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Floral development was compared with scanning electron microscopy in 12 Australian species of Hibbertia representing most of its morphological variation, and in the related Adrastaea (Dilleniaceae). Calyx and corolla arise in quincuncial helices in radially symmetrical species, while the petals initiate unidirectionally from one side in zygomorphic species. Stamen number (3-200+) proliferates by centrifugal addition of individual primordia or by innovations of common primordia and ring meristems. Common primordia arise in single-stamen positions alternately with petals, and each produces one to several stamens centrifugally that remain attached to a shared base and form a stamen fascicle. A ring meristem in Adrastaea initiates a whorl of five stamens, alternate with the first stamens but outside their whorl. In radially symmetrical species of Hibbertia, a first ring of stamens is supplemented centrifugally by additional stamens on a meristem ring. The first stamens in zygomorphic species of Hibbertia initiate as a terminal ridge on the floral apex, with subsequent stamens added centrifugally on one side and two carpels initiated on the opposite side. The carpels arise as a simultaneous ring in radially symmetrical flowers, or as a simultaneous pair in zygomorphic species. Staminodial presence is viewed as of minor significance. Four pollinator syndromes are proposed for Hibbertia, related to differing floral architecture.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusTetracera (T. maguirei) from the sandstone savannas and shrubby forests in Guyana is described, illustrated, and compared toT. asperula Miq. A key to the species ofTetracera from the Guianas is provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genusDavilla from Brazil are described and illustrated (D. kubitzkii andD. morri). The new species are assigned to sect.Homalochlaena and their relationships with allied species are discussed.  相似文献   

The bamboo is usually classified as a subfamily Bambusoideae of Poaceae, and includes approximately 20 genera and 300 species. To estimate phylogenetic relationships among these genera, we examined restriction site mutations of cpDNA for 16 Asian genera. In the cladogram obtained, the Bambosoideae was divided into two major lineages, one includingPleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Semiarundinaria, Shibataea, Phyllostachys, Sasa, Sinobambusa, Chimonobambusa, Arthrostylidium, andYushania, and the other consisting ofBambusa, Gigantochloa, Dendrocalamus, Thyrostachys, Melocanna, andSchizostachyum. Monophylly of each clade was supported by 83% and 98% bootstrap probability, respectively. The present result supports monophylly of Arundinarieae of Potztal's (1964) classical system, but does not support his treatment to recognize Dendrocalameae.  相似文献   

As a result of examining specimens of Dilleniaceae for the Flora of Ecuador and Flora Neotropica, a new species (Doliocarpus subandinus) from Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia is described and illustrated, and the relationship with allied species is discussed.  相似文献   

Structure and fungal identities were examined in the mycorrhizal roots of Schizocodon soldanelloides var. magnus (Diapensiaceae) to determine the mycorrhizal category. Previous studies had suggested the mycorrhizae of Diapensiaceae could be categorized as ericoid, but the mycorrhizal fungi have never been identified. The diameter of the fine lateral roots, in which coiled hyphae were found in epidermal cells, was mostly less than 100 μm. Molecular analyses identified the fungal isolates to be Helotiales and Oidiodendron. From the structure and fungal identities, we confirmed that the mycorrhiza of S. soldanelloides is an ericoid mycorrhiza.  相似文献   

Discrete Australian populations of Hibbertia fasciculata R. Br. ex DC. differ in stamen number per flower: three to four in isolated, northeastern coastal populations in New South Wales vs. 10–12 in southeastern Australian populations. In all populations, the stamen bases are attached to three broad flat pedestals regardless of number of stamens present. In certain other Hibbertia species, each pedestal results from initiation via a common stamen primordium that usually produces at least 3–4 stamens per common primordium. In H. fasciculata, each of the three pedestals is associated with three to four stamens in flowers of southeastern populations, but with only one stamen per pedestal in the coastal populations of New South Wales. Because the pedestals (remnants of common primordia) have persisted, the evolutionary trend probably has been one of reduction in stamen number. General observations and comparative studies suggest that this population-based reduction series in stamen number (as well as reduced plant size and flower size) reflects a locally successful trend towards smaller organs throughout the plant body together with a shift in pollination ecology.  相似文献   

Echinococcosis is a serious helminthic zoonosis in humans, livestock and wildlife. The pathogenic organisms are members of the genus Echinococcus (Cestoda: Taeniidae). Life cycles of Echinococcus spp. are consistently dependent on predator–prey association between two obligate mammalian hosts. Carnivores (canids and felids) serve as definitive hosts for adult tapeworms and their herbivore prey (ungulates, rodents and lagomorphs) as intermediate hosts for metacestode larvae. Humans are involved as an accidental host for metacestode infections. The metacestodes develop in various internal organs, particularly in liver and lungs. Each metacestode of Echinococcus spp. has an organotropism and a characteristic form known as an unilocular (cystic), alveolar or polycystic hydatid. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have demonstrated that the type species, Echinococcus granulosus, causing cystic echinococcosis is a cryptic species complex. Therefore, the orthodox taxonomy of Echinococcus established from morphological criteria has been revised from the standpoint of phylogenetic systematics. Nine valid species including newly resurrected taxa are recognised as a result of the revision. This review summarises the recent advances in the phylogenetic systematics of Echinococcus, together with the historical backgrounds and molecular epidemiological aspects of each species. A new phylogenetic tree inferred from the mitochondrial genomes of all valid Echinococcus spp. is also presented. The taxonomic nomenclature for Echinococcus oligarthrus is shown to be incorrect and this name should be replaced with Echinococcus oligarthra.  相似文献   

Three new species of Davilla (Davilla sessilifolia, Davilla minutifolia and Davilla aymardii) from Bahia, Brazil, are described and illustrated. Affinities and diagnostic characteristics of each species are discussed. The new species belong to Davilla sect. Homalochlaena.  相似文献   

The 3400 species of Eumolpinae constitute one of the largest subfamilies of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae). Their systematics is still largely based on late 19th century monographs and remains highly unsatisfactory. Only recently, some plesiomorphic lineages have been split out as separate subfamilies, including the southern hemisphere Spilopyrinae and the ambiguously placed Synetinae. Here we provide insight into the internal systematics of the Eumolpinae based on molecular phylogenetic analyses of three ribosomal genes, including partial mitochondrial 16S and nuclear 28S and complete nuclear 18S rRNA gene sequences. Sixteen morphological characters considered important in the higher-level systematics of Eumolpinae were also included in a combined analysis with the molecular characters. All phylogenetic analyses were performed using parsimony by optimizing length variation directly on the tree, as implemented in the POY software. The data support the monophyly of the Spilopyrinae outside the clade including all sampled Eumolpinae, corroborating their treatment as a separate subfamily within the Chrysomelidae. The systematic placement of the Synetinae remains ambiguous but consistent with considering it a different subfamily as well, since the phylogenetic analyses using all the available evidence show the representative sequence of the subfamily also unrelated to the Eumolpinae. The Megascelini, traditionally considered a separate subfamily, falls within the Eumolpinae. Several recognized taxonomic groupings within Eumolpinae, including the tribes Adoxini or Typophorini, are not confirmed by molecular data; others like Eumolpini seem well supported. Among the morphological characters analyzed, the presence of a characteristic groove on the pygidium (a synapomorphy of the Eumolpini) and the shape of tarsal claws (simple, appendiculate or bifid) stand out as potentially useful characters for taxonomic classification in the Eumolpinae.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b sequences of 15 species of Viverridae were used to investigate the systematic relationships of the Asiatic Viverridae and their affinities to African viverrid species. Phylogenetic analyses (maximum parsimony and neighbour-joining) supported the hypothesis of paraphyly of the subfamily Viverrinae, whereas the data suggests the monophyly of the two Viverridae subfamilies endemic to Asia. The Asiatic viverrids do not appear to have a unique origin. Results indicate that the Asiatic linsang is less closely related to the other Asiatic taxa, whereas the African civet ( Civettictis ) groups with the Asiatic civets ( Viverra , Viverricula ). The relationships between the three clades — civets, Paradoxurinae, Hemigalinae — cannot be firmly established, but they appear to be closely related together.  相似文献   

Nodal explants of rice cultivar Pathumthani 1 (PT1; short-day photoperiod insensitive) were collected, surface-disinfected, and cultured on modified MS medium under in vitro conditions for 90 d. A total of 60% nodal explants generated flowering plantlets (with one inflorescence per cluster). The net photosynthetic rate was greater, and soluble sugars (including glucose, fructose, and sucrose) accumulated to higher levels in the leaves of flowering as compared to non-flowering plants. In contrast, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and total carotenoid content were enriched to a greater degree in the leaves of non-flowering as compared to flowering plants. Also, growth performance parameters, including plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight of plantlets derived from seedlings were superior to those of plantlets derived from nodal explants. In addition, the protocol proved to successfully induce flowering in KDML 105, a short-day photoperiod-sensitive rice cultivar.  相似文献   

受高原抬升所致的水系变迁及人类活动的影响,分布于南门峡河流的裂腹鱼亚科鱼类与黄河干支流种群间的基因交流受到长期限制。作为孤立小群体,探讨其分类学地位及其在小生境中的进化机制对了解青藏高原鱼类多样性和物种的形成、进化具有重要意义。本文采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和直接测序方法获得了南门峡裂腹鱼亚科鱼类(n=29)及其近缘种(n=19)共48个个体的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)细胞色素b(cytb)基因的全序列(1140bp),并以厚唇裸重鱼和尖裸鲤为外群构建了MP和Bayesian系统进化树。南门峡裂腹鱼亚科鱼类29个个体的序列经排序后,发现有100个(8·77%)多态性位点,共定义了16个单倍型,在系统进化树上分布于截然不同的两个族群中。其中5个单倍型(NMX3、6、7、13、15)与其近缘种花斑裸鲤和青海湖裸鲤形成单系群(MP99%,Bayesian98%),而其余11个单倍型(NMX1、2、4、5、8、9、10、11、12、14、16)与黄河干支流的黄河裸裂尻鱼形成另一个单系群(MP99%,Bayesian99%)。序列差异分析显示,分布于不同族群的南门峡裂腹鱼亚科鱼类之间存在较大的碱基差异(平均为7·42%),显示出种间差异水平,表明分布于南门峡河流的裂腹鱼亚科鱼类可能是花斑裸鲤和黄河裸裂尻鱼形态相似种的复合体。结合青藏高原隆升所致的气候环境变化和高原北部水系变迁的事件,推断形态趋同进化可能导致了南门峡河流裂腹鱼亚科鱼类形态相似种的共存,而小生境自然选择压力是引发适应性形态趋同进化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Trichomes of 26 species of Alcea (Malvaceae) were investigated using light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The trichomes show a great micromorphological variation, which provides data useful for species delimitation in Alcea. Two basic types of trichomes could be distinguished in Alcea and allied genera: glandular and eglandular. The glandular trichomes could in turn be subdivided into two subtypes: capitate and clavate. The eglandular trichomes could be subdivided into five subtypes: simple, fascicled, stellate, fascicled-stellate and pluri-radiate. Characters of taxonomic interest are: trichome density (glabrous to dense), number of arms per trichome, orientation relative to the epidermal surface (appressed to erect) and presence/absence of a stalk. According to the results the species of Alcea can be divided into four informal groups based on trichome types. The results further support the exclusion of the annual Althaea species from the perennial ones and their close relationship to Malva. In addition, a close relationship between perennial Althaea and basal Alcea lineages is supported. Based on the evolutionary framework provided by recent molecular phylogenetic investigations, the following trends can be observed in the Malva alliance: long and narrow-armed trichomes are primitive in relation to short and thick-armed trichomes; dense indumentum coverage is primitive in relation to moderately dense or glabrous ones; presence of simple hairs on stem (particularly on leaves) is more advanced than their absence; spreading villous-stellate and fascicled trichomes are more advanced than appressed stellate ones. Clavate trichomes, which were found exclusively in a few species of Alcea, should be considered as a derived state in relation to capitate ones, and they may provide a synapomorphy for the crown group of Alcea.  相似文献   

The stonefly genus Tyrrhenoleuctra includes species living in western Mediterranean temporary freshwater streams, sometimes also at sea level, a very unusual habitat for most Plecoptera. Traditional morphological approaches proved unsuccessful in drawing both taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, thus hampering discussion of biogeographical patterns for this interesting group. We aimed at: (a) assessing the taxonomic status of populations of Tyrrhenoleuctra covering the geographic range of the genus; (b) studying the phylogenetic relationships among the recognized species; and (c) describing biogeographic patterns. We used phylogenetic analyses to infer the phylogenetic history of this group of stoneflies based on a combined data set of 1666 bp including fragments of the 12S ribosomal (12S) and cytochrome oxidase I (CO‐I) mtDNA genes, with maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Two main clades have been identified: a Sardo‐Corsican one, including Tyrrhenoleuctra zavattarii, and an Ibero‐Maghrebian one including four lineages of unkown taxonomic rank from the Balearic Islands (Maiorca), from northern Africa (Ceuta) and southernmost Spain (Algeciras), and a complex preliminarily referred herein to T. minuta (Klapálek, 1901), which includes two lineages, one from Cordoba, and one from Sierra de Grazalema (El Cerro) and Portugal (Tellhares) respectively. Dating the nodes by fixing the split of the Ibero‐Maghrebian clade from the Sardo‐Corsican one at 29 million years ago (Mya), yielded dates referring to the major geological events in the Mediterranean basin. Estimated molecular evolutionary rates ranged from 0.02–0.09% per million years (my) in the T. zavattarii lineages, to 0.2–0.7% per MY in the Ibero‐Maghrebian clade. The phylogenetic pattern emerged from the present study is congruent with the known paleo‐history of the western Mediterranean basin, with the divergence of the two main Tyrrhenoleuctra lineages corresponding to the split of the Sardo‐Corsican microplate from the Iberian block. Vicariance events have characterized the history of this stonefly group along its entire biogeographical history. Surprisingly low evolutionary rates, previously supposed by Fochetti (1991, 1994) and Fochetti et al. (2004) based on nuclear markers (allozymes), have been herein found also in mitochondrial markers.  相似文献   

M. Khorasani  S. Zarre 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(6):1311-1328

Allium is taxonomically a difficult genus with blurred taxonomic borders at all taxonomic ranks. In this research, anatomy and morphology of bulb tunics in 42 species of the genus representing its 16 currently recognized sections and 6 subgenera (Allium, Cepa, Reticulatobulbosa, Amerallium, Polyprason and Melanocrommyum) were investigated. Our results indicated the following characters to be most informative at sectional and subgeneric levels: features of calcium oxalate crystals and subepidermal cell layer of the outermost bulb tunic, type of tracheids, and bulbils presence. Three main types of crystals, i.e. prismatic, sand and druses, were fairly common among the investigated species except for the members of A. sect. Acanthoprason (A. subg. Melanocrommyum) that often lack crystals. The subepidermal layers of outer tunics were mostly composed of hexagonal, rectangular, or elongated cells but A. paradoxum (A. subg. Amerallium, sect. Briseis) showed the pentagonal type and A. longisepalum (A. subg. Amerallium, sect. Molium) the elliptic type of subepidermal cells. The members of A. sub. Melanocrommyum showed various types of tunic cells and crystals.  相似文献   

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