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A new genus, Heppneralis Park, gen. nov., of the subfamily Torodorinae, is described based on the type species, H. decorella sp. nov., and an additional new species, H. dumogaensis sp. nov., from Is. Sulawesi, Indonesia is described. The new genus is distinguished from all known genera of the subfamily by unique wing color markings on both wings, with R5 and M2 absent in the forewing and M2 absent in the hindwing.  相似文献   

Two new species of the taxonomically confused genus Amphisiella were isolated from brackish-water habitats in southern China, and their morphology and morphogenesis were investigated. The genes coding for small subunit (SSU) rRNA were sequenced in each species and included in a phylogenetic analysis with all data available from nominal species of Amphisiella and related hypotrichs. Both new species are diagnosed by an elongate body shape, yellow-brown/grey-brown cell color, one kind of cortical granule, and two macronuclear nodules. The cortical granules in A. pulchra sp. n. are grouped in small clusters which are irregularly distributed both ventrally and dorsally; in A. candida sp. n., they are irregularly and sparsely distributed ventrally and form longitudinal stripes dorsally. The ontogenetic processes of both species show similarities to those of other congeners. Phylogenetic trees based on SSU rRNA gene sequences suggest that the family Amphisiellidae is a paraphyletic assemblage. The results further demonstrate that two isolates identified as Amphisiella annulata (DQ832260 and GU170843) are very likely cryptic species, and a sequence identified as A. milnei (DQ845293) may belong to a genus other than Amphisiella.  相似文献   

Haplothrips herajius sp. n. is described from leaves and flowers of a species of Suaeda in the south of Fars Province, Iran. This is the second Iranian species of Haplothrips with the unusual character state of extra setae on the metanotum. Information on variation in color and structure of the new species is provided. The similarities and host plant associations of this new species and Haplothrips kermanensis are discussed,as both are phytophagous on species of Chenopodiaceae.  相似文献   

We analyzed the evolution of red/orange flowers in four putatively bird-pollinated species of Macaronesian Lotus, with the aim of investigating whether this floral trait evolved from a similar trait found in some entomophilous Lotus species, namely the ability to modify flower color to red after anthesis. First, we mapped the ability to modify flower color in this group on a well-resolved and densely sampled phylogenetic tree of the Macaronesian Lotus. Secondly, we determined differences in light reflectance and pigment composition between petals of (1) prechange and postchange flowers in bee-pollinated species and (2) between bee and putatively bird-pollinated species. Post-anthesis flower color change evolved three times within Macaronesian Lotus, and putatively bird-pollinated species evolved within a clade with this ability to change flower color to red after anthesis. The evolutionary transition to red/orange flowers in the putatively bird-pollinated species involved biochemical changes similar to those of the developmental transition to red postchange flowers. In both cases there are changes in the composition of flavonols and anthocyanidins within the same metabolic pathways, especially in the cyanidin branch of pigment production, but not the activation or inactivation of additional branches of this pathway. Post-anthesis color change in Lotus, from yellow to red, is thought to be an adaptation to reduce bee visits to already pollinated flowers. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that constitutive red coloration for bird-pollination evolved from facultative red flower color change in Lotus. As red post-anthesis coloration is widespread in plants, this may possibly represent a widespread exaptive mechanism for the evolution of bird pollination.  相似文献   

Pseudokeronopsis rubra (Ehrenberg, 1836), type species of Pseudokeronopsis, is a widely reported but taxonomically confused species with most available sequences either misidentified or dubious. Based on the Yellow Sea population, of which the molecular data have been analyzed in a previous work, we redescribe P. rubra and try to clarify the identifications of the populations designated as P. rubra or those allocated to this species. Nonetheless, there is still a need of integrated investigation of the species combing both morphological and molecular data based on specimens from its type locality. Recent molecular analyses indicate a Yellow Sea population of Pseudokeronopsis (marked as P. cf. songi) likely represents a new species. Here we describe it as P. parasongi sp. nov. based on the specimens from the same population. The new species possesses a yellow-brownish body with both pigmented cortical granules and colorless blood cell-shaped structures underneath the body surface, invariably one contractile vacuole at 66% of body length and occasionally a second one at 25%, and the midventral complex terminating 2–23 μm ahead of 2–4 transverse cirri. It differs from closely related species by its yellow-brownish body color and separates from them in the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and COI genetic distances.  相似文献   

The evolution of color vision is often studied through the lens of receptor gain relative to an ancestor with fewer spectral classes of photoreceptor. For instance, in Heliconius butterflies, a genus-specific UVRh opsin duplication led to the evolution of UV color discrimination in Heliconius erato females, a rare trait among butterflies. However, color vision evolution is not well understood in the context of loss. In Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius ismenius lineages, the UV2 receptor subtype has been lost, which limits female color vision in shorter wavelengths. Here, we compare the visual systems of butterflies that have either retained or lost the UV2 photoreceptor using intracellular recordings, ATAC-seq, and antibody staining. We identify several ways these butterflies modulate their color vision. In H. melpomene, chromatin reorganization has downregulated an otherwise intact UVRh2 gene, whereas in H. ismenius, pseudogenization has led to the truncation of UVRh2. In species that lack the UV2 receptor, the peak sensitivity of the remaining UV1 photoreceptor cell is shifted to longer wavelengths. Across Heliconius, we identify the widespread use of filtering pigments and co-expression of two opsins in the same photoreceptor cells. Multiple mechanisms of spectral tuning, including the molecular evolution of blue opsins, have led to the divergence of receptor sensitivities between species. The diversity of photoreceptor and ommatidial subtypes between species suggests that Heliconius visual systems are under varying selection pressures for color discrimination. Modulating the wavelengths of peak sensitivities of both the blue- and remaining UV-sensitive photoreceptor cells suggests that Heliconius species may have compensated for UV receptor loss.  相似文献   

Floral color changes are common among Melastomataceae and have been interpreted as a warning mechanism for bees to avoid old flowers, albeit increasing long-distance flower display. Here the reproductive systems of Tibouchina pulchra and T. sellowiana were investigated by controlled pollinations. Their pollinators were identified, and experiments on floral color and fragrance changes were conduced to verify if those changes affect the floral visitation. Both Tibouchina species are self compatible. The flowers lasted three days or more, and the floral color changed from white in the 1st day to pink in the following days. Pollen deposition on stigma induced floral color change. The effectiveness of the pollination is dependent on bees’ size; only large bees were regarded as effective pollinators. In experimental tests, the bees in T. pulchra preferred the natural white flowers while the visitors of T. sellowiana were attracted by both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with experimentally attached 1st-day flower petals). During the experiments on floral fragrance, the bees visited both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with 1st-day flower scents). In both experiments, the bees avoided natural 2nd-day flowers, but seldom visited modified 2nd-day flowers. The attractiveness of T. pulchra and T. sellowiana flowers cannot be attributed exclusively to the color or the fragrance separately, both factors seemingly act together.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy, in which multiple disciplines are combined to address questions related to biological species diversity, is a valuable tool for identifying pelagic marine fish larvae and recognizing the existence of new fish species. Here we combine data from DNA barcoding, comparative morphology, and analysis of color patterns to identify an unusual fish larva from the Florida Straits and demonstrate that it is the pelagic larval phase of a previously undescribed species of Liopropoma sea bass from deep reefs off Curaçao, southern Caribbean. The larva is unique among larvae of the teleost family Serranidae, Tribe Liopropomini, in having seven elongate dorsal-fin spines. Adults of the new species are similar to the golden bass, Liopropoma aberrans, with which they have been confused, but they are distinct genetically and morphologically. The new species differs from all other western Atlantic liopropomins in having IX, 11 dorsal-fin rays and in having a unique color pattern–most notably the predominance of yellow pigment on the dorsal portion of the trunk, a pale to white body ventrally, and yellow spots scattered across both the dorsal and ventral portions of the trunk. Exploration of deep reefs to 300 m using a manned submersible off Curaçao is resulting in the discovery of numerous new fish species, improving our genetic databases, and greatly enhancing our understanding of deep-reef fish diversity in the southern Caribbean. Oh the mother and child reunion is only a moment away. Paul Simon.  相似文献   

China took great efforts to reforestation, even turned the long-term forest loss into a net gain, but this cannot hide the loss of species diversity due to destruction of primary forests, habitat loss, invasion of alien species, and over exploitation. Here we provide such a case by recording a dying tree species of Lauraceae from the evergreen forests of SE Yunnan of China and adjoining Vietnam. We made field collections and observations for four consecutive years from 2009 to 2012. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted based on a combined dataset from nrITS and plastid trnL-trnF region, rpl16 intron, and psbA-trnH spacer. The results indicate that the Asiatic Beilschmiedia and Syndiclis are reciprocally monophyletic with Endiandra as a sister group, and both morphology and molecular phylogeny clearly suggest that the new species belongs to Beilschmiedia. Thus Beilschmiedia turbinata Bing Liu et Y. Yang is illustrated and described as new to science, color plates, line drawings, distribution map and comparison with related species are provided. This new species is similar to B. yunnanensis in the small and ferruginous-brown tomentose terminal buds, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate and alternate or subopposite leaves bearing the fine veinlet reticulation, but differs from the latter by the smaller flowers, the eglandular stamens of the third whorl, and the large turbinate furfuraceous fruits.  相似文献   

A new species in the Sarcoscyphaceae from the Samoan Islands, Cookeina cremeirosea, is described and illustrated. This species is morphologically and phylogenetically distinct from the other eight species that are currently accepted for the genus. It is closely related to the Asian species Cookeina indica from which it can be separated by color and spore morphology.  相似文献   

Tipula (Pterelachisus) recondita Pilipenko & Salmela, sp. n. is described. The new species is collected from two localities: Finland, Kittilä (North boreal ecoregion) and Russia, Primorski kray (Zone of temperate broadleaf and mixed forests). Although variation in the structure of male hypopygium between the Finnish and Russian populations is observed, DNA barcode sequences differ only by three nucleotides (0.2 % K2P distance), supporting presence of one widespread species. K2P minimum distances between the new species and 17 other species of the subgenus range from 5.3 to 15.8 % (mean 8.8 %). The new species is forest-dwelling, known from an old-growth herb-rich forest (Finland) and Quercus mongolica forest (Russia). The new species is perhaps closest to Tipula (Pterelachisus) imitator Alexander and in lesser extent to Tipula (Pterelachisus) pauli Mannheims; the inner gonostylus of both species are illustrated.  相似文献   

Robert Perger  Adam Wall 《ZooKeys》2014,(435):93-109
In this contribution a new species of the land crab genus Gecarcinus Leach, 1814, from the Neotropical Pacific coast of South America is described and illustrated. In addition to its unique body color, Gecarcinus nobilii sp. n. is distinguished from congeners by a distinctly wider carapace front and differences in the shape of the infraorbital margin. The new species is not isolated from Gecarcinus populations from the Pacific coast of Central America by an insurmountable geographic barrier. Considering the closure of the Panamanian Isthmus as a calibration point for morphological divergence between the trans-isthmian mainland populations of Gecarcinus, the virtual lack of morphological differentiation (other than color) between them and the distinctness of G. nobilii sp. n. suggests that G. nobilii sp. n. evolved from a common ancestor before the Isthmus closed.  相似文献   

We describe two new, closely related species of toothed Brachyhypopomus (Hypopomidae: Gymnotiformes: Teleostei) from the central Amazon basin and create a new subgenus for them. Odontohypopomus, new subgenus of Brachyhypopomus, is diagnosed by (1) small teeth present on premaxillae; (2) medialmost two branchiostegal rays thin with blades oriented more vertically than remaining three rays; (3) background color in life (and to lesser extent in preservation) distinctly yellowish with head and sides peppered with small, widely spaced, very dark brown stellate chromatophores that greatly contrast with light background coloration; (4) a dark blotch or bar of subcutaneous pigment below the eye; (5) electric organ discharge waveform of very long duration (head-positive phase approx. 2 milliseconds or longer, head-negative phase shorter or absent) and slow pulse repetition rate (3–16 Hz). The type species of the new subgenus, Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) walteri sp. n., is diagnosed by the following additional character states: (1) subcutaneous dark pigment at base of orbit particularly prominent, (2) body semi-translucent and nearly bright yellow background coloration in life, (3) a biphasic electric organ discharge (EOD) waveform of very long duration (between 3.5 and 4 milliseconds at 25° C) with head-positive first phase significantly longer than second head-negative phase in both sexes. Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) bennetti sp. n. is diagnosed by two character states in addition to those used to diagnose the subgenus Odontohypopomus: (1) a deep electric organ, visible as large semi-transparent area, occupying approximately 14–17% body depth directly posterior to the abdominal cavity in combination with a short, but deep, caudal filament, and (2) a monophasic, head-positive EOD waveform, approximately 2.1 milliseconds in duration in both sexes. These are the only described rhamphichthyoid gymnotiforms with oral teeth, and Brachyhypopomus bennetti is the first Brachyhypopomus reported to have a monophasic (head-positive) EOD waveform. Unlike biphasic species, the waveform of its EOD is largely unaffected by tail damage from predators. Such injuries are common among specimens in our collections. This species’ preference for floating meadow habitat along the major channels of the Amazon River basin may put it at particularly high risk of predation and “tail grazing.”  相似文献   

A new species, Distenia orientalis sp. n. is described from Southeastern China. It was misidentified as Distenia gracilis (Blessig, 1872) but can be separated from the latter by the color of antennae and legs, structure differences on scape, maxillary palp, pronotum, tibiae, punctures on elytra, etc. Three related species are carefully diagnosed and treated.  相似文献   

A new species of the pyralid moth, Pediasia sinevi Shodotova et Bolshakov, sp. n., is described from Central Yakutia (locus typicus—Bestyakh). This species is very similar to P. jucundella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1847) in color and pattern of the wings and also similar to P. truncatella (Zetterstedt, 1839) in the structure of the male genitalia. The holotype and paratype are deposited at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).  相似文献   

Four new species of Hymenoscyphus (H. brevicellulus, H. hyaloexcipulus, H. microcaudatus, and H. subsymmetricus) and a new Chinese record (H. subpallescens) are described. These five species share common characteristics: small apothecia (<3mm in diameter); hymenium whitish, pale yellow, to yellow in color; ectal excipulum of textura prismatica; asci arising from simple septa; ascospores scutuloid and guttulate; saprophytic nutrition; and leaf habitats, except for H. subsymmetricus, which grows on herbaceous stems. Phylogenetic analyses of internal transcribed spacer nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences, the universal DNA barcode for fungi, for 16 species in the genus indicated that these taxa were closely related to H. microserotinus, in accordance with their morphological features, but represented independent species. The distinguishing features of each new species from its relatives are discussed, and their phylogenetic relationships explored.  相似文献   

Skin color is one of the most important fruit traits in grape, and has become greatly diversified due to hybridization and human selection. Many studies concerning the genetic control of grape color in European species (Vitis vinifera L.), especially the role of MYB-related genes, have been reported. On the other hand, there have been few studies of the MYB-related genes in grapes belonging to V.labruscana L.H. Bailey, a subgroup of grapes that originated from the hybridization of V. labrusca with V. vinifera. In the present study, we found a novel functional haplotype, HapE2 (consisting of the genes VlMYBA2 and VlMYBA1?C3), in diploid V.labruscana. Moreover, we developed a method to determine the haplotype compositions of tetraploid grapes by means of quantitative real-time PCR, and investigated the relationship between haplotype composition and skin color. The color locus in V.labruscana grapes usually consists of functional haplotypes (HapE1 and/or HapE2), and non-functional haplotype HapA. The number of functional haplotypes in the genome was found to be correlated with the level of anthocyanin in the skin. Anthocyanin contents of grapes that contained HapE2 were significantly higher than those containing HapE1. These results suggest that the number and kind of functional haplotypes at the color locus are the major genetic factors that determine skin color variation. These findings provide new knowledge about the unique genetic control of color in V.labruscana grapes, and should contribute to development of new cultivars that have the desired color and anthocyanin content.  相似文献   

The gorgoniid Eugorgia is exclusively an eastern Pacific genus. It has a wide geographic and bathymetric range of distribution, found from California to Perú and extends down to 65 m deep. Two new species are herein described. The morphological characters were analyzed and illustrated by light and scanning electron microscopy. Eugorgia beebei sp. n. can be distinguished by its white, ascending, sparse colony growth. Eugorgia mutabilis sp. n. can be distinguished by its white colony that changes color after collection, and the conspicuous sharp-crested disc sclerites. From a morphological point of view the new species are related to the daniana-group, the rubens-group and the siedenburgae-group of Eugorgia; their affiliations, and the proposal of a new group are discussed. These new species increases the number of species in the genus to 15, and contribute to the knowledge of the eastern Pacific octocoral biodiversity.  相似文献   

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