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Flavonoids, stilbenes, and chalcones are plant secondary metabolites that often possess diverse biological activities including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-viral activities. The wide range of bioactivities poses a challenge to identify their targets. Here, we studied a set of synthetically generated flavonoids and chalcones to evaluate for their biological activity, and compared similarly substituted flavonoids and chalcones. Substituted chalcones, but not flavonoids, showed inhibition of viral translation without significantly affecting viral replication in cells infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). We suggest that the chalcones used in this study inhibit mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway by ablating phosphorylation of ribosomal protein 6 (rps6), and also the kinase necessary for phosphorylating rps6 in Huh7.5 cells (pS6K1). In addition, selected chalcones showed inhibition of growth in Ishikawa, MCF7, and MDA-MB-231 cells resulting an IC50 of 1–6 µg/mL. When similarly substituted flavonoids were used against the same set of cancer cells, we did not observe any inhibitory effect. Together, we report that chalcones show potential for anti-viral and anti-cancer activities compared to similarly substituted flavonoids.  相似文献   

[目的]阐明SARS病毒感染后能否再次感染,疫苗产生的抗体中长期保护效果,被动免疫是否真正安全有效等,为防治SARS提供实验依据。[方法]实验分4组,分别为一组(SARS恒河猴恢复组):用感染SARS-CoV发病12月后的4只恒河猴,均有中和抗体产生。二组(SARS食蟹猴恢复组):用感染SARS-CoV发病12月后的3只食蟹猴,均有中和抗体产生。三组(SARS血清输入恒河猴组):3只恒河猴,病毒接种时中和抗体阴性。病毒接种两天后输入抗体阳性血清(恒河猴血清,感染获得,效价为:1:128),用量10ml/只,分别经肌肉和静脉输入,各5ml。四组(恒河猴SARS-CoV感染组):2只恒河猴,病毒接种时中和抗体阴性。SARSCo-V经鼻腔接种,在感染的第1天开始到7天安乐死时,不同时间取咽拭子、血液和脏器,进行病毒分离,RT-PCR检测和中和抗体测定。[结果]一组(SARS恒河猴恢复组):接种SARS-CoV后未见发热等异常临床表现。血清生化无ALT、LDH、CK、总蛋白和血清白蛋白异常。3只猴在接种病毒后的咽拭子中,RT-PCR分别未检出、第1天检出、第1-3天中检出病毒。第2、5、7天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时血、肺、肝、脾和淋巴结等组织中病毒分离均为阴性。2只猴肺组织病理学检查见轻度肺炎。二组(SARS食蟹猴恢复组):接种3只未见任何不良临床表现,血清生化5项正常。3只猴在接种病毒后的咽拭子标本中,RT-PCR分别未检出SARS病毒、在第1-2天检出、在第1-3天中检出病毒。第2、5、7天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时血、肺、肝、脾和淋巴结等组织中病毒分离均为阴性。3只猴肺组织病理学检查见轻度肺炎等。三组(SARS血清输入恒河猴组):3只恒河猴在病毒接种的第2-5天时有一过性的体温升高,3940℃。血清生化5项正常。3只猴在接种病毒后的咽拭子标本中,RT-PCR分别在第1-3、第1-4天和第1-2天检出SARS病毒。2只猴第7天咽拭子中病毒分离阳性。另外1只在第2、5、7天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时血、肺、肝、脾和淋巴结等组织中病毒分离均为阴性。3只猴肺组织病理学检查见轻度肺炎等。四组(SARS恒河猴SARS-CoV感染组):2只猴病毒接种后,第2-4天时有一过性的体温升高,3940℃。2只进行接种病毒后1-7天安乐死时,RT-PCR在恒河猴的咽拭子标本中连续检出SARS病毒。在第2、5天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时肺组织中病毒分离阳性。2只猴肺等组织病理学检查发现肺组织表面局部有轻度发灰实变现象,可见到间质性肺炎病变,内皮细胞受损,出血和水肿。大多数肺泡没有完整的内衬细胞残留,肺泡间隔变宽并被以吞噬细胞为主的单核炎症细胞浸润,同SARS肺炎改变。实验表明,前期感染产生中和抗体的恒河猴、食蟹猴再次感染病毒,和模型对照猴比较,动物肺组织等只出现轻微或无病理变化,RT-PCR检出时间大大缩短,病毒培养未能分离出病毒,所有这些指标,均证实中和抗体有明显的保护作用,是有效的。被动免疫从结果来看,有一定的作用,但保护作用弱。  相似文献   

To address its value as a screening tool in the development of antiviral drugs, a recombinant influenza virus expressing green fluorescent protein (rPR8-GFP virus) was investigated in vitro and in vivo. The inhibition of viral growth by a neuraminidase inhibitor in the cells or lower respiratory tracts of mice could be visualized by the level of fluorescence. In addition, the rPR8-GFP virus exhibited high pathogenicity in mice. Taken together, these results suggest that the rPR8-GFP virus can be a useful tool for the rapid identification of antiviral drugs active against influenza viruses.  相似文献   

Coronaviruses have been closely related with mankind for thousands of years. Communityacquired human coronaviruses have long been recognized to cause common cold. However, zoonotic coronaviruses are now becoming more a global concern with the discovery of highly pathogenic severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses causing severe respiratory diseases. Infections by these emerging human coronaviruses are characterized by less robust interferon production. Treatment of patients with recombinant interferon regimen promises beneficial outcomes, suggesting that compromised interferon expression might contribute at least partially to the severity of disease. The mechanisms by which coronaviruses evade host innate antiviral response are under intense investigations. This review focuses on the fierce arms race between host innate antiviral immunity and emerging human coronaviruses. Particularly, the host pathogen recognition receptors and the signal transduction pathways to mount an effective antiviral response against SARS and MERS coronavirus infection are discussed. On the other hand, the counter-measures evolved by SARS and MERS coronaviruses to circumvent host defense are also dissected. With a better understanding of the dynamic interaction between host and coronaviruses, it is hoped that insights on the pathogenesis of newly-identified highly pathogenic human coronaviruses and new strategies in antiviral development can be derived.

丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus,HCV)感染的持久性引发慢性肝病疾病,并可能发展成为肝硬化和肝癌。目前对HCV的治疗不能达到理想的治疗效果,所以开发新型抗HCV药物迫在眉睫。抗HCV药物筛选的细胞模型,如复制子系统、假病毒系统、细胞培养系统,动物模型,如黑猩猩、uPA-SCID小鼠等,取得了快速的进展,并推动丙型肝炎的研究和抗HCV药物的发现。  相似文献   

We synthesized, 1-O-hexadecylpropanediol-3-P-acyclovir, an orally bioavailable lipid prodrug of acyclovir and evaluated it for in vitro and in vivo activity against herpes simplex virus infections. Although 1-O-hexadecylpropanediol-3-P- acyclovir was less active in vitro than acyclovir, on a molar basis it was 2.4 times more active orally in preventing mortality from acute HSV-1 infection in mice. In vitro, 1-O-hexadecylpropanediol-3-P-acyclovir was also more active than acyclovir in a thymidine kinase negative mutant strain of HSV-1 (DM21) and had somewhat higher activity in cytomegalovirus infection in vitro due to it's ability to bypass thymidine kinase.  相似文献   

Several heterocycles, such as benzimidazoles, quinoxalines and indoles incorporated into a hydrophenanthrene and naphthalene skeleton, were synthesised from two useful ortho-bromonitro precursors derived from dehydroabietic acid: methyl 12-bromo-13-nitro-deisopropyldehydroabietate and methyl 12-bromo-13,14-dinitro-deisopropyldehydroabietate. The new heterocycles were evaluated for their activity in vitro against several RNA and DNA viruses.  相似文献   

人血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)是肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)的重要调节分子,它在控制心血管和血压的正常生理活动中具有重要的作用。此外,ACE2作为SARS病毒的受体,对于病毒的入侵起关键作用。目前ACE2已经被用于高血压和心血管相关疾病的药物靶标设计和基因治疗,随着研究的深入,ACE2在临床上的应用将更加广泛。  相似文献   

以p90-HCV为模板,通过PCR分别得到全长和截短(2881-3078 bp)ns2基因.将截短ns2基因克隆到pET32a原核表达载体,并在大肠杆菌中获得了Trx-His-NS2C融合蛋白的可溶性高表达.通过His 树脂纯化得到融合蛋白,免疫家兔获得高效价高特异性的抗体.同时构建了含有全长ns2基因的重组腺病毒,利用该重组病毒感染HepG2和293细胞成功的表达23.2kDa的NS2蛋白.本文的研究为进一步开展NS2蛋白的结构与功能研究奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

A chemical library was constructed based on the resin acids (abietic, dehydroabietic, and 12-formylabietic) and its diene adducts (maleopimaric and quinopimaric acid derivatives). The one-pot three-component CuCl-catalyzed aminomethylation of the abietane diterpenoid propargyl derivatives was carried out by formaldehyde and secondary amines (diethylamine, pyrrolidine, morpholine, and homopiperazine). All compounds were tested for cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) in MDCK cells and SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus in BHK-21-hACE2 cells. Among 21 tested compounds, six derivatives demonstrated a selectivity index (SI) higher than 10, and their IC50 values ranged from 0.19 to 5.0 μM. Moreover, two derivatives exhibited potent anti-SARS-CoV-2 infection activity. The antiviral activity and toxicity strongly depended on the nature of the diterpene core and heterocyclic substituent. Compounds 12 and 21 bearing pyrrolidine moieties demonstrated the highest virus-inhibiting activity with SIs of 128.6 and 146.8, respectively, and appeared to be most effective when added at the time points 0–10 and 1–10 h of the viral life cycle. Molecular docking and dynamics modeling were adopted to investigate the binding mode of compound 12 into the binding pocket of influenza A virus M2 protein. Compound 9 with a pyrrolidine group at C20 of 17-formylabietic acid was a promising anti-SARS-CoV-2 agent with an EC50 of 10.97 µM and a good SI value > 18.2. Collectively, our data suggested the potency of diterpenic Mannich bases as effective anti-influenza and anti-COVID-19 compounds.  相似文献   

Novel amidinourea derivatives have been synthesised and evaluated for their antiviral activity against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). A compound with an amidinourea-spermine chemical structure, different from that of standard anti-HCV drugs, showed micromolar activity against HCV and excellent viability. Studies on the mode of action revealed that the new compound may act against HCV through the inhibition of IRES-mediated translation.  相似文献   

The novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV has caused the pandemic of Wuhan pneumonia recently, posing a serious threat to global public health, and thus calling for the development of therapeutics and prophylactics. Here we showed that high titer anti-SARS-CoV spike protein serum cannot effectively neutralize 2019-nCoV infection. Based on our previous research, we developed SARS pseudovirus (SARS-PsV) and MERS pseudovirus (MERS-PsV) as immunogens to immunize mice. We found sera from mice treated with SARS-CoV S protein could potently cross-neutralize infection by SARS-CoV (50% neutralizing antibody titers, NT50 > 40, 000) and SARS-related coronavirus (NT50 > 7, 000), but weakly for 2019-nCoV infection NT50 < 100), implying that it may not be practical to treat 2019-nCoV infection with anti-SARS-CoV antibodies and that people with history of SARS-CoV infection many years ago may not be resistant to 2019-nCoV infection.  相似文献   

The acyclic azanucleosides with 2-, 3-, or 4-aminobenzenesulfonyl function at the nitrogen atom of the sugar mimic were prepared by coupling of 2-, 3-, or 4-nitro-N-(2-pivaloyloxyethyl)-N-(pivaloyloxymethyl)benzenesulfonamide with the silylated pyrimidine nucleobases followed by the reduction of the nitro group with sodium dithionite in aqueous solution or the palladium-catalysed transfer hydrogenation. The azanucleosides were evaluated for, but found to be devoid of, activity against several RNA- and DNA-viruses in vitro.  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒 (Hepatitis C virus,HCV) 是引起慢性肝炎的重要病因之一,严重危害公众健康。目前临床HCV感染常采用干扰素联合病毒唑进行治疗,然而应答率不高且易反复。因此,探索新型抗HCV治疗策略及药物显得尤为迫切。针对HCV核心基因的序列,设计与之互补的引导序列 (Guide Sequence,GS),通过PCR的方法将其共价连接于大肠杆菌核糖核酸酶P(RNase P) 催化性亚基 (M1 RNA) 的3¢末端,成功构建了一种靶向性M1GS核酶 (M1GS-HCV/C141)。经体外切割试验、胞内反义效应及胞内毒性研究,结果表明:M1GS-HCV/C141核酶不仅能够在体外对靶RNA片段产生特异性切割,在HCV感染的Huh7.5.1细胞中,也能显著抑制病毒核心蛋白的表达,进而使HCV RNA的拷贝数减少约1 000倍。因此,文中构建的M1GS-HCV/C141核酶在体外具有显著的抗HCV活性,这为HCV治疗研究提供了一条新的潜在途径。  相似文献   

A series of novel fluorocyclopropyl nucleosides were synthesized using the Simmons-Smith reaction as a key reaction starting from 1,3-dihydroxyacetone. All the nucleosides synthesized were assayed against several viruses. Among the compounds synthesized, the 5-fluorouracil analogue 15 showed significant anti-HCMV activity (9.22 microM).  相似文献   

A novel series of tetrafluoro and hexafluoro acyclic nucleosides and their phosphoramidates were successfully prepared from commercially available 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1,4-butanediol and 2,2,3,3,4,4-hexafluoro-1,5-pentanediol in four to six steps. Their ability to block HIV, HCV, HSV-1, and HBV replication along with their cytotoxicity toward HepG2, human lymphocyte, CEM, and Vero cells was assessed.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV is a newly discovery pathogen causing severe acute respiratory problems. It has been established that the S protein in this pathogen plays an important rule in the adsorption and penetration of SARS-CoV into the host cell by interaction with the ACE2 receptor. To determinant which functional motif of the S protein was involved in the interaction with ACE2, seven truncated S proteins deleted from the N or C terminal were obtained by an E.coli expression system and purified by column chroma-tography to homogeneity. Each truncated S protein was fixed on to the well of an ELISA plate and an interaction was initiated with the ACE2 protein. The adsorption were quantified by ELISA, and the results indicated that amino acids from 388 to 496 of the S protein was responsible for the interaction with the ACE2 receptor, and the interaction could be completely disrupted by an antibody specific to these amino acids. Deletions adjacent to this domain did not appear to have a significant impact on the interaction with ACE2, suggesting that the S protein of SARS-CoV could be developed as a vaccine to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV.  相似文献   

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