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The paper presents a study of the radiation doses to eye lens of medical staff during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedures performed in a busy gastroenterology department. For each procedure the dose equivalent to the eye, exposure time, dose rate, Kerma Area Product and fluoroscopy time were recorded. Measurements were performed for a period of two months in four main positions of the operating staff, and then extrapolated to estimate annual doses. The fluoroscopy time per ERCP procedure varied between 1.0 min and 28.8 min, with a mean value of 4.6 min. The calculated mean eye dose per procedure varied between 34.9 μSv and 93.3 μSv. The results demonstrated that if eye protection is not used, annual doses to the eye lens of the gastroenterologist performing the procedure and the anesthesiologist can exceed the dose limit of 20 mSv per year.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情对人类生命健康构成极大威胁。病毒的分离是构建新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV)细胞感染模型和动物感染模型的基础。本研究利用冠状病毒易感的Vero E6细胞,从1例上海感染者的咽拭子中分离到一株2019-nCoV,命名为nCoV-SH01。对该毒株全基因组采用一代Sanger和二代Illumina法测序,发现该毒株与GenBank MN908947的同源性>99.99%。免疫荧光检测显示,该毒株与COVID-19康复者的血清呈阳性反应。当nCoV-SH01感染Vero E6细胞后,导致典型的合胞体病变,细胞病变效应明显且进展迅速,提示nCoV-SH01可用于进一步建立2019-nCoV的细胞感染和动物感染模型,为开展致病性研究以及抗病毒药物和疫苗研发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在防控新型冠状病毒(2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV)疫情中,为了减少病毒的传播,一次性医用口罩是普通民众必不可缺少的防护品。然而,随着2019-nCoV的蔓延,口罩短缺现象严重。本研究旨在探讨一次性医用外科口罩(口罩)的再生方法,以达到既有个人防护的效果又能节省资源。用流行性感冒病毒(简称流感)模拟2019-nCoV污染口罩,采用常用的恒温烘箱干烤及电吹风机热风处理2种方法,对表面污染有流感病毒的医用口罩进行病毒灭活,洗脱口罩上已灭活处理的病毒,感染Mardin-Darby狗肾细胞(Mardin-Darby canine kidney cell,MDCK细胞),观察细胞病变并定量检测病毒基因组拷贝数以评价病毒灭活效果。同时采用抽滤系统和PM2.5监测仪对以2种相似热灭活方式处理过的口罩滤过截留PM2.5的效果进行评价。结果显示电吹风机30 min热风处理后病毒基因组拷贝数降低至原来的1/1 000 000~1/10 000 000,接近未感染组,但烘箱56 ℃ 30 min干热处理仅灭活部分病毒。2种热灭活方式对口罩的PM2.5滤过截留效果无显著影响。本研究提供了一个安全、便捷处理一次性医用外科口罩的方法,为个人防护用品口罩表面污染病毒的灭活及其再生利用提供了科学依据。然而,应注意的是在口罩匮乏的非常时期,普通人群可采用该简便技术再生口罩后再次使用,但该方法再生的口罩不适合密切接触患者的人群、医护人员及实验室工作人员使用。  相似文献   

Cell phenotyping in saliva of individuals under psychological stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Total leukocytes, NK cells, B and T lymphocytes present in the saliva of medical students with or without stress were quantified by flow cytometry in 10,000 events. The symptoms of psychological stress were monitored with Lipp’s Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults (ISSL). No significant differences were observed in the number of cells phenotyped in students with and those without psychological stress. However, a negative correlation was observed between the number of NK cells and T lymphocytes in students with stress (r = −0.8173; = 0.0058), suggesting that innate immunity is predominant in the adaptation phase.  相似文献   

为了探讨医务人员职业暴露危险因素及防护对策,对长江大学附属一医院2008年1月1日—2009年12月31日上报的职业暴露依据科室分布、感染途径及暴露原因进行了分析。结果显示,该医院共发生医务人员职业暴露94例,其中,护士62例,医生25例,其它人员7例,护士高于医生;35岁以下年轻护士及医生占88例,35岁以上者6例;大学本科以下学历60例,中级职称以下人员75例。因此需对医务人员加强培训,提高自我保护意识,规范操作,加强管理,注重预防。  相似文献   

The influence of age, maternal status, and the presence of a group male on use of space was assessed in two groups of captive tufted capuchin monkeys that underwent a move from indoor housing to a larger outdoor facility. Both groups originally contained two adult males, but only one group retained a male after the move. Following the move, mothers spent less time on the ground when carrying their infants than they did when not carrying their infants. In the group with no male (1) individuals decreased time spent on the ground relative to pre-move levels, whereas no such difference was noted in the group with the male; (2) females spent more time carrying their infants than did females in the group with a male. In the group with the adult male, juveniles spent less time on the ground than did non-mother adult females, whereas no difference had existed prior to the move. Grooming rates dropped from pre-move to post-move, but the mean number of partners with which each animal was in contact increased. Measures of social behavior varied across post-move observation periods inversely to time spent on the ground. These results are consistent with the view that an individual's relative vulnerability influences behavioral conservatism in novel environments, and suggests a relatively profound role for males in promoting exploration of new space in this species.  相似文献   

Human adolescents exhibit higher levels of novelty-seeking behaviour than younger or older individuals, and novelty-seeking is higher in males than females from adolescence onwards. Gonadal hormones, such as testosterone and estradiol, have been suggested to underlie age and sex difference in response to novelty; however, empirical evidence in support of this hypothesis is limited. Here, we investigated whether suppressing gonadal hormone levels during adolescence affects response to novelty in laboratory rats. Previously, we have shown that male adolescent Lister-hooded rats (postnatal day, pnd, 40) exhibit a stronger preference than same-aged females for a novel object compared to a familiar object. In the current study, 24 male and 24 female Lister-hooded rats were administered with Antide (a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist), or with a control vehicle solution, at pnd 28. Antide provided long-term suppression of gonadal hormone production, as confirmed by ELISA assays and measurement of internal organs. Response to novel objects was tested at pnd 40 in Antide-treated and control subjects using a ‘novel object recognition’ task with a short (2-minute) inter-trial interval. In support of previous findings, control males exhibited a stronger preference than control females for novelty when presented with a choice of objects. Antide-treated males exhibited a significantly lower preference for novel objects compared to control males, whilst Antide-treated females did not differ significantly from control females in their preference for novelty. Antide treatment did not affect total time spent interacting with objects. We discuss how gonadal hormones might influence sex differences in preference for novelty during adolescence.  相似文献   

The results of the in vitro studies on the efficacy of medical nonspecific protective agents from various pharmacological groups showed that some drugs, such as velferon, alferon, betaferon, ribavirin and lopinavir were active against TOPC virus, that permitted to recommend them for estimation of their activity on laboratory animals. The data on the in vivo activity of pharmacological drugs with respect to TOPC virus are rather scanty and it is difficult to predetermine their efficacy. The danger of TOPC virus latent circulation among wild animals in China requires research of new efficient medical agents for protection of the people from the pathogen in the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

在医学微生物学教学改革实践中,对传统讲授式教学与PBL教学进行比较。结果显示PBL法教学组学生的分析题成绩、理论成绩、总成绩均比传统讲授教学组好,差异有高度显著性(P<0.01)。在PBL实践过程中发现影响其教学效果的主要因素有:教师和学生角色转变的困难;学生易受非重要问题的困扰;时间和硬件设备的缺乏;考核方式不完善。由此,提出相应的对策,以获得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The prenatally stressed (PS) rat shows enhanced conditioned fear and increased behavioral inhibition in response to footshock compared to control (CON) rats. It is unclear whether this facilitated learning will occur only with aversive stimulation, or if it will also be observed in the context of positive reinforcement. There are limited and inconsistent data regarding sex differences and the impact of prenatal stress on learning. The present study was designed to examine lever-press acquisition with a 10-s delay to food reinforcement in male and female PS and CON rats. Overall, twice as many PS male rats acquired the lever-press response than the PS female rats, CON male rats, and CON female rats. PS male rats also earned significantly more reinforcers and responded on the operative lever at a significantly greater rate than the other three rat groups. These findings suggest that PS rats exhibit altered learning with a task involving positive reinforcement, and this effect of PS is sex specific for male rats.  相似文献   

胁迫条件下高等植物体内脯氨酸代谢及调节的研究进展   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
概述胁迫处理对Pro 代谢调节机理的研究近况,从分子水平上分析了胁迫下Pro 积累的原因,初步提出Pro 与多胺的相互关系  相似文献   

目的调查医院医技人员对流行区华支睾吸虫病的认知状况,为该病防治策略的制定提供依据。方法从华支睾吸虫流行病学、临床表现与并发症、诊断和治疗及相关知识的获得途径这几方面设置调查问卷,总分19分。对佳木斯市5家综合性医院和1家传染病专科医院医技人员进行匿名问卷调查。结果共发放问卷340份,回收有效问卷334份,有效应答率98.24%。334名医技人员最低得分2分,最高得分17分,平均得分(11.38±3.50)分(正确率59.89%)。其中5家综合医院医技人员平均得分(10.84±3.27)分,1家传染病专科医院医技人员平均得分(15.78±1.73)分,二者差异有统计学意义(t=14.353,P<0.001)。高级职称医技人员在流行病学、临床表现与并发症、诊断与治疗方面的得分均高于其他职称医技人员(均P<0.05)。结论佳木斯地区医技人员华支睾吸虫病总体认知率不高,应对不同医疗机构和职称的医技人员制定相应的培训内容,鼓励医技人员多途径获取华支睾吸虫病相关知识。  相似文献   

刘凤萍 《蛇志》2016,(3):370-371
目的减少住院患者医疗收费差错,降低费用差错引起的医患纠纷,提高患者满意度。方法通过抽查我院2014年1月~2015年1月的病历资料720份,其中发现收费差错病历162份,并对收费差错发生的原因进行分析。结果通过组织相关人员学习医疗收费标准,加大审核力度和及时指导,制定奖惩制度等管理措施,差错率显著降低,由实施改进方法前的22.5%降至改进后的10.58%。结论针对收费差错实施有效的管理措施,明显降低差错率的发生,提高了病人满意度。  相似文献   

姚佳  马悦  徐文  马茜  刘丽君  李薇  汪洋 《微生物学通报》2019,46(9):2426-2435
近年来翻转课堂作为以学生为主体、教师为主导的教学方式逐渐被应用于大学本科教学。本文以目前医学微生物学实验教学中存在的问题为着眼点,介绍了本校以基于微课的翻转课堂进行医学微生物实验教学改革的基本方式和实施效果。相对于传统教学模式,教改后的新型教学模式能够切实提高教学质量,也为本校其他医学基础实验课教学改革提供了有益的经验。  相似文献   

抗生素过度使用是一个全球性问题,我国抗生素过度使用问题较为严重和普遍。而微生态制剂以其安全、有效的优点以及可一定程度上替代抗生素等特点正引起越来越广泛的关注。医学生作为未来的医务工作者,其对上述二者相关知识的认知直接关系到这一问题的解决。本文阐述了作者通过调查问卷得出的当代医学生对抗生素及微生态学知识的认知水平的调查结果,并进行了相关分析。  相似文献   

Exposure to early life stress is a predictor of mental health disorders, and two common forms of early life stress are social conflict and impaired maternal care, which are predominant features of postpartum mood disorders. Exposure of lactating female rats to a novel male intruder involves robust social conflict and induces deficits in maternal care towards the F1 offspring. This exposure is an early life social stressor for female F1 pups that induces inefficient lactation associated with central changes in oxytocin (OXT), prolactin (PRL), and arginine vasopressin (AVP) gene expression in adult F1 females.  相似文献   

L-[4,5-3H]isoleucine was introduced to label anteiso-fatty acid (AIFA)-containing lipids in Staphylococcus aureus SG 511. After an overnight incubation in peptone broth in the presence of 37 kBq L-[4,5-3H]isoleucine/ml, 8.5-13% of the total radioactivity applied was found to be incorporated into the cells. 22.4-25.6% of the incorporated radioactivity was found in AIFA-containing lipids extracted by chloroform-methanol-water (2:1:0.2, v/v/v) at pH 2. The interphase contained 70-75% of the incorporated radioactivity. Lipoteichoic acid, extracted by phenol-water (80:20, w/v) contained less than 1% of the incorporated radioactivity, as measured after purification by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on octyl sepharose gel. Within 1 h after addition of 10 micrograms/ml penicillin G to exponentially growing cultures of S. aureus, that led to non-lytic death of the cells, 11.9-18.1% of the incorporated L-[4,5-3H]isoleucine label were released. Lipids containing AIFA were excreted to 5.4-8.4% of total incorporated activity; this amount represents more than 1/4 of the labeled cellular lipids.  相似文献   

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