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Powdery mildew, caused byEryisphe graminis f. sp.hordei, is one of the most important diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare). A number of loci conditioning resistance to this disease have been reported previously. The objective of this study was to use molecular markers to identify chromosomal regions containing genes for powdery mildew resistance and to estimate the resistance effect of each locus. A set of 28 F1 hybrids and eight parental lines from a barley diallel study was inoculated with each of five isolates ofE. graminis. The parents were surveyed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at 84 marker loci that cover about 1100 cM of the barley genome. The RFLP genotypes of the F1s were deduced from those of the parents. A total of 27 loci, distributed on six of the seven barley chromosomes, detected significant resistance effects to at least one of the five isolates. Almost all the chromosomal regions previously reported to carry genes for powdery mildew resistance were detected, plus the possible existence of 1 additional locus on chromosome 7. The analysis indicated that additive genetic effects are the most important component in conditioning powdery mildew resistance. However, there is also a considerable amount of dominance effects at most loci, and even overdominance is likely to be present at a number of loci. These results suggest that quantitative differences are likely to exist among alleles even at loci which are considered to carry major genes for resistance, and minor effects may be prevalent in cultivars that are not known to carry major genes for resistance.  相似文献   

Sigrun Hippe 《Protoplasma》1985,129(1):52-61
Summary The ultrastructure of freeze-substituted haustoria ofErysiphe graminis DC f. sp.hordei Marchal onHordeum vulgare L. cv. Villa is described. Freeze-substitution allows an improved visualization of thein vivo fine structure of haustoria of powdery mildews. The sheath membrane, as well as the profiles of the plasmalemma, nucleus, mitochondria, and vacuoles appear sharp and smoothly contoured. Invaginations are considered real features of the sheath membrane. Large vacuoles extending into the haustorial body and the haustorial lobes characterize older fungal structures. In the cytoplasm polyribosomes are homogeneously distributed whereas electron-dense glycogen-like inclusions are observed in the periphery of the cytoplasm. The rough endoplasmatic reticulum and the microtubules, primarily orientated with the longitudinal axis of the haustorium, are well resolved by means of the freeze-substitution technique. The method presented provides more detailed insight into the host-parasite interface under natural conditions.  相似文献   

During primary infection by conidia ofErysiphe graminis f. sp.tritici, three mechanisms of resistance operate in first leaves of 8-day-old seedlings of both resistant and susceptible wheats. The first mechanism, operating at the penetration site, is responsible for the failure of penetrations attempted by primary germ tubes (PGT). The second mechanism is concerned with the abortion of haustoria in normal-appearing host cells. The third mechanism relates to the abortion of haustoria and the hypersensitivity of the penetrated host cells.With the inoculum-level of 19–24 conidia/mm2, the three mechanisms together prevented 89.3 % of the attempted penetrations by PGT from producing normal haustoria in resistant wheat Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 37.4 % in the susceptible wheat Vermillion. The first mechanism accounted for the prevention of 73.3 % of the attempted PGT penetrations on Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 36 % on Vermillion. The second mechanism was responsible for stopping 19 % of all the successful penetrations in Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 0.8 % in Vermillion. The third mechanism accounted for the failure of 41 % of all the successful penetrations in Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 and 1.4% in Vermillion. Thirty-six hours after inoculation, 10.7% of all the attempted PGT penetrations appeared to be developing normally in first leaves of 8-day-old seedlings of resistant wheat Purdue 5752C1-7-5-1 as compared to 62.6 % in the susceptible wheat Vermillion.This appears to be the first report showing the relative effectiveness of various mechanisms of resistance concerning any powdery mildew fungus.  相似文献   

Summary Near-isogenic cultivars of Hordeum vulgare which differ for the Mlp gene for resistance to Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei were inoculated with race 3 of this pathogen and in vitro translation products of mRNA populations compared by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography. This revealed the presence of new mRNA species in infected leaves compared to non-inoculated controls. These new mRNA species were more abundant in resistant leaves than susceptible leaves. A cDNA library was prepared from poly(A)+RNA isolated from infected leaves carrying the Mlp gene for resistance (cvMlp). The library was screened by differential hybridization using [32P]-labelled cDNA prepared from poly(A)+RNA of both control and infected leaves. Six cDNA clones showing greater hybridization to cDNA prepared from infected leaves were selected. These six cDNA clones hybridized to DNA isolated from barley leaves but not to DNA from conidia of the fungus. In Northern blot analysis of RNA from infected leaves the six cDNA clones each hybridized to mRNA species of different size. Translation products for three of the cDNA clones corresponded to infection-related translation products identified on 2-dimensional fluorograms. The cDNA clones were used to study the kinetics of host mRNA induction during infection of the near-isogenic cultivars of barley. The host mRNA species corresponding to the cDNA clones were induced prior to 24 h after inoculation during the primary penetration processes. In addition the mRNAs corresponding to four of the cDNA clones increased to greater amounts in cvMlp than in the near-isogenic susceptible cultivar (cvmlp) over a 2-d period following inoculation. These results suggest that the Mlp gene has a regulatory role in host gene expression resulting in enhanced expression of several host mRNA species following infection by the powdery mildew fungus.  相似文献   

Summary Pairs of susceptible and resistant, near-isogenic cultivars ofHordeum vulgare which differ for the Mla, Mlk and Mlp genes for resistance toErysiphe graminis f. sp.hordei were inoculated with race 3 of this pathogen and patterns of protein synthesis associated with primary infection mapped using pulse-labelling with L-[35S]methionine and 2-dimensional electrophoresis. Extraction of proteins with buffer containing detergent revealed the enhanced synthesis of 5 and 8 polypeptides at 25 and 30 h respectively after inoculation of barley carrying the Mla gene (cvMla). The enhanced synthesis of these same polypeptides together with 11 additional polypeptides was observed at 48 h and 72 h after inoculation of barley carrying either the Mlp (cvMlp) or Mlk (cvMlk) genes. The labelling of several major constitutive polypeptides was suppressed in cvMla at 24 h after inoculation; the labelling of six of these polypeptides was also suppressed in both cvMlp and cvMlk but not until 48 and 72 h after inoculation. These results indicate that changes occur in the synthesis of some common polypeptides following infection of cultivars carrying different resistance genes but the timing and extent of these changes varies with the resistance gene in the host.  相似文献   

Summary The powdery mildew disease resistance gene Ml(La) was found to belong to a locus on barely chromosome 2. We suggest that this locus be designated MlLa. Linkage analysis was carried out on 72 chromosome-doubled, spring-type progeny lines from a cross between the winter var Vogelsanger Gold and the spring var Alf. A map of chromosome 2 spanning 119cM and flanked by two peroxidase gene loci was constructed. In addition to the Laevigatum resistance locus the map includes nine RFLP markers, the two peroxidase gene loci and the six-row locus in barley.  相似文献   

Summary Three rye populations originating from different cultivars were subjected to half sib progeny selection for three cycles to improve their resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis DC. f.sp. secalis Marchal). Selection was carried out in the greenhouse (measurement of spore production at the three-leaf stage), in the field (scoring of mildew infections at ear emergence) or at both locations. All selections resulted in significant responses, the level of which varied depending on the genetic base of mildew resistance in the populations. Greenhouse selection was most effective when the frequency of dominant genes could be increased, whereas field selection was less effective. Estimates for heritability in the narrow sense ranged from 0.42–0.94 indicating that mildew resistance can be increased effectively. Inbred lines should be selected in base populations with a high level of quantitative resistance and/or a high frequency of dominant genes. For an effective resistance strategy in hybrid breeding such dominant genes are most valuable, and can be selected in young growth stages. In Strain CG the increase of dominant resistance genes by early selection resulted in a significant improvement of kernel yield.  相似文献   

Summary Genome organization of the biotrophic barley powdery mildew fungus was studied using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Genomic DNA clones containing either low-or multiple-copy sequences appeared to be the best RFLP markers, as they frequently revealed polymorphisms that could be readily detected. A total of 31 loci were identified using 11 genomic DNA clones as probes. Linkage analysis of the 31 RFLP loci and five virulence loci resulted in the construction of seven groups of linked loci. Two of these contained both RFLP markers and virulence genes. RFLP markers were found to be very efficient in characterizing mildew isolates, as only three markers were necessary to differentiate 28 isolates. The DNA of the barley powdery mildew fungus appeared to contain a considerable number of repetitive sequences dispersed throughout the genome.  相似文献   

Detailed studies on the production of individual leaves, and the development of powdery mildew on them, were made in field plots of winter barley sown on different dates. The greater severity of the disease on early-sown than on later-sown seedlings during the autumn and winter can probably be explained mainly by changes in the abundance of inoculum and the suitability of the weather for infection. Results from glasshouse experiments suggest that the differences may be reinforced by direct effects of vernalisation on the susceptibility of seedlings to the disease. Contrary effects of sowing date on mildew severity during summer are probably due to the progressively greater resistance to mildew of the later-formed than of seedling leaves, and the earlier appearance of corresponding leaves on early-sown than on later-sown plants. Early sowing can also increase the total number of leaves produced per stem. Therefore, because resistance of the leaves increases progressively, the maximum degree of resistance expressed by the later-formed (e.g. flag) leaves will often be greater on early-sown than on later-sown plants.  相似文献   

Several gene linkage maps have been produced for cultivated barley. We have produced a new linkage map for barley, based on a cross between Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum and Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare (Hvs x Hvv), having a higher level of polymorphism than most of the previous barley crosses used for RFLP mapping. Of 133 markers mapped in the Hvs x Hvv F2 population, 69 were previously mapped on other barley maps, and 26 were mapped in rice, maize, or wheat. Two known gene clones were mapped as well as two morphological markers. The distributions of previously mapped markers were compared with their respective barley maps to align the different maps into one consensus map. The distributions of common markers among barley, wheat, rice and maize were also compared, indicating colinear linkage groups among these species.To be considered dual first authorsPublished with the approval of the Director of the Colorado State University/Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Chitosan (CHT), a deacetylated chitin derivative, and benzo-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), a non toxic synthetic functional analogue of salicylic acid, were applied as foliar spray to barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.), to compare their effectiveness in inducing resistance against Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei and to investigate the underlying defence response. After an induction phase of 3 days (IP, time elapsed between treatment and fungal inoculation) both compounds reduced significantly the infection on the primary leaf, namely of 55.5% for CHT and of 68.9% for BTH, showing the induction of a good level of local resistance (LAR). A 5-day IP further reduced the infected areas in BTH treated plants (−77.2%) but not in CHT treated ones (−47.1%). Furthermore, both CHT and BTH also induced SAR, being the infection in the second non treated leaves reduced of 57% and 76.2%, respectively, as evaluated at 10-day IP. Both BTH and CHT induced oxidative burst and phenolic compound deposition in treated leaves, creating an hostile environment that slowed down the fungal spreading by impairing haustorium development. However, the greater efficacy of BTH was possibly due to: i) a greater reinforcement of papilla; ii) a higher level and the more homogeneous diffusion of H2O2 in the treated leaf tissues and iii) an induced hypersensitive-like response in many penetrated cells.  相似文献   

We used a well-characterized barley mapping population (BCD 47 × Baronesse) to determine if barley stripe rust (BSR) resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapped in Mexico and the USA were effective against a reported new race in Peru. Essentially the same resistance QTL were detected using data from each of the three environments, indicating that these resistance alleles are effective against the spectrum of naturally occurring races at these sites. In addition to the mapping population, we evaluated a germplasm array consisting of lines with different numbers of mapped BSR resistance alleles. A higher BSR disease severity on CI10587, which has a single qualitative resistance gene, in Peru versus Mexico suggests there are differences in pathogen virulence between the two locations. Confirmation of a new race in Peru will require characterization using a standard set of differentials, an experiment that is underway. The highest levels of resistance in Peru were observed when the qualitative resistance gene was pyramided with quantitative resistance alleles. We also used the mapping population to locate QTL conferring resistance to barley leaf rust and barley powdery mildew. For mildew, we identified resistance QTL under field conditions in Peru that are distinct from the Mla resistance that we mapped using specific isolates under controlled conditions. These results demonstrate the long-term utility of a reference mapping population and a well-characterized germplasm array for locating and validating genes conferring quantitative and qualitative resistance to multiple pathogens.  相似文献   

The accession PI466197 of wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) with a newly identified resistance to powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei was studied with the aim to localise the genes determining resistance on a barley genetic map using DNA markers. Molecular analysis was performed in the F2 population of the cross between the winter variety ‘Tiffany’ and the resistant accession PI466197, consisting of 113 plants. DNA markers, 17 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), four sequence-tagged sites (STSs) and one cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker developed from the Mla locus sequence were used for genetic mapping and a two-locus model of resistance was shown. One of the resistance genes originating from H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum PI466197 was localised between the markers RGH1aE1 and Bmac0213 on the short arm of chromosome 1H, which is the position consistent with the Mla locus. The other gene was proven to be highly significantly linked with GBMS247, Bmac0134 and MWG878 on the short arm of chromosome 2H. The flanking markers were Bmac0134 and MWG878, assigned 4 and 8 cM from the resistance gene, respectively. Until now, no gene conferring powdery mildew resistance originating from H. vulgare has been located on the short arm of barley chromosome 2H.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to map new resistance genes against powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei L.), leaf rust (Puccinia hordei L.) and scald [Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud.) J. Davis] in the advanced backcross doubled haploid (BC2DH) population S42 derived from a cross between the spring barley cultivar Scarlett and the wild barley accession ISR42-8 (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum). Using field data of disease severity recorded in eight environments under natural infestation and genotype data of 98 SSR loci, we detected nine QTL for powdery mildew, six QTL for leaf rust resistance and three QTL for scald resistance. The presence of the exotic QTL alleles reduced disease symptoms by a maximum of 51.5, 37.6 and 16.5% for powdery mildew, leaf rust and scald, respectively. Some of the detected QTL may correspond to previously identified qualitative (i.e. Mla) and to quantitative resistance genes. Others may be newly identified resistance genes. For the majority of resistance QTL (61.0%) the wild barley contributed the favourable allele demonstrating the usefulness of wild barley in the quest for resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

A total of forty eight accessions of barley landraces from Morocco were screened for resistance to powdery mildew. Twenty two (46%) of tested landraces showed resistance reactions and thirty four single plant lines were selected. Eleven of these lines were tested in seedling stage with seventeen and another twenty three lines with twenty three isolates of powdery mildew respectively. The isolates were chosen according to the virulence spectra observed on the ‘Pallas’ isolines differential set. Line 229–2–2 was identified with resistance to all prevalent in Europe powdery mildew virulence genes. Lines 230–1–1, 248–1–3 showed susceptible reaction for only one and lines 221–3–2, 227–1–1, 244–3–4 for only two isolates respectively. Three different resistance alleles (Mlat, Mla6, and MLA14) were postulated to be present in tested lines alone or in combination. In thirty (88%) tested lines it was impossible to determine which specific gene or genes for resistance were present. Most probably these lines possessed alleles not represented in the ‘Pallas’ isolines differential set. The distribution of reaction type indicated that about 71% of all reaction types observed were classified as powdery mildew resistance (scores 0, 1 and 2). Majority (79%) of resistance reaction types observed in tested lines was intermediate resistance reaction type two and twenty three lines (68%) showed this reaction for inoculation with more than 50% isolates used. The use of new effective sources of resistance from Moroccan barley landraces for diversification of resistance genes for powdery mildew in barley cultivars was discussed.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of Pm10, Pm11, Pm14, and Pm15 wheat genes for resistance to inappropriate formae speciales of Erysiphe graminis was investigated using gene-for-gene relationships. Pm10 and Pm15 were very common among many indigenous accessions of common wheat collected from various areas in the world. The diversity of genotypes, which consisted of allelic combination at those loci, was high near the center of origin of common wheat and decreased with increasing distance from the center. In Europe, an apparent contrast of predominant genotypes occurred between the south and the north, suggesting that these genes are useful markers for revealing the routes by which common wheat spread in Europe. On a whole, the genes for resistance to inappropriate formae speciales were observed to be widely distributed throughout the world. We suggest that the difference between these genes and the genes for resistance to races of an appropriate forma specialis may only be in their distribution and that of their corresponding avirulence genes.  相似文献   

Inheritance of partial resistance to powdery mildew in spring wheat   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars exhibiting partial resistance to powdery mildew induced by Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici were crossed to a common susceptible cultivar to study the inheritance of resistance. The genetic parameters contributing to resistance were estimated by generation means analyses. Additive gene action was the most important genetic component of variation among generation means in all four crosses. Additive by additive effects were significant in one cross and both additive by additive and additive by dominance effects were significant in another. Dominance effects were not significant. The F2/F3 correlations in three crosses ranged from 0.27 to 0.43. Three additional crosses among resistant cultivars were employed to study the effectiveness of selection in improving resistance. By selecting the most resistant plants from the F2 and evaluating the progenies in the F4, increases in resistance ranging from 21% to 31% were obtained. In all crosses, there was transgressive segregation in both directions indicating that the genes conferring resistance to these cultivars differ and exhibit additive effects.  相似文献   

Basal resistance of barley to powdery mildew is a quantitatively inherited trait that limits the growth and sporulation of barley powdery mildew pathogen by a non-hypersensitive mechanism of defense. Two experimental barley lines were developed with a very high (ErBgh) and low (EsBgh) level of basal resistance to powdery mildew by cycles of convergent crossing and phenotypic selection between the most resistant and between the most susceptible lines, respectively, from four mapping populations of barley. Phenotypic selection in convergent crossing was highly effective in producing contrasting phenotypes for basal resistance and susceptibility. In ErBgh, almost 90% of infection units failed to form a primary haustorium in the epidermal cells in association with papilla formation, but in EsBgh only 33% of infection units failed to form a primary haustorium. The contrast between ErBgh and EsBgh for successful formation of secondary and subsequent haustoria was much less obvious (69% versus 79% successful secondary haustorium formation). In an earlier investigation, we determined seven QTLs for basal resistance in the four mapping populations. Checking the peak markers of these QTLs indicated that only four out of seven QTLs were confirmed to be present in the selected resistant lines and only four QTLs for susceptibility were confirmed to be present in the selected susceptible lines. Surprisingly, none of the expected QTLs could be detected in the resistant line ErBgh. We discuss some reasons why marker aided selection might be less efficient in raising levels of basal resistance than phenotypic selection. The very resistant and susceptible lines developed here are valuable material to be used in further experiments to characterize the molecular basis of basal resistance to powdery mildew.  相似文献   

Two genes conferring resistance to the barley stripe rust found in Mexico and South America, previously identified as race 24, were mapped to the M arms of barley chromosomes 7 and 4 in a doubled haploid population using molecular markers and the quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approach. The resistance gene on chromosome 7 had a major effect, accounting for 57% of the variation in disease severity. The resistance gene on chromosome 4 had a minor effect, accounting for 10% of the variation in trait expression. Two pairs of restriction fragment length polymorphism markers are being used to introgress the resistance genes to North American spring barley using molecular marker-assisted backcrossing.Ore. Agric Exp Stn J no. 10283  相似文献   

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