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López Greco, L.S. and Lo Nostro, F.L. 2007. Structural changes in the spermatophore of the freshwater ‘red claw’ crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1898) (Decapoda, Parastacidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 88 : 000–000 The structure of the spermatophore was studied in Cherax quadricarinatus. Pieces of the distal vas deferens and transferred spermatophore from the females were fixed, cut and stained. Within the distal vas deferens, the primary layer and the secondary layer of the spermatophore were distinguishable. In the latter, two components were detected: cytoplasmic droplets and a homogeneous matrix. During the first 10 minutes post‐extrusion the cytoplasmic droplets drastically changed from looking like ‘empty droplets’; at this time the spermatophore changed from a liquid stage to a sticky one. One hour after extrusion the spermatophore began to harden and within the first 24–48 h post‐mating it was a solid and intense white structure tightly attached to the female; after 72 h it acquired a softer aspect, completely dehiscing between 96 and 120 h post‐mating. Histologically, the primary layer maintained its integrity surrounding the spermatozoa while the secondary layer lost the cytoplasmic droplets. The spermatophore began to hydrate between 24 and 48 h and by 72–96 h many sections of the sperm cord began to coalesce. From 48 h post‐mating some fissures appeared within the matrix that enlarged between 72 and 120 h. We propose that both manipulation by the female and hydration are the mechanisms involved in the release of the spermatozoa from the spermatophore.  相似文献   


Concurrent morphological, anatomical and physiological changes took place during the first reproductive cycle in the Australian red-claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, which prepared the female for spawning and holding of the newly deposited eggs. The endopod became longer and wider than the exopod and developed a mixture of plumose and long thin simple (ovigerous) setae. Small oocytes (0.24±0.05 mm) were present in the immature ovary. The growing ovary contained two distinct oocyte populations: one consisted of small (0.55±0.07 mm), barely growing oocytes, while the other consisted of large oocytes, which increased in size continuously (0.73 to 2.55 mm) until egg laying took place. A gradual change in the relative abundance of ovarian polypeptides occurred until the late vitellogenic stage (large oocytes < 1.8 mm). Three predominant female-specific, SDS-PAGE separated, polypeptides were observed (103, 78 and 73 kDa) that may represent vitellin subunits. The most abundant carotenoid in the ovary was astaxanthin, while β-carotene was present at a lower concentration. The strong correlation between the increasing diameter of the oocyte and the concentration of astaxanthin in the ovary and in the hemolymph suggested an association of astaxanthin with vitellin and vitellogenin.  相似文献   

The omitted stimulus potential (OSP) is a type of event-related potentials elicited by cognitively-relevant stimuli associated with mental processes in humans. Crayfish also emit OSP when an expected stimulus does not arrive, although this is not considered to index a high-level cognitive event, but it is endogenous in nature because this depends on the recent history and arousal state of the animal. Although OSP is highly conserved in evolution, it had not been the subject of circadian study. Our hypothesis is that OSP, recorded in crayfish brain (Procambarus clarkii) has a circadian behaviour in its firing pattern. OSPs show circadian rhythms in both the latency and in the OSP/Sp ratio, under free-running (light:light, LL) and photoperiod (light:dark, LD) conditions, with main peaks during the daytime. This is the first report that shows a circadian pattern of OSP.  相似文献   

Non-coding copies of fragments of the mitochondrial genome translocated to the nucleus or pseudogenes are being found with increasing frequency in a diversity of organisms. As part of a study to evaluate the utility of a range of mitochondrial gene regions for population genetic and systematic studies of the Australian freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor (the yabby), we report the first detection of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) pseudogenes in crustaceans. We amplified and sequenced fragments of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene from 14 individuals of C. destructor using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers designed from conserved regions of Penaeus monodon and Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial genomes. The phylogenetic tree produced from the amplified fragments using these primers showed a very different topology to the trees obtained from sequences from three other mitochondrial genes, suggesting one or more nuclear pseudogenes have been amplified. Supporting this conclusion, two highly divergent sequences were isolated from each of two single individuals, and a 2 base pair (bp) deletion in one sequence was observed. There was no evidence to support inadvertent amplification of parasite DNA or contamination of samples from other sources. These results add to other recent observations of pseudogenes suggesting the frequent transfer of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes to the nucleus and reinforces the necessity of great care in interpreting PCR-generated Cyt b sequences used in population or evolutionary studies in freshwater crayfish and crustaceans more generally.  相似文献   


The effects of spiperone and domperidone (dopaminergic antagonists), as well as naloxone (enkephalinergic antagonist) on ovarian growth of the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, were evaluated during the non-reproductive period. In vivo assays were carried out by administering these compounds by adding them to the crayfish food, and subsequently measuring the oocyte diameter (oocytes in secondary vitellogenesis). Only naloxone produced a significantly (p <0.05) higher oocyte diameter than that of the controls, suggesting that this antagonist was blocking the effects of endogenous enkcephalins on the secretion of one or more neurohormones involved in crustacean reproduction. To test this hypothesis, an in vitro incubation of ovarian pieces with thoracic ganglion (TG), a source of the gonad stimulating hormone (GSH), or eyestalk tissue (ET), the source of the gonad inhibiting hormone (GIH), with or without naloxone added to the incubation medium, was done. A significant increase of ovarian growth was observed when TG was present. Moreover, the addition of naloxone to this preparation was able to further increase the ovarian growth, presumably by preventing enkephalinergic inhibition of GSH secretion.  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus is the principal component of a neural timing system implicated in the temporal organization of circadian and seasonal processes. The present study was performed to analyze the circadian profiles of two major neuropeptidergic cell groups in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus. To that end the brains of 40 human subjects collected at autopsy were investigated. The populations of arginine vasopressin- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing neurons, located in the shell and core of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, respectively, showed marked circadian rhythms with an asymmetrical, bimodal waveform. Time series analysis revealed that these circadian cycles in neuronal activity could be described by a composite model consisting of a nonlinear periodic function, with mono- and diphasic cycles. The findings suggest that the 24-h biosynthesis of neuropeptides in the human suprachiasmatic nucleus, being part of the neural output pathway of the clock, is driven by a complex pacemaker system consisting of coupled nonlinear oscillators, in accordance with a multioscillator model of circadian timekeeping.Abbreviations AIC Akaikie's information criterion - ARMA autoregressive moving average - AVP arginine vasopressin - c-fos immediate early gene - Per period gene - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - VIP vasoactive intestinal polypeptide  相似文献   

Certain neuropeptides previously linked to stress and implicated in CNS control of analgesia/algesia were tested using a recently developed analgesiometric model, the rabbit ear-withdrawal test. The latency to ear withdrawal increased in a dose-related manner after β-endorphin was injected intracerebroventricularly (IVC). Intermediate doses (0.5 and 1.0 μg) of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) caused hyperalgesia as indicated by decreases in latency. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF, 0.5 and 1.0 μg) also caused significant hyperalgesia late in the testing period. -Melanocyte stimulating hormone (-MSH, 0.25–2.0 μg), a molecule that shares the first 13 amino acid sequence with ACTH, and somatostatin (0.25–2.0 μg), caused no significant change in latency. However, 1.0 μg doses of each peptide antagonized the analgesic effect of β-endorphin (1.0 μg) in the following order of potency: ACTH = -MSH > CRF > somatostatin. The results support the idea that CNS peptides that are released during stress can exert opposing actions on acute pain, even though they may cause little effect alone.  相似文献   

Soil temperature cycles are considered to play an important role in the entrainment of circadian clocks of underground insects. However, because of the low conductivity of soil, temperature cycles are gradually dampened and the phase of the temperature cycle is delayed with increasing soil depth. The onion fly, Delia antiqua, pupates at various soil depths, and its eclosion is timed by a circadian clock. This fly is able to compensate for the depth-dependent phase delay of temperature change by advancing the eclosion time with decreasing amplitude of the temperature cycle. Therefore, pupae can eclose at the appropriate time irrespective of their location at any depth. However, the mechanism that regulates eclosion time in response to temperature amplitude is still unknown. To understand whether this mechanism involves the circadian clock or further downstream physiological processes, we examined the expression patterns of period (per), a circadian clock gene, of D. antiqua under temperature cycles that were square wave cycles of 12-h warm phase (W) and 12-h cool phase (C) with the temperature difference of 8 °C (WC 29:21 °C) and 1 °C (WC 25.5:24.5 °C). The phase of oscillation in per expression was found to commence 3.5 h earlier under WC 25.5:24.5 °C as compared to WC 29:21 °C. This difference was in close agreement with the eclosion time difference between the two temperature cycles, suggesting that the mechanism that responds to the temperature amplitude involves the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Although a number of genes expressed in most tissues, including the liver, exhibit circadian regulation, gene expression profiles are usually examined only at one scheduled time each day. In this study, we investigated the effects of obese diabetes on the hepatic mRNA levels of various genes at 6-h intervals over a single 24-h period. Microarray analysis revealed that many genes are expressed rhythmically, not only in control KK mice but also in obese diabetic KK-A(y) mice. Real-time quantitative PCR verified that 19 of 23 putative circadianly expressed genes showed significant 24-h rhythmicity in both strains. However, obese diabetes attenuated these expression rhythms in 10 of 19 genes. More importantly, the effects of obese diabetes were observed throughout the day in only two genes. These results suggest that observation time influences the results of gene expression analyses of genes expressed circadianly.  相似文献   

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