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Application of powder diets may promote development of the predator Geocoris ochropterus (Fieber) when densities are low in greenhouses or fields. Development and nymphal survival ratio of G. ochropterus fed on different powder diets including silkworm pupae (A), crickets (B), silkworm pupae and sunflower seed (C) and crickets and sunflower seed (D) were examined. Total average development period was 30.14 days for instars fed on silkworm pupae, 34.43 days for instars fed on crickets, 26.28 days for instars fed on silkworm pupae and sunflower seed and 29.67 days for instars fed on crickets and sunflower seed, and they were significantly different. Head width, body length, forewing length, dry body weight of adults and sex ratio were not affected by the different diets. There were significantly different found in survival rates among the diets when the nymph reached 5th instar. Results indicate that the combination powder of silkworm pupae and sunflower seed will promise as an alternative diet in the greenhouses to maintain the population of G. ochropterus.  相似文献   

Biological control using the polyphagous predator big-eyed bug Geocoris varius (Uhler) (Hemiptera: Geocoridae) is currently being investigated in Japan. However, the production costs of G. varius are relatively high because the eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae) are used as the major food source for mass rearing. Development time and reproductive fitness were therefore examined for G. varius fed two types of artificial diet based on liver and ground pork. The diets were administered either by wrapping in Parafilm® or by presenting the food in lyophilized form. The results were compared with those obtained by rearing G. varius on E. kuehniella eggs. Although development time of Geocoris varius fed the artificial diets was significantly delayed compared with G. varius fed on E. kuehniella eggs, delays are slight and not serious for mass rearing projects. The findings suggested that both artificial diets could be used to reduce the costs associated with mass rearing of G. varius.  相似文献   

Several big-eyed bugs, Geocoris species, are abundant predators in many important agricultural cropping systems. Despite their apparent importance and high visibility little is known about their environmental relationships, niche overlap and species richness. To determine these ecological characteristics of 5 Geocoris species for use in conservation efforts, an extensive sampling was done in 152 localities of Iran. A richness model was developed using a maximum entropy modelling approach (Maxent) and ArcGIS software for the five species based on collection records in conjunction with eight environmental variables. Maps for habitat overlap were created for paired species using ArcGIS 10.2 and ENMTools. The species displayed different overlapping niche ranges from 1.97% to 37.25% in pair-wise comparisons. For species richness three categories (habitats dominated by 0–1, 2–3, and 4–5 species) represented 38.44%, 46.07%, and 15.49% of the modelled landscape, respectively. A direct relationship was found between humidity and the number of species present in different locations. Understanding the degree of ecological overlap between the Geocoris species, and their effective predation of aphids and mites, is critical in designing biological control methods in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

We examined whether the application of a powdered artificial diet on target plants would promote the establishment of Geocoris varius (Uhler) (Hemiptera: Geocoridae). Laboratory trials showed that, after 72 h, 93 % of the G. varius individuals remained on plants to which the artificial diet was applied as opposed to only 30 % of G. varius remaining on untreated strawberry plants. Moreover, application of the powdered diet promoted the development of G. varius from the third to the fifth nymphal stages and extended the average longevity by 12 days. The results suggested that the application of powdered artificial diet promotes the establishment of G. varius released in a greenhouse, even when pest densities are low, increasing the effectiveness of biological control. Furthermore, the increase in predation associated with greater numbers of more developed G. varius would improved the effectiveness of this biocontrol method.  相似文献   

Some of the life-parameters such as nymphal development periods, growth (by weight), food consumption, egg laying period, rate, percent mortality ofGeocoris ochropterus (Fieber) have been studied on ant pupae (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabr.), a potential food available both naturally and commercially. The moisture and basic nutrients including protein, carbohydrate and lipid of the cold-preserved ant pupae have been determined to provide understanding of the dietary value of the food for mass rearing. Experiment with variable male company showed that total fecundity exceeds by a narrow margin in constant male company over fortnightly mating programme. No mating leads to reduction of egg laying in virgins.  相似文献   

Species of Epipolops Herrich‐Schaeffer (Hemiptera: Geocoridae), comprising the largest genus of Pamphantinae, are among the most bizarre true bugs because of their striking morphology. To elucidate evolutionary morphology in Epipolops, a phylogenetic analysis was performed using 17 species and 36 adult morphological characters. Two cladograms were obtained under equal and implied weight analyses, showing slight differences between them. Two new species, E. stridulatus sp.n . and E. univallensis sp.n ., are described, and E. meridionalis Pirán is resurrected from synonymy with E. frondosus Herrich‐Schaeffer. A key to the known species of Epipolops is provided. The systematic relevance of the unique characters of the genus is discussed and the sequence of character state transformations for both the anterior and posterior lateral processes of the pronotum are optimized on the cladogram obtained under implied weights. Species of Epipolops are found in the Neotropical region and the Mexican Transition Zone, with some clades and species restricted to certain South American subregions. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CB72D5DA‐D86B‐4B91‐93A2‐88894F7120C9 .  相似文献   

We studied the development of Geocoris varius (Uhler) and Geocoris proteus Distant reared on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs at 20, 24, 26, 30, 33, or 36?°C. The lower developmental thresholds (T 0) and the thermal constants (K) of eggs and nymphs of G. varius were 13.3?°C, 151.1 degree-days and 13.4?°C, 433.0 degree-days, respectively; those of G. proteus were 16.1?°C, 98.3 degree-days and 16.9?°C, 226.9 degree-days, respectively. The hatch rate of G. varius eggs was significantly lower at 33?°C than at ??30?°C, and no eggs hatched at 36?°C. That of G. proteus was lowest at 20?°C and did not decline significantly at 36?°C. The survival rate throughout the nymphal period increased with temperature up to 30?°C in G. varius, and it was lowest at 20?°C in G. proteus. Thus, the optimal rearing temperatures for immature stages appear to be about 24?C30?°C for G. varius and 26?C33?°C for G. proteus. It might be possible to improve the efficiency of their mass production by controlling the rearing temperature in the above ranges. This would also make the developmental stages of nymphs more uniform and so prevent cannibalism in mass rearing.  相似文献   

The silkworm Bombyx mori contains high concentrations of free d-serine, an optical isomer of l-serine. To elucidate its function, we first investigated the localization of d-serine in various organs of silkworm larvae, pupae, and adult moths. Using immunohistochemical analysis with an anti-d-serine antibody, we found d-serine in the microvilli of midgut goblet and cylindrical cells and in peripheral matrix components of testicular and ovarian cells. By spectrophotometric analysis, d-serine was also found in the hemolymph and fat body. d-Alanine was not detected in the various organs by immunohistochemistry. Serine racemase, which catalyzes the inter-conversion of l- and d-serine, was found to co-localize with d-serine, and d-serine production from l-serine by intrinsic serine racemase was suggested. O-Phospho-l-serine is an inhibitor of serine racemase, and it was administered to the larvae to reduce the d-serine level. This reagent decreased the midgut caspase-3 level and caused a delay in spermatogenesis and oogenesis. The reagent also decreased mature sperm and egg numbers, suggesting d-serine participation in these processes. d-Serine administration induced an increase in pyruvate levels in testis, midgut, and fat body, indicating conversion of d-serine to pyruvate. On the basis of these results, together with our previous investigation of ATP biosynthesis in testis, we consider the possible involvement of d-serine in ATP synthesis for metamorphosis and reproduction.  相似文献   

Growth, survival, fecundity, and nutrition of Tirathaba rufivena (Walker) fed on two artificial and one natural diet were studied at 29±1°C and 75±5% relative humidity. Larvae reared on the two artificial diets showed faster growth and development, higher pupal survival and weight, and higher adult fecundity than those reared on a natural diet of young coconuts, Cocos nucifera L. The relative growth rate, efficiency of ingested food conversion, and efficiency of digested food conversion in larvae fed on artificial diets were significantly higher than those of larvae fed on young coconuts. The relative consumption rate of larvae fed on artificial diets was significantly lower than that of larvae fed on young coconuts. T. rufivena showed no significant degradation in ability to propagate after being reared on the artificial diet for five successive generations. These results indicated that two artificial diets are suitable for mass rearing of T. rufivena.  相似文献   

一种快速鉴别甜菜夜蛾蛹及成虫雌雄的简易方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
描述了一种快速准确区分甜菜夜蛾蛹及成虫雌雄的方法。甜菜夜蛾雌、雄蛹的主要区别是:雌蛹第8腹节腹面有一较短的纵裂缝,裂缝两侧平坦无突起;雄蛹第9腹节腹面有一长的纵裂缝,裂缝两侧有半圆形瘤状突起。成虫期雌、雄蛾主要区别是:雄蛾体色较浅,腹部狭长且末端有一圈黄色长毛簇;雌蛾体色较深,腹部末端浑圆,毛簇较短,生殖孔清晰可见。以此标准所建立的甜菜夜蛾雌雄蛹及成虫的快速鉴定方法,对于田间性比、预测和种群动态以及人工饲养等具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The effect of buprofezin, a chitin synthesis inhibitor, on development and survival of immature stages of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), Stethortus punctum picipes Casey, Orius tristicolor (White), Geocoris pallens St?l, and Geocoris punctipes (Say), was examined in a series of laboratory bioassays. Very few H. axyridis larvae (3.1%) treated with buprofezin reached adulthood, although 65% of treated pupae emerged successfully. Buprofezin caused no mortality to eggs of S. punctum picipes but 71.1% of treated early instar larvae failed to complete development. Eighty percent of treated late instars and 92.3% of pupae produced viable adults. Early instar nymphs of O. tristicolor were unaffected by buprofezin, whereas 47.7 and 85% of G. punctipes and G. pallens nymphs, respectively, failed to complete development. Treated eggs of G. pallens hatched successfully. The use of buprofezin in integrated pest management in Washington state wine grapes is discussed.  相似文献   

Many biological-control programmes, particularly those using egg parasitoids of the genus Trichogramma, involve rearing control agents on eggs of factitious hosts such as Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller). The objective of this study was to improve procedures for mass rearing of A. kuehniella, by determining the optimal population density in rearing trays, and evaluating the effects of metabolically induced temperature increase on reproduction and development. During the fourth and fifth instars, the temperature in trays increased 7–9°C, depending on larval density. Maximum egg production was obtained in trays inoculated with 10,800 eggs. Females and eggs obtained from this density were heavier than those reared at higher densities. Maintaining the temperature inside the rearing trays at 25°C increased egg production by up to 8?g per tray. However, both the heat from larval metabolism and the larval density significantly reduced the fecundity of A. kuehniella.  相似文献   

Light wavelength and intensity are physical factors that can affect arthropod development and reproduction. The present study examined the development, reproduction and locomotor activity of the predatory flower bug, Orius sauteri (Poppius) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), under five light intensities (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 lux) and five wavelengths [red (678.5 nm), green (620.0 nm), yellow (581.7 nm), blue (478. 1 nm) and white (all wavelengths)] at constant temperature (25 °C) and RH (70 %). The duration of nymphal development was extended at lower light intensities, primarily due to effects on the first three instars. Under white, yellow and green light, O. sauteri completed development in 18.0 days, but blue light extended development by 3.2 days and red light extended it by 7.4 days. Although lower light intensities extended the preoviposition period and reduced fecundity, they improved egg fertility. Both red and blue light negatively affected preoviposition period, fecundity and egg fertility. Whereas adult female mean walking speed over a five min period was reduced at lower light intensities, longer wavelengths (yellow and red) increased it, ostensibly reflecting an avoidance response. The respiration quotient of adult O. sauteri females was also elevated under red light conditions. These findings are informative for optimizing O. sauteri mass-rearing procedures and maximizing its efficacy as a biological control agent in greenhouse cultures.  相似文献   

The suitability of ten diets for the development and reproduction of Franklinothrips orizabensis Johansen, the key natural enemy of Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara, a pest of California grown avocados, was determined in the laboratory. The experimental diets evaluated were: (i) irradiated Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs; (ii) irradiated E. kuehniella eggs and avocado pollen; (iii) Tetranychus pacificus McGregor eggs; (iv) T. pacificus eggs and avocado pollen; (v) irradiated E. kuehniella eggs and T. pacificus eggs; (vi) irradiated E. kuehniella eggs, T. pacificus eggs and avocado pollen; (vii) Scirtothrips perseae; (viii) Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouchè); (ix) avocado pollen; and (x) a young avocado leaf. Franklinothrips orizabensis larvae were unable to develop to adulthood on diets 9 and 10. The remaining eight diets supported complete development of F. orizabensis, but only diets 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 produced fecund females. On diet 5, F. orizabensis exhibited high larval to adult survivorship (90%), mated females exhibited highest daily and lifetime fecundity, and the progeny of mated females were female biased (53%). Analysis of jackknife estimates of net reproduction (Ro), intrinsic rate of increase (rm), and finite rate of increase (lambda) were all significantly greater for F. orizabensis reared on irradiated E. kuehniella eggs and T. pacificus eggs (i.e. diet 5) than corresponding values for other diets on which female F. orizabensis were able to complete development and reproduce. Incorporation of avocado pollen into diets had an adverse effect on demographic statistics for F. orizabensis, and low quality diets resulted in male biased sex ratios for this predator.  相似文献   

Commercially produced maturity group (MG) IV soybeans, Glycine max L., were sampled during bloom for tarnished plant bugs, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), during May and June 1999 (3 fields) and 2001 (18 fields). The adults and nymphs were found primarily in single population peaks in both years, indicating a single new generation was produced during each year. The peak mean numbers of nymphs were 0.61 and 0.84 per drop cloth sample in 1999 and 2001, respectively. Adults peaked at 3.96 (1999) and 3.76 (2001) per sweep net sample (25 sweeps). Tests using laboratory-reared and field-collected tarnished plant bugs resulted in very poor survival of nymphs on 16 different soybean varieties (MG III, one; IV, four; V, nine; VI, two). A large cage (0.06 ha) field test found that the number of nymphs produced on eight soybean varieties after mated adults were released into the cages was lower than could be expected on a suitable host. These results indicated that soybean was a marginal host for tarnished plant bugs. However, the numbers of adults and nymphs found in the commercially produced fields sampled in the study may have been high enough to cause feeding damage to the flowering soybeans. The nature of the damage and its possible economic importance were not determined. Reproduction of tarnished plant bugs in the commercially produced early soybean fields showed that the early soybeans provided tarnished plant bugs with a very abundant host at a time when only wild hosts were previously available.  相似文献   

The large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas), was reared from fourth instar to the adult stage on chemically defined diets, and was maintained alive for 2 to 5 months on such diets. Insects grew better on diets containing 5% sucrose than on those containing 3, 10 or 20% sucrose, and gained almost as much weight as those on milkweed seed and water. Newly hatched nymphs gained almost ten times in weight and moulted once or twice on different diet solutions, but never reached the adult stage. Diluted diets greatly prolonged the length of the stadium and survival of first- and second-instar nymphs, but these did not reach the adult stage. Ommission of cholesterol from the diet had no effect either on growth or moulting of this insect.
Résumé On a pu élever la punaise de l'asclépiade, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) sur des régimes de composition chimique définie, ceci à partir du quatrième stade larvaire jusqu'à l'imago, et la maintenir sur de tels régimes durant deux à cinq mois consécutifs. La croissance pondérale de l'insecte a été supérieure sur les régimes contenant 5% de sucrose que sur ceux contenant 3, 10 ou 20% de sucrose, et est comparblle à celle obtenue sur les régimes à base de graines d'asclépiade. La croissance des larves fra?chement écloses placées sur de tels régimes a été décuplée; ces larves ont mué une ou deux fois, sans toutefois atteindre le stade adulte. Des régimes dilués ont eu pour effet de prolonger considérablement la survie et la durée des larves de premier et deuxième stades. Labsence de cholestérol dans les régimes nutritifs a semblé n'avoir aucun effet sur la croissance et la mue.

【目的】扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley是近年在我国新发现的一种重要外来入侵害虫,对我国棉花生产具有潜在的巨大威胁。本研究以棉花作为寄主,探索恒温及变温条件对扶桑绵粉蚧生长发育的影响。【方法】在光周期为12L∶12D,RH 70%±5%,在系列恒温及变温(温度波动范围为±1℃)条件下,用棉花饲养扶桑绵粉蚧,观察和分析了不同温度下各龄虫态的发育历期、发育速率、存活率和繁殖力及发育起点温度、有效积温、最适发育温度、极限高温等。【结果】在恒温17~32℃范围内,扶桑绵粉蚧各虫态的发育历期随温度升高而逐渐缩短,当温度达到27℃时发育速率值增幅最大,其中在恒温22~32℃范围内,该虫具有较高的生长发育速率和存活率,且繁殖能力较强,而在恒温37℃条件下,该虫不能完成整个生活史而死亡。在循环变温条件(25~40℃)下,该虫表现出更好的适应性:发育历期更短,速率更快,存活率更高,繁殖力也达到了恒温条件下的平均水平。雌雄虫的发育起点温度分别为9.0℃和8.1℃,而达到成虫时所需有效积温分别为322.6日度和344.8日度。通过拟合发育速率与温度之间的非线性回归关系求出雌雄虫最适发育温度分别为30.5℃和29.9℃,而极限高温分别为36.6℃和35.8℃。【结论】扶桑绵粉蚧适温范围广泛,特别是在变温条件下的适应性非常强。这些结果为预测扶桑绵粉蚧在我国主要棉区的分布提供了依据。  相似文献   

温度对微小花蝽生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确温度对微小花蝽Orius minutus生长发育和繁殖的影响。【方法】本研究以腐食酪螨Tyrophagus putresceniae为猎物,分别在5个恒温(15,20,25,30和35℃)条件下室内饲养,调查了温度对微小花蝽各虫态发育历期、存活率、成虫繁殖力以及种群参数的影响。【结果】在15~35℃范围内,各虫态平均发育历期均随温度升高而缩短,15℃下完成一个世代发育需要52.45 d,而35℃下仅需14.85 d。直线回归分析表明,微小花蝽世代发育起点温度为8.89℃,有效积温为359.20日·度。世代存活率和单雌平均产卵量均在25℃时最高,分别为17.07%和41.00粒。种群趋势指数在15℃和35℃下小于1,种群呈负增长;20~30℃下大于1,且25℃时最高,为3.92。净增殖率、内禀增长率和周限增长率均在25℃时最高,分别为3.32,0.04和1.04;种群世代周期以15℃时最长,为57.76 d,35℃时最短,为17.50 d。【结论】取食腐食酪螨的微小花蝽发育适宜温度范围为25~35℃,存活、繁殖和种群增长的最适温度均为25℃。这些结果为利用腐食酪螨人工饲养微小花蝽提供了基础参考数据。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确温度对军配盲蝽Stethoconus japonicus生长发育及繁殖的影响。【方法】以悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata为猎物,置于15、20、25、30和35℃的人工气候箱恒温条件下饲养军配盲蝽,统计恒温处理下军配盲蝽发育历期、存活率和成虫繁殖力等指标,计算其发育起点温度与有效积温。【结果】在15-35℃内,军配盲蝽各虫态发育历期均随温度升高而缩短。军配盲蝽卵、若虫、卵-成虫、产卵前期及世代存活率随温度升高均先增加后降低,在25℃下的存活率最高。军配盲蝽全世代的发育起点温度为10.59℃,有效积温550.22日·度。随着温度升高,成虫寿命和雌虫产卵期逐渐缩短,雌虫寿命较雄虫长,25℃时单雌平均产卵量最大,为218.36粒,35℃时最低,为47.62粒。25℃下军配盲蝽实验种群趋势指数值最大,为I=18.01,是20℃的2.05倍,30℃的7.97倍。【结论】25-30℃最有利于军配盲蝽实验种群的增长。研究结果为室内人工繁殖军配盲蝽提供基础参考数据。  相似文献   

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