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Satellite cells in skeletal muscle have been implicated in muscle growth processes and regeneration. However, very little is known about the regulation of their proliferation and differentiation. The effect of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) on the proliferation of myogenic cells from adult rat skeletal muscle, presumably satellite cells, has been examined, and FGF has been found to be a potent mitogen for these cells. The mitogenic properties of serum were also documented and studied in conjunction with FGF. Even under conditions of maximal stimulation by serum, the addition of FGF caused a substantial increase in proliferation of satellite cells. The additive nature of the FGF and serum-stimulatory activity suggests that FGF-like molecules are not the active agents in serum and that more than one pathway may be involved in stimulating satellite cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channel mediates synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction. During the development of skeletal muscle, ACh receptors undergo changes in distribution, antigenic determinants, degradation rate, and function. Now that these developmental hallmarks have been identified, attention has turned toward understanding both the structural bases for such changes and the role of nerve in triggering these changes. Recently, a much clearer understanding of one of these developmental processes, namely, the alterations in channel function, has emerged through both sensitive patch-clamp measurements and the application of recombinant DNA technology. In light of these new advances, we now reevaluate the processes governing the developmental changes in the functional properties of the ACh receptor.  相似文献   

Interaction between satellite cells and skeletal muscle fibers   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Single myofibers with attached satellite cells isolated from adult rats were used to study the influence of the mature myofiber on the proliferation of satellite cells. The satellite cells remain quiescent when cultured in serum containing medium but proliferate when exposed to mitogen from an extract of crushed adult muscle. The response of satellite cells to mitogen was measured under three situations with respect to cell contact: (1) in contact with a viable myofiber and its basal lamina, (2) detached from the myofiber by centrifugal force and deposited on the substratum and (3) beneath the basal lamina of a Marcaine killed myofiber. The results show that satellite cells in contact with the plasmalemma of a viable myofiber have reduced mitogenic response. Since inhibiting growth may induce differentiation, I tested whether satellite cells proliferating on the surface of a myofiber would fuse. Although the satellite cell progeny were fusion competent, they did not fuse with the myofiber. To determine whether fusion competence of the myofiber changes with time in culture, embryonic myoblasts were challenged to fuse with myofibers that had been stripped of satellite cells and cultured for several days. The myoblasts fused with pseudopodial sprouts growing from the ends of the myofiber, but did not fuse with the original myofiber surface. These results indicate that contact with the surface of a mature myofiber suppresses proliferation of myogenic cells but the cells do not fuse with the myofiber.  相似文献   

Summary A serum-free medium has been devised that supports the proliferation and differentiation of primary cultures of rat skeletal muscle satellite cells for up to 4 d. The medium consists of a mixture of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium and MCDB-104 plus insulin, dexamethasone, pituitary fibroblast growth factor, Deutsch fetuin, and linoleic acid. In addition to promoting the formation of myotubes from satellite cells, a decrease in fibroblast contamination of these cultures was observed when cultures grown in serum-free medium were compared to cultures grown in serum-containing medium. This work was supported by the Arizona Agriculture Experiment Station, Project No. R11, U.S. Public Health Service Grant R01 AG03393, Lilly Research Laboratoires, and Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research. This communication is Arizona Agriculture Experiment Station Journal Paper No. 3966.  相似文献   

Population counts and size measurements of satellite cell nuclei and myonuclei were carried out on the normal gastrocnemius muscles of adult Rana pipiens and Rana clamitans. Satellite cell profiles occurred with an observed frequency of about 1.3% in the muscles of the R. pipiens, and with an observed frequency of about 1.6% in the muscles of the R. clamitans. These frequencies were not found to be significantly different. The observed frequencies were corrected for the sampling bias introduced by the difference in the mean size of the satellite cell nuclei and myonuclei. This correction suggests that R. pipiens and R. clamitans both have a true satellite cell frequency of approx 2.7%. Analysis of these data indicates that the satellite cells of the normal anuran gastrocnemius occur in sufficient numbers to account for the regeneration seen after injury to this muscle.  相似文献   

We postulated that Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) involved in fetal or regenerative morphogenesis of skeletal muscle originated from this tissue. Using a bovine retina cDNA probe encoding acidic FGF, we showed that growing muscles from bovine fetuses express this mRNA, but that this expression is reduced in neonate muscles. Cultures of proliferating satellite cells isolated from adult rat muscles expressed aFGF mRNA strongly but bFGF mRNA weakly; these mRNAs disappeared in cells differentiated into myotubes. 10(-7)M 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol -13-acetate (TPA) increased aFGF mRNA expression in both proliferating and differentiated satellite cells. Contrastingly, proliferating L6 myogenic cells only expressed aFGF mRNA significantly under TPA treatment. Therefore, the satellite cells did seem to be a possible source for FGF, especially aFGF, which might regulate the myogenic process.  相似文献   

Published data and the results of the authors’ own studies on the role of intracellular proteolytic enzymes and the metabolic and signaling processes regulated by these enzymes at certain stages of growth and development of salmonid fishes are analyzed in the present review. The major pathways of intracellular proteolysis relying on autophagy, proteasome activity, and calpain activity are considered, as well as the relative contribution of these pathways to proteolysis in skeletal muscle of the fish. Skeletal muscle accounts for more than half of the weight of the fish and undergoes the most significant changes due to the action of anabolic and catabolic signals. Special attention is paid to the intensity of protein degradation during the active growth period characterized by a high rate of protein synthesis and metabolism in fish, as well as to protein degradation during the reproductive period characterized by predomination of catabolic processes in contrast to the growth period. Skeletal muscle plays a unique role as a source of plastic and energy substrates in fish, and, therefore, the process of muscle protein degradation is regarded as a key mechanism for the regulation of growth intensity in juvenile salmon and for maintenance of viability and reproductive capacity of salmonid fish during the maturation of gametes, starvation, and migration related to spawning. The possibility of using a set of parameters of intracellular proteolysis to characterize the early development of salmonids is demonstrated in the review.  相似文献   

Signals that determine fast- and slow-twitch phenotypes of skeletal muscle fibers are thought to stem from depolarization, with concomitant contraction and activation of calcium-dependent pathways. We examined the roles of contraction and activation of calcineurin (CN) in regulation of slow and fast myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression during muscle fiber formation in vitro. Myotubes formed from embryonic day 21 rat myoblasts contracted spontaneously, and approximately 10% expressed slow MHC after 12 d in culture, as seen by immunofluorescent staining. Transfection with a constitutively active form of calcineurin (CN*) increased slow MHC by 2.5-fold as determined by Western blot. This effect was attenuated 35% by treatment with tetrodotoxin and 90% by administration of the selective inhibitor of CN, cyclosporin A. Conversely, cyclosporin A alone increased fast MHC by twofold. Cotransfection with VIVIT, a peptide that selectively inhibits calcineurin-induced activation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells, blocked the effect of CN* on slow MHC by 70% but had no effect on fast MHC. The results suggest that contractile activity-dependent expression of slow MHC is mediated largely through the CN-nuclear factor of activated T-cells pathway, whereas suppression of fast MHC expression may be independent of nuclear factor of activated T-cells.  相似文献   

Quiescent satellite cells sit on the surface of the muscle fibres under the basal lamina and are activated by a variety of stimuli to disengage, divide and differentiate into myoblasts that can regenerate or repair muscle fibres. Satellite cells adopt their parent's fibre type and must have some means of communication with the parent fibre. The mechanisms behind this communication are not known. We show here that satellite cells form dynamic connections with muscle fibres and other satellite cells by F‐actin based tunnelling nanotubes (TNTs). Our results show that TNTs readily develop between satellite cells and muscle fibres. Once developed, TNTs permit transport of intracellular material, and even cellular organelles such as mitochondria between the muscle fibre and satellite cells. The onset of satellite cell differentiation markers Pax‐7 and MyoD expression was slower in satellite cells cultured in the absence than in the presence of muscle cells. Furthermore physical contact between myofibre and satellite cell progeny is required to maintain subtype identity. Our data establish that TNTs constitute an integral part of myogenic cell communication and that physical cellular interaction control myogenic cell fate determination. J. Cell. Physiol. 223: 376–383, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle satellite cells were cultured from mature rats and were treated in vitro with various combinations of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). In serum-free defined medium the following observations were made: TGF-beta depressed proliferation and inhibited differentiation; FGF stimulated proliferation and depressed differentiation; IGF-I stimulated proliferation to a small degree but demonstrated a more pronounced stimulation of differentiation. In evaluating combinations of these three factors, the differentiation inhibiting effect of TGF-beta could not be counteracted by any combination of IGF-I or FGF. The proliferation-depressing activity of TGF-beta, however, could not inhibit the mitogenic activity of FGF. Maximum stimulation of proliferation was observed in the presence of both FGF and IGF-I. The highest percentage fusion was also observed under these conditions, but differentiation with minimal proliferation resulted from treatment with IGF-I, alone. By altering the concentrations of TGF-beta, FGF, and IGF-I, satellite cells can be induced to proliferate, differentiate, or to remain quiescent.  相似文献   

Postnatal satellite cells, isolated from normal or previously denervated skeletal muscles of juvenile quails, were tested as to their capacity to participate in embryonic muscle ontogeny. They were grafted into 2-day chick embryo hosts, in place of a piece of brachial somitic mesoderm. Satellite cell implants were prepared from pellets either of freshly isolated cells or of cells precultured in vitro under proliferative conditions. Myogenic capacity of the implanted cells was attested by their ability to fuse into myotubes when cultured under differentiation conditions. In no case did the implanted satellite cells invade the adjacent wing bud or participate in wing muscle morphogenesis. They did not either give rise to myotubes at the site of implantation, nor did they even survive longer than 3 days in the embryonic environment. These negative results indicate that postnatal satellite cells, unlike embryonic myoblasts, are unable to take part in muscle embryogenesis. Although they derive from the same somitic myogenic cell line as the embryonic myoblasts, they therefore represent a differentiated non-totipotent type of myogenic cell.  相似文献   

目的探讨大鼠骨骼肌卫星细胞(MDSCs)定向诱导分化为胰岛素生成细胞(IPCs),为1型糖尿病的干细胞治疗提供一种新的研究思路。 方法通过二次酶消化法和差速贴壁培养法分离、培养大鼠MDSCs,利用不同的诱导培养液使MDSCs定向分化为IPCs,并对诱导后细胞进行形态观察,通过双硫腙染色和免疫组化染色对MDSCs-IPCs形态进行鉴定,采用Q-PCR和Western Blot方法检测MDSCs-IPCs中C-peptide和Insulin的表达,通过胰岛素释放实验检测MDSCs-IPCs的生物学功能,β细胞和MDSCs-IPCs两组间比较采用t检验。 结果MDSCs在接种4 h后开始贴壁部分细胞伸出小的突起,48 h后绝大多数细胞贴壁呈梭形、胞浆丰富、折光度高。随着培养时间的延长,细胞的梭形形状更为明显且生长迅速。免疫组化结果显示细胞表达Desmin、α-Sarcomeric Actinin、MyoD1、Myf5和PAX7。成胰诱导后MDSCs形成胰岛样的圆形细胞团,双硫腙染色呈猩红色,Insulin免疫组化染色阳性。Q-PCR结果显示MDSCs-IPCs中C-peptide和Insulin mRNA表达量分别是β细胞的0.73倍(P > 0.05)和0.79倍(P > 0.05)。胰岛素释放实验显示,5.6 mmol/L和16.7 nmlol/L葡萄糖刺激培养2 h后,β细胞和MDSCs-IPCs分泌胰岛素量分别为[(20.3±4.2)mU/L]、[(16.1±3.7)mU/L]、[(60.5±9.3)mU/L]和[(40.9±7.3)mU/L],葡萄糖可调节MDSCs-IPCs胰岛素的分泌。 结论MDSCs易于分离培养、增殖能力强,体外可诱导分化为有功能的IPCs,适合作为再生医学的种子细胞。  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle satellite cells were cultured from mature rats and were treated in vitro with transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Muscle-specific protein synthesis and satellite cell fusion were used as indicators of muscle differentiation; a dose-dependent inhibition of differentiation was observed in response to TGF-beta. In addition, TGF-beta depressed cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Half-maximal inhibition of differentiation was seen with a TGF-beta concentration of approximately 0.1 ng/ml. Although proliferation was not inhibited, it was depressed and half-maximal suppression of proliferation occurred in response to 0.1-0.5 ng TGF-beta/ml. Neonatal rat myoblasts were also subjected to TGF-beta treatment, and similar results were observed. Neonatal cells, however, were more sensitive to TGF-beta than satellite cells, as indicated by the reduced concentrations of TGF-beta required to inhibit differentiation and reduce the rate of proliferation. Under identical culture conditions proliferation of muscle-derived fibroblasts were also depressed. The differentiation inhibiting effect of TGF-beta on satellite cells was reversible. It has been suggested that TGF-beta could be an important regulator of tissue repair, and its in vitro effects on satellite cells suggest a possible role in regulation of muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

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