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The photoperiodic response is crucial for many insects to adapt to seasonal changes in temperate regions. It was recently shown that the circadian clock genes period (per) and cycle (cyc) are involved in the photoperiodic regulation of reproductive diapause in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris females. Here, we investigated the involvement of per and cyc both in the circadian rhythm of cuticle deposition and in the photoperiodic diapause of R. pedestris males using RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi of per and cyc disrupted the cuticle deposition rhythm and resulted in distinct cuticle layers. RNAi of per induced development of the male reproductive organs even under diapause-inducing short-day conditions, whereas RNAi of cyc suppressed development of the reproductive organs even under diapause-averting long-day conditions. Thus, the present study suggests that the circadian clock operated by per and cyc governs photoperiodism of males as that of females.  相似文献   

Expression of the circadian rhythm gene timeless was investigated in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii (Coq.), and was found to vary with time of day, instar of diapause, and latitude of origin. The temporal pattern of timeless expression differed between the two diapausing instars and was significantly higher in southern (38-40 degrees N) than in northern (50 degrees N) populations, when diapausing instar was held constant. Expression of timeless is therefore both developmentally and evolutionarily variable. This result provides the first example of a latitudinal difference in the expression of timeless, suggesting that, along with evidence from other insects, timeless has the potential to affect photoperiodic response and its adaptive evolution in temperate seasonal environments.  相似文献   

When pharate adults of the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis are exposed to 40°C for 4 h they become more tolerant of high temperatures that are normally lethal (thermotolerance). In contrast, a 1-h exposure to 45°C decreases tolerance to a subsequent high temperature challenge (thermosensitivity). While control flies experience little mortality when held at 35°C for 24–48 h the thermosensitized flies die when exposed to 35°C. Sensitivity to a second thermal challenge slowly decays over a 72-h period. The acquisition of thermotolerance prevents the development of thermosensitivity. Brains from thermosensitized flies cultured at 43°C express the 72-kDa heat-shock protein and normal protein synthesis is inhibited. This implies that development of thermosensitivity is not associated with a loss in the capacity to express the 72-kDa heat-shock protein.Abbreviations ICN ICN Biomedicals, Inc. PO Box 19536, Irvine, CA 92713-9921 - LD light dark cycle - LT50 time required to kill 50% of the test animals - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TRIS Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

In mammals, behavioral and physiological processes display 24-h rhythms that are regulated by a circadian system. In the present study, we investigated the possibility that the expression of clock genes in peripheral leukocytes can be used to assess the circadian clock system. We found that Per1 and Per2 exhibit circadian oscillations in mRNA expression in mouse peripheral leukocytes. Furthermore, the rhythms of Per1 and Per2 mRNA expression in peripheral leukocytes are severely blunted in homozygous Cry1/2 double-deficient mice that are known to have an abolished biological clock. We have examined the circadian expression of clock genes in human leukocytes and found that Per1 mRNA exhibits a robust circadian expression while Per2 and Bmal1 mRNA showed weak rhythm. These observations suggest that monitoring Per1 mRNA expression in human leukocytes may be useful for investigating the function of the circadian system in physiological and pathophysiological states.  相似文献   

We describe a variant of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata, which fails to enter pupal diapause in response to short daylength and low temperatures. This fly also has an arrhythmic adult eclosion pattern: rather than eclosing in early photophase, the variant ecloses arrhythmically throughout the photophase and scotophase. The loss of both diapause (photoperiodic response) and the gating of adult eclosion (presumably a circadian response) suggests that the same clock system is involved in these two responses. An examination of the expression patterns of the clock genes period and timeless demonstrates that both genes are present in the nondiapausing variant, but surprisingly, both genes are expressed at higher levels. This abnormality we observe, possibly the consequence of an upstream clock gene malfunction or a malfunction of the autoregulatory loop, results in disruption of a component of the clock system that is apparently needed for both photoperiodism and circadian rhythmicity.  相似文献   

We report differences in the length of a specific region of the circadian clock gene period (per) that correlate with different capacities for pupal diapause in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata. The conspicuous difference is located in a region we refer to as the putative C-terminal photoperiodic (CP) region. The length of the CP region correlates inversely with the incidence of diapause. A deletion of 33 amino acids in this region correlates with a significant increase in the incidence of diapause, from 78.1% to 93.0%, and an insertion of 9 amino acids in the same area correlates with a drop in the diapause incidence to 4.0%. This correlation suggests a possible functional role for this region of per in photoperiodism.  相似文献   

Molecular studies revealed that autoregulatory negative feedback loops consisting of so-called “clock genes” constitute the circadian clock in Drosophila. However, this hypothesis is not fully supported in other insects and is thus to be examined. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, we have previously shown that period (per) plays an essential role in the rhythm generation. In the present study, we cloned cDNA of the clock gene timeless (tim) and investigated its role in the cricket circadian oscillatory mechanism using RNA interference. Molecular structure of the cricket tim has rather high similarity to those of other insect species. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that tim mRNA showed rhythmic expression in both LD and DD similar to that of per, peaking during the (subjective) night. When injected with tim double-stranded RNA (dstim), tim mRNA levels were significantly reduced and its circadian expression rhythm was eliminated. After the dstim treatment, however, adult crickets showed a clear locomotor rhythm in DD, with a free-running period significantly shorter than that of control crickets injected with Discosoma sp. Red2 (DsRed2) dsRNA. These results suggest that in the cricket, tim plays some role in fine-tuning of the free-running period but may not be essential for oscillation of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

In this paper, the circadian pattern of Clock and genes mediated by the Clock was investigated in peripheral lymphocytes of rats. Circadian rhythms of Clock are found under the regimes of constant darkness (DD) and 12-h light-12-h dark (LD12:12h), with the peak phase at CT7 and ZT21, respectively. Ten differential cDNA fragments were identified to be mediated by the Clock, including three known genes (catalase, myelin proteolipid protein, and histone acetylase), four known expressed sequence tags (ESTs), and three novel ESTs. Experiment of the RNA interference revealed that these ESTs were down-regulated by the Clock gene and three of them were identified as clock-controlled genes. Understanding of clock-mediated genes may lead to a new direction in drug design for control of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic control of diapause induction was investigated in the short-day species, Colaphellus bowringi, which enters summer and winter diapause as adult in the soil. Photoperiodic responses at 25 and 28 degrees C revealed a critical night length between 10 and 12 h; night lengths > or =12 h prevented diapause, whereas night lengths <12 h induced summer diapause in different degree. Experiments using non-24-h light-dark cycles showed that the duration of scotophase played an essential role in the determination of diapause. Night-interruption experiments with T=24 h showed that diapause was effectively induced by a 2-h light pulse in most scotophases; whereas day-interruption experiments by a 2-h dark break had a little effect on the incidence of diapause. The experiments of alternating short-night cycles (LD 16:8) and long-night cycles (LD 12:12) during the sensitive larval period showed that the information of short nights as well as long nights could be accumulated. Nanda-Hamner experiments showed three declining peaks of diapause at 24 h circadian intervals. Bünsow experiments showed two very weak peaks for diapause induction, one being 8 h after lights-off, and another 8 h before lights-on, but it did not show peaks of diapause at a 24 h interval. These results suggest that the circadian oscillatory system constitutes a part of the photoperiodic clock of this beetle but plays a limited role in its photoperiodic time measurement.  相似文献   

Background and Aims An endogenous rhythm synchronized to dawn cannot time photosynthesis-linked genes to peak consistently at noon since the interval between sunrise and noon changes seasonally. In this study, a solar clock model that circumvents this limitation is proposed using two daily timing references synchronized to noon and midnight. Other rhythmic genes that are not directly linked to photosynthesis, and which peak at other times, also find an adaptive advantage in entrainment to the solar rhythm.Methods Fourteen datasets extracted from three published papers were used in a meta-analysis to examine the cyclic behaviour of the Arabidopsis thaliana photosynthesis-related gene CAB2 and the clock oscillator genes TOC1 and LHY in T cycles and N–H cycles.Key Results Changes in the rhythms of CAB2, TOC1 and LHY in plants subjected to non-24-h light:dark cycles matched the hypothesized changes in their behaviour as predicted by the solar clock model, thus validating it. The analysis further showed that TOC1 expression peaked ∼5·5 h after mid-day, CAB2 peaked close to noon, while LHY peaked ∼7·5 h after midnight, regardless of the cycle period, the photoperiod or the light:dark period ratio. The solar clock model correctly predicted the zeitgeber timing of these genes under 11 different lighting regimes comprising combinations of seven light periods, nine dark periods, four cycle periods and four light:dark period ratios. In short cycles that terminated before LHY could be expressed, the solar clock correctly predicted zeitgeber timing of its expression in the following cycle.Conclusions Regulation of gene phases by the solar clock enables the plant to tell the time, by which means a large number of genes are regulated. This facilitates the initiation of gene expression even before the arrival of sunrise, sunset or noon, thus allowing the plant to ‘anticipate’ dawn, dusk or mid-day respectively, independently of the photoperiod.  相似文献   

Circadian oscillations with a period of about 24h are observed in nearly all living organisms as conspicuous biological rhythms. In this paper, we investigate various kinds of bifurcation phenomena produced in a circadian oscillator model of Drosophila. In Drosophila, it is known that circadian oscillations in the levels of two proteins, PER and TIM, result from the negative feedback exerted by a PER-TIM complex on the expression of the per and tim genes that code for the two proteins. For studying circadian oscillations of proteins in Drosophila, a mathematical model has been proposed. The model cannot only account for regular circadian oscillations in environmental conditions such as constant darkness, but also give rise to more complex oscillatory phenomena including chaos and birhythmicity. By calculating bifurcations using Kawakami's method, we obtain detailed bifurcation diagrams related to stable and unstable invariant sets, and identify parameter regions in which the model generates complex oscillations as well as regular circadian oscillations. Moreover, we study bifurcations observed in the model incorporating the effect on a light-dark (LD) cycle and show that the waveform of the periodic variation in the light-induced parameter has a marked influence on the global bifurcation structure or the type of dynamic behavior resulting from the forcing term of the circadian oscillator by the LD cycles.  相似文献   

The relationship between structure and activity of insect oostatic decapeptide (Aed-TMOF) analogues in flesh fly was analyzed. The highest oostatic activity was exhibited by the pentapetide and tetrapeptide analogues, H-Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-Pro-OH and H-Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-OH, respectively. The tetrapeptide, either native or tritiated, was used to study its metabolism in the ovaries and hemolymph and to detect putative binding sites in the flesh fly ovaries and head. A high metabolism of the tetrapeptide with a half-life in the hemolymph and ovaries less than 1h was determined. The initial limiting step in the degradation is tyrosine(1) cleavage. Other degradation products were detected only transiently in low quantities. Using tritiated tetrapeptide, we found that only very low specific binding was detected in the homogenates of ovaries and in the rough membrane preparation in the presence and absence of protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

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