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Proteins often undergo several post-translational modification steps in parallel to protein folding. These modifications can be transient or of a more permanent nature. Most modifications are, however, susceptible to alteration during the lifespan of proteins. Post-translational modifications thus generate variability in proteins that are far beyond that provided by the genetic code. Co- and post-translational modifications can convert the 20 specific codon-encoded amino acids into more than 100 variant amino acids with new properties. These, and a number of other modifications, can considerably increase the information content and functional repertoire of proteins, thus making their analysis of paramount importance for diagnostic and basic research purposes. Various methods used in proteomics, such as 2D gel electrophoresis, 2D liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, affinity-based analytical methods, interaction analyses, ligand blotting techniques, protein crystallography and structure–function predictions, are all applicable for the analysis of these numerous secondary modifications. In this review, examples of some of these techniques in studying the heterogeneity of proteins are highlighted. In the future, these methods will become increasingly useful in biomarker searches and in clinical diagnostics.  相似文献   

黄瓜花叶病毒 (Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV) 编码的2b蛋白具有RNA沉默抑制子功能,为了研究翻译后修饰对2b功能的影响,利用反向PCR定点突变方法对CMV-Q株系2b蛋白的1个预测的磷酸化位点 (S40) 和2个预测的泛素化/SUMO化位点 (K22,K39) 进行了点突变,同时将点突变体插入植物表达载体。通过农杆菌共注射法对3个2b突变体的抑制子活性进行了分析,结果证明,当S40突变为A (2bS40A) 后,2b抑制局部和系统沉默的活性均大幅降低;当K22突变为R (2bK2  相似文献   

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Introduction: Development of specific biomarkers aiding early diagnosis of heart failure is an ongoing challenge. Biomarkers commonly used in clinical routine usually act as readouts of an already existing acute condition rather than disease initiation. Functional decline of cardiac muscle is greatly aggravated by increased oxidative stress and damage of proteins. Oxidative post-translational modifications occur already at early stages of tissue damage and are thus regarded as potential up-coming disease markers.

Areas covered: Clinical practice regarding commonly used biomarkers for heart disease is briefly summarized. The types of oxidative post-translational modification in cardiac pathologies are discussed with a special focus on available quantitative techniques and characteristics of individual modifications with regard to their stability and analytical accessibility. As irreversible oxidative modifications trigger protein degradation pathways or cause protein aggregation, both influencing biomarker abundance, a chapter is dedicated to their regulation in the heart.  相似文献   

Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) play a crucial role in all cellular functions by regulating protein activity, interactions and half-life. Despite the enormous diversity of modifications, various PTM systems show parallels in their chemical and catalytic underpinnings. Here, focussing on modifications that involve the addition of new elements to amino-acid sidechains, I describe historical milestones and fundamental concepts that support the current understanding of PTMs. The historical survey covers selected key research programmes, including the study of protein phosphorylation as a regulatory switch, protein ubiquitylation as a degradation signal and histone modifications as a functional code. The contribution of crucial techniques for studying PTMs is also discussed. The central part of the essay explores shared chemical principles and catalytic strategies observed across diverse PTM systems, together with mechanisms of substrate selection, the reversibility of PTMs by erasers and the recognition of PTMs by reader domains. Similarities in the basic chemical mechanism are highlighted and their implications are discussed. The final part is dedicated to the evolutionary trajectories of PTM systems, beginning with their possible emergence in the context of rivalry in the prokaryotic world. Together, the essay provides a unified perspective on the diverse world of major protein modifications.  相似文献   

Based on central dogma of genetics, protein is the embodiment and executor of genetic function, post-translational modifications (PTMs) of protein are particularly important and involved in almost all aspects of cell biology and pathogenesis. Studies have shown that ionizing radiation (IR) alters gene expression much more profoundly and a broad variety of cell-process pathways, lots of proteins are modified and activated. Our understanding of the protein in response to ionizing radiation is steadily increasing. Among the various biological processes known to induce radioresistance, PTMs have attracted marked attention in recent years. The present review summarizes the latest knowledge about how PTMs response to ionizing radiation and pathway analysis were conducted. The data provided insights into biological effects of IR and contributing to the development of novel IR-based strategies.  相似文献   

Oxidation by reactive species can cause changes in protein function and affect cell signalling pathways. Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) is a negative regulator of the PI3K/AKT pathway and is known to be inhibited by oxidation, but its oxidation by the myeloperoxidase-derived oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl) has not previously been investigated. PTEN-GST was treated with HOCl:protein ratios from 15:1 to 300:1. Decreases in PTEN phosphatase activity were observed at treatment ratios of 60:1 and higher, which correlated with the loss of the intact protein band and appearance of high molecular weight aggregates in SDS-PAGE. LC-MSMS was used to map oxidative modifications (oxPTMs) in PTEN-GST tryptic peptides and label-free quantitative proteomics used to determine their relative abundance. Twenty different oxPTMs of PTEN were identified, of which 14 were significantly elevated upon HOCl treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Methionine and cysteine residues were the most heavily oxidised; the percentage modification depended on their location in the sequence, reflecting differences in susceptibility. Other modifications included tyrosine chlorination and dichlorination, and hydroxylations of tyrosine, tryptophan, and proline. Much higher levels of oxidation occurred in the protein aggregates compared to the monomeric protein for certain methionine and tyrosine residues located in the C2 and C-terminal domains, suggesting that their oxidation promoted protein destabilisation and aggregation; many of the residues modified were classified as buried according to their solvent accessibility. This study provides novel information on the susceptibility of PTEN to the inflammatory oxidant HOCl and its effects on the structure and activity of the protein.  相似文献   

The modifications that occur on proteins in natural environments over time are not well studied, yet characterizing them is vital to correctly interpret sequence data recovered from fossils. The recently extinct moa (Dinornithidae) is an excellent candidate for investigating the preservation of proteins, their post-translational modifications (PTMs) and diagenetic alterations during degradation. Moa protein extracts were analysed using mass spectrometry, and peptides from collagen I, collagen II and collagen V were identified. We also identified biologically derived PTMs (i.e. methylation, di-methylation, alkylation, hydroxylation, fucosylation) on amino acids at locations consistent with extant proteins. In addition to these in vivo modifications, we detected novel modifications that are probably diagenetically derived. These include loss of hydroxylation/glutamic semialdehyde, carboxymethyllysine and peptide backbone cleavage, as well as previously noted deamidation. Moa collagen sequences and modifications provide a baseline by which to evaluate proteomic studies of other fossils, and a framework for defining the molecular relationship of moa to other closely related taxa.  相似文献   

ABRF-PRG04: differentiation of protein isoforms.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Accurate protein identification sometimes requires careful discrimination between closely related protein isoforms that may differ by as little as a single amino acid substitution or post-translational modification. The ABRF Proteomics Research Group sent a mixture of three picomoles each of three closely related proteins to laboratories who requested it in the form of intact proteins, and participating laboratories were asked to identify the proteins and report their results. The primary goal of the ABRF-PRG04 Study was to give participating laboratories a chance to evaluate their capabilities and practices with regards to sample fractionation (1D- or 2D-PAGE, HPLC, or none), protein digestion methods (in-solution, in-gel, enzyme choice), and approaches to protein identification (instrumentation, use of software, and/or manual techniques to facilitate interpretation), as well as determination of amino acid or post-translational modifications. Of the 42 laboratories that responded, 8 (19%) correctly identified all three isoforms and N-terminal acetylation of each, 16 (38%) labs correctly identified two isoforms, 9 (21%) correctly identified two isoforms but also made at least one incorrect identification, and 9 (21%) made no correct protein identifications. All but one lab used mass spectrometry, and data submitted enabled a comparison of strategies and methods used.  相似文献   

Redox post-translational modifications on cysteine thiols (redox PTMs) have profound effects on protein structure and function, thus enabling regulation of various biological processes. Redox proteomics approaches aim to characterize the landscape of redox PTMs at the systems level. These approaches facilitate studies of condition-specific, dynamic processes implicating redox PTMs and have furthered our understanding of redox signaling and regulation. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool for such analyses which has been demonstrated by significant advances in redox proteomics during the last decade. A group of well-established approaches involves the initial blocking of free thiols followed by selective reduction of oxidized PTMs and subsequent enrichment for downstream detection. Alternatively, novel chemoselective probe-based approaches have been developed for various redox PTMs. Direct detection of redox PTMs without any enrichment has also been demonstrated given the sensitivity of contemporary MS instruments. This review discusses the general principles behind different analytical strategies and covers recent advances in redox proteomics. Several applications of redox proteomics are also highlighted to illustrate how large-scale redox proteomics data can lead to novel biological insights.  相似文献   

We have developed an entirely sequence-based method that identifies and integrates relevant features that can be used to assign proteins of unknown function to functional classes, and enzyme categories for enzymes. We show that strategies for the elucidation of protein function may benefit from a number of functional attributes that are more directly related to the linear sequence of amino acids, and hence easier to predict, than protein structure. These attributes include features associated with post-translational modifications and protein sorting, but also much simpler aspects such as the length, isoelectric point and composition of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

The pattern of collagen cross-linking is tissue specific primarily determined by the extent of hydroxylation and oxidation of specific lysine residues in the molecule. In this study, murine pre-myoblast cell line, C2C12 cells, were transdifferentiated into osteoblastic cells by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 treatment, and the gene expression of lysyl hydroxylases (LH1, 2a/b, and 3) and lysyl oxidase (LOX)/lysyl oxidase-like proteins (LOXL1-4), and the extent of hydroxylysine were analyzed. After 24 h of treatment, the expression of most isoforms were upregulated up to 96 h whereas LH2a and LOXL2 decreased with time. In the treated cells, both hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine were detected at day 7 and increased at day 14. The ratio of hydroxylysine to hydroxyproline was significantly increased at day 14. The results indicate that LHs and LOX/LOXLs are differentially responsive to BMP-induced osteoblast differentiation that may eventually lead to the specific collagen cross-linking pattern seen in bone.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to determine whether nonmammalian myelin basic protein contained charge isomers resulting from extensive posttranslational modifications as seen in mammalian MBP. Four charge isomer components from dogfish MBP have been isolated. These forms arise by phosphorylation and deamidation modifications. Components C1, C2 and C3 have been characterized. We are currently characterizing component C8. Dogfish MBP is less cationic than mammalian MBP and has about 50% lower mobility on a basic pH gel electrophoresis relative to human and to bovine MBP. The mammalian component C1, which is unmodified, is modified in the dogfish by phosphorylation. The reduced electrophoretic mobility is largely attributable to the charge reduction resulting from phosphorylation in serine 72, 83, and 120 or 121 in C1, and C3. In component C2, two or three phosphate groups were distributed among residues 134, 138 and 139. It was found that dogfish amino acid residue 30 was a lysine residue and not a glutamate residue as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学多肽鉴定方法一直以基于质谱分析和数据库搜索的方法为主,随着质谱仪技术的发展,海量的质谱数据被获取,这为大规模蛋白质的鉴定提供了一个强大的数据仓库,使得以质谱数据为基础的蛋白质组学研究成为主流。传统的串联质谱图搜库方法鉴定多肽翻译后修饰时具有诸多局限,质谱网络方法可以在一定程度上弥补局限。文中系统综述了基于质谱聚类的质谱网络和质谱图库搜索方法的发展历程、理论研究和应用研究,讨论了质谱网络库方法在鉴定多肽翻译后修饰的优势,并进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

蛋白质翻译后修饰在真核生物细胞内广泛存在,对蛋白质的结构和功能有着十分重要的影响.串联质谱技术的快速发展为翻译后修饰鉴定提供了高通量、高灵敏度和高分辨率的分析平台,但传统搜索引擎鉴定修饰的方法无法满足数据分析的需求,非限制翻译后修饰鉴定已成为目前蛋白质组修饰分析的重要手段之一.非限制翻译后修饰鉴定不需要在分析前指定修饰类型,可以直接从样品中找出大量已知或未知的修饰,对提高质谱图谱解析率以及揭示蛋白质的生物学功能具有十分重要的意义.本文首先介绍了非限制翻译后修饰鉴定的定义和发展历程,然后从序列匹配和谱图匹配两个方面详细综述了目前非限制翻译后修饰鉴定的主流算法,分析了非限制翻译后修饰鉴定的质量控制问题,最后结合非限制翻译后修饰鉴定的实际应用讨论了修饰鉴定算法的不足和发展方向.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) can accelerate expression and high-throughput analysis of complex proteins with functionally relevant post-translational modifications (PTMs). However, low yields and difficulties scaling such systems have prevented their widespread adoption in protein research and manufacturing. Here, we provide detailed demonstrations for the capabilities of a CFPS system derived from Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cell culture (BY-2 lysate; BYL). BYL is able to express diverse, functional proteins at high yields in 48 h, complete with native disulfide bonds and N-glycosylation. An optimized version of the technology is commercialized as ALiCE® and advances in scaling of BYL production methodologies now allow scaling of eukaryotic CFPS reactions. We show linear, lossless scale-up of batch mode protein expression from 100 µL microtiter plates to 10 and 100 mL volumes in Erlenmeyer flasks, culminating in preliminary data from a litre-scale reaction in a rocking-type bioreactor. Together, scaling across a 20,000x range is achieved without impacting product yields. Production of multimeric virus-like particles from the BYL cytosolic fraction were then shown, followed by functional expression of multiple classes of complex, difficult-to-express proteins using the native microsomes of the BYL CFPS. Specifically: a dimeric enzyme; a monoclonal antibody; the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain; a human growth factor; and a G protein-coupled receptor membrane protein. Functional binding and activity are demonstrated, together with in-depth PTM characterization of purified proteins through disulfide bond and N-glycan analysis. Taken together, BYL is a promising end-to-end R&D to manufacturing platform with the potential to significantly reduce the time-to-market for high value proteins and biologics.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(1):111950
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DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism that ensures correct gene expression and maintains genetic stability. DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) is the primary enzyme that maintains DNA methylation during replication. Dysregulation of DNMT1 is implicated in a variety of diseases. DNMT1 protein stability is regulated via various post-translational modifications, such as acetyl- ation and ubiquitination, but also through protein-protein interactions. These mechanisms ensure DNMT1 is properly activated during the correct time of the ceil cycle and at correct genomic loci, as well as in response to appropriate extracellular cues. Further understanding of these regula- tory mechanisms may help to design novel therapeutic approaches for human diseases.  相似文献   

表观遗传和蛋白质翻译后修饰在细菌耐药中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日益严重的细菌耐药性有可能使人类重回前抗生素时代。细菌的耐药机理多样,深入研究细菌的耐药性形成机理有助于开发控制耐药细菌感染的新措施。表观遗传和蛋白质翻译后修饰在细胞代谢、信号转导、蛋白质降解、调控DNA复制、应激反应等方面都具有重要作用。近年来研究表明表观遗传和蛋白质翻译后修饰在细菌耐药中也扮演着重要的角色。本文总结了DNA甲基化、调控型RNAs等表观遗传因素和磷酸化、琥珀酰基化等蛋白质翻译后修饰因素在细菌耐药性中的调控作用,以期为抗生素靶标选择和抗生素开发设计提供新思路。  相似文献   

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