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植物肉桂醇脱氢酶及其基因研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肉桂醇脱氢酶(cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase,CAD)作为植物次生代谢特别是木质素合成的关键酶,与植物生长发育和抵御病原菌入侵关系密切,研究CAD基因表达调控及其与组织木质化的关系具有重要的植物生理学意义.该文综述了植物CAD的蛋白特征、酶学性质、基因分布和分类、基因结构和表达调控以及CAD表达与木质素合成的关系,为研究CAD在植物生长发育和抗病中的作用提供理论指导.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, lignin is built from two main monomers, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol, which are incorporated respectively as G and S units in the polymer. The last step of their synthesis has so far been considered to be performed by a family of dimeric cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenases (CAD2). However, previous studies on Eucalyptus gunnii xylem showed the presence of an additional, structurally unrelated, monomeric CAD form named CAD1. This form reduces coniferaldehyde to coniferyl alcohol, but is inactive on sinapaldehyde. In this paper, we report the functional characterization of CAD1 in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Transgenic tobacco plants with reduced CAD1 expression were obtained through an RNAi strategy. These plants displayed normal growth and development, and detailed biochemical studies were needed to reveal a role for CAD1. Lignin analyses showed that CAD1 down-regulation does not affect Klason lignin content, and has a moderate impact on G unit content of the non-condensed lignin fraction. However, comparative metabolic profiling of the methanol-soluble phenolic fraction from basal xylem revealed significant differences between CAD1 down-regulated and wild-type plants. Eight compounds were less abundant in CAD1 down-regulated lines, five of which were identified as dimers or trimers of monolignols, each containing at least one moiety derived from coniferyl alcohol. In addition, 3-trans-caffeoyl quinic acid accumulated in the transgenic plants. Together, our results support a significant contribution of CAD1 to the synthesis of coniferyl alcohol in planta, along with the previously characterized CAD2 enzymes. Sequences of NtCAD1-1 and NtCAD1-7 were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers AY911854 and AY911855, respectively.  相似文献   

The enzymatic, selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde to cinnamyl alcohol is reported here. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase was used in a substrate-coupled process with cofactor recycling. Both 100% selectivity and aldehyde conversion were achieved within 3 h. The reaction took place under very mild conditions, in the absence of toxic organic solvent. The overall process proved inexpensive and deserves further optimization studies in order to evaluate industrial applications.  相似文献   

We purified two isozymes of coniferyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CADH I and II) to homogeneity from cell-free extracts of Streptomyces sp. NL15-2K. The apparent molecular masses of CADH I and II were determined to be 143 kDa and 151 kDa respectively by gel filtration, whereas their subunit molecular masses were determined to be 35,782.2 Da and 37,597.7 Da respectively by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Thus, it is probable that both isozymes are tetramers. The optimum pH and temperature for coniferyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity were pH 9.5 and 45 °C for CADH I and pH 8.5 and 40 °C for CADH II. CADH I oxidized various aromatic alcohols and allyl alcohol, and was most efficient on cinnamyl alcohol, whereas CADH II exhibited high substrate specificity for coniferyl alcohol, and showed no activity as to the other alcohols, except for cinnamyl alcohol and 3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-propanol. In the presence of NADH, CADH I and II reduced cinnamaldehyde and coniferyl aldehyde respectively to the corresponding alcohols.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Euglena gracilis is a freshwater free‐living organism able to grow with ethanol as carbon source; to facilitate this metabolism several alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activities have been detected. We report the gene cloning, over‐expression, and biochemical characterization of a medium‐chain NAD+‐dependent ADH from E. gracilis (EgADH). The enzyme's amino acid sequence displayed the highest percentages of similarity and identity with ADHs of bacteria and fungi. In the predicted three‐dimensional model, all the residues involved in Zn2+, cofactor, and substrate binding were conserved. A conventional signal peptide for import into mitochondria could not be clearly identified. The protein of 37 kDa was over‐expressed, purified to homogeneity, and kinetically characterized. The enzyme's optimal pH was 7.0 for ethanol oxidation displaying a Vm of 11.7±3.6 U/mg protein and a Km of 3.2±0.7 mM for this substrate. Isopropanol and isopentanol were also utilized, although with less efficiency. It showed specificity for NAD+ with a Km value of 0.39±0.1 mM and Mg2+ or Zn2+ were essential for activity. The recombinant EgADH reported here may help to elucidate the roles that different ADHs have on the metabolism of short‐ and long‐chain alcohols in this microorganism.  相似文献   

Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD; EC 1.1.195) catalyses the conversion of p-hydroxy-cinnamaldehydes to the corresponding alcohols and is considered a key enzyme in lignin biosynthesis. In a previous study, an atypical form of CAD (CAD 1) was identified in Eucalyptus gunnii [12]. We report here the molecular cloning and characterization of the corresponding cDNA, CAD 1-5, which encodes this novel aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase. The identity of CAD 1-5 was unambiguously confirmed by sequence comparison of the cDNA with peptide sequences derived from purified CAD 1 protein and by functional expression of CAD 1 recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. Both native and recombinant CAD 1 exhibit high affinity towards lignin precursors including 4-coumaraldehyde and coniferaldehyde, but they do not accept sinapaldehyde. Moreover, recombinant CAD 1 can also utilize a wide range of aromatic substrates including unsubstituted and substituted benzaldehydes. The open reading frame of CAD 1-5 encodes a protein with a calculated molecular mass of 35790 Da and an isoelectric point of 8.1. Although sequence comparisons with proteins in databases revealed significant similarities with dihydroflavonol-4-reductases (DFR; EC from a wide range of plant species, the most striking similarity was found with cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR; EC, the enzyme which directly precedes CAD in the lignin biosynthetic pathway. RNA blot analysis and immunolocalization experiments indicated that CAD 1 is expressed in both lignified and unlignified tissues/cells. Based on the catalytic activity of CAD 1 in vitro and its localization in planta, CAD 1 may function as an alternative enzyme in the lignin biosynthetic pathway. However, additional roles in phenolic metabolism are not excluded.  相似文献   

该实验采用RT PCR技术,从胡萝卜‘黑田五寸’中克隆获得了编码肉桂醇脱氢酶(Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, CAD)的基因DcCADDcCAD序列长1 074 bp,编码357个氨基酸。亲水/疏水性分析表明,DcCAD属于亲水性蛋白。系统进化分析显示,DcCAD与番茄CAD(XP_010314515.1)亲缘关系最近。荧光定量PCR结果显示,DcCAD基因在胡萝卜根、叶片和叶柄中的表达量差异显著,其相对表达量为叶片>根>叶柄。DcCAD基因对高温(38 ℃)、低温(4 ℃)、干旱(20% PEG)和盐(0.2 mol·L-1 NaCl)胁迫均有响应,尤其对高温胁迫和低温胁迫响应明显,而且高温处理后1 h和低温处理后2 h表达量最高。研究推测,DcCAD基因对胡萝卜抗逆性具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)在木质素合成过程中起关键作用。通过RACE(rapid-amplification of cDNA ends)方法从香蕉根系cDNA均一化全长文库中获得一个肉桂醇脱氢酶基因,命名为MaCAD1(GenBank登录号为KF582533)。MaCAD1是香蕉MYB基因编码框全长cDNA,包含一个1 077bp的最大开放阅读框(ORF),编码358个氨基酸。蛋白质序列同源比对发现,其含有完整的醇脱氧酶的典型保守结构域,属于典型的CAD蛋白。系统进化树比对分析表明,MaCAD1与水稻OsCAD6(CAD39907)的亲缘关系较近。组织特异性研究表明MaCAD1基因组成型表达于香蕉各个组织。在耐病和感病品种中,MaCAD1均上调表达,但在耐病品种中MaCAD1在所有时间点相对于对照增加的倍数均高于感病品种,表明MaCAD1基因在香蕉的抗病性中起着重要作用,MaCAD1可以作为一个新的响应枯萎病侵染的标记基因。  相似文献   

Transgenic plants severely suppressed in the activity of cinnamoyl-CoA reductase were produced by introduction of a partial sense CCR transgene into tobacco. Five transgenic lines with CCR activities ranging from 2 to 48% of wild-type values were selected for further study. Some lines showed a range of aberrant phenotypes including reduced growth, and all had changes to lignin structure making the polymer more susceptible to alkali extraction. The most severely CCR-suppressed line also had significantly decreased lignin content and an increased proportion of free phenolic groups in non-condensed lignin. These changes are likely to make the lignin easier to extract during chemical pulping. Direct Kraft pulping trials confirmed this. More lignin could be removed from the transgenic wood than from wild-type wood at the same alkali charge. A similar improvement in pulping efficiency was recently shown for poplar trees expressing an antisense cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase gene. Pulping experiments performed here on CAD-antisense tobacco plants produced near-identical results – the modified lignin was more easily removed during pulping without any adverse effects on the quality of the pulp or paper produced. These results suggest that pulping experiments performed in tobacco can be predictive of the results that will be obtained in trees such as poplar, extending the utility of the tobacco model. On the basis of our results on CCR manipulation in tobacco, we predict that CCR-suppressed trees may show pulping benefits. However, it is likely that CCR-suppression will not be the optimal target for genetic manipulation of pulping character due to the potential associated growth defects.  相似文献   

根据茶树醇脱氢酶基因(CsiADH1)的cDNA序列设计引物,采用RT-PCR方法从茶树品种‘龙井43’中克隆了CsiADH1序列,分析了CsiADH1在生物和非生物胁迫下的诱导表达情况并转化番茄。结果表明:CsiADH1包含一个1 044bp的最大开放阅读框,编码347个氨基酸。qRT-PCR分析显示,CsiADH1的表达受到茶尺蠖取食、机械损伤、茉莉酸和水杨酸的诱导;将CsiADH1基因ORF区域克隆进pCAMBIA1301载体中,构建了由CaMV35S启动子驱动的CsiADH1基因植物表达载体pCAMBIA-ADH,并以农杆菌介导的方法侵染番茄‘中蔬四号’子叶,经PCR鉴定,获得了8个转CsiADH1基因阳性植株。该结果为进一步揭示CsiADH1基因在植物诱导防御反应中的分子机理研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The role of cysteine residues for structure and function of formaldehyde dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida was analysed by amino acid sequence comparison, homology-based structure modeling, site-directed mutagenesis, and chemical modification. Five out of seven cysteine residues found in the enzyme were concluded to coordinate with an active site zinc (Cys-46) and structural zinc atoms (Cys-97, -100, -103, and -111) from the sequence comparison with other Zn-containing medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase homologues. The three-dimensional structure model based on the known structure of the horse liver E-type alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) indicated that Cys-257 is located very far from the active site Zn and NAD+ binding region, suggesting that Cys-257 does not participate in the enzyme reaction. The structure also suggested that Cys-166 does not coordinate to active site Zn, but Asp-169 functions as a Zn-ligand, instead.  相似文献   

When 10 strains of lactic acid bacteria were incubated with 5′-hydroxyaverantin (HAVN), a precursor of aflatoxins, seven of them converted HAVN to averufin; the same reaction is found in aflatoxin biosynthesis of aflatoxigenic fungi. These bacteria had a dehydrogenase that catalyzed the reaction from HAVN to 5′-oxoaverantin (OAVN), which was so unstable that it was easily converted to averufin. The enzyme was purified from Lactobacillus brevis IFO 12005. The molecular mass of the enzyme was 100 kDa on gel filtration chromatography and 33 kDa on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE). The gene encoding the enzyme was cloned and sequenced. The deduced protein consisted of 249 amino acids, and its estimated molecular mass was 25,873, in agreement with that by time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) analysis. Although the deduced amino acid sequence showed about 50% identity to those reported for alcohol dehydrogenases from L. brevis or L. kefir, the commercially available alcohol dehydrogenase from L. kefir did not convert HAVN to OAVN. Aspergillus parasiticus HAVN dehydrogenase showed about 25% identity in amino acid sequence with the dehydrogenase and also with these two alcohol dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas putida (PFDH) is a member of the zinc-containing medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase family. The pyridine nucleotide NAD(H) in PFDH, which is distinct from the coenzyme (as cosubstrate) in typical alcohol dehydrogenases (ADHs), is tightly but not covalently bound to the protein and acts as a cofactor. PFDH can catalyze aldehyde dismutations without an external addition of NAD(H). The structural basis of the tightly bound cofactor of PFDH is unknown. The crystal structure of PFDH has been solved by the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction method using intrinsic zinc ions and has been refined at a 1.65 A resolution. The 170-kDa homotetrameric PFDH molecule shows 222 point group symmetry. Although the secondary structure arrangement and the binding mode of catalytic and structural zinc ions in PFDH are similar to those of typical ADHs, a number of loop structures that differ between PFDH and ADHs in their lengths and conformations are observed. A comparison of the present structure of PFDH with that of horse liver ADH, a typical example of an ADH, reveals that a long insertion loop of PFDH shields the adenine part of the bound NAD(+) molecule from the solvent, and a tight hydrogen bond network exists between the insertion loop and the adenine part of the cofactor, which is unique to PFDH. This insertion loop is conserved completely among the aldehyde-dismutating formaldehyde dehydrogenases, whereas it is replaced by a short turn among typical ADHs. Thus, the insertion loop specifically found among the aldehyde-dismutating formaldehyde dehydrogenases is responsible for the tight cofactor binding of these enzymes and explains why PFDH can effectively catalyze alternate oxidation and reduction of aldehydes without the release of cofactor molecule from the enzyme.  相似文献   

目的:克隆产麻黄碱重组酵母菌乙醇脱氢酶基因片段,并对其进行序列分析,为研究该基因在重组酵母中与麻黄碱生物合成途径的关系提供参考.方法:根据一段利用抑制差减杂交技术获得的来源于重组酵母乙醇脱氢酶基因片段,采用RACE的方法扩增Adh基因,使用分子生物学软件对该基因进行生物信息学分析.结果:获得一段大小为1 245 bp的基因片段,编码375个氨基酸,含有两个催化域和两个锌结合域,与来源于Gandida boidinii ADH3基因的同源性为85%.结论:克隆的基因为乙醇脱氢酶基因,并在GenBank注册,登录号为JF293468.  相似文献   

Abstract: Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is a key enzyme for the production of butanol, ethanol, and isopropanol by the solvent-producing clostridia. Initial studies of ADH in extracts of several strains of Clostridium acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii gave conflicting molecular properties. A more coherent picture has emerged because of the following results: (i) identification of ADHs with different coenzyme specificities in these species; (ii) discovery of structurally conserved ADHs (type 3) in three solvent-producing species; (iii) isolation of mutants with deficiencies in butanol production and restoration of butanol production with a cloned alcohol/aldehyde dehydrogenase gene; and (iv) resolution of various ' C. acetobutylicum ' cultures into four species. The three ADH isozymes of C. beijerinckii NRRL B592 have high sequence similarities to ADH-1 of Clostridium sp. NCP 262 (formerly C. acetobutylicum P262) and to the ADH domain of the alcohol/aldehyde dehydrogenase of C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824/DSM 792. The NADH-dependent activity of the ADHs from C. beijerinckii NRRL B592 and the BDHs from C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 is profoundly affected by the pH of the assay, and the relative importance of NADH and NADPH to butanol production may be misappraised when NAD(P)H-dependent activities were measured at different pH values. The primary/secondary ADH of isopropanol-producing C. beijerinckii is a type-1 enzyme and is highly conserved in Thermoanaerobacter brockii (formerly Thermoanaerobium brockii ) and Entamoeba histolytica . Several solvent-forming enzymes (primary ADH, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase) are very similar between C. beijerinckii and the species represented by Clostridium sp. NCP 262 and NRRL B643. The realization of such relationships will facilitate the elucidation of the roles of different ADHs because each type of ADH can now be studied in an organism most amenable to experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that intact plants and cultured plant cells can metabolize and detoxify formaldehyde through the action of a glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH), followed by C-1 metabolism of the initial metabolite (formic acid). The cloning and heterologous expression of a cDNA for the glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase from Zea mays L. is now described. The functional expression of the maize cDNA in Escherichia coli proved that the cloned enzyme catalyses the NAD+- and glutathione (GSH)-dependent oxidation of formaldehyde. The deduced amino acid sequence of 41 kDa was on average 65% identical with class III alcohol dehydrogenases from animals and less than 60% identical with conventional plant alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) utilizing ethanol. Genomic analysis suggested the existence of a single gene for this cDNA. Phylogenetic analysis supports the convergent evolution of ethanol-consuming ADHs in animals and plants from formaldehyde-detoxifying ancestors. The high structural conservation of present-day glutathione-dependent FDH in microorganisms, plants and animals is consistent with a universal importance of these detoxifying enzymes.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with further development of the kinetic locking-on strategy for bioaffinity purification of NAD+-dependent dehydrogenases. Specifically, the synthesis of highly substituted N6-linked immobilized NAD+ derivatives is described using a rapid solid-phase modular approach. Other modifications of the N6-linked immobilized NAD+ derivative include substitution of the hydrophobic diaminohexane spacer arm with polar spacer arms (9 and 19.5 Å) in an attempt to minimize nonbiospecific interactions. Analysis of the N6-linked NAD+ derivatives confirm (i) retention of cofactor activity upon immobilization (up to 97%); (ii) high total substitution levels and high percentage accessibility levels when compared to S6-linked immobilized NAD+ derivatives (also synthesized with polar spacer arms); (iii) short production times when compared to the preassembly approach to synthesis. Model locking-on bioaffinity chromatographic studies were carried out with bovine heart -lactate dehydrogenase ( -LDH, EC, bakers yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH, EC and Sporosarcinia sp. -phenylalanine dehydrogenase ( -PheDH, EC, using oxalate, hydroxylamine, and -phenylalanine, respectively, as locking-on ligands. Surprisingly, two of these test NAD+-dependent dehydrogenases (lactate and alcohol dehydrogenase) were found to have a greater affinity for the more lowly substituted S6-linked immobilized cofactor derivatives than for the new N6-linked derivatives. In contrast, the NAD+-dependent phenylalanine dehydrogenase showed no affinity for the S6-linked immobilized NAD+ derivative, but was locked-on strongly to the N6-linked immobilized derivative. That this locking-on is biospecific is confirmed by the observation that the enzyme failed to lock-on to an analogous N6-linked immobilized NADP+ derivative in the presence of -phenylalanine. This differential locking-on of NAD+-dependent dehydrogenases to N6-linked and S6-linked immobilized NAD+ derivatives cannot be explained in terms of final accessible substitutions levels, but suggests fundamental differences in affinity of the three test enzymes for NAD+ immobilized via N6-linkage as compared to thiol-linkage.  相似文献   

A series of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)- and 1-(3-hydroxyethyl)-3-substituted ureas and thioureas were synthesized. 1-(3-Hydroxyethyl)-3-acylthioureas were shown to be specific substrates for alcohol dehydrogenase in vitro.  相似文献   

R-扁桃酸脱氢酶在苯乙酮酸的生物合成中起着关键的作用,挖掘具有高催化活性及稳定性的新型R-扁桃酸脱氢酶具有重要的意义。为了获得理想的R-扁桃酸脱氢酶,采用了基因组挖矿技术从Lactobacillus harbinensis菌株中获得了一个新型的R-扁桃酸脱氢酶LhDMDH,重组LhDMDH的比酶活高达1264.3 U/mg,约为探针的4倍,在已报道的R-扁桃酸脱氢酶中处于领先水平。同时,考察了4个重组酶主要的酶学特性,它们的最适反应温度在25~30℃,最适反应pH在9.0~9.5。动力学参数的结果表明,LhDMDH对底物的K_(cat)值为30.28 S~(-1),明显高于其它重组酶。此外,底物谱分析的结果也表明LhDMDH在外消旋扁桃酸的手性拆分及苯乙酮酸的生物合成中更具优势。在R-扁桃酸脱氢酶基因挖掘方面取得了较为理想的结果,为进一步的改造及应用奠定了坚实的基础,也为其它酶的挖掘提供了可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Using horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, stereospecifically tritiated (R)- and (S)-(γ-3H)-coniferyl alcohol was synthesized. Using both of these substrates it was demonstrated that cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase from lignifying Forsythia tissue specifically removes the pro-R-hydrogen atom of coniferyl alcohol in the oxidation to the aldehyde. This also means that in the reverse reaction the A-hydrogen of NADPH is transferred to the Re-site of coniferyl aldehyde.  相似文献   

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