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Fey K  Banks PB  Korpimäki E 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):419-428
Ecosystems of three trophic levels may be bottom-up (by food-plant availability) and/or top-down (by predators) limited. Top-down control might be of greater consequence when the predation impact comes from an alien predator. We conducted a replicated two-factor experiment with field voles (Microtus agrestis) during 2004-2005 on small islands of the outer archipelago of the Baltic Sea, south-west Finland, manipulating both predation impact by introduced American mink (Mustela vison) and winter food supply. In autumn 2004, we live-trapped voles on five islands from which mink had been consistently removed, and on four islands where mink were present, and provided half of these islands with 1.8 kg oats per vole. Body mass of female voles increased as a response to supplementary food, whereas both food supplementation and mink removal increased the body mass of male voles in subsequent spring. During winter, there was a positive effect of supplementary food, but in the subsequent summer, possible positive long-term impacts of food supplementation on field voles were not detected. Mink removal appeared not to affect density estimates of field voles during the winter and summer immediately after food addition. Trapping data from 2004 to 2005 and 2007 suggested, however, that in two out of three summers densities of voles were significantly higher in the absence than in the presence of mink. We conclude that vole populations on small islands in the archipelago of the Baltic Sea are mainly bottom-up limited during winter (outside the growing season of food plants), when food availability is low, and limited by mink predation during summer which slows population growth during the reproductive season of voles.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long debated the role of predation in mediating the coexistence of prey species. Theory has mainly taken a bitrophic perspective that excludes the effects of inducible defenses at different trophic levels. However, inducible defenses could either limit or enhance the effects of predation on coexistence, by means of effects on bottom-up control and population stability. Our aim was to investigate how inducible defenses at different trophic levels affect the possibilities for predator-mediated coexistence, as opposed to competitive exclusion, in replicated experimental plankton communities. In particular, we analyzed how the presence or absence of inducible defenses in algal basal prey affected the outcome of competition between an inducible defended and an undefended herbivore, in the presence or absence of a carnivore. We found the undefended herbivore to be a superior competitor in the absence of predation. This outcome was reversed in the presence of a shared carnivore: populations of the undefended herbivore then strongly declined. The extent of this population decline differed between food webs based on undefended as opposed to inducible defended algal prey. In the former the undefended herbivore became undetectable for most of the duration of the experiment. In the latter the undefended herbivore also crashed to low densities, but it could still be detected during most of the experiment. In food webs based on inducible defended algae, the carnivore failed to reach high densities and exerted weaker top-down control on the two competing herbivores. We conclude that the inducible defense in one of our two competing herbivores allowed the outcome of competition to be reversed when a shared carnivore was added. Inducible defenses in algae did not change this outcome, but they significantly delayed extinction of the undefended herbivore. Predation itself did not promote coexistence in these experimental plankton communities.  相似文献   

Tveraa T  Fauchald P  Henaug C  Yoccoz NG 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):370-376
A central issue in ecology is to what extent food limitation and predation affect animal populations. We studied how survival and reproductive success was related to the female's size in a population of semi-domesticated reindeer during 2 years where there was a large difference in snowfall during winter. The females were kept within a predator-free enclosure for about 5 weeks during the calving period and thereafter released to their natural summer pastures. Small females were more likely to fail to reproduce and they produced smaller calves than large females. Additionally, small females were more likely to loose their calves due to starvation within the predator-free enclosure and to predators outside the enclosure. Food limitation during the harsh winter appeared to be the major cause of deaths. However, food limitation interacted with predation and led to high calf losses when the females experienced low food availability during the harsh winter. In contrast, predators killed no calves after the mild winter. Apparently, the interaction between predation and food limitation is due to small females favouring their own growth and survival over calf production in summers following harsh winters with food shortage. Our results indicate that a compensatory relationship exists between mortality due food limitation and predation. Thus, the impact of calf predation on reindeer demography and population dynamics may be limited.  相似文献   

Food limitation for the cladoceran Daphnia galeta was measuredgrowing them with natural lake seston for one growing seasonunder standardized conditions in the laboratory. Growth rateswere related to several measures of food quantity. Particulateorganic carbon (POC) <30 µm was the best predictorof total food availability measured. It was better than chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) of the same size fraction, algal volume calculated fromcell counts or total particle volume from Coulter Counter measurements.Daphnids were also grown with Scenedesmus acutus under the sameconditions and their growth rates were compared. Sestonic carbonconcentrations were related to Scenedesmus carbon concentrations,that provided equal growth rates. The ratio of the carbon concentrationsof both food types (seston, Scenedesmus) represented the foodquality of seston. Thus, the nutritional quality of naturallake seston relative to a standard alga was determined overone growing season. Growth rates of seston fed animals revealedthat they were food limited during long periods of the year.This was also ascertained by standard clutch sizes of fieldanimals. However, the causes of food limitation varied withinthe duration of the studied period. Whereas during the clear-waterphase the food quantity was limiting (while the quality washigh: 100% Scenedesmus), shortly after on 10 June and 17 Junefood conditions were close to threshold concentrations due tolow food quality. For the remainder of the summer, a POC of0.3–0.6 mg C I–1 with a quality of  相似文献   

This study characterizes food neophobia in semi-free ranging rhesus macaques. In experiment one, monkeys received novel and familiar foods during periods of normal provisioning and when provisioning was suspended. The monkeys did discriminate between novel and familiar foods and continued to exhibit neophobia when provisioning was suspended. In experiment two, food was either tossed to subjects or placed in the habitat so that monkeys discovered food without the observer in close proximity. Rhesus macaques were more likely to eat a novel food that was hand-tossed to them compared to food they discovered in their habitat. This study suggests that food neophobia is a robust trait in rhesus macaques and that a history of provisioning may affect the expression of the trait.  相似文献   

Summary The role of predator density and plant detritus in determining patterns of insect abundance was tested in an Appalachian stream community (Reeds Creek, Pendleton Co, West Virginia). Insect colonization was followed over a 21-day period in field enclosures containing different densities of sculpins (Cottus bairdi and Cottus girardi). Sculpins caused no significant reductions in prey abundance; however, the combined effect of a guild of vertebrate predators caused a significant depression in the abundance of Chironomidae and the stonefly Leuctra. Since Chironomidae comprised approximately 85% of the total benthic fauna, vertebrate predation had an important role in the overall structure of the invertebrate community.Total insect abundance and diversity were correlated to the presence of plant detritus. However, this relationship was taxon specific, as abundance was highly correlated to detritus for only selected insect taxa. In general, abundance was best correlated with coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM), compared to fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) or total detritus (FPOM+CPOM+Whole leaf organic matter (LVOM)).This experiment illustrates that the influence of various potential structuring mechanisms is highly taxon dependent.  相似文献   

1. When populations of herbivorous insects increase in density, they can alter the quantity or quality of their food. The impacts of diet‐related stressors on insect fitness have been investigated singly, but not simultaneously. 2. Foliage quantity and quality of red alder, Alnus rubra, were manipulated together with the presence of non‐entomopathogenic phylloplane bacteria to investigate their impacts, singly and in combination, on survival, pupal mass, growth rate, fecundity and egg quality of a cyclic forest insect, the western tent caterpillar, Malacosoma californicum pluviale. 3. Food limitation (half food) had strong negative impacts on all life‐history traits. When the larvae were fed continuously, however, neither ingesting phylloplane bacteria nor eating leaves from damaged branches (induced foliage) affected survival. In the half‐food treatment, ingesting bacteria further increased mortality, while feeding on induced foliage improved survival. 4. Growth rate and pupal mass of both sexes were reduced for larvae with food limitation compared with continuously fed insects and this was exacerbated when the larvae also ate bacteria‐treated leaves. A combination of bacteria and induced foliage also reduced larval growth rate by 5% in the full‐food treatment. 5. Fecundity (eggs per egg mass) was 2.7 times greater in full‐food than in food‐limited treatments but neither phylloplane bacteria nor plant induction had an effect. Insects fed induced foliage produced smaller eggs. Overall, there was no evidence of a three‐way interaction between the three stressors, although there were negative synergistic effects, primarily between food limitation and the ingestion of phylloplane bacteria.  相似文献   

Food-restricted rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss maintained a lower basal heart rate than satiated fish, probably as a result of reduced metabolic rate. Food-restricted fish were also more active during feeding and were more willing to take risks than satiated fish. Both satiated and food-restricted fish were positioned lower in the tank after the predator attack. Heart rate increased more during feeding in the food-restricted fish compared to the satiated, but energy status had no general effect on the relation between heart rate and behaviour. Hence, the increase in heart rate was mainly a response to the more active foraging behaviour in the food-restricted fish. Moreover, behavioural activity in the food-restricted fish was associated with a higher heart rate after the predator attack than when the fish was undisturbed, which may reflect physiological preparation for flight. These findings suggest that behavioural and cardiac responses are coadapted to meet variation in food availability and predation risk in the wild.  相似文献   

Growth limitation of planktonic bacteria in a large mesotrophic lake   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied nutrient-limitation of bacterioplankton growth in Lake Constance, a mesotrophic lake, between February and August in 1992. We amended 1-m filtrates with a single nutrient or nutrient combinations at 5 or 10 m final concentration, and the limiting nutrient or nutrient combination was inferred from the assay in which bacterial growth was most stimulated. The following nutrients were added individually or in combination: glucose, amino acids, peptone, and ammonium as C and N sources, and inorganic phosphate. From January until the beginning of the phytoplankton spring bloom in mid-April, C alone was growth-limiting. During the spring bloom a complex growth-limitation pattern occurred; first P was limiting, then for only 1 week C + N together, and thereafter P + C. During the clear-water phase with very low chlorophyll concentrations, P + C together limited bacterial growth again, interrupted by a period when C + N + P shortage caused a triple limitation. Later in the season, P + C were growth-limiting again. The growth efficiency (bacterial biomass produced/substrates used) on the basis of amino acid and carbohydrate used varied between 17 and 35%. The addition of various C and N sources indicated that the growth efficiency strongly depended on the quality of the substrates and the adaptation of the bacterial assemblages, for example, whether C and N originated from amino acids or glucose and ammonium.  相似文献   

Predation can have strong direct and indirect effects on the behavior of prey. We investigated whether predation by chain pickerel (Esox niger) caused adult eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) to alter their habitat use and whether pickerel predation influenced survival of adult and neonate mosquitofish. The number of adult mosquitofish using the riskier of three habitats was lowest when two predators occupied the risky habitat, intermediate in the treatment with one predator, and highest when no predators occurred there. More mosquitofish neonates survived high predation treatments than treatments lacking pickerel. We conclude that pickerel predation causes adult mosquitofish to shift to refuge habitats. The pattern of neonate survival suggests that adult habitat use may create a refuge from cannibalism for neonate mosquitofish, resulting in higher neonate survival in treatments with more pickerel. Hence, pickerel predation has a direct effect on adult mosquitofish behavior and a strong indirect effect on neonate survival. Both interspecific and intraspecific predation can effect prey populations and can interact to produce important indirect effects.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the combined effects of prey patchinessand diel or tidal vertical migrations in the water column, decapodcrustacean larvae may experience temporal or spatial variabilityin the availability of planktonic food. In a laboratory study,we evaluated effects of temporarily limited access to prey onthe larvae of three species of brachyuran crabs, Chasmagnathusgranulata, Cancer pagurus and Carcinus maenas. Stage-I zoeaewere fed ad libitum for 4 or 6 h per day (20 or 25% treatments;6 h tested in C. pagurus only), and rates of larval survivaland development were compared with those observed in continuouslyfed control groups (24 h, 100%). In C. granulata, we also testedif intraspecific variability in initial biomass of freshly hatchedlarvae originating from different broods has an influence onearly larval tolerance of food limitation. Moreover, we exposedembryos and larvae of this estuarine species to moderately decreasedsalinities to identify possible interactions of osmotic andnutritional stress. Finally, we evaluated in this species theeffect of food limitation on survival from hatching throughall larval instars to metamorphosis. In all three species, limitedaccess to prey had only weak or insignificant negative effectson survival through the Zoea-I stage. The strength of the effectsof temporary food limitation varied in C. granulata significantlyamong broods. However, no significant relationships were foundbetween initial larval biomass (C content) and either survivalor development duration. Strongly decreased survival to metamorphosiswas found when food limitation continued throughout larval development.Thus, early brachyuran crab larvae are well adapted to transitorylack of planktonic food. The capability of the Zoea-I stageof C. granulata to withstand nutritional stress also under conditionsof concomitant salinity stress allows them to exploit variousbrackish environments within estuarine gradients. However, continuedexposure to limited access to planktonic prey may exceed thenutritional flexibility of C. granulata larvae.  相似文献   

Predators can affect prey in two ways—by reducing their density (consumptive effects) or by changing their behavior, physiology or other phenotypic traits (non-consumptive effects). Understanding the cues and sensory modalities prey use to detect predators is critical for predicting the strength of non-consumptive effects and the outcome of predator–prey encounters. While predator-associated cues have been well studied in aquatic systems, less is known about how terrestrial prey, particularly insect larvae, detect their predators. We evaluated how Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, larvae perceive predation risk by isolating cues from its stink bug predator, the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris. When exposed to male “risk” predators that were surgically manipulated so they could hunt but not kill, beetles reduced feeding 29 % compared to controls. Exposure to risk females caused an intermediate response. Beetles ate 24 % less on leaves pre-exposed to predators compared to leaves never exposed to predators, indicating that tactile and visual cues are not required for the prey’s response. Volatile odor cues from predators reduced beetle feeding by 10 % overall, although male predators caused a stronger reduction than females. Finally, visual cues from the predator had a weak effect on beetle feeding. Because multiple cues appear to be involved in prey perception of risk, and because male and female predators have differential effects, beetle larvae likely experience tremendous variation in the information about risk from their local environment.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of invertebrate predation (Notonectidae: Anisops spp.), food limitation, and certain abiotic factors in driving the population dynamics of Daphnia carinata were studied for a two year period in a large farm dam in southern Victoria, Australia. Detailed measurements were made on the population densities of Daphnia and Anisops spp., the amount of food available, the nutritional status, and the size-specific fecundity of Daphnia. The density of the Daphnia population at the field site oscillated closely with water temperature. The amplitude of the population fluctuations varied seasonally, being much greater during the warmer months of the year and switching to fluctuations with low peaks when water temperature dropped below approximately 15°C. Anisops spp. densities were greatest in winter and declined during the spring of each year. Nymphs appeared in late spring and early summer and numerically dominated the population. During the warmer periods of the year, the daphnid population went through a series of rapid growth phases leading to over-exploitation of food resources and subsequent population collapses. Daphnia population densities were not correlated with Anisops numbers suggesting that predation was not a major regulatory factor during the warmer periods of the year. When water temperatures fell below ca. 15°C daphnid population densities remained low despite high food levels. During this period the impact of Anisops may have been greater. Two distinct phases were identified: a warm water period when food limitation was the main regulatory factor, and a cool water period when Anisops predation may have been the paramount factor. Low oxygen concentrations were associated with heavy rainfall in the spring and may have had a limiting effect on Daphnia for short periods. Daphnia may have had an important role in sustaining the Anisops population in the pond over each winter.  相似文献   

1. To gain insight into the evolution of compensatory growth, we studied the growth patterns of anuran (Rana temporaria) larvae following either a period of exogenous growth depression (food restriction) or a period of endogenous depression (exposure to predators). We also investigated the potential deferred costs that larval compensatory growth could impose on post-metamorphic individuals. 2. Food-deprived larvae exhibited full compensatory growth in response to reduced growth rates caused by food limitation, and the growth trajectories of low- and high-rations tadpoles converged before the onset of metamorphosis. 3. According to our predictions, individuals exposed to larval predators did not show growth compensation following predator removal despite undergoing a significant reduction in growth rate associated with low activity levels. 4. Jumping ability of individuals exposed to predators during only 20 days from the commencement of the larval phase was equivalent to that of non-exposed animals, and greater than the jumping capacity of those maintained with predators until the time of metamorphosis. This pattern was consistent with the pattern observed for variation in relative leg length. 5. These results support the suggestion that submaximum and compensatory growth could have evolved to minimize the overall growth/mortality costs in environments with high spatiotemporal variation in predation intensity.  相似文献   

Dispersal dynamics have significant consequences for ecological and evolutionary processes. Previous work has demonstrated that dispersal can be context-dependent. However, factors affecting dispersal are typically considered in isolation, despite the probability that individuals make dispersal decisions in response to multiple, possibly interacting factors. We examined whether two ecological factors, predation risk and intraspecific competition, have interactive effects on dispersal dynamics. We performed a factorial experiment in mesocosms using backswimmers (Notonecta undulata), flight-capable, semi-aquatic insects. Emigration rates increased with density, and increased with predation risk at intermediate densities; however, predation had minimal effects on emigration at high and low densities. Our results indicate that factorial experiments may be required to understand dispersal dynamics under realistic ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Boggs CL  Freeman KD 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):353-361
Allocation of larval food resources affects adult morphology and fitness in holometabolous insects. Here we explore the effects on adult morphology and female fitness of larval semi-starvation in the butterfly Speyeria mormonia. Using a split-brood design, food intake was reduced by approximately half during the last half of the last larval instar. Body mass and forewing length of resulting adults were smaller than those of control animals. Feeding treatment significantly altered the allometric relationship between mass and wing length for females but not males, such that body mass increased more steeply with wing length in stressed insects as compared to control insects. This may result in changes in female flight performance and cost. With regard to adult life history traits, male feeding treatment or mating number had no effect on female fecundity or survival, in agreement with expectations for this species. Potential fecundity decreased with decreasing body mass and relative fat content, but there was no independent effect of larval feeding treatment. Realized fecundity decreased with decreasing adult survival, and was not affected by body mass or larval feeding treatment. Adult survival was lower in insects subjected to larval semi-starvation, with no effect of body mass. In contrast, previous laboratory studies on adult nectar restriction showed that adult survival was not affected by such stress, whereas fecundity was reduced in direct 11 proportion to the reduction of adult food. We thus see a direct impact of larval dietary restriction on survival, whereas fecundity is affected by adult dietary restriction, a pattern reminiscent of a survival/reproduction trade-off, but across a developmental boundary. The data, in combination with previous work, thus provide a picture of the intra-specific response of a suite of traits to ecological stress.  相似文献   

A model for the sterile insect release method of pest control in which the target species is under predatory or parasitic regulation is analyzed. The equations are nondimensionalized and the rescaled parameters are interpreted. There are four types of equilibria, whose existence and stability depend on which of ten regions of parameter space contain the rescaled parameters, and in turn give minimal release rates to achieve eradication of the pest. In at least one region, Hopf bifurcation theory shows the existence of limit cycles, but they are found to be unstable. In addition, the optimal release rate to minimize a total cost functional for pest control by the sterile release method is studied. Both approaches show that when predation accounts for a large fraction of the natural deaths, the necessary release rate and total cost are higher than for weak predation. If the predators are removed without being replaced by any other source of mortality, the cost rises in all cases but rises much more dramatically for cases with strong predation. A definite danger of the sterile release method when some predatory control exists is that the predators are frequently driven extinct before the prey, so that the target species could explode to much higher levels and be more difficult to eradicate again after the sterile release is terminated.  相似文献   

Calanus finmarchicus, one of the dominant copepods species of the North Atlantic, often encounters low food concentration or quality during the reproductive period; however, our knowledge on the effect of these conditions on reproduction processes is scarce. The present study combines experiments with histological observations to describe the response of C. finmarchicus to limited food focussing on (1) oocyte maturation processes, (2) gonad morphology, (3) egg production rates as a function of spawning frequency and clutch size, and (4) the fuelling of egg production by measuring carbon and nitrogen content of the females. In the laboratory, C. finmarchicus females were exposed to 0, 10, 50, 150 or >300 μg C l−1 for several days. To account for food quality and season, reproductive activity was compared in April and July 1999 between females feeding on diatoms or dinoflagellates. The effect of feeding history was studied in February with females fed and starving prior to the experiment. Feeding conditions had severe effects on oocyte maturation process. Hence, egg production varied significantly with food concentration and quality, season and feeding history due to variation in both clutch size and spawning frequency. Clutch size differed by a factor of 2-4 between food limited and well fed females, and is thus an important parameter for modelling egg production. Changes in clutch size were related to changes of the number of maturing oocytes in the females gonads indicating that the latter can be used to precise the prediction of egg production from preserved samples. The proportion of females carrying at least some mature oocytes was relatively high at low food availability. Apparently, these females used internal body reserves as the carbon and nitrogen content decreased significantly under these conditions. These results indicate that C. finmarchicus embarks on the strategy to enable reproduction in all or many females of a population at low rates when feeding conditions are unfavourable.  相似文献   

Dmitriew C  Rowe L 《Oecologia》2005,142(1):150-154
Periods of poor nutrition during early development may have negative fitness consequences in subsequent periods of ontogeny. In insects, suppression of growth and developmental rate during the larval stage are likely to affect size and timing of maturity, which in turn may lead to reduced reproductive success or survivorship. In light of these costs, individuals may achieve compensatory growth via behavioural or physiological mechanisms following food limitation. In this study, we examined the effects of a temporary period of food restriction on subsequent growth and age and size at maturity in the larval damselfly Ischnura verticalis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). We also asked whether this temporary period of reduced nutrition affected subsequent foraging behaviour under predation risk. I. verticalis larvae exposed to a temporary food shortage suffered from a reduced growth rate during this period relative to a control group that was fed ad libitum. However, increased growth rates later in development ensured that adult body size measurements (head and pronotum widths) did not differ between the treatments upon emergence. In contrast, adult dry mass did not catch up to that of the controls, indicating that the increased growth rates for size dimensions occur at the cost of similar gains in mass. Predators reduced foraging effort of larvae, but this reduction did not differ between control larvae and those previously exposed to poor nutrition.  相似文献   

Recognition of the microbial loop as an important part of aquatic ecosystems disrupted the notion of simple linear food chains. However, current research suggests that even the microbial loop paradigm is a gross simplification of microbial interactions due to the presence of mixotrophs-organisms that both photosynthesize and graze. We present a simple food web model with four trophic species, three of them arranged in a food chain (nutrients-autotrophs-herbivores) and the fourth as a mixotroph with links to both the nutrients and the autotrophs. This model is used to study the general implications of inclusion of the mixotrophic link in microbial food webs and the specific predictions for a parameterization that describes open ocean mixed layer plankton dynamics. The analysis indicates that the system parameters reside in a region of the parameter space where the dynamics converge to a stable equilibrium rather than displaying periodic or chaotic solutions. However, convergence requires weeks to months, suggesting that the system would never reach equilibrium in the ocean due to alteration of the physical forcing regime. Most importantly, the mixotrophic grazing link seems to stabilize the system in this region of the parameter space, particularly when nutrient recycling feedback loops are included.  相似文献   

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