‐21 or sup45‐2. Furthermore, we show that downregulation of RLI1 expression leads to defects in the recognition of a stop codon, as seen in mutants of other termination factors. By contrast, RLI1 overexpression partly suppresses the read‐through defects in sup45‐2. Interestingly, we find that although the Fe–S cluster is not required for the interaction of Rli1 with eRF1 or its other interacting partner, Hcr1, from the initiation complex eIF3, it is required for its activity in translation termination; an Fe–S cluster mutant of RLI1 cannot suppress the read‐through defects of sup45‐2.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is mediated by release factors: eRF1, which is responsible for stop codon recognition and peptidyl-tRNA hydrolysis, and GTPase eRF3, which stimulates peptide release. Here, we have utilized ribose-specific probes to investigate accessibility of rRNA backbone in complexes formed by association of mRNA- and tRNA-bound human ribosomes with eRF1•eRF3•GMPPNP, eRF1•eRF3•GTP, or eRF1 alone as compared with complexes where the A site is vacant or occupied by tRNA. Our data show which rRNA ribose moieties are protected from attack by the probes in the complexes with release factors and reveal the rRNA regions increasing their accessibility to the probes after the factors bind. These regions in 28S rRNA are helices 43 and 44 in the GTPase associated center, the apical loop of helix 71, and helices 89, 92, and 94 as well as 18S rRNA helices 18 and 34. Additionally, the obtained data suggest that eRF3 neither interacts with the rRNA ribose-phosphate backbone nor dissociates from the complex after GTP hydrolysis. Taken together, our findings provide new information on architecture of the eRF1 binding site on mammalian ribosome at various translation termination steps and on conformational rearrangements induced by binding of the release factors.  相似文献   

Translation termination is promoted by class 1 and class 2 release factors in all domains of life. While the role of the bacterial class 1 factors, RF1 and RF2, in translation termination is well understood, the precise contribution of the bacterial class 2 release factor, RF3, to this process remains less clear. Here, we use a combination of binding assays and pre-steady state kinetics to provide a kinetic and thermodynamic framework for understanding the role of the translational GTPase RF3 in bacterial translation termination. First, we find that GDP and GTP have similar affinities for RF3 and that, on average, the t1/2 for nucleotide dissociation from the protein is 1–2 min. We further show that RF3:GDPNP, but not RF3:GDP, tightly associates with the ribosome pre- and post-termination complexes. Finally, we use stopped-flow fluorescence to demonstrate that RF3:GTP enhances RF1 dissociation rates by over 500-fold, providing the first direct observation of this step. Importantly, catalytically inactive variants of RF1 are not rapidly dissociated from the ribosome by RF3:GTP, arguing that a rotated state of the ribosome must be sampled for this step to efficiently occur. Together, these data define a more precise role for RF3 in translation termination and provide insights into the function of this family of translational GTPases.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translational termination is triggered by polypeptide release factors eRF1, eRF3, and one of the three stop codons at the ribosomal A-site. Isothermal titration calorimetry shows that (i) the separated MC, M, and C domains of human eRF1 bind to eRF3; (ii) GTP binding to eRF3 requires complex formation with either the MC or M + C domains; (iii) the M domain interacts with the N and C domains; (iv) the MC domain and Mg2+ induce GTPase activity of eRF3 in the ribosome. We suggest that GDP binding site of eRF3 acquires an ability to bind gamma-phosphate of GTP if altered by cooperative action of the M and C domains of eRF1. Thus, the stop-codon decoding is associated with the N domain of eRF1 while the GTPase activity of eRF3 is controlled by the MC domain of eRF1 demonstrating a substantial structural uncoupling of these two activities though functionally they are interrelated.  相似文献   

We have earlier characterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with mutations of essential SUP45 and SUP35, which code for translation termination factors eRF1 and eRF3, respectively. In this work, the sup45 and sup35 nonsense mutants were compared with respect to the levels of eight tRNAs: tRNATyr, tRNAGln, tRNATrp, tRNALeu, tRNAArg (described as potential suppressor tRNAs), tRNAPro, tRNAHis, and tRNAGly. The mutants did not display a selective increase in tRNAs, capable of a noncanonical read-through at stop codons. Most of the mutations increased the level of all tRNAs under study. The mechanisms providing for the viability of the sup45 and sup35 nonsense mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

对水稻中两个核糖体再循环因子同源基因OsfrrA和OsfrrB进行了鉴定与分析.这两个单拷贝基因分别位于水稻的4号和7号染色体上,且在细胞器基因组中未发现同源序列.它们在不同组织中的转录特性及其蛋白质产物的N端特征提示其翻译产物会被各自转运并分别定位于线粒体和叶绿体中,而序列上的保守性及构成性的表达则表明它们在植物生长中扮演着重要的角色.它们与其它原核及真核RRF之间在基因结构及编码序列上的异同为内共生学说提供了新的证据,也揭示了RRF在分子进化研究方面所具有的潜在价值.  相似文献   

Models of the atomic structure of the eukaryotic translation termination complex containing mRNA, P-site tRNAPhe, human class 1 release factor eRF1, and 80S ribosome, were constructed by computational modeling. The modeling was based on the assumed structural-functional similarity between the tRNA and eFR1 molecules in the ribosomal A site. The known atomic structure of the 70S ribosome complexed with mRNA as well as the P-and A-site tRNAsPhe was used as a structural template for the modeling. The eRF1 molecule bound in the A site undergoes substantial conformational changes so that the mutual configuration of the N and M domains matches the overall tRNA shape. Two models of eRF1 binding to mRNA at the A site in the presence of P-site tRNAPhe were generated. A characteristic of these models is complementary interactions between the mRNA stop codon and the grooves at different sides of the surface of the eRF1 fragment, containing helix α2, NIKS loop, and helix α3 of the N domain. In model 1, the nucleotides of the mRNA stop codon at the A site are approximately equidistant (~15 Å) from the N (motifs NIKS and YxCxxxF) and C domains. In model 2, the stop codon is close to the N-domain motifs NIKS and YxCxxxF. Both models fit genetic and biochemical experimental data. The choice of a particular model requires additional studies.  相似文献   

Nonsense‐mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a cellular surveillance pathway that recognizes and degrades mRNAs with premature termination codons (PTCs). The mechanisms underlying translation termination are key to the understanding of RNA surveillance mechanisms such as NMD and crucial for the development of therapeutic strategies for NMD‐related diseases. Here, we have used a fully reconstituted in vitro translation system to probe the NMD proteins for interaction with the termination apparatus. We discovered that UPF3B (i) interacts with the release factors, (ii) delays translation termination and (iii) dissociates post‐termination ribosomal complexes that are devoid of the nascent peptide. Furthermore, we identified UPF1 and ribosomes as new interaction partners of UPF3B. These previously unknown functions of UPF3B during the early and late phases of translation termination suggest that UPF3B is involved in the crosstalk between the NMD machinery and the PTC‐bound ribosome, a central mechanistic step of RNA surveillance.  相似文献   

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