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Bed bugs must avoid detection when finding hosts and returning to hidden harborages. Their stealthy habits include foraging when hosts are asleep. Characteristics of spontaneous locomotor activity rhythm of bed bugs with different feeding histories were studied. In the absence of host stimuli, adults and nymphs were much more active in the dark than in the light. The onset of activity in the scotophase commenced soon after lights-off. The free-running period (τ) for all stages was longer in continuous darkness (DD) than in continuous light (LL). The lengthening of τ in DD is an exception for the circadian rule that predicts the opposite in nocturnal animals. Activity in all stages was entrained to reverse L:D regimes within four cycles. Short-term starved adults moved more frequently than recently fed adults. While bed bugs can survive for a year or more without a blood meal, we observed a reduction in activity in insects held for five weeks without food. We suggest that bed bugs make a transition to host-stimulus dependent searching when host presence is not predictable. Such a strategy would enable bed bugs to maximize reproduction when resources are abundant and save energy when resources are scarce.  相似文献   

Cryptochrome (CRY) is a blue-light-absorbing protein involved in the photic entrainment of the circadian clock in Drosophila melanogaster. We have investigated the locomotor activity rhythms of flies carrying cryb mutant and revealed that they have two separate circadian oscillators with different responsiveness to light. When kept in constant light conditions, wild-type flies became arrhythmic, while cryb mutant flies exhibited free-running rhythms with two rhythmic components, one with a shorter and the other with a longer free-running period. The rhythm dissociation was dependent on the light intensities: the higher the light intensities, the greater the proportion of animals exhibiting the two oscillations. External photoreceptors including the compound eyes and the ocelli are the likely photoreceptors for the rhythm dissociation, since rhythm dissociation was prevented in so1;cryb and norpAP41;cryb double mutant flies. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that the PERIOD expression rhythms in ventrally located lateral neurons (LNvs) occurred synchronously with the shorter period component, while those in the dorsally located per-expressing neurons showed PER expression most likely related to the longer period component, in addition to that synchronized to the LNvs. These results suggest that the Drosophila locomotor rhythms are driven by two separate per-dependent clocks, responding differentially to constant light.  相似文献   

Herein we demonstrate that Drosophila larvae possess a synthetic activity capable of converting phenylalanine to tyrosine. This system is readily extractable and displays many characteristics of phenylalanine hydroxylase systems described in other organisms, the most notable being that a tetrahydropteridine is required for full expression of activity. The level of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity present in the organism varies with the stage of development: from an undetected level of activity at the first larval instar, there is a rapid increase in phenylalanine hydroxylase activity which reaches a peak at the time of puparium formation, after which there is a rapid decrease again to an undetected level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our extensive study on eclosion rhythm of four independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster that were reared in constant light (LL) environment of the laboratory for more than 700 generations. The eclosion rhythm of these flies was assayed under LL, constant darkness (DD) and three periodic light‐dark (LD) cycles (T20, T24, and T28). The percentage of vials from each population that exhibited circadian rhythm of eclosion in DD and in LL (intensity of approximately 100 lux) was about 90% and 18%, respectively. The mean free‐running period (τ) of eclosion rhythm in DD was 22.85 ± 0.87 h (mean ± SD). Eclosion rhythm of these flies entrained to all the three periodic LD cycles, and the phase relationship (ψ) of the peak of eclosion with respect to “lights‐on” of the LD cycle was significantly different in the three periodic light regimes (T20, T24, and T28). The results thus clearly demonstrate that these flies have preserved the ability to exhibit circadian rhythm of eclosion and the ability to entrain to a wide range of periodic LD cycles even after being in an aperiodic environment for several hundred generations. This suggests that circadian clocks may have intrinsic adaptive value accrued perhaps from coordinating internal metabolic cycles in constant conditions, and that the entrainment mechanisms of circadian clocks are possibly an integral part of the clockwork.  相似文献   

We examined the locomotor activity ofDrosophila melanogaster for the existence of circadian rhythms, using the wild type and two mutants of theperiod (per) gene,per o andper s. This was accomplished using a newly described apparatus for the recording and measurement of larval path lengths over a 96-h test period. None of the larvae examined exhibited appreciable diel rhythms under cycling conditions of light or temperature. Larvae were also not rhythmic under free-running conditions. Our results suggest that theper gene does not influence an observable locomotor behavioral phenotype in the larval stage of development.  相似文献   

We examined whether melatonin can act as a synchronizing agent within the circadian system of amphibians by testing the ability of melatonin injections to entrain the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of a newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster). Under constant darkness, all newts (13 cases) showing the free-running rhythms were subcutaneously injected with 10 g melatonin at the same time every other day for at least 30 days. Subsequently, they were injected with vehicle (1% ethanolic saline) instead of melatonin for at least another 30 days. In 10 of the 13 newts, the locomotor activity rhythms could be entrained to a period of 24 h by melatonin injections but not by vehicle injections. During the entrained steady-state, the active phase of an activity-rest cycle preceded the time of melatonin injections as previously reported in other diurnal species. These results suggest that the endogenous circadian rhythm of melatonin concentration may be involved in synchronizing circadian oscillator(s) within the newt's circadian system.  相似文献   

Proteomics of immune-challenged Drosophila melanogaster larvae hemolymph   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last decade, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as a promising invertebrate model for the investigation of innate immunity, in part because of its well characterised genetics. The information provided by the innumerous reports on Drosophila's immune response indicates that a large number of genes, in addition to the well-known antimicrobial peptide genes, are both up- and down-regulated upon immune challenge. Nevertheless, their contribution to fighting off infection has not been seriously addressed. With the application of recent advances in proteomics, the effects of an immune challenge in the overall modification of Drosophila 2-DE protein patterns were investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate hemolymph proteins differentially expressed between control and immunised larvae sets, which could be related solely to the Drosophila immune response. The list of immune-related protein spots included heat shock proteins and other proteins with chaperone properties, serine proteases, phenol oxidase, and Drosophila antioxidant system components, which accounted for 21% of the total of 70 identified proteins, metabolic enzymes implicated in pathways such as cellular respiration, fatty-acid oxidation, protein biosynthesis, and structural proteins.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larval hemolymph protein mapping   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
With the completion of the genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster the importance of constructing a proteome map is to be considered. Therefore, with the application of recent advances in proteomic analysis approaches, a protein map of D. melanogaster larvae hemolymph proteins was obtained using 2-DE in the range of pH 3-10. After Coomassie colloidal detection of 289 spots, a total of 105 were excised from the gel and digested with trypsin. Identification was done based on a combination of MALDI-TOF/TOF MS and MS/MS spectra. The 99 proteins identified using this approach include a large number of metabolic enzymes, translational apparatus components, and structural proteins. Among these we emphasize the identification of proteins with molecular chaperone properties (heat shock proteins and PPIases) and protein spots involved in defense responses such as antioxidant and immunological defense mechanisms (thioredoxin, prophenoloxidase, and serine proteases), as well as in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Disrupting components of the ecdysone/EcR/USP signaling pathway in insects leads to morphological defects and developmental arrest. In adult Drosophila melanogaster decreased EcR function affects fertility, lifespan, behavior, learning, and memory; however we lack a clear understanding of how EcR/USP expression and activity impacts these phenotypes. To shed light on this issue, we characterized the wild-type expression patterns and activity of EcR/USP in individual tissues during early adult life. EcR and usp were expressed in numerous adult tissues, but receptor activity varied depending on tissue type and adult age. Receptor activity did not detectably change in response to mating status, environmental stress, ecdysone treatment or gender but is reduced when a constitutively inactive ecdysone receptor is present. Since only a subset of adult tissues expressing EcR and usp contain active receptors, it appears that an important adult function of EcR/USP in some tissues may be repression of genes containing EcRE's.  相似文献   

Quiescence, or a sleep-like state, is a common and important feature of the daily lives of animals from both invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, suggesting that sleep appeared early in animal evolution. Recently, Drosophila melanogaster has been shown to be a relevant and powerful model for the genetic analysis of sleep behaviour. The sleep architecture of D. melanogaster is sexually dimorphic, with females sleeping much less than males during day-time, presumably because reproductive success requires greater foraging activity by the female as well as the search for egg-laying sites. However, this loss of sleep and increase in locomotor activity will heighten the risk for the female from environmental and predator hazards. In this study, we show that virgin females can minimize this risk by behaving like males, with an extended afternoon ‘siesta’. Copulation results in the female losing 70 per cent of day-time sleep and becoming more active. This behaviour lasts for at least 8 days after copulation and is abolished if the mating males lack sex peptide (SP), normally present in the seminal fluid. Our results suggest that SP is the molecular switch that promotes wakefulness in the post-mated female, a change of behaviour compatible with increased foraging and egg-laying activity. The stress resulting from SP-dependent sleep deprivation might be an important contribution to the toxic side-effects of male accessory gland products that are known to reduce lifespan in post-mated females.  相似文献   

The study of social behaviour within groups has relied on fixed definitions of an ‘interaction’. Criteria used in these definitions often involve a subjectively defined cut-off value for proximity, orientation and time (e.g. courtship, aggression and social interaction networks) and the same numerical values for these criteria are applied to all of the treatment groups within an experiment. One universal definition of an interaction could misidentify interactions within groups that differ in life histories, study treatments and/or genetic mutations. Here, we present an automated method for determining the values of interaction criteria using a pre-defined rule set rather than pre-defined values. We use this approach and show changing social behaviours in different manipulations of Drosophila melanogaster. We also show that chemosensory cues are an important modality of social spacing and interaction. This method will allow a more robust analysis of the properties of interacting groups, while helping us understand how specific groups regulate their social interaction space.  相似文献   

The adenylate cyclase/cAMP signaling pathway and adult mushroom bodies (MBs) have been shown to play an important role in sleep regulation in Drosophila. The amnesiac (amn) gene, encodes a neuropeptide that is homologous with vertebrate pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), is expressed in dorsal paired medial (DPM) neurons and is required for the middle-term memory (MTM) in flies. However, the role of amn on regulation of sleep is as yet unknown. Here we provide evidence that amn plays a major role on sleep maintenance and onset in Drosophila. Flies with the amnesiac allele, loss-of-function amnX8 mutation, showed a fragmented sleep pattern and short sleep latency. Moreover, homeostatic regulation was disrupted in amnX8 mutants after sleep deprivation. Sleep maintenance was also influenced by disruption of neurotransmission in DPM neurons with increased sleep bout number and decreased sleep bout length. Furthermore, age-related sleep fragmentation and initiation were inhibited in amnX8 mutant flies. These data suggest that amn is required in initiation and maintenance of sleep.  相似文献   

Protein misfolding has a key role in several neurological disorders including Parkinson's disease. Although a clear mechanism for such proteinopathic diseases is well established when aggregated proteins accumulate in the cytosol, cell nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum and extracellular space, little is known about the role of protein aggregation in the mitochondria. Here we show that mutations in both human and fly PINK1 result in higher levels of misfolded components of respiratory complexes and increase in markers of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response. Through the development of a genetic model of mitochondrial protein misfolding employing Drosophila melanogaster, we show that the in vivo accumulation of an unfolded protein in mitochondria results in the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase-dependent autophagy and phenocopies of pink1 and parkin mutants. Parkin expression acts to clear mitochondria with enhanced levels of misfolded proteins by promoting their autophagic degradation in vivo, and refractory to Sigma P (ref(2)P), the Drosophila orthologue of mammalian p62, is a critical downstream effector of this quality control pathway. We show that in flies, a pathway involving pink1, parkin and ref(2)P has a role in the maintenance of a viable pool of cellular mitochondria by promoting organellar quality control.  相似文献   

Alterations in Hox gene expression patterns have been implicated in both large and small-scale morphological evolution. An improved understanding of these changes requires a detailed understanding of Hox gene cis-regulatory function and evolution. cis-regulatory evolution of the Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) has been shown to contribute to evolution of trichome patterns on the posterior second femur (T2p) of Drosophila species. As a step toward determining how this function of Ubx has evolved, we performed a series of experiments to clarify the role of Ubx in patterning femurs and to identify the cis-regulatory regions of Ubx that drive expression in T2p. We first performed clonal analysis to further define Ubx function in patterning bristle and trichome patterns in the legs. We found that low levels of Ubx expression are sufficient to repress an eighth bristle row on the posterior second and third femurs, whereas higher levels of expression are required to promote the development and migration of other bristles on the third femur and to repress trichomes. We then tested the hypothesis that the evolutionary difference in T2p trichome patterns due to Ubx was caused by a change in the global cis-regulation of Ubx expression. We found no evidence to support this view, suggesting that the evolved difference in Ubx function reflects evolution of a leg-specific enhancer. We then searched for the regulatory regions of the Ubx locus that drive expression in the second and third femur by assaying all existing regulatory mutations of the Ubx locus and new deficiencies in the large intron of Ubx that we generated by P-element-induced male recombination. We found that two enhancer regions previously known to regulate Ubx expression in the legs, abx and pbx, are required for Ubx expression in the third femur, but that they do not contribute to pupal expression of Ubx in the second femur. This analysis allowed us to rule out at least 100 kb of DNA in and around the Ubx locus as containing a T2p-specific enhancer. We then surveyed an additional approximately 30 kb using enhancer constructs. None of these enhancer constructs produced an expression pattern similar to Ubx expression in T2p. Thus, after surveying over 95% of the Ubx locus, we have not been able to localize a T2p-specific enhancer. While the enhancer could reside within the small regions we have not surveyed, it is also possible that the enhancer is structurally complex and/or acts only within its native genomic context.  相似文献   


The effect of Li+, Rb+ and tetraethylammoniumchloride (TEA) on the locomotor activity rhythm of Musca domestica was studied. Li+ as well as TEA lengthen the free run period t. This effect was more pronounced in animals with shorter period lengths. The effect of Rb? depends on the previous period length. In flies which had a short period, Rb+ lengthened, and in those with a long period Rb+ shortened t. Replacing the Li+ solution with water reverted the period lengthening partly. In the case of Rb? and TEA the rhythm became obscured after replacing the solutions with water. The involvement of K+ ions and transport ATPases in the expression of circadian rhythms is discussed.  相似文献   

A two variable model with delay in both the variables, is proposed for the circadian oscillations of protein concentrations in the fungal species Neurospora crassa. The dynamical variables chosen are the concentrations of FRQ and WC-1 proteins. Our model is a two variable simplification of the detailed model of Smolen et al. (J. Neurosci. 21 (2001) 6644) modeling circadian oscillations with interlocking positive and negative feedback loops, containing 23 variables. In our model, as in the case of Smolen's model, a sustained limit cycle oscillation takes place in both FRQ and WC-1 protein in continuous darkness, and WC-1 is anti-phase to FRQ protein, as observed in experiments. The model accounts for various characteristic features of circadian rhythms such as entrainment to light dark cycles, phase response curves and robustness to parameter variation and molecular fluctuations. Simulations are carried out to study the effect of periodic forcing of circadian oscillations by light-dark cycles. The periodic forcing resulted in a rich bifurcation diagram that includes quasiperiodicity and chaotic oscillations, depending on the magnitude of the periodic changes in the light controlled parameter. When positive feedback is eliminated, our model reduces to the generic one dimensional delay model of Lema et al. (J. Theor. Biol. 204 (2000) 565), delay model of the circadian pace maker with FRQ protein as the dynamical variable which represses its own production. This one-dimensional model also exhibits all characteristic features of circadian oscillations and gives rise to circadian oscillations which are reasonably robust to parameter variations and molecular noise.  相似文献   

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