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Temperature-sensitive COS cells have been transformed at restrictive temperature with SV40 replicons containing the neo or pac markers. Puromycin-resistant cell clones maintained at the restrictive temperature contain the pac gene integrated into the cell DNA. However, when the cells are shifted to the permissive temperature the pac gene is amplified in episomal forms up to 2-4 X 10(4) copies per cell. Concomitant with this, an induction of 35-300 fold in the levels of puromycin acetyl transferase activity is observed, leading to the accumulation of the enzyme up to 10-60 mU/mg of total cell protein. A band of apparent molecular weight 26,500 daltons is observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of induced culture extracts, that accounts for approximately 3% of the newly synthesized protein. The expression of non-selectable genes can also be regulated, as shown by the induction of influenza virus nucleoprotein synthesis in transformed cells. These results indicate that the ts-COS cells can be used as a highly efficient, regulable mammalian expression system.  相似文献   

Influenza virus RNA segment 8 has been cloned into primer-vector pSLts1. This vector was designed to replicate in simian cells in a temperature dependent fashion by use of the SV40 tsA209 T-antigen gene. The oriented synthesis of cDNA on dT-tailed pSLts1 was performed on in vitro synthesized mRNA, and the second DNA strand was primed with an influenza-specific terminal oligodeoxynucleotide. Recombinant pSLVa232 contained the RNA segment 8 sequence directly fused to the SV40 late promoter contained in pSLts1, and followed by the SV40 polyadenylation signal. Expression of NS1 gene in transfected COS cells took place at a level comparable to that found in infected cells. When VERO cell cultures were transfected with recombinant pSLVa232, expression of the NS1 gene was temperature dependent. Close to one hundred fold increase in the amplification and expression of the cloned gene was observed after shift down of the transfected cells to permissive temperature. Vector pSLts1 and the cloning strategy described may be useful for the specific cloning and regulated expression of mRNAs of known 5'-terminal sequence.  相似文献   

Reverse genetics was used to analyze the host range of two avian influenza viruses which differ in their ability to replicate in mouse and human cells in culture. Engineered viruses carrying sequences encoding amino acids 362 to 581 of PB2 from a host range variant productively infect mouse and human cells.  相似文献   

A novel influenza A virus mitochondrial protein that induces cell death.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
While searching for alternative reading-frame peptides encoded by influenza A virus that are recognized by CD8+ T cells, we found an abundant immunogenic peptide encoded by the +1 reading frame of PB1. This peptide derives from a novel conserved 87-residue protein, PB1-F2, which has several unusual features compared with other influenza gene products in addition to its mode of translation. These include its absence from some animal (particularly swine) influenza virus isolates, variable expression in individual infected cells, rapid proteasome-dependent degradation and mitochondrial localization. Exposure of cells to a synthetic version of PB1-F2 induces apoptosis, and influenza viruses with targeted mutations that interfere with PB1-F2 expression induce less extensive apoptosis in human monocytic cells than those with intact PB1-F2. We propose that PB1-F2 functions to kill host immune cells responding to influenza virus infection.  相似文献   

At least five linked genes are amplified in the multidrug-resistant Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHRC5, selected with colchicine (A. M. Van der Bliek, T. Van der Velde-Koerts, V. Ling, and P. Borst, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:1671-1678, 1986). We report here that only a subset of these, encoding the 170-kilodalton P-glycoprotein, are consistently amplified in three different multidrug-resistant Chinese hamster lung cell lines, selected with vincristine, daunorubicin, or actinomycin D. Within each cell line, genomic sequences homologous to the P-glycoprotein cDNA probe were amplified to different levels. The pattern of differential amplification was consistent with the presence of at least two and possibly three P-glycoprotein genes. In the actinomycin D-selected cell line, these genes were disproportionately overexpressed relative to the associated levels of amplification. These results underline a central role for P-glycoprotein in multidrug resistance. In the daunorubicin-selected cell line, another, as yet uncharacterized, gene was amplified but disproportionately underexpressed. Its amplification was therefore fortuitous. We present a tentative map of the region in the hamster genome that is amplified in the multidrug-resistant cell lines which were analyzed.  相似文献   

Reverse genetics has become pivotal in influenza virus research relying on rapid generation of tailored recombinant influenza viruses. They are rescued from transfected plasmids encoding the eight influenza virus gene segments, which have been cloned using restriction endonucleases and DNA ligation. However, suitable restriction cleavage sites often are not available. Here, we describe a cloning method universal for any influenza A virus strain which is independent of restriction sites. It is based on target-primed plasmid amplification in which the insert provides two megaprimers and contains termini homologous to plasmid regions adjacent to the insertion site. For improved efficiency, a cloning vector was designed containing the negative selection marker ccdB flanked by the highly conserved influenza A virus gene termini. Using this method, we generated complete sets of functional gene segments from seven influenza A strains and three haemagglutinin genes from different serotypes amounting to 59 cloned influenza genes. These results demonstrate that this approach allows rapid and reliable cloning of any segment from any influenza A strain without any information about restriction sites. In case the PCR amplicon ends are homologous to the plasmid annealing sites only, this method is suitable for cloning of any insert with conserved termini.  相似文献   

MxA and MxB are interferon-induced proteins of human cells and are related to the murine protein Mx1, which confers selective resistance to influenza virus. In contrast to the nuclear murine protein Mx1, MxA and MxB are located in the cytoplasm, and their role in the interferon-induced antiviral state was unknown. In this report we show that transfected cell lines expressing MxA acquired a high degree of resistance to influenza A virus. Surprisingly, MxA also conferred resistance to vesicular stomatitis virus. Expression of MxA in transfected 3T3 cells had no effect on the multiplication of two picornaviruses, a togavirus, or herpes simplex virus type 1. Treatment of MxA-expressing cells with antibodies to mouse alpha-beta interferon did not abolish the resistance phenotype. The conclusion that resistance to influenza virus and vesicular stomatitis virus was due to the specific action of MxA is further supported by the observation that transfected 3T3 cell lines expressing the related MxB failed to acquire virus resistance.  相似文献   

A relatively large number of genes have been described that are required for the normal spatial expression of the genes of the bithorax complex. Most of these regulators appear to act negatively and are required to prevent indiscriminate expression of bithorax complex (BX-C) functions. In this report we examine five negative BX-C regulators to determine whether these are maternally expressed in germ-line derived cells. The genes studied include Additional sex combs (Asx), Polycomblike (Pcl), Sex comb extra (Sce), Sex comb on midleg (Scm), and lethal(4)29 [l(4)29]. The maternal germ-line dependent expression of each of these genes is assessed by comparison of zygotes from mothers whose functional germ cells carry no wild-type alleles to zygotes from mothers whose germ cells contain one wild-type allele. Because mutant alleles of each of the genes studied are recessive lethals, mosaic females with homozygous or hemizygous mutant germ lines were produced by pole cell transplantation. The results demonstrate that all of the negative regulators tested are expressed in the maternal germ line and all play important roles in the regulation of BX-C activities during embryogenesis. The absence of maternally supplied products from all of the genes studied except l(4)29 can be largely or completely compensated for by the activity in the zygote of a paternally contributed wild-type allele. It is argued that, with the exception of l(4)29, the genes studied in this report are qualitatively similar in function to the previously described BX-C regulators Pc, esc, and sxc. The available evidence indicates that genes within this group have functions that are not restricted to the regulation of genes that control segmental identity.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmas in general are rarely exposed to severe environmental changes except during its colonization and infection processes. Genomic analysis indicates that Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae possesses the genes of a single sigma factor and the HrcA repressor of negative regulation of the heat-shock response. A perfect inverted repeat sequence (5′-CTGGCACTT-N9-AAGTGCCAA-3′) upstream of the DnaK gene has also been identified. In the present study, we demonstrate the functionality of HrcA-CIRCE interactions using the gel electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The presence of the unique sigma factor, HrcA repressor, and the CIRCE-like sequences reveals that mycoplasmal species may all use the negative regulatory mechanism in the heat-shock response. It is conceivable that mycoplasmas may have evolved a single HrcA repressor-based mechanism which might be the most simple and economical way of controlling HSP gene expression.  相似文献   

The IW32, NN10, and IW201 cell lines are erythroleukemic cell lines isolated from the spleens of mice infected with the Friend virus. IW32 and NN10 cells can be induced toward erythroid differentiation and hemoglobin synthesis by hemin or butyrate. Both cell lines contain some mature alpha- and beta-globin mRNA before induction, and addition of the inducers greatly increases the amount of globin message. Unlike IW32 and NN10 cells, IW201 cells are only partially inducible. Uninduced 201 cells contain a small amount of alpha-globin mRNA but no detectable beta-globin message. After induction, the cells contain markedly increased amounts of alpha-globin mRNA but still do not express the beta-globin gene. Southern blot analysis with 10 restriction enzymes shows that the restriction map of the beta-globin gene in IW201 cells is indistinguishable from that in IW32 and NN10 cells.  相似文献   

In contrast to influenza A and B viruses, which encode their matrix (M) proteins via an unspliced mRNA, the influenza C virus M protein appears to be coded for by a spliced mRNA from RNA segment 6. Although an open reading frame in RNA segment 6 of influenza C/JJ/50 virus could potentially code for a protein of 374 amino acids, a splicing event results in an mRNA coding for a 242-amino-acid M protein. The message for this protein represents the major M gene-specific mRNA species in C virus-infected cells. Despite the difference in coding strategies, there are sequence homologies among the M proteins of influenza A, B, and C viruses which confirm the evolutionary relationship of the three influenza virus types.  相似文献   

The cell surface expression of the envelope glycoproteins (Envs) of primate immunodeficiency viruses is, at least in part, regulated by endocytosis signal(s) located in the Env cytoplasmic domain. Here, we show that a membrane proximal signal that directs the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Env to clathrin‐coated pits, and is conserved in all SIV and human immunodeficiency virus Envs, conforms to a Yxxø motif (where x can be any amino acid and Ø represents a large hydrophobic residue). This motif is similar to that described for a number of cellular membrane proteins. By surface plasmon resonance we detected a high affinity interaction between peptides containing this membrane proximal signal and both AP1 and AP2 clathrin adaptor complexes. Mutation of the tyrosine in this membrane proximal motif in a SIV Env with a prematurely truncated cytoplasmic domain leads to a ≥25‐fold increase in Env expression on infected cells. By contrast, the same mutation in an Env with a full‐length cytoplasmic domain increases cell surface expression only 4‐fold. We show that this effect results from the presence of additional endocytosis signals in the full‐length cytoplasmic domain. Chimeras containing CD4 ecto‐ and membrane spanning domains and a full‐length SIV Env cytoplasmic domain showed rapid endocytosis even when the membrane proximal tyrosine‐based signal was disrupted. Mapping experiments indicated that at least some of the additional endocytosis information is located between residues 743 and 812 of Env from the SIVmac239 molecular clone. Together, our findings indicate that the cytoplasmic domain of SIV Env contains multiple endocytosis and/or trafficking signals that modulate its surface expression on infected cells, and suggest an important role for this function in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The elaboration of myelin by Schwann cells is triggered by contact with appropriate peripheral axons. Among the most prominent features of this interaction is the activation and high-level expression of the genes encoding the major myelin proteins P0 and Myelin Basic Protein (MBP). Although the initial induction of these genes is thought to be dependent upon contact with axons, neither the inductive signal of the axon nor the receptor and associated second messenger system of the Schwann cell that transduces this signal has been identified. In this report, we demonstrate that expression of the P0 and MBP genes in rapidly myelinating Schwann cells is sharply reduced upon withdrawal of axons, but that this expression can be substantially restored by agents that raise the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP. We further show that Schwann cell expression of a third gene, i.e. that encoding the Nerve Growth Factor receptor, is strongly activated by the withdrawal of axons, and that this activation is largely independent of cAMP.  相似文献   

We investigated the allelic nature and map locations of Hordeum vulgare (barley) homologs to three classes of Arabidopsis low temperature (LT) regulatory genes—CBFs, ICE1, and ZAT12—to determine if there were any candidates for winterhardiness-related quantitative trait loci (QTL). We phenotyped the Dicktoo × Morex (D×M) mapping population under controlled freezing conditions and in addition to the previously reported 5H-L Fr-H1 QTL, observed three additional LT tolerance QTLs on 1H-L, 4H-S, and 4H-L. We identified and assigned either linkage map or chromosome locations to 1 ICE1 homolog, 2 ZAT12 homologs, and 17 of 20 CBF homologs. Twelve of the CBF genes were located on 5H-L and the 11 with assigned linkage map positions formed 2 tandem clusters on 5H-L. A subset of these CBF genes was confirmed to be physically linked, validating the map position clustering. The tandem CBF clusters are not candidates for the D×M LT tolerance Fr-H1 QTL, as they are ~30 cM distal to the QTL peak. No LT tolerance QTL was detected in conjunction with the CBF gene clusters in Dicktoo × Morex. However, comparative mapping using common markers and BIN positions established the CBF clusters are coincident with reported Triticeae LT tolerance and COR gene accumulation QTLs and suggest one or more of the CBF genes may be candidates for Fr-H2 in some germplasm combinations. These results suggest members of the CBF gene family may function as components of winterhardiness in the Triticeae and underscore both the importance of extending results from model systems to economically important crop species and in viewing QTL mapping results in the context of multiple germplasm combinations. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to amplify the large fragments from viral genomic DNA of SIV from wild caught, asymptomatic Erythrocebus monkeys from Western Africa (Senegal) and also from HIV-2 infected cell lines. By using consensus primer sequences from highly conserved stretches of gag, pol and env genes, two halves of the viral genome of HIV-2 and SIV (isolated from west African Erythrocebus monkeys) have amplified by PCR. One half spans 5200 bp from within the U3 region of the 5' long terminal repeat (LTR) into pol gene and an overlapping fragment spans 3700 bp from the pol gene into U5 region of 3' LTR. Also fragments ranging from 1-2.3 kb from gag pol and env genes have been successfully amplified. Our data demonstrate that primers used to amplify large segments from viral DNA yield better results if they are derived from a consensus sequence of a highly conserved stretch of the viral genome.  相似文献   

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